David Tong: The Allure of the Magnetic Monopole

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • The David Olive distinguished lecture 2021 given by Prof. David Tong (DAMTP, Cambridge)

Komentáře • 79

  • @morganmontrose4343
    @morganmontrose4343 Před 9 měsíci +7

    david tong is a terrific speaker and very generous to share science he is passionate about i have learned so much key fundamental concepts etc are essentially pauses as he considers what he is saying, …thinking …not a robot…

  • @alanforster378
    @alanforster378 Před rokem +14

    It amazes me that many teachers of magnetism do not understand magnetic filed lines.
    A) the paper with filings on it obviously is a cross section of a magnets field , so the true shape is a toroid. ( lines would actually therefore be shells not lines ) B ) the iron filings collect immediately into looping lines because each particle becomes a small magnet itself , all the particles orient and form the lines, The field its self does not have "lines" these are an interaction between the field and the filings. So there are no actual lines around a free standing bar magnet and there is no flow in that field , which the term "Flux" might suggest.
    The "Lines of Flux" and "field density" is contextual to calculation purposes so we can quantify magnets and put them to use in engineering and science .

  • @arthurriaf8052
    @arthurriaf8052 Před rokem +9

    Love Tongs lectures, he brings physics to laypeople, more please! art

  • @LouisChiaki
    @LouisChiaki Před rokem +7

    Awesome talk! Love all the lectures from David Tong!

  • @apollion888
    @apollion888 Před rokem +4

    I would have been happy to watch this if I could hear it
    Please publish louder videos

  • @sonarbangla8711
    @sonarbangla8711 Před 4 měsíci

    Interesting to know so much about magnetic monopoles, with bonus knowledge about color fields and how glueballs can be massive as they are magnetic flux lines. What impressed me is the honesty with which Dirac's theory is making new waves and the mathematics involved sounded right and logical. In ten years we may get proper window to 'string' theory.

  • @alex79suited
    @alex79suited Před rokem

    That's a fine lecture young man.

  • @YoutubeHandlesSuckBalls
    @YoutubeHandlesSuckBalls Před rokem +2

    The allure of a pipe where water only goes in, or only comes out.
    "Well, water goes into this pipe, and it also comes out. Why can't we have a pipe that only does one of these?"

  • @Treebark1313
    @Treebark1313 Před rokem +8

    lecture starts at 4:45

  • @cowboybob7093
    @cowboybob7093 Před rokem +1

    *Magnetism is the brass ring and the bull's nose, the tail comes with the nose, it's already a monopole, it's flowing.*

  • @keithmcgarrigle8921
    @keithmcgarrigle8921 Před rokem +2

    Just a thought the protons, and electrons are monopoles.
    When together in an atom within a electrical field, they become dipoles?
    The magnetic field has a orthogonal direction to the electrical field?
    The atmospheric electrical experiments by Benjamin Franklin showed the potential difference between Earth and the atmosphere?
    Thank you.

  • @SystemsMedicine
    @SystemsMedicine Před 6 měsíci

    @ 59:50 I guess the search for magnetic monopoles might be used as a test to potentially eliminate many proposed extensions to the Standard Model. [What feature do all these theories have that produces magnetic monopoles? Is it just non-zero curl in the field probability waves?]

