CA $20 an hour minimum wage how will this effect Painting and building contractors?


Komentáře • 124

  • @junkyard4999
    @junkyard4999 Před 6 měsíci +11

    Why people still live in CA is beyond me. Granola state....if ya know ya know

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Only thing keeping me here is weather. and I am in a good financial position. Most are leaving Contractors that is.

  • @yourmom10269
    @yourmom10269 Před 6 měsíci +8

    all wages are directly related to the minimum wage... and neither had kept up with inflation for 40 years... car up 10x... house up 10x... wages not even up 2x.... thank the uniparty/oligarchy/globalization.............................

    • @gozardsmooth
      @gozardsmooth Před 6 měsíci

      But if they had to pay a living wage it may cut into their personal Meth fund, or their trips to the prostitute farms of NEVADA!

  • @Ryan125y
    @Ryan125y Před 6 měsíci +2

    Robots are the future. We don't need a minimum wage worker to flip burgers, a robot can do it. Never takes breaks, never calls in sick

  • @CrucesNomad1
    @CrucesNomad1 Před 6 měsíci +3

    For every dollar your employer pays you,, they have to pay the govt roughly the same amount. It is a tax.

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

      actually the taxes they take out of your check. yes.

  • @christopherstmarin
    @christopherstmarin Před 6 měsíci +3

    Everything will go up in price. Company’s will charge more for products simple as that. But the middle class didn’t get a raise but everything is more expensive. It destroys the middle class.

    • @h2s142
      @h2s142 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Income tax doesnt get adjust up this captures more people in higher tax brackets. Its all part of the plan.

    • @cardboardboxification
      @cardboardboxification Před 6 měsíci +3

      yes if noobs make $20 then your $25 experience guy now complains and he want $30 $35

  • @Chrispolopotus
    @Chrispolopotus Před 6 měsíci +3

    As a 20plus year painting contractor I can tell you our problem is we’re painters. All these other things are problems but if we were any goddam trade besides painters it’d be half as bad. The only trade where half your customers tell you I was gonna do it myself… they don’t tell the roofer the drywaller or the plumber I could do what you do I just don’t necessarily feel like it. 12 grand to do something they could do??? Shoulda been an electrician!!! lol. You know hoping you’re gonna be the magic painter that breaks the mold and doesn’t end up a grumpy ass beat down old man painter. lol. Don’t worry I had all the promise in the world… but ya I dun funked it up there. I’m grumpy and hate the world and also agree with you. But hey if we were telling people big numbers and collecting and could find reliable non psychotic employees (nearly impossible to do with chemical spreaders) we wouldn’t be so grumpy would we. 😂 🤷‍♂️

  • @rachelcody3355
    @rachelcody3355 Před 6 měsíci +4

    all they need to do is make a federal min wage and then every year they raise it using the same COLA calculations they use for SS. Take the 8 dollar an hour min wage, the next year it raises by say 3%. That the formula for social security. They are shocking business with these huge jumps in min wage and it's by state and not across the board. NY state is now 15 an hour min. I started at 3.35 an hour for a cashier's job. You don't want to make min wage a living wage. the reason is simple, why get a better job when the government forces your employer to pay more? The employer now has to cut jobs and overhead to pay the inflated min wage. It's a no win situation.

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

      NO.....every place in the US has different cost of living...........That would not work.

  • @joedmac78
    @joedmac78 Před 6 měsíci +3

    How bout this. Anyone working for min wage pays no taxes. Then work on lowering the cost of living. Wage control will never work. Companies will just lay people off who have worked 2 yrs and 11 months and replace with someone who works for same rate. Also whats ridiculous is 7- 8 bucks an hour is not the same in NC as CA or NY. It needs to be a regional min wage that varies depending on cost of liv in that area. They love the one size fits all bs solutions

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

      great idea....then companies would profit and people at the bottom would have more spending power. F the government.

  • @Carrot8771
    @Carrot8771 Před 6 měsíci +4

    If you work in any trade you should make $20 an hour. Fast food and such are jobs for teenagers and burn outs I understand those being low. I'm a contractor in Missouri. Most people here pay crap wages and our cost of living is a lot lower than California,, I still pay a minimum of $20 and I still make great money! My spray guys make $25 and $28 an hour. Some people won't give raises and take advantage of workers. Douchebags like that are why the government steps in. I hate big government but I also despise people taking advantage of workers.

    • @invalidaccount2315
      @invalidaccount2315 Před 6 měsíci +3

      cant the spray guys also start their own bisiness and contract with you? since everything in business is a contract, ppl who cant be bothered to understand or get an explanation of it kind of get what they deserve, for sacrificing security for freedom.

