Rotterdam, Chinatown and Surinamese Food! Does It Get Any Better...?

  • čas přidán 7. 07. 2024
  • When we moved from the US to Rotterdam Netherlands we have tried some good food and for me it been a hit (and sometimes a miss). But the Surinamese we had today was a huge score. If Tammy told me I'd be trying some things I tried today it wouldn't have happened. I WAS WRONG Surinamese food isn't's great!!! Living in Rotterdam as an expat from the US, one of our goals was to get out of our comfort zone and try new foods to us and this fit the bill. So The following is a list of things we tried and everyone was really good. SOOOO...if your ever in Rotterdam Netherlands, in Chinatown and looking for some awesome food stop here and Rene and Wilma will serve you some of the best! Thanks for watching our little vlog about us moving to the Netherlands...
    0:00 Intro
    1:22 Saoto Soep
    3:55 Bakkeijauw / Terri / Broodje
    9:20 Bami & Nasi &Sate
    14:54 Bara Met Kip Kerri
    18:23 Rotirol Kip
    20:42 Broodjie Tja Sieuw

Komentáře • 508

  • @nas4apps
    @nas4apps Před 11 měsíci +4

    Suriname food is such an amazing fusion! Indian, native American with native South American ingredients, African, Chinese, Indinesian, Carib, Portugese and Dutch! It is all here - all these groups live in Suriname so: total fusion like no where else!

  • @xvln
    @xvln Před 2 lety +36

    Thanks for including Surinamese food in your discovery of NL!
    Your pronunciations are pretty good, its so great to see you enjoy the food i grew up on.
    All you needed after that was a nice Djogo of Parbo bier.
    (next time put the sateh on the nasi/bami)

  • @winmachielse1233
    @winmachielse1233 Před 2 lety +33

    Nice to see you enjoyed the Surinam food so much, it really is ‘lekker’. I might suggest you’d try some Indonesian food next. Saté ayam, rendang daging sapi, sambal goreng tempeh, gado gado, sajoer boontjes and bami rames. I already start drooling thinking about it.😁

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +3

      Lol!! Thank you for your suggestions, Win!! Also, thank you very much for watching us😊

  • @myafelicia
    @myafelicia Před 2 lety +37

    I'm beaming with pride because I'm Surinamese-Dutch as well, and I love seeing you trying out my and other delicious cuisines as well. Enjoy!!!
    Edited to say: when eating sambal and yout mouth starts burning, do not drink water but eat some rice or a piece of bread. Even a sip of milk helps more than water alone.
    Both the bara and the roti are from our Hindu-Surinamese community; bhami and nasi (fried rice) are from our Javanese and Chinese brethren, and the telo is from our African descendants. Suriname has a mixed population: Creole (of mixed African descent), the Maroons (descendants of the runaway African slaves who are still living deep within the forests) Hindustans (the largest population group), Javanes, Chinese and our beloved Native-Americans. The majority speaks Dutch and Surinamese alongside their ethnic groups' own languages, and we all mix and get along. Nearly all Surinamese families have atleast three members of all ethnic groups in their family tree. My paternal grandparents are Scottish, Chinese and Creole; my maternal grandparents were Creole from Barbados and British Guyana mixed Chinese, Hindu and Native so you understand that parties are always lit with great food and music.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +5

      Wow!! Such an awesome example of diversity! Thank you for sharing this information, Mya!! We are happy that you enjoyed our video💕

    • @theGoogol
      @theGoogol Před 2 lety +2

      Nice, informative post! Greets from an Antillian-Dutch ^_^

    • @delilah9876
      @delilah9876 Před 2 lety +1

      @ Mya Felicia - Teloh is geen Afrikaans gerecht, maar een Javaans gerecht. Waarom denk je anders dat het meestal bij Javaanse warungs verkrijgbaar is? In Afrika en Zuid-Amerika komt de cassaveplant/wortel ook voor, maar daar wordt het anders klaar gemaakt. Zij eten het meestal gekookt, in soep of maken er brood van. De Javanen eten het gefrituurd.
      Teloh (oorspronkelijk télâ) is afgeleid van het Javaanse woord ketélâ (ook bekend als ketelah), wat cassave betekent. Oorspronkelijk werd het gegeten met ikan teri (ansjovis)/sambal goreng teri , maar doordat het niet altijd verkrijgbaar was, is men ook bakkeljauw gaan gebruiken.
      Bakkeljauw komt oorspronkelijk uit Portugal (in het Portugees heet het bacalao) en dat hebben de Portugese Joden, die via Brazilië in Suriname terecht zijn gekomen, meegenomen.
      Bami goreng en nasi goreng zijn Indonesische gerechten. De Chinese varianten zijn tjauw fan/chow fan (nasi goreng) en tjauw min/chow min (bami goreng). Nasi is het Maleisisch woord voor rijst en goreng betekent gebakken. Witte rijst is “nasi putih” in het Maleis.
      Saoto is het Javaanse woord voor soep. Dus, als je zegt: "saoto soep", dan zeg je eigenlijk "soep soep".

