Why everyone should have a basic income | Guy Standing | TEDxKlagenfurt

  • čas přidán 23. 02. 2017
  • Have you ever feared that moment of economic insecurity? Encountered some unpredictable event, lost a job or simply just left the university not knowing what’s to come. Guy Standing talks about how flexible economic practices create conditions of uncertainty and unpredictability in our life, we might soon face a disruption of the whole economic system. He shows how basic income can be vital and affordable tool to respond to the changing world of work.
    Guy Standing, who is a Professorial Research Associate at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, has written books about social uncertainty and economic insecurity. In his bestseller “Basic Income: A 21st Century Economic Right”, he argues that “Every person, regardless of age, sex, marital status or work status, should have the right to a basic income, adequate to enable him or her to cover basic needs.”
    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Komentáře • 230

  • @davidhutchinson5233
    @davidhutchinson5233 Před 6 lety +59

    I cannot imagine a world....I"m 50 and have worked all my life. What a welcome thing it would be....to be able to volunteer, to go back to school, to help out in the community...and not have to worry so damn much. I welcome it....it would have to be sufficient though.....it really would. Imagine only having to work PT and being able to live your life's dream.

    • @zonmoy
      @zonmoy Před 3 lety

      unfortunately the ubi will most likely be like the what us peasants are getting if we get social security now or the stimulus packages, far less than what is needed for even survival.

    • @donaldlyons17
      @donaldlyons17 Před 2 lety +1

      @@zonmoy That makes sense with everyone getting the minimum it would not be an advantage to receive it!!!! Business people will likely rise their prices in response to increased cash available.

    • @skahg4771
      @skahg4771 Před 2 lety +1

      @@donaldlyons17 Prices would not double. They might rise A BIT, but certainly not enough to make UBI irrelevant. That would be a level of inflation we have never seen before, if it doubled, and a level of inflation people WOULD NOT accept from the business world. The first company to jack their prices up would catch serious backlash, and it would only be a matter of time before others swoop in selling at a lower price.
      People can always choose not to buy, or buy elsewhere. would you rather have 1000 dollars and have to pay another dollar for everything you buy? or would you rather have zero dollars and keep things the way they are? The point is that it gives people a place to start, and price inflation is no reason not to do it. There are too many positive benefits to UBI. price inflation is going to happen anyway, better people have some resources to work with than nothing at all.
      Prices would equal out. Plus, the growth that would ensue after UBI, would make any inflation (that's happening regardless) a non issue. There are not any rock solid arguments against UBI, and price inflation certainly isn't one of them.
      Also, your comment wasn't a bad comment, I'm just adding to the conversation. You make a great point that it wouldn't be an advantage for some and not others. Everyone could use 1000 bucks a month, full stop lol.

    • @donaldlyons17
      @donaldlyons17 Před 2 lety

      @@skahg4771 Some stuff would not double but I know housing prices would for sure go up a lot. With housing companies can charge more and more as long as there are buyers for the products. I do not think UBI would be irrelevant but if the legal minimum is not enough already how would ubi be enough either?? I know I should not say it but I see housing and gas as great examples.

    • @catvisiontv855
      @catvisiontv855 Před rokem +2

      UBI could be tied to GDP so when GDP goes up everyone's UBI goes up maybe it should be at 30-50% of GDP and in the US that would = to about 50k per year at this time. Although the rich will still get rich, but at least everyone would have a base to start from.

  • @arkdark5554
    @arkdark5554 Před 5 lety +25

    This guy is genuine. And what he’s talking about makes loads of sense.

    • @catvisiontv855
      @catvisiontv855 Před rokem +1

      UBI could be tied to GDP so when GDP goes up everyone's UBI goes up maybe it should be at 30-50% of GDP and in the US that would = to about 50k per year at this time. Although the rich will still get rich, but at least everyone would have a base to start from.

    • @nebuchadnezzar6894
      @nebuchadnezzar6894 Před 10 měsíci +1

      This guy is also standing

  • @michelleh1720
    @michelleh1720 Před 5 lety +29

    Andrew Yang 2020! His main platform is Universal Basic Income.

  • @cyworld2707
    @cyworld2707 Před 4 lety +4

    Universal Income makes dignified and moral because they won't have to compromise their values just to eat.

  • @luiscuartas6017
    @luiscuartas6017 Před 5 lety +10

    The idea of a basic income is very intelligent, in this way Human suffering would be alleviated a little and will open more jobs because that basic income will be spent to create Jobs, in many different ways.

  • @Orf
    @Orf Před 7 lety +35

    1:45 it will be a struggle and it will only come about if we collectively demand it.

    • @bagiee1
      @bagiee1 Před 7 lety +1

      The "How Much" question is already solved pretty easy.
      It is as much as the National Statistic Services(or any other official Statistic Service) define as the "Poverty Line".
      And it differs from country to country, and place to place.
      If the Poverty Line is 12.000 per year at one place, then the UBI will be 1.000 per month. If the Poverty Line changes, then the UBI will auto-correct simultaneously.
      That simple.

    • @bagiee1
      @bagiee1 Před 7 lety

      No, its not...Its very specific.
      You can find your own country's poverty line if you search it.
      There are statistics for everything in this world.

    • @pakau
      @pakau Před 6 lety +1

      its easy . for exemple here in portugal 800 eruos would be fine... you should know what would be good in your country

  • @vikitheviki
    @vikitheviki Před 7 lety +59

    UBI will come the question is how long they will try to stall it. Jobs will disappear in a rate never seen before and you can't have the majority of the planets population 'living' on nothing when the production and abundance of products is going to accelerate to an astounding level in the coming years and the purchasing power going down hill. It will be UBI or the pitchforks..

