Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Her First Weeks in Congress

  • čas přidán 28. 01. 2019
  • We take you behind the scenes as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the freshman New York representative, joins Intercept editors Ryan Grim and Briahna Joy Gray for an in-depth conversation about her approach to politics and social media, her thoughts on the 2020 presidential election, and her out-of-nowhere congressional campaign.
    As a new member of the House Financial Services Committee, she’s already shaping the conversation with her call to raise the top marginal tax rate to 70 percent. Former North Carolina Rep. Brad Miller, a progressive Democrat who served for years on the Financial Services Committee, also joins the conversation to talk about the challenges Ocasio-Cortez will face there.
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  • @EnzoVecchiaio
    @EnzoVecchiaio Před 5 lety +286

    Her energy seems so untainted. Hope she can retain that wide-eyed empathic enthusiasm and honesty as the corporate Dems try to grind her down.

    • @stephfahey1101
      @stephfahey1101 Před 5 lety +9

      They tried to "grind down" Tulsi Gabbard and that didn't work. I think Ocasio - Cortez can pull through too.

    • @Hardcoreforliife
      @Hardcoreforliife Před 5 lety +5

      Shes so likable and charming and is progressive thats why they alllll hate her.

    • @wesleywright7796
      @wesleywright7796 Před 5 lety +1

      Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act in 1960s. They were 99% of the leadership of the KKK. They passed ALL the segregation laws, Democrats owned all 4 million of the slaves in 1860. Republicans have been fighting the racism of Democrats and the parties never switched sides. All about one Dixe crats died racists Dixie crats. Go watch Bill Clinton and Obama speak for Racist KKK leader, Senator Robert Bird's funeral. Today, Democrats kill babies of all colors and show up as the fighting racists... We have been lied to by Public Education and Left Media. Wake up Democrats and vote Republican or your voting for the racist party.

    • @markhall7646
      @markhall7646 Před 5 lety +1

      It's called OCD/ADHD/CRICKET FACED GIT syndrome.

    • @LelynnsSquirrels
      @LelynnsSquirrels Před 5 lety +1

      AOC; the REAL "Authoritarian Of Congress" .... she aint a bartender ANYMORE... but Trump is STILL just "acting".. politics is NOT a game-show & u shouldn't b able to just BUY your way in. i believe she's worked hard to get to where she is & the girl DEFINITELY deserves all the praise that she gets! 😁👍 🏆💕⭐

  • @abrakadabra6584
    @abrakadabra6584 Před 5 lety +87

    AOC taking notes on the things Brad Miller had to say is just one more thing that makes her feel "normal" to the rest of us. It shows that she genuinely cares about getting things right during her time in office, and that she's willing to admit to her inexperience by listening to as many voices as possible to inform her decisions. Everything she does just makes me respect her more and more.
    I really hope that she's indicative of the future of politics in this country and what the wave of young and rising politicians in America will look like.

    • @VideoJames1019
      @VideoJames1019 Před 5 lety +4

      Abra Kadabra
      Omg! This proves that she’s not like the Sarah Palin of the Left. Yes, she’s not always factually right, but she is willing to learn.

    • @abrakadabra6584
      @abrakadabra6584 Před 5 lety +1

      @@VideoJames1019 ...Are there people who have actually compared her to Sarah Palin? That might be the craziest thing anyone has said about AOC yet. It makes me glad she's so good at just completely shutting down unreasonable criticism like that.

    • @VideoJames1019
      @VideoJames1019 Před 5 lety +1

      Abra Kadabra
      Yes and yes.

  • @3rdandlong
    @3rdandlong Před 5 lety +259

    A Huuuuuuuuge thank you to the people of the 14th district in NY for electing such a wonderful human being to The House of Representatives. We need 100 more people just like her.

  • @davidwolf2562
    @davidwolf2562 Před 5 lety +113

    I am an old white man and I been praying for someone like her since forever ... she is a prayer answered for me

    • @jazzx251
      @jazzx251 Před 5 lety +5

      I'm not religious - and I don't believe Jesus ever existed ...
      ... but I'm softening slightly.
      Jesus, if he existed, would be a normal man .. someone very much like Alexandria .. intelligent, kind, compassionate, charasmatic.
      Without the internet or TV or radio ... simple word of mouth and Chinese Whispers (you call it "Telephone") would create a legend in the minds of thousands of people - unused to such kindness in such a brutal world.
      I'm feeling what those people must have felt - sheer hope.
      A hero when we need it most.

    • @brianlacy8870
      @brianlacy8870 Před 5 lety +1

      @@jazzx251 praying is just like hoping ... doncha think?

    • @jmccunepr2
      @jmccunepr2 Před 5 lety +1


    • @rickyboy613
      @rickyboy613 Před 5 lety

      @@jazzx251 Jesus was real and I'm not religious, he was not white and had no magic powers!

    • @thatguymork
      @thatguymork Před 5 lety

      @@jazzx251 Wait are you likening Cortez to Jesus? You should make yours a comedy channel...

  • @bkbland1626
    @bkbland1626 Před 5 lety +559

    Alexandria is excellent. Now if we can elect another 100 of her.

    • @paulkwiatkowski1059
      @paulkwiatkowski1059 Před 5 lety +1

      You can clone them she looks like Huma abedin and all the others dark black pits for eyes

    • @masterofalltrades_
      @masterofalltrades_ Před 5 lety +1

      You should.

    • @lukeleonard3382
      @lukeleonard3382 Před 5 lety +18

      Respectfully, another 100 of her would make us a Venezuelan hell hole.

    • @KemoSays
      @KemoSays Před 5 lety +4

      @@paulkwiatkowski1059 you're so much fun mate

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety +3

      BK Bland, yeah, too wake the silent majority. I bet you don't even have a gun. well, you'll need one if u want 100 more for this moron.

  • @dopeymark
    @dopeymark Před 5 lety +43

    She is so freaking cool I can't stand it.

  • @1232jordan
    @1232jordan Před 5 lety +80


    • @wesleywright7796
      @wesleywright7796 Před 5 lety

      Are you realizing that Socialism has murdered 100 million people in the last hundred years? Let's count the Democratic Socialism promises and mass murder that results. Hitler put Socialism in the NAZI name. It's the National Socialist Workers party of Germany. Mao murdered 70 million in China under socialism, promising peace and prosperity. Stallen murdered 30 million as a socialist. Pol Pot murder 4 million in Cambodia as a socialist. Hitler was a democtric socialist because he came to power by a vote of the people. Cuba has socialism under Castro and it's so great there that people risk their lives trying to float to on old pick ups trying to get to Florida.
      Now the Democrats priased Socialism in Venezuela 10 years ago. Now there is no food and people hope to not to starve by eating their dogs. But it was Democratic Socialism. You socialist are going to get a lot of people murdered if you don't study outside the left wing indoctrination camps widely known as public institutions.

