Brittany Maynard Legislative Testimony

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 315

  • @Porter7317
    @Porter7317 Před 10 měsíci +5

    I watched my dad waste away and practically starve to death because he was unable to speak and take the medication himself. We give dogs more courtesy than this. Thank you Brittany. RIP. ❤

  • @kaori93111
    @kaori93111 Před 6 lety +47

    Dear Brittany,
    I'm italian and I graduated in law with a thesis about death with dignity. I spoke about the situation in the USA and, obviously, I spoke about YOU.
    You will be forever a symbol of this fight. I will never forget you and your courage.
    Thanks for all.

    • @cody7101
      @cody7101 Před rokem

      She was a coward, and a pawn for the bigpharma, enslavement agenda.

  • @travisdowns1686
    @travisdowns1686 Před 5 lety +29

    I have no respect for everyone who disliked this video.

  • @LesignerGirl
    @LesignerGirl Před 2 lety +16

    My mom died from Alzheimer's on Feb 8, 2022, and her mom died from Alzheimer's in 1996. It was painful for me and for their other loved ones to watch them go through so much suffering, and I don't want to go through that suffering myself, nor force my loved ones to see me suffering like that. If I start heading down that same path, I want to end my life on my own terms, when I deem my suffering to outweigh my quality of life, not be forced to suffer until my final breath like they did. We euthanize our pets when they are terminally ill and in constant pain. Why aren't humans in most parts of this world allowed that same decency? No government should be allowed to take this choice away from me or from anyone else.

  • @vivirose6170
    @vivirose6170 Před 3 lety +15

    I cannot believe that, as of March 8, 2021, nearly six years after this video was posted, it only has 868 likes. This speaks to the collective unwillingness to approach the imminent, difficult questions and issues that behoove all. What a disappointment that Brittany's amazing example and initiative has not resulted in more advances in this incredibly important issue.

    • @winifix
      @winifix Před rokem

      people need to be given a terminal diagnosis to even look at this.

  • @shelleyallison5748
    @shelleyallison5748 Před 9 lety +31

    Thinking of this woman's choice to take control of her own life in such a courageous way gives me hope for this world. I followed her story from beginning until end and will continue to support anyone who is suffering from a terminal disease to have the same right!
    Rest in peace Ms. Your work may be done but the fight will continue in your honor.

    • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
      @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety

      Yes, the fight to end life on this planet will continue, to the point when earthly powers control that very thing. To the point when someone else can decide when one other dies, regardless of what the other wants. Gnadentod fur Lebensunwertes Leben.

    • @leighaparker8798
      @leighaparker8798 Před 5 lety +3

      @@kyokogodai-ir6hy that's not what this is. And there can be measures set in place to prevent misuse or abuse of this act. It is inhumane to allow someone to agonize until there is nothing left. I dont know anyone who wants to go that way. And this also has a major impact on the family as well. Unnecessary suffrage isnt the answer. Animals are put down for less.

    • @GabrielMartinez-pe6ln
      @GabrielMartinez-pe6ln Před rokem

      This is a warning to those who are alive. Everyone on this earth goes through crap, hardship, but taking your life is not worth it. Whether you believe it or not it or find it offensive it does not matter. The truth will set you free and and the TRUTH is Jesus Christ of Nazareth: If you think taking your life you will be in peace or cease to exist or whatever, satan has you fooled. BIG TIME.
      Also, suicide is an unforgivable sin, I know this because it says in the Bible “Thou Shalt Not Kill” (Exodus 20:13), (it’s either you did it to someone or yourself), it’s not of God because you cannot repent after it. In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 it says “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”
      Do you think Jesus would allow someone to take their own lives? No! Those were demons attacking you wanting you to do it.
      Lucifer who was the Angel of music in Heaven was kicked out because they were praising him instead of god.
      We’re living in the last days until Jesus returns.
      Jesus died in the cross for our sins and rose again on the 3rd day. He’s returning really soon. Give you life to Jesus, repent and confess your sins to him NOW before it’s everlasting too late.
      Matthew 10:38 “And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.”
      Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
      Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
      Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
      Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      There’s also NO rapture, it’s a false doctrine from John Darby who got it from a girl saying that Jesus is coming back in 2 separate comings. It’s only happening once and that’s it, there’s no coming back twice. Jesus is coming to get his saints dead and alive, those who are left behind will be forced to take the Mark of the beast and will be dammed into the lake of fire.
      Revelation 13:15-18 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
      Revelation 14:9-11 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

  • @melissagahn
    @melissagahn Před 2 lety +17

    If you are diagnosed with a terminal disease and do not want to face the pain, agony and debilitation, and want to relieve yourself of that horror, who is anyone to stop you. Right on Brittany, Right on. Rest In Peace, beautiful lady.

    • @GabrielMartinez-pe6ln
      @GabrielMartinez-pe6ln Před rokem

      This is a warning to those who are alive. Everyone on this earth goes through crap, hardship, but taking your life is not worth it. Whether you believe it or not it or find it offensive it does not matter. The truth will set you free and and the TRUTH is Jesus Christ of Nazareth: If you think taking your life you will be in peace or cease to exist or whatever, satan has you fooled. BIG TIME.
      Also, suicide is an unforgivable sin, I know this because it says in the Bible “Thou Shalt Not Kill” (Exodus 20:13), (it’s either you did it to someone or yourself), it’s not of God because you cannot repent after it. In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 it says “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”
      Do you think Jesus would allow someone to take their own lives? No! Those were demons attacking you wanting you to do it.
      Lucifer who was the Angel of music in Heaven was kicked out because they were praising him instead of god.
      We’re living in the last days until Jesus returns.
      Jesus died in the cross for our sins and rose again on the 3rd day. He’s returning really soon. Give you life to Jesus, repent and confess your sins to him NOW before it’s everlasting too late.
      Matthew 10:38 “And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.”
      Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
      Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
      Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
      Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      There’s also NO rapture, it’s a false doctrine from John Darby who got it from a girl saying that Jesus is coming back in 2 separate comings. It’s only happening once and that’s it, there’s no coming back twice. Jesus is coming to get his saints dead and alive, those who are left behind will be forced to take the Mark of the beast and will be dammed into the lake of fire.
      Revelation 13:15-18 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
      Revelation 14:9-11 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

  • @sjennica
    @sjennica Před rokem +7

    Tremendous, powerful, compelling. She handled this like a champion. RIP Brittany Maynard, you made a difference

  • @ian2ooo
    @ian2ooo Před 9 lety +29

    I am so supportive of this legislation to be passed for everyone who needs it. I had an aunt years ago who died in hospice care. As she died, you could hear her bones cracking and breaking. She was the most gentle, loving, and kind woman I've ever known and she didn't deserve to die in that kind of agony while we all stood and watched and waited for a week for it to be done.

    • @at2500
      @at2500 Před 2 lety +2

      I agree with you and witnessed something similar with a relative.