    • @zonmoy
      @zonmoy Před 7 lety +7

      you do realize that they will choose the pitchforks. the rich scum will sell us the rope we will hang them with.

    • @BurleighW
      @BurleighW Před 7 lety +2

      Actually, you can be rich even without people to buy your products. You can just tell your AI to accumulate natural resources and do any projects you want it to.

    • @raymondcarter8915
      @raymondcarter8915 Před 6 lety +1

      Pitchforks because by that time the right to bare arms will be gone.

    • @petrfiddle
      @petrfiddle Před 6 lety +1

      The "Lump of Labour Fallacy" assumes there is only a fixed amount of jobs available, but historically whenever some new disruptive technology more work became available. The fastest growing job in the US is "elder care nurse" would you trust a robot to carry your Nana about? I do believe in Guy Standings ideas though and a universal basic income would alleviate a lot of poverty, reduce crime and generally improve people's well being. In the US for instance so many make a living by preying on the lowest income groups such as payday lenders that charge usury level rates and late fees etc. to the auto dealers who overcharge and repossess beaters.

    • @mlonardoxu
      @mlonardoxu Před 6 lety

      kaxitaksi UBI or the guillotine. LOL

  • @blu7855
    @blu7855 Před 7 lety +55

    UBI is inevitable with the emergence of robotics and automation. We will truly be living in a star trek world.

    • @mrrick19379
      @mrrick19379 Před 5 lety +5

      Even without the emergence of automation is still a good idea.

    • @Syklonus
      @Syklonus Před 4 lety +1

      In a system that doesn't care whether you are a good person or a bad person as long as you have a job, there needs to be change. You are worth more than just the value of your labour, and UBI acknowledges the value of you as a human being.
      It won't quite be Star Trek as people will still have to work to afford luxuries, but they won't be spending all their wages on basic needs like food or rent.

    • @DataJYdocs
      @DataJYdocs Před 4 lety +2

      Universal Basic Incom doesn't stop people working, it makes them do what they like instead (their inner nature). The concept of "work" must be redefined: 1-Work as a rewarding task (pleasant activity: ie nursing) vs 2-Work as an unpleasant tedious burden: ie labouror.

    • @DataJYdocs
      @DataJYdocs Před 4 lety

      @@mrrick19379 It is the way the Nature does.

    • @zonmoy
      @zonmoy Před 3 lety

      more dystopic than that I fear.

  • @Syklonus
    @Syklonus Před 5 lety +12

    Poverty is simply a lack of trust in the poor to manage their money. For years people have tried to solve the world's money problems with almost ever method possible - except actually giving people money. Poor people are not poor by choice - more that they are born into that world and then conditioned to believe that they are worthless.
    A Basic Income would give them security and options to go further without fear of stigma or destitution. They wouldn't save the money in some offshore account either, they'd damn well spend it.
    It's the 21st century - the idea that food and shelter are luxuries is utterly barbaric!

  • @rjon591
    @rjon591 Před 7 lety +29

    Phase it in... most in need and the homeless first, which is our main failure towards humanity. Then on to those living in poverty. In Los Angeles County in the U.S they found a way to help 47,000 homeless by adding 1/4 cent tax which supplies the necessary funds to support them. Why are people still kicking the tires on this one. Support the Basic Income idea NOW! A couple of years from now will be to late if those officials expect to keep this slavery going. They will be run over and pushed out from their high places and luxury living when the S** t hits the fan.

    • @Syklonus
      @Syklonus Před 5 lety +2

      While I half agree with you, if you only give it to a certain demographic then it's not universal, and is more likely to be resented by the people who are not receiving it. The whole point of it is that it's across the board for everyone. Someone might be ok today, but tomorrow they could be out of a job and THAT'S why everyone should get it.

    • @alrdyreg
      @alrdyreg Před 5 lety

      Can’t give it to a select few because of the lack of acceptance this would cause. Everyone should get it and everyone will see the huge benefit this gives people.

    • @annaynely
      @annaynely Před 3 lety

      Must be given to everyone each and everyone at the same time and there is more that abundance in our age we're not living in the same world as 200 years ago today we have very rich societies all over the world

  • @Z0MGH4X
    @Z0MGH4X Před 6 lety +37

    What is the name of that guy standing?

  • @Orf
    @Orf Před 7 lety +23

    2:00 inequality and insecurities are multiplying all over the world

  • @jimbrauer1711
    @jimbrauer1711 Před 5 lety +12


  • @arkofmemories
    @arkofmemories Před 7 lety +15

    Excellent talk!

  • @buyvillaspain1755
    @buyvillaspain1755 Před 7 lety +25

    Everyone I've spoken to about this just takes their high horse and starts hating on the idea spouting garbage about how much they work and pay their taxes lol - they simply do not understand it and think its a benefit scavanger idea. We need to break past this shit people are so well brainwashed. We need to get past that first.

    • @siloPIRATE
      @siloPIRATE Před 7 lety

      Would this be an opt in thing? Like transport, emergency services, garbage disposal and education are mandatory and then everything else you opt in? How would it work?

    • @DaveWard-xc7vd
      @DaveWard-xc7vd Před 5 lety

      So you think that anyone who does not want to be taxed so that someone else can recieve a payment - for doing absoutly nothing - is brainwashed?
      It is you that has been brainwashed.