    • @myafelicia
      @myafelicia Před 2 lety

      @delilah9876 Wij gebruiken wel de Chinese versies en woorden (tjaw min en tjaw fan) thuis en in de tokos. Maar ik denk dat men de Indonesische termen zijn gaan gebruiken om het voor Nederlandse klanten gemakkelijker te maken want onze gerechten smaken echt niet hetzelfde als de Indonesische gerechten. Ik geloof wel dat wat wij nu eten echt een mix is van Chinees en Javaans, want ik herinner me nog dat ik stomverbaasd was toen ik in London in een Chinees restaurant Tjauw Min had gegeten dat bijna voor de volle 100% als onze tjauw min smaakte!
      Over de cassave: ik heb de afgelopen jaren van diverse Afrikaanse kennissen andere origines gehoord waarbij velen beweren dat zij ook de telo frituren.
      Ik weet dat onze telo idd Javaans is, maar Ik geloof hen ook op hun woord zoals ik jou geloof; het geeft alleen maar aan dat door de ontstane melting pot onze voorouders elkanders voedsel accepteerden en daardoor deel van ons cultuur werd. En ja, heb is echt grappig hoe het Javaanse woord voor soep de naam voor het gerecht saoto (dus soep) is geworden!
      Bakkeljauw schijnt Noors te zijn en is idd al eeuwen populair in Europa geweest. De Nederlanders brachten bakkeljauw al vanaf het begin mee naar hun kolonies.
      Echter, de Portugese bakkeljauw wordt anders klaargemaakt volgens mijn Portugese vriendin (al denk ik ook dat het ook per regio verschilt?) - onze tot slaaf gemaakte voorouders hebben idd het woord overgenomen van hen.
      Bedankt voor de uitgebreide uitleg!!! Echt gaaf!
      Kijken of mijn tantes het gaan accepteren dat onze telo echt alleen Javaans is. Bid voor mijn welzijn en geduld, hahahahaha!
      Oh, nog één vraagje: weet jij de oorsprong van onze Pom?

    • @delilah9876
      @delilah9876 Před 2 lety

      @@myafelicia - Het zou heel goed kunnen dat jullie de Chinese benamingen hanteerden, maar in mijn omgeving gebeurde dat alleen bij de afhaal Chinees. Ik ben opgegroeid met de Javaanse keuken (mijn vader is half Javaans en half Arowak, maar de Javaanse cultuur domineerde in zijn ouderlijk huis en daardoor ook in mijn ouderlijk huis en hij was meestal degene die kookte). De woorden nasi goreng en bami goreng hadden niets te maken met de Nederlandse klanten; ze werden vroeger in Suriname al gebruikt; ik heb geen enkele klant ooit tjauw fan horen zeggen als ze in een Javaanse warung nasi goreng bestelden. Niet in Suriname en niet in Nederland. En bij ons al helemaal niet. Dat deed men bij de Chinees. Bovendien smaken tjauw fan en tjauw min anders dan nasi goreng en bami goreng. De Chinezen gebruiken andere kruiden en de samenstelling van hun sojasaus is ook anders dan de Javaanse ketjap asin of ketjap manis.
      Pom is van oorsprong een Joods gerecht. Maar, zij maakten het met aardappelen. De Engelse versie heet Shepherd’s pie/cottage pie. De slaven moesten dit gerecht voor hun Joodse meesters maken en hebben er later hun eigen twist aan gegeven met tayer enzo

  • @margreetanceaux3906
    @margreetanceaux3906 Před 2 lety +32

    Look up the etnological and cultural roots of Suriname - and you’ll understand where the tastes do come from.

  • @WhoStoleMyAlias
    @WhoStoleMyAlias Před 2 lety +10

    Haha! When I saw that blob of the madame jeanette I knew Eric's eyes were going to pop. That is a serious pepper, very flavourful but up to 15 times hotter than a common cayenne and a hundred times that of a jalapeño.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +2

      Lol!! He definitely got a mouthful!! 🥵Thanks for your continued support, Pierre - we appreciate it!😊

  • @RAWDernison1
    @RAWDernison1 Před 2 lety +31

    Can't wait for the "RIJST TAFEL" (rice table) episode. There must be a Toko and/or Indonesian restaurant willing to support this culinary "invention" of the Dutch. In the 17th century ... and even after WWII, the Dutch claimed Indonesia and many have emigrated/found refuge in the Netherlands since. The Dutch "rijst tafel" came from the desire to enjoy ALL tastes on the menu, but in smaller portions. (note: This can not be an episode without some friends / neighbours). Selemat Makan

  • @JustChillin740
    @JustChillin740 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I like how he is waiting on his wife... You Ready🤗❤🇸🇷

  • @hansutrecht6555
    @hansutrecht6555 Před 2 lety +10

    It’s always so much fun to see Eric behave as a naughty schoolboy with this twinkle in his eyes and his big smiles. He genuine likes his foods and Tammy is an angel and at the same time his consience. Otherwise he would eat all in one go 🤣 It’s quite obvious you guys have a lot of fun together and you really get along very well after so many years together. It must be real love 😊 Always great to watch your vlogs and I’m a devotee. Keep up the good and entertaining work 👍🏻

