Komentáře •

  • @Hedgehog1969
    @Hedgehog1969 Před 11 měsíci +26

    Took me well over a year to get mine, including 3 months between the home visit and getting the licence. Worst thing is you don't feel like you can complain, because the only people you can complain to are the people issuing the licence.

    • @maximada2003
      @maximada2003 Před 11 měsíci +2

      i complained to the chief superintendent copying in the licensing team - got a phone call the next day saying it was in the post.

    • @joeyyhc3883
      @joeyyhc3883 Před 10 měsíci

      Where you based?

    • @Reknaw155
      @Reknaw155 Před 2 měsíci

      @@maximada2003 legend.

  • @richardhester6877
    @richardhester6877 Před 10 měsíci +4

    I'm in the US, and am pulling for an outcome that will give you and the shooting sport a positive outcome. Please persevere. The love of the sport has to triumph.

  • @JT-bc5cd
    @JT-bc5cd Před 11 měsíci +23

    IN London, circa 1955, basically anyone can walk into the store and buy a shotgun--there were about 12 armed robberies/muggings PER YEAR in those days. Today, the UK has ridiculous levels of gun control, yet the amount of armed robberies/muggings per year in London are in the thousands.
    Decades of civil disarmament has been done for reasons that have nothing to do with "your safety".

    • @lifeshort
      @lifeshort Před 11 měsíci

      Society has changed ever so slightly in nearly 70yrs..

    • @Bunduki
      @Bunduki Před 9 měsíci

      Never were truer words spoken , agree with you 100%.
      The Leftist Media & weak kneed Governments are blaming the law abiding shooting communities for the social problems they have created in the Western World.
      Take care.

    • @sirlordbabish3873
      @sirlordbabish3873 Před 6 měsíci

      there was nothing worth stealing 70 years ago 😒

    • @2ndcornets
      @2ndcornets Před 2 měsíci

      The irony is that the days of baddies wielding stolen sawn off shotguns are all but over. Semi-auto and auto handguns and machine pistols are the weapons of choice these days and the professional bad guys seem to be able to buy these with ease..

    • @JT-bc5cd
      @JT-bc5cd Před 2 měsíci

      @@2ndcornets how many of those “baddies” are ethnically English?

  • @waikanaebeach
    @waikanaebeach Před 11 měsíci +22

    The Police are not the right people to manage firearms certificates. there needs to be an independent national firearms authority with a board of trustees with representation from shooters, clubs, dealers, manufacturers, police, armed services, government, medical etc. a national authority with national standards. they can also authorise gun clubs, dealers. Then everyone who handles firearms needs a license including the police etc.

  • @JamoSaye
    @JamoSaye Před 11 měsíci +9

    I had mine with Thames Valley. Took about 3 months in total which I was impressed with having heard of year+ waiting times elsewhere. The FEO was great and did everything according to the guidelines, no ridiculous extra made up requirements.

    • @LT_-
      @LT_- Před 10 měsíci

      im currently 3 months 3 weeks in with Thames Valley. I had my home visit last week so hopefully not too long now. was your FEO a gentleman named Mark?

    • @josephcharlett6229
      @josephcharlett6229 Před 6 měsíci

      Just filed my application with TV, fills me with hope to see these good reports!!

    • @theatomicstuff6101
      @theatomicstuff6101 Před 2 měsíci

      Thames Valley are really good. They are very quick and understanding.

  • @spanishjohn420
    @spanishjohn420 Před 11 měsíci +16

    applied for mine in feb and haven't heard anything, paid £75 for the medical records and have done probably over 10 lessons now since then at £100 a lesson plus £1 a cartridge. It's extortionate. The ONLY reason I applied is because I am enjoying the lessons but the cost of paying £1 a cartridge and the rental of the gun is too much to pay every lesson, when I could just buy 1000 cartridges for myself.

    • @viking_nephilim8883
      @viking_nephilim8883 Před 11 měsíci +2

      It won't be just £1 per cartridge. It will also cover the cost of the clay also.

    • @spanishjohn420
      @spanishjohn420 Před 11 měsíci +4

      @@viking_nephilim8883 true, but still, it is still
      Prohibitively expensive for most people.

    • @matthewcollins1748
      @matthewcollins1748 Před 5 měsíci +2

      Jheez £1 a shot... where are you shooting?

    • @ewwtv7553
      @ewwtv7553 Před 18 dny

      Do you have to have your gun safe installed before you can apply for a shotgun certificate?

    • @spanishjohn420
      @spanishjohn420 Před 18 dny

      @@ewwtv7553 install the safe after they call you to arrange a meeting at your house.

  • @twinpotracer
    @twinpotracer Před 11 měsíci +3

    After having a telephone conversation with David last year. I came to the conclusion that contacting the Police Crime Commissioner, telling them I'm in conversation with media to expose failure in the police (which I was) and demanding refund for 2 medicals. Out of the blue 16days later, I received a license in the post!
    I urge everyone to complain and be on the offensive immediately

  • @garysmith503
    @garysmith503 Před 11 měsíci +2

    I have to say that I have very happy with the level of service from Derbyshire Constabulary who process SGC's and FAC's and variations very efficiently.

  • @Scenik95
    @Scenik95 Před 11 měsíci +3

    Great video. It too me just over 2 years to be issued a SGC. My friend only got theirs this month after a similar wait. This is in Northamptonshire, I wrote to my MP during this time as well as BASC, both said they were aware of the issues in my force and they are by far the slowest at processing.