  • @Jkl306
    @Jkl306 Před 4 lety +5

    My grandmother self delivered this law was not passed in California she died in a hotel room without her family around her. The way she died was described to me and the way brittany went was most definitely more peaceful. This young woman has given so many people a choice they deserve. I wish I could of been with my grandmother as she left this world with all of us around her. She was a grandmother a friend and the strongest woman I've known I just wish California had it together at the time of "her" choice. She couldn't move because she was old and there was no way she could travel in her state. Instead she left without me being able to say goodbye in a hotel room and a bag around her head.I'm not trying to be dark w what I write I'm just saying that people deserve to have a peaceful exit. I'm very proud of Brittany and my beautiful grandmother sunny. Rest in love beautiful angels. ❤

  • @carriem4096
    @carriem4096 Před 6 lety +10

    She is so brave. Sooooo brave. I am in awe of her bravery. I totally understand & respect her decision to leave the earth on her terms. No one should die in a crappy hospital bed, hooked up to tons of machines, with tons of meds in them knocking them into a coma while their body slowly shrivels up & dies. If you've ever seen someone die in the way she described its not dignified. It's not peaceful. It's terrible.

  • @JMac-27
    @JMac-27 Před 9 lety +71

    How dare anyone speak of her in a derogatory way. She was so brave and chose to spend some of the last days of her life trying to fight for the rights of others to have options that even our pets are afforded. She wasn't trying to end her life or take away days she could have survived longer, in her disease progression she was experiencing seizures, blackouts and what she wanted was to prevent herself from coming to a point where she could not make her choice and self administer. I do not pretend to know Brittany or what she was going through or suffering but what I do know is noone on this earth has the right to determine how much another person should have to suffer or endure. If animals have the option to leave this earth upon suffering then damn it why dont we? The only difference is I believe this should be available for debilitating diseases as well that progress into horrific suffering with no end in sight. Human beings with free thought and sound mind should be able to decide to leave this earth peacefully and with dignity instead of being forced to choose some horrific undignified suicide option or a family member facing murder charge because they wanted to aid in someone's dying wish. This is a right we all deserve and all 50 states I pray take notice, take a stand, and give us the choices we as human beings deserve.

    • @maryjooliver134
      @maryjooliver134 Před 9 lety +4

      You are so riight, J Mac. I hope and pray this will go further, but this is a start in something very personal and individual...

    • @bdrummmm
      @bdrummmm Před 4 lety +1

      J Mac Stop it right there. God has authority over are life, and he is the decider. What gives humans any right towards are life? Seriously WHAT? We don’t deserve anything, what makes you think that it’s not Gods choice?

    • @sydneyprescott3374
      @sydneyprescott3374 Před 4 lety +9

      @@bdrummmm people have different beliefs, so if u are ever terminally ill, then don't use the death with dignity law, pretty simple right, but stop pushing your religious agenda on other people, plus it's really not your business, you think people should suffer because of YOUR belief ..whatever

    • @sydneyprescott3374
      @sydneyprescott3374 Před 4 lety +2

      @@bdrummmm and it's *our* not *are*.... yeah, you seem really smart

    • @DJWRailroad
      @DJWRailroad Před 3 lety +2

      @@sydneyprescott3374 - and I thought it he meant to say "arrrgh". E.g. "...has authority over, arrrgh matey, life!"

  • @SamanthaD89
    @SamanthaD89 Před 3 lety +12

    A few years ago I had to watch a documentary for a class called the Suicide Tourist. It’s about a man with ALS who goes through this same process. It’s very eye opening and and I feel that this should be legal in every state.

    • @HB-hs1nr
      @HB-hs1nr Před 4 měsíci

      Yes, I rememeber watching that on PBS, as I recall, an English gentlemen with a progressive neurogenerative disease who travelled to Switzerland to obtain and self-administer life ending medication.

  • @dianesamp9102
    @dianesamp9102 Před 6 lety +6

    I agree to your feelings on this entirely. No one should have the right to control how you spend your last days with a terminal illness, & your right, the possibilities of all that could go wrong & not being able to speak for yourself. Your life was just getting started and too much was taken from you too soon. Having to leave CA and all the added stress that went with it. I hope you have peace & know how so many of us are proud of your strength & decision. You told your story that will not be forgotten. I'm sure your among angels.

  • @suzifregeau5106
    @suzifregeau5106 Před 9 lety +12

    This was a brave young woman who, intelligently, elected to take control of her own life and medical care. We all should be allowed this opportunity to select dignity over the horror that can come to this type of disease, or any other such disease.

  • @fabuladeum1
    @fabuladeum1 Před 8 lety +71

    this woman is a legend, what a hero, such a tragedy.

    • @asparagusbear3323
      @asparagusbear3323 Před 5 lety +2

      Suicide is the most cowardly act.

    • @Jack_mc22
      @Jack_mc22 Před 4 lety +6

      @@asparagusbear3323 it's not suicide it's called death with dignity

    • @bdrummmm
      @bdrummmm Před 4 lety

      fabuladeum When did it become that killing yourself was heroic this is kinda creepy

  • @reilgs
    @reilgs Před 9 lety +10

    Today our Gov signed the right to die bill. My first thought of reading that was of this young woman who showed to live (and die)on her terms. should be up to each of us. Bless those who knew and loved her. Bless you Brittany

  • @tasharichard7946
    @tasharichard7946 Před 3 lety +6

    Such a beautiful incredibly brave woman. This story breaks my heart.

  • @smallhouseinthemeadow6131

    My cousin John had severe MS and chose to die with dignity so that his family could be with him when he left this Earth, peacefully. He fought hard to be able to do it and I am very proud of him.He lived in Canada. I miss him so much, but I am happy that he got to do it his way.I am heartbroken for Brittany's family and friends.No one should have to make this decision at the age of 29, but it is a good thing that she was able to.Hopefully someday, we will all have this chance, without having to uproot what is left of our lives.

  • @marylynneroberts1021
    @marylynneroberts1021 Před 9 lety +16

    Brittney is a very strong and brave young lady who had to make a difficult decision. I have utmost respect for her and how I wish I had known her. Such a sad story. 😢

  • @florencez5189
    @florencez5189 Před 7 lety +47

    Brittany was a very intelligent and brave woman. We live in a modern and informed world where we should be allowed to make this decision if we choose so, instead of letting the disease make it for you and rob you of any dignity you might have left.

  • @GrumblyAirMonk
    @GrumblyAirMonk Před 3 lety +7

    I remember watching this when it just came out.. It doesn't seem 5 years already

  • @justmeashley7923
    @justmeashley7923 Před 3 lety +8

    Yeah let’s starve and dehydrate people to death rather than allow them to decide for their OWN self when enough enough. RIP Brittany. You left a wonderful legacy and I hope the change to legislation you wanted, is just on the horizon. Thank you for all you did.

  • @Jkl306
    @Jkl306 Před 5 lety +5

    My father passed from cancer and he did suffer we all did. It was his choice/ however seeing him suffer made me not want to. Britt your a hero♥

    • @terrigilreath5067
      @terrigilreath5067 Před 2 lety

      My Brother passed from cancer & he did suffer greatly !! That was not his choice. He was led to believe he would get better. He did not!! The last 2 months He begged all of us to kill him. That was not dignified & he was a very dignified Gentleman. I don't want to go that way.

