The Avoidable War: With the Hon. Kevin Rudd and Prof. Jocelyn Chey 2022 | Whitlam Institute

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • The Whitlam Institute & Institute for Australian and Chinese Arts and Culture co-hosted the Hon. Kevin Rudd AC, 26th Prime Minister of Australia, to discuss ideas from his new book, The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China, in conversation with Professor Jocelyn Chey AM.
    Mr Rudd shared his in-depth analysis of Australia’s position in relation to China and the US and offer new ways of thinking about current geo-political crises amid an overwhelming news cycle.

Komentáře • 5

  • @stephenyang2844
    @stephenyang2844 Před rokem

    I'm impressed by the numerous academic forums Australia has provide and broadcast through youtube to educate the world about China.

  • @PhilipWong55
    @PhilipWong55 Před rokem +2

    China is Australia's largest trading partner, outpacing the combined purchases of the next three partners. Australia's exports to China account for 10.4% of its GDP. In 2022, Australia had a total trade surplus of AUD 135 billion, with China contributing AUD 103 billion. Australia is spending AUD 368 billion on the acquisition of nuclear-powered hunter-killer fast-attack submarines to protect its trade routes with China from China. We are the deputy sheriff and the tip of the spear for the US. We are buying weapons from our allies, so that we can be at the forefront, leading the charge with the US and UK following closely behind. Security trumps prosperity, stop complaining about funding for healthcare, education, welfare, and infrastructure.
    The US relies on its allies for political cover to legitimize its wars. All US allies are effectively client states of the US, as they have all agreed to host US military bases and contribute to the upkeep of US troops on their territory.
    The US operates a protection racket, offering to consider protecting its allies from their enemies, in return, they (except for France) buy weapons from the US. If an ally does not have any enemies, the US will even create one for them. This tactic ensures that the US maintains its position as the world's leading arms dealer and is always one step ahead of potential rivals.
    The US spy agencies, including the CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis, NGA, NRO, INR, DEA Office of National Security Intelligence, INSCOM, ONI, and AFISRA, are constantly on the lookout for any threats. The US monitors its allies, enemies, and even its own citizens, as it considers all other countries as enemies or potential enemies.
    All of its European allies are now significantly weakened by the US, and not one of them dares to complain. Deliberately destroying another country's vital infrastructure is an act of war under international law. The US bombed NordStream 1 and 2, yet Germany remained silent. Cowed countries stay silent when their economy and infrastructure are damaged by another country.
    Our Prime Minister Gough Whitlam tried to have an independent foreign policy, and John Pilger has a lot to say about how he was dismissed.
    We as with all US allies are trapped in this abusive relationship. There is no way out. Both of our political parties are untroubled by that, they will do as they are told.
    Before the global financial crisis of 2008, the Chinese viewed their relationship with the United States as strong and looked up to the US as a leading economic and political power. However, the financial crisis caused the Chinese to question the competency of the US to effectively manage global affairs. In an attempt to bolster the US economy, A reluctant Hillary Clinton was dispatched to Beijing to persuade the Chinese to purchase more Treasury securities, which they did. However, the Chinese were unhappy when the US later implemented quantitative easing (print money), which reduced the value of their Treasury holdings.
    The Obama administration proposed the G2 initiative (with China restricted to Asia and Australasia?), which aimed to establish cooperation between the US and China as the two leading global powers. However, the Chinese swiftly rejected this proposal as a US "trap" and in response, Obama proposed the "Pivot to Asia" strategy which shifted the focus of US foreign policy from the Middle East to Asia. This, along with the wargaming of a sea blockade of Chinese commercial ships on a global scale, the formation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which deliberately excluded China, the establishment of a 2500-strong US marine air-ground task force in Darwin, and an increase in the rotation of both US Air Force planes and US Navy vessels through Australian bases, alarmed the Chinese leadership.
    Unable to remain passive, hide their strength, and bide their time, Xi Jinping was selected as the leader of China in 2013 to implement more assertive policies aimed at making China more secure. These included the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Belt and Road initiative, and the building of artificial islands in the South China Sea. These policies were a direct response to the threat posed by the "Pivot to Asia" strategy.
    The Chinese military has not been involved in any war or used its weapons to kill a single person outside its territory in the last forty-four years. Despite having a per capita GDP that is one-sixth that of the US, China is enthusiastically expending an enormous amount of its resources to assist in the development of other countries.

  • @Capital.Bomber
    @Capital.Bomber Před rokem

    Dr Kevin Rudd was not referred to by his learned title.
    Does he prefer not to use it?

  • @charliebellvue5847
    @charliebellvue5847 Před rokem

    There is Nothing Honorable about Kevin Dudd... NOTHING!