  • @seanspraguesr
    @seanspraguesr Před 4 měsíci

    Equation for monopole :
    R = ♾️➖1

  • @pierregrondin4273
    @pierregrondin4273 Před 6 měsíci

    Seems like if we can see electric monopoles when an electron get separated from its proton buddy, then, ignoring everything that could outlaw it, wouldn't you get a magnetic monopole if you had a sun mass of only electrons or only protons? A large mass containing only negative charges or only positive charges?
    How much electric charges would you need to jump say the light year that separate the two opposite-charge bodies, even if there was nothing between them? How far could opposite-poled magnetic molopoles could see each others? And what if we had a pair of monopoles escaping each others faster than light in an expanding universe, could they still influence each other via some materials in between? Could we have a black hole worth of a monopole? Could you feel them outside of the event horizon?
    I am probably completely lost, but it's nevertheless fun to try to imagine. Let's keep listening.
    I taught it is not the electron that goes through both slides, but the wave function, that 'knows' the probability of all possible paths. When the electron hits the wall, only then nature chooses where the electron will appear, based on the probabilities dictated by the wave function. I.e. Nature choose based on the possible paths, since she knows the probability of them all. Sounds like a computer to me.
    46:46, are you saying that the 3 quark colors are involved in the -1/3 electric charge of the down quark and the +2/3 of the up quark? The strong force colour dictates the electric charge? That would be odd, considering that the 3 quarks in a proton /neutron keep exchanging colors, witch obviously don't affect the electric charges. I am missing something here. And the color is involved in the magnetic (moment?)? I always found weird the 1/3, 2/3 charge, I tought a quanta of something had to be an integer of sort.
    1:00:28 Does the idea of monopole/antimonopole extend to the magnetic pole/antipole?

    • @seditt5146
      @seditt5146 Před 4 měsíci

      He is not saying Electric monopoles. We know those exist. Magnetic monopoles on the other hand are tangent to the electric field.

  • @magicponyrides
    @magicponyrides Před 6 měsíci

    I, too, hate Microsoft. Great talk.

  • @2550205
    @2550205 Před 9 měsíci

    Magnetic Monopoles exist as thats with ends and a middle where the ends are this way and the middle is the middle way
    Magnetic Dipoles exist as thats with poles and a middle where the poles are this way and that way and the middle is the middle way which the last time a witch said the same was the Tao the way which can not be named and is in all things somewhere

  • @Tadesan
    @Tadesan Před rokem

    Awe. What about Oliver Heaviside?

  • @aaronrobertcattell8859

    if you have a sphere then pin to the surface magnets that the south pole faces in north faces out is that then one pole?

    • @DrDeuteron
      @DrDeuteron Před rokem

      That’s good, but no. Where does the inward flux go? The lines come out somewhere

  • @javedrizvi5739
    @javedrizvi5739 Před měsícem

    MS shares went down post this

  • @jiioannidis7215
    @jiioannidis7215 Před 5 měsíci

    36:28 high school, sophomore year, physics class, teacher says the same thing about the bird on the high voltage wire, except he phrases it as a question. The class clown (one of the smartest kids, btw, he obviously knew the correct answer) immediately pipes up "because it's standing on only one leg" 😂😂😂

  • @2550205
    @2550205 Před 9 měsíci

    question time not asked
    Iron is attracted to and attracted by magnet eyezed material:.. could be rubber could be salt could be ozzygen
    thus appearing as the sun to be monopole in nature no? If the definition of monopole is positive only and attracted to negative
    poles of magnetic fields then there appears to be an enormous class of thats which fit this idea that way
    corrollary ly negative thats no?
    an Electron is a negative charge no? is the electron not a monopole
    if not why not? because you do not carry an electron bar in your pocket?
    any {thing} having a net positive charge is a positive monopole until the charge attracting negatives is evened
    out in an oddly even dribution of positive charges or an evenly odd redistribuxtion of negative charnges?
    where any magnet you carry around in your pocket is inert until it meets a monopole or runs afoul of a friend charged
    in the same way on the other end and the other thing is an atom bomb? or deependes on the density of the aether
    cant wait to hear the answares

  • @cato451
    @cato451 Před 3 měsíci

    Does he partner with Terrence Howard?

  • @dianabenobo
    @dianabenobo Před rokem +1

    what happens when one twists a long bar magnet into an odd PI Mobius?

  • @misewixe2777
    @misewixe2777 Před 9 měsíci

    And then you follow up with a much shorter and digestible version of this by acollierastro instead.

  • @chriseaton1525
    @chriseaton1525 Před rokem +2

    I still don't get how H+ ion isn't a monopole. Guess "magnetic moment" is the next subject.