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +3

      Hans, thank you very much for your kind words!! Yes, we do get along very well and are still very much in love with each other after all of these years🤩! We are so happy that we portray that in our videos! We appreciate your continued support and encouragement🥰

  • @tanyadelaney8455
    @tanyadelaney8455 Před 2 lety +1

    "Lekker" that made me cry. I can hear my mom and my grandmother in my ear. I can also hear them laughing about my father. Who wanted to be a big tough guy. And he could eat some EXTREMELY hot fish and pepper dish. "Pepasan" (probably spelled that completely wrong lol) and ended up with his head under the kitchen sink, drinking water out of the faucet. Two Dutch women having to tackle him. To get a piece of bread in his mouth. And milk down his gullet. 🤣This brought me home. Thank you ❤️

  • @AxeGaijin
    @AxeGaijin Před 2 lety +10

    You guys better get a gym subscription if you keep doing these food tastings 😜

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +3

      Lol!! We agree, AxeGaijin!! Thank you for watching us!!😊

  • @DidierWierdsma6335
    @DidierWierdsma6335 Před 2 lety +17

    I love Surinamese food actually i love all Spicy foods but i also love the traditional Dutch cuisine as well being Dutch myself.
    Really love these food tasting videos keep up the great work👍
    En nog een prettige dag toegewenst😊

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      Hallo didier! Thank you very much for watching and commenting!! Prettige dag😊

    @SAMUDRAMAC Před 2 lety +15

    So glad you discovered Surinamese, to me this is one of best cuisines in the world, because is a mixture of all the other best cuisines in the world: Indonesian, Chinese, Indian and local creole and indigenous Indian.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hi Evert! We have to agree with you - wow, the food was so tasty!! 😊

      @SAMUDRAMAC Před 2 lety +4

      Super video! But be careful with that orange sambal. The are restaurants that give you pure grated madame Jeanette. You’ll be in pain.

  • @erwinamesz7642
    @erwinamesz7642 Před 2 lety +8

    I love you guys!!! Indonesian and Surinamese food is part of the Dutch heritage and is GOOD!!!!

  • @Maria-pq5nm
    @Maria-pq5nm Před rokem +1

    Great how you both are so eanthousiast about our country. Yours also, you know so much already about our/ you're country by now

  • @kristionaquest
    @kristionaquest Před 6 měsíci

    This is my third comment in a row, but. YOU ARE A BRAVE BRAVE MAN, HAT OFF TO YOU SIR. As a Surinamese person that little tub of sambal terrifies me.

  • @resikostjens5866
    @resikostjens5866 Před rokem

    For everyone who like to cook .. you to are the best .. you enyoj meals .. that makes the heart sing

  • @paulvanhooijdonk4626
    @paulvanhooijdonk4626 Před 2 lety +6

    Food from other (international) cuisines are such a welcome addition to the 'traditional' food. there is literally a whole world to discover ...

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      Yes, we agree, Paul!! Thank you so much for watching and commenting, Paul!! We appreciate it!😊

  • @sherifadorder10
    @sherifadorder10 Před 2 lety

    Hi Eric and Tammy,
    You are so beautiful togeter😊
    I'm very much enjoying your chanel😃
    I'm so pleased to see you're trying the Surinam kitchen🥰 Thank you so much for including my roots, the country in South America that had been a colony from the Netherlands until November 25th 1975.
    I love to see you enjoying my home town Rotterdam😃 There is so much to see, so much to do and so much to love🤗 Enjoy💕🙏🏽

  • @StevenQ74
    @StevenQ74 Před 2 lety +11

    You'll probably love Indonesian food as well, you already had the Surinam variant of some dishes now but you really got to try the dish that for a long time was the most popular take out dish at Indonesian/Chinese restaurants in the Netherlands: Babi Pangang(roast pork with sweet and sour sauce)

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      Hello StevenQ74! Thank you for the suggestion! And, thank you for watching us!!😊

  • @k00lstra85
    @k00lstra85 Před 2 lety

    haha it's so much fun watching you get so happy over delicious food. Thanks for another video!

  • @kikrokus101205
    @kikrokus101205 Před 2 lety +11

    Really loved your review. Next time you should also try bakabana with peanutsauce and dawet. I am sure you will love those too. Keep up the good work making great new videos 👍

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Thank you for your kind words, Sander! Also, for your suggestions! 😊

  • @kristionaquest
    @kristionaquest Před 6 měsíci

    Terri is dried salted fish, fried up (in this with a sauce) and is absolutely addicting. I’m so happy you enjoyed some of my favorite foods. 😊

  • @TheJolanda01
    @TheJolanda01 Před 2 lety

    Its fun to see you try all of this,thank you for doing this,It opens up a whole new world for you

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hi Jolanda! Thank YOU very much for watching us! We really appreciate it😊

  • @user-pn8jf3ho9g
    @user-pn8jf3ho9g Před 2 lety +1

    Yess great video! I'm glad you enjoyed the food!

