One Extraordinary Church

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • It’s the House for all Sinners and Saints in Denver, a widely unconventional congregation led by Evangelical Lutheran pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber. She told correspondent Lucky Severson her language, teaching and tattoos symbolize her acceptance of everyone, and they of her. Their church is thriving.
    Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

Komentáře • 335

  • @annjones3186
    @annjones3186 Před 6 lety +18

    Paul predicted this long ago......
    "For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear." (2 Timothy 4:3)
    Nadia says that her congregation is "religious but not spiritual"? What does this mean?

    • @sebastianmelmoth685
      @sebastianmelmoth685 Před 3 lety

      Christ (not a saint) said, "Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. For the one who is not against us is for us." See what I did there? I also cherry picked to kick you in the nethers.

    • @lynnetrue4103
      @lynnetrue4103 Před 2 lety +2

      The saying "I'm spiritual but not religious" has been used for years by those who don't go to church. I believe the phrase " religious but not spiritual" means they go to church and follow the liturgy and hear the Bible because church and community bring us closer to God....together. We are not God thus not Spiritual.
      If you actually read her book Accidental Saints you will see she preaches the Bible. Actually she goes through the whole church year as she tells the story of how God brought all these people into her life. Very good read.

  • @cpraber
    @cpraber Před 6 lety +42

    Jesus also said repent and sin no more. Yes he comes to us in our brokenness, but we are not to stay there.

    • @Amy-wh9dz
      @Amy-wh9dz Před 5 lety

      cpraber Amen, amen.

    • @jedisentinel1499
      @jedisentinel1499 Před 5 lety +7

      We will always stay there. We can't fix our brokenness. We always fail trying. That's why Christ died for us. Knowing that, strive to be a better person through his sacrifice.

    • @stevetucker5851
      @stevetucker5851 Před 5 lety

      Chris Raber Until someone proves to me that God exists and that the Bible is the word of God, I will continue in Agnosticism/Progressive Christianity.

    • @richar44d
      @richar44d Před 4 lety

      And where do you think you will go?

    • @robsor85
      @robsor85 Před 3 lety

      @@stevetucker5851 Your comment does not make sense. You don't believe so you are taking part in this religion of self indulgence with a sprinkling of Jesus? And you reject the real Jesus?

  • @lynneyoudin3667
    @lynneyoudin3667 Před 6 lety +7

    I went and listened to her speak this past Friday night not knowing a thing about her. She is brilliant and bright, a true light.

    • @robocoe
      @robocoe Před 6 lety +2

      But not Christian . Please read a New testament for yourself. If you knew much of the history of the Lutheran church , you would know that Martin Luther rebelled against the Catholic church that in his day behaved much like this .

    • @keithwilson6060
      @keithwilson6060 Před 5 lety

      Did she curse and use profanity in her speech?

    • @thundercrow1965
      @thundercrow1965 Před 5 lety

      Lynne Youdin ❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @candyclews4047
    @candyclews4047 Před 6 lety +27

    We're all sinners at some point but the Bible shows us clearly what is a sin - and that we need to repent and stop doing it. Simple.

    • @richar44d
      @richar44d Před 5 lety +2

      What sins are you about to stop doing? Or was repentance a once-only thing?

    • @HeavenlyEchoVirus
      @HeavenlyEchoVirus Před 4 lety +2

      We are called to try and love our neighbours, and we should strive to live as best we can. But nothing we infallible humans can do can save us, and we all will sin no matter how hard we try not to. That is why we need Jesus. Jesus isn’t a mere spark of inspiration. We need God’s grace and forgiveness and love each day.

    • @Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer
      @Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer Před 2 lety +1

      Except it doesn't. Everything can be labeled a sin. From what you eat, to what you wear, from actions, to even mere thoughts in your head. Every church can make up what they call sins. Which is why there are thousands of denominations.

  • @josephvincent4791
    @josephvincent4791 Před 5 lety +16

    There is so much hate speech against this woman please be encouraged you are doing such a good job thank you I really mean that thank you and to the people that write so much hate God is Love God is Love God is Love

    • @Dilley_G45
      @Dilley_G45 Před 4 lety +3

      Haters are those who accuse people who speak the truth of hate speech. That's hat Nazis and Communists do. The Bible is clear about these things and she is a false teacher. Period. You need to repent, read the Bible and learn the truth

    • @worldslostitsmind531
      @worldslostitsmind531 Před 2 lety +2

      God is not just love. Read the Bible he is a righteous judge and a God of wrath and he is angry with the wicked every day. Stop reading one verse you like and acting like you know who God is.

    • @schnuppcatfish7777
      @schnuppcatfish7777 Před rokem

      Whatever you're itching ear wants to believe will not save you you are degenerates and will have a special place in hell because of the heresy you teach

    • @Panhandlebluegrass1986
      @Panhandlebluegrass1986 Před rokem +3

      @@Dilley_G45 amen!

  • @aTruster
    @aTruster Před 7 lety +24

    The Messiah came into the world to save sinners from their sins. Unrepentant salvation only exists in the mind of those that pervert the truth.

  • @caroladonovan3567
    @caroladonovan3567 Před 6 lety +17

    Isn't this what we are all about? A MIX of God's children? Love this.

    • @robocoe
      @robocoe Před 6 lety +3

      Please read a new testament for yourself, it's not hard. This church does not come anywhere near to anything compared to a New testament Christian church.

    • @dmmusicmusic
      @dmmusicmusic Před 2 lety

      only those who truly believe in Christ are God's children: He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-
      13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God, (John 1:10-13NIV).
      Jesus elsewhere describes such people as those who obey His commandments-
      "You are My friends if you do what I command you,"( john `5:14). Therefore, people who openly embrace what Scripture condemns as sinful/destructive cannot reasonably claim to be Jesus' disciples, His "friends" or children of God.

    • @williamoarlock8634
      @williamoarlock8634 Před 2 lety

      @@dmmusicmusic You're welcome to your paedo-sadist 'father' and hypocrisy made flesh son who came not into the world (reality).

    • @mackinm00se
      @mackinm00se Před 2 lety

      @@robocoe go to therapy.

  • @wayneschlotfeldt1631
    @wayneschlotfeldt1631 Před 3 lety +7

    Pray for her to see His Word.

    • @sebastianmelmoth685
      @sebastianmelmoth685 Před 3 lety +2

      We did. She does. Move along.