    • @RS7John
      @RS7John Před 11 měsíci

      Mine took just over a year, not far from you in Bedford

  • @alanbally1871
    @alanbally1871 Před 11 měsíci +10

    In addition to Dave's excellent comments., If you find it is taking too long to acquire your shotgun certificate, I would suggest making a formal complaint to the Chief Constable of the issuing Police force. I did this when I applied for my certificate as it was taking too long, and as if by magic I received a phone call straight away and a visit from the the firearms officer. Soon after my certificate was issued.
    As is the way sometimes, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the the entire crop! Needless to say the highlighted bad press over the "Plymouth incident" has made things very difficult for all those participating or wishing to in this sport.
    I urge everyone to participate in the recent Government consultation which can easily be done through the CPSA or BASC websites online. It can make a World of difference if we take part and let the Government know your views on Licensing.

    • @osua6a
      @osua6a Před 11 měsíci

      I don't suppose you can share a copy of the email?

    • @ridleyclayburn4599
      @ridleyclayburn4599 Před 11 měsíci +1

      There is also the worry if you complain, that you will get a black mark against your name.

  • @cblack1green
    @cblack1green Před 11 měsíci +4

    I really believe that the Police force in general don’t want the general public to own guns, things are being made extremely difficult to obtain a license and getting worse, we need to stand together and complain when you know you are being treated poorly.

  • @xbhendrix
    @xbhendrix Před 11 měsíci +15

    Over here across the pond rootin' for you. We all want to see the sport grow. Do all you can to stop new gun legislation. Don't let anyone fool you, It's not a privilege.... It is an unalienable right!

    • @rabbi6225
      @rabbi6225 Před 11 měsíci +1

      Psst, dude. This is the kind of stuff that made us leave there.

  • @borjastick
    @borjastick Před 11 měsíci +1

    Here in France the whole system is much more relaxed and different. I appreciate the two countries have a very different background to guns in circulation since WW2 but here you join a club, get your doctor to check you over and write a letter of approval, the gun club then organises your licence online and you pay them for it. The licence comes through in about ten days and off you go back to your doctor to stamp and sign it. Then you are cleared for liftoff. The licences are annual Jan-Dec the Gendarmes are not involved at all and no home visit or any other checks are done. Year two onwards you just renew your licence at your club and get the Doc to sign it. Simples. It also comes with public liability insurance included.

  • @tedcollett3332
    @tedcollett3332 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Warwickshire Police were brilliant and very thorough. Got my licence within a month 👍

  • @TheArmedExile
    @TheArmedExile Před 5 měsíci +1

    Complaining is the best thing to do, if everyone keeps silent about this nothing will change. I agree with you write to your MP and keep this in the news. That’s exactly what the anti gunners do when it comes to attacking shorting sports.

  • @johnturner6677
    @johnturner6677 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Well said David - you are right.
    I think we all perceive that there is an agenda to reduce firearms ownership and "backlogs" and delays in licence issuing etc. are part of the mechanisms supporting this agenda.
    This despite the risk to society involving legally held firearms being extremely low (according to ONS figures).
    Please also encourage everyone to complete the latest government consultation on changes to firearms licensing, which contains some worrying recommendations.
    Some of the the major shooting organisations are trying with what they believe to be the best approaches, but they need to be far more aggressive, in a similar manner to what the "antis" are.

  • @darrenlaithwaite7810
    @darrenlaithwaite7810 Před 11 měsíci +3

    What they don't realize is people can't shoot because they don't get their license or give it up because of all the hassle, it has a knock on effect with shops and shooting grounds. I have just renewed my license. My doctor sat on my paperwork for six weeks before he signed it off. I let licencing people know what was happening and once I got it sent back to them it only took another two weeks to get my new license.

  • @davidkennedy8929
    @davidkennedy8929 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I have to say that from my initial online application for both FAC and SHG certificates it took only three weeks for my certificates to be in my letter box! Based in Essex.

  • @davidtrinick3525
    @davidtrinick3525 Před 11 měsíci +3

    Hi David I live NR Plymouth the shotgun licensing is a nightmare down here ,the gun dealers are on their knees ,people waiting 18 months for license no new license being issued for young shooters . we are afraid to heads above the parapet and fear of upsetting the police. I’m having your card marked when you come for renewal. Devon Cornwall police have admitted it’s their cock up but we are the ones that are suffering.

  • @opiecunningham1570
    @opiecunningham1570 Před 20 dny

    God Bless the U.S.A. Good luck to you across the pond.

  • @RJames91
    @RJames91 Před 11 měsíci +2

    I’m in North Yorkshire. Been waiting 5 months so far. I sent an email to my local FEO to ask why it is taking so long and I got an email back essentially telling me that if I wasn’t happy with the service I was being provided and I had a problem with the current wait time then they would just cancel my application. They’re behaving like bullies.

  • @jon8624
    @jon8624 Před 11 měsíci

    Maybe I am fortunate. Derbyshire constabulary were brilliant. Put my application in in March. Home visit early May. Cert in the post after that.
    I didn't have a safe installed at the time. I installed one the a week later and my FO signed it off straight away.
    I hope the folk with issues get theirs soon !

