Komentáře •

  • @karenmensing
    @karenmensing Před 11 lety +15

    Thanks for all the feedback on my presentation! I'd like to clarify that QR Codes are merely a tool. It is not all that I use to teach, just something that heightens engagement. I love to see my students excited and eager to learn. When I have used QR Codes in the classroom, I have seen that excitement and engagement and it has transformed my lesson in a positive manner. Obviously, I still think the role of the teacher is extremely important! :)

    • @thomashan4963
      @thomashan4963 Před 2 lety

      I wish I had the teacher like you
      Or I wish I was the teacher like you 😔

  • @lifemakesmelaf
    @lifemakesmelaf Před 11 lety +1

    In a lot of school districts, kids (especially elementary school kids) are now provided Ipads instead of textbooks so they read the codes with those

  • @salavora
    @salavora Před 11 lety +1

    Using QR Codes adds an element of fun, of exploration and hence makes it more memorable.
    In comparison: I had two geography teachers: One told us that there is a city called Paris which is the capital of france and that we need to know that name for the test... boooring
    The other grouped us into teams, handed each team an atlas and then wrote PARIS on the board. The group which found the city AND could tell him in which country / contient it was won points. GREAT! learned a lot this way!

  • @dep7311
    @dep7311 Před 3 lety +2

    This was posted 7 years ago but the effects are starting to notice judt recently... Who knew this technology existed 7 years ago but applied after 7 years and during a pandemic... We will only see their usefulness once it is put to a test and now we know that this video really is true that the uses of QR codes are limitless and it could change the way all of us disseminate information😁🥳

  • @carolvangorp6198
    @carolvangorp6198 Před 7 lety +14

    Dear Karen,Very interesting...thanks. One thing, however, the feedback like "good job" from a computer seems even less impactful than from a teacher. When we give specific feedback, we need to express WHAT THE STUDENT is doing or needs to get in order for it to have any educational impact.

    • @pam9162
      @pam9162 Před 4 lety +1

      Absolutely. A face to face encouragement from a teacher is by far more memorable. I loved this video, except that small part.

  • @geekgroupie42
    @geekgroupie42 Před 11 lety +2

    this is a really cool idea - i can imagine kids would love this ... but we can't forgot that sitting still and even being a bit "bored" is important too.

  • @jetblack297
    @jetblack297 Před 11 lety

    I made custom stickers of a QR code linking people to lemon party and stuck them all over a Starbucks

  • @mrs.francinejones9648
    @mrs.francinejones9648 Před 2 lety +2

    Wonderful I’m blown away!! Great use of QR in the 21st century classroom

  • @AlanDoyleMusic81
    @AlanDoyleMusic81 Před 11 lety +2

    A lot of people are cynical about this talk, but technology really can have a major impact on education and learning experience. I know it's not always possible to access every resources, but teachers should always think of how to integrate into the class.the resources they can access.

  • @mooxim
    @mooxim Před 11 lety +4

    "students who didn't have devices with them were begging their parents to pull out their smart phones"
    Doesn't sound like a particularly good thing to me.

  • @LooksLikeLilian
    @LooksLikeLilian Před 11 lety

    The one big thing, other than the fact some kids can't get acres to this tech and the controversy of how old someone should be before they get this tech which is truly a parental decision and should not be further forced upon them to conform to the societal norm of young kids with tech, It is much more rewarding as a student to hear your teachers praise verbally with enthusiasm than to just see it on a screen.

  • @kirbymarchbarcena
    @kirbymarchbarcena Před 7 lety +5

    Well,I just hope the kids won't just always depend on their smartphone or tablets just to enjoy learning.There must be another way to teach the kids without making them bored if they have no tablets or smartphones

  • @Kakuzukun0047
    @Kakuzukun0047 Před 11 lety +1

    That's quite the dividing, isolating and shaming pool of activities if inducted to a Public school. A poster takes less than one dollar to produce but a Smartphone of Game Device capable of scanning QR code costs hundreds of dollars, a hundred at the VERY least, creating trouble for every family struggling with affording indulgent luxuries greater than dessert snacks added to the grocery lists. Not being able to participate in classroom fun can be crippling to a small child.

  • @kittykanghaerinie
    @kittykanghaerinie Před rokem

    This is amazing! Thanks for the ideas

  • @llamallama6
    @llamallama6 Před 11 lety +2

    i think every sentence needs the suffix 'if the children have access to smatphones or qr readers'.

