1980 US Open SF 3rd set Tiebreaker : Hana Mandlikova vs Andrea Jaeger

  • čas přidán 21. 03. 2021
  • Sport

Komentáře • 90

  • @FLYBOY-eh5th
    @FLYBOY-eh5th Před 2 lety +13

    Andrea looks like she could be starring on Little House on the Prairie.

  • @martm216
    @martm216 Před 3 lety +15

    Hana was such a splendid sight on court.

    • @martydav9475
      @martydav9475 Před 3 lety +5

      Brilliant player - surely one of the best all-court players to have played the game.

  • @thomasmiles340
    @thomasmiles340 Před 3 lety +8

    Thanks. People forget that Andrea reached Number 2 in the world at one point. Cheers.

  • @dansmith9724
    @dansmith9724 Před 3 lety +12

    Hana had such a great style and technique to her game. One of the few players who could beat Navratilova at her peak. That Single handed backhand was a ripper.

  • @pompanomark2024
    @pompanomark2024 Před 2 lety +7

    Fond memories of wooden racquets - no loud grunting - and not taking 30 seconds to serve the ball!

  • @preciousjey
    @preciousjey Před 3 lety +12

    Father Charlie Heston wah angry. Andrea looked teary.

  • @user-jv9qz2bu1r
    @user-jv9qz2bu1r Před 4 měsíci +2

    Virginia and Pat - so cordial

  • @jm7804
    @jm7804 Před 3 lety +17

    Nice. If you never played with a wooden racquet you have no idea how difficult it was to hit those shots Hana seemed to produce at will. The sweet spot was so incredibly small. Your hand/eye and timing had to be spot on to hit well with wood.

    • @memom2227
      @memom2227 Před 8 měsíci +1

      I learned on a wooden racket. It's a totally different game. I learned to power through once I got graphite and gut, but I would lose 10/10 with a wood racket with someone who has the finesse. I can grind out through power so many wins that are just about power. This is a different game. Two different sports.

    • @smftrsddvjiou6443
      @smftrsddvjiou6443 Před 7 měsíci

      Oh yeah. Volleys were so much easier with a grapite racquet.

  • @swalterstennis
    @swalterstennis Před 3 lety +9

    I ballboyed for Andrea three matches in Seattle 1980, her first Tour event. Then I taught with Roland Jaeger at Harry Hopman/Saddlebrook in Florida 1987-94, I knew him well. He was the hardest worker and a great pro who cared about the kids. He was strict and a little crazy sometimes but I never saw anything abusive. He was a great influence in my life and in a lot of kids’ lives. Super cool guy.

    • @ivanrodrigo4558
      @ivanrodrigo4558 Před rokem +1

      He had a small motorbike insude Saddlebrook to get around the courts

    • @chrismanteris9093
      @chrismanteris9093 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Do you still play?

    • @swalterstennis
      @swalterstennis Před 4 měsíci

      @@chrismanteris9093 Yes, I play national 55’s and 60’s. Still tying to hit through the ball. I won Oregon State Open last year though.

    • @chrismanteris9093
      @chrismanteris9093 Před 4 měsíci

      @@swalterstenniscool, I’m similar age and level. If u ever come to Austin tx or I go to Oregon let’s play a match

    • @Volker7578
      @Volker7578 Před 27 dny

      The Jaeger family came from a village in the black forest, not far from where I live. I once went there, talking to people, everybody knew the Jaegers of course. The parents went back there after Andrea's career. Ilse, her mom, went back to the states when Roland passed away.

  • @romania4712
    @romania4712 Před 3 lety +6

    I just knew we would see a major final between Hana and Andrea. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. Both were great talents. They teamed up in doubles once.

  • @frankzito8653
    @frankzito8653 Před 3 lety +3

    Two of my favorite young players of all time.

    • @swalterstennis
      @swalterstennis Před rokem +1

      Me too. I ballboyed for both at the 1980 Seattle Avon. I got to know Andrea later at Hopman’s in Florida. She was my all time favorite tennis pro. Well, her and Jennifer Capriati. . . And Jared Palmer. . . And Dmitry Tursunov.

  • @franciscodeoliveira7935
    @franciscodeoliveira7935 Před 3 lety +7

    After beating Andrea, Hana was going to play four Grand Slams in the row and winning two of them. It’s a pity CBS didn’t televised the entire match. So, merci infiniment Hana’s Tennis Videos de nous avoir dégoté cette pépite, un jeu décisif d’enfer qui met un terme à un match qualifié de merveilleux par Virginia Wade!