  • @barraqali336
    @barraqali336 Před 4 lety +4

    What an incredibly sensible idea!

  • @pakau
    @pakau Před 6 lety +11

    i love this talk

  • @tedfitzpatrickyt
    @tedfitzpatrickyt Před 6 lety +30

    UBI is the future.

  • @allanfries76
    @allanfries76 Před 6 lety +13

    Bring it on!

  • @onlyonesky9611
    @onlyonesky9611 Před 4 lety +9

    Learned UBI from Andrew!

  • @4knewmusic554
    @4knewmusic554 Před 7 lety +21

    People like my friends are committing suicide because they are struggling financially because there is no work available for them. I'm going through the struggle as well because the work is so scarce in northern Michigan. It causes enormous anxiety. Thank God I have a G I bill that is keeping me afloat...for about 1 more year.

    • @cecilitaf
      @cecilitaf Před 6 lety

      4knewmusic how are you doing now?

    • @chadsmith66
      @chadsmith66 Před 5 lety

      Same Here in Idaho, i put in 100 apps, not 1 phone call, its been 3 months

    • @mikeharrington2793
      @mikeharrington2793 Před 4 lety

      @4knewmusic ? Now?

  • @chadsmith66
    @chadsmith66 Před 4 lety +3

    Here we are in a Pandemic in 2020, I Get no Stimulus money because im disabled and havent worked in 4 years, The U.S government thinks 28 percent job loss is bad wait 15 years when it hits 45 to 70 percent due to Automation

  • @andresbarriga5305
    @andresbarriga5305 Před 4 lety +4

    He's just a Guy Standing in front of a crowd, asking them to love UBI.
    **I'm sorry, I had to.
    Now, let's make UBI happen.

  • @MindandQiR1
    @MindandQiR1 Před 4 lety +6

    Andrew Yang 2020

  • @PlasmaHH
    @PlasmaHH Před 7 lety +34

    A basic income would be excellent, I could stop having to waste my time earning money and do the things in life that are fun, I am sure many people will want to do that too.

    • @Tivvv3
      @Tivvv3 Před 7 lety +10

      And maybe earn money with it too! Fun things happen to be quite productive, sometimes. Now for the things that aren't fun that other people want you to do, of course, you could just demand a lot of money and maybe that'd be interesting, too. All about choice. And enjoying all the things that a human could enjoy!

    • @transfire
      @transfire Před 7 lety +6

      If you really believe that is what a UBI is for, you are misinformed. It can HELP you enjoy your life more, but a UBI cannot take the place of an entire middle class income.

    • @PlasmaHH
      @PlasmaHH Před 7 lety +5

      I don't care about what it is intended for, if I can get enough money to live my life and do whatever I want without having to work for other people, then I will do it.

    • @gangasok9441
      @gangasok9441 Před 7 lety +4

      So after recieving just enough to cover shelter and food, you'd have no aspiration to add to that? Maybe so, but as tests have shown the majority would, often with more creativity and passion. The speaker also hasn't mentioned the inevitable continued automation of the job sector resulting in far higher unemployment, a form of basic income, in part paid by taxation on the profitable robotic workforce can surely be the only sane path to take?!

    • @zonmoy
      @zonmoy Před 7 lety

      there is always the Marie Antoinette cure for those big capital owners.

  • @jamesstevenson7725
    @jamesstevenson7725 Před 5 lety +5

    Let's hope we have UBI soon!

  • @bagiee1
    @bagiee1 Před 7 lety +30

    Everybody sing on UBI petitions wherever you find them. Mass Demand for UBI is the only way.

    • @jace15076
      @jace15076 Před 6 lety

      51% just can't take whatever they want from the other 49%. We are not a democratic socialist country. The American constitution is built around individual freedom. Selectively redistributing massive amounts of wealth violates it. UBI isn't happening.

    • @siddheshpatwardhan4920
      @siddheshpatwardhan4920 Před 5 lety

      Vote for Andrew Yang in 2020

  • @efortune357
    @efortune357 Před 4 lety +1

    1:45 it will be a struggle and it will only come about if we collectively demand it.
    ***3:12 “First, and really very importantly, basic income is a matter of social justice. Justice means that we should recognize, all of us individually, that the wealth and income of anybody is far more to do with the efforts of our ancestors than anything you or I do for ourselves. But why should we have private inheritance of wealth and not social inheritance? So you can see a basic income as a sort of social dividend on the collective wealth produced by our ancestors. It’s a fundamental demand associated with Thomas Paine for social justice.”
    ***4:00 Second. Republican Freedom
    ***4:40 “And the third justification is that we need basic security. Without basic security all of us become irrational. We are unable to control ourselves, control our time, deal with the stresses of life. But if you have basic security as the psychologists and economists have taught us, you not only deal better with stress but you’re more tolerant towards others, you’re more altruistic, you’re more productive in what you do. And believe me as we have found if you have basic security you work more not less. And when you work you’re more productive and more cooperative not less. It’s a lie to say that if we have basic income security we would become lazy. On the contrary it will release the energy, the dynamism inside ourselves and inside our communities.”

  • @Cakebombize
    @Cakebombize Před 7 lety +21

    Need to have long discussion about UBI.

