Kathleen MacInnes - Ceud Failt air Gach Gleann

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • Kathleen MacInnes Performs a wonderful rendition of Ceud Failt' air Gach Gleann (A Hundered Greetings to Each Glen) at the 2009 Celtic Connections in Glasgow.

Komentáře • 19

  • @blair8585
    @blair8585 Před 11 lety +5

    Amazing, I do not understand the words, but i certainly understand that
    this language is old and it hits me in a spot that most music cannot, Love it

  • @thorplands9
    @thorplands9 Před 13 lety +2

    Kathleen is a beautiful singer , what a lovely song.

  • @jamescameron6677
    @jamescameron6677 Před 9 lety +4

    Beautiful Lady and a fantastic voice -lovely

    @KSMCEVOY Před 12 lety +4

    Beautiful!! It gets you way deep in your soul!!

  • @ItsAmeliaMadeline
    @ItsAmeliaMadeline Před 11 lety +3

    her voice is lovely

  • @deeliciousplum
    @deeliciousplum Před 11 lety +3

    Beautiful piece and voice.

  • @BeautifulSoulgurl
    @BeautifulSoulgurl Před 13 lety +2

    wow this is so beautiful she is good i love ittttt ty for posting :) i am glad i am finding my grandpas music he was from glasgow died this year in usa here he missed that alot

  • @johnmcinnes8170
    @johnmcinnes8170 Před 6 lety +2

    Haunting and beautiful

  • @hobertlee7598
    @hobertlee7598 Před 3 měsíci


  • @armeldenis4921
    @armeldenis4921 Před 6 lety +1

    I love I love I love

  • @wanderinggael
    @wanderinggael Před 12 lety +1

    Angelic Voice!

  • @2javadave
    @2javadave Před 13 lety +1

    Unreal voice! Nice!

  • @tonimaturo8470
    @tonimaturo8470 Před 10 lety +9

    Ceud fàilt' air gach gleann A hundred greetings to each glen
    'S air na beanntannan mòr And to the great mountains
    'S iad a chuimhnich dhomh 'n t-àm They reminded me of the time
    Ghabh mi sannt air bhith beò That I first wanted to live
    Nuair a bha mi ri fonn When I used to enjoy myself
    Còmh' ri clann 's iad ri spòrs Along with the other children as we played
    Mu bhruaichean nan allt About the banks of the streams
    'S iad nan deann bho gach lòn Which were rushing from each pool
    'S iomadh creag agus càrn Many's the rock and the stone-pile
    'S iomadh gàrradh is bruaich Many's the dyke and the bank
    Aig 'n do shìn mi ri sgàth Against whose shelter I lay down
    A huile là bhithinn fuar Every day that I felt the cold
    'S ged bu lìonmhor mo chàirdean Although my relations were numerous
    Bha pàirt dhiubh gun truas Some of them had no pity at all
    'S an tè shaothraich rim thàladh While she who had struggled to rear me
    A' cnàmh anns an uaigh Was wasting away in the grave
    B' òg a chreach am bàs mi Death bereaved me when I was very young
    Aig aois a dhà no trì At two or three years of age
    Cha b' urrainn dhomh bhith dàna I dared not look for solace
    'N lùib mo chàirdean airson sìth Amongst my relations
    Nuair thugadh bhuam mo mhàthair When my mother
    An uair sin dh'fhàgadh mi Was taken away from me
    Mar neach air thuar bhith bàthte I was left like someone who was on the point of drowning
    Nach b' urrainn snàmh gu tìr And was incapable of swimming ashore
    Ghabhainn comhairle gach aon I took the advice of everyone
    'S dh'fhàg siud faoin mi nam dhòigh And that caused me to behave foolishly
    'S mi falbh mar a dh'fhaodainn I wandered as best I could
    Tro shaoghal nam beò Through the land of the living
    Chuir mi ùidh anns gach sìon I took active interest in everything
    A bhiodh a' riarachadh m' fheòil That satisfied my flesh
    'S cha robh càs a bh' ann riamh There wasn't a peril in existence
    Nach robh triall air mo thòir That wasn't in close pursuit of me
    'S cluinnidh mise daonnan I always hear people
    Aig daoine nach eil òg Who are no longer young
    Gur lèir dhaibh mar tha 'n saoghal Remarking on how obvious it is to them
    A' caochladh cho mòr That the world is rapidly changing
    'S gur e fìor dhuine dall And that only the blindest of men
    Bhiodh a' samhlachadh stòir Would put wealth before the life
    Ri beatha chlann nan daoine Of the children of men
    Nach fhaod fuireach beò Who are not permitted to stay alive

  • @44elvina
    @44elvina Před 11 lety +1

    A hundred greetings to each glen

  • @matthughes549
    @matthughes549 Před 10 lety +2

    I have no idea what she is saying but it sounds familiar and she is very beautiful.

  • @clemenskockx5632
    @clemenskockx5632 Před 7 lety +1

    geweldige stem. Rustgevend gezang

  • @MarkRobertCuthbert
    @MarkRobertCuthbert Před 11 lety +1

    yes beautiful and a good looking woman too.

  • @igarvarazhbianav8013
    @igarvarazhbianav8013 Před 7 lety

  • @thephilosophyer
    @thephilosophyer Před 10 lety

    A Mhaighdean ussial Bhan.