    • @wesleywright7796
      @wesleywright7796 Před 5 lety

      @Malgorzata64 You are claiming that its ubsurd to claim that Socialisim ends in mass murder when every single socialist Government has mass murdered 100 million people in the last 100 years? Here is a short list of Socialist who find it moral to murder: 1) Mao's China, 70 Million murders. 2) Stallan's Russia 20 Million murders 3) Hitler's Germany 4 Million murders. 4) Pol Pot's Cambodia, 2 million murders 5) Kim's North Korea unknown # of murders. 6) Chavez's Venezuela unknown # of murders. 7) Castro's Cuba unknown number of murders.
      Can you Name one Scoailst leader who has come to power and not murdered for political gain?
      Face it Scoailsts promise to steal from the rich and give to the poor but end up killing people who dare oppose them.
      Listen I am public University educated. This means I was taught the same lies too. At some point you need to check your professors and the fake history.

    • @wesleywright7796
      @wesleywright7796 Před 5 lety

      @Malgorzata64 Socialism is Immoral because stealing is immoral. If you work today and earn $200 and I sit home and relax. And me and the people of the town decided that you should give me $100, does that make you moral for me to take $100 from you? No! of course not. Just because we all agree that I should get your $100 because you have more than me, doesn't make it moral. Stealing is always immoral no matter how rich the man you steal from. Thou Shall not steal goes with Thou Shall not coveit. Jealousy doesn't make it ok for me to steal from you, nor does a majority vote.

    • @benzminibusdoc
      @benzminibusdoc Před 3 lety +2

      @@wesleywright7796 Hitler had the socialist in the NAME of his party only to appeal to voters that could be deluded, there was nothing socialist or democratic about him and his party other than deluding people to vote for him. Repeating your twisted narrative all over the comments section does not help your credibility. Stallan.. lol. Mao... nothing genuinely socialist about them. They were simply power addicted guys who benefitted from mislabeling. Each of them responsible for killing 100 Mio people each.... exaggerated figures... but hey, why be accurate when it serves a highly lopsided narrative

    • @ramonperezflaquer3769
      @ramonperezflaquer3769 Před 3 lety

      @@benzminibusdoc dont waste your time, this dude isn't too bright, he just ignores how capitalism kills 7 million people a year from famine alone, which is 700 million in a century. He clearly doesn't do research because anyone who has done a speck of research would know that Hitler used the word socialism to appeal the people (like what you said), despite being a right winger and hating socialism, this is easy to see because once he got power, he eliminated every ounce of socialism. Ignorant people like that guy clearly cant see the difference between democratic socialism, and authoritarian socialism. None of the countries he mentioned were democratic socialism, they were either emperors/monarchs like mao and kim, or were people who took all the power of a country for themselves, like Hitler and Castro. These people didn't do elections, they wanted all the power. They were authoritarian, its so easy to see. Im glad to see that you are actually an intelligent person LOL.

  • @paulborneo7535
    @paulborneo7535 Před 5 lety +72

    AOC is a genuine genius. She's just about the smartest person that I have ever seen in politics. And such heart! What a marvelous person to have on the people's side.

  • @davelester1985
    @davelester1985 Před 5 lety +180

    I am 71, seen everything in the past, and she is the most refreshing hope for our country. I so hope that her honesty will catch on to other young people. Our country is so lost. It started with Kennedy being killed and has never recovered. Now led by a tyrant, a hater, and a man who is totally corrupt. Good interview. Thank you.

    • @jazzx251
      @jazzx251 Před 5 lety +6

      Completely agree.
      It's a shame that you have to be a jaded 40-something to even be allowed to run for President.
      Imagine if Alexandria was allowed to run right now - while she has energy and ideas, and at the top of her game ...
      And anyone who says that "we don't want a toddler for President - that's why the rule exists!" ...
      ... what have you got now?
      A 70+ year-old toddler who wants to build a wall, and shuts down the government for months because the adults won't let him do it.
      Alexandria - right now - would be a MASSIVE improvement on that.

    • @raymar091
      @raymar091 Před 5 lety +3

      The USA at some point lost the ability to learn from their past and from their senior citizens who has the wisdom of the living experience passing through life. This "Girl" as some call her could be a young lady but an old soul....

    • @DirkAustin
      @DirkAustin Před 5 lety

      Age for president run should be 25. And foreigners should be able to run. If Ilhan or Rashida are the best and want the job they should be able to run.

    • @huh4tofpv384
      @huh4tofpv384 Před 5 lety

      @@DirkAustin are you out of your mind.. then what would stop "yalls hated person" Vladimir Putin from running for our president.. y'all think he's so good... shoot he'll hacked the election and win it and then be our president that case of foreigners can run for president..

    • @huh4tofpv384
      @huh4tofpv384 Před 5 lety

      And it's so nice the older generation lived through the capitalist Market of the u.s. growing and growing and made their money and now all of a sudden they want to turn socialist and take the money from the younger crowd don't understand that.. out of both of my grandparents one side was Democrat and one side was Republican the Democratic side left their children with nothing except for bills and the Republican side of my family left their family with land ,money, bonds, stocks wealth ,not saying it's a lot of wealth but a little bit.. had all the proper insurances that we didn't get stuck paying any bills afterwards.. everything was paid for.

  • @AnisJerbi
    @AnisJerbi Před 5 lety +35

    there is something weird about her,
    she doesn't look corrupted.

    • @radrook4481
      @radrook4481 Před 5 lety +2

      You are right, she doesn't look corrupted. Her single-minded focus on helping others regardless of opposition and the possibility of negative personal career consequences does stand out.

    • @AnisJerbi
      @AnisJerbi Před 5 lety

      @J St. Angelo or maybe it's just a pathetic attempt to drag her down...

    • @normanornelas6322
      @normanornelas6322 Před 5 lety

      Stealing a million dollars from campaign funds. No she's not corrupt. AOC .is a fucking hypocrite. Hypocrisy is her policy.

    • @hobo8399
      @hobo8399 Před 5 lety

      anis jerbi yea she only wants to ban planes, gas cars, coal mines which would end 127k jobs in the US, and boat trade. Which would also end another few million jobs if she ended the gas industry leaving about 13% of Americans jobless and at risk of going into poverty. She wants to raise taxes and replace att travel with trains, these trains would be built by our tax dollars in which we would ride a train which would cost a few trillion dollars to build according to her green new deal plan, to build a train across the ocean, she wants the government to run the grocery outlets which is a pathway Venezuela took and now they are a socialist government but all that aside because I’m a liberal and idc she’s a lovely woman and totally not corrupt

    • @chillin9712
      @chillin9712 Před 5 lety

      Asides from her taking 1 million dollars from her campaign ? Or trying to push socialism on the US ? Or using “global warming” to push her green new deal ? Should I go on ?

  • @sikavik
    @sikavik Před 5 lety +300

    I'm glad the #GreenNewDeal has national traction, and I credit the #SunriseMovement and #AOC for that. But I also give huge credit to #JillStein and the #GreenParty for conceptualizing it. I'm grateful to all of them: Sunrise Mvmt, AOC, Justice Democrats, Stein, and the Green Party.