    • @3089280288
      @3089280288 Před 6 lety

      on both sides of the debate

    • @tainle
      @tainle Před 4 lety

      discussion for what? lol

  • @rosyiann9352
    @rosyiann9352 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Italia 🇮🇪.... "Salvateci" venite in nostro aiuto, Grazie di 💚

  • @touristercity
    @touristercity Před 6 lety +9

    You can't work with a bad back UBI for all of us

    • @mrslilred1964
      @mrslilred1964 Před 5 lety

      I work with debilitating life ending disease.

    • @Syklonus
      @Syklonus Před 4 lety +1

      "Work" has to be redefined. Work as in jobs in the current system are narrow minded. People with physical injuries cannot do them, but people with autism, social anxiety, and depression cannot do them either. They are simply not capable of adhering to that sort of structure, and it is not because they are lazy or workshy, yet they are left behind and reduced to cruel means tested benefits just to survive where they are continually made to feel worthless or like a criminal.
      We don't need the wagging finger of some official body deciding whether people deserve a pittance just to get something to eat. It's vulgar, and all too often many will be left with nothing on the whim of some jobsworth at a Council or the DWP.
      Scrap the current welfare system and just give everyone (regardless of status or employment) a lump sum which will guarantee their basic needs of food and shelter.

  • @nebuchadnezzar6894
    @nebuchadnezzar6894 Před 10 měsíci +1

    This Guy is Standing

  • @vixen1143
    @vixen1143 Před 4 lety +1

    With the loss of jobs from cronavirus, UBI would help unlike the poverty trap of Universal credits.
    Some of us have been stuck in this trap our whole lives. Living in poverty as childern the working fulltime for min wage but never getting ahead.
    Missing out of higher education because the cost of university plus living expenses mean you would have to work 60 + hour week leaving no time for university.
    Being a parents who can't afford child care because it would mean work fulltime for little more if any than you got working part time.
    Being stuck in an abusive relationship because you can't afford to leave.
    Not knowing the way out of poverty and feeling your in a catch 22 your whole life.
    This is just some of the things I have experienced under the current system, if UBI had been in place I wonder how diffrent my life would of been.
    I don't want the same thing for my child no we the time for change.

  • @SorupJoshi
    @SorupJoshi Před 6 lety +2

    I wondered who was the guy standing, turns out it was Guy Standing

  • @reginamaddox728
    @reginamaddox728 Před 6 lety

    I LOVE it....

  • @reginamaddox728
    @reginamaddox728 Před 6 lety

    So true!!!

  • @capitandelnorte
    @capitandelnorte Před 5 lety +1

    Something clearly has to be done in response to the job market created by the current conditions. My scepticism is that UBI is not enough. People need more then cash, they need the feeling that they are good at something, that there is a chance to get up, to improve. If there are not enough jobs you still miss out on the feeling of feeling that you are useful.

  • @bomsukkim8413
    @bomsukkim8413 Před 2 lety

    Feel consensus about basic income due to failure of current economy system in providing safety net for every one. Definitely this makes sense and people should be more aware of this system

  • @zbik9837
    @zbik9837 Před 5 lety +2

    Are there any anti-UBI videos on TED?

  • @darciwasaman1259
    @darciwasaman1259 Před 2 lety +1

    The time is NOW

  • @almagalicia3288
    @almagalicia3288 Před 6 lety +1

    The idea sounds great,but how can it be guaranteed economically? where will the money come in order to guarantee everybody's UBI? will "the rich people" pay for the rest of us? the (now broken) States?
    I don't clearly see how can this be done specifically; we live in an epoch and we have seen throughout human history,that scarcity of resources,jobs,etc,is the law and that if someone has money or resources in his pocket it means that other people will have less resources on their pockets....so if humanity has completely failed to produce equity and to provide goods as really needed for everyone,how can in this time of economical crisis we can expect to give people money "by the face"? someone must have to produce that value and turn it into the money taht will flow into other's people's UBI's.....who will sacrifice themselves for the UBI's of other people,"the rich" people will? i don't see how they area going to agree with this.
    It seems much more likely that they spread a pandemics and exterminate the problem by slaughtering most of the human population before they have to release a single cent from their bank accounts.

    • @Ayanamiii
      @Ayanamiii Před 4 lety

      Very interesting "prediction" you made there a year ago, considering the 2019-nCoV (Corona Virus) outbreak in mainland China happening right in the middle of a "trade-war" initiated by Trump...
      Not wanting to spread any sort of conspiracy theory now, but still interesting...

  • @catvisiontv855
    @catvisiontv855 Před rokem +1

    UBI could be tied to GDP so when GDP goes up everyone's UBI goes up maybe it should be at 30-50% of GDP and in the US that would = to about 50k per year at this time. Although the rich will still get rich, but at least everyone would have a base to start from.

  • @sreekrishnakoppuravuri3920

    I prepared a model in which everyone gets basic income. The general excuse of governments in implementing this system is that they cannot afford it. But, we can overcome this in my plan. We, the people can do it on our own. So, golden days are ahead for mankind.

  • @maryshaffer8474
    @maryshaffer8474 Před 6 lety

    Under former welfare it was subsistence level. How are they choosing the rate for UBI?

  • @sillybilly8028
    @sillybilly8028 Před 4 lety +3

    Vote Yang. I need UBI.

  • @richardsmiths6605
    @richardsmiths6605 Před 4 lety +1

    Andrew Yang 2020!