  • @dhirajthakareonline3089
    @dhirajthakareonline3089 Před 8 lety +49

    I never forget her.

  • @geraldbarreno535
    @geraldbarreno535 Před 3 lety +4

    She was beautiful...before and after her cancer....this is so sad in piece..

  • @TheChapman08
    @TheChapman08 Před 5 lety +20

    We give a more peaceful death to our pets ...we dont let them suffer in agony why should us humans have to suffer in pain til the very end ....this woman is amazing....brave and very intelligent....and of as they say sound mind ..
    We should all be so lucky to die peacefully surrounded by the people we love .....RIP brittany....I hope your final wish of this movement is passed 💖

  • @clemencelabeyrie4342
    @clemencelabeyrie4342 Před 9 lety +14

    This is courage and this is her choice. We have no right to judge her or her choice. That's it.

  • @alien2836
    @alien2836 Před 9 lety +23

    Brittany may you rest in peace, R.I.P

  • @denisebertle8406
    @denisebertle8406 Před 6 lety +8

    In 2006 my grandpa was given 6 months to live he is still alive today and doing well!! I don't agree all the time that it's good here!!

    • @Erica-fe9zk
      @Erica-fe9zk Před 5 lety

      Denise Bertle this would be my only set back. I’m wondering if she’d been alive much longer?

    • @AidanChinSungLing
      @AidanChinSungLing Před 4 lety

      Did they have the same condition? Glad he lives on..

    • @TattedIrishxxx
      @TattedIrishxxx Před 3 lety +3

      @@Erica-fe9zk Glioblastoma is aggressive and quick, I’m a hospice aid and I’ve taken care of several people with Glio... it’s an awful death, fortunately we had these patients medicated and comfortable but she’s right, as far as lying there dying for days... that’s true... I don’t want to die slowly for days and days. I’m all for Death With Dignity aka Assisted Suicide. We put animals down when they’re suffering, why should people have to suffer?

    • @mightygeshe
      @mightygeshe Před 5 měsíci

      But it’s each person facing deaths decision. Not yours. Glad your Grandpa is ok, but his life is not mine. Live and die freely❤

  • @metta8
    @metta8 Před 9 lety +3

    Thank you Brittany for sharing your experience for supporting Senate Bill 128, aka the End of Life Options Act. Wishing you love and support.

  • @cloejarozenski3097
    @cloejarozenski3097 Před 8 lety +34

    The reason many people oppose death with dignity is because of their religious beliefs. God is the giver and taker of life, according to them. What people of faith must understand is that 1. not everyone shares their beliefs, and 2. this is a choice that should only be to the person, their family, and their doctor.

    • @quirksilver5006
      @quirksilver5006 Před 8 lety +2

      +Cloe Jarozenski I am a muslim one of those you refer to with "them" My mother had the same cancer from the beginning from the initial diagnosis, she went through chemo /radiation and died rapidly within 7 months of diagnosis mostly because of radiation.
      I keep coming to this video every now and then since 2014 because i completely respect her choice to do so. yes a religious person MIGHT be different in her place but not judging her as a spectator UNLESS he accepts to be in her position, then he will be able to judge the choices.
      In the U.S at least you have the choice of undergoing chemo or not. (and please spare me the doctor decide part, because so far globally doctors are SO DUMB and DISABLED and IMMATURE when it comes to such decisions, regardless of their faith!)
      Most of the people in Cancer forums i have met were pious of some sort, because i myself as a religious person praying to god (the same one we refer to in panic as "oh my god" )
      You can not imagine losing someone you are emotionally attached to to the "nothingness" of atheism!!!!
      As the common saying "there is no atheist in a bomb shelter" My point here is NOT a theocratic debate, and certainly IF THERE IS A GOD he is not a racist and he is wiser/compassionate multiples of us all combined towards all of us.... My point is her Feelings, her life and hopes and what she had done, and wanted to do, her husband and much much more of issues, the choice to just say that a human soul is just not there anymore or would ever be, that is my concern.
      Other Than that i completely ENCOURAGE people at least to think TWICE about medications! and ask many doctors, check experimentals, intelligent people chasing experimentals do actually live much longer (immunotherapies for this cancer +aggressive resection surgeries whenever it comes back)!!!!

    • @cloejarozenski3097
      @cloejarozenski3097 Před 8 lety +4

      Quirk Silver
      I never said that *all* people of faith oppose death with dignity. I said that the reason why _many_ do is because of their religious beliefs. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

    • @terracetalk7741
      @terracetalk7741 Před 8 lety +2

      +Cloe Jarozenski You are right; and just because anyone does not adhere to the cruel imposition of unnecessary suffering does not make such a person not of faith; Brittany had more faith than a whole group of scared-to-death- religious people who cling to life tooth and nail. What a woman!!!!!

    • @cloejarozenski3097
      @cloejarozenski3097 Před 8 lety +1

      Terrace Talk
      Was Brittany a person of faith? I notice that none of her videos had any mention of God or spirituality.

    • @quirksilver5006
      @quirksilver5006 Před 8 lety

      Hi Cloe, i did replay earlier but for some reason i can not see it, I just got driven and when i say people of faith i meant all types of faith that's my point, i do not think a muslim /christian or a hindu buddhist are different here... and regardless what she believed in does not matter, cause in her context what is important for us "others" is her choice, and how she took the hardest decision ever.

  • @user-ob3sp4rm2m
    @user-ob3sp4rm2m Před 4 měsíci +1

    She was so brave. She made a difference and continues to do so. Thank you, Brittany. May you rest in peace.

  • @DarinTillinghast
    @DarinTillinghast Před 9 lety +7

    What a brave dear brave beautiful soul this angel was.

  • @Baldgol4
    @Baldgol4 Před 2 lety +4

    Rest in peace dear lady.

  • @kimberlymiller5995
    @kimberlymiller5995 Před 9 lety +25

    bottom line......its her life to do what she wants with. u do with ur life what works for u. we all different ppl. with that said why is it ok to put an animal down when sick? its still a life. why do we execute ppl for crimes? its still a life. and what about abortion? its a life. LET HER LIVE HER LIFE, its hers not yours.

    • @leighaparker8798
      @leighaparker8798 Před 5 lety +1

      @@roodypoo548 isnt that the truth?!?! But regardless of religion, empathy is a basic human emotion. And that should supercede "religion" or what has been written in a book centuries ago.

  • @christik3739
    @christik3739 Před 8 lety +3

    So glad I nor anyone in my family or loved ones has ever dealt with cancer.

  • @lostinwonderland6873
    @lostinwonderland6873 Před 2 lety +2

    As I watch this now, my heart breaks for her husband and family. Especially for Brittany but she is happy she chose this, she accepted that she will leave and be with our Lord, no longer in pain no more seizures, she is another hero qnd I pray that they get this in all of our states. She left making q difference, rest easy angel, you where so strong and loved by many. Rest easy,

  • @thizizliz
    @thizizliz Před 9 lety +6

    Thank you for sharing the video - we all deserve that right. But good for Oregon for making it happen for their own citizens. Let's hope California will soon follow suit.

