This Chemical Killed 118 Men...

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024

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  • @waterlinestories
    @waterlinestories  Před rokem +116

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    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 Před rokem +2

      Hilarious British Anti-Russian propaganda, go learn all about many things we have done that are a million times worse than this tragedy, the battle of May Island as a quick example. This channel is one of the worst, and it is exactly this sort of crap that will soon see this country removed from this planet, and quite justifiably. This is an anti-British channel, and goes against everything we've all been brought up believing in, and I'm not speaking out of turn, as I can assure you I have the qualifications (a Master's in comparative politics & Economics, plus a Bachelor’s in Anglo/American history), and can back up every word I say, with the facts.
      The truth is, this country, the UK, (if you can call it a country today), is finished, and will never be back. Today we have a society, who all watched our joker of a PM, (Johnston the elitist Washington puppet), betray all of us, betray our own country and betray all of our own grandparent's by standing in Ukraine, and outright lying like the most uneducated, lame, embarrassing and clueless excuse for an Englishman any of us has ever seen, heard or experienced before!
      And not only that, no, then lifting the Nazi, Zelenskiy's hand in the air, (while shouting out) "Slava Ukraini" - the official slogan of Stepan Bandera's OUN (order of Ukraine) that was made up from Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists, Banderites, and Nazi henchmen. How treacherous was that? It was 100%, outright treachery against everything we've all been brought up believing in! Only 25-30 years ago, we'd have all be demanding him removed for that. Yet unbelievably, we saw thousands agreeing with him, even joining in, shouting out "Slava Ukraini"? I mean, are you kidding me?
      Just what kind of people am I actually living alongside today? It was members of the OUN, that took the most active part in the mass murder in Ukraine and Poland during October 1942, murdering millions of innocent people. Yet it just seems today, many know nothing about any of this history, or any of these facts, let alone understand just how treacherous that really was!
      Our own PM, knowingly and purposely, betrayed all our own grandparents, (many who fought and gave their lives defeating Nazism)! While our own PM, (and only on behalf of the criminal USA, our overlords), raises a Nazi's hand in the air, while shouting out "Slava Ukraini"? And nobody said a word about it? Kiss this country goodbye.
      And these are exactly the same traitors (against every one of us), who we see with Ukrainian flags, and all supporting Ukraine in this war today? It's actually even more disturbing to see anyone in this country thinking that Russia have acted in any way, other than 100% the right way, 100% the correct way, 100% a transparent way, 100% the ethical way, and 100% the moral way, in absolutely everything they've done?
      But we only have idiots here today, all believing a remedial standard of propaganda instead. Seriously, it's all such backward propaganda, and all backward in its entire context, that it's actually quite unbelievable that we could ever see anyone fooled by such backward and remedial propaganda. You couldn't make it up. But it also proves that none of these horrendously uneducated people, who we see supporting Ukraine, understand any of this at all.
      Also, let's get this right, because it is not, and it has never been, a "Russian invasion of Ukraine". Seriously, only an outright uneducated fool could think it was!. But again, this fact alone, proves that none of these people we see supporting Ukraine, actually understand any of this at all. Obviously, we do hear that from our own criminal lying government of (paid off Washington puppets), yet they all obviously know very well, that it wasn't, and isn't, a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Yet very few of these excuses for British people do.
      Many of them don't even know what we've all really seen happen in Ukraine, (since the illegal US coup of Ukraine in 2014), many of them don't even know that it was the USA that planned and purposely caused the coup in Ukraine! And again, many of them have no idea, that the illegal Ukrainian government's army, and their neo-Nazi (NATO trained thugs), have non-stop been trying to murder and wipe out all those innocent Eastern Ukrainians, for the last 9 years!
      And why? Because those Eastern Ukrainians, speak Russian, and they didn't agree with the illegal coup committed against their legally elected government. So, today all these supporters of Ukraine, are supporting Ukraine attempting to murder all those innocent people! This is the reality, this is the undeniable clear and obvious truth, so just how sick in the mind does one need to be, to ever dream of supporting anything like that? And if they don't know these facts?, then why are they supporting anything? There is simply no excuse for it!
      We then saw, (on May 11th, 2014), all those Eastern Ukrainians hold a referendum on whether they should claim independence from Ukraine, (who were attempting to slaughter them all). And they then overwhelmingly voted to claim their own independence from Ukraine, (seeing the creation of both) the Donetsk People's Republic, and the Luhansk People's Republic.
      Then in February 2022, after 8 years fighting against Ukrainian Nazism, (for their own survival), both the Donetsk People's Republic, and the Luhansk People's Republic, saw Ukraine building up a military force of over 200,000 troops (with Nazi battalions included) on their borders, who were well dug in, and heavily armed with modern western weapons targetting them.
      Ukraine were about to carry out a pre-planned full-frontal, military assault against all those innocent people in Eastern Ukraine, to wipe them all out. We then we saw the Donetsk People's Republic, and the Luhansk People's Republic, (REQUEST) Russian military protection from Ukraine, and (REQUEST) Russian military assistance against Ukraine's illegal government's army and their Nazi murdering thugs - To which Russia (QUITE RIGHTLY) agreed, while also recognizing their own independence from Ukraine.
      So, I'd love to hear anyone of these supporters of Ukraine, explain for all of us, when anything like that, has ever seen anyone claim it to be a military invasion, by anyone? Nobody has ever attempted to claim an invited, and requested military intervention into those people's lands, to protect those innocent people from slaughter as a military invasion by anyone, NOT EVER! Seriously, think about it, just how uneducated would one need to be, to even think anything like that, let alone start believing it? It's idiocy, it's idiocy on a scale of idiocy, I really don't believe any of us have ever seen, or ever experienced before. It's just appalling stupidity.
      Especially as Putin made it very clear what Russia's aim was in Ukraine (before they entered), and honestly, he could not have made it any clearer, than he did. He told us all, very clearly, the aim for Russia was to protect those Eastern Ukrainian people (who have been subjected to bullying, torture, murder, and attempted genocide against them by the Kiev regime for the last eight years) - ABOUT TIME TOO IS THE TRUTH!!
      For Russia to achieve that, they planned to carry out a full "demilitarization and denazification" of Ukraine, to bring to justice, all war criminals responsible for the bloody war crimes against civilians in Donbass. GOOD JOB RUSSIA, well done Russia, is the truth and the correct response!
      Because no matter where anyone's loyalty may lie? We NEVER support wrong over right, but should always be willing and prepared to stand up and fight for right, over wrong! All these supporters of Ukraine, are only supporters of butchery and murder against all those innocent eastern Ukrainian people. They're only supporting an attempted genocide against all those innocent people in Eastern Ukraine! I mean, seriously, there's just something missing, something not right with them all. But not only that, no, but they unbelievably, must all think, that Russia protecting all those innocent people (at their own request), is a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the wrong thing for Russia to do?
      How incredibly backward!! So, they must have expected Russia to just ignore all those innocent eastern Ukrainian people's request for help and protection from Ukraine? And then just watch Ukraine murder them all? Think about it, that is exactly what they all must have expected to see? And that, really is, only a Nazi mindset. We've never seen or ever experienced a more treacherous, uneducated society in our entire history, as we have today. This country is finished. OVER, Kaput… Done!
      And today is now perfectly ripe for Russia to (quite rightly, and justifiably), wipe out, as and when they decide that's in order. And who could blame them for doing exactly that? NOBODY!

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 Před rokem +2

      The world's biggest gang of criminals any of us have ever seen, that we have leading us today, who we've all watched willingly break international law, and who've openly supported Nazism in front of the world, and who have all been bribed/paid off by Washington, all accusing Putin of being corrupt? LOL! The IRONY is something to behold, LMAO! And out of all of those endless accusations, they've never proven, or even partially proven a single one! But they will tell you how bad Putin is! This really is the level of intelligence we really are talking about today.
      Bad, nasty, KGB Putin!! What a brut! While the truth is, and undeniable truth too.... After the collapse of the USSR, the CIA were bribing Yeltsin throughout the 1990s, they created pro USA oligarchs, by illegally selling off Russian resources in corrupt set up CIA led auctions, they took it so far, many Russian people had become so poor, many were starving to death, and it ended with the US really believing that Russia couldn’t ever become a threat to them again. They kept Russia in a state of pandemonium through Yeltsin’s reign, believing they had sealed Russia’s fate to the toilet.
      When Putin came to power in 2000, Russia was as deep in the toilet as they could have been, the economy was smashed to pieces and had completely broken down, many of the Russian people were starving to death, and many Russian resources had been illegally sold off, in corrupt illegal CIA led auctions. It was a nightmare!
      Yet we've all watched, and we've all seen Russia improve massively since Putin came to power, we've all watched him rebuild the country, we've all seen him doing all the things we all really know we should have been seeing from our own criminal governments - Like really fighting against all of this US created terrorism in Syria and the Middle East, and most certainly not doing as this government has been for the last 20 years, and supporting it!.
      Putin, on the other hand, has done everything right, and he's done it all transparently, and all well within international law. It's only the uneducated folk (the propaganda led fools), that have no idea about this. The Russians all know this, and they all understand this perfectly, and with all they've been through (so many times throughout recent history), surely, if any society could select you a great leader?, it must be them.
      Look at Russia throughout the 1990s. Then look at Russia from 2000, to today? Then tell me, just how could anyone fail to recognise all that Putin really has done, and really has achieved for Russia and the Russian people? Put it this way... There is nobody else (throughout history), whose ever taken a country that had collapsed from a leading superpower, to a country on its knees, to a broken corrupted nightmare of a country, that had been dilapidated to the point the people were starving to death, and who all felt they had no hope!
      - To within 20 years, taking that country, improving that country, and leading that country, to once again, become a leading global power, sitting at the top table, with a society who've so much hope again, who are all working and earning again, and whose country has seen improvement after improvement right across all areas.
      Nobody from any time throughout history has even got remotely close to achieving all that Putin has for Russia, and the Russian people. I mean, do feel free to tell us of anyone else you might believe has done and achieved more for his country and people than Putin has for Russia?? What do you mean you can't? A;;those accusations, and you can't think of anyone whose done better?
      He's also the one man standing up to these criminal elites today, and people hate him for that? That's tragic idiocy! It's extraordinary idiocy, it's idiocy on a scale of idiocy I really don't believe anyone has ever seen or experienced before!.
      There is always something very wrong with anyone who believes anything (without ever seeing a shred of proof)? It's known as outright ignorance.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 Před rokem +2

