Komentáře •

    @FANTAVISION Před 5 lety +49

    Happy new year everyone! Thank you all for your amazing support! No streams this week since I'm not home, but they will return back to normal next week!

    • @knockdowntdog6997
      @knockdowntdog6997 Před 5 lety

      im actually in AZ and use to live im Zoo town (aka Missoula MT)

    • @exitlude.
      @exitlude. Před 5 lety

      Really weird moment there, i read it as 'since i'm not homo' lmao

    • @knowledgeseeker4116
      @knowledgeseeker4116 Před 5 lety +1

      Thank you for all of your vidoes in 2018. When I have some spare time I love listening and watching your content. Great stuff!

  • @enrique1422
    @enrique1422 Před 5 lety +40

    >be me
    >lives in vegas
    >owns a black car
    >ac doesn't work

  • @Morkai_
    @Morkai_ Před 5 lety +54

    Eric sure has changed over christmas

    • @areethhfd5691
      @areethhfd5691 Před 5 lety +1

      Spankey The Mediocre Gamer he is busy. He has diarrhea

  • @dennisfar
    @dennisfar Před 5 lety +34

    I was cart crew for a year, they tried to make me work outside in a direct hit from a tropical storm. We told them to F off.

    • @Snoopyintheblanket
      @Snoopyintheblanket Před 5 lety +6

      RedFalcon94 we had tornado warnings and an actual touch down a couple miles from where the Walmart was and they still made us stay outside. If I didn’t live in such a small town with limited options I would have quit then and there. They have no regard for safety and are absolute power hungry assholes. All about profits, and if you don’t wear a blue dress shirt and have a bullshit title you may as well not even be human in their eyes. One man named brad was my favorite. Had an almost empty lot, decided to go up to employee parking to clear out carts there. Coworker from inside comes out to show us his new sound system since it was right there, we look and chat for about 2 minutes then carry on. Get called in and talked to about “disrespecting a manager” and a formal write up. He wasn’t on the clock, he was driving by and decided he didn’t like that we talked to another employee. Insider didn’t get in trouble btw, just us.

    • @Mae_Dastardly
      @Mae_Dastardly Před 5 lety +4

      I was slogging through it during Harvey, I love rain so it was a great time. Managers were too scared to come outside to check up on us so it was actually pretty fun.

  • @lieffian
    @lieffian Před 5 lety +58

    There are a couple things he didn’t touch on for weather, I’m a cart pusher in Illinois for an academy store and the managers there are either into their jobs or just plain stupid, they threaten to fire us if we don’t get the carts in when it’s freaking hot or freaking cold and send us mixed signals saying “yes stay in and cool off or warm up” but when we do, and it’s been as few as 20 seconds, they yell at us to get back out there, for the cold, they give us hand warmers that do nothing much so I double up on gloves and use them as an extra deal in between the layers or use them to dry out my wet gloves during lunch, I also use a liner of rubber gloves to keep my hands dry for the cold and wet winters, as for wet socks, I use plastic bags under my socks, our parking lot is full of pot holes so we can’t go an isle without stepping in a puddle at some point.. further part on the stupidity... I had one manager looking out at the sky and it looked like Armageddon was about to happen and heard her say “it does not look good out there” I asked her what to do and with a serious face, she said “I don’t know” and walked away, another time was when I was pushing in carts, it was a busy sunday and for some fucking reason well knowing I was the only cart pushers on shift, they said for me to do the other side, I’m like “alright” and go do it, 10 mins later they yell at me because the other side is getting low, I looked at them and said with a straight face “I’m giving it all I got captain, but i can not give her any more” then clocked out for the end of my shift, we also have a “buddy system” where it’s one guy on one side and like the rest of the crew on the other, usually they gravitate towards each other eventually leaving one guy to do all the work. I could go on about this but it would take me all day and I’m sure some of what I have to say will be in other videos

    • @triangulous5758
      @triangulous5758 Před 3 lety +1

      I'm a store standards associate at a regular store in canada (store standards = cart pusher with extra steps in my case) and god it's a fuckfest over here, one of my co-workers is just absolutely fucking lazy when hes not bringing carts in, I've had a couple occasions where he just disappeared for about 15-20 minutes in the middle of bringing in carts leaving me to do it all myself, 2 of my managers I do my best to avoid them at all times cause they're total jackasses, 1 of the other managers is a complete dumbfuck, they all expect us to do more than what any normal person is capable of (keeping up with carts while also dealing with carry outside on days where its busy and we are on our own) and among other things, altogether kill me lmao