  • @davemalthouse9226
    @davemalthouse9226 Před 11 měsíci

    17.5 months to get my certificate from Northumbria. Took them 6 weeks to send out the paperwork after my home visit which actually only took 20 minutes. Did raise a complaint with the PCC after a year following BASC’s report on forces’ performance not that it did any good but good to vent.

  • @Jolly56Roger
    @Jolly56Roger Před 11 měsíci +5

    Great review David. my shooting keeps me sain it's my life . I love it and I don't know what I would do without it . Cheers Roger.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @combatclifton
    @combatclifton Před 11 měsíci

    I’m with Thames Valley. Had my grant through the back end of lockdown all done within 6 months. Grant for my Firearms cert no more then 6 months. My FEO has been spot on I can’t fault the service I’ve had under the circumstances other members have been waiting over 12 months with the MET

  • @user-ts3vd7ly7t
    @user-ts3vd7ly7t Před 11 měsíci

    Up in scotland it took me about 4 months but that was with me constantly chasing them up anout my home visit

  • @kevinedge9824
    @kevinedge9824 Před 11 měsíci +1

    OH and I have pretty much given up on getting our shotgun licenses. 18 months we've been waiting now. We have been told if we complain we'll just get pushed to the back of the queue. We live in Dorset and met a couple of guys who live in Wiltshire, amazingly it took them about 6 weeks to get their licences. To say it's disappointing is an understatement!

  • @DavidMartin-ym2te
    @DavidMartin-ym2te Před 11 měsíci +3

    Here in Scotland it's very good. The police approach you for your renewal well in advance asking for the forms to be filled in, money to be paid etc. and they will call for the visit appointment nearer the time. (You only have to contact them if you are giving it up). All went smoothly and local firearms bobby came round for a quick interview and look at the safe and collect the forms. He said you should get the renewal before expiry and it came a day or so after. Mind you, around here most people seem to have a shotgun (my son's renewal was a few months earlier) and the doctors' are well versed in the form filling (£50 each application), so maybe that helps.

    • @robertjohnstone9570
      @robertjohnstone9570 Před 11 měsíci

      Hi, where in scotland are you? I'm north ayrshire and hoping get sorted this year.

  • @anthonyeyles7223
    @anthonyeyles7223 Před 11 měsíci +1

    We the shooting community need to voice this however I feel that as individuals we are worried what repercussions to ourselves might be. Also I think that's the licensing process needs a massive overhaul as I think depending on the force I.e wiltshire being a rural county are better than a more suburban area force

  • @freecitizen7372
    @freecitizen7372 Před 11 měsíci

    Wow! Thank God I live in America where I can go to the store and purchase any gun I want without issue.

  • @gregs9218
    @gregs9218 Před 11 měsíci +1

    MET area: I’ve met with FAO on shooting range- and confront him about my SG application (with few email responses), and been told that there is nothing he can do for now - he needs to wait for the backlog to be cleared (1k applications) - and there will be 4 more persons align to help them out from September- So please don’t have any hope to have it earlier than 12 months.

  • @Yorkshirepigeonshooting
    @Yorkshirepigeonshooting Před 11 měsíci +2

    I have to say South Yorkshire police FEO's are on the ball with issuing certificates, I submitted my new application in April and took a total of 8 weeks to receive my SGC on my door mat.
    I had heard of some people waiting 12 months for their certificates being issued, but SYP deserve credit where credit is due from me.

  • @Blondejam
    @Blondejam Před 11 měsíci +3

    I feel quite fortunate in this respect. I am based in Somerset and the application process took six months. I was not taken aback by this as I had been on a shoot in Devon and was lucky enough to end up with a group of lads from Essex and some of the guys were annoyed as some had to wait some eighteen months for certification, now that is much to much. I think the police service regardless of which area they are in in the UK are probably finding difficulty in appointing a FAO in their area especially in rural areas where there are farmers, gamekeepers etc that need to re-licence etc. I would imagine that in the truly urban setting that there are not that many application for SGC's. Resources of officers must be a burden for some areas and the clerical support for application in various forces is a consideration too. I am going to throw a spanner in the works here for consideration and comment. Why can't the government consider handing over this esencial duty to the military police? For sure most people in this country live knowingly or not are quite close to a military garrison and so most of which will have a military police presence. I'm not suggesting that they turn up in uniform with a billy club in hand to interview etc but they are trained in civilian as well as military law. And no I am not asking for a Junta to oversee our population, the military police also have the Special Investigation Bureau of witch I am sure both arms are not inundated with drunk squaddies every weekend, but am so so convinced that police authorities would be enhanced by having this simple administrative process sidelined from them so that they do not have to use their own resources for these duties, and let's face it the military are paid for anyway. Anyway it's just a thought. The height of the box should not be looked at as the ceiling... Cheers peeps