      We all watched Putin, (quite rightly), say, that any weapons sent into Ukraine by the west, is a red line, that if crossed Russia will, without question, respond to, and respond this time, in a way that leaves nobody in any doubt Russia is protecting its own security. (Pretty much what the USA said when the USSR placed its missiles in Cuba, that saw the USA apparently threaten the USSR with nuclear war).
      But today these idiots we have here today, must expect Russia to just put up with over 400 USA military bases surrounding Russia, and just put up with several EU countries (close to or on Russia's border) with American missiles in them, targetting Russia? Oh sure, they'll just put up with that! I wonder if any of these bright individuals we have here, would put up with that?
      But then, the very next day, and for the first time, we then saw the UK unpacking weapons in Ukraine?? Tell me, just how irresponsible, pathetic, clueless, stupid, and dangerous, do all of you super-duper well-educated British, see this Government (of only Washington puppets today)? That's more commonly known as a provocation, understand?.
      Tell me you super Bright British, what better country is there in this world today for either China or Russia to merely wipe out (to force the USA to back right down) without needing to fire at the USA than the undefended UK? Today, Russia could remove us from this planet in under 5 minutes, or could even land and take this country by force in under 12 hours, and there is nothing at all we, or anyone else could do about it. It would be justifiable today.
      The truth really is, every one of our so-called allies, Europe and the USA, would both like to see that happen more than anything else. And with this leadership of bought off Washington puppets, and these excuses for British people in this country today, they'll more than likely get their wish.
      Russia have already shown us, they have tabs on all our (well, we've only two working LOL Nuclear subs)! We all saw this when Terrassa May (so well-educated), gave the stupid illegal order to attack Syria with our cruise missiles (an illegal act), and we watched one of our own subs surface, and prepare to fire at Syria, only then we saw a Russian sub surface right behind our own (basically saying to us, if you fire we will sink you). And idiots here, have no idea that if Russia had just remained submerged, and sunk our sub? They'd have done so, while remaining well within International law. - So, we watched our own sub stop, and they didn't fire, but they submerged and disappeared with the Russian sub following.
      So if any of you think those 2 or 3 sh** subs scare Russia? Think again, they'll simply sink them first. Even the weapons it carries?, Russia can simply shoot down today. This is today's reality, right now, as we speak, only nobody in my country has a clue about any of this, because they're not interested, they'll soon be interested when London is removed. Then, and only then, will we hear these uneducated brats crying and sobbing, asking what's going on. Pathetic traitors against all we've been brought up believing in. What an embarrassment we really are, it's extraordinary idiocy, idiocy like we've never seen or experienced before.
      Who ever believed we would see the day that British people become traitors to everything we've been brought up believing in? I never believed I'd ever see such backward stupidity in all my life. Just what sort of people am I actually living with today?
      It actually sees me, want to see this country, my own country, completely annihilated today. Wipe this urban jungle of the worst kind of filth imaginable, from the face of this earth, and do the rest of the world a massive favour. I'm lucky, I have another home, a long way away, and a yacht that I'm going to sit in, beer in hand, watching this Island burn. Wipe this urban jungle of the worst kind of filth imaginable today, from the face of this earth, and do the rest of the world a massive favour. Today, my own country, is nothing but a US lapdog, a global parasite.

    • @lewisjohnson8297
      @lewisjohnson8297 Před 11 měsíci +9

      I don't understand the necessity for the initial lies about the Kursk. There was obviously a problem that wouldn't be resolved on its own.

    • @NorthForkFisherman
      @NorthForkFisherman Před 11 měsíci +3

      @@hotstepper887 GCHQ already knows where you are.
      But do go on, Comrade. We just love Russian bots.

  • @Jaxck77
    @Jaxck77 Před 8 měsíci +603

    The timeline of British & Norwegian involvement with Kursk is especially damning. There were rigs in the North Sea that knew what happened off their seismographs within minutes of the disaster. Three independent British dive teams contacted the Russian embassy in London offering assistance within hours of the incident. They were refused for almost two days. The Russians would rather let their men drown than accept help from the British.

    • @roflomaozedong
      @roflomaozedong Před 7 měsíci

      as proved by war in ukraine, militaries russian lives have 0 values

    • @95valero
      @95valero Před 7 měsíci +46

      just imagine that this situation happened on US-British sub…
      And Russian dive team contacted US-UK embassy offering assistance…
      And you absolutely sure that US-UK will allow Russian divers to go to their sub…

    • @jimshelley8831
      @jimshelley8831 Před 7 měsíci

      I don't blame the Russians the Uk , EU are just slaves of US hegemony.

    • @marcd6897
      @marcd6897 Před 7 měsíci +74

      @@95valerojust assumptions. But go on, keep your little mind in a small cage 😂

    • @95valero
      @95valero Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@marcd6897 -
      Hey, rat should by in cage and not able to write BS, as you doing here

  • @TimSlee1
    @TimSlee1 Před 7 měsíci +322

    16:42 Getting rid of important emergency equipment has always worked well in the history of sea travel

    • @gummiente3622
      @gummiente3622 Před měsícem +3

      Yeah, because what could possibly go wrong?🤷‍♂️

    • @siddheshthorat9898
      @siddheshthorat9898 Před měsícem +5

      Being sneaky is one of the goals to achieve by a submarine, now not including the safety measure when operating in a friendly exercise can be deemed as an oversight.

    • @Nebthtet
      @Nebthtet Před měsícem +4

      Same thing is true regarding air travel.

    • @1903A3shooter
      @1903A3shooter Před 4 dny


  • @josephwarra5043
    @josephwarra5043 Před rokem +771

    "As usual, when the "leaders" screw up, it's the rank and file that pays for those mistakes with their blood and their lives while their superiors lie from the safety of their offices." -- Col Michael Radcliff

    • @lancelotgood3745
      @lancelotgood3745 Před 11 měsíci +6

      unless there on a airplane full of vodca

    • @astralplainer
      @astralplainer Před 9 měsíci +1

      Respondeat superior.

    • @johnjimmies8256
      @johnjimmies8256 Před 6 měsíci +1

      LMAO if rank and file didn't want to die why didn't they become the leaders instead?

    • @MarkSmith-js2pu
      @MarkSmith-js2pu Před 4 měsíci +4

      I thought you were referring to democrat run American cities!

    • @josephwarra5043
      @josephwarra5043 Před 4 měsíci +3

      @@MarkSmith-js2pu That too!

  • @ashpollen65
    @ashpollen65 Před 11 měsíci +628

    Ex colleague was working as a diver offshore, in saturation. They were some 18 hours away from the site of Kursk. Divers were called back to the bell, recovered back to the system and the diving vessel set off for the site. Another vessel, the Stolt Comex Seaway Eagle departed Aberdeen with a 6 man sat team on board. Both vessels were ordered to stand off at 90 miles from the site. The politics were outrageous. Military or not, these were mariners, in distress, at sea. The whole seafarers committee were keen to assist. They were denied by Russian authorities. Have a few images of Kursk somewhere showing divers performing the salvage. One photo depicts a memorial plaque left by the team in front of the sail. Rip David Paige.

    • @timjamesg158
      @timjamesg158 Před 11 měsíci

      Can't wait to see Russia annihilate this country, after reading these people that's now a must. And man, we're doing a wonderful job of assuring that happens. Can't come soon enough. I'm lucky, I have another home, a long way away, and a yacht that I'm going to sit in (at a safe distance), beer in hand, watching this Island burn. Wipe this urban jungle of the worst kind of filth we've ever experienced or seen before from the face of this earth, and do the rest of the world a massive favour.

    • @animula6908
      @animula6908 Před 9 měsíci +63

      I remember how much the world wanted to help. Everyone felt for those men in there, even nonseafarers like me. God bless the sailors, their families, and all who wished we could help them.

    • @additudeobx
      @additudeobx Před 9 měsíci +49

      Mariners in distress at sea.... I'm US Navy and my empathy goes out to my fellow sailors on the KURSK...