  • @peterjol
    @peterjol Před 5 lety

    You just cannot beat the fact that the vast majority of people who get up and go to work every day absolutely hate with a passion seeing so many perfectly fit and healthy unemployed people getting something for nothing while they are having to 'work hard' every day for whatever they have. It makes them even angrier when quite often the unemployed people who know how to work/cheat the system appear to have even more than they have. ... This problem with the way all those people FEEL certainly cannot just be shrugged off and ignored.... or cured with a UBI or with any other form of extra money or benefits....It absolutely MUST be made financially worthwhile for people to be able to start sharing the jobs we actually need people to do and to work LESS....not to have more and more people unemployed.

    • @punkgrl325
      @punkgrl325 Před 5 lety

      The thing about UBI is that it’s universal and everyone will get it so it helps cut down on that animosity.

  • @BECKS90001
    @BECKS90001 Před 5 lety

    He needs to argue more about how it will work in the long-term, because that is where many economists agree that a UBI system will capitulate (10-20 years).

  • @typhoon320i
    @typhoon320i Před 6 lety

    These small case studies are interesting, and I'm sure UBI does better their lives, in smaller groups. (India case study)
    But what happens when a WHOLE nation does it. Unless that money is saved somewhere else but cutting government cost, It HAS to be inflationary. Negating the positive impact.

    • @JCLeSinge
      @JCLeSinge Před 6 lety

      Our system is already inflationary, and any positive impact of capitalism if fast being negated.
      But let's say you're right. At what point does that occur? Far enough into the future that by redistributing a few thousand to every individual, we could solve homelessness, hunger, unemployment? Or at least make a massive dent in those problems. By the time inflation became an issue (i.e. a worse issue than it is now anyway), and needed addressing (as it currently doe, alongside a raft of associated problems), we would have narrowed the inequality gap, put land, property and business into millions of peoples' hands, and restructured our society to a far more equitable basis.
      By that point, I'm sure we could resolve inflation. Mainly since it's a problem right now, forget whether basic income would cause it; we have it, and if we can't solve it for the current system, then it's hardly a strong objection trying an alternative.

  • @lisastarves5543
    @lisastarves5543 Před 6 lety +1

    What i dont understand is that.. why PEOPLE are homeless... and there's rich.. people that can rent... a person... too CLEAN there house.. or a small jobs.. around... homeless people can clean.. up.. and so on.. or something...

  • @cliff6630
    @cliff6630 Před 5 lety +1

    Does anyone consider inflation?
    Will this be given to citizens only?
    How much is $1,000 worth if everyone has it?
    Yes, We have record high unemployements now. I just wish both sides spoke on this more. Because it can be manipulated if the wrong side does...

    • @Syklonus
      @Syklonus Před 4 lety +1

      Inflation has been talked about considerably. Measures will be put in place so that the amount of UBI is set in line with inflation and measures will be put in place to prevent price gouging. You are assuming that economics is some unstoppable force of nature like a hurricane. It's man made and can be controlled and most of all - changed.

  • @breakthrough2318
    @breakthrough2318 Před měsícem

    Even in the game monopoly everyone gets cash to start with.

  • @neurosynchron
    @neurosynchron Před 2 lety

    Guy spitting

  • @mrrick19379
    @mrrick19379 Před 5 lety +1

    We don’t need taxes to fund UBI. Let the US government correct the money creation system. End the FED, let the goverment print it’s own money, problem solved.

    • @punkgrl325
      @punkgrl325 Před 5 lety

      MMT is terrible. I don’t understand its increase in popularity considering it has ties to shady people. It seems like the only way to prevent inflation in such a system is to force recessions, and use federal jobs as a safety net for those negatively affected. Hard pass.

  • @BubbasMeisa
    @BubbasMeisa Před 6 lety

    There would still be the same basic discrimination we have now..the "BETTER" among us would ALWAYS have more than that disgraced BA.
    We need to do better.

  • @user-zr2lg8tl9h
    @user-zr2lg8tl9h Před 6 lety

    The question always boils down to: What is the value of the income if everyone gets it? If we all get the same amount of money, then money is really valueless - what do you do then?

    • @JCLeSinge
      @JCLeSinge Před 6 lety

      If everyone in a town had the same amount of money, do you think they wouldn't spend it? That one person with one set of skills, who invested their money in one set of assets, would not still need to buy the skills and assets of others? And that their own skills and assets would have no value?
      If everyone at the table has the same amount of food on their plate, do they stop eating? Is the chef out of work? The value of money is in the things it buys. Equalizing buying power would nrot neutralize the value of the things themselves.

    • @user-zr2lg8tl9h
      @user-zr2lg8tl9h Před 6 lety

      You clearly have not studied economics, and that food analogy is terrible. What gives value to money, in the present paradigm, is its scarcity which is tied to oils scarcity (you need to understand the petrodollar) - this is why we do not hand out a million dollars to every citizen, because it would be worthless and the price of everything would go up. Giving everyone $500 dollars is the equivalent of giving everyone $1M dollars. All this new cash in the system would drive the price of goods up (called inflation), and we would be back where we started and you would then say we should give everyone $1,000 dollars. Let that swirl around a little bit.

  • @richardsnodgrass8647
    @richardsnodgrass8647 Před 6 lety +1

    It is true. Because the day will come when people get tired of "Eating Cake". :-)

  • @nickpaley
    @nickpaley Před 7 lety

    0:58 to 1:02

  • @siinasiukola
    @siinasiukola Před 4 lety

    I didnt understand where the money would come from if every citizen had a basic income? The government's money doesnt come from a hole in the ground but from taxes that we pay, if I have understood well?
    What is the theory for from where they would get the money?