    • @sagebluebean
      @sagebluebean Před 5 lety +5

      I didn't know that the green party & jill stein conceptualized it! Can you give me a link about that?

    • @sagebluebean
      @sagebluebean Před 5 lety +2

      @@sikavik thanks!

    • @sikavik
      @sikavik Před 5 lety +3

      @@sagebluebean np!

    • @Snafuski
      @Snafuski Před 5 lety +2

      The American Greens picked up on this very late. I already wrote them back in the early Eighties, while they were still trying to figure out what the color green was. They had zero interest in making any real inroads, like most Americans, the world beyond their intellectual and physical borders simply doesn't exist. Oddly enough, Stein, by making a bid for power in 2016, probably harmed the environment more than any regular Democrat. AOC, though, might well be a part of the solution.

    • @maryannlammersen6536
      @maryannlammersen6536 Před 5 lety +5

      @@Snafuski Can you please explain what you mean by "Stein....harmed the environment" and how it connects with how you think AOC might be "part of the solution"? (thanx)

  • @dennismiller5725
    @dennismiller5725 Před 5 lety +126

    I bought a house in 1983 in Cerritos, Ca (I no longer own it) for $123k which I felt was exorbitant and I checked yesterday for a duplicate house on the same street with an asking price of $745k. There is, if I were still working, no way that my wage group could afford it today. That appears to be the end of the middle class for me.

    • @onomatopoeia162003
      @onomatopoeia162003 Před 5 lety +15

      wage stagnation since the 80's

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      Dennis Miller, it appears that u need too look again.

    • @NBGTFO
      @NBGTFO Před 5 lety +5

      It's California. Are you so stupid that you can't see that California is a cesspool of greed, corruption and identity politics that benefits NO ONE except the corrupt politicians? It's astounding how stupid people can be to let this corruption not only continue, but flourish. The idiots in CA actually support the destruction of their state and long to have that destruction engulf the entire country.

    • @dennismiller5725
      @dennismiller5725 Před 5 lety +5

      @@NBGTFO A rather narrow view of a housing shortage not being addressed by anyone, Ca is more vulnerable given they have the largest population of any state.

    • @mikecannon3044
      @mikecannon3044 Před 5 lety

      yeah, it's pretty bad. NOT pretty

  • @sheepwshotguns42
    @sheepwshotguns42 Před 5 lety +128

    you never hear about things like this. ive never heard an insiders view about things like committee appointments from a progressive viewpoint. this interview needs 4 more hours of content. so fascinating!

    • @9nxt
      @9nxt Před 5 lety +8

      i took an elective course in college called political science and it was an eye opener. there is so much money involved in politics thats it is a blessed miracle this lady made it in. im so glad she did though. she is bringing a lot of these things to light, it honestly is making me exited to see what is going to be done about this.

    • @marx9868
      @marx9868 Před 5 lety +1

      Ron Walsh she is the most unrealistic candidate on earth. Good personality. Shittiest and most insane ideas. It’s sad how many people she fools with her words. 99% of her ideas either don’t work or are extremely radical.

    • @Daneelro
      @Daneelro Před 5 lety +8

      @@marx9868 none of her ideas are radical and you know it, that's why you fear her. _Eisenhower_ was more radical on both taxes on the rich and government investment, and literally all other developed countries have public healthcare. Your lies aren't working on anyone but yourselves.

    • @roshi98
      @roshi98 Před 5 lety

      @@marx9868 Like what? Be specific.

    • @melissinha73
      @melissinha73 Před 5 lety

      I really enjoyed the conversation with Rep Brad Miller but I was left wanting more. I wish that they had more time for the two to talk more and delve into more specifics.

  • @scotty6124
    @scotty6124 Před 5 lety +196

    I'm convinced either AOC never sleeps or has a twin.

    • @MyChalkman
      @MyChalkman Před 5 lety +16

      She's like a rock star who does a show every night and then goes home and tweets about it.

    • @hundejahre
      @hundejahre Před 5 lety +29

      This is what happens when you elect young blood over tired old professional politicians whose idea of exercise is depositing lobbyist checks.

    • @MyChalkman
      @MyChalkman Před 5 lety +1


    • @dremid4456
      @dremid4456 Před 5 lety

      or a tulpa~~~

    • @dZaq
      @dZaq Před 5 lety +9

      Scott C I mean she was talking to her followers while making lasagna during a live stream, just to be able to answer their questions. That's representation.
      ... or a twin 😘

  • @karlosjeffers4791
    @karlosjeffers4791 Před 5 lety +232

    Conservatives underestimate AOC the same way a lot of Liberals underestimated Trump
    She even gets regular free coverage on Fox News! Thanks guys 👍😅

    • @onomatopoeia162003
      @onomatopoeia162003 Před 5 lety +6

      As I say. ignore the 2 at their own perril

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety +5

      Karlos Jeffers, so more people can see how far gone Democrats are. and it works. so, no. we want to think you.

    • @karlosjeffers4791
      @karlosjeffers4791 Před 5 lety +13

      deepwhoreysin er not all conservatives agree with you. Polls show a third of registered Republicans already support AOC’s tax increase of the wealthy (I saw that poll read out on Fox), sad day for the die hard Trump supporters.

    • @onomatopoeia162003
      @onomatopoeia162003 Před 5 lety +3

      @@karlosjeffers4791 probably the same 1/3 that want the min. wage to go up as well.

    • @Warrenmitchum
      @Warrenmitchum Před 5 lety +2

      I like how ppl talk shit about trump on Twitter but then AOC pretty much video twitters herself doing whatever as if she’s a content creator and ppl for some reason adore it instead of draw parallels to trump and realize she’s a female trump at this point.

  • @rashad123us
    @rashad123us Před 5 lety +121

    Ryan Grim is great! I love his reporting 👍

    • @celloheadreborn5828
      @celloheadreborn5828 Před 5 lety +2

      Ryan Grim is the GOAT

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      Rashad, me too, right. but we already know how stupidity looks. sooooo, no. now we just see it x3.

    • @TheSpiritOfTheTimes
      @TheSpiritOfTheTimes Před 5 lety +1

      He is good, but I just don't get the haircut. Come on man, what is with that?

    • @AwesomeBlackDude
      @AwesomeBlackDude Před 5 lety

      So where the info on immigrant ratio on Social Security? My understanding is for every four immigrants help to pay for one citizen of the United States Social Security. Am I wrong?

  • @Robert_McGarry_Poems
    @Robert_McGarry_Poems Před 5 lety +129

    Democrats have to get rid of super-delegates.

    • @torrentialrage
      @torrentialrage Před 5 lety +9

      They have been effectively downgraded to the role of tie breakers thanks to the work of people like Nomiki Konst.
      I'm much more concerned about the relstionship between the DNC and the media.