    • @dmmusicmusic
      @dmmusicmusic Před 2 lety

      @@sebastianmelmoth685 no. She does not she perverts and twists the Bible completely ignoring very major emphases; as others have said she is a false teacher and one day she will answer for it, and your opinion won't count for squat then; God's kingdom is not a democracy and He's not running for "office."

    • @sebastianmelmoth685
      @sebastianmelmoth685 Před 2 lety

      @@dmmusicmusic The Bible is already twisted and perverted. Does not need any help from Nadia.

    • @dmmusicmusic
      @dmmusicmusic Před 2 lety +1

      @@sebastianmelmoth685 why do people like you even follow and comment on these threads? you obviously are strongly and negatively biased; your opinion means nothing because I'd bet you know exactly nothing about the Bible. just another ignorant hater.

    • @sebastianmelmoth685
      @sebastianmelmoth685 Před 2 lety +1

      @@dmmusicmusic Yes, that would make you feel very comfortable, wouldn't it - imagining that people who disagree with your biblidiocy are ignorant of scripture. I am happy to leave you with that comfort and that ignorance. It is clearly all you have.

  • @yetifrom4-8chops51
    @yetifrom4-8chops51 Před 8 lety +79

    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires2nd Timothy 4:3

    • @jonathansimmons3344
      @jonathansimmons3344 Před 7 lety +2

      You killed it. You tried to paste a witty piece of scripture, but you could not even put a space after desires.

    • @lovereadingsnyc
      @lovereadingsnyc Před 6 lety +3

      Yeti From 4-8 Chops AMEN this is sad. But He IS IN CONTROL!!!!!!

    • @eumeliovazquezjr1630
      @eumeliovazquezjr1630 Před 6 lety +5

      You picked an all most perfect verse to describe this video.i can’t think of any better verse.

    • @stevebrown8368
      @stevebrown8368 Před 6 lety +1

      Eumelio Vazquez if that's the case, fuck you and all religion

    • @isabellabellaoreadienotlik4848
      @isabellabellaoreadienotlik4848 Před 6 lety

      Theres always someone. I wonder if you people remain quiet for once, will you blow up? Lol

  • @highspiritsfarm781
    @highspiritsfarm781 Před 4 lety +15

    God is love. No strings attached. Nadia is an inspiration! Authentic. Thank you,

    • @ssb6431
      @ssb6431 Před 3 lety +3

      “Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” (Matthew‬ ‭16:24‬ ). How is Nadia’s anarchy inspiring at all?

    • @highspiritsfarm781
      @highspiritsfarm781 Před 3 lety +3

      I find it inspiring that she bridges a path for those which other churches have cast out and marginalized. People who feel alone and forgotten...people who need God and Jesus the very most can have a safe space to come to without judgement from others. A place where they can begin to heal, and have support of a community to come back to God.

    • @mosesbernardino
      @mosesbernardino Před 3 lety +1

      Your blood be upon your own head.

    • @dmmusicmusic
      @dmmusicmusic Před 2 lety

      @@mosesbernardino it will be.

    • @worldslostitsmind531
      @worldslostitsmind531 Před 2 lety +1

      God is not just love. Read the Bible and stop deceiving yourself. It will not help you on the day you stand before him

  • @bretth8342
    @bretth8342 Před 6 lety +22

    Where is the Gospel?

  • @samdrake4192
    @samdrake4192 Před 6 lety +21

    Jesus didn’t say deny thyself pick up your cross and follow me because he wanted you to keep doing what you were doing.

    • @richar44d
      @richar44d Před 5 lety +1

      OK. What does He want you to stop first?

    • @eyesthatsmile-heartthatlov8050
      @eyesthatsmile-heartthatlov8050 Před 4 lety +2

      @@richar44d He gives you the power to will and the power to do. First he gives you desire to do what is right, you will not stop sinning all at once; but you desire to stop. As you grow daily in Christ you will sin less and less. Like Maya Angelou said "when you know better, you do better. Of course no one will be perfect; but everyone that desires to do better, will. We are to be conformed to the image of Christ. As we look into the mirror of his word daily, we are changed continually by the Holy Spirit that indwells those who belong to Christ. What a wonderful life, to die daily to our old nature, and become more and more like Christ; where old things have passed away and we behold all things new. No longer a slave to sin; but more than a conqueror through Christ who loves and strengthens us by His Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph over the sin in our lives. We can boldly approach the throne of grace for help in time of need. We overcome, not by power nor by might but by My Spirit says the Lord of Host. Be glad, rejoice and have a wonderful day.

    • @richar44d
      @richar44d Před 4 lety +1

      Grace Bull-sh*t and Glory; 1. All have sinned and fallen short. 2. Many catechisms allow that we will not, in this lifetime, address, recover and prevail, against all sin. 3. The danger here is that, if you are foolish enough to believe you can conquer a sin by concentrating your sincere efforts on it, you gravely at risk of damnation. Worse than before you started on it. 4. "The works of the flesh, will avail you naught." You will make no progress at all if you cling to any notion that someone is keeping score. Try as you might, until the notion that you can do anything to merit salvation, runs out of steam and dies, you will die in your own venial sins.

  • @Transpenguincy
    @Transpenguincy Před 5 lety +3

    This video is brilliant and so is Nadia. The comments section is AWFUL and shows the real state of 'the church' and "christians" who shout sin sin sin and judgement... Jesus constantly rebuked pharisees who were lofty and self righteous... just saying.

  • @TyHamlet
    @TyHamlet Před 3 lety +4

    Religious but not Spiritual? How do you have the trinity without the Holy Spirit?

  • @JR-oh6vo
    @JR-oh6vo Před 6 lety +8

    How will these sinners get rid of their sin if they are in a church of sin?

    • @blissfulbeautyfull-mess5125
      @blissfulbeautyfull-mess5125 Před 5 lety +1

      Ikr....some of what she has said is right on but a lot of this "brokeness" is not being fixed by God's Word which is the Truth ....maybe she does talk about specific sin like homosexuality , swearing,theft, murder, lying, gossip...etc!! I dunno but seems not to be ..... since it seems they are not out of the lifestyle of sin?, are we not called to be seperate from the world and be Holy???? What is the definition of Holy, Yes we are saved by Grace but shall we keep sinning/living in sin....May the Holy Spirit convict and rebuke these people , true Love is Truth and that truth hurts!!!!