    • @LabiaLicker
      @LabiaLicker Před 7 měsíci

      Maybe because its a literal nuclear sub. And its undoubtedly the most important part of Russia's nuclear triad. Hell NATO won't even dry dock their subs without covering them with sheets.

    • @LabiaLicker
      @LabiaLicker Před 7 měsíci +6

      And also because given the seismograph, it was very unlikely that there were any survivors.

  • @mirandahotspring4019
    @mirandahotspring4019 Před 11 měsíci +20

    Just a point from someone who owns a couple of ex military Russian rebreathers, the potassium superoxide (KO2) does not absorb the CO2 but reacts with it to produce more oxygen. (2 KO2 + CO2 → K2CO3 + 3⁄2 O2)
    It's quite an exothermic reaction and the scrubbers have been known to burst into flames at times. The Russians use this system because it makes a small oxygen tank last a very long time and as CO2 production is keyed to metabolic rate it can maintain a fairly constant O2 partial pressure without the need for electronics as used on most other rebreathers.
    The rebreather shown at about 21:29 is an IDA 71, one of the cannisters (the blue one from memory) holds the superoxide, the other one normal soda lime, usually a mixture of NaOH and CaO, although sometimes LiOH and KOH are also added.

  • @CH-lc3yf
    @CH-lc3yf Před 11 měsíci +1398

    Absolutely chilling how the crew members wrote and conserved their notes knowing they were doomed.

    • @DFlaminberry
      @DFlaminberry Před 11 měsíci +70

      Out of all of the awful, terrifying situations and places I'd not want to be, a doomed submarine is definitely in my top 3.

    • @anfrankogezamartincic1161
      @anfrankogezamartincic1161 Před 11 měsíci +38

      It's like being abandoned on the Moon

    • @andrehunter1295
      @andrehunter1295 Před 11 měsíci +31

      When it comes to two places in the world I never want to be, it's inside a submarine, or inside a tank's on the battleground.
      Submarines have to be the worst place to be, you really are trapped if something happens 😭

    • @HazySkies
      @HazySkies Před 11 měsíci +18

      Last words are better told, for the dead no longer speak.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Před 11 měsíci +27

      ​@@andrehunter1295 better to be inside a tank on a battlefield than outside one...
      /A former 120mm mortar operator

  • @josephschultz3301
    @josephschultz3301 Před 11 měsíci +338

    The fact that those sailors remained calm enough to leave such well-written letters behind is both commendable and thoroughly heartbreaking. Say what you want about the Soviet and Russian governments, but those individual sailors didn't deserve this. They were just doing their duty and died horribly.

    • @ArmedSpaghet
      @ArmedSpaghet Před 11 měsíci +39

      I agree. These soldiers had no crime under their name but to serve a corrupt country.
      Rest easy, my russian comrades.
      Putin will pay for this.

    • @josephschultz3301
      @josephschultz3301 Před 11 měsíci

      @@ArmedSpaghet Putin... yes, I didn't mention him in my comment, did I?
      Putin refusing international aid doomed those sailors. The fact that there were many still alive, still capable of being rescued, roils my stomach. It makes me ill.
      The men remaining down there, in easily-reachable waters, didn't need to die. They could've been saved. But they suffocated instead... because of fucking politics. That is the very definition of "disgusting".
      May those sailors rest easy. I'm just sorry that all I have for them is sorrow itself.

    • @ManBearPig3
      @ManBearPig3 Před 5 měsíci +3

      You'd be surprised at how calm on3 can be when you know it's the end and there's nothing they can do about it.

    • @josephschultz3301
      @josephschultz3301 Před 5 měsíci +5

      @@ManBearPig3 Nah, not really surprising; history's full of examples of soldiers, sailors, and pilots calmly staring death in the face.
      All I'm really trying to say is that it's a tragic situation regardless of what nation they come from. From my standpoint, these men may have been Soviets, but even as an American I feel for them on multiple levels. It's a very sad story.

    • @Peyote1312
      @Peyote1312 Před 4 měsíci

      This happened in 1990, big dawg. Soviet Union no longer existed.

  • @deph5183
    @deph5183 Před rokem +935

    I've seen many videos about what happened to the Kursk yet your coverage of this wholly preventable disaster has granted new insight on the matter. Those poor sailors, especially the ones that were left to slowly die from lack of air.

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +41


    • @ossian108
      @ossian108 Před rokem

      Russia never cared for it's soldiers, sailors and pilots.

    • @bradsanders407
      @bradsanders407 Před 11 měsíci +8

      Every disaster is preventable

    • @canyonroots
      @canyonroots Před 11 měsíci +29

      ​@bradsanders407 not true.

    • @TKUA11
      @TKUA11 Před 11 měsíci

      Eh I don’t feel bad for them, If they were alive now they would be using their missiles for terrorism in Ukraine. The less vessels the Russians have, the better

  • @jeffreydeeds9225
    @jeffreydeeds9225 Před 9 měsíci +80

    I remember when this tragedy happened. A friend and I were discussing the news that the Kursk was on the ocean floor over 100m down. It was sad to realize that some of the crew survived initially, only to ultimately die hoping to be rescued. Truly this was a tragic accident.

    • @matejbenko8268
      @matejbenko8268 Před 7 měsíci

      NATO submarine was involved and NATO refused to investigate which one. Kursk hit something underwater. That was clear on the damage. Swedish or US submarine. 2 possible. NATO refused to show those submarines.
      It is interesting how someone is worried about a few soldiers who died when they saved top-secret codes and data about atomic weapons. When on the other side there are thousands of people shot to death because not affordable healthcare in the US every month :D

    • @stinkymart3173
      @stinkymart3173 Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@matejbenko8268 15 rubles have been deposited to account comrade

    • @user-lv7ph7hs7l
      @user-lv7ph7hs7l Před 3 měsíci +7

      And they could have been saved. The hatch was there to connect to an external escape capsule that can be lowered and attached. But only Western systems where near enough to help. Russia refused foreign help until well after everyone had died, when they paid I believe a Finnish company to raise the wreck.

    • @langdons2848
      @langdons2848 Před 2 měsíci +3

      Not just "ultimately died" but died hideously from an exploding "safety" device or choked on the fumes it created. Appalling deaths.
      Also - a CO2 scrubber canister on a submarine that will explode on contact with water. That is the definition of "don't give a fuck" deign and provisioning.
      Poor bastards.

    • @janbeemsterboer4385
      @janbeemsterboer4385 Před měsícem +2

      ​@@user-lv7ph7hs7lit was Smit and Mammoet from the Netherlands who rises the Kursk.😢

  • @Epic_Eggroll
    @Epic_Eggroll Před 3 měsíci +5

    My Russian uncle (who's an alcoholic) was serving during the Kursk accident. He wasn't part of the crew and he's still alive but had to help during the salvage operation of Kursk. My mom (his sister) told me that when they pulled the submarine out of the water all sailors mustn't look at the submarine, they all had to close their eyes or turn around and not look at the submarine since Kursk was a very secret project. I'm not sure if this is completely true nor if i remember correctly. Rip all the brave sailors.

    • @kevwills858
      @kevwills858 Před 2 měsíci +2

      I love alcoholics stories 😊👍👍, some should be made into movies. eh

  • @coreytaylor5386
    @coreytaylor5386 Před rokem +213

    this wasnt just an accident, this was decades if incompetence of the highest regard finally bursting

    • @matejbenko8268
      @matejbenko8268 Před 7 měsíci +1

      you are incompetent :D

    • @iainhowe4561
      @iainhowe4561 Před 5 měsíci +10

      It was an alarm bell for what would happen with the Russian Navy in recent times, wasn't it? Guess nothing's changed since the battle of Tsushima.

    • @Peyote1312
      @Peyote1312 Před 4 měsíci

      So why didn't the Soviet Navy regularly lose nuclear subs? Only after they become capitalist Russian Federation. Darn time traveling Soviet ghosts forcing us to pinch pennies by using shit torpedoes.

    • @steventrostle1825
      @steventrostle1825 Před 4 měsíci

      Add to that corruption by the senior officers who were pocketing money that could have paid for the escape capsule being activated-this corruption is documented and active today as well. Of course the Russian command LIED about everything AS USUAL.

    • @thomasneal9291
      @thomasneal9291 Před 3 měsíci

      @@iainhowe4561 correct. the same isolationism WITHIN government agencies, the same level of corruption and lies. nothing has changed.

  • @SamSung-ww3rp
    @SamSung-ww3rp Před rokem +1568

    In the interview of the British head of team, he was more concern and is more devastated than the Russian military giving flat out false information.

    • @Whiteshell204
      @Whiteshell204 Před rokem +305

      what about the Norwegians that had the rescue sub there within 18hrs and the Russians wouldn't let them go down to save those men who survived the initial blast

    • @trilomann
      @trilomann Před rokem +92

      Nothing new

    • @Thescottishguyreacts
      @Thescottishguyreacts Před rokem

      All because Russian government aka putin didn’t want to look stupid and lies to try and cover it up. Doesn’t care about own citizens guys a joke

    • @shupichii9647
      @shupichii9647 Před rokem +15

      @@Whiteshell204 Take the risk. Its likely the torpedo will malfunction and theyll have to save 2 anyways. xD

    • @Whiteshell204
      @Whiteshell204 Před rokem +70

      @@shupichii9647 Stockton Rush could have saved them in the titan :P

  • @ironiczombie2530
    @ironiczombie2530 Před rokem +297

    This is one of the most detailed docs i have seen on Kursk, great job!