    • @torrentialrage
      @torrentialrage Před 5 lety +7

      I have an addendum to this post. A superdelegate just announced for Kamela Harris. Now Superdelegates need to be made unable to fucking vote so long before the primary.

    • @Nicole_whatsgood
      @Nicole_whatsgood Před 5 lety +3

      @@torrentialrage oh thank god Democrat elites can only subvert democracy if the election is really close now.

    • @torrentialrage
      @torrentialrage Před 5 lety

      @@Nicole_whatsgood I think that's a really stupid and myopic concern.

    • @Nicole_whatsgood
      @Nicole_whatsgood Před 5 lety +7

      @@torrentialrage Stupid and myopic? With such a crowded upcoming primary there's a real chance that voting will go to a second ballot. That means there's a real chance super delegates could swing the election. Why is worrying about that stupid? Sorry for being upset that Democratic elites still have the power of thousands of votes in close primaries.

  • @Furtivo95
    @Furtivo95 Před 5 lety +32

    Sadly this is the first sober and intelligent interview of AOC I’ve seen. Most media just probe her with scandalous questions.

    • @wesleywright7796
      @wesleywright7796 Před 5 lety +1

      @viperswhip , Bernie Stana Clause Sanders? The same guy who praised the USSR? Socialism? Democratic Socialism? Are you realizing that Socialism has murdered 100 million people in the last hundred years? Let's count the Democratic Socialism promises and mass murder that results. Hitler put Socialism in the NAZI name. It's the National Socialist Workers party of Germany. Mao murdered 70 million in China under socialism, promising peace and prosperity. Stallen murdered 30 million as a socialist. Pol Pot murder 4 million in Cambodia as a socialist. Hitler was a democtric socialist because he came to power by a vote of the people. Cuba has socialism under Castro and it's so great there that people risk their lives trying to float to on old pick ups trying to get to Florida.
      Now the Democrats priased Socialism in Venezuela 10 years ago. Now there is no food and people hope to not to starve by eating their dogs. But it was Democratic Socialism. You socialist are going to get a lot of people murdered if you don't study outside the left wing indoctrination camps widely known as public institutions.

  • @christopherderrah3294
    @christopherderrah3294 Před 5 lety +15

    A O-C is obviously intelligent and knowledgeable, but it's also obvious that she is willing to give a smart message, without talking down to the public or saying stupid things that she thinks will jive with people.

  • @Antman4656
    @Antman4656 Před 5 lety +238

    Cant wait to watch the congressional hearings. With a normal person in Congress not just a tongue bath from the rich boys club to other rich people.

    • @micwilliams7743
      @micwilliams7743 Před 5 lety +1

      Ya, like when she goes up against seasoned, polished and worse for AOC, highly intelligent individuals that she has questions for and has to like, understand what there're saying, like wow, major popcorn time.

    • @KemoSays
      @KemoSays Před 5 lety +8

      @@micwilliams7743 put some periods in that sentence. not sure what you're trying to say.

    • @tompaulcampbell
      @tompaulcampbell Před 5 lety +2

      Come on! Be honest. There are plenty of women in Congress fucking us over too!

    • @ChannelMath
      @ChannelMath Před 5 lety

      Can't wait until Washington figures out how to corrupt her!

    • @stevencoardvenice
      @stevencoardvenice Před 5 lety

      They're gonna cut her mic off. At some point they're gonna poison this girl or put some illegal shit on her laptop. They can't let this get bigger. Obama's rogue NSA can do her in easily. And when that happens it's our job to get out the yellow vests and get the fuck off twitter

  • @agustin1027
    @agustin1027 Před 5 lety +27

    What a great podcast! Hope AOC does more like these!

  • @mialovely7864
    @mialovely7864 Před 5 lety +244

    She's so cute she's taking notes. I just love her! AOC I love you girl.

  • @folkeholmberg3519
    @folkeholmberg3519 Před 5 lety +68

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
    is the light that could
    dilute the American
    Greetings from Sweden

    • @timnelson3431
      @timnelson3431 Před 5 lety +1

      @J G They're from Sweden, what do you expect.

    • @mikekarras2253
      @mikekarras2253 Před 5 lety +1

      Beautiful, poetic sentiment. She is what is possible in representation. We're seeking more of her. I know what you mean by "dilute the American darkness", and I agree.

    • @scottlawder7617
      @scottlawder7617 Před 5 lety

      Hmmm, the haters from the GOP? @J G

  • @evingmadeez5008
    @evingmadeez5008 Před 5 lety +148

    AOC is SO awesome...
    It's being recorded in audio & video but she is STILL taking notes on paper #BravoCongressWoman

    • @Augalv
      @Augalv Před 5 lety +4

      After she won, I was hoping Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would continue standing up to Israel, but she didn't. In fact, after defeating Crowley, she stopped criticizing Israel's massacre of Palestinians civilians saying she is not a "geopolitical expert". No to mention the fact that she payed respects to war criminal John McCain when he died, and now supports Zionist Neocon Andrew Cuomo. She is a fraud.

    • @paulkwiatkowski1059
      @paulkwiatkowski1059 Před 5 lety

      Oh you must be a millennial

    • @IMSiegfried
      @IMSiegfried Před 5 lety +5

      @@paulkwiatkowski1059 "you must be a millennial" They're everywhere!!!

    • @micwilliams7743
      @micwilliams7743 Před 5 lety +1

      @@IMSiegfried Women put up status honoring the KKK in the south during the 40'S + i THINK IF WHITE WOMEN HEARD THAT, TALK ABOUT WOMEN'S RAGE! LITTLE CORTEZ FRAMES THE CONVERSATION, BIG TIME.

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      EVs for Donkeys 2018, she was writing a suicide note. using emoj. cause she can't spell. cause she is stupid.

  • @Skinnymarks
    @Skinnymarks Před 5 lety +69

    Empty home tax. eliminate the artificial shortage of housing.
    Homes first policy to get people off the street.

    • @daveleighton4683
      @daveleighton4683 Před 5 lety

      Why tax empty houses? Why not just give them to the homeless? That way the homeless can move to Detroit and take over the empty properties left when Detroit shut down. It would be easy to do because Detroit has been democrat since forever.....

    • @Skinnymarks
      @Skinnymarks Před 5 lety +5

      1 because empty houses are a common way to launder money... On a more serious note It's basically a tax on the hyper wealthy that are clogging up our society with all these money monuments.
      2 we aren't a Communist country. Who would give the government the right to seaze property? Also holy fuck that's stupid, a homeless city would be the most distructive thing ever and everyone would just flow forth from Detroit or die on the journey out because theres just not the resources nessasary to live homeless/unemployed there.

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety +2

      Skinnymarks, that's stupid. extremely ignorant statement.

    • @daveleighton4683
      @daveleighton4683 Před 5 lety +1

      @@Skinnymarks you've got the point. Detroit and many of the democrat held cities and, if you like, include California, are in exactly that position because the dems tax their populations to death and beyond and wrap them up in such red tape that they can't exist, so they suffer from wealth flight and collapse. Am I wrong? Comrade Cortez is offering those blessings to the whole of America. China will take back all the businesses that Trump has fought so hard for. There goes your wealth.