    • @stef1074
      @stef1074 Před 3 lety

      Oui quel dommage que CBS ait préféré téléviser Evert/Austin plutôt que les 2 demi-finales.
      Austin-Evert ça donnait pas de très beaux matches. Tracy était le clone d'Evert comme Dimitrov est le clone de Federer.
      On peut d'ailleurs s'interroger sur le fait qu'un champion doive avant tout développer son propre jeu, sa propre personnalité.
      Dimitrov devrait être une des stars du tennis, il a une facilité technique déconcertante, pétri de talent, peut-être le plus talentueux d'ailleurs, mais il a choisi délibérément de n'être qu'un ersatz de Federer en le copiant même dans toute sa gestuelle d'attente du service en faisant tourner sa raquette exactement comme le Suisse. Comment devenir un champion dans ce cas puisqu'il ne peut exister qu'un Federer n'est-ce pas ?
      D'ailleurs Tracy aussi n'a pas tenu la distance. Tous les grands champions ont développé un style unique qui ne doit appartenir qu'à eux.
      je suis persuadé que Dimitrov n'en serait pas là s'il avait choisi d'être Dimitrov et non un Federer bis...

    • @stef1074
      @stef1074 Před 3 lety

      Et même chose aussi pour Manuela Maleeva qui était le clone d'Evert. Carrière somme toute décevante là aussi. Pas une seule finale de GC, juste 2 demis en toute fin de carrière...

    • @franciscodeoliveira7935
      @franciscodeoliveira7935 Před 3 lety

      stef 107. Austin/Evert a été préféré car c’était un match très attendu car revanche de la finale de l’édition précédente et parce qu’une nouvelle défaite de Chris pouvait sonner le glas de sa carrière. N’oublie pas que Tracy Austin avait mis un terme à 125 victoires consécutives sur terre battue de Chris Evert dans un très grand match(! ne t’en déplaise !)à Rome en 1979. Clone ou pas, Austin a bien faillit supplanter Chris Evert! Pour Manuela Maleeva, même si elle ne compte aucun titre du Grand Chelem en simple ( titrée en double mixte à l’Us Open 84), je trouve qu’elle a fait une carrière plus qu’honorable et s’est même payée le luxe de partir en retraite, alors qu’elle était troisième mondiale, après avoir enlevé un titre à Osaka en 1994! Même si elle n’a pas le palmarès de son modèle, Manuela a été très compétitive et compte de nombreux matchs très disputés.

    • @stef1074
      @stef1074 Před 3 lety

      Oui tu n'as pas tort mais je suis pas fan des matches Austin-Evert. D'ailleurs je crois que ça a été souvent des matches à sens unique, dans un sens comme dans l'autre, à part peut-être la finale de Rome 79 et cette demi de l'US open (quoique 6/1 6/1 dans les 2 derniers sets, c'est loin d'être serré même si le premier l'a été).
      Quant à Manuela, ne te méprends, j'adore cette joueuse que je trouvais très élégante et assez talentueuse. C'est juste qu'on attendait un peu plus d'elle quand elle a explosé en 84, mais ce que je dis dans mon commentaire précédent, c'est que souvent les joueurs et joueuses qui ont cherché à copier le style d'un autre sont restés un peu dans l'ombre ou n'ont pas atteint le maximum de leurs possibilités. Tracy Austin est juste l'exception qui confirme cette règle.
      Et Manuela n'a jamais été 3ème mondiale en 94. Elle était plutôt aux alentours de la 7ème ou de la 8ème place à cette époque. Son meilleur classement a été n°4 début 1985, ce qui n'est pas mal, mais j'attendais personnellement un peu plus d'elle, notamment des demis ou des finales à RG, sa meilleure surface, son meilleur résultat dans ce GC restant plusieurs quarts de finale (4 pour être précis : 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990)

    • @franciscodeoliveira7935
      @franciscodeoliveira7935 Před 3 lety

      stef 107: à Rome c’était en demi, Hanika étant battue en finale. Quant à Manuela, elle a été 3ème en février 85 et maintenant j’ai un doute pour son dernier classement en février 94. Pour les matchs à sens unique, souvent le score ne reflétait pas la physionomie de la rencontre. Sinon pour le reste, je suis tout à fait d’accord avec ton commentaire!😉

  • @roger1296
    @roger1296 Před 6 měsíci +3

    I think Andrea’s father played a huge role in putting too much pressure on her, and is likely one of the reasons Andrea left tennis behind.