  • @DumbLamia
    @DumbLamia Před 9 lety +56

    I gotta say. I do NOT think suicide is a right that everyone has, and anyone that wants to kill themselves needs help.
    However, I DO support this woman and her views. She didn't want unnecessary pain before she died, so she chose to die painlessly, and with family. If death is assured to someone, I see nothing wrong with letting them die how they wish, if it will allow them to be free from pain.

    • @TehMorbidAtheist
      @TehMorbidAtheist Před 9 lety +8

      Life is a right, NOT an obligation.

    • @marylynneroberts1021
      @marylynneroberts1021 Před 9 lety +1

      I agree 100%. she knew it was going to go in a bad direction so she had to make decisions concerning her future and what would be best for those closest o her and her so very sad😢

    • @johnmalko1808
      @johnmalko1808 Před 8 lety +9

      +MrMailboss Excuse me, allow me to translate what you said in more accurate terms, ahem, "I gotta say, I do NOT think FREEDOM is a right that everyone has, and anyone that wants to exercise their rights as a human being may or may not need help depending on my own person views that has absolutely nothing to do with the people in question but has everything to do with what helps me sleep at night". Thank you for your time.

    • @terracetalk7741
      @terracetalk7741 Před 8 lety +11

      +MrMailboss This is very clearly not suicide. She longs for life; for health. I really wish a different term was coined for this, for it is a very loving decision, to spare family the horror of seeing die slowly... that is no life. Good post Mailboss.

    • @shaundraevans7559
      @shaundraevans7559 Před 6 lety +7

      Everyone should have the right to decide what they want to do with their bodies and lives. It's NOT your place to tell them otherwise or cherry pick who is deserving of that right or not.

  • @laurasousa8885
    @laurasousa8885 Před 8 lety +3

    Thank you Brittnay,thank you for fighting for yourself and for everyone else too!I'm so glad i now have this option if i need it and everyone has you and your family to thank.

  • @REV0Kadavur
    @REV0Kadavur Před 9 lety +7

    Count me in. I have always thought this should be a personal human right, no law should have a say in this. I grew up with my Aunt who suffered from huntington's disease... She lived in a vegetable state for years before she finally passed. She asked my mom, while she was still somewhat able, that when things got that bad, if she would administer an overdose of morphine.. Of course, my mom couldn't do that for her... At a young age I was able to understand why people should have this choice. It was terrible to see her suffer like that.

  • @britbitch26
    @britbitch26 Před 9 lety +3

    It's amazing most states are allowed to essentially euthanize prison inmates without a second thought. Murders getting compassion at the end of their life. Spending thousands on said medicine to do so each day. Here we have a woman that has done nothing wrong, lived her beautiful life to the fullest! A simple wish of being able to die with dignity! How the hell is there any difference! This woman, while her mind should have been on her family & loved ones, made the incredible brave decision to help others during her illness. The least we can do is be respectful of her decision & honestly take a look at the benefits it will truly bring to many patients already dying and in pain everyday. God bless you Brittney!

  • @dwightmckay2036
    @dwightmckay2036 Před rokem +1

    What a brave woman ..courageous.
    Your legacy will continue to live on has the right to
    Tell you you can't make the choice to die with dignity
    It doesn't make sense to suffer
    Extreme pain discomfort when
    You should be able to die with dignity no more pain etc.
    RIP Brittany 🙏

  • @melissanelson2849
    @melissanelson2849 Před 3 lety +1

    Thank you for all you have done for us🌹🌹😇😇

  • @sergiomessina8232
    @sergiomessina8232 Před 9 lety +4

    In total agreement - we all could utilize this positive option in California . Some folks can't afford to move....

  • @ginamariea73
    @ginamariea73 Před 9 lety +3

    God bless her soul,rip Brittany, THESE LAWS NEED TO BE CHANGED NOW,why should Anyone, suffer needlessly when their terminal? It makes No sense to me,that any human being should have to go through that.

  • @katiechapman6473
    @katiechapman6473 Před měsícem

    Brittneys story changed my heart on this issue. Death with dignity is a human right. Thank you sweet girl for opening my eyes.

  • @RisingTogether
    @RisingTogether Před 8 lety +3

    Brittany may be my biggest hero. There are no words that describe my profound respect and admiration for her. The way I see the world and life, her example is the highest expression of Love I have seen. "No greater love has a person than this, to lay down his/her life for his/her friends...". ---Jesus.

    • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
      @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety

      Nice how you try to tie Jesus into this abomination. That is something you will have to answer for. BTW, who's life did Brittany die for? Looks like she died for herself. Very self centered. Jesus was not about self. You need to read the Bible, itself. Read John 15, to know what Jesus meant, about laying down his life for his friends.

    • @terracetalk7741
      @terracetalk7741 Před 7 lety +1

      Your level of aggression, self-righetousness and automatic condemnation gives it away, that you are one of those "modern evangelicals" that keep the former without the virtue. I know the bible better than you, I dare say, but that doesn't matter, for, it is the spirit that gives life, the "other stuff", profits nothing. As a true pharisee, you put burdens on another, (Brittany), that you yourself cannot touch with one finger. You really ought to give more heed to the heart of the matter and less to the letter of the law.

    • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
      @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety

      Terrace Talk
      My self-righteousness? You are all about self! You are about Brittany's doing it, herSELF!! You may have memorized Bible verses (which you obviously have not, since you added "/her" twice in that Bible verse), but you have no Holy Spirit to guide you in them. Your self-righteousness is out in the open!! To promote suicide (in any way, shape or manner) is to be reprobate!!! Jesus would rebuke you for it. Don't like it? Take it up with Him!!! Repent of your sin!!

    • @terracetalk7741
      @terracetalk7741 Před 7 lety

      You are funny kyokogodai, with your weird name and super-man costume; I wonder if you've considered comedy; I am serious about this. ~ But on the other, not funny, but it's not my business. Good bye and good luck.

  • @TheMabes69
    @TheMabes69 Před 4 lety +3

    Wow. Courage.

  • @johnmyers2094
    @johnmyers2094 Před 7 lety +6

    brave lady. salute

  • @samanthavandewitte7014
    @samanthavandewitte7014 Před 9 lety +12

    Im doing an Informative speech on her for my college class...Support her with all my heart.

    • @zitojones
      @zitojones Před 8 lety +1

      Me too

    • @kaori93111
      @kaori93111 Před 6 lety +1

      Me too. I'm italian and I gratueted in law with a speech about her. I got the best final mark 'cause my speech touched my teacher's souls.