  • @MrDaryn
    @MrDaryn Před 2 lety

    Enjoyed this video a lot. Great to see you both loving this Surinamese food. I also love it.

  • @Stab_N_cut
    @Stab_N_cut Před 2 lety +5

    Love all your video’s ♥️

  • @BommeltjeNL
    @BommeltjeNL Před 2 lety +1

    Everytime I hear you guys say Hmmmm I have a new item for my list haha 😂

  • @martijn260571
    @martijn260571 Před 2 lety +2

    Absolutely love this video 😊 I watched it at least three times. I was wondering when you guys tried Surinam food. it’s my favorite 😋 can’t live without it. Surinam food rules 🎉🍾

  • @mariekevandercruijsen2620

    it's delicious seeing you enjoy it all

  • @ingridwatsup9671
    @ingridwatsup9671 Před 2 lety +2

    It’s a pure joy to watch you enjoy this so much! A few bike rides and you’ll keep your perfect balance with these meals.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Thank you for the encouragement, Ingrid💕. Also, thank you so much for your continued support😊

  • @robertboender5816
    @robertboender5816 Před 2 lety +7

    Are you looking forward to receiving some guest from the US and introduce them to some of the foods you tasted?

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +7

      Hello Robert! Yes, as a matter of fact, we have someone coming into town tomorrow! It will be fun to have them try different foods!!😊

  • @sheltonsariredjo
    @sheltonsariredjo Před rokem

    Thank you for trying Surinamese food ❤

  • @Dolce_Far_Niente
    @Dolce_Far_Niente Před 2 lety

    Another tasty video! Love it😋

  • @TheEvertw
    @TheEvertw Před 2 lety +1

    Great watching you enjoy!
    The Surinam people have enriched our culture & cuisine.

  • @geertjejansen1974
    @geertjejansen1974 Před 2 lety

    'It's got little bits of stuff in it' yes! Love that sort of description! Cracked me up. Keep it up 🥰😂🥰

  • @Pasunsoprano
    @Pasunsoprano Před 2 lety

    You're just a nice couple and it's great to see the chemistry between the two of you. And of course it's great to see your positivity about our country.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Awww, thank you very much for your kind words, Pasunsoprano🥰

  • @TIMson888444
    @TIMson888444 Před 2 lety +2

    Ohh wow u guys took my advice! Thats great! I go look the video now ! 😃😃😃😃😃

  • @MagereHein
    @MagereHein Před 2 lety +2

    I'm glad you like Surinamese cuisine. I think it's wonderful. Thanks again for a very entertaining video!

  • @yvonnebirch6026
    @yvonnebirch6026 Před 2 lety

    Well done guys !! 💕🌷

  • @andrewrobinson2565
    @andrewrobinson2565 Před rokem

    Nice, really good, a winner - it's important that viewers get to know what's IN the food you're tasting. I'll leave you to your fun 👍.

  • @Freya76
    @Freya76 Před 2 lety +5

    Haha, this was so much fun to watch! Seeing you chauw down on this food. And literally being lost for words at times 😁
    Yes, Surinaams is awesome!! And usaully quite cheep. Sometimes you can have a miss at some places but overall it's just super nice food❤️

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      Hi Freya76! We are glad that you enjoyed it!! Thank you very much for your continued support!💕

  • @RFGfotografie
    @RFGfotografie Před 2 lety

    Awesome/fun video yet again :)

  • @rinynewton8297
    @rinynewton8297 Před 2 lety +1

    Thanks for making me hungry! I love surname food. I had not much of a dinner tonight soooo yes I was envious, to say the least.
    Loved watching, see you next time. 😃👍

  • @rebeccaalbrecht771
    @rebeccaalbrecht771 Před 2 lety +1

    I watched this right before I was about to make dinner. My mouth was watering. There's a Surinamese restaurant here in Utrecht that I'm going to go to real soon with a list of the things you tried.Yum!

  • @Dutchy1979
    @Dutchy1979 Před 2 lety

    Very nice video again,keep up doing the good stuff.

  • @qazatqazah
    @qazatqazah Před 2 lety +2

    What a joy to watch you discover and love the Surinamese kitchen. As a Dutchman, my only regret about that food is that I didn't discover it years before I did.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      Thank you for your kind words, qazatqazah! And, thank you for watching us😊

  • @nas4apps
    @nas4apps Před 11 měsíci

    Wow!! You two just seem to love life to the max! And why not!! Good for you, enjoy every traveling day because isn't life just a big travel??? Love the channel, thanks! (my fav in Rotterdam is the Holland America history - pre airline times people travelled by ship and Rotterdam held the role which today is Schiphol! The wide body jet made the SS Rotterdam transfer to cruise ship, but built as a liner: Rotterdam - NYC and tons of American immigrant families left Europe via Rotterdam. You van still find a few 'old folk', sometimes as tour volunteers on the SS Rotterdam who can tell tales of the time. Rotterdam was a major passenger transfer town! Maybe you've seen remnants of it? How funnest to visit the SS Rotterdam? By high speed water taxi! Another part of this history: Hotel New York which was the terminal building (not a hotel) and HQ of the Holla d America Line. Rotterdam is very transatlantic in its roots!