    • @theawantikamishra
      @theawantikamishra Před 6 měsíci

      Excellent question

    • @seditt5146
      @seditt5146 Před 4 měsíci

      @@theawantikamishra No, it really isn't. That is an electric monopole. I dont understand how so many watching this video dont understand even the most basics of Electromagnetic fields. Its great to step beyond ones knowledge as that is how you learn more but I fear many are taking the path of just jumping off a cliff thinking they will learn how to control gravity on the way down. Start with basic EM equations and understand how Electric fields and magnetic fields are related. Then you will start to easily see the problem with why Monopoles cant exist. There MIGHT be 1 monopole in the entire Universe.

  • @kevincarothers7486
    @kevincarothers7486 Před 11 měsíci

    Just a dumb idea, but... couldn't have molopoles simply collapsed... into gravity?
    At least to me, gravity itself seems to act like a monopole as described in the lecture.... But I assume
    that is not a point that was intended to be given.

    • @vincentc7624
      @vincentc7624 Před 9 měsíci +1

      Interesting idea. I don’t know much but a proton and an electron attract each other but don’t simply collapse and instead form a hydrogen atom. They don’t collapse probably because the attraction has quantum properties. Maybe a north and south monopole would do the same.
      I guess that’s also why gravity is interesting and right now general relativity is incompatible with quantum mechanics.

    • @physicsatswansea5351
      @physicsatswansea5351  Před 8 měsíci +2

      Point here is that there is such a thing as electric charge, coming in two varieties (positive and negative) and we could call an electric charge an "electric monopole". Put these two charges at the opposite ends of a rigid rod and you have an ``electric dipole" with an ``electric dipole moment". Remove the rod and allow them to collapse into each other, you get a neutral atom like object with or without an electric dipole moment (e.g. the Hydrogen atom is made of a positive and negative charge which can be in the ground state with zero electric dipole moment or an excited state with non-zero electric dipole moment).
      With magnetism there is no such thing as a magnetic charge, although there is such a thing as a magnetic dipole (that would be any magnet). There is no fundamental natural or mathematical obstruction to having a magnetic monopole, except that we haven't seen any in Nature ! So magnetic monopoles (or magnetic charges) if they existed could bind together to form atoms or magnetic dipoles like their electric counterparts.
      As you note there is such a thing as "gravitational charge" or "gravitational monopole" -- we call it "mass". But mass comes with only one sign -- there is no such thing as "negative mass". So in gravity we don't get gravitational dipoles (very unlike electricity and magnetism)!

    • @kevincarothers7486
      @kevincarothers7486 Před 8 měsíci

      @@physicsatswansea5351 TY so much for the response.
      I wonder if "dark matter" might actually be "negative mass" ..?
      I know it's quite a confabulation, but it seems not impossible ...

    • @seditt5146
      @seditt5146 Před 4 měsíci

      @@physicsatswansea5351 You should really post a quick primer in a pined comment because I see TONS of confusion in these comments over Electric charges and Magnetic "charges" with everyone seeming to think an Electric monopole is a magnetic one. I feel this topic is way over those folk's head but they are here so perhaps it's a good idea to give them a bit of clarification so as they watch it and read the comments they can understand the weight of this topic a bit more.

    • @seditt5146
      @seditt5146 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@kevincarothers7486 We have a problem with DM that there seems to be a bunch of Mass we don't see so I doubt Negative mass would help any. It MIGHT help answer Dark energy but honestly, I wouldn't get my hopes up there either. I personally feel it all just points towards our current models being WILDLY incorrect but since I have not completed any better alternative its best to accept our standard models for now.

  • @jcw3195
    @jcw3195 Před 9 dny

    Quit watching after 7 minutes. Too many irrevant stupid commercials.

  • @alex79suited
    @alex79suited Před rokem

    So as I explained to the math guy, you won't find a magnetic monopole for the verse. That's an impossibility. It's not magnetically charged. The EMFS we observe are manufactured they are not a eternal force. We know this because we are inside several EMF bubbles the original being from our blacksphere. Now when you look across the verse you will see lots of poles. Each galaxy should have its own. This is where physicist make the first mistake I believe. Thinking the matter verse is part of the infinite ♾️ space. This is a mistake and is another reason most theory fail. Separation of these 2 entities is an absolute must if you want to find the correct theory I believe. So magnetic monopoles everywhere except for the infinite ♾️ space. We're in space not of the space. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps. Peace ✌️ from Canada eh.