  • @benitamach5724
    @benitamach5724 Před 7 lety +4

    Love this!, Positive Reinforcement for Learning.

  • @ParksIII
    @ParksIII Před 11 lety

    My 8 year old is smart phone savvy and uses QR codes on his ipod and emails information to family and friends and belongs to several blogs and enjoys creating worlds in Minecraft. The tech just keeps getting better,cheaper and easier to access for even the poor.I still go fishing, rock climbing and tramping (all free activities!) with my son but we read books on Kindle and embrace the new technology.The new technologies encourage and teach problem solving,thinking skills,are motivating and work.

  • @wadenkrampf0815
    @wadenkrampf0815 Před 11 lety

    Nice idea, I'll use it.
    Of course not everyone has the opportunity to use this yet, but sooner or later this technology will reach over 95% of the world. New technology and new ideas will always create curiosity and using curiosity to teach is a smart and easy thing to do.

  • @reneecour9214
    @reneecour9214 Před 2 lety +1

    Perfeito! tudo que eu penso

  • @guiltyguildleader
    @guiltyguildleader Před 11 lety

    Its meant to either obfuscate data or make it readable so you can copy&paste it instead of typing it in, reducing the risk of errors. QR codes have been used by the industries for quite a time in places like logging real life events in mobile environments into databases. The "mystery" around what is written in them created the current craze. Today, most of the time they are a security issue and real life spam.

  • @susanaq8274
    @susanaq8274 Před 9 lety

    I would like to have more information about a kindergarten class using Qr codes. I have Dual Language learners for a Spanish class and I want to try this strategy to motivate them to learn Spanish. If I want to make their work by Qr codes should I do it one by one?

  • @TemperanceRaziel
    @TemperanceRaziel Před 11 lety +6

    Don't understand all the negative votes. This is an amazing teaching tool!

  • @shaktiraje2738
    @shaktiraje2738 Před 3 lety

    Global Teacher Award winner Mr. Disale using QR code in School textbook in Maharashtra, India.

  • @wednesday55
    @wednesday55 Před 11 lety

    It'll be fun as long as it's new and exciting. Once they get used to it, it'll be boring just like anything else.
    The trick is to continually think up new and exciting ideas to always stay one step ahead of them.

  • @chrisdeakin66
    @chrisdeakin66 Před 11 lety

    I do this via a padlet page...students love it

  • @guiltyguildleader
    @guiltyguildleader Před 11 lety

    A QR Code represents text. This can be a number, a message, or, like often used an URL.

  • @otaviodiasleite5523
    @otaviodiasleite5523 Před 3 lety

    It similar a "read" one simbol. "+" what is plus?

  • @warnexus
    @warnexus Před 11 lety

    i can see it being memorable because of the technological interaction.

  • @bivimous
    @bivimous Před 11 lety

    I think you can create something like autonomous courses, which could work like "you the hereo of the book" ... and make a lesson as if it was a treasure quest! Good idea but not to be exploited all the time!
    Plus, it can also enhance curiosity, if you put QR codes everywhere and they scan it during the day, to have a look at it later on! (when they are home for instance)

  • @boomtao
    @boomtao Před 11 lety

    It is a nice idea. I'd like to use QR codes for classes, but doesn't each QR code represent a web-address/ website-page? Where do you place all this web content? Do you need a website, or are there (free) ways you can do this?

  • @worapatketgun823
    @worapatketgun823 Před 2 lety

    video anda sangat bagus dan mempunyai mesej yang luas terima kasih

  • @chapp3355
    @chapp3355 Před 11 lety

    educators are the undervalued asset that supports America.

  • @jetsethi
    @jetsethi Před 11 lety

    It seems like many people missed the point. Yes , QR codes were used. But it seems that it's more about a new method of interactivity for engaging students, or people in general. QR codes were just the means to that end.

  • @lauradonovan7829
    @lauradonovan7829 Před 8 lety +1

    This won't play. Anyone else having this issue?

  • @MyImprov
    @MyImprov Před 11 lety

    I've never seen a teacher this nervous speaking in public before.

  • @eia1957
    @eia1957 Před 11 lety

    Okay, maybe it's just me but isn't a little ironic that this information is presented to us *not* through a QR code link to a massively parallel immersive web link but one person on a stage lecturing with slides? Imagine how your reaction would change to this technology if the opening sequence was the presenter asking you to open your digital device and scan the QR code on the screen...Okay, well maybe it wouldn't help.