  • @Semmy27
    @Semmy27 Před 2 lety +4

    Nice video. Your Dutch is getting very well! Bakbanaan and/or Bakpao is something you could try for the nexttime if you wish ofcourse!

  • @firjah
    @firjah Před 2 lety

    So much thanks for trying this ! But still a lot of Surinam food left, hope u will do a second one once!

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      We agree, there is so much yet to try!!! Thank you very much for watching us, firjah!😊

  • @ConnieIsMijnNaam
    @ConnieIsMijnNaam Před 2 lety +2

    I am really happy you tried Surinamese food. I was in Suriname in 2017. If you ever have the opportunity, please go there. I loved it!!!

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      Thank you so much for watching us, Connie! Also, thank you for the suggestion to go to Suriname!!😊

  • @jeremyoliviervoice
    @jeremyoliviervoice Před 2 lety

    Amazing you two! This was a win/win/win, a win for the restaurant; a win for you two; and a win for us to enjoy it vicariously through you. I sense a Rotterdam International Restaurant series forming here. Oh, and can Eric share on a video what his Thai tattoo says? Thanks for the wonderful content!

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hi Jeremy! We are so happy that you enjoyed watching us!! Also, for your continued support and comments!!😊

  • @Peacefrogg
    @Peacefrogg Před 2 lety

    Hey Eric and Tammy.
    This thursday is ascension day. For most dutchies, that’s just a day off from work. But did you know that in some regions of the netherlands, there is a tradition to get up with the sun (5.30), and go walking or cycling with some friends or family. And afterwards you can have a picnic or bbq.

  • @HarrydeProuw
    @HarrydeProuw Před 2 lety +1

    Hi guys,i am Harry and live in Belgium since 2008 but..........i was born and raised in Rotterdam.I discovered your channel a time ago and like to see how you experience living in Rotterdam.This clip where you trying the Surinamese food making me homesick to Rotterdam because here in Belgium you can't found this kind of food from Suriname and I liked it so very much when I was living in Holland.But keep up the good work and I hope you like Rotterdam like I still do.Although living in Belgium I am and always be an Rotterdammer.greetings from Harry.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      Hi Harry! We are glad that you found our channel and like our videos!! Hopefully you will be able to visit your ‘home town’ to get your Suriname “fix”!!! 😊

  • @Panteni87
    @Panteni87 Před 2 lety +2

    When i was young, i had a surinamese neighbor, and she used to make bara once a month. And that was always my favorite weekend of the month.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +2

      Yummmm!!! I think it would have been my favorite weekend of the month as well!! 😊

    • @delilah9876
      @delilah9876 Před 2 lety

      @@SoultoSoulTravels - LOL!

  • @miekevanmeerten6106
    @miekevanmeerten6106 Před 2 lety +3

    I always drink a bit of milk or tea with honey when it's too spicy. Or in the summer a mango milkshake.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Oh, boy, a mango milkshake sounds nice!! Thank you for the tip, Mieke!

  • @FormattedByWeitweejen2024

    It gives me pleasure, seeing you both try everything from things you come across in your neighborhood and what others recommend you try, you eat things I don't even know myself, here in our village there are about 20 different eat places from small to large, which I haven't even tried yet, a few of them have, but the rest haven't>>>>greetings Harry

  • @ed7872
    @ed7872 Před 2 lety

    Great, just great. What an adventure!

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Awww, thank you, Ed787!! It is an amazing adventure so far🤩

    • @ed7872
      @ed7872 Před 2 lety

      @@SoultoSoulTravels Sometimes you are so typical 'not Americans', going way beyond the beaten path. Experiencing almost anything a third country may throw at you in terms of culture and food.
      It is about time you start venturing outside of the Rotterdam region. Summer is coming up, experience the country side. Ride your bike anywhere. Experience the non-city locals (I am not allowed to call them peasants anymore).
      Sample local delicacies, enjoy the hospitality of non-city folk.
      Or, if you feel truly adventurous, take the train and visit Belgium, with cities like Brussels, Antwerp, Brugge and Gent, or "far" away places like Paris. Europe has so much more to offer.
      And just realise that Rotterdam has a little airport that offer low cost flights to a number of cities.
      Enjoy the various foods and the summer. Life is great if you are willing to live it!