  • @meghanschrader2318
    @meghanschrader2318 Před 6 měsíci

    I’m glad this video has a suicide contagion warning on it. “Aid in dying” has become a substitute for the suicides of people with disabilities in Canada, where it was expanded to disabled people in 2021. Now disabled Canadians are forced to live in a world where they are being offered “aid in dying” on suicide hotlines, in doctors offices, by paramedics, etc. It’s a horrific mess and legalizing assisted suicide for the terminally ill is what lead to it. So the suicide contagion warning totally belongs there.

  • @evelynrosario6407
    @evelynrosario6407 Před 7 lety +2

    Hello everyone, I was watching all of Brittany testimony I'm not here to start an argument. Her "choice" is her choice. God didn't create religion, society did. Whether her choice was right or wrong; no one should make a comment because realistically everyone opinion is different. However when Judgement day comes we will all see who right and wrong. everyone has a right to state their opinion and not have others attacking them stating that they are brainwashed. Just remember that our bodies is just a body. OUR SOUL IS WHAT COUNTS .

  • @Lvd2734
    @Lvd2734 Před 9 lety +2

    I admire Brittany and her family for fighting for this much needed End of Life Options Act. I watched my mother deteriorate for 3 years with Alzheimer disease; at the end she could not talk, walk, or recognize anyone, not even me. It was torture for my whole family and I support everything Brittany has initiated so that my family will never experience this again!

    • @coachchris548
      @coachchris548 Před 6 lety

      Lorraine Darienzo Suffering is a purification ,the Grace's that flow to the people who cared for her has been removed.

  • @kerryknowles5136
    @kerryknowles5136 Před 7 lety +6

    "thou shall not kill"

    • @leighaparker8798
      @leighaparker8798 Před 5 lety +1

      It's not killing. And this isn't about the 10 commandments. This is about suffrage, agony, trauma, compassion, love, and thoughtfulness. I have stood by my mothers side whom fought through chemo and surgery and more chemo and got rid of cancer....only for it to come back within 2 months of being told she beat it. And she is now on hospice and is at the very end stages of her life. As her only daughter I have stood by her side and held her and rubbed her and prayed over her. This is unimaginable and unbearable for everyone involved. I would not have known this pain if I wasnt in it first hand. But this is not the way any of us wants to go. This isnt about religion. It's about compassion.

    • @mads89k90
      @mads89k90 Před 4 lety +1

      Says who? A bunch of 12th century desert wanderers? Welcome to the 21st Century, we have science and knowledge. Why should she have suffered unnecessarily because of other people’s deluded religious beliefs

    • @SamanthaD89
      @SamanthaD89 Před 3 lety

      This isn’t killing. She was going to die a horrendous suffering death and who are we to say that someone should have to go through that just because some people are uncomfortable with this situation.

  • @AndreRodrigues92
    @AndreRodrigues92 Před 9 lety +3

    Heartbreaking :'(

  • @ricafu
    @ricafu Před 9 lety +2

    Brittany, I really sorry for he condition you are going through. I understand your reason and I have the same problem, by chance I have been lucky and even my tumor is inoperable (which could be worse) I have follow instructions of doctors and I have not suffer so bad. I think if I get in a nasty and terminal state. I would do the same. It requires to be very brave to do what you have decided, Please receive my sympathy and love BUT if you believe in God you can not do it because suicide which is this is a terrible sin, if I were sure I am not going to be punish in hell or if I would not believe I would be the first on do it but is not so simple. I can not imagine how much you are suffering but is nothing in comparison with the suffering for all eternity so you can offer that suffering to God and be example of inner power as example for other, because if not someday everybody will take the same decision for any ailment. Whatever you decide Good luck and have my support. All I can offer you are my prayers for you. Say hello to God if you meet him

    • @Pollyward69
      @Pollyward69 Před 9 lety +1

      Brittany has already made her choice, she died some time ago?

    • @the5thYearSeniors
      @the5thYearSeniors Před 9 lety

      José Cortés Oh. My. God! It's people that think like you that are preventing this poor woman from having the option to die with dignity in her home state. Your idiotic beliefs are the reason countless dying people are suffering in the US right at this moment. You should be ashamed of yourself that you are so brainwashed not to see the irony in your statement.

  • @the5thYearSeniors
    @the5thYearSeniors Před 9 lety +1

    The mental gymnastics that must be involved with religious folk being the most outspoken opponents of death with dignity is mind-blowing to say the least. Religion in itself supposedly doesn't harm people, but here is a perfect example of how it does.

    • @johnmalko1808
      @johnmalko1808 Před 8 lety +1

      +the5thYearSeniors Definition of Americanized Christianity: " I believe everyone has equal rights but only if I believe that those rights are rights in the first place and not rights defined by a clear cut process of critical thinking of which I clearly lack."

  • @kyleyarberry5833
    @kyleyarberry5833 Před 9 lety +1

    Who thumbed this down? Heartless.

  • @DJWRailroad
    @DJWRailroad Před 9 lety +2

    No disagreement whatsoever with Brittany's brave choice. However, I do disagree with the conditions of end-of-life choices.
    We should not be subjected to the conditions of suffering unbearable pain, from a terminal disease, before choosing how leave this World. I also believe that end-of-life should include the use of medical grade Pentobarbital ("Nembutal," preceded by antiemetic, resulting in coma, followed by painless respiratory arrest, in most cases, tantamount to falling asleep according to physician-assisted cases).
    Thank you for your message Brittany, your braveness.
    I am a Catholic.

    • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
      @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety

      Catholic, yes. Christian, no!! Take your Satan led religion with you to Hell.

  • @tonypowell7409
    @tonypowell7409 Před 9 lety +5

    Make painkillers illegal for anti-choicers. It's only fair.

    • @bdrummmm
      @bdrummmm Před 4 lety +1

      Tony Powell Numbing and killing yourself are different, I’m surprised you need explaining for that.

  • @126Sue
    @126Sue Před 8 lety +6

    I think everyone should have this choice.

    • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
      @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety

      She could have ended her life in California, very easily. She didn't want to do it, herself. She wanted to leave a pretty corpse, and needed help to do that. That is what all this is about. It isn't about dignity. Not one bit!

    • @mmedeuxchevaux
      @mmedeuxchevaux Před 6 lety

      in time.

    • @leighaparker8798
      @leighaparker8798 Před 5 lety

      @@kyokogodai-ir6hy how can you say something like that? Its not about leaving a "pretty corpse"!!!!!! Its about that time being calm and comfortable and not traumatic for the patient AND their family. Nobody should have to suffer and go through agony that is unavoidable. This decision was bigger than her, it was about her and her loved ones. As she made very clear. Personally, I dont want my loved ones to have to endure more trauma than absolutely necessary if I were in a situation like this.

  • @margretschreck9445
    @margretschreck9445 Před 9 lety

    REVOKadavur said it. Humans should receive at least the compassion we show animals who are terminal and in pain. It seems so obvious that it's hard to understand why we even have to fight for it.