    • @Carrot8771
      @Carrot8771 Před 6 měsíci

      @@invalidaccount2315 Most don't have startup money. Our rigs are $5000 each for the big ones and $3200 for small ones. Then business insurance and workers comp. It takes about 20k to start painting alone from scratch to sub work on new homes.

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +3

      I was in ST Louis this week , . Yea it is much cheaper there. 20 an hour would be pretty good money. even 25 would be good. here it is about 40 to 50 for a good spray guy. got snow friday night. heavy wet snow. weird snowing at 36......anyway like Missouri great state.

    • @Carrot8771
      @Carrot8771 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @mikethepainter Yep when we were up north we charged a lot higher rates. Down here everything is almost cut in half but house are more than 50% cheaper so it all works out.

  • @Mushymush1
    @Mushymush1 Před 6 měsíci +2

    I'd wager folks will still favor doing a t. over dealing with the public.

  • @anthaltie
    @anthaltie Před 6 měsíci +2

    i used to sack groceries as my first job i was taught by another sacker how to make tips and that was by doing a better job i was making 6.25 a hour and 100 dollars a day in tips by sacking thier grocries correctly and talking and joking with the customer i earned my tips by doing a better job at what i did.

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +2

      yea creativity and hard work pays off.....Not entitlements like the Government is trying to push and control.

  • @jenningsmills5398
    @jenningsmills5398 Před 6 měsíci +4

    Democrat and a republican are about to eat some hotdogs overlooking a pit a wild coyotes.
    Democrat says to the republican hey let's throw our hotdogs down there and the coyotes can eat good.
    Republican says that would be nice but won't the smaller coyotes get killed by the bigger ones to get the hotdogs?
    Democrat says that's nonsense they'll all share the hotdogs equally and have a good meal.
    They both throw the hotdogs down in the pit and the big coyotes decimate the smaller coyotes and eat all the hotdogs.
    Republican then looks at the democrat who's now looking away whistling as if nothing happened.

  • @raulcarrillo3219
    @raulcarrillo3219 Před 6 měsíci +2

    I wish I was as fast as you love your videos

  • @jasonmerlino3903
    @jasonmerlino3903 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Need more money to live so raise the wage. Then it cost more money to live.
    Thats why its called the rat race.. just a bunch of hamsters on a wheel..
    Bright idea people.... All it really does is make you pay more taxes that goes where.... Ding ding ding...

  • @sgtpepperz25
    @sgtpepperz25 Před 6 měsíci +2

    You should already be paying your painters and carpenters more than $20 an hr...this affect retail jobs the most, I don't want to hire a hack that has under paid workers. Charge more!

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +3

      Yea I do but I had to raise them up even higher. My best painter is at 50 an hour. so dont think I dont pay!!!!!. The problem is you can only charge what the customer will pay. We are pricing ourselves out of the market. Just like in housing houses cost more than people can qualify for the loan. So builders are stopping building. You cant force the cart before the horse.

  • @got2kittys
    @got2kittys Před 6 měsíci +2

    To build a business contractors need people. A small crew will cost a lot of money, and most contractors can't profit with learning apprentices. Raising prices, And losing jobs for employees.

    • @cardboardboxification
      @cardboardboxification Před 6 měsíci +2

      Gavin gerousome has no clue

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

      exactly, so they just have been leaving the state. Now there are not very many good ones to do the jobs that are here. I am working my tail off with a rag tag crew to make ends meet. This government has no clue.

  • @kfstreich4787
    @kfstreich4787 Před 6 měsíci +4

    No one gets angrier about people on minim wage than people who worked way too hard to make just a little more 😅 your example is horse crap, the reality is if you want to earn more money you have to change jobs.

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

      True.....Production for the products price point is key. If the product (fast food) only has a specific value then it cant sustain a larger wage. So it will go up in price....and if there are no takers at the new price. Goodbye restaurant.

  • @waltersvely
    @waltersvely Před 6 měsíci +2

    This is for only fast food workers.

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci

      but it effects all workers. Why would you do another job when you can just do fast food and make more money. IT effects every job.

  • @andrewpowers9443
    @andrewpowers9443 Před 6 měsíci +4

    I really want to hear your side but you have to be accurate on what the other side is saying, too. it isn't just helping the little guys, it is the fact that inflation and prices rise wheras wages have stagnated. what should have happened over the decades was wages rising with inflation, but that never happened, so now catching up feels like the worst thing ever for all people involved. So why not try to figure out solvng that issue instead of being mad at potential solutions (whether they work or not) cause I don't see any ideas coming from the other side except "oh well, that's just how things are and how things will always be" hence companies taking advantage of simple minded folk... Just saying.