  • @shihlin1
    @shihlin1 Před 2 lety +3

    Andrea known for her guts and tenacity, but also known to tank matches and let her sulking over line calls get the best of her.
    Two days after she beat Evert at the 82 French, she self-admittedly tanked the second set to Navratilova in their final.
    So really depends "which" Andrea showed up that day.
    No doubt her creep of a dad also messed her up psychologically.
    Interesting to note Hana took out Navratilova in straights at this same Open in the 4th round.

  • @thomashumphrey7395
    @thomashumphrey7395 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Virginia Wade was pure class.

  • @shihlin1
    @shihlin1 Před 3 lety +13

    These two almost always had entertaining matches.
    Hana's versatile game was the difference.
    Watching Andrea's dad in the stands very cringe-worthy.

  • @sprboston
    @sprboston Před 3 lety +20

    It’s hard to watch...it’s clear how abusive Jaeger’s father was...seeing her near tears after him yelling about her missing a shot is heartbreaking.

    • @kjmcindoe3014
      @kjmcindoe3014 Před 3 lety +10

      Yes, absolutely disgusting. The women's game has a long line of unpleasant tennis dads.

    • @jdprice74
      @jdprice74 Před 3 lety +8

      Agree. You could see her in tears and fighting a breakdown.

    • @johndickson9542
      @johndickson9542 Před 6 měsíci

      For sure. And needless to say, her father's behavior was completely counterproductive. If you can't stay cool out there, how can you expect your daughter to?

  • @FitzGerald9876
    @FitzGerald9876 Před 3 lety +6

    Lifetime ago but I remember this match. I was a huge fan of AJ. It was reported she would kill the ball in practice but didn't bring it to matches. Too bad. And I always wondered if the crazy stiff Wilson Ultra was maybe the reason for her shoulder injuries that started a yr or so later ? 11 yrs later another 15 yr old would lose 7-6 in 3rd set heartbreak.

    • @insidewomenstennis1660
      @insidewomenstennis1660 Před 3 lety

      Do you remember that you actually watched the full match? Live? So there’s a hope it exists somewhere!...

    • @hanamandlikovastennis7724
      @hanamandlikovastennis7724  Před 3 lety

      1991 : Jenn! If you have tracks to find the whole match let me know!

    • @christopherproietti645
      @christopherproietti645 Před 3 lety

      that wilson ultra was a graphite brick! that was the worst racquet i ever tried and i totally believe it contributed to Andrea's shoulder issues.

    • @FitzGerald9876
      @FitzGerald9876 Před 3 lety

      @@insidewomenstennis1660 Nope unfortunately not live in the USA. Only the highlightes. Probably because of Golf or College Sports on CBS.

    • @stef1074
      @stef1074 Před 3 lety +2

      I was a fan too. She had a baseliner game but not the same technique as Tracy or Chris.
      Was really fond of her forehand, her guts and tenacity (in the beginning of her carrer at least).
      She demolished Chris on clay in RG 82 3 and 1 and my god that was a huge performance at that time to beat the queen of clay that easily !
      She was a character, was well known for challenging calls and referees, but was certainly oppressed by her father.
      I mean just watch the tie break and her father's reactions !

  • @jorgelynch2872
    @jorgelynch2872 Před 3 lety +2

    Love me some Hana. I think the other semi was Evert and Austin, and it was a good one too.

  • @nassauguy48
    @nassauguy48 Před 3 lety +3

    Andrea's father was the reason for her often volatile and even rude antics. This was not her natural behavior, as she proved in her post-tennis life when she, for a time, became an Anglican nun, and set up a camp for underprivileged children which she still runs.

  • @tomschmitz261
    @tomschmitz261 Před 2 lety +1

    crazy to think andrea barely had a 4 year career from 1980 to 84 with the end of 83 and half of 84 being a washout for the most part... even a shorter career than 1977 to half of 1983 tracy austin...

  • @preciousjey
    @preciousjey Před 3 lety +1

    Versus Ginny at Wimby was tops also.

