When Did People Stop Trusting the Bible? - Dr. Steve Boyd

  • čas přidán 30. 07. 2024
  • Hebraist Steve Boyd explores how different philosophies and new approaches to the Bible undermined its authority over the past 400 years.
    This lecture is from our 2017 'Is Genesis History?' conference. We invited a number of scientists and scholars to teach in-depth on the Creation/Flood model. For more than 70 creation science lectures just like one, please visit: ☞bit.ly/2WsUHx1
    Dr. Boyd is a specialist in biblical Hebrew, Semitic languages, and Old Testament studies. He has a BS and MS in Physics from Drexel University, a ThM in Old Testament and Semitics from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Hebraic and Cognate Studies from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. He was a visiting professor at Capital Bible Seminary, Multnomah Biblical Seminary, and Northwest Baptist Seminary, and was a professor at The Master’s College sixteen years. He was on the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth research team; and he is the founder and director of the Cataclysm Chronology Research Group.
    For more information about Dr. Boyd, please visit: bit.ly/37Iu2kx.
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Komentáře • 49

  • @sierragrey7910
    @sierragrey7910 Před 7 měsíci +3

    Thank you. This is the first time I’ve heard someone address polemics against the Bible before the Enlightment. And now I know why oil paintings from the Renaissance and afterward often pictured the biblical subjects dressed in contemporary clothing and settings.i was surprised that even the Reformers questioned canonicity. It shows the fallibility of even our greatest theologians.

  • @anime4326
    @anime4326 Před 7 měsíci +1

    2 Peter 1:20-21 refutes your testimony on Scripture being inspired alone.

  • @cptrikester2671
    @cptrikester2671 Před 7 měsíci +2

    BTW, the 11'8" bridge is now a 12'4" bridge.
    The truck peeling has reduced significantly.

  • @Nixijokenzi
    @Nixijokenzi Před 7 měsíci +2

    Very informative. Thank you 😊

  • @Vernon-Chitlen
    @Vernon-Chitlen Před 7 měsíci +5

    Amos 8:11 Behold the days are coming, says the Lord God, that I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst of water, but of hearing the words of The Lord. 2 Thess 2:1-4 Now brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him. Let no one deceive you by any means; that day WILL NOT COME unless the falling away comes first. Luke 18:8 I tell you that He will avengen them speedily. Nevertheless, when The Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth? The "church" is fading, Matt 7:13-14 Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and their are many that go in by it. (14) Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it.

  • @mattrange5439
    @mattrange5439 Před 7 měsíci +2

    That title will be a head scratcher for a lot of folks, including myself. Undermined? Marginalized? Perhaps. Dethroned? Never.

    • @skepticalfaith5201
      @skepticalfaith5201 Před 7 měsíci +1

      We are saved through Jesus and the Spirit in our hearts, not what we believe. Jesus never said trust the scriptures, he said the Spirit will guide you into all truth.

  • @JUST1N888
    @JUST1N888 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Scripture has never been undermined . The scripture is the Truth . It is true it does not matter what bad people say or even if the whole world does not believe it . Remember the whole world will have evil in their hart continually just like in the days of Noah . Stay strong God Bless you brother

    • @skepticalfaith5201
      @skepticalfaith5201 Před 7 měsíci +2

      We are saved through Jesus and the Spirit in our hearts, not what we believe. Jesus never said trust the scriptures, he said the Spirit will guide you into all truth.

    • @warnerchandler9826
      @warnerchandler9826 Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@skepticalfaith5201That is an unusual approach compared to the Scriptures.
      Romans 10: 8b-13, 17 "The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
      [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
      [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
      [11] For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
      [12] For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
      [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      [17] So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

  • @donaldpowers3314
    @donaldpowers3314 Před 7 měsíci +3

    It's always been from after the temptation of 40 days and nights it's written that from that tie one he went throughout the land saying repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand even to the words he spoke after his resurrection sayig All power in Heaven and Earth has been given to Him go forth unto all the world And Teach . Baptize those in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost TEACHING them to OBSERVE ALL THINGS THAT I'VE COMMANDED YOU TO Do..and lo I am with you unto the end.
    Its always been wJSD..

  • @MrFinius
    @MrFinius Před 7 měsíci

    Is "human" even a scriptural word?

  • @MrFinius
    @MrFinius Před 7 měsíci

    Was it not the Capernican revolution that opened the door to deep time?

  • @truebaptistfilms
    @truebaptistfilms Před 7 měsíci +1

    The quick answer is: Copernicanism. And sadly most creationists don’t even go after that particular error.

    • @michi9816
      @michi9816 Před 7 měsíci

      yes, it might have been copernicanism and his successors like kepler and Galilei. it took the catholic church some 400 years to apologize for the cruelty done to him. I have to add, there are far more conservative religious groups than roman catholics.