  • @DrahcirLXIV
    @DrahcirLXIV Před 11 lety

    Like someone else said, not everyone has a phone or device that can scan a QR code. Also, this should only be used with highschool students and up. No reason for kinder gardeners to have phones. Same with elementary school kids. Or middle school. High school might even be stretching it.

  • @arceptor
    @arceptor Před 11 lety

    What about people who don't have smartphones?

  • @DieNoobCompany
    @DieNoobCompany Před 11 lety

    is there a difference between a qr code and a website link?

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      Yes. A "website link" or URL is like the street address of a house. In order to get there, you have to type in the address manually. A QR code is like having a button that you push that takes you instantly to that address by just pointing a smartphone camera at it. It's a matter of convenience.

  • @derekrodriguez5080
    @derekrodriguez5080 Před 11 lety

    QR codes in a library? If I have the smart device, why do I need the library?

  • @2mcraej
    @2mcraej Před 11 lety +1

    Tech in the classroom does not simply turn our students into consumers, it motives them and helps them to become engaged learners. The experience of reading the "I have a Dream speech" is not as profound as hearing it given by MLK. Using tech in an interactive lesson about the Civil Rights movement allows students to activate multiple areas in their brain making it more likely that the information in the lesson will be encoded into long term memory.

  • @luc4864
    @luc4864 Před 10 lety

    Look at this Tumblr: Pictures of People Scanning QR-Codes

  • @Xaeravoq
    @Xaeravoq Před 11 lety

    im not sure i really understand this. to me it seems like just an extra step between seeing the information and being able to read it. instead of being able to just read a poster i need to get out my device and scan it. the only thing i can see is that this might be easier than typing a long URL into your browser.

  • @christinekangaslampi1425
    @christinekangaslampi1425 Před 11 lety +1

    ahh I wishI was a kid growing up now, school would be so much fun :)

  • @bogdanyer
    @bogdanyer Před 11 lety +1

    so everybody should have a device...
    i remember days when in schools were uniforms so that kids won't feel poor.

  • @mjenminor
    @mjenminor Před 11 lety

    technology tools increase student engagement, great ideas!

  • @olampes
    @olampes Před 4 lety

    i want to learn how to make it and ues it , but i didn't know how.

  • @milifilou
    @milifilou Před 10 lety +1

    Our school doesn´t allow Elektronics...:C

  • @666Tomato666
    @666Tomato666 Před 11 lety

    kids like completely new stuff and new ways to use their toys, what did you think?

  • @ParksIII
    @ParksIII Před 11 lety

    I get very sick of all the naysayers who point to the expense and elitism using new technology entails rather than allowing themselves to be inspired by creative teaching approaches using new technologies. I met a 30 something unemployed man today who was blown away by my iPad apps looking at 3D interactive Skeleton and my personal genealogy project on Ancestry. He said he was going to enrol in a computer course today. Yay!

  • @root_ipv6
    @root_ipv6 Před 6 lety

    awesome idea when everyone on earth have free internet access and free device

  • @GuilhermeCosta1992
    @GuilhermeCosta1992 Před 11 lety

    So, little kids are now forced to have a Smartphone...

  • @Talon3000
    @Talon3000 Před 11 lety

    Nice idea, but whats with children that don't have a smartphone, or a smartphone incapable of reading QR?

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      Most schools supply tablets for use in the classroom. Even my wife's district, which is a low-income area, has multiple carts of tablets -- enough for every student to use one during class.

  • @AndySlug
    @AndySlug Před 5 lety

    I sanded this to my teacher.

    @GIJOOOO Před 7 lety

    oh my gosh my thesis is all about qr codes egg hunting game and the woman who was giving a speech and my genius mind was thinking of the same thing.
    I'm gonna use this as reference for our thesis. :) hope it gets approved.k

    • @thevloggerwannabe8599
      @thevloggerwannabe8599 Před 7 lety

      Hi, i am a teacher trainee. Can you explain how to use QR codes in the hunting game? Thanks!

  • @mitchiskool
    @mitchiskool Před 9 lety +2

    What a great video! Thank you for putting this together. I will be trying these out in my class room as soon as next week!

  • @djredstorm
    @djredstorm Před 11 lety

    Most People make a big mistake, they use the free tools to generate things without mobile content. QR codes can be fun, but not if you link to your website without mobile content - it's essential!
    you can check ucardo (and ucardo pro), a service for great microsites that let you interact with your mobile device!