    • @Lee7blink
      @Lee7blink Před 5 lety +1

      @@blissfulbeautyfull-mess5125 apparently your truth is not my truth.. are we not all sinners? do we ever not sin? is one sin worse than another? and holy? hardly we can try but Luther made it clear no matter how hard we try, or try to be perfect .. we will never be holy.. not by good works, and it's only by God's grace that we are saved. not by our own acts lest we boast.. I for one am tired of the vast majority of Christians condemning , judgemental, and holier than thou attitudes..I am an ELCA Lutheran former LCMS Lutheran,and was drawn to the church for their amazing acceptance and welcoming of all people, and overwhelming message of love that's what my God is all about . And that's what Nadia's message is all about as well

  • @damarispickin649
    @damarispickin649 Před 5 lety +16

    I am worried about our younger generation listening to this very confused and irreverent woman. She is preaching her own gospel, a religion of "self." When you do not know the Word of God, you do not know Jesus. Without Jesus you have a foolish religion without the Holy Ghost, a Christianity without the risen Christ, forgiveness without repentance, grace without justification, a Heaven without a hell and a monologue with no truth. Let us worship Him in spirit and in truth because the rest is mere vanity.

    • @JudyCobb
      @JudyCobb Před 3 lety +2

      We have no say in how and when God speaks to us. We are ALL His children! Love wins❤️

    • @worldslostitsmind531
      @worldslostitsmind531 Před 2 lety +1

      Good word. Much better than Judy’s child like nonsense

    • @mackinm00se
      @mackinm00se Před 2 lety

      @@worldslostitsmind531 go to therapy.

    • @worldslostitsmind531
      @worldslostitsmind531 Před 2 lety

      @@mackinm00se most therapy is against God so no thank you. Gods word says not to lead by feelings. Most people love their sin and they return to it like a dog to its vomit just like the Bible says. And then they try to justify it by using the word love. You are allowed to trust in therapy and man but I will chose to trust in Gods word

  • @michael_toms
    @michael_toms Před 5 lety +8

    What's her ( Nadia Bolz-Weber) comprehension of repentance?

  • @mosog8829
    @mosog8829 Před rokem +1

    Mat 24:15
    Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place

  • @chassinclair5094
    @chassinclair5094 Před 7 lety +6

    In the landscape of "churches", she is welcome. Good for her.

  • @zeeoooh
    @zeeoooh Před 5 lety +5

    4:27 "religious not spiritual"?? or did they mean spiritual not religious

  • @studmalexy
    @studmalexy Před 6 lety +8

    "her congregation is religious but not spiritual"l?........uhh...RED FLAGS right there!.............what about the Holy SPIRIT!? the holy spirit that dwells in the body/temple of all believers?!

  • @vickidenstaedt4117
    @vickidenstaedt4117 Před 5 lety +6

    Thank-you! As an ELCA member, this is church as my parents led me to believe church should be... Praise Jesus, Amen!

    • @dmmusicmusic
      @dmmusicmusic Před 2 lety +2

      maybe yiur parents just failed miserably on that point. honestly it happens.

    • @Panhandlebluegrass1986
      @Panhandlebluegrass1986 Před rokem +1

      Hope that you are no longer blind 4 years later…

  • @JR-oh6vo
    @JR-oh6vo Před 6 lety +13

    GOD did not come to keep you in sin, but to free you... Does not seem like this is the case here.

    • @BossSpringsteen69
      @BossSpringsteen69 Před 5 lety

      Definitely not.

    • @TorEtCetera
      @TorEtCetera Před 3 lety

      @@LouPendergrass11 Precisely. In fact, what I got from this video is that the congregation feel freed from sin, by Jesus and God through Nadia. What is more beautiful than that

  • @Birdbike719
    @Birdbike719 Před 5 lety +7

    So many hateful comments. Tell the truth. Yall just mad because she doesnt condemn gay people. If this piece didnt mention gay people yall would be all "Isnt she wonderful and full of the Holy Spirit". Sad.

    • @Airkanrickee
      @Airkanrickee Před 4 lety +1

      Yyyyyaaaaasssss!!! Thank you, Linda 🙏

  • @romnumiv4
    @romnumiv4 Před 5 lety +5

    The ideals of christianity are centered in beliefs, doctrines, and practices that are greater and more divine than worldly standards. Todays church says nothing about accountability for your actions but instead uses jesus dying on the cross as an excuse to do whatever one chooses.

  • @saraacasm153
    @saraacasm153 Před 7 lety +11

    I want to go to this church

    • @robocoe
      @robocoe Před 6 lety +4

      Stay away . Better to not go to church than attend this one . Read a new testament.

  • @mikesentell942
    @mikesentell942 Před 7 lety +16

    Ye without sin , cast the first stone , sounds like some of your pockets full of them .

    • @EricNHaitz
      @EricNHaitz Před 6 lety

      Except.......she's married...... to a man .....and has children......most lesbians....don', did you watch the video?

    • @hudsonensz2858
      @hudsonensz2858 Před 5 lety

      Don't see anyone actually stoning her. Or do you mean people disagreeing on the internet?

  • @sixteenswordsinc6007
    @sixteenswordsinc6007 Před 7 lety +29

    busting hell wide open

    • @sinexia16
      @sinexia16 Před 7 lety +2

      Sixteen Swords Inc hell is enlarging to receive these reprobates.

    • @BossSpringsteen69
      @BossSpringsteen69 Před 5 lety

      WOw! I was thinking of saying the same thing.

  • @jalexander305
    @jalexander305 Před 6 lety +3

    The best lie has a bit of truth mixed in. There’s a reason church’s don’t let drag queens watch kids is because it is wrong to expose kids to perverse examples of sex it has nothing to do with not being accepted as a human being. Being cautions with other people’s children is not a bad thing.

    • @sebastianmelmoth685
      @sebastianmelmoth685 Před 3 lety +1

      My church loves drag queens. They sang in the choir last year - in full drag. Why not be honest and say "MY church..." People like us don't really care about YOUR church. Move along.