  • @nookymonster1
    @nookymonster1 Před 7 měsíci +1

    The moment, I realized it was a fairy tale.

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Před 7 měsíci

    Simply put they are already judged it's was and is up to them to repent this will always be the outcome and end to those who decided to make war against God and do evils in the world and nobody gets away with anything these works leaders billionaires others although the law of the Earth condones turns a blind eye to to them this why your satanic justice is blind there is absolutely no escaping the justice that awaits in the graves

  • @michi9816
    @michi9816 Před 7 měsíci +1

    if god had wished to reveal the very details about the universe, earth, life and all the rest, he would have chosen some other way of communication than the verses in the bible. it might be some kind of mathematic formulars or a symbolic language much more consistent, unambiguous and most importantly more advanced than our current way humans describe this miracle. however, there is a problem with this approach: people living in a society of farmers and shepherds would not understand, what god is talking about. if this issue would be really important to god he would do a few more things: improving our brain capacity would be a beginning. so don‘t worry too much about the accuracy of the bible and scientists still scratching the surface. too technical and not spiritual ? maybe, but insisting earth was made some 6000 years ago is far worse.

    • @ericroessing3517
      @ericroessing3517 Před měsícem

      You would have to be GOD to know this: "if god had wished to reveal the very details about the universe, earth, life and all the rest, he would have chosen some other way of communication than the verses in the bible."

    • @michi9816
      @michi9816 Před měsícem

      @@ericroessing3517 No, this is simple reasoning and basic knowledge about physics, maths and engineering.

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Před 7 měsíci

    The same God has obligations the Gods angels has obligations you all have obligations that you are fulfilling

  • @pmsutube
    @pmsutube Před 7 měsíci +2

    I dont need human's understanding to have Holy Spirit. This video content is dangerous IF used to attack science.

    • @scottb4579
      @scottb4579 Před 7 měsíci +4

      Is it dangerous for science to be used to attack the Word of God?
      The history of science is a history of constant correction, whereas the Word of God endures forever.

    • @pmsutube
      @pmsutube Před 7 měsíci

      @@scottb4579 science still too young, not good enough to attack God, but god of this world fool christisn using peer pressure to make christians drift to science views. What a pitty christian.
      Christian are saved by Jesus, why you invites science into ?
      Can you now tell the dangar of this video ? 😀😀😀 it's a double traps, christian can not see it, but God does, as your home work if you like

  • @residuejunkie4321
    @residuejunkie4321 Před 7 měsíci +1

    *How? Read Amos **8:11** then type in (proof of bible change residue junkie) AND BRACE YOURSELF!!!*

    • @deprogrammershepherd1234
      @deprogrammershepherd1234 Před 7 měsíci


    • @Alec_Cox
      @Alec_Cox Před 7 měsíci +1

      LOL, Your imagination is running wild - As with King Saul: he was shut off from God because of his evil towards David; Saul tried to kill David several times out if Jealousy/Envy of David.
      Also, during times of wealth as under King Solomon Israel went after strange gods and worshipped idols, This is also a prophecy of what happened in the 70 years captivity in Babylon. Honoring evergreen trees which were a worship of Tammuz, the Son of Semiramis and Nimrod (who was also the son of Semiramis through Cush, Nimrod's Father. And honoring, "The Queen of Heaven" who was Semiramis while in Babylon. (Semiramis AKA Isis, Diana, Luna The Moon goddess, who BTW is also, Allah; Hence, the crecent moon as the symbol of both the Roman Catholics and Islam.
      The LORD is always with His people as he was with Daniel, Paul, and the Disciples who became Apostles, which Paul was one because he had seen the risen Christ on the road to Damascus, probably when he went to Mt Sinai, which is in Arabia.
      Galatians 1:16-18 - In Context-
      "16 to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:
      neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus. 18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days."

    • @residuejunkie4321
      @residuejunkie4321 Před 7 měsíci

      ​@@Alec_Cox*LOL, you just never received the love of the truth enough to notice any of the thousands of obvious changes in your bible. WHEAT obey God's commandment to ''prove all things'' even if they don't believe what's presented. That's how the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. But tares, such as your pitiful self just argue and will perish for a lack of knowledge. Amos *:11 is just one of many previously misinterpreted prophecies, and all of them are pointed out in the films you're too scared to watch. Strike 1*

    • @residuejunkie4321
      @residuejunkie4321 Před 7 měsíci +1

      ​@@Alec_Cox*I answered on your latest video kid.*

    • @Alec_Cox
      @Alec_Cox Před 7 měsíci

      @@residuejunkie4321 Kid? Wow! , you really are up yourself.