    • @Syklonus
      @Syklonus Před 4 lety +1

      The money comes from the nation's collective generated wealth, and it is paid as a dividend on that wealth. Think of it as giving the people the power on how taxes are spent rather than the Government deciding. The amount paid for a UBI is meagre compared to something like nuclear weapons.

    • @ashleypello7532
      @ashleypello7532 Před 3 lety

      Taxing automation which is going to explode this decade will be enough

  • @snakeman1998
    @snakeman1998 Před 4 lety

    I now support Presidential candidate Andrew Yang and his vision of UBI. Andrew Yang's "Freedom Dividend" is a mix of strong capitalism and small UBI. It will work for the USA and will help unite our country.

  • @raymondcarter8915
    @raymondcarter8915 Před 6 lety

    Welfare is the closest thing we have to UBI, look at what public housing and welfare has produced, we need more orfthat.

  • @pawelipko8376
    @pawelipko8376 Před 5 lety

    Has anyone thought where would one (the govt) get money to fund UBI?
    Like at least 3 TRILLION $ for US?

    • @Syklonus
      @Syklonus Před 4 lety +1

      Whee did you get that figure from? A UBI for all of the USA could be paid for from a fraction of the military budget. Please do some research ion your own. The source of the money has been incredibly well documented, not least of all by Professor Standing himself.
      The money is already there. It is the nation's wealth paid as a dividend to its people.

  • @syujengchyang
    @syujengchyang Před 7 lety


  • @vincitveritas9556
    @vincitveritas9556 Před 6 lety

    why don't we just say every blade of grass is now a unit of currency?

  • @barbstoll3299
    @barbstoll3299 Před 7 lety +2

    The Donald Trump precariate is not the only group. We could have racial, ideological, and religious in fighting

  • @anonymwho7263
    @anonymwho7263 Před 6 lety

    What about equalizing inflation... The dollar buys less and less these days. How about making the dollar buy as much as it did 50 to 75 years ago. Reboot the US dollar. What if you went to bed on Friday you just got paid working 40 hrs a week and after taxes you brought home $500. You wake up Saturday and all of a sudden the value of the dollar doubled or tripled???? Wouldn't it be awesome to wake up to 1000$ 1500$ dollars of buying power for working the same amount of labor. You could afford to buy groceries and pay your car note this week etc

  • @darrellcoupland8104
    @darrellcoupland8104 Před rokem

    The problem with all solutions is how the solution is delivered, irrespective of how sound the idea may be. Even the best of ideas can be delivered in a tyrannical way. I would point you in the direction of the 20th century if you need evidence of this.

  • @starlord8973
    @starlord8973 Před 6 lety +1

    yer you want to keep us under you boot- your the upper class we wont do that

  • @rotems89
    @rotems89 Před 6 lety

    we should have free acses to clean water, free land & proper shelter. then money would not be needed!

  • @Brad-RB
    @Brad-RB Před 6 lety

    I would love to start hearing people talk about universal basic responsibilities.

    • @Syklonus
      @Syklonus Před 4 lety +1

      If you mean forcing people to do things then that is regressive and totalitarian.

  • @little_pisces
    @little_pisces Před 6 lety

    where would the money come from,, and some that are on welfare and disability are already getting free money,,. so would everyone be on welfare ,,? not sure how this would work

  • @3089280288
    @3089280288 Před 6 lety

    Exactly how many countries are supposed to get this money and from which ones? So highly industrialized nations are supposed to feed the poorer countries which have little jobs to begin with?

  • @DaveWard-xc7vd
    @DaveWard-xc7vd Před 4 lety

    A collective demand for a UBI headed by BIEN.
    It's just more Democratic Socialism. The workers all voting to force their employers to give them a raise regardless of the value they produce.

  • @vincitveritas9556
    @vincitveritas9556 Před 6 lety

    here's crazy idea. why don't we just make housing, electricity, food and water FREE! everything else is a want and not a need therefore you must work for it.. hmmm..

    • @djkayronic
      @djkayronic Před 5 lety

      I would require a lot of government and centralisation of power. Given a token/money directly to people gives them more freedom.

  • @siddheshpatwardhan4920
    @siddheshpatwardhan4920 Před 5 lety +2

    Check out presidential candidate Andrew Yang and donate 1 dollar

  • @darkwhitedirewolf
    @darkwhitedirewolf Před 6 lety

    looks good on paper

  • @reginamaddox728
    @reginamaddox728 Před 6 lety

    Cut the Pride about how many chips you have...winners

  • @captainobvious1415
    @captainobvious1415 Před 6 lety +1

    I've always had this crazy idea on how Universal Basic Income would work. What if, in order to qualify for UBI, you have to learn to do a skill, preferably this skill would be in medium to high value. And you utilize that skill by performing tasks for some business or corporation. In return for your work, the business pays you your universal basic income. So as long as you do that specific job for that business, they pay you your UBI. Never been done before and it's crazy I know, but it just might work.

    • @velara314
      @velara314 Před 6 lety +3

      Means testing creates poverty traps. It sets up a system of requirement and conditions that costs more than it saves. We already have means testing and it keeps people in poverty, people don't qualify on many many cases, it comes with administrative costs & resources, it stigmatizes those on it or needing to be on it so they don't apply for services, it creates an us vs them type of system (a providers vs provided which isn't true anyway).
      70% of the income in the US comes from consumption tax not income tax. Meaning people spending money buying things not from work. So giving a basic income puts that money right back into circulation.