    • @lieffian
      @lieffian Před 3 lety

      @@triangulous5758 want some tips? I have a bit that can be helpful

    • @triangulous5758
      @triangulous5758 Před 3 lety

      @@lieffian sure

    • @lieffian
      @lieffian Před 3 lety

      Winter tips
      1- keep a pair of snow cleats strapped to your side at all times when you see snow in the forecast, they will help you with traction when pushing carts through the parking lot since Walmart doesn’t stay on top of that shit
      2- get some hat lights (the cheap 1 dollar things in sporting goods) and a Walmart hat, put then lights on the brim of the hat and there you go, not only do you have a little more light, but they can see you coming and going in the snow and the darkness
      3- hand warmers can do more then keep your hands warm, use them to dry out hats, gloves and shoes (put the gloves and hat inside a bag with a pack of activated hand warmers by the end of your lunch break, they should be in a wearable state---for your boots/shoes put two in one shoe and switch them an hour later, by the end of the second hour, your boots/shoes will be dry), they can also help keep small meals and drinks hot since they can last for almost an entire day, when your done with them, place them around drinks or inside bags of take out to help keep them warm
      Summer tips
      1- grab yourself a folding camping canteen, they hold the amount of 2 16 fluid oz bottles of water
      2- know your limits
      1- if you have lazy co workers, learn the schedule for that day so you can call these assholes out if the work gets to be to much
      2- don’t be afraid to take the key to the other guy’s machine and hide it close by (make it seem like some asshole customer wanted to make his life harder then time from the time he goes on break to coming to you about the key for the machine and subtract 5 mins (time spent looking for the key) and keep a running log of this to turn into the manager, if you know of any hiding spots of lazy co worker, report them as well
      3- develop a language using the machine’s horns and hand signs when working in pairs and the lines are to long or as a way to communicate simple things such as lunch or break (for us, two short hand beeps was hello---
      Two long beeps was break--- three short was lunch---three long was being pulled off the lot, if we were working in pairs, we would use a combo of hand signs and beeps such as two beeps and the “move out” hand sign to let the other guy up front know your ready)
      4 keep extra supplies handy such as a small tool kit hidden incase one of the machines breaks down and you need to move it or something or tighten the lugs on the tires, also keep a cheat sheet of the codes handy incase they start flashing and how to fix it (if it can be done on sight)
      Hope it helps

  • @mylifeisalie6781
    @mylifeisalie6781 Před 5 lety +37

    This video contains:
    5% beer
    45% Walmart nonsense
    50% facts about water with fanta and guest

    • @TallyWackaTha2nd
      @TallyWackaTha2nd Před 4 lety +1

      *and a hundread percent reason to never visit Walmart ever again!"*

  • @mattgaldikas1511
    @mattgaldikas1511 Před 5 lety +17

    As someone on cart crew years ago I know all about the secret spots. I also found so many iPhones and wallets while collecting cart's. I was always honest and turned them in. If the phone was unlocked I was able to text a friend of the person and let them know that their phone was at the store .

  • @WaddleDeeKnows
    @WaddleDeeKnows Před 5 lety +10

    I’ve always assumed that the cart crew would hate the rain but I feel like in this situation they would probably love it since it would actually be cooler

  • @StaticFears
    @StaticFears Před 5 lety +19

    Steven is giving us a history lesson and I kinda dig it

  • @WorldlyWes
    @WorldlyWes Před 5 lety +6

    I worked as cart crew for like a month, me and the other dude spent the entire time sitting doing dabs collecting carts like once every 30 minutes.

  • @kiiroMADE
    @kiiroMADE Před 5 lety +11

    I'm so glad I found this channel. I live in Sweden so we don't have any walmarts here, but I find these stories very interesting and funny.

  • @Mdrake95
    @Mdrake95 Před 5 lety +2

    Flint is like 15 minutes from me and I hate how people have forgotten so quickly about this on going problem so thank you for reminding everyone it's still a issue alot of people face. Flint needs alot of help!

