Tales of the Abyss: Guy Remembers

  • čas přidán 13. 09. 2024
  • Here guy remembers How his family were killed and why he is afraid of woman. He gives a pretty graphic description on what he saw. Poor Guy, still think he bats for Luke though.
    "I was buried under their bodies, unconcious and covered in blood"

Komentáře • 26

  • @aleksattebery
    @aleksattebery Před 12 lety +14

    In the anime, it shows you him climbing out becuase he was scared xx

  • @LaZeeStuff
    @LaZeeStuff Před 10 lety +6

    I actually shed some tears watching this. Poor, poor, poor Guy. :'

  • @diamondseraph9369
    @diamondseraph9369 Před 3 lety +12

    Guy is one of those characters I really want to hug and say that everything will be alright...like, it's okay honey (even thought you're like two years older than me--), I'm here for you. But...I'm a girl. So that would likely only make things worse. I mean, literally ever since the first showing of his phobia I just wanted to hug him...
    Because I _GET IT._ I had _SEVERE_ Androphobia (fear of men) ever since I was like 7-8 (technically I was probably younger when I first developed it since it was likely first a result of...er...shall we say...a daily run in with a pedophile that lasted for possibly around four years but it was a much more mild case when I first developed it and it only really became severe after my father (who had abandoned my mother, baby brother, and I shortly after learning of my aforementioned encounters only to come back temporarily around 2-3 years later) started practically verbally abusing me so that's around the time I really fully developed my androphobia) I mean, my phobia wasn't quite as bad as Guy's but it was really close. Like, I didn't outright freeze up/start shaking but--actually...you know...now that I think about it in a way my phobia was both better (as in less severe) and worse. I mean, sure I was able to touch males if I absolutely had to but even then it was only several years later when I was starting to get better and even with that being said I would only ever touch fingertips with them because I was too scared to shake hands or give them fist bumps and my parents (mother and grandmother) outright forced me to do so...but I'd still freeze up a bit whenever a male touched me. And on top of that I could barely even be in the same room as a man without having at least a miniature panic attack (unlike Guy who has no problem being around women just so long as they aren't touching him/too close and outright admitted to enjoying looking at beautiful women). I couldn't even look them in the eyes...I mean, I can never look anyone in the eyes (having the social aspects of autism sucks...although luckily I excel at staring directly past people so it _LOOKS_ like I'm looking them in the eyes) but still. And talking to them? There are only a few men I've met throughout my life who I've been able to talk to without even the slightest bit of uncomfort who wasn't a kid (back when I was still suffering from the full brunt of my phobia it still technically extended to almost all males but I was okay with really little kids (well, kind of, they actually had to be a lot younger than me) and given enough time with other kids my age or who were either a year or two older/younger than me I was able to start to feel more comfortable around them so I could in theory (I say in theory because I usually don't talk to anyone unless we either have a shared interest or if I'm off of my medicine) talk to them and hang out with them without a problem but it took me a lot longer with males and they _HAD_ to be around my age or have a common interest). I literally had two full on mental breakdowns back in high school (when I was actually almost completely over my phobia by the way) because all of the seats on the bus were taken except for ones next to boys and I was afraid to sit next to them so I tried to sit in the aisle instead of taking a seat. So the first time a girl had to switch seats so I could sit next to her and the second time I was forced to sit with a boy who I thankfully happened to know a bit and was a little more comfortable around. So sure I may have been able to touch guys without looking like I'm having a seizure but at the same time I was definitely a lot less functional than Guy...
    Anyway...sorry for going kind of off topic.
    TLDR: I just want to give guy a hug because I totally know what it's like to have a crippling phobia of the opposite sex due to childhood trauma.

  • @Nash-AC
    @Nash-AC Před 14 lety +5

    when guy said i remember i head a msn alert sound lol

  • @aurogk9037
    @aurogk9037 Před 3 lety +1

    Guy plot in the story: Haha he's scared os women Guy plot after this point: *Lore song intensifies*

  • @GrindyVine
    @GrindyVine Před 3 lety +1

    Not only phobia, he pretty much got Mental scar for.. Yeah

  • @aleksattebery
    @aleksattebery Před 12 lety +2

    I must agree with you here XD I find the GAME death hilarious! But in the anime its a bit more realistic, and its 10x sadder than this DX I love Guy...hes amazing :D

  • @EXHellfire
    @EXHellfire Před 12 lety +1

    similar to Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin, though Ken didn't get any phobias

  • @MintSeraph
    @MintSeraph Před 16 lety

    LOL! i noticed that too! i mean, it's sad and i felt really bad for Guy, but she went flying and there wasn't any blood at all. O_0

  • @Penguin24
    @Penguin24 Před 17 lety

    It says at the top, Tales of the Abyss.

  • @EXHellfire
    @EXHellfire Před 12 lety +1

    why was Guy outside the chimney from one scene to the other?

  • @Azurescar
    @Azurescar Před 16 lety

    am i the only one who actually think that mary's death was hilarious? cause i just wanna know why she was flying in mid air when she could have just ran towards gailardia. and when she got socalled sliced in the back... she stuck her head up as if it felt good or something.

  • @torterra289
    @torterra289 Před 15 lety +1

    guys family killed:

  • @MadnessReturns
    @MadnessReturns Před 16 lety

    Its a rated T game O_o not a bloody M.

  • @danfat77
    @danfat77 Před 16 lety

    what do u mean bats for luke.wait duke fon fabre was responsible hmmm

  • @EXHellfire
    @EXHellfire Před 12 lety

    I figured as much, but damn are Namco Bandai lazy huh...

  • @pyaraa
    @pyaraa Před 17 lety

    kk good i wanted some one i didnt know opinnion before i played teh gameya know :)

  • @LegendOfLink5130
    @LegendOfLink5130 Před 16 lety

    LULZ! ya i know! i thought mary's death was funny too.. they should at least make the scene more dramatic cuz Guy described that there was blood but why isn't there? XD

  • @pyaraa
    @pyaraa Před 17 lety

    hey are u playing this ?

  • @pyaraa
    @pyaraa Před 17 lety

    is it a good game like rat it from 1-5 1 as horribley bad and 5 as in super special awesome :)

  • @LegendOfLink5130
    @LegendOfLink5130 Před 16 lety +1

    lol ya i know its a T rated game..and teens could handle blood right? cuz i'm ok with it ^_^