  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • An exclusive interview with Praneet Bhatt
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Komentáře • 1K

  • @harishshetty529
    @harishshetty529 Před 6 lety +1788

    Best shakuni character ever played in the history of Mahabharat, greatest acting ever

  • @sharathyadav954
    @sharathyadav954 Před 6 lety +941

    Mere bhacche 😂 amazing performance ever 💞

    • @jashandeepsingh3710
      @jashandeepsingh3710 Před 4 lety +3


    • @gaganshettigar333
      @gaganshettigar333 Před 4 lety +4

      Absolutely amazing 😍shakuni mama

    • @mikks3733
      @mikks3733 Před 3 lety +5

      And also his eye🤣🥰

    • @vidyasagardas2450
      @vidyasagardas2450 Před 3 lety +1

      @@gaganshettigar333 hhkhhhhkhhhkhhkhhhkhkhhlhhkhjhlhhhlhjhhkhhhhkhLhlhlykhhkhhhkhhhklhhhjkhkhkhhhhkhjjhkhljhhhhkhhhkkhhhhkhkhhhlklhllhklhhhhljkhhhhkjhhkhkhhkhkhkhkhlhkhjhhhmhhlhkhlhkHhlhhljhkjhkhhjhhkhjhlhkjhhhhjlhhhjhjhhhlhkhhlhlhhlhkhkjkhkhhhkhhhlkhljhhhhhlhkhlhlhkhkhhlhlhkhhlhhkhlhlhkhkhhhjkhkhjljhjlljjhkhkhhhhhkhhjhhkhkhkhkhlhjlhkhkhkhkhhlhhhhkhhkhkhhkhlhlhhlhkhlhljlhkhjhhhhhkhjhkhKhlhkhkkhkhjhkhljkhkhkhljlhkhhhkhhkhhlhjhjhhhhkhllhhhkhkhlhjhkhkhljhhlhhkhkjlhhkhlhhhhhjhhkhhkhkhlhkhkhlhjhlkjjhhkhkhhhhlhkhhjhhkhlhljlhhkhjlhhkhlhlhlhlhhhhkhhhkhlhkjkhkhkjkjlhljlhlhhljlljhhlhkhhkhkhhjjlhkhkhhkhlhjjhljkhkunhkhhhkhhhhlhkhhkhkhkhhlhljljhkhkhkjhjhhhkhkhhlhlkhjkhlhhhlhlhlkhlhkhkhkhkhjkhjjkhhlhkhljhhhkhljkujljlhhjlhljhhhkublhhljlhlhlhlhkhkhkhhhhlhhkhkhkhkjljljjhlhhkhhLhlhhhhkhkhkhlhlhkhlhhhhhlhlhkhjhkhkkljlhhhhlhkhjkhjljhhkhkhlhjhjluhhjlhkhhlhkhkhkhlhhjlkhhllkhlhkhhkkhhjlhkjlhkhkhkjlhjghkjhkhkhkhkhjhkhlhnhkhkhhlhllhlhhkylhkhkhkhlhlkhkhkhhhjhlhkhkjkhkhkhlhkhjhlhkhkhhkhhlkjljljlhkhkhlhkjlhhklhkhhllhkjljlhkhkjbhkhhhkhlhjhkkhkhlhkhkhlhhhlhkjlhjhhhkhkhkhjkhkhkhlhkhkjlhkhkjhhkhlubjhhkjhhkjlhlhkhlhlhhkhkhhkhlhljhklhkhkjlhhJhlhkhkhljljkhkumhkhkhhkkhkhlhkhkhlkhlhljljhkhkkhuhhkhlhkhkkhhlhhkhkkhkhhhhjjjjjhhhlhbhkjjlhkkkkhhkhlhlhkhkhhkjlhkhlhkjlhljhhlhlljhhljhhkhlhlhjjLhlhhlhhlhlhhhkjhlhkhkhlhlhlkhlhkhhkhkjhhlhkjhlhhkhkjljkjhhhkhkkhhjhljkhhlhkhkunhkhlhkhlhjhkhkhkkhkjkhkhlhkjhhkhkjhhlkhhjjkkkjhkhlhkhlhkhkhkjmhkhlhkhkhkhlkjlhkjhlhkhkjkklhjjlhkhljkhkhkhkhljjhhkhkhkhkhkhkhljlhk