  • @Hazel-Olive
    @Hazel-Olive Před 5 lety +17

    Cheeks to my fellow Cart Pushers

  • @davidjlosi
    @davidjlosi Před 5 lety +10

    SBS's voice is very soothing

  • @realsunwave
    @realsunwave Před 5 lety +6

    Not sure how your videos popped up in my recommendations, but they helped me get through a lot of a retail job where I was working arduous hours in a dangerous area. I liked my coworkers but it was a rough and strange time. I'm just glad I never worked at any of my local Walmarts

  • @ZerotheWanderer
    @ZerotheWanderer Před 5 lety +42

    I thought Eric went in for a vasectomy, not plastic surgery.

    • @Morkai_
      @Morkai_ Před 5 lety +5

      Just as effective

  • @gangsterhamster8415
    @gangsterhamster8415 Před 5 lety +15


  • @patrickcarrillo714
    @patrickcarrillo714 Před 5 lety +32

    You got to do a tales from retail with Eric and Steven all three of you guys have to do a tales from retail

    • @frogking4688
      @frogking4688 Před 5 lety +1

      Yes Fanta we need a video with all three of you guys 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    • @rameenchowdhury7364
      @rameenchowdhury7364 Před 5 lety +1

      Yes that would be amazing!

    • @pronoydutta614
      @pronoydutta614 Před 5 lety

      You three need to be there....

  • @Cheatsalot123
    @Cheatsalot123 Před 5 lety +2

    I worked as Walmart Cart pusher in Arizona dry heat is a lie that every body in Arizona tells themselves including myself to justify living in a place that gets up to 110 to 115f do people forget that it can rain a lot in August and September that is why they are the worst months of summer. my first week as a cart pusher at Walmart in Arizona it rained every day and sometimes the wind would blow to where it destroyed the free cheap plastic rain coat they gave me didn’t help and even the good rain coat I own I still got soaked I thought to myself this supposed to be a desert where we don’t have pouring rain for hours but for my first week at my first job at Walmart the state of Arizona decided to have the most rain in years for Arizona and I swear it stopped raining as much once I stopped working outside for 8 to 10 hours a day. A lot of times management thought I could keep up with the carts for both Groceries side door cart bay and the GM door cart bay and garden center cart bay and TLE cart section some days I managed to do it by skipping my paid 15 minute breaks because if I went to break there would be no carts and customers would complain and management be like why are we out of carts and I was like I am the only person that showed up to do carts today I always hated when they would schedule you two hours after the last cart pusher went home so I would come in and there would be no carts I would get yelled at by management because they didn’t know I just got there. Some days I wonder how the f**k I managed to keep the whole parking lot 95% clear of carts and then they expected you to pick up trash help out with carry outs on top of maybe being by yourself or with one or two other people who might be cashiers forced to help and some of them very helpful others be standing around talking complaining and then go back in because they needed cashiers if by some miracle they send the whole stocking/back room sales associates to help catch you up when there is a big rush of customers and all bays of carts are empty and the parking lot full of carts and the worst day was when the cart mule or whatever it was called was broken it would get broken because other cart pushers put 100 carts on it when it is only supposed have 40 at a time which is hard to control unless you have 3 people guiding it but if they used those people to get 10 carts at a time it was quicker because you had to move cart mule slow to avoid hitting someone car and people would run there cars into the mule and almost hit me or other cart pushers because people don’t always look before pulling out of a parking spot and when they hit the mule they get out look at the mule look at you and be confused and get back their cars and drive away. I can’t imagine if things have gotten better or worse I hope other Walmart stores treated they cart pushers better than the store I worked at. Long rant and bad memories over with if you read this whole thing I am sorry I could write a book on how bad it is to work at some Walmart stores especially if you work the front of the store and grocery side.

  • @TakinDrasticMeasurez
    @TakinDrasticMeasurez Před 5 lety +5

    I remember years ago when I worked as a cart associate for Walmart, and one of the cart machines, which they forced us to use that day, malfunctioned due to the snow and tore a hole in the front of one of my coworkers boots where it was exposing part of his sock. It was several inches of snow out at the time and very cold. My coworker and I went in so we could inform a manager, and one of the assistant managers had the audacity to tell him to just "Put a plastic bag over your exposed foot and it'll be fine." I could not believe what I had heard.