  • @ainoaguy
    @ainoaguy Před 11 lety +1

    I dont think the point of the lesson was to just focus on the QR code idea, I think what she was trying to say is that finding innovative ways of teaching can help kids be more interested in learning. The QR codes were just an example of what can be done.

  • @Sonnentau1
    @Sonnentau1 Před 11 lety

    Library have endless usage for QR Code? Well i have at least the double usage for using a Smartphone in the class ;)

  • @pinopower4ever
    @pinopower4ever Před 11 lety

    Yeah, countries like Nigeria and Cambodia are closely there. Sure.

  • @BondeDaMasha
    @BondeDaMasha Před 11 lety

    It would help if schools had wifi signals

  • @bheasy1
    @bheasy1 Před 11 lety

    Yay! A bunch of nearsighted kids are coming to drive cars and text in the next few years! Can't wait : )

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      Sure. Because when you learn how to use a tool in the classroom, you immediately go out and use it to commit a crime.

  • @TheSpainCarlos
    @TheSpainCarlos Před 11 lety

    hey, I am from Peru and we have smart bords in our class room y about 1/3 of the class has a smartphone
    Sure many schools in my country are not as lucky as mine, but don't underestimate a 3rd world country like Peru. 15 years ago my country was practicaly in civil war and now we have a growth rate of about 9-8% per year

  • @blaHoch101
    @blaHoch101 Před 11 lety

    I would have linked it in the description

  • @MonarchOfTheElves
    @MonarchOfTheElves Před 11 lety

    This just makes students more attached to unnecessary devices. What kindergartener has a smart phone, and where is it even remotely conceivable for everyone to have a device. Education should be equal, not separated by the haves and the have nots. Students can learn without technology, it is just the responsibility of the teacher to make subjects interesting and to make students enthusiastic about learning.

  • @drackar
    @drackar Před 11 lety

    Suddenly, instead of cellphones being banned in classrooms, gradeschoolers are required to have a $100 smartphone. I can see this being a problem.

  • @StormKidification
    @StormKidification Před 11 lety

    Yes, QR codes aren't just used for internet links.

  • @ChadWorthman
    @ChadWorthman Před 11 lety

    Training a generation of megastore checkout clerks...

  • @Qrdroid
    @Qrdroid Před 10 lety +2

    Great Job Karen!

  • @sbcomputerentertainment
    @sbcomputerentertainment Před 11 lety

    I don't think QR code is was made the kids love learning, I believe it was the interaction with technology in general. They live in a world of technology, they are not stupid. A child is able to comprehend what's going on, forcing the use of pen and paper when tech is much more convenient and more interactive. From a child perspective denying them that interaction with stuff is in their eyes a way of punishment. To change the "school sucks and is not cool" is easy, but the cost of doing so...

  •  Před 11 lety

    I don't like the fact that only kids WITH smart phones or e-devices would be allowed to participate.
    She said so herself "Kids without them were BEGGING..." that's not education.

  • @danis1749
    @danis1749 Před 5 lety

    nice talk

  • @Netbug009
    @Netbug009 Před 10 lety +2

    It still blows my mind that Kindergardeners are running around using iPads now.

    • @jameshaywood2288
      @jameshaywood2288 Před 8 lety

      I saw a 1st grader with an iPhone 6 something.

    • @jameshaywood2288
      @jameshaywood2288 Před 8 lety

      +James Haywood When I was in first grade, you NEVER saw a phone/device. I'm in middle school now, and bring your own device is really big.

    • @Netbug009
      @Netbug009 Před 8 lety

      When I was in the first grade, mobile devices weren't even a thing yet. :D

    • @carolvangorp6198
      @carolvangorp6198 Před 7 lety

      Is anyone reading the RESEARCH discussing addiction with technology?

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      My 2 year old plays toddler games on my iPhone. Kids are smarter than you think. They just don't learn to verbalize what they know until a later age.

  • @ShawnRavenfire
    @ShawnRavenfire Před 11 lety

    There are many cheaper and lower-tech ways to engage students' interest than this. I remember years ago, some tech students invented goggles that when you looked at a colored bar code on the wall, it would display as a sign. The idea never caught on, because it just wasn't practical.

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      Cheaper than free? QR codes are free. If you're objecting to the use of tablets or smartphones, why? They live in a world where these devices are the primary means of accessing information. You sound like the morons back in the 80s decrying the use of PCs and saying everyone should instead carry around a stack of textbooks. Education needs to match the needs of the society that the child is entering. Technology is not only acceptable in education. It's absolutely NECESSARY if these kids are going to graduate able to function as adults in the 21st century.