h hlhkhjhlhlhhjlhkhhlhlhlhkjhhLlhlhjhjljjhjhhkhhkhjHjljjhhhklhkjljlhkhKhlhlhlhkjlhkljhhkhkhktkhhkhkjhhkjhhljhlkhhjjukkhlhlhhhlhjhkhkhkkhkhkjkhkhlhlhKhkjljhhjlhjlhlhlhljlhhlhlkhlhlhkhhkhhhhlhhkjmhlhhhljkhlhlhkkhhhlhkhkhjhjlkhkhkhkhljljljjhlhlhlkjjlhlhhlhkjlhjhhhlhkhkhkhjkjhkhlkhhhkhkhkjkjjhkhhlhhkjkhkkhkhhkhkhhhkhkhlhkhkhlhkhkhljjhhljlhkhkhkjlhljljlhkkJhlhjhjhhjllhhllhhukhjlhkhkkhhhkhljhlkhkkhkhlhkykubhkhkhjkhhlhlhkjhhkhkjhhllhKhkhlhkhkhkhhllhluhlhkhhljlhjhkjkhhjlhkhhkhlhljlhklhhkkhhljlukkhlhljhkhkhhlhlhlkjlhkhkhlhkhkjlhkkhlhkjhkkhlhhmhlullhkklkhlkjhlhlkjhllhujhkhkjlhhhkhkjjhjkhhkhlhkjkhkhhhjlhkubhjklhlulkhkhkhkhkhkhlhkhkhkhkhkujlhkhkjlhljkhlhkjkjjjhlklhjljkkhljhhlhlhljjjkljkhkhkhjhljjkhkjlhlhkjkjkjlhkjkhkhkjlhkhlhkhlhkkhjjhkhklhhkhlhkjjhhlhkhlhlhlhllhlhkhkhhhhjhjkhkhkjhhkjhkhlhlhhkhkhjkjkhkjkkhkhkhljlhkhlhkjlkhkluhkjkhkhkhkhlhkhkjljhlhhlhkhhlhlhhkhkhhkhhhunkhjlhhlhlhkhlhlhkjubhlhkhhlhhkkhkhkhlhhjhhjkjhjhkjhlhkhkhkhlhkhlhjkkhljlhhlhkhjlhjkjhjhjhhjlhhjlhlhlkhkhljhhkkjlkjhlkhhkjhhlhlhkhkhkhhljkunhjlkljkhlhkjlklhkjhlhljhlhlhkhkhkjjjhkjkjkhljhjhlhkhjlhkhhkjhljkjkjjlhkhhhhkjhLhkkkhhkhlkhhkhkhkhkhlhkkhkhkhlhkjhhhhkjljhkhkjlhlhjhkhjlhkljlkhkhhhkjhhhkkhhlhjlhkhvhlhhhkjljljhhlhjhkhkhlhllhhkjhkhhhkhkkhkklhkhhkjljkhhhljhhkhlkhhhkjlhkljhljlkjkhkhhhkjlhkjjlhkhhlkhkhhkhlkjjhjklhjhljkjlhkhkhkjjhlhkkjklhlhkhlhkhhkhhlh hi hhlkjhhhkkkhjhhljHkhhlhkhkklkjhjkkhklkjhlhjkhkhlhkhkjkhkjljjhlhhljlkhhhlkhhlhjhljhljjhhkjhhjhhkhlkljlkhjljkhhKhkjlhljhhjlkjjlhlhlhkljkhlhkjlkhljljjkhjlnjjhhkhjlhjhkhlhkjkhlljkhjhjkhhljlhkhkhlkhhjkhhkjhjhljjlhkhlhkhmhmhlhkjlhkkjhhkjhkljhnkjlhkjhhkhlhkhlhlthmjljjkhkhkhklkjhlhlhhjlhjjhjhhkjhhjhkkjljlkhkjlhjljljjjlkjhhlhlhkjhhhljhkjjhkhkhljkhkjljklthtljhkhljljlkhlhlhkjlkllukjhkhhljjljlkhhhlhhjlhkhhhkjkhjjhlhjjkhhkhkjhklhkhjjhkljhhkhtkjlhlhkhljjjhkjkhjjjhkhkhljjjjjjlhhhkjjkhljHhkjlkjjljjljhljlhljlkklhlhklkjlhlhkkhjhhlhkhkhjkhkkjhkkhhlhljjhhljhkkjhkhkkjhkhkhhlhhkjkkjjjJhhljhkhjjhhubjhjjkgkhkjjhjlhlhlkhjkjlhkhjhljlkjljjhkhkhhhlhlhhjhlhkhkhlhkjkjhlhkhlhlhhlhjljhkjhhhkhkhjhkjhjhjjhlhkjhhljhhlhkhkhl kh hlkjhjhlhhkkjjlhkhkkhkhjhhlkjhjkjhjhjkhhjjkhhjlhkuhljhhkjkjkhkjljhlkhljhhkjlhkhkkhhkkhhkhlhhhhlhljljjukhkjhkjjhhlhkhkhkhjjhjjjkjllhkhjjlhhkhkhlkjhhhkhjhhlkjjhkkjjljjljlhh