  • @melissah.2133
    @melissah.2133 Před 5 lety +17

    In the next cart video, please talk about all the customers who don't put their carts back in the cart bin. They'll just put it right next to it (not inside) or just take all their stuff out of the cart and leave it and drive off. How much does that piss the cart crew off?

    • @heroofmasks
      @heroofmasks Před 5 lety +6

      a ton almost as much as it pisses us off when customers put riding carts in the buggy corals because there to lazy to bring them back to charge side note if your parked close to a corral you don't need a Riding cart because of the walk I think my Walmart's getting new ones gonna tell them to put a sensor on them to have them shut off shortly after the handicap spots

    • @Arotu12
      @Arotu12 Před 5 lety +7

      what pissed me off is that they leave the fucking carts in the parking spaces, or leave trash out in the parking lot 3 feet away from the can, and leave used diapers sometimes on the parking lot.... i bet i would be a great addition to Fantavision's videos lol i got a lot of stories. Edit: I also work at Dillons i usually work 4 hours picking up trash, getting carts bagging etc.

    • @bbj9643
      @bbj9643 Před 5 lety +1

      @@heroofmasks they should shut off once they leave the doors

    • @bbj9643
      @bbj9643 Před 5 lety +1

      People who leave their carts beside the corral are miserable people indeed, but there are worse. Assholes who pit their carts in the wrong side of the corral can drive off a cliff. Nothing like being yelled at to push in the huge lines of carts when its just 3 scumstains who put their carts on the closed side of the corral.

    • @Mae_Dastardly
      @Mae_Dastardly Před 5 lety +5

      I kinda just expect it tbh, what pisses me off is when they take their carts and put them in weird fucking places like on the grass islands or putting them in the corrals backwards.

  • @fakenamerson9317
    @fakenamerson9317 Před 5 lety +4

    My favorite low key beer tasting channel

  • @iAmRelmfu
    @iAmRelmfu Před 5 lety +1

    I worked on carts at a grocery store for the first 6 months working there and it was during the summer. The first day was the worse but after getting use to it it wasn't so bad. I've worked in a ton of different departments since than and the best part about carts is it's the one place managers never bother you. As long as it doesn't look like a complete disaster outside than they don't even notice your there.

  • @iNeverHadMercy
    @iNeverHadMercy Před 5 lety +1

    Cheers and Happy NEW YEAR, Fanta ! You're " Working Folks" videos have officially set the bar 👍🔥👍🔥

  • @YeRetroTavern
    @YeRetroTavern Před 5 lety +2

    The Bachelor's degree thing isn't just Walmart. A lot of retail places won't hire anyone that has any kind of college education cause they assume you'll move onto something else relatively soon and then they'll just have to replace you. I mean it's stupid because some people end up with useless degrees and need a job but you can't expect a corporate entity to use logic.

  • @OracularThunder
    @OracularThunder Před 5 lety +3

    The Murphy's for our Walmart is on a small hill overlooking the store and we found carts up there before.

    • @Mae_Dastardly
      @Mae_Dastardly Před 5 lety

      Farthest I've gone for carts is the motel 6 like a quarter mile away, literally nobody noticed I was gone.

  • @Daakist
    @Daakist Před 5 lety +1

    I pushed some carts while in high school. I used to get in trouble for smashing into the door with a long chain of carts to get them inside. The chain was so long that customers had to walk way around the chain just to get inside.

  • @chenillehart6411
    @chenillehart6411 Před 5 lety +1

    Happy New Year!
    Cool to see Steven back! Love that he's a rock hound and that he admitted he's a rock licker! 😂😂😂😂 yes it's a real thing when you are a rock hound!
    Love you videos! Rock on!

  • @Aster_Risk
    @Aster_Risk Před 5 lety +1

    I was a front end stocker at a store when I was younger, which is basically what the cart person would be at Wal Mart. I'm 5 foot 2 and can only lift 25 pounds, and they would constantly call me to do carry-outs for customers knowing I had a weight limit placed on me by a doctor. That job sucked. I worked with other women and men who would watch me struggling to do carry-outs and not help at all. That job sucked. I was really good at getting carts though. Anyway, that whole tangent about geology and water was actually really awesome.

