Soothing Quran Recitation | Surah An-Nasr ( سورة الـنصر ) with Roman Transliteration | Easy Quran

  • čas přidán 14. 06. 2021
  • Listen to the beautiful live recitation of Surah An-Nasr ( سورة الـنصر ) with Roman Transliteration. Surah An Nasr - Listen and memorize for Namaz / Salat. Easy Quran for Kids.
    110.1 It was narrated that ‘Aishah (رضي الله عنها) said
    The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم) often used to say when bowing and prostrating:
    سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك اللهم اغفر لي Glory be to You, O Allah, and praise; O Allah forgive me,
    following the command given by the Qur’an
    فسبح بحمد ربك واستغفره Then exalt [Him] with praise of your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him (110:3) Sunan Ibn Majah Vol. 1, Book 5, Hadith 889
    110.2 Narrated Aisha (رضي الله عنها)
    When the “Surat-An-Nasr”, had been revealed to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم), he did not offer any prayer except that he said therein,
    سبحانك ربنا وبحمدك ، اللهم اغفر لي I testify the Uniqueness of our Lord, and all the praises are for Him: O Allah, forgive me! Sahih al-Bukhari Vol. 6, Book 60, Hadith 491
    110.3 Ubaidullah b. ‘Abdullah b. ‘Utba (رضي الله عنه) reported
    Ibn Abbas (رضي الله عنه) said to me: Do you know-and in the words of Harun (another narrator): Are you aware of-the last Sura which was revealed in the Qur’an as a whole? I said: Yes,
    اذا جاء نصر الله والفتح Thereupon, he said: You have told the truth. And in the narration of Abu Shaiba (the words are): Do you know the Sura? And he did not mention the words “the last one”. Sahih Muslim 3024 a
    110.4 Narrated Anas bin Malik (رضي الله عنه)
    That the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم) said to a man among his Companions: “Have you married O so-and-so?” He said: “No by Allah O Messenger of Allah! And I do not have anything to marry with.” He said: “Do you not know: Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad (112)?” He said: “Of course.” He said: “It is a third of the Qur’an.” He said: “Do you not know Idha Ja Nasrullahi Wal-Fath (110)?” He said: “Of course.” He said: “It is a fourth of the Qur’an.” He said: “Do you not know Qul Ya Ayyuhal-Kafirun (109)?” He said: “Of course.” He said: “It is a fourth of the Qur’an.” He said: “Do you not know Idha Zulzilat Al-Ard? (99)” He said: “Of course.” He said: “It is a fourth of the Qur’an.” He said: “Marry, marry.” Jami` at-Tirmidhi Vol. 5, Book 42, Hadith 2895
    110.5 Narrated Ibn `Abbas (رضي الله عنه)
    `Umar (رضي الله عنه) asked the people regarding Allah’s Statement:
    اذا جاء نصر الله والفتح They replied, “It indicates the future conquest of towns and palaces (by Muslims).” `Umar said, “What do you say about it, O Ibn `Abbas?” I replied, “(This Surat) indicates the termination of the life of Muhammad. Through it he was informed of the nearness of his death.” Sahih al-Bukhari Vol. 6, Book 60
    110.8 Narrated Ibn `Abbas (رضي الله عنه)
    `Umar (رضي الله عنه) used to admit me (into his house) along with the old men who had fought in the Badr battle. Some of them said (to `Umar), “Why do you allow this young man to enter with us, while we have sons of his own age? ” `Umar said, “You know what person he is.” One day `Umar called them and called me along with them, I had thought he called me on that day to show them something about me (i.e. my knowledge). `Umar asked them, “What do you say about (the Sura):
    Some of them replied, “We are ordered to praise Allah and repent to Him if we are helped and granted victory.” Some said, “We do not know.” Others kept quiet. `Umar then said to me, “Do you say similarly?” I said, “No.” `Umar said “What do you say then?” I said, “This Verse indicates the approaching of the death of Allah’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم) of which Allah informed him. When comes the help of Allah and the Conquest, i.e. the Conquest of Mecca, that will be the sign of your Prophet’s) approaching death, so testify the uniqueness of your Lord (i.e. Allah) and praise Him and repent to Him as He is ready to forgive.” On that, `Umar said, “I do not know about it anything other than what you know.” Sahih al-Bukhari
    #SurahNasr #LiveQuran #Transliteration

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