    • @jonnyevans5209
      @jonnyevans5209 Před 11 měsíci +1

      I'm in Somerset too and have been waiting just over a year and still have not had it granted, so you were fortunate. Part of the problem apparently having spoken at length to the head of licensing was that the FEO that covered my patch was not able to perform home visits and was on restricted duties. Recruitment and retention of FEO's is also a problem by all accounts with the job not being highly paid, together with budgets given to departments not sufficient to provide an expedient service, training times of new FEOs taking about 6 months before they are able to be let lose on their own and lastly the increased interest in shooting post Covid with increased applications, oh and the war in Ukraine with the influx of Ukrainians bringing their firearms with them (Including some of their olympic team).
      I see the thinking about handing it over to military police and it initially seems sensible but not sure I would like the military having control of civilian possession of firearms. I would also add that whilst it's the responsibility of the police service to grant licences in my experience it's not actually the police that do the work but rather civilian staff employed by the police. I think the solution is to remove it from police control and set up a dedicated body responsible for it, removal of certain tasks from FEO's and passing them to admin monkeys to free up time for home visits, like making the calls for referencing etc.
      I think that the short term solution is to complain to your chief constable and MP so that pressure is put on them to reallocate budgets, the long term solution is to remove it from police control and to set up a dedicated national licensing body. If everyone complained once the 60 day mark mentioned in the video has passed then they cannot ignore it, problem is people are worried about upsetting the people granting their license and therefore scuppering their chances of approval/renewal. I complained after 9 months of waiting and whilst it made no difference to my application my dissatisfaction has been noted about service levels.
      I would point out it's not the fault of the actual people doing the job but rather the fault of the senior management of some of the police forces, if some areas of the country can issue them within 60 days then there is no excuse for other areas of the country not to be doing so, this postcode lottery can't continue.

  • @lifeshort
    @lifeshort Před 11 měsíci +1

    9wks from application to certificate through door (TVP). Quite a few of my friends seem to be receiving similar service.

  • @rizo_gti7263
    @rizo_gti7263 Před 7 měsíci

    17months so far in Gloucestershire to get to the stage of FEO Home Interview. Been told it could be another couple months to receive my SGC in the post 😮

  • @montanamountainmen6104
    @montanamountainmen6104 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Glad I'm in the USA , no certificate needed. You guys across the pond have it rough.

  • @Incountry
    @Incountry Před 11 měsíci +4

    My good friend who lives in Somerset in UK, applied for his Certification in September 2022, he just got his interview last week and the Officer checked his fitted security safe, he said that now they do ongoing checks which could take another couple of months before (maybe) it’s even granted.
    So hopefully he’ll get his soon, then I’ve got another excuse to fly over and go on a “Duck Hunt”…. Although I think he meant Nintendo Duck Hunt and I’m player 2..!

    • @jimbob4447
      @jimbob4447 Před 11 měsíci +4

      took me around 12 months just to get my interview but that went well and was issued my SGC around a month after that. The delays are inexcusable. It should not be taking 13 months to issue a certificate I don't care what they say.

    • @Incountry
      @Incountry Před 11 měsíci +1

      Crazy stuff…

  • @Scania370
    @Scania370 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Just got my SGC. I applied for it 3 years ago, I have previously had an SGC. I had to write to my local MP in the end, I got standard letter from Dorset police blaming Covid and the Plymouth shootings. 3 months on the FEO has checked my cabinet and I have my SGC. I think this is partly due to Dorset police not working with Devon and Cornwall (Plymouth) anymore.

    • @MegaRoss93
      @MegaRoss93 Před 11 měsíci +1

      Glad to hear you got it, as I'm also in Dorset and applied May 2021, still waiting. Had it confirmed in January that they've got everything they need and just need the FEO to come check my security, but nothing since

  • @KeithYoung-js2po
    @KeithYoung-js2po Před 11 měsíci

    I applied on the 2-2-22 .18 months ago I live in Shropshire.

  • @custardtyrant
    @custardtyrant Před 11 měsíci

    The thing that held up getting my licence was the medical requirement. My GP surgery has a policy of not supporting anyone for a licence which meant getting a private company to apply for my medical record on my behalf and sending it to the police. The surgery wouldn't give it direct to me which seems odd.

  • @iantunnicliffe4509
    @iantunnicliffe4509 Před 11 měsíci

    Really well said ❤ Lewis police really good i have had no problems 👍

  • @colindavies754
    @colindavies754 Před 11 měsíci +3

    Not sure about not needing a shotgun cabinet, good luck getting one without it, and also if your broken into at home and it's taken good luck explaining to the Police when they turn up why you didn't have it secured away

  • @martynf65uk
    @martynf65uk Před 11 měsíci +1

    Nothing but praise in my experience for the Wiltshire Force

    • @matthewcollins1748
      @matthewcollins1748 Před 5 měsíci

      How long dud yours take? Just applied after getting my medical back

  • @DJONES8610
    @DJONES8610 Před 11 měsíci +1

    @TSC do you think the recent shooting at White lodge shooting ground will now have an even more severe impact on our sport? From what i heard they were great people doing great things for Clay pigeon shooting.

  • @brigerz9344
    @brigerz9344 Před 11 měsíci

    18 months waiting here in Northamptonshire, not heard anything.. have emailed the firearms department but they don’t reply to any questions about the waiting time

  • @Chris_P_Bacon0788
    @Chris_P_Bacon0788 Před 11 měsíci +2

    The problem is funding. Let’s face it a shotgun certificate in the UK is cheap as chips - I’m told a fishing licence is more expensive! The customer service and experience reflects the cost - which is poor.
    I would quite happily pay £500 for 5 years for my licence if it meant 1) the process was efficient and 2) the correct due diligence is in place to ensure prohibited people do not accidentally get issued a licence, further threatening the sport.

  • @AlexP-hl4wn
    @AlexP-hl4wn Před 11 měsíci

    I’m in Dorset and have dealt with at least three FEOs over the years and every one has been excellent, there just aren’t enough of them. Funding is the key issue.