  • @Snoopyintheblanket
    @Snoopyintheblanket Před 5 lety +1

    The degenerate corner was my safe haven. Also morning shift is the best there’s nothing to do and it’s so nice, shady and relaxing. Fuck mid shift and 2-11 tho those suck ass lmao

  • @ardentfilmgeek4690
    @ardentfilmgeek4690 Před 5 lety +1

    I worked as a cart pusher for Sam’s Club for 4 months and I got so many dirty diapers in the carts or thrown onto the concrete and it was one of the more disgusting things I dealt with.

  • @skittletwinkie8083
    @skittletwinkie8083 Před 5 lety +6

    Tales from Retail: Flint Michigan

  • @ryanelgieextrastuff
    @ryanelgieextrastuff Před 5 lety +2

    At McDonald's I get a stupid low raise yearly (like 10 cents or something) if minimum goes up and the first available promotion gives you a WHOLE 15 cents an hour woah

  • @KoubuPilot
    @KoubuPilot Před 5 lety +2

    "In part 2 we'll actually be yalk8ng about the thing we were already supposed to be talking about." Fanta has more tangents than a trigonometry class 😉

  • @buddlust7104
    @buddlust7104 Před 5 lety +1

    I just was in BIG SKY Montana just a few days ago for a week of snowboarding and enjoying also good ole COLDSMOKE! Great choice! Montana is dope! I’d leave MN for MT any day.

  • @richardsanchez9190
    @richardsanchez9190 Před 5 lety +1

    It helps having a geologist on here. And I ALWAYS put the cart back in that bin thing.

  • @ibraheemrao8434
    @ibraheemrao8434 Před 2 lety

    At the Wal-Mart I work at we started July with 6 cart pushers and before the end of the month half of them got kicked to the curb because of attendance issues, plus from the end of May till 8/3 the cart machine couldn't be used because one of the cart pushers lost the key.

  • @wargreymon323
    @wargreymon323 Před 5 lety +12

    Stephen is cool but I prefer Eric tbh

  • @bhole456
    @bhole456 Před 5 lety +4

    steven is a great addition to your show your tangents are a lot more intelligent

  • @tonygriego6382
    @tonygriego6382 Před 5 lety

    Can't wait for part 2. SBS needs his own channel.

  • @dxk65
    @dxk65 Před 5 lety +3

    Everyone knows a Steven. If you don't then you're Steven.

    • @TheSpecialPsycho
      @TheSpecialPsycho Před 4 lety

      I do not know a Steven.
      And being that I am non-binary and lean feminine, I do not identify as a Steven.

  • @Myth_or_Mystery76
    @Myth_or_Mystery76 Před 5 lety

    I work at Best Buy. We have to stop whatever we're doing in the warehouse and get carry outs as well. There are even people who are just standing up at the front desk doing nothing but they aren't made to do anything.

  • @SadSadSadSquishSquishSquish

    No lie, I worked at a neighborhood Walmart & our cart pusher took girls out by the back of the store &... well you can put it together.

    • @myrandomchannel871
      @myrandomchannel871 Před 5 lety

      Dakota Channing Jesus

    • @asnarkyname.1500
      @asnarkyname.1500 Před 5 lety +15

      R/thathappened. .. who the heck would go and have sex with the cart pusher at Wal-Mart, let alone having sex at Wal Mart alone..

    • @gameexpert133
      @gameexpert133 Před 5 lety +6

      @@asnarkyname.1500 depends on the state you live in lol

    • @lieffian
      @lieffian Před 5 lety +1

      Dakota Channing well a sub cart pusher actually found a used condom in one of our depots (where all the carts are held for customers to use in store) full of cum