    • @vidyasagardas2450
      @vidyasagardas2450 Před 3 lety

      @@gaganshettigar333 jkjhhlhjjlkhljhlhljkjkhjlhjjhlhjjhhgkhhkhhjhkhjkhjhkhlkljhkjlhllkljjkhkkhllhjjlhkjljkhkhjljhhhjhjhlkkjlhklhjtkjkthlkhhkhljhhkhkhtljljmkhklhlhjhhkhjjhlhhhhhlhjthjkklkhjhkhllnkhkhihhJhjhkhKjlkhhhkhkkkjhkhlkhhjhkljhhjljhjhjhjkjljhjkkjjhjhljljhhlhkhhlhkhlhlkhhkhkhhhlhhjhhhkjlkhjhjhkhlhjjjkjljhjjlhjjhhkhlkhjhhkhHkhhhjbhkhkkknjljkklhkkhkbhljlkhmjjljhhhlhjkljhhkhhlhjlhjljkhkhhjhhkkhhklhhhJlhkhjhkjkjlhhjhhjllkkkhlhhlhjhjljjghhkkhkljlhkjhhkhkjlkhjlhhlhjjjkjhhkjkhjljhhkkjhlhhljlkhjlhjhhljkjkjhkhkhKjhhlhkjljhhkhkjjjhhkhjllkkkjhhhkkhhkhkkhlhhkjhhlhkkjjlhhjhlhlJbmjkjlhlhjhmkhllhhlhlkkhlhkjkhkkhlhkjlhkjhhlhhhhkjlkhkhkhkhlkjhhhhhklhhhkhkhhjljlllkhjjlkhhlhhhjlhkhjljhjkhljhgjhljhkkjnlhkkhlklhlhkhkkjjjhkkhkhljhhkkklhkjklkkjllhjkhhkjjjhhhkhhhhhlhlljlhlhklhjhlmlkhklkkhlkhhhjlhhhljllhkjhhlhhlkhlhkhhjljjlkhhhjjkhhkjhjlkhkhjljjhjkhhlhlhklkhjlhhhklhhjhhkhhhhhljjjlhkjjkkhhlhljhjhlhhkllhhjlhkhjhhjhhkhkhhjhkjkhkkhjjhllhjkkjk kl khhljjljjlhkhlhkhkjkjhhkhhjhlhjhjhjjhkhhkhkkkkhllkhkkjjkkkkhkkljjkhjjukjjlhjlhhkjljkhmkkhkL job kljkhhlgjhklkhjkkkjhkhlhlhkujlhhlhljlhlkjkkkhkubljjlhlhkjlhjjhhkjjhlhhjkhllhhlhkllhhhkklljhkhhlkhhlkhlhlkhkhkhkhhlhlhjlhllhlblbkkuhljjhlykhjhjjjjhjojohjjuu

  • @shreyamani5018
    @shreyamani5018 Před 4 lety +426

    He is an Engineer ,he is an actor & the best Shakuni I have ever seen in the whole world.... basically he is a genius ☺️☺️☺️☺️

    • @amitkumar-xh4fw
      @amitkumar-xh4fw Před 4 lety +15

      An engineer is gud at everything except engineering 😂😂😂
      Engineer is everything like actor cricketer politician
      Never ever underestimate the power of engineer

    • @khushboo2587
      @khushboo2587 Před 4 lety +4

      @@amitkumar-xh4fw aap engineering ko kuch jyaada hi personally nahi lai gaye.....
      Khaen aap bhi toh engineer nahi hai....??

    • @musicalsonia6229
      @musicalsonia6229 Před 4 lety +5

      He is very down to earth, mere shakuni mama😘

    • @TheMotorman1981
      @TheMotorman1981 Před 3 lety +1

      @@khushboo2587 In India everybody is an engineer

    • @riturubynand6775
      @riturubynand6775 Před 2 lety

      @@amitkumar-xh4fw ye stereotype tumhe barbad kr dega

  • @nagachandumedisetty9294
    @nagachandumedisetty9294 Před 6 lety +333

    His character in Mahabharatam outstanding, marvellous!!!!