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      @@ed7872 , we love to travel and have been fortunate enough to do a little traveling since we have been here! Paris, Brussels, Koln… we are actually going back to Paris this Wednesday for an overnight stay with a visitor from the states; and next week, Eric and I will be spending a few nights in Krakow, Poland! We haven’t been there and are excited to visit!! We agree, life is great when you are willing to live it🥰

  • @Wielie0305
    @Wielie0305 Před 2 lety

    Had a good laugh and now I am hungry. Thanx a lot…

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Our pleasure, Wielie0305🤣. Thank you so much for watching us!😊

  • @hugocofely7305
    @hugocofely7305 Před 2 lety +2

    Next time visit the Chinese boat. DE CHINESE BOOT This boat is located at the bottom of the Euromast, it is an Asian supermarket with a lot of choice from far away countries. Shopping there is an adventure.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Thank you for the recommendation, Hugo - to be honest, I thought it was a ‘tourist attraction’ so we didn’t have it on our radar to visit. We will have to check it out!!

  • @renevaanhold
    @renevaanhold Před 2 lety +15

    Dear Eric and Tammy,
    Thanks again for a very enjoyable food tasting review!
    We Dutchies love Indonesian, Surinam and Antilles food. Of course this has to do with our colonial history. We're not proud of that at all but we should be thankful for all the good food it brought to us. I'm lucky to have so many Surinam an Curaçao friends and family who cook the best recipies for me.
    Next time don't forget to order Pisang Goreng as a side dish for the nasi. Sweet-toothed Eric will love it!

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +2

      Hello René! Thank you for your kind words😊. Also, thank you for the Pisang Goreng suggestion! He probably will love it🤣

    • @tetaomichel
      @tetaomichel Před 2 lety

      Who did not eat a big plate when visiting your friends. The mamma's took good care of everybody and you can not buy that quality food nowhere. It must have been the love in it.

    • @jokevangeldrop5876
      @jokevangeldrop5876 Před 2 lety

      Hi René, in welke straat staat jouw restaurant? Ik ben al heel lang weg uit Rotterdam en ik weet niet waar de wijk Chinatown is.

    • @renevaanhold
      @renevaanhold Před 2 lety +1

      @@jokevangeldrop5876 Sorry, maar dat moet je aan Eric en Tammy vragen. Zij hebben het eten bij de Surinamer gehaald. Ik kom niet uit Rotterdam.

    • @renevaanhold
      @renevaanhold Před 2 lety +1

      @@jokevangeldrop5876 Ik heet toevallig ook René.

  • @svengoessens7283
    @svengoessens7283 Před 2 lety +2

    I love how you 2 explore our dutch/Indonesian/Suriname culture through food. I strongly recommend you try Moroccan food too. And Turkish food is also absolutely great. They are also a great part of our multi culture too.

  • @baldwin9180
    @baldwin9180 Před 2 lety +10

    You should visit China Town The Hague too. And have lunch at Warung Istana, delicious Asian Indonesia food. Afterwards you can say hello to the girl with the pearl at the Mauritshouse. Enjoy! 🙂👍PS I never had Surinam food but after your as usual very informative video I will give it a try!

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hello Baldwin! Thank you for the suggestions!

    • @urbandiscount
      @urbandiscount Před 2 lety +1

      @@SoultoSoulTravels Warung Istana is very good. Generally, Indonesian/Eurasian food is better in The Hague. Also a good one: Toko Toet on Beeklaan

  • @dutchflyingpilot
    @dutchflyingpilot Před 2 lety

    Highly entertaining video again!
    Out of curiosity (and maybe a video suggestion??), of everything you have tasted so far, what are your favorites, what stayed, and what do you still eat or drink regularly (or never again).
    A top 10 (or 20) please... Best, Paul

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hi Paul! Thank you for your kind words! That is a great idea of doing a ‘favorites’ video! Thank you for the suggestion!😊

  • @geertbosch2778
    @geertbosch2778 Před rokem

    If you find some good Sambal, at it to many dishes, like your average pasta dish becomes so much better. As a Dutch dad in the US, I still make nasi goreng at times for the family, and it's always a success.

  • @lindaraterink6451
    @lindaraterink6451 Před 2 lety +2

    I get your hezitation on certain types of food I think. It is all in the way how it is prepared. Some people don't like some foods, because they have tasted it a certain way, but prepared completely different it can taste realy good to them.

  • @Kosterez
    @Kosterez Před rokem

    getting so hungry seeing you guys eating ;)

  • @AlexK-yr2th
    @AlexK-yr2th Před 11 měsíci +1

    Most of the dishes have Chinese or Bahasa Indonesia names and probably originate from there. But I love Surinamese food because of it Creole and Hindu influences and a very flavorful result. It's like Asian done well and better.

  • @royklein9206
    @royklein9206 Před 2 lety

    You guys are just great :)

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Awww, your are so kind, Roy!! Thank you so much for watching us!😊

  • @bertoverweel6588
    @bertoverweel6588 Před 2 lety +3

    Hallo lovely people , that's one of the atvantages living in a multycultural city , tasting good food . Greetings .

  • @bitty5095
    @bitty5095 Před 2 lety +1

    Never had any of the foods tried today, except for the kip sate. Going to try all this when I am back in Nederland, it looked great.

  • @dutchyjhome
    @dutchyjhome Před 2 lety +1

    Yes Indonesian food !!! See Win Machielse's reaction below here ! Absolutely !

