  • čas přidán 4. 07. 2024
    This text is from the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible.
    In this video you can listen to the Best Version KJV Dramatized Audio Bible with Read Along Text and Images. If you would like to read and listen to more bible chapters, check out our PLAYLISTS section in our channel, linked here: / @2359timeisup
    Did you notice, in the KJV bible that there are no headings in the text? Which can make reading long chapters a bit of challenge sometimes. So what I have done with these KJV bible chapter recording, is; I have used the same KJV bible text that we all know and love, and added headings to break up the text, which makes it easier to read & memorize. So if you see the terms "KJV wh" or "KJVwh" on this channel, it simply means 'King James Version "with headings"'.
    [] Scripture from the: King James Version Bible. (KJV) - Public Domain.
    [] KJV Bible text on screen so that you can read along to the Audio Bible.
    [] Music: Gene Michael Productions (used with permission)
    [] Images (c) to emphasize what is being said
    [] Headings with Bible References (c) (for bible memorization / PBE)
    [] "Red Letter Bible" text to let you know when God / Jesus is speaking (or when an angel sent by God is speaking).
    [] Produced & Uploaded by: YTC: 23:59 TIME IS UP
    Any support is greatly appreciated.
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    God Bless.
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  • @Shivey-Caroline-7-23
    @Shivey-Caroline-7-23 Před 20 dny

    Praise be to The LORD God! - Thank you for sharing. Ever wondered - Who are the true saved people (spiritual Israel) of God according to scripture ? > Because God willing i want to be one of those people!
    Christ tells us who His people will be in : Revelation 12 : 17, Rev 14 : 12 & Rev 22 : 11-15, those who keep the commands of the Father and have the testimony of Jesus Christ in their lives.
    All Believers & Followers of Christ Jesus are all grafted into the commonwealth of the Nation of Israel, so they too become apart of the Israel of God see :
    Romans 11 : 11-31, & John 15 : 1-7, & 7-12,
    In : Romans 9: 25 - 26, > it tells us that God will make a people from the genital nations who were at one time Not His people into His people called 'Israel' through their faith & obedience in Christ Jesus, Amen!
    Faith is the Root - Obedience is the 'Good Fruit' of our Faith in Christ, see : John 15 : 1-6,
    Psalm 68 : 4 - 5, Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, And rejoice before Him. 5, A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God (Elohim in Hebrew) in His holy habitation. (nkjv) HalleluYah Amen!
    (Did you know there are - 40 occurrence of the name Yah in scripture : see also Psalm 106 in nkjv for the name of God - 'Yah', see : Strongs Concordance 3050)
    Jesus - (or Yahusha in Hebrew meaning God/Yah Saves or Yah's/God's Salvation) said to His followers in : Luke 11: 28, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
    Christ asks His followers in :
    Matthew 12:48-50, in Mark 3:34-35, & in Luke 8:21, > “Who are My mother & My brothers” ? - Jesus - Yahusha goes on to answer this question saying - “Those who hear the Word of God and do it (keep it) are My family - My mother & My brothers.”
    Are we Christ's true followers/family ? Do you & I hear & do His Word - His commands that come from the Father' - so that Christ may call us His kin - His family ? I hope so'
    Christ Jesus - (Yahusha) teaches His followers in :
    Matthew 7:12, “Therefore, whatever you wish men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law (Instructions from God the Father) and the Prophets.
    Jesus -Yahusha said to us in :
    Luke 11: 28, blessed are those who hear the word of God (Yah) and keep it!”
    And in : John 14:24, He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.
    Faith is the Root - Obedience is the 'Good Fruit' of our Faith in Christ, see : John 15 : 1-6,
    Christ warns us in :
    1 John 2 : 15 - 16, Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father Yah (God) is not in them. For everything in the world; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life comes 'Not' from the Father but from the world.
    We must all 'Repent' of our sins and get right with The LORD (Yah - Yahuah in Hebrew)' our Father in heaven.
    How to Love God & others, & be pleasing in God's eyes according to the Bible :
    1 John 5 : 2 - 5,
    2, By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and follow His commandments. 3, For this is the love of God (His will), that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.
    4, For whatever is born of God (Elohim in Hebrew) overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith.
    5, Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus (Yahusha) is the Son of God (Elohim) ?
    Christ tells us who are His in :
    John 13 : 35, By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    (So lets not hate on one another; even if we read & interpret the scriptures differently, let's love & pray for one another, & leave the Judgement to God')
    Christ teaches us in : Matthew 7 :17-20, You will know the true believers by their fruits - works - by keeping the Fathers & His commands', Also in : Matthew 23 : 9,
    Proverbs 16 : 7, When a man’s ways please The LORD ( יהוה Yahuah in Hebrew), He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
    God's ways/laws is His will for us; to everlasting life, ... And yes we will sometimes mess-up but then we do we must quickly repent of our sins from the heart & turn back to Him & His good & Holy ways - 'everyday if needs be' - to everlasting life, 'Amen'
    And as our dear brother Paul warns us in :
    Hebrews 10:26, For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the 'truth' there no longer remains a sacrifice for our sins,
    (But what is the 'truth' & the knowledge of 'truth' ? See : Psalm 119 ; 142, & Ephesians 5 : 1-21)
    What is sin in the Bible ?
    1 John 3 - 4,
    Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. (without keeping God's laws in your life).
    For God's (Yah's) Just & Loving commandments that bring blessings to those who keep them; please see : Exodus 20 : 1-17, Micah 6: 8, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 22 : 34 - 40, & Galatians 5 : 22-24, - (for the fruits of the Spirit that keep the laws of God/Yah).
    Faith is the Root - Obedience is the 'Good Fruit' of our Faith in Christ, see : John 15 : 1-6,
    Christ Jesus - Yahusha tells us to “Repent of our sins and believe in Him, to turn back to Yah - God the Father, for the blotting out of our sins, and to learn of Him the Messiah, see : (Matthew 11:27-30); And to walk in the Fathers way's of right-rulings and blessings as He did, see : (1John 2: 6-7), for He does not change; He is the same yesterday, today & forever, see : (Malachi 3:6, & Hebrews 13:8)
    King Solomon the son of King David, who asked God (Elohim) for the gift of wisdom said this, in :
    Ecclesiastes12 :13-14,
    After all is said and heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God (Yah) and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. 14, For God-Yah will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
    Micah 6 :8, what does Yah (God) want of His people, He has told us in 'His Word' - to Act Justly, Love Mercy, and to walk humbly before Him.
    Remember :
    Faith is the Root - Obedience is the 'Good Fruit' of our Faith in Christ, see : John 15 : 1-6,
    I hope these scriptures are helpful to you & all who read them; Shalom' (Peace) 🕊💕