    • @Skinnymarks
      @Skinnymarks Před 5 lety

      Ignorant how? Provide an argument or you have the issue of infinite ignorance of never saying anything of any use.

  • @101doreen
    @101doreen Před 5 lety +8

    Look at AOC! She is taking notes. She is always being better and doing better. She will take those notes to Washington and make the difference that is needed. Thank you, AOC‼️

    • @atpnguyen1442
      @atpnguyen1442 Před 5 lety

      American voters are now mature enough - Healthcare is the top human right of mankind - Americans are human - Maybe, some of GOP conservatives call 110 Universal healthcare Nations (on this earth) socialist? - All of those nations are poorer than America and still provide its citizens with health coverage policies that depend on their economic potentialities … American people are human like those people and deserve a better healthcare system for all ( Medicare for All)…

  • @sulebo2153
    @sulebo2153 Před 5 lety +102

    AOC is a lightworker. She's a voice for change in the world. A change to goodness, sweetness. I like the "Green New Deal" moniker. Anybody who knows history has to love FDR's New Deal which gave us the middle class for a century. Tack on climate change and it covers all the bases in 3 words.

    • @TCt83067695
      @TCt83067695 Před 5 lety +2

      Remember the Green New Deal started with Jill Stein not just AOC

    • @paulkwiatkowski1059
      @paulkwiatkowski1059 Před 5 lety +2

      She is a demon in human guise a false lightworker a false idol

    • @sulebo2153
      @sulebo2153 Před 5 lety +4

      @@paulkwiatkowski1059 Paul honey, I think you accidentally wrote your comment on the wrong page - but sending love your way anyhow

    • @sulebo2153
      @sulebo2153 Před 5 lety +1

      @@TCt83067695 Let's just keep passing it on :)

    • @paulkwiatkowski1059
      @paulkwiatkowski1059 Před 5 lety +1

      @@sulebo2153 yeah I don't think so you're either with Humanity or against humanity and demons posing as humans don't count

  • @jlavenda1
    @jlavenda1 Před 5 lety +60

    Wow this was an amazing discussion

    • @micwilliams7743
      @micwilliams7743 Před 5 lety +1

      It sure is, acknowledge that cortez is a racist.

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety +1

      Soundosaurus, except it wasn't.

    • @agzuhdhdandicycidjs3230
      @agzuhdhdandicycidjs3230 Před 5 lety +1

      It is an echo chamber. No one questioned her on where the money for her “Medicare for all” program will come from or how taxing the rich 90% may make them all flee the country taking their jobs with them.

  • @makatron
    @makatron Před 5 lety +25

    She is amazing, the dinosaurs in Washington don't know battle against someone that's transparent.

  • @tweekmenipps5053
    @tweekmenipps5053 Před 5 lety +11

    AOC is the real deal. Refreshing, wise and compassionate. What a future she has representing the people, should she decide to continue in politics.

  • @itze2216
    @itze2216 Před 5 lety +6

    AOC , you are the hope and future for USA. Don"t let anybody let you down.

  • @ala.9768
    @ala.9768 Před 5 lety +7

    I have been following The Intercept since its inception. I haven't seen that many politicians getting interviewed here...till now. AOC is a breathe of fresh air. Truly amazing.

  • @joeexotic2545
    @joeexotic2545 Před 5 lety +14

    So refreshing to see a young, driven , authentic politician - somebody who cares and has actual beliefs and convictions and is not just a sell out to the corporations

  • @timbingen4772
    @timbingen4772 Před 5 lety +5

    I lost my job, health insurance, most of my pension and finally my home during the recession. I got registered letters from the bank about foreclosure about 3 times a week............and the cars taking pictures was devastating to me at the time.

    • @jazzx251
      @jazzx251 Před 5 lety +1

      This is awful - you can see the vultures circling.
      It's wrong on every level.

    • @paulfromt.o.7384
      @paulfromt.o.7384 Před 5 lety

      Brutal, predatory behaviour. I feel sad for people the world over who act like this.

    • @atpnguyen1442
      @atpnguyen1442 Před 5 lety

      If American voters want a clean government, they will support the Anti-Corruption Bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren

    • @atpnguyen1442
      @atpnguyen1442 Před 5 lety

      , there have been about 110 Universal healthcare nations (UHN) on this earth so far. Those are poorer than America. We American people are human and deserve a better healthcare system for all… Americans are human like those people in 110 UHN …

  • @Ismaring007
    @Ismaring007 Před 3 lety +3

    If I was a politician, I'd be terrified when AOC says "I have a question"

  • @benodov
    @benodov Před 5 lety +5

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of the few who is aware of the importance of social justice. Now they some politicians (including president Trump) mocking her, but she will become a very important person with time.

  • @PhilipRhoadesP
    @PhilipRhoadesP Před 5 lety +11

    Really great interview / chat ! - as an Australian is was particularly interesting to hear from Brad and also about the practicalities that Alexandria is needing to go through - she has such great politics at the moment - I hope she is not beaten down by "the System" over time . . as she recognises, we don't have much time to seriously address some existential problems for our species . .

  • @iainmackenzieUK
    @iainmackenzieUK Před 5 lety +11

    A very intellectually diverse and stimulating discussion. Admirable. and, (with not one ounce of cynicism) I hope she can continue to bring the sense and meaning of all of this to the ordinary person in the street.

  • @tucker12435
    @tucker12435 Před 5 lety +31

    im 26 and im happy to see someone represent my generation. I am a dedicated Bernie Sanders supporter but I’m keeping my eye on this lady, she has potential but she needs to do better fact checking on her speeches ive seen. but i love her charisma and ambition. when Bernie retires i think she will be his successor

    • @Hardcoreforliife
      @Hardcoreforliife Před 5 lety

      Watch out for the DEMs they are consistently proving to be snakes

    • @atpnguyen1442
      @atpnguyen1442 Před 5 lety

      Albert Einstein said, “Two things are infinite: The universe and the stupidity …If someone is smart and honest, he doesn’t need to fatten greedy guys up … Selling insurance like selling human bodies… Healthcare is the top human right granted by God…

    • @atpnguyen1442
      @atpnguyen1442 Před 5 lety

      Senators Bernie Sanders, Warren Elizabeth, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Senator-Elect Kyrsten Sinema, and many Democrats … support Medicare for all

  • @mikevallender
    @mikevallender Před 5 lety +19

    I really enjoyed this interview, I hear a lot of the conservative right try to frame AOC as a dummy, I guess if you only watch FOX, you don't get to see how thoughtful and articulate she is.

    • @reginafontenot600
      @reginafontenot600 Před 5 lety +1

      No one is trying to feame hwr as a dumny she just simply is a dummy and you dont have to be a consiritive nor a republican to see that you simply have to be intellighent or at the very least have two working brain cells to rub together which obviously you and the rest of her fan club do not have.