  • @joyspel
    @joyspel Před 5 lety +6

    Some cancer patients were given few months to live and live 60 more years. I understand that she did not want to suffer. I do also think that her decision prooved all her faith was in humans (doctors) and not in Life. Yes doctors have been wrong before . It is sad she preferred suicide and blindly trusted their pronostic

    • @Lauren-lawless
      @Lauren-lawless Před rokem

      That is not the case with a grade 4 glioblastoma, the survival rate is 0.71%

  • @bostonred162
    @bostonred162 Před 2 lety +1

    I am not I’ll but poor and can’t find a job I want die also everyone should be able to die. Life is forced up on us. We never chose to exist and suffer:(

  • @rosemiramontes6187
    @rosemiramontes6187 Před 5 lety +1

    The only difference is I don't want my ex-husband or my parents there I just wanted to be alone I don't trust anyone they all used me and made money off means made me loose my dignity and had me suffering for there own wrong doings

  • @mindofmayhem.
    @mindofmayhem. Před 6 lety +2

    Sometimes life is a problem, and death is the answer.

  • @TheMusicmaria
    @TheMusicmaria Před 9 lety +3

    I really don't agree with this. What if god do a wonder and let you live for your whole life happy?! What if a dream become true?

    • @flyingdetrius
      @flyingdetrius Před 9 lety +2

      I wouldn't worry about a "god" that gave me agonizing, terminal brain cancer in the first place. Since there is no god the issue is irrelevant.

    • @johnmalko1808
      @johnmalko1808 Před 8 lety +1

      +TheMusicmaria I personally cannot care if you would or would not agree with this, but please don't try to meddle into other people's business, do whatever you want but don't bring you and you're God into it,

  • @Beatles0223
    @Beatles0223 Před rokem +3

    CZcams is disgusting for putting a disclaimer to this video, claiming it promotes "self-harm." Um, no. This was a married, adult woman who had a horrible, terminal illness and did not want to have her autonomy stolen by that illness. Medical professionals obviously agreed with her. That is NOT the definition of "self-harm," CZcams. I can think of plenty of other videos to put disclaimers to. This is not one of them.

    • @meghanschrader2318
      @meghanschrader2318 Před 6 měsíci

      I disagree. “Aid in dying” has become a substitute for the suicides of people with disabilities in Canada, where it was expanded to disabled people in 2021. Now disabled Canadians are forced to live in a world where they are being offered “aid in dying” on suicide hotlines, in doctors offices, by paramedics, etc. It’s a horrific mess and legalizing assisted suicide for the terminally ill is what lead to it. So the suicide contagion warning totally belongs there.

  • @VeganMotorcyclePilot
    @VeganMotorcyclePilot Před 7 lety

    KUDOS to her, we all should have control over our own bodies and lives - keep religion out of politics. I did a graduate degree paper on this topic. I hate suffering that is why I hate factory-farms long term suffering that is unimaginable (live in tiny cages to reduce exercise so they get fatter, de-beak, castrating, force-breeding, branding, drugging, live transport long distance in hot-cold weather without water etc look up videos. Anyways, I would want this option so support Compassion Choices legislation and Brittany who is a hero!

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson Před 3 lety +1

    Romans 12:9
    Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

  • @SM-gt9vg
    @SM-gt9vg Před 9 lety +1

    I'm not saying people shouldn't have this choice, but what I don't understand is her reasoning for wanting to end her life. Every single one of us is slowly dying, we aren't getting any younger. We will all eventually die. Many of us, like myself, suffer from multiple health complications. So if we all had the same line of thinking as her, then why shouldn't all of us just kill ourselves? Even if I were in her position, I would want to live out every last day that I could. There are plenty of people who've been told they have 6 months to live, but then live 10 years or so. Whether I have diseases and complications or not, as long as I can still walk, think, and breathe normally, then I don't see any reason to kill myself. I truly don't understand her reasons for wanting to do this. Now it is different if someone is in a vegetative state or has to 100% rely on someone else every day or if someone has non-stop severe pain that cannot be managed with medicines or if someone is permanently bedridden for whatever reason, then I can definitely understand ending a life sooner. With her case, I don't see a reason to do it though. And if choosing your own death is "dying with dignity" then why is it when someone with severe depression or another issue kills themselves, we don't say "they died with dignity?" This is really something I am struggling to understand ever since hearing her story. :/

    • @suzifregeau5106
      @suzifregeau5106 Před 9 lety +1

      Clearly you do not understand the type of death she and her family would have had to deal with...the tumor she had would have incapacitated her to the point of needing not only tube feeling, but personal hygiene, etc.....this is not a choice she wanted to select...I applaud her strength, and her love for her family to not put them through the horror of a "natural" death....I respect your opinion...but clearly you even agree that the severity of a disease might be an option to elect this type of death....

    • @1906sfjd
      @1906sfjd Před 9 lety +1

      But you're not in her position, Sav Anna, so you, the state, the church and everyone else has no right to influence her decision. No one cares what you would or would not do.

    • @HannahCobana
      @HannahCobana Před 9 lety +2

      She wasn't depressed, she wasn't wanting to end her life because she wanted to die. She had brain cancer, there was no cure. Her last days or weeks would be spent relying on others, in tremendous pain, and possibly not fully conscious. You said yourself that someone in that situation should be able to end their life on their terms. She wasn't suicidal or just tired of living, she was dying and it wouldn't be a nice, painless death if she let it happen naturally. So why shouldn't she have the choice to end her life when she felt the end coming but while she was still healthy enough to live behind an image of health and happiness for her family? To even get the drug you have to qualify medically, she did. She didn't just have cancer either, it wasn't normal and it was proving to become worse and worse as the days went along. It's unfair to compare her to someone with depression. She didn't want to die, she was ill and had no choice of whether she was going to die or not but she could choose how to die. People with depression have many years to live, they aren't depressed all the time either. It's so wrong to compare the two.

    • @HannahCobana
      @HannahCobana Před 9 lety +1

      Also, you should really look into how her health was when she died.

    • @ian2ooo
      @ian2ooo Před 9 lety +1

      Suzi Fregeau of course we are all slowly dying. But we aren't doing it in a way that will lead to our death in an excruciating way as Brittany was facing. All she wanted was for her inevitable death to be as painless as possible. I'd say the majority of us in her position would want the same thing. Who wants to die and leave this world in agony? Name one person living today who would willingly want that?!

  • @zme5485
    @zme5485 Před 7 lety +1

    glad tidings to the people of hellfire!

  • @agyndoc
    @agyndoc Před 9 lety

    Sorry, devotion was supposed to be 'definition'

  • @coachchris548
    @coachchris548 Před 6 lety +2

    The truth is she didn't kill herself alone,somebody else has blood on his/her hand

    • @leighaparker8798
      @leighaparker8798 Před 5 lety +1

      It's not "killing"... it's an act of compassion and love. If you were a doctor and had to treat patient after patient after patient and watch them go through agony, as well as their loved ones, at some point it becomes an act of compassion.

    • @PawGreigTV
      @PawGreigTV Před 5 lety +1

      include her husband , and the doctors . maybe mom and stepdad

    • @SamanthaD89
      @SamanthaD89 Před 3 lety +1

      No. The truth is she didn’t kill her self at all! No one has blood on their hands! She was terminally ill with a very aggressive brain cancer and chose to end her life on the date she chose without pain. That’s not suicide! She was going to die no matter what and she chose when and where. How dare you say that someone has blood on their hands! You should be ashamed of your self! Go watch the documentary The Suicide Tourist.