  • @Musakhalid2023
    @Musakhalid2023 Před 11 měsíci

    Totally agreed, it’s like one plane high jacked and you suspect every traveller as high jacker

  • @chrissywhiskers
    @chrissywhiskers Před 11 měsíci

    I’m with the MET and they informed me it would be delayed and gave me an extension so I can still shoot. Hopefully it won’t be delayed too long but they were a bit vague on that part…

  • @jrb6610
    @jrb6610 Před 11 měsíci

    Glad I live in the USA. Takes about 5 minutes to do the background check online at the place of purchase.

  • @viking_nephilim8883
    @viking_nephilim8883 Před 11 měsíci

    I applied for my licence in January, I am still waiting. I did get a phone call to say my application was put in before their cut off. I have asked for my local MP to get involved as I emailed the police chief and PCC for help to no avail.

  • @PaulVarley-oh2io
    @PaulVarley-oh2io Před 9 měsíci +1

    Is as shooters should all stand together

  • @user-oc5zs5gx4q
    @user-oc5zs5gx4q Před 5 měsíci

    Just as a comparison, from applying to receiving 13 weeks, this was Police Scotland, so not to bad compared to other areas

  • @alexfuller4202
    @alexfuller4202 Před 11 měsíci +2

    I waited 9 weeks for my doctors to do my medical. Kept getting told "we havnt got time to do it" sent an email to my local MP, he sent an email to my doctors and like magic doctors had it done within 24hrs.. i recomend speaking to MP if doctors take the micky

  • @mrglasses8953
    @mrglasses8953 Před 11 měsíci

    I have a neurological problem, (FND) though am almost recovered. Will this prevent me getting one?
    My gun would have to be kept in gun storage or at a club, as I live in rented accommodation.

  • @mohammadali300
    @mohammadali300 Před 9 měsíci

    Hi I am commenting quite late. I believe semi-autos are great for clay or the range.
    As a single shooter it would be useful to hunt in the out-backs.
    However, if in company ( other hunters) people prefer having over and under when hunting ducks or quail.

  • @Urbanspacefox
    @Urbanspacefox Před měsícem

    Refused licence by dcc after a 3 year wait. I’d had lessons and even been told by an instructor that I’d gotten as good as I’m gonna get on rental gear…
    Reason given was stress/depression issues…. All declared on my application and over 5 years old.
    Feels like an arbitrary decision tbh but my appeal options are limited with 0 funding to hand..

  • @LoveBikesDorel
    @LoveBikesDorel Před 8 měsíci

    Hello Sir! Very useful information and attitude! I use to shoot allot in Europe. Do i need to apply for citizenship first? I have only Indefinite time to remain being EU .

  • @Mr.AG.
    @Mr.AG. Před 11 měsíci

    I`m about to apply my certificate now. I`m in Cambridgeshire. Any issues with this region about timing?

  • @jonathanhart262
    @jonathanhart262 Před 11 měsíci

    I have also now complained to both the crime commissioner and my Local MP. And the relative failure of my local force.

  • @joelhall5124
    @joelhall5124 Před 11 měsíci

    I've had a terrible time with TVP, sadly.
    I've heard Hertfordshire is one of the best.

  • @josephcharlett6229
    @josephcharlett6229 Před 6 měsíci

    I recently got quoted £140 from my GP to fill out the TV police medical pro forma!
    Luckily I found a third party online (I won’t mention the company name so I can stay impartial). They were brilliant, for £70 they request release of your medical details through the GDPR legislation with your GP, and then their own qualified doctor inspects them and fills the form out. Can take about 30 days, but for me and many others £140 is too much to pay when you’re trying to get set up in a hobby.
    Hope that helps! If you Google third party shotgun medical certificates I’m sure you’ll find them 😊

  • @Scott7169
    @Scott7169 Před 9 měsíci

    Sent my application in December 2022. It's just passed checks and forwarded to FLO, no idea of how long this will take. Have complained to West Mercia PCC. No reply yet. Very slow and frustrating. Would BASC be able to help?

  • @petermartin6734
    @petermartin6734 Před 11 měsíci

    I have spoken to David months ago regarding going up to the shop and having a lesson and buying a gun 8 months later still waiting for my certificate Dorset.

  • @smokinbutts2
    @smokinbutts2 Před 11 měsíci

    Glad I am in America!

  • @acdcjonnyboy
    @acdcjonnyboy Před 5 měsíci

    I applied for my renewal, with 2 months to go before my license ran out, got my application in before the recommended 2 month cutoff date, 3 months after my license has expired I'm currently still waiting... This is ridiculous.

  • @TalltallTim16
    @TalltallTim16 Před 11 měsíci +1

    I applied through North Yorkshire Constabulary for my SGC in august of last year and only just received it two weeks ago. Abysmally poor is an understatement.

  • @osua6a
    @osua6a Před 11 měsíci

    I sent an email over the day this came out (written by chat gp ironically), stating that the cost of borrow guns and cartridges from clay grounds was causing issues, and Id joined a syndicate and was worried I'd miss the start of the game season. I had a phone call on Monday and my FEO visit today 👍 should get my certificate in a fortnight! Thanks

    • @chrisgundry1398
      @chrisgundry1398 Před 10 měsíci

      Nice, happy for you! Did you email your PCC or someone else?

