National Geographic Features Armenia's Christian Past in Documentary

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
  • The history of Christianity in Armenia was the topic of a TV documentary that aired on National Geographic TV on December 12, 2010.
    The film, titled "Legend of the Holy Spear," traced the legend of a spear thought to have been thrust into Jesus Christ by a Roman guard when he was crucified. The spear, a Christian holy relic, has been shrouded in mystery, myth, and legend for 2,000 years. Today, three spears claim to be the Holy Spear which pierced Jesus.
    National Geographic's Legend of the Holy Spear followed two investigators attempting to discover if any of them could have been present at the crucifixion. The three spears are kept in the Vatican, Austria and Armenia. Scrutinizing each spear and closely analysing the stories and legends behind them, the film reveals astonishing clues as to their provenance.
    One of the spears is in Holy Etchmiadzin and the documentary traces the adoption of Christianity in Armenia as it tells the dramatic story of how the spear arrived in Armenia.

Komentáře • 72

  • @yakovmatityahu
    @yakovmatityahu Před 4 lety +6

    My God protect the faith and culture of Armenian people in Christianity...from India with love.

  • @temujin0911
    @temujin0911 Před 11 lety +7

    i'm very glad to know that... i wish the armenian people the best, live strong!

  • @stecino
    @stecino Před 13 lety +2

    What this program wants to show, whether real or not, how each one of these three spears in it, resulted in accpetance of Christianity by Armenians, then Roman Empire, and then how the third one inspired the rulers etc.

  • @surenity766
    @surenity766 Před 13 lety +2

    Even if it's not the 'real' spear, it's still an important historical artifact.

  • @Yrange
    @Yrange Před 13 lety +1

    I searched for "long national geographic film" because thats what makes me most sleepy. now that I found one.. good night!

  • @aregst
    @aregst Před 10 lety +6

    Soviet army, not Russian!

  • @alfablack1050
    @alfablack1050 Před 3 lety

    The father of Armenian history Movses Khorenatsi (Moisei Khorensky) in the 5th century spoke about his fellow tribesmen: "-I want to point out hard-heartedness, like the arrogance of our people, ... -rejecting good, betraying truth, ... - obstinate and criminal people, .. -A SOUL THAT DOESN'T BELIEVE GOD! -you committed an angry act and did not bring repentance in your boxes -you have slain slaughter and lawlessness and despised those who trust in the Lord -therefore they will find on you the nets of someone you did not recognize, and the loot you were chasing after will make you their prey, and you will fall into the same nets ... "

  • @haykanushhakobyan5662
    @haykanushhakobyan5662 Před 9 lety +3

    lav kliner ays filme targmanver hayeren,

  • @7floridaboy
    @7floridaboy Před 11 lety

    The Jewish Palestinian Aramaic, also called Galilean Aramaic, was a Western Aramaic language spoken by the Jews in Palestine in the early first millennium. Its closest relatives are the Samaritan Aramaic and Christian Palestinian Aramaic.After the defeat of the Bar-Kochba revolt in 135 AD, the center of Jewish learning in the land of Israel moved to Galilee. With the Arab conquest of the country in the 7th century, Arabic gradually replaced this language.

  • @7floridaboy
    @7floridaboy Před 11 lety +1

    why convert? I never converted.. I just have the new covenant that God promised us..

  • @rextony22
    @rextony22 Před 11 lety

    where is the spear at?

  • @7floridaboy
    @7floridaboy Před 12 lety

    yes maybe the first christian nation.. but not the first chrsitians.. one of the first christian live in Palestine today.. many of them used to be Jews until Jesus came.. sad thing is not to many people know that..My village in Palestine has a church 2,000 years old hidden underneath a house.. the oldest name of my tribe in Palestine is ancient Aramaic.. that was before we were Arabised by Islam in the 7th century.. many tribes in Palestine are part of the lost tribes of Israel.. but not all

  • @7floridaboy
    @7floridaboy Před 11 lety

    ... if we came from Arabia our names would go back to Ishmael tribes.. that's like calling a white person in Africa who speaks afican, a native african.. when there real language and heritage is in Britain.. when islam took over the holy land in the 7th century Arabic gradually replaced the language of Aramaic. Because in Islam Arabic is in important.. My ancestors are Jewish from the time of Jesus.. Matthew is even buried in my village

  • @Ekimoglu
    @Ekimoglu Před 13 lety

    @giorgossaris 'thousands of women and children our barbarian nation killed', give me a break it's a historical FACT that more people have been killed in the name of Christianity than anything else. It is also a historical fact that it is thanks to the remarkably civilized administration of our 'barbarian nation' that you still have your language, religion, traditions, that we did not do to you what the West did in Africa and America

  • @user-ns4bq9cy2u
    @user-ns4bq9cy2u Před 6 lety

    Really HISTORY Armenian Aratta

  • @DefenceGeorgoa
    @DefenceGeorgoa Před 11 lety +1

    The first christian country ? xD

    • @gevorkgk
      @gevorkgk Před 5 lety

      @Koksal Ceylan u ok buddy?