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +18


    • @MrHristoB
      @MrHristoB Před 11 měsíci +1

      You haven't seen enough, I can assure you

    • @ironiczombie2530
      @ironiczombie2530 Před 11 měsíci +2

      @@MrHristoB good for you pal

    • @dana102083
      @dana102083 Před 10 měsíci +2

      ​@@MrHristoBany you suggest? Or channels?

    • @scottbritt2052
      @scottbritt2052 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Check out “Raising the Kursk” it was another great documentary on the history of this tragedy.

  • @MutheiM_Marz
    @MutheiM_Marz Před 10 měsíci +155

    I like how Putin immediately lied about the sub that was collided with NATO sub....

    • @informitas0117
      @informitas0117 Před 4 měsíci +30

      Ofc they did. The narrative is much more important than life itself.

    • @Elkmor2
      @Elkmor2 Před 3 měsíci +4

      It is one of the versions, how the narrator knew about rusty contacts? Pure imagination. On the other side, a NATO submarine was indeed noticed in a Norway port right after the incident.

    • @mattd6593
      @mattd6593 Před 3 měsíci +24

      @@Elkmor2 Even Russian officials dismiss this version of events

    • @shingi_
      @shingi_ Před 3 měsíci +9

      @@Elkmor2 how would you explain both explosions if it weren't for defective welds?

    • @Elkmor2
      @Elkmor2 Před 3 měsíci

      @@shingi_ We only know that the submarine got blown up, not the cause of it. The rest is covered in secrecy. Because there is lack of information, US and Russia both use the incident to push their propaganda. Whatever they say, without proof, is just nonsense.

  • @sitatoenga
    @sitatoenga Před 2 měsíci +5

    Htp is highly unstabile, we did try it out attheplace i was working. 2drops feld on a pair of trousers of my collegue between his knees, when he started walking the h2p got heated up and proceded a small explosion, 2 small firespots on the legs of my collegue. After this we never used it again.

  • @weaviejeebies
    @weaviejeebies Před rokem +322

    I remember when this happened, and the information that came out in following years. In all that time, I didn't learn a tenth of what I just learned watching your channel. It's so terribly sad that such small errors took so many lives.

    • @jeffmatulich6857
      @jeffmatulich6857 Před 11 měsíci +17

      I wouldnt call dropping a torpedo filled with extreme oxidizers and fuel and then putting the damn thing on the vessel was a "small" error.....thats just stupidity.

    • @stopthephilosophicalzombie9017
      @stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 Před 11 měsíci +15

      @@jeffmatulich6857Also keeping the compartment doors open between the torpedo room and the rest of the ship. What a huge fail.

    • @robertfrench3441
      @robertfrench3441 Před 11 měsíci +26

      As a (former) submarine-qual'd sailor on LA-Class boats, it's the little shit that adds up that is dangerous. Submariners fear 3 things, water, fire and boredom. We have detailed bills for each and every space that are checked, every watch, to ensure proper running of the boat. As an A-ganger, i could tell you, at any time, the amount of MEA and O2 on the boat, condition of and reserve of freshwater, and amount of time we had before we'd need to blow. All this shit is in the back(and front!) of everyone on the ships mind, from the skipper to the non-qual making breakfast.
      We don't have accidents like this, because the ~130 men and now women on US subs form a massive redundancy chain. as long as there are 5 or 6 fish-sporting bubbleheads alive on the boat, we can make it back. Being a submariner is 90% checking shit you checked yesterday to ensure when you and your shipmates need it to live, it works.

    • @stopthephilosophicalzombie9017
      @stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 Před 11 měsíci +2

      @@robertfrench3441How do you feel about female submariners? Seems to me that would add unwarranted problems.

    • @Maelli535
      @Maelli535 Před 11 měsíci

      @@stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 Russians - it's still going on now, killing more Russians, and, regrettably, Ukrainians.

  • @maegenyoungs2591
    @maegenyoungs2591 Před rokem +158

    The emergency buoy wasn’t turned off, it was welled down because it banged around making noise and sometimes would deploy for no reason, it was actually welded down the day it left shore

    • @ghoffmann821
      @ghoffmann821 Před rokem +17

      Yeah, well...he also thinks that air will compress in a closed space from leaking, but not when a hatch is opened to deep ocean. Lol

    • @conzmoleman
      @conzmoleman Před rokem +15

      this dude has several items of flagrantly incorrect info in every video he makes

    • @jd32k
      @jd32k Před rokem +2


    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +51

      If a hatch to the side going into the sub laterally is breached and leaking water into the compartment then the air pocket above the lateral hatch will be compressed as water fills the space. It's the same pressure mechanics as a diving bell.

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +52

      Fair enough. It's not always easy to find all the information the internet has to offer.
      I try add find all of the best information and often when a video goes out to thousands of people the collective knowledge is greater than one person researching.
      I live and learn.
      Which particular pieces of information in this video are incorrect and what is the correct information?

  • @michaelsimpson4030
    @michaelsimpson4030 Před 11 měsíci +30

    I have it on good authority from my grandfather, prior to his premature death he had worked in a top-secret capacity for large company based in the UK. The submarine provided by the company was onsite before all crew had perished but we're refused to dive on the site and provide assistance, as they didn't want other nations having access to image's that could expose the failures that the crew were exposed to!

    • @victoriadiesattheend.8478
      @victoriadiesattheend.8478 Před 7 měsíci +6

      yep, everything down to the wrong instructions on which way to turn the bloody handle on the hatch....they don't give a chit about their people.

    • @Conserpov
      @Conserpov Před 5 měsíci

      Cool story, bro

    • @thomasneal9291
      @thomasneal9291 Před 3 měsíci

      @@Conserpov ^moron

  • @Joseph-fw6xx
    @Joseph-fw6xx Před 9 měsíci +36

    I remember when this disaster happened i felt so bad for those men trapped in that sub they wrote notes to their loved ones and then basically suffocated to death so sad brave men

  • @lactosdog
    @lactosdog Před 11 měsíci +95

    The brazen lying from officials is astounding. "minor difficulties", "everyone survived", "collision with NATO sub".
    Absolutely shameful.

    • @victoriadiesattheend.8478
      @victoriadiesattheend.8478 Před 7 měsíci +5

      Right?? It's infuriating.

    • @BRTowe
      @BRTowe Před 5 měsíci

      That's Russia for you. Always someone else's fault and America/NATO is definitely always trying to steal their ancient ass naval tech🙄

    • @Conserpov
      @Conserpov Před 5 měsíci +1

      "Collision with NATO sub" is what officials DENIED. And which is most plausible.

    • @mafijatom3828
      @mafijatom3828 Před 4 měsíci

      Reminds me of all governments doing the same all of the time.

    • @thomasfx3190
      @thomasfx3190 Před 4 měsíci +10

      @@Conserpov How is that the most plausible scenario? Are you an underwater collision expert?

  • @nigelh3253
    @nigelh3253 Před rokem +151

    Thank you for the great detail you have given us - I haven't come across this elsewhere. This was in the early days of Putin as Russian leader and the delays in rescuing the survivors is terrible. Russia wouldn't accept international help (including from the UK) and eventually it was Dutch expertise that raised the Kursk .
    RIP the brave sailors who died in this tragedy.

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +8


    • @triadwarfare
      @triadwarfare Před rokem

      I think they are still the proud and arrogant nation. Seems that this pride and arrogance prevented them to save the 23 sailors that could have survived, and the same pride and arrogance prevented them from realizing that Ukraine isn't worth conquering but instead doubled down on his SMO.
      Seems that this mirrors a lot of things happening in Ukraine right now with the outright lying to the families trying to give them hope, blaming NATO for something completely their fault, and being so full of pride and ignore the west.

    • @rightsdontcomewithpermits7073
      @rightsdontcomewithpermits7073 Před 11 měsíci

      Yeah, rest in piss. ❤😂

    • @Silver_Prussian
      @Silver_Prussian Před 10 měsíci +5

      Literaly not even a year since he took office

    • @albertoj.mollinedo4116
      @albertoj.mollinedo4116 Před 10 měsíci +1

      When have Russians ever accepted int help?

    @DIABETOR Před rokem +82

    That got surprisingly brutal real quick when that potassium superoxide lit up. Great video!

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +5

      👊🏻 Thanks. Welcome back

    • @alexandercarder2281
      @alexandercarder2281 Před 10 měsíci +8

      Yea that really disturbed my spirit. It was like Hell inside there and when I look at the wreckage picture I just see agony and pain. They are designed for death and pain and when they go wrong they self inflict almost the same agony they are supposed to deal out. Terrifying.

  • @firzen0000
    @firzen0000 Před rokem +122

    Wow. I thought I already knew enough about the accident, but just 6 minutes into the video, I'm getting blown away by the amount of stuff I had no idea about. Amazing job, man!

  • @canlib
    @canlib Před 25 dny +5

    Very good documentary is on point with facts and photos, no extra unneeded information. Keep up the good work, looking forward for more.