  • @stef1074
    @stef1074 Před 3 lety +1

    Quel beau cadeau de ta part ce tie break !
    Le 8ème point gagné par Hana est juste fantastique. Elle y déploie tout son arsenal offensif.
    Bon chapeau aussi à Andrea. Pour sa première participation je crois (mais pas sûr) elle arrive en demi, fait un super match sous le regard sévère de son père Roland, un ancien boxeur je crois...
    On voit bien qu'il met une énorme pression sur sa fille dès qu'elle perd un point. Je me demande si ça explique pas en partie le dégoût qu'Andréa a ressenti pour le tennis dès fin 83 (elle a pratiquement pas joué en 84).
    Elle a dit par la suite qu'elle ne ressentait pas la hargne de la victoire comme Tracy Martina ou Chris et qu'elle ne désirait pas ardemment gagner certains matches.
    Elle aura quand même marqué l'histoire du tennis. Finaliste à RG en 82, à Wimbledon en 83, deux demis à l'US Open, pas mal non le palmarès à 18 ans ?
    J'aimais bien sa technique aussi avec un jeu très compact, un jeu de fond de court certes mais pas classique et comparable à celui de Tracy et Chris qui se ressemblaient eux comme 2 gouttes d'eau...

    • @hanamandlikovastennis7724
      @hanamandlikovastennis7724  Před 3 lety

      Merci! J’aimerai tellement trouver le match entier. Et la finale de Mawah entre elles juste avant! Celle-ci a été retransmise, mais sur une chaîne locale du New Jersey, je cherche...

    • @stef1074
      @stef1074 Před 3 lety

      Ah je savais pas qu'elles s'étaient joué à Mahwah juste avant. Hana a gagné j'espère ?
      80 aura été une année prolifique pour elle. Je me demande si elle en a pas gagné encore plus qu'en 84.
      Je pense à Atlanta, Mahwah peut-être, Stockholm, Amsterdam, AO. Ca en ferait déjà 5, et peut-être plus ??

    • @hanamandlikovastennis7724
      @hanamandlikovastennis7724  Před 3 lety

      @@stef1074 oui elle a battu Martina en 1/2 et Andrea 6/7 6/2 6/2 en F

  • @HunterBidenCocaineBag
    @HunterBidenCocaineBag Před 2 lety +1

    Man, could've been Austin and Jaeger in the final! The youngest duo ever?

  • @scrabbleking1965
    @scrabbleking1965 Před rokem

    43 years later the SF of the US Open looks like #3 ranked players on a high school team at a reasonably sized school in any random US city. Doubt they would even win a game at junior US OPEN qualifying tournament now. And YES I have played with a wood racket!!!!

  • @tore705
    @tore705 Před rokem +1

    Best match ever at US Open!!

  • @philippeyared2050
    @philippeyared2050 Před 2 lety +1

    Talent won

  • @liw8718
    @liw8718 Před rokem +2

    I wonder if maybe Andrea's dad, Roland, kept his assanine outbursts under wraps and didn't go beserck in the stands, maybe Andrea would've stood a better chance taking the tiebreaker.
    She has to play each point AND worry that her dad wouldn't embarrass himself and her on the court.
    What a louse !
    Did he think going beserck would help his daughter play better, esp when she can hear him ?
    These tennis dads, they don't know they're suffocating their kids.

  • @edwardhannah
    @edwardhannah Před 3 lety +2

    I never understood why Andrea didn’t even attempt to hit a volley on Hana’s passing shot. Seemed fairly within reach.

    • @robertjones8598
      @robertjones8598 Před 2 lety +1

      Hana had all the angles to make the pass. Bring her in cross court, pass down the line. That pass can go cc too if jaeger attempts to cover the line. This is why approach shot are usually best down the line our the middle. It would be tricky and low percentage for jaeger to hit a better approach over the high net while running in for the short ball. Pretty basic stuff.

  • @bradleysmall2230
    @bradleysmall2230 Před 3 lety

    thanks for not putting score or who wins in the title or discription.. To answer a question from below tv was probably showing a main match elsewhere in its entitety mostly and generally cut away to show important parts or match endings on other courts.. I bet they have a tape of it but maybe not with all camera angles or primary announcers... prolly owned by cbs and usta..

    • @hanamandlikovastennis7724
      @hanamandlikovastennis7724  Před 3 lety

      If you ever have any tracks on the full match (or if anybody here reading these posts has) please contact me!