  • @NellieMalkhassian
    @NellieMalkhassian Před 11 lety

    Yes Bernie G, it IS!

  • @RuminantsandCamelids
    @RuminantsandCamelids Před 12 lety

    Whats up with the horses? One looks like it has laminitis, and another one looks like it has Rabies.

  • @HyeHope
    @HyeHope Před 9 lety


  • @thebestIshxan
    @thebestIshxan Před 11 lety

    please change your photo I feel like throwing up

  • @samatardavidbndphotofilm

    @CoreySinclair1 : Perverted , unjust and twisted version you say? Deut 22:28 is all one needs to read that understand that Christianity promotes violence.

  • @Frank289100
    @Frank289100 Před 12 lety

    Deuteronomy is old testament law. GOD allowed man to structure himself the way man wanted to then GOD refined man's laws. Duet 22:22 (Adultery) Before the old testament came the 10 commandments. Thy shall not kill and thy shall not commit adultery. So how did man reach the point of killing for adultery. MAN DID IT NOT GOD. Man was raw, he was a savage and thru experience learned what is right and what is wrong.

  • @7floridaboy
    @7floridaboy Před 11 lety

    serch youtube for "palestinians are part of the lost tribes of israel".. there is many videos

  • @soghomontehlirian1708
    @soghomontehlirian1708 Před 6 lety

    Coca Cola is older than azergayjan

  • @7floridaboy
    @7floridaboy Před 11 lety

    there's already proof.. look up the videos Palestinians have have jewish ancestry on youtube.. I also have proof with my familys oldest name

  • @kuwinsitall
    @kuwinsitall Před 13 lety

    WAYYY too many shows about religion.
    sheesh, it's shoved down our throats 24/7 as it is anyways