    • @audiotomb
      @audiotomb Před 5 lety

      You can be an excellent articulator - be sincere. - but you can also be sincerely wrong.
      One minute she sounds likes she's 14 years old, the next a mid twenties SJW who doesn't deal fully in reality. I also hate her identity and victim politics. She comes off as if she is the most unique person ever born and everyone is hanging on her experience (limited as it is) and every word.

  • @rotyoto
    @rotyoto Před 5 lety +16

    Finally young smart people with compassion and courage have a voice in our archaic political system. I have never felt this happy and hopeful for the future of not just the USA but the entire world, as I am right now. Thank you very much AOC, we love you, you have our support always!

    • @nisigate
      @nisigate Před 5 lety

      Me too am middle age but feel very hopeful for the very first time with my vote

    • @reginafontenot600
      @reginafontenot600 Před 5 lety

      You brain dead imbeciles. If you think she is smart that doesnt say much abourt your intelligence. What it does say is you are in rhe very lowest spectrum when it comes to intelligence.

  • @davidromney4150
    @davidromney4150 Před 5 lety +18

    AOC speaks to the silent masses, listens to us, and then gives many of us a new voice!

    • @atpnguyen1442
      @atpnguyen1442 Před 5 lety

      American voters are now mature enough - Healthcare is the top human right of mankind - Americans are human - Maybe, some of GOP conservatives call 110 Universal healthcare Nations (on this earth) socialist? - All of those nations are poorer than America and still provide its citizens with health coverage policies that depend on their economic potentialities … American people are human like those people and deserve a better healthcare system for all ( Medicare for All)…

  • @dansshop
    @dansshop Před 5 lety +4

    Incredibly sharp/intelligent... seemingly humble person.

  • @djbprogrammer
    @djbprogrammer Před 5 lety +4

    Alexandria is brilliant and outstanding. God speed.

  • @fifthape2119
    @fifthape2119 Před 5 lety +8

    I enjoy getting to better know authentic, genuine, thinking people. I'm so tired of the Republicans and the Corporate Democrats.

  • @dZaq
    @dZaq Před 5 lety +6

    I love that she's taking notes from Brad Miller. I've noticed that she has an open mind, and a passion to learn. She speaks a lot, but she listens way more.

  • @gerrickbrooks8063
    @gerrickbrooks8063 Před 5 lety +5

    THIS LAST QUESTION ON FRONT RUNNER'S. THE QUESTION SHOULD BE , who will serve the people and not the CORP.

  • @ThomasHUsher
    @ThomasHUsher Před 5 lety +16

    Okay, so as a counterweight, I typically rail against identity politics. Therefore, when she says not to ignore identity, I breathe better. Yes, don't ignore it. That's where it needs to be and to remain. Economic class has to be first, and democracy is the key, the solution, not dictatorship of the proletariat but a leveling via democracy. From there, I swear all the identity issues will be vastly easier to work through and to repair: heal.

    • @bilaljones3635
      @bilaljones3635 Před 5 lety +1

      Uhh.... maybe. There's a book titled "Identity Crisis" Michael Tesler, that looks at the election of Donald Trump (as well as the policy positions and racial ideas of people on both the left and right from the 1960s to present) through the lens of identity (primarily white identity). It might be an enlightening read for you if you haven't already read as it articulates my particular concern for people who claim that progressive politics should acknowledge identity politics but not center it. As a black person, it is nearly impossible for me to observe the history of this country without seeing racism weaved throughout it even during the "good times" in America (slavery ends- the Freedman's bank gets plundered and Jim Crow unleashes nearly 100 years of white terrorism on black people, segregation is ruled unconstitutional- leads to a rampant increase of black unemployment as black professionals (teachers, nurses, police officers) are discriminated against in these new mixed race spaces and systematically forced out of public servant careers). Even the New Deal- a crowning achievement of progressivism in America's history- still by and large was missed by black Americans who were discriminated out of viability for social safety nets until about the 1960s.
      So, color me skeptical, if I hear (mainly) white progressives laud the economic utopias of a progressive future when I have a lot of data that shows if a service doesn't specifically mention it will support black people (and lets be real, all people of color), our racist system will find a way for it to exclude us.

    • @ThomasHUsher
      @ThomasHUsher Před 5 lety +2

      I totally understand your view and feelings; however, when I say democracy, I'm using the term without qualifiers.
      We don't have a democracy right now in that sense. We are living under a plutocracy.
      Everything that held people down was for more money for the few. If we eliminate that inequality, how could we have black people held down?
      I'm a democratic-socialist in the strict sense. I'm so strict about it that the term itself is redundant for me. Democracy is socialism. Socialism is democracy.
      I'm leaving zero room for so-called "free enterprise." I'm an anti-capitalists through-and-through. I could not be even slightly consistent were I leaving any room for racism or ethnic bigotry.
      Utopian, I am not. I'm a complete pragmatist. I'm just talking about the inevitable future to bring it forth sooner than later.

    • @adrianbiber5340
      @adrianbiber5340 Před 5 lety

      It should all be about economy and not other identifying factors (sex, race etc).

    • @brianlacy8870
      @brianlacy8870 Před 5 lety

      Developing and holding inclusivity and intersectionality values and principles are essential to practice BC personal identities are deeply intertwined with economic injustice and healing. Can't / shouldn't be separated.

    • @nathanbruce1992
      @nathanbruce1992 Před 5 lety

      Tom Usher: true. I like how she said offentimes progressivism gets pitted against identity politics. She seems to care more about the deeper layers while so many people are surface level and use to rally against . It touches a nerve and comes off as self righteous. She does a good job walking the tight rope

  • @SEAL341
    @SEAL341 Před 5 lety +24

    Cooking with AOC at 7

  • @bradkohl6283
    @bradkohl6283 Před 5 lety +5

    I love you Ocasio Cortez!! Go girl!!

  • @Hee443
    @Hee443 Před 5 lety +4

    AOC is by far the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party in a long time. Love her so much.

  • @tegridyfarms9972
    @tegridyfarms9972 Před 5 lety +5

    Privilege: the idea that something isn't a problem just because it doesn't affect YOU personally.
    Thank you AOC for shedding a light on what privilege really means! Keep up the good work. You'll continue to resonate with normal people if you just continue to be yourself!

  • @stevemccormack9948
    @stevemccormack9948 Před 5 lety +5

    AOC has just been the first to echo what I said a long time ago - until America faces up to its past it will not move on.

  • @hootiegabriel9200
    @hootiegabriel9200 Před 5 lety +39

    Ooh some of my favorite people! ♥️✌️

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      Joan Tron, hahaha. good one. I hate them all too.

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      @@thelastcheeto how does me being an asshole reinforce any beliefs of socialism. It's actually people who want socialism and make dumb comments like that that make me an asshole. Your welcome.