  • @sonalikapse_marathe6068
    @sonalikapse_marathe6068 Před 4 lety +252

    Perfect casting, perfect acting, perfect costume, perfect background tone "shadyantra atal".... Makes everything perfect..... He nailed the character....

  • @sagrikamaurya736
    @sagrikamaurya736 Před 5 lety +1253

    He is best shakuni till😍😍😍...I mean uski acting esi thi ki real shakuni khada h😂😍😍

  • @sharadwakchoure1637
    @sharadwakchoure1637 Před 4 lety +206

    He not only played this character, he lived this also.

  • @showrovbhowmik3042
    @showrovbhowmik3042 Před 4 lety +517

    Why aren’t Bollywood casts him?
    I think he deserves Hollywood 🤔

    • @nishanttyagi7374
      @nishanttyagi7374 Před 4 lety +48

      Kyoki Bollywood me Randi aur darubaaz actors ki importance hai waha talent ki koi jarurat nhi hai
      Isliye parneet Bollywood me nhi hai 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    • @suchetabanerjee9092
      @suchetabanerjee9092 Před 4 lety +36

      Bollywood casts only 'nepotism'

    • @RK_blog2.0
      @RK_blog2.0 Před 4 lety +11

      Bhai ab mt bolo, TV actors shld try in bollywood... Kya pta jo Sushant ke saat hua wo phir kisi ke saath ho...

    • @chhanditachoudhury5379
      @chhanditachoudhury5379 Před 4 lety +13

      Not required. Bwood doesnt deserve him

    • @wolverinessaga2205
      @wolverinessaga2205 Před 4 lety +6

      Bollywood me bas ek ya do ghante ke liye Praneet ko dekh payenge
      But serial mei roz dekhne ko milega

  • @vickeyjoy
    @vickeyjoy Před 6 lety +538

    This Mahabharat is masterpiece

  • @rakeshrks1993
    @rakeshrks1993 Před 5 lety +336

    सकुनी के कारण महाभारत में मज़ा आ गया🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @mahav1280
    @mahav1280 Před 6 lety +171

    One of the very talented actor i have ever seen.. my fav character in mahabharat😊

  • @mysweetmemory.1084
    @mysweetmemory.1084 Před 6 lety +366

    Praneet is the first shakuni jisko dekhkar hashi aati hay . But he is the greate actor .,🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳👍👍👍

    • @himanshubansal6198
      @himanshubansal6198 Před 4 lety +5

      Shi bat kahi apne mujhe khud jab jada hasi ayi jab nakul or sehdev sakuni ko marne k liye aate kurukshetra mai

    • @ultrakaram7004
      @ultrakaram7004 Před 4 lety +1


    • @anijeetsinhaclass-x-brolln6891
      @anijeetsinhaclass-x-brolln6891 Před 4 lety +1

      @@himanshubansal6198 woh scene to pura bekaar hai....waisa kuch hua hi nahi tha asli Mahabharat me. In Star Plus Mahabharat Shakuni was running and hiding like a coward. He was not coward.....but he was cunning.

    • @ayushmankar4100
      @ayushmankar4100 Před 3 lety +1

      @@anijeetsinhaclass-x-brolln6891 Bhai ! Creative liberty bhi koie chij hoti hey .

    • @anijeetsinhaclass-x-brolln6891
      @anijeetsinhaclass-x-brolln6891 Před 3 lety

      @@ayushmankar4100 ha bhai par ise creativity nahi kuch aur hi bolte hai.
      Kya inhone real Shakuni ko dekha tha ?
      Uski ek aankh band hai ya nahi, uske daant kaale hai yah nahi, uska ek leg tuta hai yah nahi.....

  • @sanjayjha2721
    @sanjayjha2721 Před 6 lety +71

    Sir.... M to apka fan hogya after watching of the best acting.....m kbhi imagine bhi ni kr skta ki ESI acting bhi KR skta h koi....salute sir ....🚩🚩

  • @gaurav.d1993
    @gaurav.d1993 Před 4 lety +42

    He has Real traits of Shakuni, intelligent, Smart And most imp True Master Mind

  • @Soma-gp5zw
    @Soma-gp5zw Před 4 lety +127

    He deserves more popularly. People should get to know how talented he is. He's really awesome. Would love to see more❤️
    Also he's shakuni acting was the bestest!