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před 25 dny +2

      Thanks. 👍🏻

    • @Oakleaf700
      @Oakleaf700 Před 16 dny +1

      @@waterlinestories Well made video-I'm old enough to remember this tragedy- One of the Submariner's Mothers said she knew something was wrong when an Icon fell off her wall - very unscientific, but she was right.
      The refusal of rescue from other Countries was very wrong. More men could have been possibly had been saved had Russia agreed to International aid.

    • @Oakleaf700
      @Oakleaf700 Před 16 dny

      @@waterlinestories of the grieving Mothers was ''involuntarily sedated'' with a syringe and drug while she was protesting, asking for the men to be saved.

  • @wesrrowlands8309
    @wesrrowlands8309 Před 11 měsíci +13

    The Soviet Union might be gone but their ability to run things like it's still around is insane.

  • @erintyres3609
    @erintyres3609 Před rokem +25

    5:30 If that particular torpedo had been left behind when it showed signs of leakage, they might have been OK.

  • @nicomeier8098
    @nicomeier8098 Před 11 měsíci +99

    "This Chemical Destroyed 118 Lives..."
    The chemical didn't destroy them, the lack of maintenance, training and self accountability is what killed them.

    • @matejbenko8268
      @matejbenko8268 Před 7 měsíci

      NATO submarine was involved and NATO refused to investigate which one. Kursk hit something underwater. That was clear on the damage. Swedish or US submarine. 2 possible. NATO refused to show those submarines.
      It is interesting how someone is worried about a few soldiers who died when they saved top-secret codes and data about atomic weapons. When on the other side there are thousands of people shot to death because not affordable healthcare in the US every month :D

    • @Peyote1312
      @Peyote1312 Před 4 měsíci +5

      Kerosene? Really? That was it? Total clickbait. Just say "kerosene killed 118 people" and see how many fewer clicks you get.

    • @chuckselvage3157
      @chuckselvage3157 Před 4 měsíci

      Of course. Those sailors were thrown in the deep end (no pun) with limited training etc.

    • @jr-xn2pm
      @jr-xn2pm Před 3 měsíci +5

      @@Peyote1312 Not kerosene, but rather HTP. This wasn't even the first sub sunk by it.

    • @pauldow1648
      @pauldow1648 Před 18 dny

      Even today safety must be placed first. Think msds, OSHA, institutes of safety.
      Costs of safety are a matter of money or life.
      Try not to err on the side of folly.

  • @maxhill7065
    @maxhill7065 Před rokem +29

    Man the rescue operation reminds me of stressed people trying to clean up a mess and making it worse by rushing and stressing

  • @HEDGE1011
    @HEDGE1011 Před 9 měsíci +13

    I recently found your channel, and am very grateful for your insightful and well crafted videos. I have read a lot about Kursk, and seen many videos/documentaries on the subject, but I think yours is the best of all. I’m now a patron because of your outstanding coverage of Kursk and Thresher.
    Thanks again for your careful coverage and the respect shown for the victims in the tragedies you cover.

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před 9 měsíci +3

      Thanks I appreciate that. I’m glad I saw your message, I’ll have to catch up with you in Patreon

  • @bernardguynunns5658
    @bernardguynunns5658 Před 3 měsíci +4

    Absolutely fantastic presentation brother! This was utterly compelling viewing.

  • @vapete1237
    @vapete1237 Před rokem +79

    I'm somewhat taken aback by the claims that everything was OK and that no significant damage was reported regarding the vessels hull, ultimately leading to an admittance that everything wasn't as it seemed. This is truly a heart-wrenching outcome for the comrades of compartment N°9, Medals of Courage. im sure, do little to compensate the loss of a loved one that perished in such brutal conditions.

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +13

      Yes it's quite alarming

    • @Ccccccccccsssssssssss
      @Ccccccccccsssssssssss Před rokem

      Russia lies a LOT!

    • @clintonbond155
      @clintonbond155 Před rokem +4

      The same lies still happen to this day.

    • @GrumpyIan
      @GrumpyIan Před rokem

      This is Russia we're talking about. They will point the finger and blame everyone else until they can't anymore.

    • @dannydetonator
      @dannydetonator Před rokem +8

      @clintonbond155 Russia has gotten much worse in that regard, in leaps punctuated by 2011, 2014 and 2022, i'm sure these dates will tell a lot in future's history textbooks.

  • @GoBlueGirl78
    @GoBlueGirl78 Před rokem +531

    Nicely done. This was a tragedy, made worse by the naval incompetence & Putin playing it down & lying to the families. I’ll never forget how they drugged the woman demanding answers at the press conference. 😢

    • @RatusMax
      @RatusMax Před rokem +3

      Putin is a sad scared man.

    • @nigelh3253
      @nigelh3253 Před rokem +154

      Yes, I remember seeing the injection of the woman and her immediate collapse. It shows where the effort of the Russian State goes.
      There was no realistic concern to save the survivors of the Kursk. Rather they were concerned with protecting 'state secrets' (and themselves). The only 'secrets' were what a poor state the Russian navy was in.

    • @davidpawson7393
      @davidpawson7393 Před rokem

      Sounds familiar, China and the US aren't exactly innocent in this area either.

    • @triadwarfare
      @triadwarfare Před rokem

      Kinda sick for Popov to outright lie in front of the families, then blame NATO for the accident

    • @mariusgrobler
      @mariusgrobler Před rokem +41

      Yes. Reminds me of Biden.

  • @Marmite695
    @Marmite695 Před rokem +37

    I've watched every documentary (and the film) about the Kursk, and was delighted to come across this "newbie" - especially narrated by a fellow SAffer, and providing a fascinating perspective!!! Those brave mariners were killed by their own government of the day!!!

  • @amarsanaagalbadrah4144
    @amarsanaagalbadrah4144 Před 9 měsíci +9

    they were killed by a corrupt bureaucracy without accountability.

  • @wdwerker
    @wdwerker Před 11 měsíci +15

    It’s terrifying that such incompetence is widespread and has nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. I noticed the lack of mention about nuke warheads during the entire disaster which make me think they were present but not armed. Lying seems to be a standard operating procedure. Best info on Kursk I’ve ever seen !

    • @alexturnbackthearmy1907
      @alexturnbackthearmy1907 Před 6 měsíci

      Of course they were not armed. Every nuclear warhead in existence will be armed right before the shot and not a second earlier.

  • @matgeezer2094
    @matgeezer2094 Před rokem +192

    Disgraceful, criminal incompetence. You can't help but feel dreadfully for those poor sailors - the lucky ones died quickly. Also, really good video

    • @albertoj.mollinedo4116
      @albertoj.mollinedo4116 Před 10 měsíci +8

      They should have taken the chance. A very low chance of survival is better than not trying.

    • @matejbenko8268
      @matejbenko8268 Před 7 měsíci

      It is interesting how someone is worried about a few soldiers who died when they saved top-secret codes and data about atomic weapons. When on the other side there are thousands of people shoot to death or because not affordable healthcare in the US every month :D

    • @thomasneal9291
      @thomasneal9291 Před 3 měsíci

      @@albertoj.mollinedo4116 hindsight is always 20/20. There was NO way they could possibly know what waited on the surface for them. If they surfaced during a big storm, they would have died nearly immediately anyway.

  • @Darkkfated
    @Darkkfated Před rokem +115

    Classic Russian damage control: deny, then lie, fess up only when all your lies are exposed, then do the bare minimum to appease the victim's families.

    • @jandedick7519
      @jandedick7519 Před rokem +16

      Just like Chernobyl.

    • @markzed66
      @markzed66 Před rokem +4

      Oh, those Russians.

    • @keyss78
      @keyss78 Před rokem

      Similar to US damage control tactics, although they never get past the lie step.

    • @seanwalsh4142
      @seanwalsh4142 Před 11 měsíci

      Just like the American government, without the fessing up bit. JFK,Vietnam, 9/11, Iraq,Afghanistan,Covid, Maui and more to come.

    • @JohanHultin
      @JohanHultin Před 10 měsíci +9

      Reminds me of another nuclear power..

  • @mikelastname
    @mikelastname Před rokem +91

    Nice video - I knew about the torpedo explosion, but didn't hear about the scubber canister causing a flash fire and consuming the O2 - I remember thinking at the time that they may have been able to rescue some of the sailors, but now I know why they all died - it must have been challenging getting details about this event given how secretive USSR & Russia are about their military.
    It always amazes me how much of the planet is covered by water, how much of our body is water, and yet how generally ineffective (most) humans are in water.

    • @NareshKumar-uh1vp
      @NareshKumar-uh1vp Před rokem +6

      This info was also noted in national geographics seconds from disaster episode of kursk.

    • @jessicam5712
      @jessicam5712 Před 9 měsíci +1

      Yeah, we suck at water.

    • @jeffbrooks8024
      @jeffbrooks8024 Před 4 měsíci

      Water in the people tank is always bad, also increased pressure exacerbates the effect of CO2. It's called CO2 poisoning

  • @scottbritt2052
    @scottbritt2052 Před 10 měsíci +9

    Great mini-doc! For anyone looking for another look into this tragedy there is a documentary called “Raising the Kursk”. It really gets into the details of the politics and recovery techniques used. It was really a huge undertaking.