  • @ongoldenponds
    @ongoldenponds Před rokem

    Can anyone tell me when Hana switched to her Wilson Ultra 2 graphite racket? Cannot have been long after this match?

  • @peteramirez6605
    @peteramirez6605 Před 3 lety +1

    They seemed like a dream match could of been a good rivalry does anyone know their head to head?

  • @bjtitsengolf7890
    @bjtitsengolf7890 Před 3 lety +2

    Back then I really thought Jaeger will become one of top player. But faded out as fast as she gets in. I'm guessing, bullied by his dad?

    • @nassauguy48
      @nassauguy48 Před 3 lety

      Yeah, as was so often the case. She and Pam Shriver were the two best players from that era never to win a singles Grand Slam, although Pam had an ideal family life.

    • @swalterstennis
      @swalterstennis Před 3 lety

      She was a top player. She was ranked #2, made two major finals, beat Martina four times and beat Chris Evert. She could have done a lot more though, yes. Injuries.

  • @travels129
    @travels129 Před rokem +1

    Hanas skirts short like hingis

    • @laurencelevene4333
      @laurencelevene4333 Před 2 měsíci

      They loved to show off their gorgeous long legs. The best in tennis at the time

  • @nickhorgan4349
    @nickhorgan4349 Před rokem +2

    Jaeger could of been one of the greats. but her heart wasn't in it. she went on to do some great things. I love her

  • @davanmani556
    @davanmani556 Před 3 lety +1

    Roland Jaeger did not know how to be encouraging like Nell Fortner in tight situations.

    • @martydav9475
      @martydav9475 Před 3 lety

      Did you ever see Barbara Becker when they were married, and she was watching Boris at Wimbledon? If it was really tight and Boris made a seemingly crucial error, the t.v. producer would cut to Barbara Becker who would have her face buried in her hands. Poor Boris, it was the last thing he needed to see, but he always did I'm afraid.

    • @shihlin1
      @shihlin1 Před 2 lety

      @@martydav9475 He won't see much now behind the walls of a jail cell.

    • @pcolt4
      @pcolt4 Před rokem

      Lol Nell Fortner??

  • @jamesc7019
    @jamesc7019 Před 3 lety +1

    Jasgars dad looks like a bully.

  • @knsf02
    @knsf02 Před 2 lety +1

    Women's tennis has come a long way since.

  • @AdvantageYT
    @AdvantageYT Před 2 lety

    the female host looks and sounds like Iga Swantek

  • @princeplanet3288
    @princeplanet3288 Před 7 měsíci

    I loved Hana’s fantastic tennis almost as much as Ive always hated Virginia Wade’s inane commentary.

  • @JohnJones-fg1dd
    @JohnJones-fg1dd Před 3 lety +5

    Jaeger's father is a putz.

    • @kjmcindoe3014
      @kjmcindoe3014 Před 3 lety +1

      Yes. And like all bullies he probably couldn't knock the skin off a rice pudding.

    • @FlabbyTitmuss
      @FlabbyTitmuss Před 3 lety +2

      @@kjmcindoe3014 I'm not sure about that. He was a former professional boxer.

    • @swalterstennis
      @swalterstennis Před 3 lety +2

      He was a TOUGH. I knew Roland Jaeger pretty well. I taught with him at Harry Hopman/Saddlebrook for years. He was a great man. I didn’t know him when Andrea played but he was a great teacher in the Hopman Academy and the hardest worker on staff. He helped me and was tough but a good man. He had a little temper but he cared about the kids. He’d teach over lunch and give kids extra time and he was like 62 years old.

  • @jhoneral3803
    @jhoneral3803 Před 2 měsíci

    Yes, her crying and her dad cussing...... I've seen enough

  • @craigpilgrim5793
    @craigpilgrim5793 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Andrea is a nun now isn't she? Hana has 2 kids from a sperm donor and lives in a lesbian relationship, so she is likely not a nun, I'm thinking.

    • @Nanciverse
      @Nanciverse Před 3 měsíci

      Andrea left the order many years ago but it's not been widely reported on. She is also a lesbian btw. She had a decades-long partner named Heidi but hasn never come out about her sexuality on the record.

    • @laurencelevene4333
      @laurencelevene4333 Před 2 měsíci +1

      I didn't know Hana was a lesbian. I had a huge crush on her. Gorgeous legs