    • @rajendrasingh3106
      @rajendrasingh3106 Před 4 lety +1

      Purani vali mahabharat is the best

    • @kkobsessed
      @kkobsessed Před 4 lety +1

      he was in big boss also if i am not wrong

    • @Soma-gp5zw
      @Soma-gp5zw Před 4 lety

      @@kkobsessed maybe! Maybe many years ago I'm not sure.
      But I saw him in a tv show when I was child😁😁

    • @joybangla4657
      @joybangla4657 Před 4 lety +3

      @@rajendrasingh3106 purane baaton par goli maaro 😂😂 hamesha tum log sochte ho ki old is gold lekin aisa kuch bhi nahi hain 😏😏

    • @yashiktaneja673
      @yashiktaneja673 Před 4 lety +2

      Soma 1216 Right now he is playing anghuti ka jin in Aladdin on sab tv

  • @theextreme732
    @theextreme732 Před 4 lety +56

    He was best as Shakuni interms of acting,body language,expressions,dialogue delivery
    He was just perfect 👌🏻

  • @jajjararajesh7768
    @jajjararajesh7768 Před 6 lety +35

    I don't know how will be the shakuni role before seeing mahabharatam after seeing very fantabulous acting...... Superb i don't even accept anyone without u in that role

  • @malaibiofoodtechnologist3469

    I am from Tamil Nadu, i like more Shakuni Character praneet bhat among other characters, his acting 👌👌

  • @shashisingh8199
    @shashisingh8199 Před 4 lety +61

    This Mahabharata is much better then last Mahabharata...and one of d best character is mama shakuni and praneet u did well

  • @shrinkhlabaranwal5922
    @shrinkhlabaranwal5922 Před 4 lety +217

    This Mahabharata of Starplus is truly a masterpiece... Old one is a bit overrated.. People try to hype it... Bt the fact is this new Mahabharata was best!!

    • @santunubhaduri5353
      @santunubhaduri5353 Před 4 lety +21

      That is because old is gold...the new version of mahabharat is best for the present youth....bahut achhe se samjhaya gaya hai....

    • @nikitamishra4708
      @nikitamishra4708 Před 4 lety +21

      Exactly...old Mahabharata is overrated...

    • @aditin.1345
      @aditin.1345 Před 4 lety +24

      Finally someone said it... I understand the emotions of our parents' generation with the old mahabharat... But the new mahabharat is really amazing. And the people criticising it or comparing it with the old one really need to relax.

    • @Himachaltimes2024
      @Himachaltimes2024 Před 4 lety +13

      No comparison.Both are best according to their time

    • @Himachaltimes2024
      @Himachaltimes2024 Před 4 lety +7

      @I hate Accounts lol my generation😂😂😂I am 99 born.i have seen old mahabharat in 2000s and I am watching new one now in 2020.and both are equally good according to their Mahabharata is visually aesthetic.and I know that.performances are also great.

  • @satyabratapalei742
    @satyabratapalei742 Před 4 lety +16

    100 /100 for his performance...dialoge and talent ..👌

  • @akshatvikramsrivastava1786
    @akshatvikramsrivastava1786 Před 6 lety +69

    No one can beat him

  • @mister_mehta_
    @mister_mehta_ Před 4 lety +19

    Hands Down.. He nailed the role of shakuni. Loved his acting .. 'Bhaaanjeein, Mere Bachhe' 😆

  • @gauravkushwaha6578
    @gauravkushwaha6578 Před 3 lety +14

    Even these days , when i see his role
    I just feel , how a man can be so much talented ?? He is legend 🙏🙏🙏

  • @aditibhardwaj8170
    @aditibhardwaj8170 Před 5 lety +103

    Shakuni of starplus
    mahabhara is a brilliant actor

  • @attitudegamerkaal
    @attitudegamerkaal Před 2 lety +1

    Bhai aapne gajab ka acting kiya hai mahabharat me i loved

  • @ginnigill9631
    @ginnigill9631 Před 4 lety +11

    This Mahabharat was the masterpiece ,better than all other Mahabharat Serial . every role played by every actor was actually not only played, they just lived it. Specially Shakuni/Karn/Arjun/Bheem/Krishna/Draupadi/Bheeshm/Duryodhan/Kunti/.,all other who i didn't mention name. All lived the role

  • @alamshah7303
    @alamshah7303 Před 6 lety +38

    You played awesome role of Shakuni in Mahabharat

  • @khushiagarwal3904
    @khushiagarwal3904 Před 4 lety +27

    His acting was of another level😍

  • @Rex-nk1zj
    @Rex-nk1zj Před 4 lety +24

    The best and greatest actor i even seen in TV serial. He should be given movies. Man he is extremely talented actor. May God bless you sir