    • @jammydoughnuts
      @jammydoughnuts Před 6 lety +2

      The whole point of UBI is that it's meant to be unconditional...it requires no qualifiers or conditions.

  • @clarestucki5151
    @clarestucki5151 Před 4 lety

    UBI advocates never mention the fact that everything that the unproductive consume has to first be produced by somebody who IS productive, and that fact always kills the idea.

    • @gaborl6837
      @gaborl6837 Před 7 měsíci

      Még mindig jobb, ha az improduktív fogyasztja el, mintha kidobnánk a kukába.

  • @crashdummy1000
    @crashdummy1000 Před 6 lety

    I can’t believe all the comments in this videos that are for this. Have you actually done the math people? Where is all this money going to come from? This will result with many countries into poverty.

    • @virvisquevir3320
      @virvisquevir3320 Před 6 lety

      crashdummy1000 - ALL money is conjured out of thin air. Money doesn't come from anywhere. We make it up.

  • @DaveWard-xc7vd
    @DaveWard-xc7vd Před 5 lety

    This guy is a hard-core socialist.

  • @MrCheng1984
    @MrCheng1984 Před 5 lety

    Being lazy is new style. No free money
    If time someone want free and someone paids

    • @Syklonus
      @Syklonus Před 4 lety

      It's not free money. It's the nation's wealth distributed to its people as a dividend for being a citizen.

  • @Sky.Lukewalker
    @Sky.Lukewalker Před 4 lety

    I would still work until I could get the house I want, then I'd just play video games and drink whiskey

    • @gaborl6837
      @gaborl6837 Před 7 měsíci

      Aztán elkezdesz megint dolgozni, ha meguntad a videójátékokat és a whiskyt.

  • @departmentofjusticecanada5355

    Swaggersaurus Rex2 months ago
    People WANT to work, but on the things they WANT to work on, not in jobs that achieve nothing and were only created to earn money. With a Basic Income people WOULDN'T become lazy (you try sitting around doing nothing and see how fast you become bored), their minds would switch from "Survival Mode" to "Creative Mode" , we'd advance even faster as a civilization because all the work being done in the world would be MEANINGFUL, REAL work done by people who are PASSIONATE about the work.

    • @simplelife233
      @simplelife233 Před 7 lety

      yes like playing call of duty and black op all day

    • @worsethanjoerogan8061
      @worsethanjoerogan8061 Před 7 lety +1

      DepartmentOfJustice (Canada) So then who does the hard jobs that nobody enjoys?

    • @adanacman666
      @adanacman666 Před 6 lety

      So give one single example

  • @iveyhealth2266
    @iveyhealth2266 Před 2 lety

    Isn't this communism ?

    • @nebuchadnezzar6894
      @nebuchadnezzar6894 Před 10 měsíci

      Not at all because money and the free market still exists

  • @RealityGutPunch
    @RealityGutPunch Před 7 lety

    Life hack: don't let fat, unintelligent people try to convince you of their theories on life.

  • @DaveWard-xc7vd
    @DaveWard-xc7vd Před 4 lety

    The "collective wealth" as you describe it, should it even exist as you say it does - would not have been produced by all of our ancestors. It would have been produced by the PRODUCTIVE members of society. It would not therefore belong to everyone, but only to those who assisted in its production.
    Be careful what you wish for.

  • @CommunistConsensus
    @CommunistConsensus Před 6 lety

    As a stand alone program UBI will fail in its designed purpose. As an adjunct to a jobs guarantee for those who want to work, it will succeed. See Pavlina Tchernova at Guaranteed Jobs of America on FB.

  • @MrCheng1984
    @MrCheng1984 Před 5 lety

    This is joke. basic income take away from hard working and give to lazy. How about provide each humans a job?

    • @punkgrl325
      @punkgrl325 Před 5 lety +3

      Are humans’ worth directly tied with a job? Jobs themselves are shifting to the tech industry. Is everyone just going to “learn to code”, even if they have strength in other areas and are better off starting their own businesses instead?

  • @maryann7619
    @maryann7619 Před 2 lety

    UBI for all, I support.
    Just let me do my job and earn more for me and don't tax me to pay for the other SOBs laziness.

  • @TheReactor8
    @TheReactor8 Před 7 lety

    Please there are smarter people who can advocate this stupid idea.

  • @TaylrTownsnd
    @TaylrTownsnd Před 6 lety

    Hello socialism, is that a new hat you have there?
    The absolute state of the useful idiots that spout that capitalism is bad and the concept of the "free" world being free and capitalism is an uncomfortable kind of irony.

  • @mikeysix3
    @mikeysix3 Před 6 lety

    So basically people can lay round all day getting baked and watching cartoons while the rest of us work our asses off to support them . Hmmm ... How about NO!!!!

    • @PedrocasMS1
      @PedrocasMS1 Před 6 lety +2

      You get the same money + whatever you get from working.
      Care to reconsider? ; )

    • @Liam-zm5pr
      @Liam-zm5pr Před 6 lety +1

      Is that what rich people do? They have enough money to live comfortably so they get baked and watch cartoons? No it's not. They still work. Basic income experiments are showing that it increases productivity, not laziness.

    • @jgdooley2003
      @jgdooley2003 Před 6 lety

      Its already at the stage that it costs more to employ a human in many jobs as opposed to a machine or robot because of the costs of overseeing and monitoring the humans work especially if he is not willing to do the work. Hiring people by forcing them to work or starve is becoming counter productive in most countries. The downside is that most wealth creating corporations need a well paid mass of people earning good money in order to survive. The big question will be how to create and provide earning opportunities to that mass of people in the future. Corporations are involved in replacing people with automation and downsizing, this works if the other corporations and sectors do not downsize and dump people out of jobs. If every corporation downsizes at the same time then the corporate world destroys its customer base and hence destroys itself.