  • @dmmusicmusic
    @dmmusicmusic Před 6 lety +26

    Nadia, you have no authority to declare forgiveness of sins or speak a word of absolution.
    Instead of introducing people to the ever- loving, always gracious christ who forgives sin, you attempt to reinvent the church and lead people to believe God is "ok" with them no matter how they live. that is a direct contradiction of Scripture and leads people away from the God who will forgive them and liberates them to live a rich, full life. what we know of christ is that He welcomed anyone but always called people to turn away from sin, and towards alife of faith in God the Almighty and real faith results in obedience and a life which seeks to honor God, not just lip-service.
    further- we are not all both sinners and saints simultaneously, those who are set apart to God as saints by His grace through faiyth in christ as redeemer are saints indeed and can also sin but they do not simply default and acquiesce to sin in comfort they turn away from it by God's power and live a life that has a general trajectory of righteousness. See-Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God’s seed abides in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God(1john 3:9).
    and yet still understand they are not "saved by their goodness but by God's forgiving grace.See-
    For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9not by works, so that no one can boast.…(Ephesians 2:8-9)
    Nadia you are a fraud and are a barrier to people coming to know God for who He is. You are so much worse than the "conservatives' you love to condemn- at least they call people to a forgiving christ and life of righteousness in practice.

    • @jstasur
      @jstasur Před 6 lety

      Eve was deceived ...

    • @dnyellebaldwin8737
      @dnyellebaldwin8737 Před 5 lety +1

      Funny thing is, she’s been all over the world. Wrote multiple books, THOUSANDS of people love her, and people feel welcome around her. 4 things I can’t say about you. I’m just saying. To be loved and understood is amazing. 2 things she makes people feel. Just let her be her....

    • @jstasur
      @jstasur Před 5 lety +4

      No one said she wasn't popular; she's a popular false teacher.

    • @Isaac-ju8lx
      @Isaac-ju8lx Před 5 lety +3

      @@jstasur Thousands have been deceived, and now its up to conservatives to tell people that they are not okay and are evil and need to repent or go to hell.
      1 Peter 3:9
      9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

  • @timwilkins2008
    @timwilkins2008 Před 5 lety +4

    You haters are trapped in a narrow view of Jesus. Nadia and her church shows what Jesus was trying to accomplish. So if you don't like it, move on. Go back to your narrow churches and live your way. Stop judging.

    • @nothanks4469
      @nothanks4469 Před 4 lety

      "A narrow view of Jesus" is biblical, lol: Matthew 7:13-14.

  • @lovereadingsnyc
    @lovereadingsnyc Před 6 lety +26

    What makes this church extraordinary is how extremely deceived & devilish it is!!!

  • @TrailerParkPolak
    @TrailerParkPolak Před 2 lety +1

    Every church should open doors for everybody. ♡

  • @thewordrules
    @thewordrules Před 6 lety +34

    Sounds like "unrepentant" sin is welcome. Sin can condemn us to a sad eternity, so to act like it's no big deal is disingenuous to the true Gospel of Christ. Christ absolutely died for all sinners to help them overcome sin, not to help them accept and live in it. I can only judge myself, but for a pastor not to let people know they need to repent is truly sad. It's like a doctor not telling his patients they are dying of a curable cancer because he doesn't want to make them feel bad. Sin is like a spiritual cancer, first people need to know what cancer they have, and then they need to know that the cure is Christ. A good church helps people identify their sin and then teaches how they can overcome it with Christ. Law and Gospel are both important to rightly divide the Word of Truth. No sin is so small that it can be ignored, and no sin is too big to be forgiven if repented of.

    • @studmalexy
      @studmalexy Před 6 lety +4

      agreed...sin and godliness is not compatible......its a paradox.....therefore how can we be part of the body of Christ and be unrepentant sinners.?

    • @Uncle_John14.6
      @Uncle_John14.6 Před 6 lety +1


    • @Isaac-ju8lx
      @Isaac-ju8lx Před 5 lety +2

      The unrepentant sin of loving the wrong neighbor? If a homophobe can be forgiven for sinning against another man, a homosexual can certainly be forgiven for loving one, even over a whole life time of being gay. So can being confused about what kind of person you are. Christ has died to clean up the sinful mess we've created, are creating, and will continue to create in God's creation that he gave to us as a free gift. Not to mention the graceful gift of God putting us in a position or mindset to be forgiven after our descent in to evil? Unrepentant sinners within a congregation is an agreeably detestable thing, in that it causes the worship of Satan instead of God in some cases, but to see it from the perspective of the sinner, I ask the question; Why would an unrepentant sinner adhere to a religion/church/congregation? Out of habit? Out of pressure? Out of a concern for their unrepentant sinning? I can't speak for them, somebody may just have to ask these people. Maybe they really are acting like its no big deal, and just going to church to look good, despite by being there they admit to not being good, needing forgiveness. Maybe they really don't know they need to repent and they confess because the pastor told them to, not telling them why they should. Maybe they think sin cannot be overcome by Christ alone, and the church doesn't assist in identifying sin. Maybe you're right. I just don't know what else there is to gain from attending church aside from learning to repent and being forgiven and fellowship with people just as busted as you, learning from each other and forgiving each other. What would forgiveness even mean if there was no prior repentance? This woman turns herself into a stained glass window, and hangs out with outcasts and the rejected, forgiving them all the way. She's cleaning up the mess of ourselves that we made, just as Christ did. TL;DR Unrepentant people in church are okay, even the sexual deviants.

  • @BossSpringsteen69
    @BossSpringsteen69 Před 5 lety +3

    Galatians 6:7 KJV Be ye not deceived God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth , that shall he also reap. She sows lies and deception so, she reaps as such to herself and others.

  • @1P48_NK
    @1P48_NK Před 4 lety +6

    Unfortunately, the stuff she says on videos like this really dont reflect her ministry and church. If you walk into her parish, its unbelievable how *normal* it all feels with the liturgy, prayers, confession etc. And she really does preach the gospel with Jesus in mind the whole time. I think to truly understand her work and her goals, its better to see it in action.

  • @markusdunzkofer5873
    @markusdunzkofer5873 Před 5 lety +7

    Nadia is an exciting, truthful voice for God and especially for Christ's grace and the all-powerful Spirit. Thank God for her.