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      @@thelastcheeto if people are actually feeling good about socialism then they are absolutely fucking retarded. So fuck em. Blind ignorance, is stupidity. I have no patients for stupid people.

  • @Chacopapi
    @Chacopapi Před 5 lety +2

    Love and support from a Latino Canadian 🇨🇦

  • @jjeshop
    @jjeshop Před 5 lety +4

    AOC is triggering these Trump supporters. Keep going!

  • @Antman4656
    @Antman4656 Před 5 lety +66

    Need more videos from you guys

  • @mars54mars54
    @mars54mars54 Před 5 lety +3

    great conversation, thank you all!

  • @yellowflash5828
    @yellowflash5828 Před 5 lety +8

    This Congresswoman is taking NOTES!!! She makes me love her more and more! Future President Alexandria Ocasio Cortez! That tells me she actually cares about the issues and the American people!

    • @rickyboy613
      @rickyboy613 Před 5 lety

      Blind, she will be just like the rest in no time, she's already flip flopping on issues.

    • @atpnguyen1442
      @atpnguyen1442 Před 5 lety

      AOC is one of the greatest thinkers and patriots of America. Most of working American families love her so much, we think

  • @ivansyevens6001
    @ivansyevens6001 Před 5 lety +16

    Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, more please, AOC is so down to earth that I just can't get enough of her, clean DC for us AOC, get corporate money out of politics.

    • @rickyboy613
      @rickyboy613 Před 5 lety

      You're as delusional as the political elite

  • @MugRuith
    @MugRuith Před 5 lety +20

    Well, after watching this I am left with many impressions. AOC is amazing, but Briahna Joy Gray is amazing also, she should run for some national office.

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      Pablo Ucan, hahaha.

    • @NBGTFO
      @NBGTFO Před 5 lety

      You are too easily amazed. These are idiots that have zero clue about the world. I guess that explains your attraction to them.

  • @avaprinceyoung
    @avaprinceyoung Před 5 lety +7

    I like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

  • @youfager
    @youfager Před 5 lety

    What equipment do you use?

  • @robotics4kids
    @robotics4kids Před 5 lety +6

    I hope she is president of the United States someday, not in the too far future. Just keep doing what you are doing, AOC. Keep your feet on the ground, your ego in check and your heart with the people.

    • @reginafontenot600
      @reginafontenot600 Před 5 lety

      So you hope to die. By hiping she becomes president you are hoping for your own demise and worse yet the death of billions of Americans.

  • @dillingersam588
    @dillingersam588 Před 5 lety +5

    A.O.C Should go for the 2020 Democratic Leadership - she is never to young. - She is the real deal😀❤

  • @batsukamuro
    @batsukamuro Před 5 lety

    This was great. Subscribed.

  • @RyanPauley
    @RyanPauley Před 5 lety +4

    I love that she's taking notes. It's like she's learning and continuing to soak in new information. Refreshing.

  • @oldgymrat71
    @oldgymrat71 Před 5 lety +5

    I am favourably impressed by this young woman I hope she can infuse us with the energy needed for successful change.

  • @dr.aliceclearman555
    @dr.aliceclearman555 Před 5 lety +4

    AOC gives me hope for our future as a country. We've had 30 years of trickle-down economics, which is a failed experiment. I voted for it. It sounded logical, but it didn't work. As Warren Buffett says, wealth didn't trickle down. It surged upward.
    In AOC, I see what I hope is the future of American politics. We need to move towards the kinds of government and economic policies we see in Europe. Because America is so huge and we have so many people, we can enjoy great prosperity and not take so much of America's wealth out of the hands of the Middle Class, as "trickle down" economics does. And the more you hurt the Middle Class, the fewer people you have to spend money on American businesses. It's just simple logic.
    I hope to see the House, the Senate, and the presidency fill with AOCs - she understands economics in a way that the GOP simply does not. She gives me hope for our country.

  • @captainjax5809
    @captainjax5809 Před 5 lety +2

    That was cool video guys! Keep up the great work and keep ppl informed on the topics that matter to every american citizen and resident no matter what creed they are!

  • @catherinecoman2508
    @catherinecoman2508 Před 5 lety +3

    You’re the best person to come into the government sphere in a million years. I will support you as long as I am on this earth! ❤️😎

  • @zoomdaddyo
    @zoomdaddyo Před 5 lety +21

    Excellent interview. #AOC #MMT #GreenNewDeal #FederalJobGuarantee #MedicareForAll

  • @allardfreichmann3733
    @allardfreichmann3733 Před 5 lety +7

    Keep cutting corruption Alexandria.

  • @nielspeterbhm5708
    @nielspeterbhm5708 Před 5 lety +2

    So happy for the US, suddenly you are blessed with AOC, now you please listen to her and follow her lead and You’ll be fine🍀Make sure she is safe and protected the World needs a voice like AOC🍀

  • @MideoKuze
    @MideoKuze Před 5 lety +10

    Occasio-Cortez got picked on wrt Palestine only because she was not right in enough detail, not because she was wrong.

  • @garlicbreath7259
    @garlicbreath7259 Před 5 lety +4

    Top interview people.

  • @slyhorse1
    @slyhorse1 Před 5 lety +14

    This needs closed captions. Its not inclusive when its audio without it. I cant share this with my deaf friends. :(

    • @tigereyez01
      @tigereyez01 Před 5 lety +4

      If you go to the intercept site to the podcast page, you'll see this video in the form of a podcast and below that there is a transcript of the whole entire conversation there. Afaik all the intercept's podcasts have accompanying transcripts on their site.

    • @cubiclekeys4118
      @cubiclekeys4118 Před 5 lety +4

      as of this writing, it has closed captions. 2:24 a.m. Wednesday 1/30/19

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      Noel Susskind, good, why would want them to be deaf, and stupid.

    • @tigereyez01
      @tigereyez01 Před 5 lety

      Also, would like to recommend to deaf and partially deaf lefty friends the citations needed podcast that also has transcripts available.
      Podcast page :
      Transcript page :

  • @LightxHeaven
    @LightxHeaven Před 5 lety

    Fantastic interview/conversation.

  • @jackblack24
    @jackblack24 Před 5 lety +4

    I love her so much, she is literally taking notes in an interview where she is the main event. So humble and genuine, and wanting to learn how to make a difference

  • @marywalters1181
    @marywalters1181 Před 5 lety +24

    Those of us that followed and supported AOC from the early days of her campaign love her. Not sure what to think of the centrist johnny come lately crowd who are trying to claim her now.

    • @electric8668
      @electric8668 Před 5 lety +9

      Mary Walters remember locals are the first to see those in their areas so don't be upset with those who are attracted to her after that fact. I'd take it as a complement of my good taste and judgment.

    • @marywalters1181
      @marywalters1181 Před 5 lety +3

      @@electric8668 I live in Texas. I started to support her because she was a Berniecrat.