    • @andrewpowers9443
      @andrewpowers9443 Před 6 měsíci +1

      And now that I made it to a solution, your three year plan for getting 20 dollars an hour makes no sense since there is a long history of employers who purposefully let go of employees before that time matures and thus never have to pay a 20 dollar wage... This also sounds like the government still stepping in and telling companies what to do. "you have to give this person a raise after three years because it's the rules."

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

      well IF your a good worker. you should be able to produce a higher profit in 3 years to the company. They should and usually will pay you more without any rules......this way if your not producing you will be eliminated. then try again somewhere else where you provide value to them.

  • @suspicionofdeceit
    @suspicionofdeceit Před 6 měsíci +4

    Do you really want guys on your jobsite that are worth less than $20?

    • @cardboardboxification
      @cardboardboxification Před 6 měsíci +3

      you will now get rid of all the guys who cant produce , with $10 min you can always have a few slackers around , $20 isn't a training wage to pay for all their mistakes

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@cardboardboxification yea true. if you slack at least your getting paid what your worth not what your not worth.

  • @Silversmith70
    @Silversmith70 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Everyone knows that the average painter and contractor is a billionaire and they just don't want to share their immense wealth. (sarc)

  • @DHead5150
    @DHead5150 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Sounds like trickle down economics bro, trickle down on your head!

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci

      money never trickles down from the rich.....but this entitlement for not producing anything is a huge failure. Nothing good will come from it.

    • @DHead5150
      @DHead5150 Před 6 měsíci

      @@mikethepainter Multinational dynastic banking cartel members and the merchants of death who enable them. The useless eater narrative should raise red flags. Those broken people living under your failing infrastructure are your Countryman.

  • @McMillanScottish
    @McMillanScottish Před 6 měsíci +1

    Any economist will tell you that any minimum wage is just a recipe for disaster. Let the market decide what people will get. Some jobs aren't worth shit, others are. Don't dictate reality.

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

      True. it just doesnt work. it produces laziness. and No productivity.

    • @Geekmasterproduction
      @Geekmasterproduction Před 5 měsíci

      It aint about economics or anything related to logic. It comes down to humans and greed. You can't complain about a higher minimum wage but then complain about higher food prices, rent, etc. Because logically you would be fine with paying sky high prices on food, gas and rent since the "market" has decided that. Give me a break. There is a reason why socialism exist.

  • @DHead5150
    @DHead5150 Před 6 měsíci +1

    "Entitled" Do you mean entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci

      entitled to a paycheck even if you produce NOTHING.....

  • @peepo2222
    @peepo2222 Před 6 měsíci +9

    Dude if someone works 40 hours they’d maybe take home $600. You’re on glue . If that person isnt worth a shit then They get fired. Be choosier hiring people. That’s what an Interview and application is for. I think it’s out of this world you’d think it’s ok to pay guys less than 20 being a painter. I’d pay a guy $50 an hour just to mix my mud and chat with me.

      @RILEYLEIFSON_UTAH Před 6 měsíci +4

      Dude... What about the 16 and 17 year olds who are just starting out? The kids who are just on cleanup and learning the trade? You're saying THEY "deserve" $20 + /hr. right out the gate!? Hilarious.

    • @b_wellyn
      @b_wellyn Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@RILEYLEIFSON_UTAH Boomers really think its hard to learn trades. I'm not touching a trade job unless I make 1k per week experienced or not. I would never have a family or a nice home on 20$ an hour. Only way to survive on these trade jobs where the work isn't even steady is to either be in a union or the asshole that bought all the equipment and owns the LLC commanding mexican immigrants

    • @mrm8528
      @mrm8528 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Yeah you aren't paying someone 100k a year to mix mud. You would be broke.

    • @cardboardboxification
      @cardboardboxification Před 6 měsíci +2

      at $20 a hr no one is going to hire slackers for construction.

    • @cardboardboxification
      @cardboardboxification Před 6 měsíci +4

      lol " I'd pay a guy $50 to mix my mud ".. lol ok buddy

  • @yourmom10269
    @yourmom10269 Před 6 měsíci +5

    95 % of americans can not afford a median home... a median car... a median apartment rental... things are that bad... and minimum wage is not to blame... simpletons................

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci

      it is defiantly one of the straws. There are lots of them I can explain them all but that would take a few hours in a video. A lot of small things created by the liberal government contribute to this problem.....And yes it is mostly liberalism to blame. There are a few things on the right that contribute to this but mostly leftism.

  • @looking_33
    @looking_33 Před 6 měsíci +11

    minimum wage needs to follow inflation and cost of living just as prices already do. But instead it doesn't. It has remained at $7.25 for a decade+

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +2

      could be a little higher in some places. But it is not suppose to be a living wage. only a minimum. for an employer to teach from. A minimum wage job is suppose to be a job that you take to get some experience. Why dont they make a wage for employees who have been at the job for a while called a living wage. so if your at a job for 3 to 5 years you get paid fairly? You should know what your doing enough to be profitable to the company by then. We should be more focused on companies being profitable than MAKING THEM PAY.....If we were we would not need a minimum wage. nobody would need it. Companies would have to compete for wages back like they did when my minimum wage was 3.35. Unfortunately these are Republican ideas not democrat....