  • @carissaexplainsitall8481
    @carissaexplainsitall8481 Před 2 lety +2

    This is terrifying absolutely terrifying

  • @kristiarnold9093
    @kristiarnold9093 Před 5 lety +5

    She's saying that real Christians want to be "seen as accepting" and say "we'll love anyone" but then won't let someone like the drag queen teach the kids....ok, lol. Love does not mean a. Overlooking/denying sin b. Boundarylessness. There are boundaries toward long-time devoted Christians or church-goers who live in sin without any repentence. Loving parents don't pretend their kids are perfect, let them do whatever, etc. This woman doesn't seem to have actually/honestly read the Bible including Jesus' own words. How does anyone believe that this is Christianity. This is a con

    • @worldslostitsmind531
      @worldslostitsmind531 Před 2 lety

      They don’t truly believe it they just like that it condones their sin and feelings which leads them straight to Hell

  • @guynsly1210
    @guynsly1210 Před 7 lety +36

    Jezebel bringing the people on to the Lake of Fire.

  • @Axisearth
    @Axisearth Před 5 lety +6

    You must be born again!!

  • @ericthompson6412
    @ericthompson6412 Před 5 lety +3

    Nadia is preaching a true message of Jesus. Unconditional love and acceptance. That each person has value. What Jesus preached daily. And the message of Christianity from the beginning. Conservatives have attempted to corrupt that message and destroy everything that Jesus preached during his ministry. Glad to see that she is holding strong.

    • @brothersamuelrogers8138
      @brothersamuelrogers8138 Před 4 lety

      Eric Thompson what do you think it meant that in all 4 gospels the first public message Jesus preached was repent?

  • @TyHamlet
    @TyHamlet Před 3 lety

    You have heard of expository preaching, now get ready for expletive preaching!

  • @jeannetteaubery1908
    @jeannetteaubery1908 Před 6 lety +5

    I have to say to all you sinners, get a grip... He amongst you who is without sin cast the first stone............ I'm waiting....... Oh here come all the stones.... Hypocrites... Judge not lest ye be judged.. The words of Jesus..

    • @robocoe
      @robocoe Před 6 lety +1

      Judge not that he not be judged is only half of the sentence that was said , for with what measure you judge shall it shall be measured back to you. The amonishion is to be gracious in judgement not to Not Judge . By the way stop calling everyone hypocrites, it makes you appear very SELF RIGHTEOUS.Try reading a new testament, I hope you do / will.

    • @beautifulfearofgod3203
      @beautifulfearofgod3203 Před 5 lety

      Hi hun I was once part of the LGBTQ community. I humbly can tell you to dissect the lifestyle that the LGBTQ community supports or tolorates. Love is love they say but when one preaches God's word they start to spew hatred😪. I love my testimony and I share this with you because many born again believers are afraid of getting attacked for coming out and sharing how they are saved by deciding to walk away from pride and embrace God's truth over what we feel.I would love for us to discuss and perhaps even answer some questions you may have, or the other way around and hear your point of view instead.
      T Hope to hear from you soon 💖 God bless

    • @beautifulfearofgod3203
      @beautifulfearofgod3203 Před 5 lety

      For my brothers and sisters in Christ we are not to point the finger to others who are believing what we once believed and that is that we are right and others are wrong. Let's remain as the Lord wants us to remain humble and remember that we were once lost before we were found.
      so whenever someone when in the l g b tq community says anything even if it's disrespectful to our God let's remember that he wants us to be the light in the world.
      So are you also abstaining from sexual immorality (having sex ot of marriage in any way) The holy spirit wants us to share our testimony because that's how we will always we able to demonstrate that Jesus is alive and us the son of God.Lets boast in him and let's lead by example. The enemy has done a splendid job by corrupting the image of God in the name of religion,we are to be set apart and show
      Jesus saves but religion condemns 💖 .Rememberwe are not religious like the Pharisees we are born again.💖

  • @Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer

    Everyone loves you say these churches aren't "real" churches or other nonsense. Here's all a church needs to do. Make people want to do and be better people. That's all.

  • @juanmanuelariasperea7092
    @juanmanuelariasperea7092 Před 5 lety +3

    She is great ! Love you Nadia !!

  • @sethfrazer7404
    @sethfrazer7404 Před 6 lety +3

    God transcends the church and His grace doesn’t stop when we do. But, that’s no reason to validate every walk of life and give out your stamp of approval so recklessly. Because man really does love darkness rather than light (Jn. 3:19) and Jesus didn’t care to flip tables when it was necessary, when man decided to use His house of prayer as a den of thieves (Matt. 21:12-13)
    Judge not according to appearance, but judge with RIGHTEOUS judgment (Jn. 7:24) In other words, call sin for what it is and discourage it. Don’t ignore it and pretend it’s nonexistent just because people decide to base their identity on it.
    All have fallen short and God plays no favorites when it comes to sin (Rom. 2:11; 3:23). But He still has purifying humanity apart from their flesh in mind also; there’s a new self for us to put on (Col. 3)

  • @josephvincent4791
    @josephvincent4791 Před 5 lety

    Anybody know any decent online emerging church I have fibromyalgia so I can't make morning services

    • @oryxpediatrics4319
      @oryxpediatrics4319 Před 5 lety

      Try, transformational church and elevation church

  • @chinafloyd3831
    @chinafloyd3831 Před 5 lety +2

    May the peace of Christ be with you you hold me when I was down you hold my tears when I was crying you was there I remember the tattoos I remember the Ravens and the angels when we met

  • @helendallaston9169
    @helendallaston9169 Před 7 lety +6

    Thanks - this is life-giving stuff. The Lord is indeed with you and your community.

  • @barfrockskin535
    @barfrockskin535 Před 6 lety +10

    A very warped sense of what true christianity is all about.

  • @lizdavis3953
    @lizdavis3953 Před 6 lety +10

    Judge NOT, lest ye be Judged. Jesus preached LOVE, not intolerance.

    • @sethfrazer7404
      @sethfrazer7404 Před 6 lety +6

      Liz Davis yes and Jesus also didn’t care to flip tables when man decided to use His house of prayer as a den of thieves (Matt. 21:12-13)
      Judge not according to appearances, but with RIGHTEOUS judgment (John 7:24) In other words, call sin for what it is and discourage it. Not ignore it and pretend it’s nonexistent just because people decide to base their identity in it

    • @lonnieroberts1746
      @lonnieroberts1746 Před 6 lety +6

      Jesus also said you would know them by the fruit they bare. He also said a tree the did not bare fruit would be cut down and cast into the fire.