  • @jonathonjubb6626
    @jonathonjubb6626 Před rokem

    Not loud enough!

  • @2550205
    @2550205 Před 9 měsíci

    ...so he gave this argument that the uni verse is made up of positive and negative charges which look like particles act like waves
    on every group outing to the beach is composed of 7 notes spread across 12 octaves where the ear can hear a few the eye
    see a few other and the skin can feel the rest at the rate of waved ness converted through a wave funnel when the dreams
    represent charged fields of elysian green ness when dreamt just the right way so buy this idea now and dream of it later
    the numbers representing the ideas mean less than the meaning given to the mean which defines the extremes as tooled
    by the Chemists when told to the Helenes written down by Plato through the mind of Socrates for the benefit of all children
    because the important idea is that we are stuck together more than blown apart and so what is in the solar system and in
    all the other galaxies seen revolving around each other we stick together more than blow apart even when heated up to
    a billionth of a billionth of the surface of the sun which for fun is 140 times the heat needed to keep you simmering through
    the next toilet paper shortage
    the ink comes out with a scrub brush and tomorrow is another days righting or writing and you always choose the second one
    first given the number of seconds in a circle or the number in a smaller circus known as an hour or a smaller circus known as
    a minute and wala there you are again the second second in a three orbit spin
    and who knows but the estimate might be off the surface of the sun given the lack of evidence presented from anyone who
    been there done that so might just be 137*40 as much as any other approximation of a rock of gas having heat might be

  • @jacobvandijk6525
    @jacobvandijk6525 Před 2 lety +12

    Nowadays, theoretical physicists are the marketing guys of the Physics community.

    • @grahammatthews3798
      @grahammatthews3798 Před rokem +1

      They have to attract research funds

    • @jacobvandijk6525
      @jacobvandijk6525 Před rokem +1

      @@grahammatthews3798 ... with science-fiction stories.

    • @grahammatthews3798
      @grahammatthews3798 Před rokem

      @@jacobvandijk6525 : )

    • @Nah_Bohdi
      @Nah_Bohdi Před rokem

      You Applied Physicists are jokes...

    • @jacobvandijk6525
      @jacobvandijk6525 Před rokem

      @@Nah_Bohdi No, not right. Year after year, they show that they are a waste of talent, energy and money. A kindergarten for civil servants, who call themselves scientists.

  • @2550205
    @2550205 Před 9 měsíci

    137 in base 6 is 3 4 5 where for all of you a bit rusty on your base 6
    3*6^2=108 added to
    4*6^1=024 added to
    5*6^0=005 summing up to the mysterious number which happens to have a real relationship with a couple of other ideas
    4*108=432 an idea to save for a sunny day
    24 hmmm where to start with that must have something to do with the distance from the moon and your sly eye
    5 this must be week days could not mean anything else

  • @2550205
    @2550205 Před 9 měsíci

    M:Σ:Z = 3 * 2 * 1^Z where Z iz ζα in te G ΣΓΣ
    where every integer imagined in base 10 is a sum of 3^x+2^y+1^z as written down about 3000 years bn in The Timaeus
    and pointing to the point of the matter in circular profanity in base anything other than 10 there is no integer outside
    the head of an integer addicted mumber pile where the meaning of numeral has escaped the room after too many
    positively charged papers written in blue ink claim to fill the gaps left by the evens with other than the odd number
    tuned to the tune of a bank account more indirectly than to 432 the A^4 which runs the sun as it is flinging pieces
    of the aether off into the other until the bell rings and Neptune sends a dry idea back by shedding a tear in the
    line of hydrogen hiding at 432 hz in the clear blue sky
    back to the action

  • @bothewolf3466
    @bothewolf3466 Před 7 měsíci

    like #399, LETS GET TO 400, PEOPLE! #RoundNumbers

  • @veronicats100
    @veronicats100 Před 11 měsíci

    Why is he saying " the theory of magnetic monopoles"? There is no such thing as a magnetic monopole so this certainly is not a theory, it would have to be a hypothesis. Does this discount the lecture?