  • @ultrakaram7004
    @ultrakaram7004 Před 4 lety +61

    Sukuni maama😁😁😁😁. I like him. His acting was funny. Mere bache mere bache😝😝😝😝

  • @aleesha5979
    @aleesha5979 Před 4 lety +17

    That dyut sabha scene still gives me trauma😣 what an acting what an actor❣️

  • @avsaraschith4988
    @avsaraschith4988 Před 3 lety +7

    Nobody should have done justice to this character than this guy.. Such a dedication..My Favourite Villan of All Time..Shakuni Mamma❤️. The BGM🔥

  • @DandiwalPOST
    @DandiwalPOST Před 6 lety +20

    very talented actor i have ever seen.. my fav character in mahabharat

  • @mayurkadam4709
    @mayurkadam4709 Před 4 lety +9

    Best actor of Television I have ever seen. I watched old mahabharat in childhood also. But this man have got the high range. What a portrayal done by him👍👍👍

  • @amitkumar-xh4fw
    @amitkumar-xh4fw Před 4 lety +90

    An engineer is gud at everything except engineering 😂😂😂
    Engineer is everything like actor cricketer politician
    Never ever underestimate the power of engineer

  • @srikarkumar2740
    @srikarkumar2740 Před 4 lety +22

    Pura Mahabharat Ku hila ke rakdiye sakhuni mama 🙏😂

  • @kripabharath8682
    @kripabharath8682 Před 4 lety +4

    Every scene Shakuni mama comes in is simply superb. He has nailed the role. Deserves all awards for playing this character so perfectly.

  • @RAAJ870
    @RAAJ870 Před 6 lety +14

    You are really a great actor and the mahabharat made population bcoz of u

  • @premjiparmar7266
    @premjiparmar7266 Před 4 lety +10

    Everytime he comes on screen, a new level of energy comes up

  • @xedevilff2261
    @xedevilff2261 Před 4 lety +159

    Mama शकुनि - मेरे बच्चे , ये वासुदेव कृष्ण बहुत कुटिल है ।
    दुर्योधन - असंभव
    शकुनि - नहीं मेरे बच्चे तुम्हे इसकी कुटिल बुद्धि के बारे में नहीं पता ये सम्पूर्ण आर्यावर्त का राजनैतिक केंद्र है , यादव श्रेष्ठ वासुदेव ।
    (कृष्ण शकुनि के पास आते है)
    कृष्ण - प्रनिपात मामा श्री शकुनि
    शकुनि - वासुदेव आपने तो मुझे मामा बना दिया ( कंस को याद करके )
    आपका मामा बनना उचित नहीं है ।

  • @AnkitSharma-ic3ub
    @AnkitSharma-ic3ub Před 4 lety +9

    One of the finest actor of our industry and role of sakuni is one of the best ever ever😍😘

  • @missnavya9416
    @missnavya9416 Před 4 lety +4

    Who's watching Mahabharat in 2020 in lockdown??
    He seriously deserves all great awards for his acting..wowwww he was superb in his role 👌👌👌👌👏👏👏👏 mahabharat which is on starplus is the best one till date. Every character just lived it ❤️❤️❤️❤️ forever and ever.

  • @preetiameta7728
    @preetiameta7728 Před 6 lety +13

    Really you are great person, honest man, aapki baato me sacchai jalakti hai, god bless you🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @bikashchandrasarkar4991
    @bikashchandrasarkar4991 Před 4 lety +22

    He is great actor. He deserves an Oscar. Great acting in mahabharat.

  • @anujsalunke2332
    @anujsalunke2332 Před 3 lety +1

    What an actor....lajwab se bhi lajwab bar dekho hajar bar dekho dekhane ki chij hai shakuni.....mere bachhe i never forget it.

  • @roshanchhetri7760
    @roshanchhetri7760 Před 4 lety +10

    Without SHAKUNI , Mahabharat won't be completed....
    Superb acting.

  • @amishasingh195
    @amishasingh195 Před 2 lety +2

    He was so funny sakuni mama😂
    I enjoyed alot while watching mahabhart

  • @ammubudha635
    @ammubudha635 Před 4 lety +3

    I m from South India and this Mahabharath dubbed in many languages in south, and my frnds and brothers are started to act like Shakuni maama they became big fan of Shakuni mama . We love you.