    • @SadSadSadSquishSquishSquish
      @SadSadSadSquishSquishSquish Před 5 lety

      gameexpert133 we’re out in Texas lol

  • @MoriSenpai023
    @MoriSenpai023 Před 5 lety +3

    I normally don't comment on videos but whenever the subject of minimum wage comes up I just wanna give my 2 cents on it and just share some of my experiences in retail. Just want to start out by saying I really love your videos Fanta, Eric and Steven are awesome guests as well! I love hearing what all of you guys have to say. So I worked at Wegmans for 3 years and it was fantastic. Even if the minimum wage went up by .10 they would raise everyone's wage even if you were 8.00 above minimum just to balance it out and it would stack on the .50 raise every 6 months of working there. Good companies will try to balance it out and make it fair for everyone, shitty companies will just screw you over (which are most retail places unfortunately). Raising the minimum wage in my opinion isn't bad but it's the companies that are shitty and don't balance out wages that are making it difficult for everyone in retail right now. I work at Winco now and it's terrible, they changed everything around when the minimum went up so now everyone starts off at .10 above minimum wage and you can only get a .10 raise every 1,000 hours you work and it caps out after .70 (7,000 hours). I even got a management in training position (basically a department assistant manager) and they gave me .10 extra per hour (I declined). I've worked in this type of department for 6 years and I'm basically still making minimum wage. Sorry for the long comment guys

  • @thomasshull1407
    @thomasshull1407 Před 3 lety

    As a Floridian who is a cart pusher at Walmart, I can confirm that it does feel like armpit weather

  • @skippy17741
    @skippy17741 Před 5 lety +3

    Try the union jack IPA by Firestone walker. It's a great brewery from socal that's starting to get national distribution

  • @trinitychambers8123
    @trinitychambers8123 Před 5 lety +2

    Virginian here. Our weather is always bipolar :(

  • @collector1996
    @collector1996 Před 5 lety +2

    Video starts at 3:25

  • @asarishepard8171
    @asarishepard8171 Před 5 lety

    humidity vs dry heat is a very big difference, you're right. I grew up in CA. You poor cart jockey! That had to be the worst job in the summer >_<
    20:00 the same was true for soutehrn CA. people think it never rains there but there's a weird month or so period in spring where it would rain pretty much the whole month. That was a pain to walk to school that time of year.

  • @178laaleros
    @178laaleros Před 5 lety +2

    I hated that job I did it for 3 months. Plus you have to collect karts while some people try to run you over. Then you have to change the garbage which sucks a lot. And you have to do carry outs since the csn people are lazy to do it. Plus if the machine breaks down they want you to still collect karts even if that happens.

  • @MacGuffinExMachina
    @MacGuffinExMachina Před 5 lety

    There's a brewery a few blocks away called Gnarly Barley. I love their Jucifer and Korova Milk Porter. I recommend them.

      @FANTAVISION Před 5 lety

      Korova Milk Porter lol that reference though

  • @vincentvila2252
    @vincentvila2252 Před 5 lety


  • @donovanrieman3592
    @donovanrieman3592 Před 5 lety +1

    I like how they think someone will put a time stamp but no one ever does😂😂

      @FANTAVISION Před 5 lety +1

      There's quite a few in the comments actually, I just don't pin them

  • @WorldlyWes
    @WorldlyWes Před 5 lety +1

    Min wage in NC, is like 7.50. Walmart paid up to like 13 in the summer, but i still make more money from wow coaching so its whatever i dont gotta die in the heat.

  • @thomasensley2648
    @thomasensley2648 Před 4 lety

    Hey Fanta, listen to you guys everyday in my work van, can totally relate working retail / service industry! I didn't know you live in AZ, I live in Mesa.... It's hot as balls! Keep up the great Vids!

  • @GeneralGorillaSonicOC
    @GeneralGorillaSonicOC Před 5 lety

    Call in a "Code Black" staff are to gather at a certain part of the store while people loot.

  • @janedupree2327
    @janedupree2327 Před 3 lety

    Is there a such thing as mercury mines?

  • @amarchhabra2175
    @amarchhabra2175 Před 5 lety

    It's cool you have two co-hosts now!

  • @checkacola
    @checkacola Před 5 lety +2

    I worked as cart boy before in minus 40 weather!

    • @realsunwave
      @realsunwave Před 5 lety

      I had to do that shit while being a produce clerk and checker

  • @BadShadd1
    @BadShadd1 Před 5 lety +2

    Steven seems like a really knowledgable guy he was interesting!

  • @TheRightousGaming
    @TheRightousGaming Před 5 lety

    I'm from Montana too!!