    • @emblaz3
      @emblaz3 Před 8 měsíci

      Not exactly. In the mathematical theory that describes nature, called the standard model, that has been experimentally tested to a staggering degree of accuracy, the magnetic monopoles come along for free. Researchers have studied these monopole solutions to help understand the theory

    • @emblaz3
      @emblaz3 Před 8 měsíci

      Now, they have not been observed. So people want to understand why so that theory can be improved!

  • @tonymarshharveytron1970
    @tonymarshharveytron1970 Před rokem +1

    Hello Professor Tong,I have just watched your video with interest, as it is very appropriate to an hypothesis I have been working on, for a radical alternative to the standard model of the atom.
    My hypothesis is besed on ' Monopole particles '. The following is a very brief overview of my hypothesis, which I believe could provide the answers you are looking for. Idid send you an email earlier this year, but never heard anything back. If you find anything in the following, I would be happy to send you a coy of the latest draft of my hypothesis. Kind regards,
    Tony Marsh.
    I hypothesize that everything in the universe is composed of just two incredibly small particles that I have proposed.
    One is a negatively charged monopole particle called a ' Harveytron ', which fills every available empty space between the nucleus and the boundary of the atom, and every available empty space throughout the universe, in a cloud called the ' Harveytron Cloud '.
    These particles make up the ' Dark Matter ', and the negative force of repulsion that is produced by them trying to repel each other in every direction, is the ' Dark Energy '. This is the force that keeps all of the planets suspended, and stops them from being drawn to each other, and is what is causing the expansion of the universe ( if it is ).
    The second, is a corresponding positively charged monopole particle, called a ' Dannytron ', which, in combination with the ' Harveytrons ', make up all of the nuclei and therefore all of the nuclear matter in the universe. They are what makes up the other force of gravitational attraction between the nuclear matter of the universe.
    Starting with the atom, I believe that all of the particles making up the table of particles in the standard model, are man-made, and just pieces of nuclear detritus following collider collisions.
    I believe that the nucleus is composed of successive layers of the two positive and negatively charged monopole ' Harveytrons ' and ' Dannytrons ', that I describe, like a gobstopper sweet.
    The different elements being determined by the number of the positively charged ' Dannytrons ' contained in the nucleus. Beyond the last layer of positively charged particles there exists just the negatively charged ' Harveytrons ', which fill every available empty space between the nucleus and the outer boundary of the atom. This boundary is determined where the point of equilibrium is reached between the attractive force of the positively charged particles contained in the nucleus to the negatively charged particles in the ' Harveytron cloud ', and the repulsive force of the ' Harveytron cloud ' and the negative charge of the ' Harveytrons ' contained in the nucleus meets.
    Beyond this boundary, there exists only the negatively charged ' Harveytron ' monopole particles throughout every available empty space in the universe, creating a negative force of repulsion throughout the universe, and is one of the two components of gravity.
    I would contend that these monopoles, do not give up their charge, and the forces of each, extend through each particle, which in the case of the positive extends to the boundary of the atom and the negative extends to the centre of the nucleus.
    I contend that the electron is not an elementary solid particle, but a cluster of the negatively charged ' Harveytron ' particles that I propose. These clusters form due to the mass of the ' Harveytron Cloud ' trying to reach the nucleus, and as any force is applied to the atom, a pulse of energy is ejected from one atom to the next as happens with the photon.
    The quantity of energy in these pulses is always the same and is a constant. The charge held by these clusters, is not equal to the positive charge of the nucleus, but just a proportion of it. the amount of charge equal but opposite that of the nucleus, is distributed throughout the ' Harveytrons ' contained in the area between the nucleus and the boundary of the atom.
    It will be noticed that there exists a massive excess of the negatively charged ' Harveytron ' monopole particles. These, although incredibly small ( too small to detect with the equipment we have }. do have mass, and as such account for all of the missing mass of the universe, and is the proposed dark matter.
    The force of repulsion they produce keeps all atomic nuclear matter such as the planets, suspended in space keeping them apart unless they get too close to each other, when they will merge. This is the proposed ' Dark Energy '. Because all nuclear matter is encased in these particles, it is forced against large mass of matter, as we are to the earth. This is the repulsive force of gravity, pushing matter together, It will be realized that this repulsive force is also pushing out from the large mass, as all of the negative particle are trying to repel each other in every direction. However, because the nuclear matter contains the compact mass containing all of the positively charged ' Dannytron ' monopole particles, in all of the nuclei. these create the attractive force of gravity, which is stronger that the repulsive force, and acts to try to attract nuclear matter to nuclear matter.
    Our atmosphere defines where the two forces of gravity reach equilibrium, beyond which, there is the constant repulsive force of the ' Harveytron Cloud ' (dark energy ). This force is a constant, and the total force of gravity is determined by the number of nuclei contained in a given mass of matter. The larger the nuclear mass, the stronger the gravity.
    The existence of the ' Harveytron Cloud ', provides a medium in which electromagnetic radiation, or any shock wave can travel through space.
    It is obvious that this is just an overview and all points can be extrapolated a great deeal, but I hope it gives an insight and food for thought. I would be interested what your thought are. Kind regards,
    Tony Marsh.