    • @SamanthaD89
      @SamanthaD89 Před 3 lety +1

      @@PawGreigTV no one has blood on their hands! She chose to pick the date she died and where she died rather then dying in a hospital bed from dehydration! Have you ever watched someone die? If not then you should shut the hell up! There is nothing comforting about watching someone suffer and waste away in agony until they die!

  • @Johanna040713
    @Johanna040713 Před 8 lety +3

    "Unfortunately California law prevented me from getting the end of life option I _deserved_." So she thought she deserved to be put to death? People nowadays use words in ways that make no sense. I think they're trying to manipulate the listeners to think there's some kind of deprivation of individual _rights_ going on when, in reality, it's not about rights, but about natural freedom. Brittany Maynard was indeed free to take her own life in California, but she _chose_ not to. California law makers have done nothing wrong on this matter. Suicide shouldn't be made a societal institution where one can order poison to kill oneself. It's ridiculous.

    • @mrsazzerato8170
      @mrsazzerato8170 Před 8 lety +6

      she was in a lot of pain

    • @Johanna040713
      @Johanna040713 Před 8 lety

      Actually, I've experienced stronger pain than Brittany Maynard has, not that it should make any difference on this matter morally and legally. And I didn't even have access to pain medication at the time.

    • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
      @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety

      She was indeed free to kill herself, in California. However, she didn't want to do it, herself. She wanted someone to do it for her. In California, that is what is illegal. She wanted to leave a pretty corpse, and needed help to do that (instead of blowing her brains out/drinking bleach/drowning/cutting her wrists/jumping in front of a truck/jumping off a building or thousands of other ways to do it, available to her). Dignity had nothing to do with it. Dead is dead, regardless of what path is taken.

  • @agyndoc
    @agyndoc Před 9 lety +1

    Funny that the devotion of dignity includes self-respect and being worthy or respect and honor. So, allowing natural death to occur and having the courage to do so, is not 'death with dignity'? Stop hiding behind pretty words. It is suicide. Everyone who commits suicide has some sort of reason. Stop trying to normalize killing, whether at the end of life, middle of life, or beginning of life. We are humans and were born with a dignity that makes us different from animals, so don't compare us to animal- that's a flawed logic.

    • @Pollyward69
      @Pollyward69 Před 9 lety

      How anyone can question Brittany choice to do what she did is beyond me!
      Anyone saying that people shouldn't have this choice and should should die "a natural death" without "committing suicide" deserves the excruciating agonising death that Brittany would have had!!
      And when they're crying and screaming in pain they should be simply reminded of their "opinion".

  • @jordanriver4505
    @jordanriver4505 Před 9 lety

    I just read that California just passed the right legislative to the right to die bill! And your name just came across. Brittany Maynard, am sure you have found the peace!!!! It's confusing to watch you looking so healthy on this video, and at the same time know that you were terminally ill!! Cancer sucks so much!!!!!

    • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
      @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety

      Separation from God is not peace. Eternal torment is what she received. Her pain was great. Unfortunately she suffered. But to open this door is to open it wide for someone to abuse. And that abuse WILL happen. Not a slippery slope. Fact.

  • @branzfactor81
    @branzfactor81 Před 5 lety +2

    I'd be afraid to see God's reaction. I mean, I get where she is coming from, but God scares me more. This is a tough one.

    • @josephpsawyer7477
      @josephpsawyer7477 Před 5 lety +1

      yes thats real

    • @leighaparker8798
      @leighaparker8798 Před 5 lety +1

      If you truly believe that God is all forgiving and loving then I dont think this would be relevant. If humans can go out and murder people for no reason and "ask for forgiveness" and all is well.... then why would it matter if you chose to go in a more peaceful way for yourself and your families sake?

  • @andremarley943
    @andremarley943 Před 2 lety +1


  • @manuelestrada8891
    @manuelestrada8891 Před 7 lety

    when we are talking about religions or political there is always someone who is not going to be happy. put your self in to that family shoes for a moment . I asume that decision was not correct in my opinion bc i think you have to fight to the last second but the science is very advanced in the other side why we are killing our self learning science if we have the ability to see that there is nothing else to do hard decision . Rest in peace Brittany .and your parents all your love ones and family have resignation and one think People died when you forget them Brittany is alive bc we remember her

  • @avirei98
    @avirei98 Před 3 lety

    do you have to be ill? (been googling this)

    • @DJWRailroad
      @DJWRailroad Před 3 lety

      Avianna Reign - if you were unable to find adequate information on the terms of PAS or "assisted death" using Google, perhaps just doing a general browser search using another search engine would provide ample information. Briefly (this is a very detailed, lengthy subject) in most states, individuals have to be diagnosed as terminally ill. Even with that diagnoses the conditions of the respective critical condition may require additional diagnoses of quantifiable suffering.
      Nonetheless, each state differs on this subject and the respective terminality. One organization that provides very informative, caring information on this subject is Dignitas. There are other organizations as well, however, Dignitas has provided some very useful, caring information on this subject, in a compassionate manner.

    • @Lauren-lawless
      @Lauren-lawless Před rokem

      YES The Death With Dignity Act requires an adult to have a prognosis of 6 months or less to live.

  • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
    @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety

    Ah, we are all terminal. Death is inevitable. With her way of thinking, we all might as well take the eternal dirt nap, right now!!! Who's with her??? DO IT!!!!!

    • @terracetalk7741
      @terracetalk7741 Před 7 lety

      Thank you for your permission kyokogodai, with your superman costume; "we all" feel better.

    • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
      @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety +1

      Terrace Talk
      You don't need anyone's permission. She didn't need anyone's permission. However, she didn't want to do it, so she had to have someone else do it for her. That is murder. Don't like it? Change the definition of murder (like you leftists have been changing the definition of all words you want to use for your causes). "Assisted suicide" is an oxymoron. Call it what it is. Assisted murder/killing/death. Don't sugar coat it to suit your own selves.

    • @kyokogodai-ir6hy
      @kyokogodai-ir6hy Před 7 lety +2

      Terrace Talk
      Oh, and get it right (like you leftists NEVER do)!! It is Captain America. Someone who's character would never allow what Brittany did.

    • @terracetalk7741
      @terracetalk7741 Před 7 lety

      HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I don't watch cartoons, sorry!! :-D hahahaha!!!

  • @jessicasimplicioreis3824
    @jessicasimplicioreis3824 Před měsícem

    Alguém assistindo???😅😅😅

  • @BJ-sz3vb
    @BJ-sz3vb Před 6 lety

    God, who the fuck brought out the onions? 😢

  • @cassandrap7152
    @cassandrap7152 Před 6 lety +1

    What about future nieces or nephews that she could have met. Or a friends graduation she could have been a part of and proud of. People dont realize what they are capable of and what they mean to other people. There is so much she could have been a part of and accomplishmed in her last few years. Life isn't about how you die, its about how you live.