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Před 7 měsíci

    God is going to labour intervene and fight because it's a obligation when God's obligations are finished those of you who cared not condoned allowed evil acts towards God and his love ones will be in for a rude awakening what is to due to carless heartless people selfish people inconsiderate ungrateful are all those things that God has prevented will fall upon you and you will not be able to handle what was on God's plate who g was all your problems

  • @skepticalfaith5201
    @skepticalfaith5201 Před 7 měsíci

    A better question is when did the scriptures BECOME “authoritative”? No one even thought that the Bible might be inerrant (and thus authoritative) until the Fundamentalists at the beginning of the last century. It was a reaction to the doubts that were being expressed by secular historians of the day. Rather than acknowledge the facts and wrestle with how that affected one’s faith, they just said “*F it! It’s all true! Word for word. And you can’t tell us otherwise.” And thus was born the argument against Christianity that it ignores what’s true and denies what’s right in front of it.

    • @sierragrey7910
      @sierragrey7910 Před 7 měsíci

      What you are asking is answered by the issue of canonicity. If you cannot accept the supernatural you will not except the authority of scripture. The fundamentalists did not do has you suggest-act on “blind” faith. The Fundamentalists of one hundred years ago were not what is called fundamentalist, today. The Fundamentalists of 1920, for example, affirmed the scriptures against German higher criticism and modernism. They were not the shouting backwoods preacher, King James Version only, that are the Fundamentalists of our times. If you want to read a Princeton professor who was a Fundamentalist if that time, google J. Gresham Machen. A short book of his that can be found for free is “Christianity and Liberalism.” It was written a century ago but reads like a book of the 21st century.

    • @garyh2100
      @garyh2100 Před 7 měsíci

      People call “science” whatever supports their ethos. The evidence against the big bang is:
      - Mature galaxies exist where the BB predicts only infant galaxies (like the 13.4Bly distant GN-z11)
      - An entire universe-worth of missing antimatter contradicts most fundamental BB prediction
      - Observations show that spiral galaxies are missing millions of years of BB predicted collisions
      - Clusters of galaxies exist at great distances where the BB predicts they should not exist
      - A trillion stars are missing an unimaginably massive quantity of heavy elements, a total of nine billion years worth
      - Galaxy superclusters exist yet the BB predicts that gravity couldn't form them even in the alleged age of the cosmos
      - A missing generation of the alleged billions of first stars that the failed search has implied simply never existed
      - Missing uniform distribution of earth's radioactivity
      - Solar system formation theory wrong too
      - It is "philosophy", not science, that makes the big-bang claim that the universe has no center
      - Amassing evidence suggests the universe may have a center
      - Sun missing nearly 100% of the spin that natural formation would impart
      - Supernova theory for the origin of heavy elements now widely rejected
      - Missing uniform distribution of solar system isotopes
      - Missing billions of years of additional clustering of nearby galaxies
      - Surface brightness of the furthest galaxies, against a fundamental BB claim, is identical to that of the nearest galaxies
      - Missing shadow of the big bang with the long-predicted "quieter" echo behind nearby galaxy clusters now disproved
      - The CMB and other alleged confirmed big bang predictions (Google: big bang predictions. See that we're #1.)
      - These "shouldn't exist" - supermassive black holes, an iron-poor star, and a dusty galaxy - but they do
      - A nearby iron-poor star is dated at more than a billion years older than the age of the universe
      - Fine tuning and dozens of other MAJOR scientific observations and 1,000+ scientists doubting the big bang.

    • @michi9816
      @michi9816 Před 7 měsíci

      @@garyh2100yes, there might be something wrong with all this theories, but guess what: better ones will come. we still argue with people claiming the earth was created some 6000 years ago.

    • @garyh2100
      @garyh2100 Před 7 měsíci

      @@michi9816 theories are great. Minds and books are full of them. So far the best secular theories have failed to produce evidence

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Před 7 měsíci

    If God is labouring for a people who could give a rats rear end about him what good you think will come from that?

  • @ferdnerkel
    @ferdnerkel Před 7 měsíci

    This entire lecture is pointless. The Bible's presentation of salvation is via metaphors, none of which lack and ending point. The bride of Christ, like all brides will unite with her groom. The thief gets his goods. The harvest eventually ends. The end is NOW!

  • @timkasten343
    @timkasten343 Před 7 měsíci

    😅they stopped when they were able to objectively fact check it. Fractured Fairy Tales at best.

    • @stevenhenry1625
      @stevenhenry1625 Před 3 měsíci

      How can you fact check ancient history. Archaeology helps. There has never been an archaeological discovery that is contrary to the claims of scripture in any significant way. You can say theres alot we dont have evidence for, which is an argument from silence and a logical fallacy, but not one piece of evidence that refutes the history of scripture has been found to date.

  • @bearbones4347
    @bearbones4347 Před 7 měsíci +6

    The bible is always in authority.. nice try though

    • @the.bronze
      @the.bronze Před 7 měsíci +1

      Authority of what? It is a belief, not an authority.