    • @osua6a
      @osua6a Před 10 měsíci

      @@chrisgundry1398 Chief inspector. Had a generic response from his secretary, but had a call from the FAO a day later

    • @chrisgundry1398
      @chrisgundry1398 Před 10 měsíci

      @@osua6a Thanks, will give it a go!

  • @johnalexander7369
    @johnalexander7369 Před 9 měsíci

    In the US and not sure exactly how politics work there but become a single issue voter and the more local influence you can have the better. Preserve your heritage

  • @mykeready3742
    @mykeready3742 Před 5 měsíci +1

    David I think that this needs to be sorted out but the shooting industry not individual people for one simple reason. If the shooting industry does nothing then their business will fail at the cost of millions to the economy. This means the likes a BASC and the shooting schools, and the industry as a whole getting their heads together on this. It’s easier for companies to lobby parliament. The shooting industry has more clout than Joe Bloggs in Norfolk.

  • @markwalter428
    @markwalter428 Před 11 měsíci +1

    , I come from Dorset I have been waiting 2 years and to come and look at my cabinet

  • @amishpaterson1845
    @amishpaterson1845 Před 11 měsíci

    I love shooting a want to see the sport grow. Please can we get together and do a march in London we need to make our self heared by the public at this is a genuine sport and we want to continue for our next generation

  • @tomfrench3245
    @tomfrench3245 Před 11 měsíci +1

    We all know the police are under resourced and haven’t prioritised staffing gun licensing. But let’s be honest, we all also worry that if we kick up a fuss, the police will make it harder to get an SGC or FAC, or there will be some other pushback.
    I honestly think the only answer is to be much more vocal - at the first sign of delays or unnecessary restrictions, politely contact the licensing unit - and copy in your Police and Crime Commissioner, MP, Chief Constable and maybe the press too. Gently make the point that you are trying to pursue a legitimate hobby legally, that you are ready to spend money and support the shooting economy - and that the police are preventing you from doing so, and that they are consciously deciding to under-resource licensing. This problem won’t go away unless we make it clear to those in charge - particularly those who are elected - that this isn’t a good look for them.

  • @jimbob4447
    @jimbob4447 Před 11 měsíci +4

    Took 13 months to get my SGC from start to finish. No issues other than that but despite chasing them up 13 months is inexcusably bad.

    • @switch666.
      @switch666. Před 11 měsíci +1

      I am 13 months in and still waiting mate ! I have been given 3-4 months waiting time still !!

    • @gregs9218
      @gregs9218 Před 11 měsíci

      What region? I am in MET area - beed told by various Met admin (not FAO) that nothing will be resolved for at least 12 months now

    • @switch666.
      @switch666. Před 11 měsíci +1

      @gregs9218 MET aswell I'm afraid to say. Average around 16 months according to my local firearms Officer!

  • @e2.com1973
    @e2.com1973 Před 11 měsíci

    Well said !
    We've got similar problems at Hellas Republic.
    Thank god new police officers are much better trained than old ones.
    If we want a safe gun society we gave to train people right after they start school education.
    And ofcource there will be a proper selection on whose gonna get to own a gun or not.
    Please excuse my poor English.
    My name is Steve (Stefanos)Bouratzis and Iam an official instructor of the Hellenic shooting federation.
    Whenever you need more info or exchange ideas i will be at your disposal.
    Please let me know if you're interested.
    Thank you.

  • @tim-moffy
    @tim-moffy Před 3 měsíci

    Mine took 9 months and the FEO I dealt with was rude and very unprofessional, the whole process was harder than it needed to be.

  • @grahamallison2990
    @grahamallison2990 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Very inefficient state monopoly is firearm licensing, who just perform appallingly in dealing with the most scrutinised and honest members of society. One mental guy goes rogue, but due to multiple failures by those responsible for implementing the rules, he is able to commit terrible crimes. Yet the whole shooting community is deemed in need of further investigation. What other group in the UK are treated like this. Appalling for an organisation who is supposed to work for us, we’re even called customers these days, which is just a joke.

  • @shannonlt100
    @shannonlt100 Před 11 měsíci

    My brothers had his application denied.police are claiming he has 2 charges on his records from 15 years ago,he's never once been in trouble with the police but there having non of it

  • @tonyemans4512
    @tonyemans4512 Před 11 měsíci

    Applied in April, took 4 months to receive email acknowledgment of my application. Was told they we’re prioritising renewals or those who’s employment required it.
    Been told and spoken to people in the same area as me that it will take 12 months ! Don’t complain or you will just go to the back of the pile. They are the police ! What can you do?

  • @bentuffin6357
    @bentuffin6357 Před měsícem +1

    Took me 3 and a half years for them to process my license in Cumbria uk and I'm a farmer with plenty of land. No conviction or medical history. Complete joke

    @AJTHEGASMAN Před 5 měsíci

    It’s been a year and two months and I haven’t heard anything from the police local police is Dorset police they have my medical just has nothing back if I start making enquiries I’m afraid they will put me to the bottom of the pile What do I do

  • @quikie1984
    @quikie1984 Před 10 měsíci

    The comment about the cabinet maybe true but as mentioned below - i doubt you would have a sucessful application without one and id probably prefer that it was mandatory at minimum. If the unsavoury fella was to know about what your holding and decided to visit when you were out it would prob be best to give him something to fight with. Preferably a double locked cabinet minimum! Just ones opinion

  • @aaronjones7476
    @aaronjones7476 Před 11 měsíci

    Applied for both myself and son back in March 2022!!! Still nothing, we have attended a shotgun skills course, installed the cabinet and provided the medicals, we shoot every Saturday at our local club where we have been members for 2 years but it really is ridiculous how long South Wales police are taking. I have emailed them and had the reply 'theres a back log'!