  • @allypoum
    @allypoum Před 8 měsíci +7

    I remember this tragic event well - I was living in Spain at the time and followed the drama hour by hour as it was well-reported there. What can I say but commiserations to all the family and friends of those lost, I know it left a deep impression on me just out of basic human empathy.

  • @Largeportion1000
    @Largeportion1000 Před 11 měsíci +9

    Sad that so many young and energetic young men lost there lives through sheer incompetence, neglect and utter arrogance.
    Thank you for a Brilliant insight into the disaster, best I've seen.

  • @Richie_
    @Richie_ Před rokem +41

    Let's build a rescue ship out of a former wood carrier which we can only use when the weather is good.
    Seems like a brilliant idea..

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +2


    • @Omega-lj9tq
      @Omega-lj9tq Před rokem +9

      Thats Russia for you

    • @danielmorris4676
      @danielmorris4676 Před rokem +2

      Yeah, it seems like a brilliant idea when you're saturated with vodka.

    • @gnarthdarkanen7464
      @gnarthdarkanen7464 Před rokem +4

      It's what you get with a culture saturated with "smekalka"... not always as bad as vodka, but not nearly as reliable, either... ;o)

    • @MadScientist267
      @MadScientist267 Před rokem +1

      In Soviet Russia, wooden boat build you!

  • @louis_okay
    @louis_okay Před rokem +100

    Wait a minute, this isn’t the thumbnail I picked! ;)

  • @mtaylor3771
    @mtaylor3771 Před 11 měsíci +12

    Putin: "Tell everyone the Kursk collided with a NATO submarine."
    Admiral: "Comrade Putin, you are a brilliant man."
    Putin: "Give the Admiral a raise and full command of our Fleet."

  • @raven_1133
    @raven_1133 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Apologies Waterline, but the Kirov Class are battlecruisers, not battleships, in the western worlds eyes. In the Russian eyes they refer to it as a heavy guided-missile cruiser.
    I just wanted to point this inaccuracy out.

  • @Acorns4Bullets
    @Acorns4Bullets Před rokem +72

    Keep up the amazing work! I’m fascinated by submarines but would not get on one for any amount of money. Thank you for such a comprehensive analysis of this horrible tragedy.

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +5

      🤛🏻 thanks for watching

    • @bozhijak
      @bozhijak Před 11 měsíci +6

      It requires a special kind of person to serve on a submarine. It's NOT for the squeamish or easily distracted.

  • @JohnRodriguesPhotographer
    @JohnRodriguesPhotographer Před rokem +150

    The Russian rescue vessels also have extensive maintenance problems. This crew needn't have died. This disaster highlighted that Russia had revived the USSR. Basically under new management. New sign outside but the same crap inside.

    • @v.j.bartlett
      @v.j.bartlett Před rokem +17

      Here comes the new boss same as the old boss.

    • @user-qw6zj5ix9k
      @user-qw6zj5ix9k Před rokem +1

      Are you drunk? The USSR and Russia operated under COMPLETELY different system. The USSR as a socialist country valued human life over everything else and the budget of the military was FAR higher and exceeds even the spendings of the US in some years. The Russian Navy on the other hand faces problems with budget and corruption due to capitalism. The soviet navy was the most sophisticated navy in the world with the best technology and best maintenance possible, unlike the Russian Navy in the 1990s and early 2000s

    • @kommandantgalileo
      @kommandantgalileo Před rokem +19

      And they didn't revive the USSR of Gorbachev, they revived the Khruschev era.

    • @user-qw6zj5ix9k
      @user-qw6zj5ix9k Před rokem +2

      @@kommandantgalileo What? The Russian Federation is capitalist!!!!!!!!!

    • @kommandantgalileo
      @kommandantgalileo Před rokem

      @@user-qw6zj5ix9k I mean it's governmental culture

  • @DeffoZappo
    @DeffoZappo Před rokem +11

    I gotta say. I watch a wide variety of subjects and you're delivery is absolutely the best I have come across regardless of subject matter.

  • @denismilic1878
    @denismilic1878 Před 10 měsíci +6

    Kudos, extremely high quality and informative video.

  • @dragonclaws9367
    @dragonclaws9367 Před 10 měsíci +3

    I listened to this at night on international talk radio. I was praying for the lost people to be rescued. It was horrible thinking of men trapped in a can.

  • @SamSung-ww3rp
    @SamSung-ww3rp Před rokem +12

    There is a brilliant and detailed video on the Raising Of The Kursk. Each of the lifts has its own strand jack system. Just amazing! They cut 26 holes in the Kursk in order to attach the strand cables.

  • @Lakridza67
    @Lakridza67 Před 11 měsíci +13

    Your stories are quite good. You seem to cover the most important parts of the events that lead to disaster in your videos. I realise the volume of research you need to complete for this type of coverage, so super well done to you! I really enjoy your channel👏👏👏🥇

  • @NearlyH3adlessNick
    @NearlyH3adlessNick Před rokem +27

    I've heard of this story before, but never have I heard it in such detail! I've heard of some other details of the after events that aren't covered here, but not of the actual wreck and recovery effort afterwards.
    Regardless of what flag they flew under, fair winds and following seas to the fallen sailors.

    • @oldschoolfoil2365
      @oldschoolfoil2365 Před 9 měsíci

      You haven't? We will never know but i bet these force injected family members would know

  • @handsomenumber1393
    @handsomenumber1393 Před 11 měsíci +2

    With some much preamble and waffle in some content this snappy, informative style is refreshing and appreciated. Nice work.

  • @SiVlog1989
    @SiVlog1989 Před 7 měsíci +3

    Regardless of nationality, I can't think of anything more terrifying in terms of a way to go than the 23 men at the rear of the sub who were trapped with little light and little hope of rescue, not helped by the lack of training and tight budget the Russian Navy had

  • @The..Dark..Knight
    @The..Dark..Knight Před rokem +18

    When they finally decide to raise the ship, and make the decision to cut off the front section containing the torpedoes, it's just amazing that there is already in existence a means to do this. They attached Hydraulic suction anchors to the seabed with a tungsten-carbide saw cable and just made shoet work of it.

    • @milohdd
      @milohdd Před 11 měsíci +5

      They're often used in ship scrapping and recovery, they used them on the Costa Concordia too

    • @sjsomething4936
      @sjsomething4936 Před 11 měsíci +6

      It’s also quite interesting that the Russian navy didn’t have any real ability to deal with this tragedy effectively, other countries had to be engaged to help. The tragedy of running the exercises with very under-trained submariners is likely a result of the lack of funds available to Russia at the time, however given the level of corruption since Putin became president I suspect not much has changed, which is an even bigger tragedy.

  • @calijoe1074
    @calijoe1074 Před 11 měsíci +37

    I never served on a sub, I had many friends that did. I was a US Navy Nuclear Power Technician many years ago. Even though the Russians were our main adversary, we still respect and honor their courage and sacrifice for their homeland. I remember when it was happening, the initial news stories in the West were pretty much spot on. The several NATO member nations were offering assistance right away. The arrogance of the Russian leadership is something to remember. Lie and Deny, its the Russian way.

    • @timjamesg158
      @timjamesg158 Před 11 měsíci

      Can't wait to see Russia annihilate this country, after reading these people that's now a must. And man, we're doing a wonderful job of assuring that happens. Can't come soon enough. I'm lucky, I have another home, a long way away, and a yacht that I'm going to sit in (at a safe distance), beer in hand, watching this Island burn. Wipe this urban jungle of the worst kind of filth we've ever experienced or seen before from the face of this earth, and do the rest of the world a massive favour.

    • @anfrankogezamartincic1161
      @anfrankogezamartincic1161 Před 11 měsíci

      It's probablly the American way too. Big nations keep secrets to themselves. Lucky me, i'm not American, certainly not Russian

    • @elliotoliver8679
      @elliotoliver8679 Před 11 měsíci +3

      Lie and deny is also the American way

    • @anfrankogezamartincic1161
      @anfrankogezamartincic1161 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@elliotoliver8679 there is no other way in those games. Peace and love from Croatia. I remember war, was psrt of it. Nobody should. It's SHIT! Make love, not war. Pathetic but true

    • @76biggdogg
      @76biggdogg Před 11 měsíci +3

      That's the government way .... American too.

  • @kb037
    @kb037 Před 11 měsíci +68

    As a wise man once said: "The only true enemy Russia knows is incompetence"

    • @Around_blax_dont_relax
      @Around_blax_dont_relax Před 7 měsíci +1

      And Ukraine, apparently...

    • @victoriadiesattheend.8478
      @victoriadiesattheend.8478 Před 7 měsíci

      I agree.

    • @matejbenko8268
      @matejbenko8268 Před 7 měsíci

      Incompetence? :D
      NATO submarine was involved and NATO refused to investigate which one. Kursk hit something underwater. That was clear on the damage. Swedish or US submarine. 2 possible. NATO refused to show those submarines.
      It is interesting how someone is worried about a few soldiers who died when they saved top-secret codes and data about atomic weapons. When on the other side there are thousands of people shot to death because not affordable healthcare in the US every month :D

    • @PoetofHateSpeech
      @PoetofHateSpeech Před 6 měsíci +6

      That could be said of the West as well lol

    • @hideous_taco_michael_zacki
      @hideous_taco_michael_zacki Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@PoetofHateSpeech You know what they say? Evil is the reason of its own downfall. Russia is its own worst enemy, not the west. Along with their incompetence, stupidity and outrageous sloppiness, of course.