  • @denisew7752
    @denisew7752 Před 9 lety

    Thanks for opening my eyes to this new technology!!! The possibilities of learning with QR codes is endless!!! I'm so EXCITED to introduce my students to QR codes this upcoming school year!!!

  • @00ryanm00
    @00ryanm00 Před 11 lety

    i dont like how people frown upon using new technology like this in the classroom. people say how terrible it is that kids are brought up in a touchscreen world but the reality is it is a better, easier technology. what's wrong with that? Use what's new and better.

  • @tristanchroma9014
    @tristanchroma9014 Před 11 lety

    And then the QR code fad dies and the only efficacy of this becomes null.
    There will come a time when children are scanning QR code ads on public advertisements or restaurant menus as young as 5. The novelty won't exist for them for the codes to become a motivational tool.

  • @thebiglightbulb1457
    @thebiglightbulb1457 Před 11 lety

    this is just silly its not about the tool how you educate i did not enjoy learning until i met a teacher that could make me feel the joy of learning since that year i'm one of the more engage students in the classroom

  • @bloodsucker5643
    @bloodsucker5643 Před 3 lety

    I am watching in 2021

  • @Nutellatier
    @Nutellatier Před 10 lety +8

    A code telling you "well done"? I imagine that would be so much better than some boring teacher having some actual social interaction with you and telling you personally that you did a great job. Maybe we should also place some robot behint each student to pat his back if he answers correctly.

    • @TheForeignGamer
      @TheForeignGamer Před 6 lety +2

      I realize this comment is 3-4 years old, but way to cherry-pick one small detail to try and discredit an entire concept.

  • @MegaAwesomecow
    @MegaAwesomecow Před 11 lety

    Right now, it's going to be interesting for those kids, but once you let those kids get used to be learning that way, they will soon get bored of it. Honestly qr codes in school shouldn't happen.

  • @StuffByDavid
    @StuffByDavid Před 11 lety

    Because every 7 year old has a smartphone. Obviously.

  • @bmeares
    @bmeares Před 11 lety

    NFC is substantially more advanced.

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      NFC has tons of limitations and is cost-prohibitive and impractical for the average user, like teachers. "Technologically advanced" does not equate to superior in this case. NFC chips cannot be easily used in conjunction with each other, because the signals interfere. So imagine a magazine in which 5 companies want to give the reader a quick way to access information about their product. With QR codes, all 5 can give the reader this quick link. With NFC, only one could do so, because there's no way to prohibit the 5 chips from interfering with one another. The second issue is cost. QR codes are free. NFC chips can be extremely expensive for short run printing. They're also not feasible for the average user, like a teacher. You can't just whip up your own NFC chip on your computer in 5 minutes like you can a QR code. NFC is actual technology that has to be programmed with special equipment that the typical homeowner, hobbyist or teacher just doesn't have. For payment systems or large-scale industrial use, NFC has a place. For classroom use, print advertising, promotional campaigns, etc., QR codes are VASTLY more useful.

  • @user-fb9ss4op6n
    @user-fb9ss4op6n Před rokem

    [Fizia and magia | fizika and matika | k and c]

  • @siddhantkamble9502
    @siddhantkamble9502 Před 3 lety

    KAREN Mensing

  • @TemperanceRaziel
    @TemperanceRaziel Před 11 lety

    I teach my three year old on my ipad.

  • @Zbog1
    @Zbog1 Před 11 lety

    Yeah this is cool, but what happens when you start saying. "good morning class now scan this code for your lesson." and eventually the entire country's elementary system is kids getting a code as they walk into class, and following "instructions" until they go home. Human interaction is SO necessary for learning, ESPECIALLY in young kids. QR CODES AREN'T EVEN RELEVANT ANYMORE, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID 6 MONTHS AGO.

  • @YuhaoBoku
    @YuhaoBoku Před 11 lety

    Now I have to say, that school is full of rich kids...

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      Why would you say that? My wife teaches in a very poor urban district where many kids qualify for free breakfast and lunch because of their economic status. But the teachers have access to carts of iPads and Microsoft tablets that they use for classroom assignments. You don't have to personally own technology to learn how to use it.

  • @divenutslincoln
    @divenutslincoln Před 11 lety

    And all it requires is getting your 6 year old a tablet or smart phone , no thanks

  • @choke_the_woke1179
    @choke_the_woke1179 Před 11 lety +1

    not every student can afford to have an smartphone or ipad if you know what i mean !