    • @ianyanto123
      @ianyanto123 Před 8 měsíci

      hi @aaronjones7476 this worries me as i'm about to apply in south wales, have you had any luck since, also what club are you with as im on the lookout from the Cardiff area. Thanks

    • @aaronjones7476
      @aaronjones7476 Před 8 měsíci +1

      ​@ianyanto123 No still waiting! So frustrating when you hear other areas are getting their licences through quicker
      So..... the wait continues

  • @the45er
    @the45er Před 11 měsíci +2

    We are fighting hard over here in the U.S. to maintain the right to keep and bear arms. We haven’t reached the point the U.K. Has with shotguns, but the anti’s are trying. We have a sickness in our country that has nothing to do with gun ownership. It has everything to do with mental health. Fight every gun restriction rule that is proposed by your government! Look at Chicago where hundreds of gun related incidents occur every year. They have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country and these laws do nothing. You Brits developed the most fun clay sport there is (sporting clays). Don’t let your government impede you from buying the tool you need to enjoy it.

  • @jonnyevans5209
    @jonnyevans5209 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Great video, as of today 1 Year and 2 days waiting for Avon & Somerset police to approve & issue mine, home visit done 6 weeks ago and still waiting. Complained to the chief constable after 9 months of waiting and got nowhere apart from excuses and reasons but no solutions and saying they will be dealt with in order, funny they dealt with my complaint expediently and efficiently but not my application. Only just had a new MP elected a couple of days ago after the previous one was suspended but intend to write to her. Window shopping for a shotgun in the next county of Devon and Cornwall and they told me that people in that county are having a 2 year wait.

    • @wayne59
      @wayne59 Před 11 měsíci +1

      They told you right mate. My friend been waiting 27 months.

  • @bitore62
    @bitore62 Před 11 měsíci

    I live in the US. In the worst state NY. They should grandfather anyone who is a member of a shooting club, or a national organization. That's first order of business. Second get the money people together, the lawyers and Dr, the Professors. Stand up to them, with intelligence and power. I'm behind you all.

  • @rhysgrwhitaker
    @rhysgrwhitaker Před 9 měsíci

    Hi I was just wondering if anybody could help me I have been shooting with air rifles since I’ve turned 18 I’m now 22 and im wanting a shotgun for shooting clays , my only problems are I struggle with depression and have been convicted with 3 section 39s would I be wasting my time applying. Thanks in advance

  • @user-lg2pf2mr1t
    @user-lg2pf2mr1t Před 11 měsíci

    Mine license was issued by Northumbria police and never had any bother with them they even respond back within 2 days of notifying them of a new or sold gun. However my renewal is coming up soon so my comments may change depending on outcome! Some lads at my shoot have been waiting over 12 months for Durham police, there forcing expensive medicals on them and generally taking the mick. The current situation is disgusting.

    • @neilkeenan2827
      @neilkeenan2827 Před 11 měsíci

      Northumbria police, waiting 12 months now, had the FO visit who said all was ok. Then rang two days later to say they now need more information from the doctor. 2 weeks to get the letter for what information they required. Another week and another £104 for the doctor? Everything is as per the application, Still waiting 😮

  • @Hemsley84
    @Hemsley84 Před 11 měsíci +1

    I have just this minute written to my MP about the inflated charges which my surgery is levying on medical questionare completion - in excess of £130. And that's just the first hurdle. Who knows what else I might be greeted with along the way. To give context, I'm in the Thames Valley.

    • @lifeshort
      @lifeshort Před 11 měsíci

      Unfortunately what your individual surgery chooses to charge you would be of no interest to them. That's just your GP taking the piss.
      You could've used MedCert at a fixed £60.

    • @Hemsley84
      @Hemsley84 Před 11 měsíci

      @@lifeshort - I've not gone ahead with it yet, and have been considering MedCert - have you used them? I emaild them a couple of questions and have heard nothing back...

    • @lifeshort
      @lifeshort Před 11 měsíci

      @@Hemsley84 I did mate, yeah.
      My own experience with them was very good (only a year ago, just before the cops started accepting applications again), but there's one or two dud reviews on them too if you google. Also things are even busier now.
      There's I think 2 other companies offering a similar independent service, but I forget their names. Have a google for it.
      If you have a great relationship with your GP and he promises to turn it around quick, the £130 might be justifiable. If not, and they won't even put a timescale on doing it, go Medcert etc
      Good luck with it :)

  • @liam2005
    @liam2005 Před 11 měsíci +1

    I've been waiting now since December 2022, FEO came out in Feb of this year and latest update I've had is that it's gone to the firearms licencing manager for a decision; that went up to them in May; I've had no medical history, criminal convictions or issues with the police, but have been told that because my step-daughter is autistic and that at the beginning of covid my wife suffered badly with brain fog/feeling she couldn't breath (this was at the time drs/hospitals were only seeing those who needed ventilation) she felt no-one was listening to her medically and drove off, not taking her phone etc; so we called the police out of worry that my application needs enhanced review for a decision; merely reference home office consultation requirements from August last year. Do I complain or does this put me in a worse position? It's completely demoralising when simply I just want to go and enjoy the sport, not being tied to having to borrow shotguns on-sites or restricted around set costs for cartridges etc.
    Any advice/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    • @jonnyevans5209
      @jonnyevans5209 Před 11 měsíci