    • @electric8668
      @electric8668 Před 5 lety +4

      @@marywalters1181 Great I think we both agree she's a breath of fresh air America and congress needs. Check out Ayanna Pressley

    • @marywalters1181
      @marywalters1181 Před 5 lety +1

      @@electric8668 I've been following Ayanna just as long. But thanks for the centrist civics lesson.

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      Mary Walters, idiots.

  • @CroneLife1
    @CroneLife1 Před 5 lety +3

    Love how she is asking direct and intelligent questions which respect the knowledge of the person to whom she is speaking, and then she takes notes to make sure she captures all the points she needs for further research! She is committed to learning everything and using what she learns to make what she knows more effective. This is a new work ethic for DC which I hope becomes the new norm. Bravo to AOC!!

  • @dillingersam588
    @dillingersam588 Před 5 lety +14

    Awsome A.O.C. Socialist Democrats - For The People 😀 the other politicians are really scared of her 😀 She is So Unique ❤😀

    • @agzuhdhdandicycidjs3230
      @agzuhdhdandicycidjs3230 Před 5 lety

      She is scared of Ben Shapiro

    • @rickyboy613
      @rickyboy613 Před 5 lety

      @@agzuhdhdandicycidjs3230 fuck that zionist cunt, Shapiro

    • @glennmcgeath3262
      @glennmcgeath3262 Před 5 lety

      Socialism is just a heartbeat away from communism.

    • @atpnguyen1442
      @atpnguyen1442 Před 5 lety

      American voters are now mature enough - Healthcare is the top human right of mankind - Americans are human - Maybe, some of GOP conservatives call 110 Universal healthcare Nations (on this earth) socialist? - All of those nations are poorer than America and still provide its citizens with health coverage policies that depend on their economic potentialities … American people are human like those people and deserve a better healthcare system for all ( Medicare for All)…

  • @jimisru
    @jimisru Před 5 lety +1

    Awesome She is great, and this was a very informative discussion.

  • @TCt83067695
    @TCt83067695 Před 5 lety +37

    AOC - i luv you but Jill Stein needs more credit for the Green New Deal.
    Still think you're a hero tho 👍🏾

    • @MRayner59
      @MRayner59 Před 5 lety +3

      At this point the only "credit" Comrade Stein gets is for helping to elect Trump.

    • @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517
      @iwishiwaswrongbutimnot517 Před 5 lety

      TCt83067695, your hero is sad. she is as useless as Captain Obvious

    • @k7u5r8t4
      @k7u5r8t4 Před 5 lety +5

      TCt83067695 Why are you trying to pretend, this is somehow a "competition" between Jill Stein and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? I am certain, that Jill Stein is happy, that AOC and many others are bringing the "Green New Deal" concept into the minds of many more people now.

    • @TCt83067695
      @TCt83067695 Před 5 lety +3

      @@MRayner59 you're a dumbass
      I cant even

    • @TCt83067695
      @TCt83067695 Před 5 lety +6

      @@k7u5r8t4 i'm not pretending and Yes ofcourse Jill Stein is not petty like me so she's not pressed like i am.
      But AOC herself brought it up and said she created it. All by herself. What happened to the ppl of the Sunrise Movt? What happened to Bernie?
      She just needs to give credit to the legendary unsung heroes that's all
      Ofcourse we all still love her. But she's human and not above criticism.

  • @mathersdevin981
    @mathersdevin981 Před 5 lety +6

    You get a like for the TNG star trek reference.

  • @alexobed3184
    @alexobed3184 Před 5 lety +2

    I've heard it all my life, but I think I got cynical: that "one person can change things." And here we have one person who is literally shaking the political structure of this country.

  • @octaviansoto6254
    @octaviansoto6254 Před 5 lety

    I didnt know yall had a youtube channel! Iv been podcasting this whole time.

  • @QuiChiYang2
    @QuiChiYang2 Před 5 lety +4

    Money & the power it yields, needs to vacate the hall of politics. We cannot have a democracy, debates, discussion, etc, when BIG MONEY interests take the center stage. In those case where it foreshadows, we can certainly predict the outcome. AOC & other Justice Democrats are essential for restoring our Constitutional system. Thanks for posting this video.

  • @al-khwarizmi769
    @al-khwarizmi769 Před 5 lety +4

    Careful Intercept! AOC happens to share a lot of the things you push for. I'd like you to remember she's a politician and you'd have to check her someday if she steers of course.

  • @RobertWGreaves
    @RobertWGreaves Před 5 lety +1

    I am a White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant male. AOC greatly impresses me , such a refreshing change. I hope she is around for a long career.

  • @williamradowne8209
    @williamradowne8209 Před 5 lety +2

    Love and respect for AOC!

  • @jawadad802
    @jawadad802 Před 5 lety +4

    Someone should tell the Donald there's a house ethic's rule commitee....

  • @chuychongas
    @chuychongas Před 5 lety +5

    AOC for president pls

    • @limmiesnoddy1977
      @limmiesnoddy1977 Před 5 lety +1

      Give her time & She'll be running, can't wait to see her change the system

    • @overbeb
      @overbeb Před 5 lety +1

      In good time. She needs to run another primary first. Specifically for a Senate seat.

    • @atwaterpub
      @atwaterpub Před 3 lety +1


    • @chuychongas
      @chuychongas Před 3 lety

      @@atwaterpub she's so hot

  • @michaelhenshaw-vetmedengli2064

    Exactly, climate change and the Green New Deal need to be talked about on EVERY debate! We've just lost four years that the planet could scarcely afford.

  • @JohnnyBoiProductions
    @JohnnyBoiProductions Před 5 lety

    Thank you Mr. Grimmmmmmm

  • @disasterarea9341
    @disasterarea9341 Před 5 lety +11

    I love this I love you all #AOC2028

  • @ClassWarFilms
    @ClassWarFilms Před 5 lety +7

    Intercept: get your video studio techniques together! Bad lighting, wrong lens, awkward camera switching, Background confusing. Get some pros working!

    • @DougGrinbergs
      @DougGrinbergs Před 5 lety

      Crazy white balance shifts between cameras: purple wall/grey wall. Maybe put stars in front, reporters in back. Some poor audio for a bit, too.

    • @imavileone7360
      @imavileone7360 Před 5 lety

      This isn't Infowars

    • @MrAsperagus
      @MrAsperagus Před 5 lety +1

      shut the fuck up

    • @JinnRikki
      @JinnRikki Před 5 lety +2

      Please, these are people talking, it could be done in a podcast. I've been listening for 15 minutes without looking at the video. If you're worried about those things I doubt you're getting much out of the conversation.

    • @brianlacy8870
      @brianlacy8870 Před 5 lety

      get / tell others / subscribe to ... their podcasts

  • @jagaml8210
    @jagaml8210 Před 5 lety +1

    Hi, I'so proud of you in so mainy levels!

  • @nickmatthewsmusicstudio

    for optimal experience, put loft beats on low in the background

  • @wayne-kj4iw
    @wayne-kj4iw Před 5 lety +4

    stop superdeligates and bernie would have won