    • @robbiecoomer4790
      @robbiecoomer4790 Před 6 měsíci

      Only people work for min wage is immigrants . So that's a good thing . They came here to just send every thing they make back home . So it makes this country pourer

    • @jimh9359
      @jimh9359 Před 6 měsíci +3

      The per hour value of your labor isn't set by minimum wage, it's set by you. If you're worth more than $7.25/hr then don't accept a job that pays that pittance.

    • @junkyard4999
      @junkyard4999 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Get ready to pay 6 bucks for a gallon of milk. Companies will make make up for it somewhere 100%

    • @DisNS333
      @DisNS333 Před 6 měsíci +1

      "It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By 'business' I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white-collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages, I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living." -FDR

  • @miker8149
    @miker8149 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Stealth taxing!

    @BIG_COUNTRY785 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Everybody gets a trophy lol fu#$>;= joke

  • @DHead5150
    @DHead5150 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Boogers much?

  • @JOEZEP54
    @JOEZEP54 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Well said. Sad but true. Legit contractors will be fewer & illegal often non skilled workers will be plentiful.
    👍# 18
    Stay well, Joe Z

    • @gozardsmooth
      @gozardsmooth Před 6 měsíci +1

      that is called free market capitalism. Communist contractors have been stealing with their government licences, which is all mark of the beast stuff. Christ hates communist carpenters. I think it was actually unionists and government contractors that conspired against him.

  • @mikethepainter
    @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci +1

    Feel free to share your comments on this subject. Love to hear what you have to say.

    • @patrickpatterson3239
      @patrickpatterson3239 Před 6 měsíci +1

      So much for laborers

    • @h2s142
      @h2s142 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Its a tax. Raising minimum wage while not raising the income required to meet higher tax brackets nets the government more money. Minimum wage has nothing to do with inflation or raising a standard of living but promises a higher standard of living while doing completely the opposite. The question everyone should be asking is whether the nation is going to go de facto or de jure bankrupt because its going to happen because of federal monetary policy and at its core is the spending and forced inflation/deflation cylces. Deflation should actually be the norm with production efficiencies. Ie flat screen tvs in the 90s vs now.

    • @patrickpatterson3239
      @patrickpatterson3239 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @h2s142 its not raising min wage thats still lower

  • @kemonoyama2084
    @kemonoyama2084 Před 6 měsíci +1


    @HABITZER Před 6 měsíci

    The company will just fire you.
    But the government could make sure you get a raise every year until you are at 20 hr. So companies can't just fire and hire somebody else because others will have time at another job which puts them at the same wage with the same experience.

    • @mikethepainter
      @mikethepainter  Před 6 měsíci

      if your worth a crap at a job and producing more than your wage companies would gladly pay you more especially if they are good companies. It costs companies lots of money to hire and train new people.

    @HABITZER Před 6 měsíci +1

    Your idea made no sense bro? More profit for you somehow puts more $ in your employees pockets. That's what we have been doing and it doesn't work because a lot, not all but most are greedy and don't pay they're employees a fair share. Because of the greedy fuss we are all getting screwed now.

    • @invalidaccount2315
      @invalidaccount2315 Před 6 měsíci +1

      ummm he just said the reason, all that govt intervention causes expense, now my insurance, xxx is higher, dont blame the employer he prolly voted to be taxed less.

    • @Geekmasterproduction
      @Geekmasterproduction Před 5 měsíci

      Exactly man. That is capitalism. Its about self, not the community. We have been brainwashed into being anti socialist, but when I observe large socialist economies it really aint that bad. China is a socialist country and has exceeded the U.S in almost every arena.

  • @Manikese
    @Manikese Před 6 měsíci

    We need universal, basic income for anyone who is working. Then we can pay whatever we want per hour.

  • @alexplop7161
    @alexplop7161 Před 6 měsíci +2

    🎉Mike the painter 2024🎉

  • @xykonic
    @xykonic Před 6 měsíci +1

    Get better at business and quit your crying!

  • @BeenThereDundas
    @BeenThereDundas Před 6 měsíci +3

    lol. your lost.

    @HABITZER Před 6 měsíci +2

    Your idea made no sense bro? More profit for you somehow puts more $ in your employees pockets. That's what we have been doing and it doesn't work because a lot, not all but most are greedy and don't pay they're employees a fair share. Because of the greedy fuss we are all getting screwed now.