    • @Amy-wh9dz
      @Amy-wh9dz Před 5 lety

      You’re right-We are not called to judgement, but to love. However this comes with asking the Holy Spirit to convict people because we cannot.
      Come as you are-leave forgiven, and changed!

    • @benchernjavsky7097
      @benchernjavsky7097 Před 5 lety +1

      Jesus also said to repent...

    • @loveneverfails1463
      @loveneverfails1463 Před 5 lety

      Liz Davis define love? It's not what you think

  • @anonperson5491
    @anonperson5491 Před 2 lety

    Matthew 7:21-23

  • @RuaWaterwalker
    @RuaWaterwalker Před 6 lety +12

    What confusion? Where is the new creation that is supposed to occur? From what we once were? This is not the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST!

    • @warriorgirl126
      @warriorgirl126 Před 6 lety +2

      Yeti From 4-8 Chops
      How is this not the gospel of Christ? The Bible is not God. The Bible is simply the cradle that holds Christ. Anything in the Bible that does not hold up to the gospel of Jesus Christ simply does not have the same authority.

    • @RuaWaterwalker
      @RuaWaterwalker Před 6 lety +3

      my dear Lady, forgive me for not responding sooner - dont want to make this a book of a response - but God creator and sustainer of all things - did not robe Himself in flesh to die on a cross and take upon Himself ALL the sins of every one since time began - to die an un-imagineable death and suffering - so that those that supposedly believe in Him continue in sin - then HIS death was in vain! we are to be transformed NOT conformed. IF the WORD of God is preached as it is written in the Bible it has the authority to save the lost. And please dont respond because I will not waste my time reading what you may have to say - obviously you need to go back and re-read the whole Bible, and not just pick and choose what you want to hear, ask the Lord to give you revelation and understanding to His Word. I dont need any ones philosophy regarding the Word of God, I have 38 years of walking with the Lord and have seen His miracle working power in the lives of many, healings, alcoholics and drug addicts become clean and not through no 12 step program either, the dead raised, and lives changed, marriages restored. May the Lord bless you, may the Lord shine His face upon you, and the Lord reveal Him self to you - again may God bless you! PS: you should do a study on how the Jews take care of the Torah once they cant open the scrolls any more due to it tearing ! very interesting and tell them that the Torah our old testament is not God! if you are a believer you do know that we are adopted / grafted into the tree right?????? I'll just leave it at that and thats as simple as I can put it - God bless again

  • @helloscammer
    @helloscammer Před 5 lety +8

    She lauds that everyone is a sinner, yet leaves out the "Go and sin no more" part. Heresy at best, but likely much worse.

    • @TorEtCetera
      @TorEtCetera Před 3 lety

      And how do you know that she, or her parishioners, do not try to sin no more?
      Some of the commentators on here are real quick to judge... thought that was God's job

    • @helloscammer
      @helloscammer Před 3 lety

      @@TorEtCetera We know they don't try because 1) She won't preach it, and 2) they affirm sin, not condemn it.

    • @TorEtCetera
      @TorEtCetera Před 3 lety

      @@helloscammer She won't preach what? I think we must have different definitions of sin

    • @helloscammer
      @helloscammer Před 3 lety

      @@TorEtCetera She won't preach the doctrine of sin, the need to repent of it, or she redefines sin as to accommodate it. She expressly says so in a vid of hers I saw.

    • @TorEtCetera
      @TorEtCetera Před 3 lety

      @@helloscammer Can you comment with the link to that video? Thanks. My problem is that a lot of people think transsexuality and homosexuality are sins... and there is no consensus amongst Christians about that

  • @georgegeorgios4532
    @georgegeorgios4532 Před 2 lety

    The adress of that place is 666 Sodoma street in the corner of Gomorrah ave, those who are planning to assist or to be members there, please be advise to wear non flammable clothes because the Bible predicted a rain of fire into that area any moment from now.

  • @arianagrandemocha1090
    @arianagrandemocha1090 Před 5 lety +5

    "I Literally dont know how anybody manages to be a preacher without being a standup comedian first." this is huge. She is entertaining you, telling you what you want to hear then using the Lutheran church as a mask to fall back on so she doesnt fall under the term "cult.". if she is so unscared, break away from the lutheran church.

  • @broncobat
    @broncobat Před 6 lety +1

    If this was a fair and balanced news report, it would feature at least a few people who disagree with Bolz-Weber and her followers' beliefs (or lack thereof). As is, we only get what seems like a one-sided indoctination, topped off by Lucky Severson's constantly nodding head in affirmation of what he's hearing.

    • @bismark5809
      @bismark5809 Před 6 lety

      Rodney Frendak it is an Advertisement

    • @jstasur
      @jstasur Před 6 lety

      What's wrong will be called right ...

  • @studmalexy
    @studmalexy Před 6 lety +7

    call this "spiritual discernment",,but I don't "feel" the spirit of God in her.

  • @lorenzomurrone2430
    @lorenzomurrone2430 Před 5 lety +2

    Why am I not surprised that an Episcopal priest is a big fan of hers?

    • @sebastianmelmoth685
      @sebastianmelmoth685 Před 3 lety

      Because you not easily surprised? The fault is with you. Look to it.

    • @lorenzomurrone2430
      @lorenzomurrone2430 Před 3 lety

      @@sebastianmelmoth685 interesting take
      But no I think it's more because they're one spirit and one mold

    • @sebastianmelmoth685
      @sebastianmelmoth685 Před 3 lety

      @@lorenzomurrone2430 In the last 100 years, the Episcopals (or Anglicans) have always been at the forefront of human rights. They invariably have to drag other Christians kicking and screaming toward grace. It's been laborious but it is bearing fruit.

    • @lorenzomurrone2430
      @lorenzomurrone2430 Před 3 lety

      @@sebastianmelmoth685 Yes, "drag" is a word that really fits the American Episcopal Church

    • @sebastianmelmoth685
      @sebastianmelmoth685 Před 3 lety

      @@lorenzomurrone2430 LOL- I take that as a compliment. Thank you. You need to learn that ideas and words that are offensive to your little mind... are not offensive to most. ;)

  • @annabellesinger3717
    @annabellesinger3717 Před 7 lety +3

    Lucrative for her all this LGBT church promotion!

  • @KiltedVeteran
    @KiltedVeteran Před 4 lety

    Is it me or does the narrator sound like John Lithgow?