  • @calebburch9816
    @calebburch9816 Před 5 lety

    Talking about beer for that long feels like dead air haha

  • @blaze20546
    @blaze20546 Před 5 lety

    Happy 2019

  • @JoeZanDeathKiller
    @JoeZanDeathKiller Před 5 lety

    I understand completely I started as carts and carry out

  • @captrodgers4273
    @captrodgers4273 Před 3 lety

    whenever i found a big bottle of alcohol left in a cart id bring it home

  • @NorthCascades
    @NorthCascades Před 5 lety

    A do cart crew at a Walmart in the Pacific Northwest and boy does it suck in the winter time. Freezing rain plus high winds for 8 hours is not fun at all. Most of us guys get sick every once in awhile because of the weather, which is really fucked up because of Walmart's sick policy. Fuck Walmart.

  • @colincraigo5793
    @colincraigo5793 Před 5 lety +6

    Is Steven the dude that is always banging on stuff and screaming in the room next to you when you are recording videos (usually when Eric is in them)?

      @FANTAVISION Před 5 lety +6

      Nah, that's Adam who will be in an episode or two in the future!

  • @briancrawford69
    @briancrawford69 Před 4 lety

    Here in Fresno it gets easily over 100 for pretty much all summer and it is also a dry heat so it's pretty similar to Arizona. After being in dry heat over 100 and then places in the 80s or 90s but crazy high humidity, I will DAMN SURE take our 100+ dry heat. Crazy high humidity is just ignorant

  • @iamaunicorn1232
    @iamaunicorn1232 Před 5 lety

    Grandma Eastwood did something new with his hair. I like it.

  • @ayelmao1231
    @ayelmao1231 Před 5 lety

    I was cart crew for about a year and a half, one of the worst things ever lmao. I live in Mass so during summer the temp. would get up to the mid 90s and the humidity in the southcoast area is awful.

  • @rafaelvarga8185
    @rafaelvarga8185 Před 5 lety +1

    itś the day after and I fell . . . the same

  • @shell486
    @shell486 Před 5 lety +54

    Fanta please do a video on the angry transgender that went off at GameStop

    • @kota687
      @kota687 Před 5 lety +5

      I second this. It's a good meme

    • @curtissmith7039
      @curtissmith7039 Před 5 lety +9

      @Jack Goff that's the definition of transgender, so yeah

    • @omegacyborg
      @omegacyborg Před 5 lety +10

      ​@@curtissmith7039 that's actually not the Definition of a Transgender at all...a Man that becomes a Woman or a Woman that becomes a Man is the Definition of Transgender, there is no Pretending to be a Woman

    • @lolidontcare3467
      @lolidontcare3467 Před 5 lety +1

      @@omegacyborg oh so you mean a person that's mentally ill

    • @haaxxx9
      @haaxxx9 Před 5 lety

      Oh god no...

  • @andydrew42
    @andydrew42 Před 5 lety +6

    I live in Michigan, thank goodness not by Flint!!!
    That place is a dumpster lol

    • @Clay3613
      @Clay3613 Před 5 lety +1

      Thanks to GM and corrupt bureaucrats.

  • @Commenter560
    @Commenter560 Před 5 lety

    I live in Mississippi. It’s a wet heat down here, guys, and minimum wage is $7.25.

  • @kimsmith6705
    @kimsmith6705 Před 5 lety

    Well that really went off topic 😅 I grew up just outside of Flint.. And worked there....glad I moved away.

  • @MrSupersonic2012
    @MrSupersonic2012 Před 4 lety

    Currently I've been at Walmart for almost six years. I make 40 cents more than a new hire. Fuck me.

  • @T-Swerve03
    @T-Swerve03 Před 5 lety

    Im from Michigan and i refuse to stop in flint. The saying is “The beer in hell is better than the water in flint”

  • @devonmayes9842
    @devonmayes9842 Před 5 lety

    i had to push carts at Kroger while it was raining and 30 degrees outside. shit sucked.

  • @jenniferbassfirstchannel

    Anyone have any crazy apparel stories??

  • @johnhoopengarner9570
    @johnhoopengarner9570 Před 5 lety +1

    When I started in retail minimum wage was 4.25...

  • @TheWhiteGyrfalcon
    @TheWhiteGyrfalcon Před 5 lety +1

    Well Stephen if your job falls through being a geologist - a teacher of anything would be good - you have a good voice and are a good story teller - was interesting hearing the off topic stuff this week - and yeah Flint, Michigan is sad for sure.