  • @ElMariachi1337
    @ElMariachi1337 Před 2 lety +2

    I grew up as a kid in a neigbourhood with lots of Surinamers/Antillianen and great to see you enjoyed the food. I'm like Eric, it needs a bit more sambal lol

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Lol! We are glad that you enjoyed the video😊. Thank you very much for watching us, Marc!

  • @Harolddespui
    @Harolddespui Před 2 lety +5

    I much prefer normal roti over the rotiroll though, because with normal roti you also get kerrie-sauce/gravy where you can dip your wrap into which makes it outstanding.
    By the way, you should also try "Dawet", it's a pink ultra sweet Surinamese drink.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hello Henno! Thank you very much for the suggestions and for watching us!!😊

    • @delilah9876
      @delilah9876 Před 2 lety

      @Henno - Dawet is Javaans. De overige Indonesiërs noemen het Tjendol. De Javaanse versie is roze en de Indonesische versie is groen.

  • @remcohoman1011
    @remcohoman1011 Před 10 měsíci

    24:34 when you two visit Groningen, try an Eierbal, typically Groningen's fried snack, UNESCO heritage food. ( best ones from Koning in Bedum, close to Groningen )

  • @nuuwnhuus
    @nuuwnhuus Před 2 lety +4

    That food looked really good, a shame I've not seen a place that sells stuff like this before will keep my eyes peeled.
    Visiting Suriname was already on my bucket list for the fact that they speak Dutch in large parts of the country, good to see the food is also amazing.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hi Dionysus! You will not be disappointed at all with the food when you finally make it to Suriname!!

    • @littleraven28
      @littleraven28 Před 2 lety

      You will love it. I have been there for work 4 times and the food is truly amazing. I have had everything they tried and just seeing them eat it makes me drooling.

  • @Paul-H
    @Paul-H Před 2 lety +9

    Oh, man now i'm craving for roti,haha
    Try Indonesian, for sure Rotterdam has a few good original Indonesian restaurants.

  • @superglans8814
    @superglans8814 Před 2 lety

    I've been watching your video's for some time now, and i think that you guys never cn go back to the states no more ( to live there) because there is no way you can live without all the delicious food we have here hahahahahaha. But just so you know: the situation in Rotterdam is a unique one. For years we had the biggest port of the world, and many people from around the world cam to Rotterdam. They all brought their own delicious food to our town, and that's why we have so many, many different super tasting foods. You won't find it anywhere else on the planet. Off course, in other big cities like Amsterdam or Antwerpen you can find foreign food, but Rotterdam has the most variety in global food.
    I hope you keep on making these happy video's and I hope you stay for a long time in our beautiful country to enjoy all the nice foods ( and off course all the other stuff)
    Have a nice weekend!!
    Just 1 tip for your convinience.......If you got some food that is a bit to spicey or hot for your liking, and your mouth is on fire.......grap some ice cold milk, it will do much better than water. just so you know

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      Hello Superglans! Thank you very much for watching our videos, it really means a lot to us that we have faithful viewers like you😊😊 We love it here in your beautiful country and never plan on going back to the states to live.😜

  • @diederikjournee5580
    @diederikjournee5580 Před 2 lety

    you are lovely, really. Your video's make my day!

  • @sabaidoodkorte820
    @sabaidoodkorte820 Před 2 lety +1

    Love your videos. You look like you’ve had fun :-) Will you attend the Rotterdamse Dakendagen? It’s a great opportunity to visit the Rotterdam rooftops and enjoy the view.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hi Sabai! Yes, we are looking forward to the rooftops!!! Thank you very much for watching us!😊

  • @leonardoluc6362
    @leonardoluc6362 Před rokem

    Funny for us Dutch the habit of Americans how they eat as they change hands for the fork and the knife is optional haha little bit use of the fingers instead of the knife haha. No critics as i am used to that after 40 wonderful years in the US and now happy to be back in Amsterdam where we belong. Thanks for posting & Subscribed.

  • @johannessugito1686
    @johannessugito1686 Před 2 lety

    In Portugal, Spain, Italy and Brasil bakkeljauw is called bacalhau, in Norway it is called stockfish. It is salted and dried cod fish. Terri are small fishes salted and dried too, mainly eaten in South East Asia.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      Hello Johannes! Thank you for that interesting information😊. And, thank you very much for watching us!

  • @mtcsypkens
    @mtcsypkens Před 2 lety +1

    Sambal literally makes everything better!

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety +1

      It really does!! Thank you for watching and commenting, MTC Sypkens!

  • @SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands

    Bakkeljou,,,,Cod probbably, dried, and spiced.. In English: Stockfish is unsalted fish, especially cod, dried by cold air and wind on wooden racks (which are called "hjell" in Norway. Imported from Norway.

  • @arvitt
    @arvitt Před 2 lety

    As a Dutchman i have to say... we have a lot of cultures here in the Netherlands... And all of them know what great food is ..
    But Surinamic food is just on another level..

