Mastering Traditional Lombok Headscarf Tying (Sapuk Lombok)

  • čas přidán 1. 04. 2024
  • Learn the art of traditional Lombok headscarf tying with this tutorial on Sapuk Lombok. Discover the beauty of this cultural tradition and master the art of Sapuk Sasak in no time!
    Sapuk, also known as Ikat Kepala, is a traditional headscarf tying technique in Lombok. It is commonly worn during Lombok’s cultural events, weddings, or even at school during the “Sabtu Budaya” (Cultural Saturday) program in the independent curriculum. The term “Sapuk” originates from the Lombok language and refers to a headband made from Lombok songket fabric. When worn, it serves as a protective head covering for the crown. The motifs on the songket and the broom (the headscarf) must match. The use of Sapuk is believed to help keep the mind away from negative influences.
    Sapuk, also known as Ikat Kepala, has several variations in Lombok
    1. Sapuk Kain Songket: This type of Sapuk is made from Lombok songket fabric. The motifs on the songket and the broom (the headscarf) must match. When worn, it serves as a protective head covering for the crown. Sapuk Kain Songket is commonly worn during cultural events, weddings, or even at school during the “Sabtu Budaya” (Cultural Saturday) program in the independent curriculum
    2. Sapuk Sasak: The traditional Sasak community wears this variation. It is intricately tied and adorned with cultural significance. The colors and patterns of the fabric hold special meanings, reflecting the wearer’s identity and social status
    3. Sapuk Pusuk: Pusuk is a scenic mountain pass in Lombok. The Sapuk Pusuk style is inspired by the lush greenery and natural beauty of this region. It often features earthy tones and organic patterns
    4. Sapuk Modern: As Lombok embraces modernity, contemporary variations of Sapuk have emerged. These may incorporate different fabrics, colors, and tying techniques while still paying homage to the traditional roots.

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