  • @hardyrulez96
    @hardyrulez96 Před 5 lety +1


  • @dionwalton6963
    @dionwalton6963 Před 5 lety +3

    Steven has to be in back to the futon 13 or I'm deleting him from my friends list.

  • @andrewvanbee
    @andrewvanbee Před 5 lety +2

    Your minimum wage is $11/hr? Jesus fucking Christ it’s like $8.10 in Ohio

  • @OrtegaPegMe
    @OrtegaPegMe Před 5 lety +1

    Man I've been waiting to see what Steven or Stephen?? looks like still waiting on Adam tho lmao

  • @johnhoopengarner9570
    @johnhoopengarner9570 Před 5 lety

    Sapporo and Red Stripe are two beers I enjoy...

  • @trevshove
    @trevshove Před 5 lety

    Lead isn't actually toxic until it's refined, just saying.

  • @theannouncer5538
    @theannouncer5538 Před 5 lety

    Arizona sounds like living on a different planet

  • @justinarchuleta3026
    @justinarchuleta3026 Před 5 lety

    I’m so used to seeing Eric in these videos I was like wow he has changed a lot then I was like oh I guess that’s not him lol

  • @xMrPapadap0lis
    @xMrPapadap0lis Před 5 lety +3

    Minimum wage where I live is still like $7.85 or some shit lmao. I feel bad for those people.

    • @VideoScruub
      @VideoScruub Před 5 lety +1

      Now compare both places on price of living.

    • @SuperMCMatrix
      @SuperMCMatrix Před 5 lety +1

      It's $7.25 in Virginia

    • @Clay3613
      @Clay3613 Před 5 lety

      $8.55 for Ohio, but most fast food places will pay you over $12 immediately to insure hires. Warehouses will pay even more, but the work is grueling and boring, not worth it.

    • @silento8252
      @silento8252 Před 4 lety

      @@Clay3613 $15 an hour for most labour jobs in Wisconsin and the Cost of living is pretty low generally. Walmart stockers only make 11 tho 🤔

  • @SuperMCMatrix
    @SuperMCMatrix Před 5 lety +3

    Your guys' minimum wage is $11? Virginia's minimum wage is $7.25 Jesus christ

    • @Clay3613
      @Clay3613 Před 5 lety

      Gotta keep all the young folk from leaving. So many seniors in Arizona.

    • @areethhfd5691
      @areethhfd5691 Před 5 lety

      Also costs much less to live in Az

  • @laureljade3476
    @laureljade3476 Před 5 lety

    People pay no attention to the napalm orange caution cones.

  • @stephendove5747
    @stephendove5747 Před 5 lety

    American beer is Gatorade Canada :P

  • @trolljones4386
    @trolljones4386 Před 5 lety

    The minimum wage is actually good in Arizona? i am guessing this is compensation for living for there but damn that is fat better then the 7.25 federal Minimum wage or the 8.85 NJ Minimum wage.

  • @grisselbrandthegreat5567
    @grisselbrandthegreat5567 Před 5 lety +1

    My walmart pays $11.50 an hour.

  • @renmomo3510
    @renmomo3510 Před 5 lety

    hey, about minimum wage, my county (3rd richest in the US or something) has the minimum wage at $7.45. it sucks ass

  • @christopherwernette1648

    No offense to AZ residents, but I have family that lives in the Pheonix area and have been there all times of year and I hate the phrase "but it's a dry heat." 110 degrees is still f***ing hot!

      @FANTAVISION Před 5 lety

      Lol it's just a joke at this point. However, the "dry heat" means it's tolerable in the shade. In Florida, shade doesn't seem to do anything.

    @GODZILLAFAN45 Před 5 lety


  • @zachsteele6964
    @zachsteele6964 Před 5 lety +8

    You should get a job at Starbucks with Eric just so you can get pissed off and tell stories about your time there.

  • @hypnojon32
    @hypnojon32 Před 5 lety

    I found this video very informative and interesting... However...I just have one question... Is Eric OK?

      @FANTAVISION Před 5 lety

      Yeah, he's good! Just wasn't able to schedule a time to record before I left

    • @areethhfd5691
      @areethhfd5691 Před 5 lety

      He has dreadful diarrhea