  • @fabimre
    @fabimre Před 2 lety +3

    FYI: Bara (your chicken filled "doughnut") is a Hindustani (Indian) snack, made of a mixture of mainly ground beans, chickpeas, flour and a diversity of herbs. Can be filled but is mostly just eaten with various Chutneys ("Sambals" but different).
    One of my favorites, but best eaten freshly fried, so it still is crunchy!

  • @rubentullenaar2934
    @rubentullenaar2934 Před 2 lety +4

    With the Bara, you need to include some chutney, preferably the potato chutney….. it’s sooooo good🤤

  • @nataschaolannion
    @nataschaolannion Před 2 lety +1

    Lovely again to see you try everything, if it is to hot for you, try milk or a cola, water makes it hotter.

  • @alainkoningverdraag6698
    @alainkoningverdraag6698 Před 2 lety +1

    Yes, the small hard fish has been dried, salted, and then rehydrated and wok-fried with sugar and spices. Variations will be either crispy or chewy, depending on the restaurant. Also, instead of the fried cassava, ask the restaurant if they offer (fried) Breadfruit to go along with the cod and or "Terie" ( those little crispy sweet and spicy fish). That elevates the experience.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hello Alain - thank you for the suggestion! We will have to remember that next time😊

  • @BeckyPoleninja
    @BeckyPoleninja Před 2 lety

    Interesting, Bara is also Welsh for speckled bread

  • @jacobmannessen1191
    @jacobmannessen1191 Před 2 lety +2

    You should go to the the restaurant the tast of Africa ( the smaak van Africa) goudsesingel 342a Rotterdam. You wil love it. Al the plates are with a kind of roti. ( a kind of pancake) it is fun try it.

  • @madamnicknack
    @madamnicknack Před 2 lety +1

    A bara with kip kerrie with a good amount of sambal is my go-to when I have a cold. Works so well being able to breathe again 😊 (probably only sambal will work as well, but just not as tasty 😂).
    I'm always begging for more pickled cucumber, I love that sooooo much! 😋

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      We will have to remember that when we get a cold! I am glad that they included the pickled cucumber - it was really good!!😊. Thank you for watching us, Madam Mikmak!

  • @paulnobel6241
    @paulnobel6241 Před 2 lety +2

    take a trip to den haag and visit the Haagse markt , you will see so many different spices , food , fish , vegtables , it is one of the biggest markets in nederland

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hi Paul, we will have to take a trip there!! Thank you for the suggestion!😊

  • @janjanssen9629
    @janjanssen9629 Před 2 lety +1

    Since you are in R’dam… Kiem Foei and Warung Mini are probably the best for Surinamese food…

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Thank you for the restaurant tips, Jan!! Also, thank you so much for watching our videos!😊

  • @robertwemmers8562
    @robertwemmers8562 Před 2 lety

    Hi guys , the old Dutch - Canadian again, you just got one of my my meals that i make for my wife, bami , i get all the stuff here in the Dutch store, the bami noodles the vegies the kethjap masis and the sambal, all from conimex a dutch company. my wife loves it ( she is Canadian born) Love the show it makes me hungry.

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hi Robert! It is great that you can find some of your beloved food items locally and prepare them for you and your wife!! Thank you so much for your continued support! 😊

  • @evertjethoe
    @evertjethoe Před rokem +1

    I hope you eat more Surinamese food because their are more dishes to taste like: Surinamese Roti with chicken and potatoes in Massala (not the wrap version). Surinamese Javaanse Bami and more. I am born in The Netherlands but my parents are from Suriname. My grandparents are from India and Fiji. Suriname was a dutch colonial in wich The Dutch had African slaves their and later Contract Laborers from India, Indonesia Java, and more. It is why the food is so heavily like mixed with influences. This also counts for the Dutch Antilles Islands.😊 And in Suriname allot speak dutch to.

  • @NaomiClareNL
    @NaomiClareNL Před 2 lety

    It is such a delight to see you two try out everything.
    Looks like you won't go hungry here in the Netherlands any time soon after liking so much of our goodies huh? :-p
    Onwards and upwards!

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Ha! We definitely will not go hungry🤣 So much lekker eten around here!

  • @66remco
    @66remco Před rokem

    You really need to eat a traditional Rotti. The traditional way i mean! Love the video,s guys!

  • @patriciapoot1180
    @patriciapoot1180 Před 2 lety

    OMG, we laughed so hard! It's nice to see a "fresh" view of Dutch culture. As an american living here 30 + years with my dutch husband, it's nice to see you embrace the Netherlands with an open mind and an open palate. We live in Vlaardingen, not far from you Have you tried herring yet? ;)

    • @SoultoSoulTravels
      @SoultoSoulTravels  Před 2 lety

      Hi Patricia! We are glad that we provided you with some comic relief😜. We did try haring in our 3rd tasting video (when it was out of season😱). We do plan on trying it again in a couple weeks when they are fresher.😊

  • @paulafaber8589
    @paulafaber8589 Před rokem

    I made up my own “Dutch touch” bara: fill one with raw sauerkraut and dip in madame Jeanette sambal, the best 😋