  • @DaveWard-xc7vd
    @DaveWard-xc7vd Před 4 lety

    No one was the right to force another person to provide them with a UBI.

  • @DaveWard-xc7vd
    @DaveWard-xc7vd Před 4 lety

    You say that all of us should have dreams. What about free will? What if some dont want to dream. What if they just want to collect their government check and drink their days away?
    Who are you to force them to dream?

  • @Ben-xj2rf
    @Ben-xj2rf Před 7 lety +1

    Maybe a basic income of zero, but in any other circumstance I'd say no. People are not entitled to wealth that they don't earn.

    • @DJ-mg1sh
      @DJ-mg1sh Před 7 lety +8

      you know why basic income is discussed atm? Because with the current amount of digitalisation and robotisation there will be not necessary enough jobs for everyone in the next 20 years. ( not even to talk about the shitty jobs that are dangerous for your health and still payed shitty )

    • @frankytoad12
      @frankytoad12 Před 6 lety +4

      ..and you think every wealthy person earned their wealth?

    • @jgdooley2003
      @jgdooley2003 Před 6 lety +1

      If they are not given the opportunity to earn it what do you do? The alternative is mass genocide.

    • @virvisquevir3320
      @virvisquevir3320 Před 6 lety

      Ben - Did you earn the air you breathe? Did you earn the sun that shines on your face? Did you earn the sea you swim in? Nature is overabundantly wealthy. We should share that wealth fairly. The natural resources - the oil, the gas, the gold - don't belong to anyone. They were just there in the earth. Nobody did anything to earn them. The fertility of the earth. The magic of plant growth.
      Money is conjured out of thin air and then lent at interest. Those that conjured the money out of thin air did nothing to earn it. They just rigged the system.
      Your "earn" boils down to "serve those who control the means of production". They don't want you to have a UBI because you would be free to cooperate with them or not. To follow their ideology or not. To fight their wars or not. They don't want you to have that freedom. To thumb your nose at them if you should so choose. To go do something else if you should so choose.
      It's not about back-breaking or spirit-crushing labour, it's about excellence, innovation, imagination... it's about the results, the bananas, the houses, the cars... If new technologies and methodologies can save us labour, in the factories and in the fields, so much the better...
      It's about meeting our basic needs and taking off from there in any way you choose... without asking someone else's permission, without asking someone else if, according to their criteria, you have "earned" it.

    • @jgdooley2003
      @jgdooley2003 Před 6 lety +1

      This is the crux of the matter. If we as a species have choices many of which at the present time have dire consequences. Choosing not to work at the present time has various consequences depending on where you live. In first world nations you lose freedom to travel and being able to afford luxuries and private transport but you will still have basic food, shelter and healthcare and will not die. This is by no means the case in third world countries. The first thing that must happen is to normalise consequences of non participation in the work force so that no one dies of starvation because of not being able to get a job. Once this is achieved and the world is an even playing field then we can look at dividing out the benefits that increasing productivity and delegating work and effort to robots and automation brings to human society in general. It may be possible to divide up the available work so that everybody works less hours but this is not done now for some reason. Arbitrating who gets the available jobs and who doesn't needs to be looked at carefully as many people are involved in a qualifications arms race where a huge number of people chasing fewer jobs will all end up with Doctorates and still no way to decide who gets the jobs and the money that goes with them. Typically the rich and powerful will grab all they can and the violent and unscrupulous will also do well. Those with a conscience will be left behind. A basic income for all can only work when there is a fair way to decide who works and who doesn't, who does the tasks nobody really wants to do and who gets the choice low stress jobs that everybody wants to do because of their glamour and social cachet.

    @FNLNFNLN Před 7 lety

    "Guy Standing" *snigger*
    On topic, this guy goes way overboard with the leftie rhetoric, and the feel good catchphrases, instead of presenting actual rational arguments.
    He makes claims that are not warranted, rather than citing the few real world studies that exist.
    Good idea. Bad presentation.

    • @zonmoy
      @zonmoy Před 7 lety +4

      and your arguments are little more than Ad hominem attacks.

      @FNLNFNLN Před 7 lety

      It's not an ad hominem to point out the fact that he failed to cite any sources, or make any rational arguments.
      It's a valid criticism of a flawed presentation.
      Federico Pistono's presentation (also at Ted) makes a far stronger argument in favour of UBI.

    • @bagiee1
      @bagiee1 Před 7 lety +1

      Maybe in your view the presentation was flawed.
      In my view, it was one of the best presentations on UBI i have seen. (and i love the presentation of Federico of course too)

    • @ramoncardinali
      @ramoncardinali Před 7 lety +7

      It's a 15 minutes TED Talk! Jesus! Guy has books and many academic articles about this topic. Don't be lazy! If you have real interest, check the data yourself.

    • @kh9242
      @kh9242 Před 7 lety

      There are the books...
      The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class www.amazon.com/Precariat-New-Dangerous-Class/dp/1472536169
      The Corruption of Capitalism: Why Rentiers Thrive and Work Does Not Pay www.amazon.com/Corruption-Capitalism-Rentiers-Thrive-Work/dp/1785900447/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_t_1/136-2293965-1871332?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ES43XZ6CV7VQA3WATJ5S