    • @sudhirthakre681
      @sudhirthakre681 Před 3 lety

      This dubbed mahabharat is it popular

    • @ammubudha635
      @ammubudha635 Před 3 lety

      @@sudhirthakre681 yes

    • @sudhirthakre681
      @sudhirthakre681 Před 3 lety +1

      @@ammubudha635 oo really I only imagine that it is famous only in Hindi speaking states but really it's great 🙏

  • @cbseenglish4221
    @cbseenglish4221 Před 4 lety +2


  • @kamleshnikam2120
    @kamleshnikam2120 Před 3 lety +4

    Wow.. Bro so glad to know that you did your Engineering from KK Wagh College, Nashik (Maharashtra) I am also from Nashik.. Such a proud thing for our city..

  • @Lyricsoul_89
    @Lyricsoul_89 Před 4 lety +2

    He is just Awesome, No one can fulfill shakuni Role like him......Best Ever Performed

  • @smitposting
    @smitposting Před 3 lety +6

    No one can replace u
    Love ur acting sir 🙏🏻

  • @subhadipbera7165
    @subhadipbera7165 Před 3 lety +3

    Praneet Bhatt born for this role. He absolutely nailed it

  • @p_u_j_a6091
    @p_u_j_a6091 Před 4 lety +12

    Omg he just nailed the character 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @PujaRSahu-jl4hu
    @PujaRSahu-jl4hu Před rokem +1

    In the total Mahabharata I really love the shakuni role only.. it's just mind blowing..❤shakuni ka acting is just wow.

  • @mikks3733
    @mikks3733 Před 3 lety +6

    His eye I love the way he closes one eye🤣🥰

  • @anushkashukla3015
    @anushkashukla3015 Před 3 lety

    After Gufi Sir, Praneet Ji has done his best level of acting. N the best Shakuni Mama both of them, Gufi Sir & Praneet Ji fab....

  • @ronakshah2433
    @ronakshah2433 Před 6 lety +20

    great guy......good from heart...

  • @rajeshgururaja444
    @rajeshgururaja444 Před 3 lety +1

    Outstanding acting Shakuni....
    Alao those dubbed in kannada voice apt to the character....Mr Bhatt you are amazing 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😲

  • @rashikpoonuparambath3823
    @rashikpoonuparambath3823 Před 4 lety +3

    The way he talk very nicely and respect to them who supported him

  • @rajendraparsuramka2446
    @rajendraparsuramka2446 Před 4 lety +2

    Best acting as Sabhuni,tremendous acting,it just was too good-non can do it similar to him..thank you sir..!

  • @sangam2085
    @sangam2085 Před 4 lety +31

    Mere bachhe😝
    Best actor 🙏

  • @sankitchauhan194
    @sankitchauhan194 Před 4 lety +1

    U r such a amazing character in mahabharata......u made this show very attractive...

  • @shitanshubehera513
    @shitanshubehera513 Před 4 lety +4

    Best acting in mahabharat.. salute to your acting sir

  • @rahuldange6118
    @rahuldange6118 Před 3 lety +6

    Greatest Villian with Zero Haters❤️

  • @chetnamandal4512
    @chetnamandal4512 Před 3 lety +8

    He just nailed the character of shakuni 💜

  • @viditkothari8838
    @viditkothari8838 Před 4 lety +1

    Such remarkable, awesome portrayal of one of the most important character in the entire human history! He did a splendid job! Kind of Speechless!

  • @trishnasethi024
    @trishnasethi024 Před 4 lety +5

    It has all d best actors ....its the best show i have ever watched

  • @sujitkumarbhoi9986
    @sujitkumarbhoi9986 Před 4 lety +1

    Amazing performance sir
    Ap k main fan ban gaya
    Apki jaise Kavi kavi boldeta hu ..mere bache wala word

  • @vravel
    @vravel Před 4 lety +16

    He:- Physics & Maths is my passion
    Also he :- Ek kaam karta hoon Arts le leta hoon😂😂

  • @radhikasardar647
    @radhikasardar647 Před 2 lety

    Apka acting mujhe bohot acche lage ap real shakuni mama lag rahe thea.aj Tak maine aisa powerful acting nahi dekhi.ap bohot acche actor hoo.👌👌👌

  • @hymab7343
    @hymab7343 Před 5 lety +3

    U r very very good. Exllent ur performance very very very good we r waiting ur interview thanks we saw reality

  • @entrainment_special8274
    @entrainment_special8274 Před 6 lety +10

    Great man!! Mhabharat, bigg boss. Amazing character man!!

