alert and ready

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
    alert and ready
    What people in the world seek is eating, drinking, feasting, and secretly rejoicing over the accumulation of treasures on earth, but they don’t know that disaster will come soon, and they don’t know that there will only be mourning in that day.
    Those who belong to the kingdom of heaven seek the things above, and everything you do and ask is for the glory of God’s name. (2022.12.07 Pray and receive the words of the Lord)
    God wants us to know that life is short, like 301 hymns (Life is not long), so that we can understand that what the civilian asks for, and the life we live is like an empty dream, fleeting, and wants us not to linger because of the benefits of this life. Going back and forth, being bound by selfish desires, hinders our way to the kingdom of heaven
    The Lord reminded us that what “people in the world” care about and ask for is the necessities of life, enjoyment, the money they have accumulated on earth for themselves, and the treasures they value for themselves, but they don’t know that disaster is coming. I asked God: Why do you say the civilian, Later, “people belonging to the kingdom of heaven” (the civilian refers to all people living in this world 2022.12.07 Pray to God and explain what you have received) does not only refer to the Gentiles, that is, you and me, including all believers. Each of us should be vigilant, disasters come quickly, the disasters of the last days are frequent, and the day of the return of the Lord Jesus is approaching. When it comes, those whose souls have not been saved, or believers who have not been vigilant after baptism are still in sin , whose spiritual life is still in deep sleep, when disaster strikes, they will never have the chance to go to the kingdom of heaven again
    On that day, nothing but wailing remains. Because (God will burn all the tangible matter with fire on that day-2022.12.07 Pray to God to explain and accept the words), people have exhausted their energy, time, money, high-rise buildings built with human hands, prosperity, abundance, everything in an instant Turned into nothing, on the day of judgment, unable to enjoy the joy of heaven, and suffer the torture of eternal hell, and will wail all over the field.
    Ask-What is a person of the kingdom of heaven?
    People who belong to the kingdom of heaven = people who belong to God = people known by God = people loved by God who are no longer bound by sin
    (Remarks: People who do not belong to the kingdom of heaven 1. People who have not been baptized 2. People who still live in sin after baptism, people who still like to pursue the world after baptism) (2022.12.07 Pray and receive the words of the Lord)
    Work for the Lord, spread the gospel, and glorify the name of the Lord in everything you say and do
    We have to separate ourselves from the world, and think about whether we are classified by God, whether we belong to the world or belong to the kingdom of heaven.
    You should guard your hearts, hold fast to the truth, and think about the things above every day until that day comes (2022.12.07 Pray and receive the words of the Lord),
    God encourages us to think about the above things every day, such as things that are beneficial to our spiritual life, things that are beneficial to our brothers and sisters, and things that are beneficial to the church. Say and do what is good, say for the Lord and do for the Lord。 Instead, we should ask God to use our mouths to encourage each other, to speak words of edification and comfort to brothers and sisters with love, and to make our mouths become the mouths of preaching the gospel, the mouths of testimony, and the mouths of God’s grace. Do it for the Lord, to help weak brothers and sisters, to serve everyone, to serve the church, because of love for God, everything we say and do is for God, and to glorify God’s name.
    You need to watch and pray, watch and prepare, and equip yourself well, otherwise you will be cut off on that day (2022.12.07 Prayer received)
    If the Lord returns today, are we ready? Do we have the desire to see the Lord as soon as possible?
    (2022.12.08 Pray and accept the word of the Lord) The days of danger in the future are coming
    (God will take care of God’s children) (Pray and pray to rely on the Lord to cleanse yourself)
    bible study
    Luke 12:29-31, 34
    “You ask neither what you eat or what you drink, and do not be anxious. For these things the Gentiles of the world ask; and your Father knows what you need. Ask only His kingdom, and it will be given to you …for where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.”
    Matthew 6:19-21
    “”Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths eat and rust destroys, and thieves dig and steal. Store up treasures in heaven, where moths do not eat and rust destroys, and thieves do not dig and steal. For where your treasure is, there will be your heart.”
    #hope #god #faith #prayer #holyspirit #message #love #angel

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