    • @tonymarshharveytron1970
      @tonymarshharveytron1970 Před rokem

      @@orchoose Hello, thank you for your reply.
      Is that really all that your mind can come up with? Try hypothesizing an alternative to the standard model, which does not work, or prove me wrong. Kind regards from someone who can think outside the box,
      Tony Marsh.

    • @tonymarshharveytron1970
      @tonymarshharveytron1970 Před rokem

      @stroncal Hello, thank you for your reply.
      Obviously without seeing my whole hypothesis, you would not be able to appreciate how it all fits together, but what were your initial thoughts on what I propose? Kind regards,
      Tony Marsh.

    • @hansolo9892
      @hansolo9892 Před rokem

      @@tonymarshharveytron1970 You should write a fiction book where this hypothesis actually applies. Or you can come up with an experiment or apply your ideas on condensed matter, solid state, and nanotechnology and come up with future technology? (I am 100% sure that you can't do it. As you have no experimental data to cover your ass.) Always these pseudoscientists exist in theoretical physics content. Let there be a hard-core math video and all these pseudoscientists vanish with no trace. Unlike high-energy physics, the math doesn't lie on baseless hypotheses, you need to sweat your brain enough to prove a fact. You can't calculate shit with your bogus mumbo jumbo.

  • @davidwilkie9551
    @davidwilkie9551 Před rokem

    Justify an understanding of Singularity-point positioning i-reflection and "There's no further problem". Disproof Methodology Philosophy.

  • @silberlinie
    @silberlinie Před rokem

    It's so ridiculous what the poor employed researchers
    have to tell us with such seriousness and
    enthusiasm that I can't help but laugh.
    Isn't it the case that we had a completely different
    idea of the world for a short time?
    And isn't it the case that in a short time we will have
    a completely different idea of physical reality?
    And yet the protagonists are always on stage with
    great persuasiveness and try in vain to sell us
    the latest current affairs as a provable truth.
    Tragic, tragic.

    • @bryandraughn9830
      @bryandraughn9830 Před 8 měsíci

      I'm surprised they haven't asked you what they should be talking about.

    • @silberlinie
      @silberlinie Před 8 měsíci

      At least they have to be honorable enough
      to mention this matter.@@bryandraughn9830

  • @pravoslavn
    @pravoslavn Před rokem +5

    Those who lecture and speak publicly should be given training in how to speak without saying UH and UM repeatedly. No matter how competent the speaker, those things can destroy interest in the presentation. Sorry.