Adventure at Haydon Point. ( short story ) chapter one

  • čas přidán 1. 05. 2024
  • Sam looked at his watch - he was almost there! Out of the train window he could see a bright moon, there were trees and a river with boats sitting on the water. He began to get worried. What if this wasn't the right station? What if his uncle wasn't there to pick him up?
    The train started to go slower.
    'We're now arriving at Melton Station,' the train driver said.
    Phew! This was the right place. He picked up his bags, got off the train and watched it leave.
    Sam lived in London where there was always noise, lights and people. Here in the countryside it was quiet, dark and, for the first time, he was completely alone. Sam took a deep breath.
    'Don't be such a baby!' he said to himself. 'There's nothing to worry about.'
    As he waited, he saw that it wasn't as quiet or as dark as he thought. There were birds calling on the river. When he looked up, he saw thousands and thousands of stars. It was a beautiful sky!
    School was over for the summer. Sam's mum and dad were working, his brother had a job in a hotel, and his sister was in France, looking after some children. 'Why don't you go and stay with my brother Andy in Ronesford?' Dad said to Sam at the beginning of the holidays. 'He lives near a river, and the sea isn't far away. It'll be fun.'
    Andy went to work for a computer company in America when Sam was six, but he was back in England now. Sam didn't really remember him.
    A car stopped in front of the station and a tall man got out.
    'Hello Sam!' said the big man, with an even bigger smile on his face. 'I'm your Uncle Andy.' He took Sam's hand. 'It's good to see you!'
    Sam sat in the car feeling tired and small next to his uncle. They drove past houses, then through a forest. Andy asked about Sam's family.
    'They're fine,' Sam said. 'They send their love. Dad said he'll come and see us in a week,' and he closed his eyes.
    When Sam woke up, it was light and he was lying in bed. There were noises downstairs. He got out of bed and almost hit his head on the ceiling.
    The house was small and very old. How could his uncle live here? Sam found the kitchen, and two black and white dogs came to say hello.
    'That's Rosie and that's Spike. They like you!' Andy said, carrying a big plate of eggs, beans and bread to the table. 'Eat this up, young man. We're going down to the river after this. I've got a surprise for you!'
    After breakfast, Sam followed Andy down to the water. There were lots of boats on the river - some for fishing, but most were sailing boats. 'Here we are!' Andy said, 'This is for you!'

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