  • @stevenjames8995
    @stevenjames8995 Před 5 lety +1

    Luke 6:26 What sorrow awaits you who are praised by the crowds, for their ancestors also praised false prophets. Mark 16:17 - 18 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. If this church does not manifest these signs it is not of God. And they are not true believers these are not my words. But this is the word of God that I just quoted.

  • @thanu9795
    @thanu9795 Před 7 lety +14

    damn... this so call church is a house full of reprobate

  • @rodfriesen4370
    @rodfriesen4370 Před 2 lety

    Brennan Manning would be PUMPED!

  • @BrokeNerfing
    @BrokeNerfing Před 6 lety +1

    I am a lutheran and I am very pleased that my church is nothing like this. In fact, we have nothing to do with them.

  • @rhondagregory5253
    @rhondagregory5253 Před 5 lety +3

    I bind the spirit of Leviathan

  • @carlsanjurjo
    @carlsanjurjo Před 5 lety +3

    Today while shopping I met a Young woman who was shopping for dresses that she could take with her to Jamaica as she was on her way to a missions trip there. I pointed out a pretty dress that I had seen earlier and she said that it might be an issue because it was a tank top style. I asked if she had issues with her arms. She said no, its just that they are very conservative in Jamaica. Then she said her church is the same way so she was used to it. There you have it! Apparently God is much more concerned with whether or not you are showing your arms than anything else. Kind of goes with the ridiculous comments and replies on here. Smh...imagine her telling Jesus, but didn’t I cast out demons in your name? And He telling her, “Depart from me doer of iniquity. You showed your shoulders to men. I never knew you.” Sad.

  • @thundercrow1965
    @thundercrow1965 Před 5 lety


  • @jeremydavie4484
    @jeremydavie4484 Před 4 lety +6

    4:22 "I'm actually a very orthodox Lutheran theologian." Haha, I don't doubt you were a stand-up comedian in your pagan days. Oh wait, you still are a stand-up comedian in your pagan days. Nadie, I encourage you to read the Bible, which not only shows us that we are sinners (which I at least admire that your church has that one grain of truth), but I never once heard you preach about the redemptive nature of Jesus Christ. Christian means "Christ-One," as they were called in Antioch. The righteous shall live by faith. With faith comes obedience to Christ. With Christ comes the fruit of the Spirit. I don't know the exact references to those verses from the Bible, but I know one is the very foundational verse for Martin Luther. I am praying for you. I don't condemn you (although I admit I do laugh), so please know that you are leading people away.

  • @hodgepodge5901
    @hodgepodge5901 Před 4 lety +3

    Heresy. These are false prophets preaching a false doctrine.

  • @HeavenlyEchoVirus
    @HeavenlyEchoVirus Před 4 lety +1

    I do find it a bit humorous that there are so many commenters trying to tell an ordained pastor that she needs to read the bible.

  • @dmmusicmusic
    @dmmusicmusic Před 6 lety +9

    Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” (Matt. 7:21-23). This means that the listener to the gospel must not count on a mere belief in Christ’s person on the one hand, or the performance of great works in his name on the other hand as proof of his own salvation. These things will not save him. Rather, he must assure himself of his relation to Jesus Christ personally.
    A quote:
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer knew the reality of this kind of self-delusion in the Lutheran Church in Germany in his day, and “cheap grace” was his term for describing it. Here was a church, like many of the denominations in America, in which the profession of faith was present and in which some kind of good works were done, but in which most of the people had simply not been born again. They were taught “grace,” but it was grace without conversion. As Proverbs says, there are “those who are pure in their own eyes and yet are not cleansed of their filth”(proverbs 30:12).
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer a Great Lutheran who strood against the Nazi's knew the reality of this kind of self-delusion in the Lutheran Church in Germany of his day, and “cheap grace” was his term for describing it. Here was a church, like many of the denominations in America, in which the profession of faith was present and in which good works were done, but in which most of the people had simply not been born again. They were taught “grace,” but it was grace without conversion.
    If there is no repentance of sin, no striving for righteousness in living. People are essentially not being changed by God, and it is safe to say they have not encountered Jesus' radical grace. that is the problem with this movement of Bo;lz- weber "so to speak"much talk of a type of grace but none of it's life-changing, soul- freeing substance.
    that's just cheap grace, it's not simply worthless, it's horrible because it deludes people into believing God is ok with them just as they are when the Gospel says comes just as you are but be ready to be forgiven and made alive to God like you've never known Him before so that from that moment forward everything you do you do as if it is for Him- that is; to honor Him and reveal His Goodness. Anything less than that is terribly sad because this thing called grace was not cheap Jesus [purchased it with his death and he lives forever to give it to those who will truly come to Him and surrender their lives by faith in God's cleansing, life-giving mercy.
    James Montgomery Boice, The Sermon on the Mount: An Expositional Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2002), 258-259.

    • @Inaeth
      @Inaeth Před 5 lety +2

      I got the gist of what you are saying, and I'm intrigued by it. The problem is that I was attracted to the Lutheran theology because I was gay. She attracted me back to religion after 20 years of being an atheist, and hoping that there would be something more, only to find that the Church is in as much turmoil as when I left it. (I was born a Lutheran, raised in the Assemblies of God and then the Word of Faith movement, so I have no tolerance for bullshit because of that.) The concept of Grace and living in response to it is intriguing, but it seems you are saying that she is using it as a deception? That if us non-believers and fallen brethren respond to her calling, that is the same is responding to Satan? Really?

    • @Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer
      @Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer Před 2 lety +1

      That verse is uses by every denomination against all other denominations and other religions. And all insist that theirs is the correct version of the faith. Funny how that works.

    • @dmmusicmusic
      @dmmusicmusic Před 2 lety +1

      @@Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer I wasn't using it to condemn any denomination in particular or any denomination in general ( that did not even enter my mind) but to renounce/reject false empty faith which has always been a problem in the church as the apostle john wrote:
      "This is the message we heard from Jesus* and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all. 6 So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness; we are not practicing the truth. 7 But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin,"(1 john 1:5-7NLT).

    • @Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer
      @Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer Před 2 lety +1

      @@dmmusicmusic but as I said, that can be used against anybody though.

    • @dmmusicmusic
      @dmmusicmusic Před 2 lety

      @@Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer I wasn't using it to condemn any denomination in particular or any denomination in general ( that did not even enter my mind) but to renounce/reject false empty faith which has always been a problem in the church as the apostle john wrote:
      "This is the message we heard from Jesus* and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all. 6 So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness; we are not practicing the truth. 7 But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin,"(1 john 1:5-7NLT).