  • @tapster15
    @tapster15 Před 15 dny +1

    This is an excellent description of the disaster; the best I have seen.
    Many thanks!!!!

  • @carlchristianlindalen9311
    @carlchristianlindalen9311 Před 11 měsíci +12

    I remember diving teams and equipment being on round-the-clock standby here in Norway, just waiting and begging for a chance to help.
    Having to hear reports of repeated failures of Russian attempts had to be devastating for everyone, especially the families of the Kursk crew.

    • @MovieMakingMan
      @MovieMakingMan Před 10 měsíci +1

      Putin refused to let any other country help. Putin murdered those sailors. The surviving families were enraged at Putin for decades after the avoidable deaths of their loved ones.

    • @vanderlinde4you
      @vanderlinde4you Před 2 měsíci

      More then a week of incompetence. What do you expact, that all men where happy down there with plenty of oxygen, resources, food and everything? In life situations - every second counts.

  • @B1UK
    @B1UK Před 11 měsíci +6

    You’re fully smashing it out been watching with my uncle and he’s been loving it too we watched the jacobs well one the other day and he was locked in the whole way through. Been here since the start looking forward to what’s next could watch in the background for hours. Top man 👍🏽

  • @shadesofpurple7283
    @shadesofpurple7283 Před rokem +35

    I'm a waterline stories addict, it's hard waiting for my fix lol but it's always worth the wait ❤

  • @bc-guy852
    @bc-guy852 Před rokem +7

    Your presentations are phenomenal. I find them entertaining, very informative and exceptionally well-produced in every way. I think we'll be hearing a lot more from you in the future; I hope so.
    I'd clear a spot on your wall for that 100 K subscriber plaque - it's not far off!

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +1

      Thanks, I really appreciate that. I am looking forward to that but lots of work between now and then. Thanks for watching

  • @8020drummer
    @8020drummer Před 8 měsíci +1

    3:55 “I’ve got a stallion anti-ship missile right here”

  • @Yulweii
    @Yulweii Před 7 měsíci +2

    The salvage operation is incredible. I’d watch a whole doc on that haha.

  • @RatusMax
    @RatusMax Před rokem +10

    The sea is unforgivable, always call anybody and don't try to hinder their ability to save lives.

  • @doggonemess1
    @doggonemess1 Před rokem +15

    23:00 The rescue sub found the Kursk... by running in to it. This entire operation is so Russian it hurts.

    • @mattgosling2657
      @mattgosling2657 Před 11 měsíci

      Yeah it sounds like nothing but disasters and clumsiness from start to finish doesn't it.

  • @ReflectRx4u9809
    @ReflectRx4u9809 Před rokem +8

    This is the best retelling of the Kursk tragedy I’ve seen. Thanks, thoroughly enjoyed.

  • @kissmekatut
    @kissmekatut Před 9 měsíci +3

    "minor techincal difficulties", "descended to the ocean floor"
    That is classic, technically not wrong although I wouldn't describe such an event as minor

  • @kdaddy100
    @kdaddy100 Před 11 měsíci +11

    Unfortunately, the entire crew and the ship were doomed before they even got underway because of the faulty torpedo. Little did they know that when they bought that thing on board, they'd never see the light of day again. RIP😢

  • @JohnRodriguesPhotographer

    HPT has been used as a fuel since the the 1930's. IJN torpedoes used it. Germany used it a couple rocket powered fighters, RATO packs and a submarine powered by a Walther turbine. The USN, RN and USSR aquired the technology from Germany. The USN and RN abandoned all research due to it's instability. It is/was used to power turbo pumps on liquid fued rockets.

    • @Snarf_Le_Wombat
      @Snarf_Le_Wombat Před rokem

      T U R B O
      P U M P S
      😮 😮 😮

    • @neiloflongbeck5705
      @neiloflongbeck5705 Před rokem +2

      Didn't the RN lose a sub because of one of these types of torpedoes?

    • @JohnRodriguesPhotographer
      @JohnRodriguesPhotographer Před rokem +4

      @@neiloflongbeck5705 not sure. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near. Read the book " Rocket Pilot ". It is by a German pilot that flew the Me 163. It will blow your mind that they were flown operationally.

    • @Rob_Moilanen
      @Rob_Moilanen Před 11 měsíci +3

      ​@@neiloflongbeck5705that's likely classified information I'm afraid.

    • @Rob_Moilanen
      @Rob_Moilanen Před 11 měsíci

      ​@@JohnRodriguesPhotographerah C-stoff and T-stoff. It blows any sane minded person away that the Germans came up with most of the shit they did. But again, it was normal for Germans to think of such things cause they took us to the moon didn't they.!

  • @isellcrack3537
    @isellcrack3537 Před rokem +4

    Not that there is any pleasant way to go but even the mere thought of what those men went through in their last moments is horrifying. First a massive explosion happens while you are in a f-ing SUBMARINE (this alone makes me feel soft in the knees) then moments later after you think the worse has passed ANOTHER even BIGGER one happens....almost everyone is killed each in a more horrifying state than the guy before him yet somehow you and a handful of your mates survive cramped in a tiny compartment with almost no air surrounded by nothing other than freezing cold water and complete darkness on the bottom of the sea...And then ANOTHER freak accident - a violent eruption of fire. Some of your friends are burned horribly but your instinct to survive pushes you to dive in the shallow water. Finally you emerge when the flames die down you go ahead and try to take a gulp of air just to find out there is none.... I can`t imagine how this would feel - pbbly a painful feeling smth akin to drowning on dry land? Even worse is the horror of that realization and the time it takes before you finally die in horrific struggle ( ._.) those poor men betrayed by the country they were serving. The way Putin and the rest of the government treated the victims families is beyond disgusting. I just hope all those sailors now rest in peace.

    @IMPULSEGOAT Před rokem +4

    Excellent video, alot of information. Very sad fate for the crew that survived the initial explosion. RIP

  • @tompepper4789
    @tompepper4789 Před 10 měsíci +3

    Over the years I have seen many videos about the Kursk and this one is by far the best.

  • @nunyabusiness4651
    @nunyabusiness4651 Před 11 měsíci +2

    The difference between Engineering for cost vs saftey, nearly every Soviet accident was for this very reason. No regard for Human life!

  • @mayesip
    @mayesip Před rokem +7

    Thank you for showing respect to the sailors and independent point of view despite of political situation in the world!

  • @lurpflanders
    @lurpflanders Před 11 měsíci +11

    You should put the audio from your episodes on a podcasting platform! I love listening to these stories and will definitely be binging all of them!

  • @tm13tube
    @tm13tube Před rokem +4

    An example of “penny wise, pound foolish”

  • @kcindc5539
    @kcindc5539 Před 3 měsíci +2

    That poor misbegotten AS34 just couldn’t catch a break.

  • @kroveris
    @kroveris Před 4 měsíci

    I love your videos and this is one i keep coming back to. Your explanations are very clear and honestly i don’t know of another channel with a focus on water disasters, let alone one so well made. Great stuff!

  • @Nturner822
    @Nturner822 Před rokem +4

    You really have the voice and knowledge to present this content in a truly compelling way

  • @Maelli535
    @Maelli535 Před 11 měsíci +8

    20:35 - it's a Ukrainian soldier seen manipulating a joystick - how so? Nonetheless, a very interesting and highly professional video, it revealed much to me about the loss of the Kursk and the aftermath. Your verbal delivery was also faultless - congrats!

    • @moodswinggaming2972
      @moodswinggaming2972 Před 11 měsíci +1

      Yeah i spotted that also :S

    • @AParticularlyConcernedCitizen
      @AParticularlyConcernedCitizen Před 11 měsíci

      Ukraine only became relevant to most of the world after Russia invaded and even now most people don't actually give a shit that they're at war. Mistakes like this arise because of the similarity in uniform and equipment due to them being a former Soviet state, meaning images of them are going to look Russian regardless.

  • @vapete1237
    @vapete1237 Před rokem +7

    I've really been looking forward to this one ..

  • @thekinginyellow1744
    @thekinginyellow1744 Před 11 měsíci +2

    I didn't know that there was a chemical called "economics, incompetence, and lies".

  • @SciHeartJourney
    @SciHeartJourney Před 11 měsíci +2

    I thought outer space was dangerous, but it's literally "nothing" compared to the mass of water at crushing depths. 😢

  • @loobielou6965
    @loobielou6965 Před rokem +4

    I could listen to you read from a phone book!! Honesty such a great narrator.

  • @ianjones1034
    @ianjones1034 Před 11 měsíci +4

    The Kursk incident and the Chernobyl disaster are prime examples of Russia's penchant for not telling the truth and
    diverting blame . Fantastic work from the Dutch salvage people

    • @dmitryletov8138
      @dmitryletov8138 Před 4 měsíci

      Tell us who blown up Nord Stream, dear friend from NATO country
      Tell us why Japanese nuclear energy agency deleted all the emails archive related to early stages of Fukushima catastrophe?

  • @Max-xz9ig
    @Max-xz9ig Před rokem +6

    Thank you. Not all the way through rn but i love your vids.