      Surely if you demonstrate sufficient security of your shotguns you should be ok, i.e. obviously locked shotgun cabinet but that you keep the keys on you at all times, maybe additional locks like a trigger lock and in a locked under stairs cupboard, ammo separate and locked etc to show additional measures, but if they decline it then maybe a compromise, although not ideal would be to keep your shotguns out of the home i.e a shooting ground or gun shop that offers storage?
      I personally am all for complaining if a reasonable person would agree the delay is unsatisfactory, they are the police service and are clearly not providing you with the service you or any reasonable person would deem as acceptable. I'm a year+ waiting for mine to be issued and complained once month 9 had been hit, I considered the fact that a complaint might prejudice my application but on balance took the view that it was completely justified and reasonable based on the fact that at month 9 the wait time had increased by 50% on service levels (published by BASC) from a year ago.
      Whilst my complaint has not resolved anything it will have been noted and if everyone complained they couldn't ignore it and would have to tackle service times. I guess having a rather dated law degree means I am less intimidated by the law so was more confident to complain. I would lastly note that the FEO when he visited (a jolly nice fellow in case he is reading this) was completely unaware that I had complained which was positive in that my complaint would not prejudice my application. Your decision I guess, I have my fingers crossed for you.

    • @liam2005
      @liam2005 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@jonnyevans5209 When the FEO visited and we went through all the questions security was one of the things I was clear about i.e cabinet already secured based on FEO guidance, cartridges stored away from house in locked safe, keys for cabinet either on me or again in separate safe no-one but me has access to. I've also been part of the shooting community for most of my life, but stupidly relied on my grandfather rather than getting my cert many years ago.

  • @charlesholder8009
    @charlesholder8009 Před 11 měsíci

    My doctor's surgery held up my medical report for five months for no reason at all they just could not be bothered.

  • @switch666.
    @switch666. Před 11 měsíci

    13 months i have been waiting in Gloucestershire ! I have been given 3-4 months waiting time still. Unbelievable !

    • @nathl2321
      @nathl2321 Před 11 měsíci

      I waited 9 months for mine 😢

    • @switch666.
      @switch666. Před 11 měsíci

      @nathl2321 its honestly ridiculous!

  • @OliCM3
    @OliCM3 Před 11 měsíci +2

    I would be happy to pay more for my certificate if A - it was processed in a timely manner, and B - it came in the form of a small, passport like book.
    Successfully making it through the most laborious process of applying for your SGC to then receive some folded up, crudely stapled A4 sheets of paper is a joke IMO.

  • @GunnyRabbit
    @GunnyRabbit Před 6 měsíci +1

    I’ve said it before and ill say it again… Until all disciplines of shooting band together and adopt a we’ll all lookout for each other stance rather than the as long as I’m alright jack attitude that still runs today we will always be on the loosing end. The other thing is to step up and do something for the community.. How many filled out the survey for the lead ban the UKPSA put out? There were two put out… the first time round just over 2000 people responded! How many shotgun and section 1 certificate holders are there out there??? What a joke…

  • @karlmurray4479
    @karlmurray4479 Před 6 měsíci

    Still waiting for GP proforma after 3weeks, before I can attach to my SGC application to then send off and wait up to12 months for a home visit then maybe a couple more after that… as a novice shooter who has reached the stage where getting a license is the next step forward into the sport this can be disheartening to say the least.

    • @TSCTheshootingchannel
      @TSCTheshootingchannel Před 6 měsíci

      If you send us an email at contactus@theshootingchannel.co.uk we may be able to help you speed this up.

    • @karlmurray4479
      @karlmurray4479 Před 6 měsíci

      @@TSCTheshootingchannel Thanks guys,I would certainly be grateful for your help and advice if nothing changes going into the new year.

  • @chiz2002
    @chiz2002 Před 11 měsíci

    308 days for Hampshire plod for my cert last year so 60 days would have been bliss

  • @ianmacdonald3152
    @ianmacdonald3152 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Maybe licensing should be taken from the police and a separate governing body should be employed in each county

  • @rimski7265
    @rimski7265 Před 5 měsíci

    Anyone know what Merseyside’s waiting times are like?

  • @jimmarcham6271
    @jimmarcham6271 Před 11 měsíci

    Credit where it's due - I live in Cheshire and Cheshire Police have continued to deliver excellent service for the 30 years I've been here.
    That said, I know the story nationally is very different.
    Not sure on the specifics, but I thought the Police were legally obliged to provide a firearms licensing service (?)
    If they fail to fulfil that requirement then surely some form of legal regress would be in order ...
    A bold move, but implemented on a national scale by a conglomerate of national bodies ( BASC/CPDA/NGO/etc) should send a clear signal.
    Just my thoughts ....

    • @genghishank1
      @genghishank1 Před 11 měsíci

      Cheshire are great with me also. My renewal took 5 weeks. My friend got his first time grant in only 4 months too

  • @benstallard9924
    @benstallard9924 Před 11 měsíci

    Applied in Feb to TVP and still waiting….