  • @ramram-ph3bq
    @ramram-ph3bq Před 4 lety +4

    This guy impressed me heartly really amazing acting sir...

  • @hamperjiolife1323
    @hamperjiolife1323 Před 5 lety +10

    He is so handsome

  • @sonalikapse_marathe6068
    @sonalikapse_marathe6068 Před 4 lety +7

    My god. He himself choose to play shakuni and kiiled it like a pro.. My god😇🙏...

  • @Karnasivaraj
    @Karnasivaraj Před 2 lety

    Shakuni mama your acting superb ,your live on that character . Jai Hind 🚩 Jai Bharat 🇮🇳 Jai sri krishna 🙏.

  • @healthylife8991
    @healthylife8991 Před 4 lety +9

    Super talented with knowledge ...

  • @niranjan3333
    @niranjan3333 Před 4 lety +1

    Best dilog meray bache raan bhoomi say khela say phelay maanbhoomi khela jathaa hai..😎best sakuni till date he nailed it 😍😍

  • @ayushmankar4100
    @ayushmankar4100 Před 4 lety +10

    Gufi Pental & Praneet Bhatt are the best for the role of Shakuni .

  • @mokshdagopee9868
    @mokshdagopee9868 Před 4 lety +1

    Wonderful actor n acting as Shakuni mama! you are the surprise of the show! I love the line mere Bacchae !

  • @deepakgarasiya6142
    @deepakgarasiya6142 Před 4 lety +8

    Gajab ki acting ki yr....
    Mama "Shakuni"

  • @amandeepbrar5133
    @amandeepbrar5133 Před 4 lety

    All comments are positive..
    Yes he is the best Shakuni ever....
    He nailed with his dialogue delivery, expression, finger movements👌👏🙌🙌

  • @tanishkasavita4393
    @tanishkasavita4393 Před 4 lety +5

    Love u Shakuni mama 😍😍😍😍😍😍ky acting krte ho yrr aap

  • @harshjadhav5862
    @harshjadhav5862 Před 4 lety +2

    Acting is acting 👌👌✌🥺

  • @ritankarmazumder2126
    @ritankarmazumder2126 Před 4 lety +17

    Who Got suggestions of this video in 2020 lockdown

  • @swati2824
    @swati2824 Před 4 lety +1

    Top class acting by praneet bhatt

  • @-Corvo_Attano
    @-Corvo_Attano Před 2 lety +10

    His "Mere bhacche" is better than other bollywood star's career👑

  • @ankitagautam3853
    @ankitagautam3853 Před 3 lety +1

    Bhut acchi acting ki hai , mre bacche mre bache best dialogue ...

  • @user-wt3yw1js8w
    @user-wt3yw1js8w Před 5 lety +14

    Best ever shakuni mama

  • @ckalsi6991
    @ckalsi6991 Před 4 lety +2

    All team deserves more professional roles in bollywood... amazing skills

  • @thevegetarianbabe8727
    @thevegetarianbabe8727 Před 4 lety +13

    Can anyone give him an Oscar plz

  • @rnaga1980
    @rnaga1980 Před 3 lety +1

    Real hero of Mahabharata and he is one best in that role.

  • @aarthimani4504
    @aarthimani4504 Před 4 lety +12

    We could feel the Real Shakuni Mama when we watch the mahabharat🤗

  • @chauhanrekha5226
    @chauhanrekha5226 Před 4 lety

    Shakuni sirf ek kirdaar nhi he, even wo kirdaaro ka group tha, jisne har ek kirdaar ko kadi takkar di he, awesome sir aap jesa shakuni mama to or koi dusra ho hi nhi sakta tha. Ekdam real acting.. Brilliant sir. Thanku so much ki apne ye role kiya or mahabharat ko jeevant bna diya..

  • @leelavathim5243
    @leelavathim5243 Před 4 lety +5

    Shakuni could be only you...suits u .. brilliant work

  • @saraneha2180
    @saraneha2180 Před 4 lety

    Great acting shakuni mama... You will be remembered forever... No one can play this role better than you... You are best 👏👏👏
    We don't know about real shakuni but whenever any one takes name of shakuni you will be remembered by everyone definitely😍😍🥰🥰

  • @smritipandey1863
    @smritipandey1863 Před 2 lety +3

    Shakuni's death scene was very funny. He nailed it

  • @deeptiwari6698
    @deeptiwari6698 Před 4 lety +1

    Mere bacche chalo
    Mere bacche chalo
    Maja aa gaya is dialogue mein
    Shakuni mama