  • @basmas5664
    @basmas5664 Před 3 lety

    The history of the Armenian nationalists` policy of genocide against the Azerbaijani people dates back to the early 18th century when tsarist Russia was exploiting the Armenians by promising them to create an Armenian state in the Caucasus in order to ramp up its expansionist policy towards the South Caucasus. On November 10, 1724, Peter I issued a decree allowing the Armenians to settle in Baku and other regions of Azerbaijan. Using this opportunity, the Armenians committed horrific crimes against the Azerbaijani population in different regions of Azerbaijan in order to build an Armenian state in our historical lands. The Armenians` intermittent, but well-thought out policy of genocide resulted in the slaughter of thousands of innocent Azerbaijanis, burning down of their homes and plunder of their property.
    Although the Armenians, who were resettled in the territories of Azerbaijan, were less in numbers than the Azerbaijanis living there, they managed, with support from their patrons, to establish an administrative unit. This laid the foundation of the policy of displacement of the indigenous people of Azerbaijan from their lands and their annihilation. In order to realize their fabricated idea of “Greater Armenia”, the Armenians began to falsify their own history and the history of Azerbaijan.
    Inspired by the idea of creating “Greater Armenia”, the Armenians carried out a series of bloody massacres against the Azerbaijanis in the 20th century. The atrocities that started in Baku then spread to all territories of Azerbaijan, with hundreds of settlements destroyed and razed to the ground, and thousands of civilians brutally killed.
    The first massacres in the 20th century were committed by the Armenians in 1905-1907 when thousands of innocent Azerbaijanis were slaughtered in Baku, Nakhchivan, Zangazur, Iravan and other historical Azerbaijani lands.
    From December, 1917 to March, 1918, the Armenian armed forces, led by Andranik, destroyed a total of 197 villages, including 32 villages in Iravan governorate, 84 villages in Echmiadzin governorate, and 7 villages in Nor-Bayazid governorate, slaughtering and expelling local residents, looting their property and razing their homes to the ground.
    After the October Revolution of 1917, the Armenians attempted to carry out their despicable intentions under protection of the Bolsheviks. In March of 1918, Stepan Shaumyan was appointed as the commissar extraordinary of the Caucasus and dispatched to Baku.
    This marked the beginning of a treacherous plan to wipe out the Azerbaijanis living in the city of Baku. Presented under the guise of the “fight against anti-revolutionary elements”, this plan was carried out by Baku Commune led by Dashnak-Bolshevik Shaumyan.
    Among the deadliest of the massacres against the Azerbaijanis are those committed by the Armenian armed forces in Baku, Shamakhi, Guba, Goychay, Kurdamir, Salyan, Lankaran and other regions in March, 1918.
    According to official sources, during those tragic events from March 30 to April 3, 1918, tens of thousands of peaceful civilians were killed on ethnic and religious grounds in a horrific act of genocide by Baku Soviet troops and Armenian Dashnak armed units in the city of Baku and a number of regions in Baku governorate, as well as Karabakh, Nakhchivan, Shamakhi, Guba, Khachmaz, Lankaran, Salyan, Zangazur and other areas, residential settlements were destroyed, historical monuments, mosques and cemeteries were razed to the ground.
    March 31, 1918, the massacre of peaceful Azerbaijanis began in the city of Baku. Committed by the 6,000-strong Baku Soviet troops and 4,000-strong armed units of Dashnaktsutyun party, the barbaric act lasted for three days, during which Azerbaijani settlements were suddenly attacked and all residents from children to adults were massacred.
    Kulner, a German witness of those tragic events, wrote in his memoirs on Baku in 1925: “The Armenians attacked Muslim (Azerbaijani) settlements, killing everybody, cutting them up with swords and bayoneting. Several days after the genocide corpses of 87 Azerbaijanis were pulled out from a groove. Their ears and noses were cut off, their abdominals were ripped up and genitals chopped. The Armenians showed no mercy to children and elderly people.”
    7The March 1918 events received considerable attention following the proclamation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) when in order to investigate violence against the Azerbaijani population, the ADR Council of Ministers set up an Extraordinary Investigation Commission on July 15, 1918.
    According to material of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission, the Armenian gangs annihilated nearly 8,000 civilians in Shamakhi. 28 villages in Javanshir governorate and 17 villages in Jabrayil governorate were completely destroyed and their population wiped out.
    The gangs ambushed and shot down a 3,000-strong caravan of Azerbaijani civilians, mostly women, children and the elderly, to the last person near Gyumru. In Nakhchivan governorate, several villages were burned down, in Zangazur uyezd, 115 Azerbaijani villages were destroyed, 3,257 men, 2,276 women and 2,196 children were killed.
    In Zangazur uyezd, 10,068 Azerbaijanis were murdered or made disabled, while 50,000 people became refugees. In Iravan governorate, 135,000 Azerbaijanis in 199 villages were killed and the villages were razed to the ground. In 1918-1920, the Armenian armed units destroyed 150 villages in the mountainous part of Karabakh, annihilating local population.
    In 1919 and 1920, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic commemorated March 31 as the nationwide mourning day. In fact, that was a first attempt to politically recognize genocide against the Azerbaijanis and more than a century-long occupation of Azerbaijani lands.
    It was national leader Heydar Aliyev who initiated a comprehensive investigation into the March 31 genocide and launched a campaign to raise the world community`s awareness of the tragedy. On March 26, 1998, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev signed a historically-important Decree “On the genocide of Azerbaijanis” to proclaim March 31 as the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis. This gave a strong push to efforts to study the history of genocide, and a large number of works have been written and translated into foreign languages. Numerous new evidence and documents have recently been discovered to prove the genocide. One of the bloodiest episodes of this genocide took place in Guba uyezd when 167 villages were completely destroyed in April-May, 1918. Guba genocide mass grave was discovered during excavation works on April 1, 2007. In 2009, the Cabinet of Ministers issued an Order to approve the “Plan of measures to immortalize victims of massacre in Guba district”, which included the erection of a memorial in the site of the mass grave. The Guba Genocide Memorial Complex was unveiled on September 18, 2013. It was later discovered that apart from Azerbaijanis, representatives of other ethnicities living in Guba were massacred and buried in the mass grave, including Lezgis, Jews, and Tats.
    On January 18, 2018, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a Decree “On the 100th anniversary of the 1918 genocide of Azerbaijanis

  • @malachi5813
    @malachi5813 Před 13 lety


  • @7floridaboy
    @7floridaboy Před 11 lety

    YES.. Palestinians were once Jews and many still keep there customs.. I am Palestinian and My ancestors were Jewish and the first followers of jesus... The oldest name of my family is not arabic.. but Aramaic.. the language of Jesus.. sorry to disapoint you.. but proof is proof

  • @lianaisrayelyan1590
    @lianaisrayelyan1590 Před 5 lety


  • @gijz321
    @gijz321 Před 12 lety

    @hharutyu yippie!

  • @dirkshrubb
    @dirkshrubb Před 11 lety


  • @vaxopopop
    @vaxopopop Před 13 lety

    na ruskom est?

  • @inyourface4936
    @inyourface4936 Před 11 lety

    Sorry, there is no value in relics, pieces of things, that are venerated and granted powers, this is an evil thing used in manipulation which is tantamount to withcraft, sorcery. This kind of relic is the same as an idol, which is forbidden by God. Hear the true motives: to convince people that a psychopath has the divine right to rule and conquer. Sin is giving something value that has no value. The Christian church is not a part of this but the Roman Catholics still venerate this rubbish.

  • @temujin0911
    @temujin0911 Před 11 lety

    is armenia still a predominantly christian country?