  • @cv2010u
    @cv2010u Před 7 lety +8

    "Evangelical" Lutheran. "American Evangelical" nothing close to true Lutheran reformed churches.

  • @LoneGRoEnt
    @LoneGRoEnt Před 5 lety

    Be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.

  • @barbarafriedenberger4993
    @barbarafriedenberger4993 Před 6 lety +4

    1st Corinthians versus 34 and 35 let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith of the law. and if they will learn anything but them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for a woman to speak in a church.

  • @sherylturnerturner1352
    @sherylturnerturner1352 Před 6 lety +8

    She projects her own pain and rejection onto saving all these with defiant lifestyles. If she really embraced God's love and forgiveness and not her false pride on her ability to save others and twist scriptures in order to have her own false identity. Now how could I possibly say such things, well I was an addict 30 years ago, became an addiction counsellor and met God face to face almost literally. Radical conversion and set free. Took some time to work out all my wounds, our wounds distort things in our own mind. If she would read this she may understand as I was a member and worked the steps of AA as well as educated in the field.Btw the Big Book of AA was Christian based and as a result of Bill's own spiritual awakening. I left AA because it became so pagan and full of witchcraft and new age sadly

  • @lifeofaguy6932
    @lifeofaguy6932 Před 7 lety +22

    How sinful this is

  • @NeonShadowsx
    @NeonShadowsx Před 6 lety +10

    Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel

  • @rhondagregory5253
    @rhondagregory5253 Před 5 lety

    May I remind you of Exodus 32 ...the golden calf.

  • @aTruster
    @aTruster Před 7 lety +2

    4:50 she should consider the words of Messiah, " Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee."

  • @franjomilkovic9608
    @franjomilkovic9608 Před 5 lety +2

    This is no church. This spiritually blind woman is leading the blind to eternal perdition.

  • @rickpettey8822
    @rickpettey8822 Před 5 lety

    Approximately 30 years ago the late E.L.C.A. Bishop McDaniel gave a presentation at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, regarding his church body. He remained in it in order to try and bring it around to Scriptural faithfulness. In his presentation he clearly stated that his own church was not Lutheran (i.e., holding to the authority of God's Word as taught in The Lutheran Confessions) and if it kept going the way it was it would no longer even be Christian. He didn't mean that there were no true Lutherans/Christians in the E.L.C.A but rather that as a church body according to its doctrine and practice it could no longer claim to be Christian. He didn't live to see his prophecy come true. Today, the E..L.C.A. is not a Lutheran church body and worse not Christian. You cannot advocate open sin (abortion/murder, homosexuality, co-habitation, etc. as well as ordaining women which is forbidden in God's Word) and be a Christian church. To every pastor and person in authority in the E.L.C.A. God's Word to Ezekiel is directly on point! Ezekiel 3:17-18 (ESV) 17 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. 18 If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. Kyrie Eleison!

  • @runcandy3
    @runcandy3 Před 2 lety

    If you still love the good news of Jesus Christ, you must exit the ELCA organization. No more is the ELCA religion about Christ and him crucified.

  • @molliehettinger1935
    @molliehettinger1935 Před 6 lety +1

    The comments here are awful. I'd like to say that everyone who is commenting has drug abusers, adulterers and gamblers in their church. We come to God imperfect, for we are imperfect. Every single one of us. :) Those who are last shall be first, blessed be the peace makers and here I say unto you, go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

    • @jstasur
      @jstasur Před 6 lety +3

      Yes, and those drug abusers, and the like are not going to church to have their sinful lifestyles

  • @colinweichenthal9218
    @colinweichenthal9218 Před 6 lety

    4:29-4:57 lol

  • @chayahisrael6502
    @chayahisrael6502 Před 7 lety +8

    babylon gone burn!! 😢

    • @lovereadingsnyc
      @lovereadingsnyc Před 6 lety


    • @lovereadingsnyc
      @lovereadingsnyc Před 6 lety

      Jerrica Israel i liked your comment & I'm IN it!

  • @josuerivera7921
    @josuerivera7921 Před 5 lety +2

    So let me get this right, the more liberal the Church and accepting the church, the better it is!.... wrong! John 7:24

  • @nicklaushart9063
    @nicklaushart9063 Před 5 lety +3

    Still a pagan.

  • @LoneGRoEnt
    @LoneGRoEnt Před 5 lety +3

    Feel comfortable in your sin... Says the Devil leaning on the gates from Hell.

  • @anglomik
    @anglomik Před 5 lety

    Very bold & entertaining, articulate & I would suggest even sincere. Yet if all that has ever been taught by the church is overturned, how is it still the church? Sounds like Cafeteria Christianity to me. Why not start her own religion?

  • @bonnieroach8027
    @bonnieroach8027 Před 7 lety +3

    Who cares how you dress? You want to be seen as above all teachings of the Word. Open the Book once in a while.

  • @notfoolediknowthetruth3101


  • @PfunkGW
    @PfunkGW Před 6 lety +3

    Complete degeneracy.

  • @kb741103
    @kb741103 Před 3 lety

    Interesting, this is not a Christian church, Nadia is not a Christian or a pastor. At best she is a mediocre motivational speaker

  • @dmmusicmusic
    @dmmusicmusic Před 6 lety +2

    she's still a pagan.

  • @SilverStar830
    @SilverStar830 Před 5 lety +3

    *St. Michael the Archangel ... be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devìl ... and do thou ... by the power of God ... cast into hell ... evìl spirits like Nadia Bolz-Weber who prowl about the world seeking the ruìn of souls! Amen!*

  • @JustJay1281
    @JustJay1281 Před 5 lety +1

    There has to be something between the closet sinners, that feel the need to bury their in the closet so that they can go out and act self righteous and holyer then thu, and this... which even I can recognize as feel good religion, that isn't as much "Christian" as it is a social group, of like minded individuals.

  • @ardathbeekman7833
    @ardathbeekman7833 Před 5 lety +1

    The father is in her I love her

  • @franciscusgomarus5086
    @franciscusgomarus5086 Před 5 lety

    Another example of why the Bible forbids women to preach(1 Tim 2:12). Women who defy GOD's Word and preach, always preach heresy