  • @frizzerdk
    @frizzerdk Před 11 lety +2

    I think this will only be a succes in the start, just because it is new :/

  • @late_arvie
    @late_arvie Před 11 lety

    Damn. My 'device' doesn't scan QR codes : (

  • @SM980
    @SM980 Před 11 lety

    I'm sure every third grader has a smart-phone or iPad

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      Most schools today, even in rural or poorly funded districts, have carts of iPads or similar tablets for teacher use. This is the most likely application of QR codes for these types of assignments. Districts in more affluent areas may assume that the family has a device, but either way, the technology is still viable.

  • @MyImprov
    @MyImprov Před 11 lety

    I've never seen a tea he

  • @Buckets41369
    @Buckets41369 Před 11 lety

    Some of the worse uses for using a QR code. Oh except for tracking parts in the toyota factory.

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      These are actually great uses for QR codes. Any time you're asking another person to go out of their way to look up information, a QR code is an extremely helpful shortcut. In Asia, QR codes have been in use for just about everything you can imagine for years. America has been slower to adopt, but the ANA recently ran an article demonstrating that QR codes are the hot trend in American marketing/advertising. I work in that industry, and we're exploring every QR code application you can imagine.

  • @TitanREW
    @TitanREW Před 11 lety

    how doo kids have smartphones and im working my ass off and only recently was able to buy one...
    what is this ....
    what about kids who cant bring such tools to school!?
    what if there are QR codes leading to restricted sites and data - and kids scan them
    the idea is good, the demography is chosen wrong.

  • @thedaba4
    @thedaba4 Před 11 lety

    There's positive and negative to this. Qr codes are a great way to enhance learning and are a creative approach but what about those who don't have the technology. All you're doing is isolating them. Also since when did kindergarten students get iPods and iPads? What happened to being content with blocks and crafts?

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      Nope. Most schools have tablets that teachers use in the classroom. My wife's school is in a low-income area with limited funds, and even they have three classroom sets of tablets -- enough for every student in a 35-student class to have their own tablet for use in the class. And by the way, I have a 2 year old who plays with blocks, crafts, coloring, etc. also plays an assortment of iPhone apps that he can open and operate completely independently. Our great grandparents played with sticks and hoops. Our grandparents played with paper dolls and toy cars. Our parents played with GI Joe and Barbie. We played with Nintendos. Our kids play with tablets. Things change. Time to evolve.

  • @george_plays
    @george_plays Před 11 lety

    Couldn't you just hide pieces of paper around the room with the words on directly? That's probably better than expecting all your students to have smartphones.
    A far more useful educational application of QR codes would be at a museum or historic site, to obtain detailed information and additional material about an exhibit. That's an exciting and useful application. Getting children to run around a room scanning them to learn some new words... isn't.

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      They're not using their own smartphones. They're likely using tablets supplied by the school. And who are you to say what is an effective teaching method? Do you have experience as an educator or a child psychologist? My wife has a masters of education with a focus on 21st century teaching techniques and technology in the classroom. The stuff she does with her students is light years beyond her peers who think passing out worksheets is the definition of "lesson planning." Her student's test scores are also among the highest in her district, despite the fact that she teaches some of the lowest performing students each year. In other words, you don't know what you're talking about.

  • @jaberjbaar
    @jaberjbaar Před 11 lety

    They should use nfc, way more modern and less effort l.

    • @McScott76
      @McScott76 Před 4 lety

      There are a lot of drawbacks to NFC, actually. It works ok if you have a single action you want a user to take. But trying to incorporate multiple NFC tags in a single book, magazine or marketing piece is a no-go. Plus, it's vastly more expensive. QR codes are free. NFC chips are not. Plus you have proximity issues. If you accidentally move your phone out of range of the chip, you lose connection. There's no such issue with QR codes. Once you scan, you're in. The only real advantage of NFC is the ability to "push" content to a user without them first choosing to engage with it. But the proximity issues still make this difficult, and there are also ethical concerns. Some people would love to walk into a store and have an ad pop up on their phones with a personalized list of deals just for them. Others would find it creepy. Plus, until recently, Apple did not even support NFC. The latest iPhones do, but a lot of people are still on older models with no native NFC capability.

  • @Omnilatent
    @Omnilatent Před 11 lety +1

    "free and easy tool"
    Because owning a smartphone is free as well as using internet via the smartphone...