  • @RobertPaskulovich-fz1th
    @RobertPaskulovich-fz1th Před 17 dny +4

    Russia lies continuously: Chernobyl, the Kursk submarine, etc.

  • @rabidrabbit6863
    @rabidrabbit6863 Před 10 měsíci +2

    "designed to destroy an aircraft carrier group" designed and capable are very different.

  • @Materialist39
    @Materialist39 Před rokem +5

    I’ve seen a couple vids on this topic but the specific details about timeline of the crew and the rescue add so much. Also what an infuriating and hamfisted coverup

  • @Skaitania
    @Skaitania Před 18 dny +3

    Politician A: "Lets use a chemical that ignites in contact with water for the rebreathers on our submarines."
    Politician B: "Lets use a chemical for fuel in our torpedoes that ignites in contact with the inside of our torpedo tubes."
    Politician C: "Lets call our submarine 'unsinkable'."
    Politician D: "What if it sinks?"
    Politician A: "NATO did it."

  • @markkay6646
    @markkay6646 Před rokem +5

    So if your ever in a position of needing rescuing by the russian navy you're buggered

  • @bendalton5221
    @bendalton5221 Před měsícem +1

    uhhhhh, yeah... a single 450kg warhead torpedo is NOT enough to sink an aircraft carrier by itself

    • @CharlesSeipel
      @CharlesSeipel Před 24 dny

      You don't think a well placed torpedo with 1,000lb warhead could sink a aircraft carrier? I do

    • @bendalton5221
      @bendalton5221 Před 24 dny

      @@CharlesSeipel then you don't know very much about how modern aircraft carriers are built. Japanese torpedos in WW2 had a 1000lb warhead, and it took more than one to sink a carrier back then, and those ships weren't constructed anything like carriers today. Carriers today have a honeycomb type interior, as opposed to the old construction method with bulkheads. With bulkhead construction if you put a hole in the side of the ship, flooding would fill the entire compartment in between bulkheads which could be several rooms. In modern carriers with honeycomb construction, individual areas and rooms can be sealed off, so flooding does not extend out into an entire compartments. Plus, the steel used today is much stronger than material used back then. It would take many torpedos to sink a Nimitz or Ford class carrier. Many.

  • @johnblasik9647
    @johnblasik9647 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Nothing of this sad event is more infuriating than Russian internal security goons drugging a distraught mother at Putin’s meeting with families of the deceased submariners. Truly disgusting and cold.

  • @milohdd
    @milohdd Před 11 měsíci +4

    The worst part is how easily this could have been avoided had russia taken more precautions and actually maintained their ships in any meaningful way

    @CSGATI Před 11 měsíci +4

    The accident was bad enough but lying about it and blaming a NATO sub is BS.

  • @allandavis8201
    @allandavis8201 Před rokem +8

    Hello, my first time watching an upload from you, and I have to say that of all the documentaries about the Kursk (quite a lot) this is the best one yet, your narration is clear, concise and very informative using terminology and visual references that any layman could understand, and unlike most videos I have seen you actually explain why all the critical failure factors contributed to result in an accident that the crew couldn’t have stopped, from the very moment the orders were given to use the HTP fuelled torpedoes the Kursk was doomed.
    On a slightly personal note I was like you, I was never very academic at school, in fact I hated all subjects except sports and home economics (cooking), my ambition was to join the RAF (Royal Air Force) as either a chef,firefighter or military police officer, however when I applied and had done my aptitude tests I was offered a trade as an aircraft mechanic, as I didn’t know what that entailed I went and asked my dad, he was in the RAF as an Armourer and he explained what it was mostly about, I wasn’t sure I would enjoy going “back to school” to learn the very subjects I hated, mathematics, science etc, but I decided to give it a try as I was told if I didn’t like it or I failed I could “re-muster” into another branch/trade, that was in 1979 and I left the RAF in 2003 having spent 24 years as an aircraft mechanic and finishing my service as an aircraft engineer, so I learnt an awful lot of things I never dreamt I was capable of learning and putting those skills into practice, it was like you using your sponsor platform to make you more confident and knowledgeable about your subject matter, so hats of to you for realising, as I did, THAT SCHOOL IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF GROWING UP, many years after I joined the RAF I went to a school reunion and wasn’t really surprised that most of my school classmates ended up in dead end jobs, even the academic ones didn’t fair so well, and all the ones who used to take the micky and bully me about only wanting to join up and serve my country had to eat humble pie.
    The point I am trying to convey is that, a) try hard at school, even in subjects you hate or don’t think apply to your future and, b) if you don’t try hard enough and don’t get the qualifications you need then do something about it, go to college, study using a tutoring app/platform and don’t let anyone tell you “you can’t/won’t be able to succeed” because you can, and will IF you really want to.
    Thanks for your excellent upload, very very interesting,informative and presented. Sorry about the long winded comment but I always try and help motivate people who might be watching and thinking things like “I’m to old to learn that” or “I hate my job, wish I had tried harder at school” even “I wanted to learn’x’ but never got around to it”, and if I only get one person to realise that YOU CAN do whatever you want and not YOU CAN’T DO THAT, then I will have succeeded in my self imposed mission. As my grandfather (also RAF) used to say “if you don’t learn something new every day then the day was wasted”, those words were indeed WISE WORDS. 😀👍🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇦
    P.S Sorry, I just have to say that @ 25:31 I am totally NOT surprised by the reaction from the Russian military leadership and the dictatorship of Putin, anyone who thought communism died in Russia after the Soviet Union collapsed was sorely mistaken, communism is STILL alive (unfortunately) and showed itself with all the denials and blame shifting, but worst of all for me is the treatment of the families, the Putin regime lied Point blank to them and gave them false hope, by the time the first submersible made its first dive the survivors were doomed, and that is what you get from a man who has known only communism in all its evil, being an ex KGB field agent through to his becoming president he has only ever seen that power equals communism, power that he will never relinquish by his own volition, and the people that suffer because of him isn’t related to the Russian people alone, nor the Russian people and the Ukrainian people, the whole of the free world has, and is, suffering because of HIM, the Cold War was declared over by many political and military leaders, it has NOT ended, it just isn’t referred to by its former title. Vladimir Putin has picked up where former leaders of the Soviet Union/USSR stopped, Stalin and Brezhnev to name but two, and considering how Putin is behaving right now with his unprovoked and unwarranted aggression and invasion of Ukraine he is, in my opinion, more dangerous than Stalin, Brezhnev and all the other dictators put together, and I am very surprised that he hasn’t “upped the ante” again, just to impress on the world how much power and influence he still has at home and abroad.
    When you said @ 32:38 that the remains of the wreck were “blown up in situ to deter foreign agencies from discovering Russian secrets” I nearly peed my pants laughing, the Russians had already disclosed their most top secret secret…………..they couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery let alone a rescue operation of the magnitude required and that they killed those who did survive because they, alongside Chernobyl, wouldn’t/couldn’t be seen to admit they were, a) incompetent, b) unable and c) intentionally refusing help because showing any weakness was worse than allowing/committing their servicemen to die/murdered by them. Despicable and evil, power crazed and inhuman piles of 💩 Sh1t.
    Sorry, another rant over, I promise my soapbox is put away, my spleen vented and my latest thesis finished, but to anyone who wants a debate about my opinions I am always open to discussion, however to anyone who just wants to hurl abuse and vile words etc all I will is say………………DILLIGAF.

    • @waterlinestories
      @waterlinestories  Před rokem +1

      Thanks for sharing. I do enjoy s good rant from time to time. 👌🏻
      I'm glad you enjoyed your career as an aircraft mechanic. I think in terms of careers it's probably one of three more interesting ones to have.

    • @dannydetonator
      @dannydetonator Před rokem +2

      Thanks for the motivational critic, i needed it despite nearing 40. I agree in most points, Putler included, just a correction coming from someone born in ex-USSR. The latter was not real communism and by definition did not claimed to be. It was planned-economy hardline socialism 'on the way building' communism, which has never been achieved (and probably never will), due to corruption and de-facto imperialistic fascist soviet apparatus dictature. Neither it's communism or even classical socialism now, though cold-war has indeed have been reinstated on another level, despite subsiding for the most of '90s. Hard to describe the horror show without getting in long-winded details here, but in sweeping statement, Russia has steered itself the closest to modern '1984' totalitarianism (not that USSR was not as well) and finally hardline fascism, beaten probably only by North Corea.

    • @JimSendre
      @JimSendre Před 10 měsíci

      I'm sure a lot of books are written on this topic but I find it sad and strange that in a country where people were educated and had ideals (if we look at communism as an ideal) nobody better could take power than a bunch of crooks. There was even a time when the parliament meant something and maybe a better leader could have come to power but all were corrupted by kgb. Gotta go back to that period to see how putin managed to consolidate power. @@dannydetonator

    • @JimSendre
      @JimSendre Před 10 měsíci

      Eastern Europe managed to make the transition from communism .. at least it seems. China freed markets and clamped down on freedom right away. russia made it out further but then once against clamped down on freedoms very soon. @@dannydetonator

  • @zx3215
    @zx3215 Před 10 měsíci +2

    I really like how this is not about conspiracy theories like hundreds of those which appeared right after the catastrophe.