Are You Sure You Are You?

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • *Friend group NOT *French group - mistake!
    Are You Sure You Are You?
    Are you sure that you are you?
    Because I'm pretty sure you're not, and if you stick around until the end, I'll prove it to you.
    What makes you "you"? Your body? Your thoughts? Your job? Your decisions?
    What does "you" even mean?
    If we break it down, none of these are really you.
    If you ask an average person, "Who are you?", they'll usually say, "I'm [their name] from [where they're from] and [their job]." For instance, "I'm Danny from New York, and I'm a doctor."
    It's worth mentioning that they didn't choose their name, and if they changed their name, job, or city, they would still be the same person. So, that doesn't really define who they are.
    Some would say, and I agree, that the essence of a person-what truly makes us human-is the mind. If you're secular, it's the mind or brain; if you're religious, it's the soul. In simple terms, what defines who we are and sets us apart from others is our thoughts, beliefs, opinions, and so on. After all, that's what distinguishes us from other animals in nature and makes us human.
    However, if we think about it for a moment, are you sure your thoughts are really yours? Do you truly believe that you're an exceptionally sharp intellect with authentic ideas? That you're a wise Homo sapiens, thinking independently and objectively? I'm pretty sure you're not. You're more influenced by your environment than you might think.
    Your thoughts aren’t really yours. They might belong to your parents, your culture, your religion, or your favorite politician or author. I’m pretty sure that if you had been born somewhere else on Earth, you wouldn’t think the same. You would not be exposed to the same media, news, or books, etc. These things influence us more than we can imagine.
    You’ve been brainwashed from day one, taught what to think and how to think. Even if you’re rebellious, they’ve taught you how to rebel. If you think differently, you’re likely part of some cool group that also thinks differently. But even that rebellion isn’t really yours-you’ve soaked up all this information like a sponge submerged in water. Whether you’re conservative or liberal, religious or secular, educated or illiterate, your thoughts aren’t truly your own; you got them from someone else.
    Yet, despite all of this, most people can’t even manage to be themselves, to live according to their beliefs, to act the way they’d like, or to express their opinions without fearing what others will think. We’re all actors, putting on a show-no one is truly themselves. I genuinely hope that you manage to be "you" most of the day with most of the people in your life. I truly hope that you stay true to yourself and live according to your beliefs-even though they’re not really yours, but you got the point.
    Sorry to disappoint, but your emotions are also not really yours. They depend on others and on situations. Most of us don’t really know how to control our feelings; a small thing can instantly determine how we feel all day long. Especially for those of us in love-it’s like our lover has a remote control for the serotonin levels in our brain. Even your genes aren’t really yours; your entire body is a mix of genes from your parents, their parents, and so on.
    So we’re left with the body, and it definitely doesn’t define you or make you who you are. I don’t even want to start explaining why, but I’ll give a brief example for those who have doubts: For instance, if someone, God forbid, lost half of their internal organs due to an illness or part of their body in an accident, do they become half of 'themselves'? If someone receives a heart transplant from another person, are they still the same person? Think about someone who has had plastic surgery and whose appearance has changed, or someone who has undergone gender reassignment surgery and transitioned from male to female or vice versa. There are many more examples. In any case, the body is definitely not what makes you 'you,' and it doesn’t define you as a person. It’s superficial to think that way.
    Bottom line, I don’t have the answer. Who are you? Write in the comments what you think makes you 'you,' what defines you, and whether you truly manage to be yourself. Or do you pretend to be someone else to fit in with your environment and please others?

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