  • @JudyAnnejesusislord
    @JudyAnnejesusislord Před 9 lety +3

    no man has the right to play God...the consequences are devastating for those who play god with the very lives Almighty God created..

    • @johnmalko1808
      @johnmalko1808 Před 8 lety +1

      +Judy Anne Precisely, no one has the right to play God as in no has a right to command me to believe in God or behave according to a particular ideology, therefore if I want to be left alone then that's my business between God and I not between random strangers who have nothing to do with my life and I.

    • @JudyAnnejesusislord
      @JudyAnnejesusislord Před 8 lety +1

      John Malko
      God commands christians to warn unbelievers of the consequences of rejecting when you end up in can say to yourself...I chose hell because I chose not to believe in God who loved me enough to warn me to flee this awful place...

    • @kikiswaik1253
      @kikiswaik1253 Před 8 lety

      Don't preach. We don't care

    • @david3188col
      @david3188col Před 6 lety

      Good thing there is no such thing.

    • @coachchris548
      @coachchris548 Před 6 lety

      Mason Reed so why live ,right it's a waste of time,no meaning, hopeless,sorrow.

  • @cassandrap7152
    @cassandrap7152 Před 6 lety

    There were two years of beautiful life she had left. A lot can happen in two years. A cure or at least an effort to extend her life could have been found and she didnt even give it a chance.

    • @kiana606
      @kiana606 Před 6 lety +2

      She had less than 6 months. Efforts to extend her life (chemo) had already been made. It is illegal to do this unless at least two independent physicians have declared the disease to be incurable and likely to kill within 6 months. "Life isn't about how you die, its about how you live." Yes, and she lived a beautiful life. In fact, it is us who focus on her death. Perhaps you should listen to some interviews her family and friends have given since her death. She lived beautifully and passed with away with great dignity. This was not someone who "gave up."

    • @leighaparker8798
      @leighaparker8798 Před 5 lety

      @@kiana606 that was beautifully written.

    • @SamanthaD89
      @SamanthaD89 Před 3 lety

      Where do you get she had two years to live? Her tumor went from a stage 2 to 4 within 4 months! How can you say she didn’t even give it a chance when she had a Craniotomy? Do you think she did that for fun? It’s been 6 years since this happened and have they found a cure? No. What you call 2 years of beautiful life would have been 6 months lieing in a hospital bed in a coma dieing in agony from dehydration. There is NOTHING beautiful about that!

    • @cassandrap7152
      @cassandrap7152 Před 3 lety

      @@SamanthaD89 She didn't give it a chance because she terminated it... Things can escalate quickly as you yourself just stated so who is to predict it could not change for the better? Perhaps she did try everything but maybe not everything to be tried was available until after her life was already terminated??? New things are discovered every single day. I still stand with my original comment...

  • @Solo-opiniones84
    @Solo-opiniones84 Před rokem

    Sad that she thought relief would come when hell awaits for those who commit suicide 😢

    • @DeJaVuCa
      @DeJaVuCa Před rokem

      My vet will put our cat out of misery but you expect your own to die a long painful death? ? Stay out of OUR business and in your own country !! North Korea and So Korea don't agree either. Look who wins!! North Americans are about to ex you all and yo arse be wishing fo this to end !

    • @rosanegra46
      @rosanegra46 Před 6 měsíci

      There is no such thing as hell and if you read the bible Yourself you would have known that at age five

    • @Solo-opiniones84
      @Solo-opiniones84 Před 6 měsíci

      @@rosanegra46 so tell me what part of your Bible says there is no hell?

  • @toothlesst3
    @toothlesst3 Před 4 lety +2

    A lot of people live and get better I guess you'll never know now

    • @Lauren-lawless
      @Lauren-lawless Před rokem

      For you to say “a lot” is a joke - she had a grade 4 glioblastoma, the chance of survival is 0.71%

  • @faithinhumanity3390
    @faithinhumanity3390 Před rokem

    I truly don’t believe in it but I respect it !

  • @roycehanson1573
    @roycehanson1573 Před 7 lety +1

    GODS WILL should have been her faith...shes choosing to die looking good? The human body means NOTHING just the SOUL...I shake my head to anyone doing this crap.

  • @GabrielMartinez-pe6ln

    Jesus is coming back

  • @capon33
    @capon33 Před 8 lety +6

    Too bad she & her loved ones were not convinced of the unique beautiful gift of her life and decided to let it be destroyed by suicide.

    • @moonlitmajesty1349
      @moonlitmajesty1349 Před 8 lety

      +capon33 The beautiful gift of life is not the same quality when you have to live with a glioblastoma. Your body is not your own, you're severely limited on what you can do because of the horrible side effects, and the dying process associated with a disease like that becomes unbearable at a certain point. She went the way she wanted to, with dignity.

    • @capon33
      @capon33 Před 8 lety +2

      +Kalena Justine There is never dignity in suicide; in declaring "my life must be of a certain quality, otherwise I'm better off dead." It was more unbearable for her to no longer have love and no longer want to give her love.

    • @moonlitmajesty1349
      @moonlitmajesty1349 Před 8 lety +1

      capon33 As someone who has the same disease that Brittany had, I can tell you that it has nothing to do with love. It has everything to do with quality of life, as well as having bodily autonomy and not suffering. Brain tumors like GBMs cause horrible side effects, and in some cases, assisted suicide is both the most merciful and dignified option. There is dignity in ending your life peacefully and on your own terms rather than lying in a hospital bed for days or months on end. Unfortunately, no amount of love can make this disease any less painful.

    • @capon33
      @capon33 Před 8 lety +1

      +Kalena Justine I'm sorry for your disease & pain. But I cannot see dignity in giving up on life, giving up on hope, giving up on allowing people to love you to the natural end, giving up on loving people for as long as you can. I know similar suffering people who never speak in terms of "quality of life." They speak of the "quantity of love" that they are able to give & receive, even in suffering, & which is more powerful & allows them to endure any pain & suffering.

    • @moonlitmajesty1349
      @moonlitmajesty1349 Před 8 lety +1

      DiedrichKyrian To answer your question, this person is someone who's most likely never lived with a disease like brain cancer.
      The thing about it is that it's not some 'feel good' story where love can cure the disease or suffering. My loved ones being around me does not cure my disease, it doesn't lessen the symptoms, it doesn't do anything for my physical health. I wish that were the case, but unfortunately, it's not.
      To the OP: I speak in terms of quality of life because that's what the priority becomes once you find out that you're expiring in the worst way possible. Will I become wheelchair bound, or bed bound? Will I have recurrent seizures? Will I recognize my loved ones near the end, will I recognize myself?

  • @denisesorrell6026
    @denisesorrell6026 Před 6 lety +1


  • @zombiemom6701
    @zombiemom6701 Před rokem

    The issue I have with it is it could be used to force someone to choose death. What safeguards are there to make sure no one is coerced into ending their life?