The Twenty-one Homage to Tara - In Tibetan

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
  • I do not own this audio
    Imagine: Green Tara by Venessa1
    Video title: The Twenty-one Homage to Tara - In Tibetan
    Copyrighted content: 天法21財神儀軌
    Claimed by: The Orchard Music

Komentáře • 325

  • @meditationrelaxingmusic4k

    If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique, you can face anything in your life, you have the strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone, you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by these positive vibes and live your life to the fullest.

  • @Michael-xr2cc
    @Michael-xr2cc Před rokem +15

    Thanks a million to Green Tara! She has been with me? She helped me few times!!!

  • @misterchristopher8857
    @misterchristopher8857 Před 2 lety +15

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful 21 Tara practice. May all beings benefit.

  • @yangchandolkar7485
    @yangchandolkar7485 Před 3 lety +8


  • @chessumrumba8635
    @chessumrumba8635 Před 3 lety +8

    Thank you So much 🙏 for sharing these Mantras 😍..Tara Devi bless us🙏and you all members 🙏

  • @seankeikbusch9404
    @seankeikbusch9404 Před 2 lety +18

    May all beings be happy and free from suffering

    • @pilarcabrera82
      @pilarcabrera82 Před 9 měsíci +1

      Everyday listen this precious puja his a Big gift in this life.❤

  • @AkiThunderpaw
    @AkiThunderpaw Před 4 lety +19

    May Green Tara and her 21 emanations give support, refuge, comfort, happiness, bliss, prosperity, abundance and total health and wellness and protection to all sentient beings for all eons to come. May she be most blessed abs happy and peaceful ABC's free of suffering worry and anger along with all emanations and those that benefit. Thank you 🐾🙏💎🍀📿🌌🦊😍🌌🌈🥰🏳️‍🌈🌈 Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha!

  • @mayasherpa660
    @mayasherpa660 Před 4 lety +11

    Great And Beautiful BlessingTara.

  • @amaliamaris9108
    @amaliamaris9108 Před 4 lety +12

    thankyou very much for prayer very beautiful 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  • @ttagu6811
    @ttagu6811 Před 3 lety +24

    I believe the beginning chant is recited by Muksang Kuchen Rinpoche, one of the heart sons of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche of Namdroling Monastery, Palyul Nyingma Lineage. Thank you for sharing!

  • @zipei1673
    @zipei1673 Před 4 lety +22

    OM Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha! Thank you! May dharma prevail in the worlds! 🙏

  • @simorebitte8015
    @simorebitte8015 Před 6 lety +15

    Thanks 🙏🏻 ever morning I playing this..

  • @unseen3277
    @unseen3277 Před 2 lety +6

    Om je tsün ma phag ma dröl ma la chhag tshäl lo
    Om Homage to the Venerable Arya Tara.
    Chhag tshäl dröl ma nyur ma pa mo
    Chän ni kä chig log dang dra ma
    Jig ten sum gön chhu kye zhäl gyi
    Ge sar je wa lä ni jung ma
    Homage to you, Tara, the swift heroine,
    Whose eyes are like the instant flash of lightning,
    Whose water-born face arises from the blooming lotus
    Of Avalokiteshvara, protector of the three worlds.
    Chhag tshäl tön käi da wa kün tu
    Gang wa gya ni tseg päi zhäl ma
    Kar ma tong thrag tshog pa nam kyi
    Rab tu chhe wäi ö rab bar ma
    Homage to you, Tara, whose face is like
    One hundred full autumn moons gathered together,
    Blazing with the expanding light
    Of a thousand stars assembled.
    Chhag tshäl ser ngo chhu nä kye kyi
    Pä mä chhag ni nam par gyän ma
    Jin pa tsön drü ka thub zhi wa
    Zö pa sam tän chö yül nyi ma
    Homage to you, Tara, born from a golden-blue lotus,
    Whose hands are beautifully adorned with lotus flowers,
    You who are the embodiment of giving, joyous effort, asceticism,
    Pacification, patience, concentration and all objects of practice.
    Chhag tshäl de zhin sheg päi tsug tor
    Tha yä nam par gyäl war chö ma
    Ma lü pha röl chhin pa thob päi
    Gyäl wäi sä kyi shin tu ten ma
    Homage to you, Tara, the crown pinnacle of those thus gone,
    Whose deeds overcome infinite evils,
    Who have attained transcendent perfections without exception,
    And upon whom the sons of the Victorious Ones rely.
    Chhag tshäl Tuttara Hum yi ge
    Dö dang chhog dang nam kha gang ma
    Jig ten dün po zhab kyi nän te
    Lü pa me par gug par nü ma
    Homage to you, Tara, who with the letters
    Tuttara and Hum
    Fill the (realms of) desire, direction and space,
    Whose feet trample on the seven worlds,
    And who are able to draw all beings to you.
    Chhag tshäl gya jin me lha tshang pa
    Lung lha na tshog wang chhug chhö ma
    Jung po ro lang dri za nam dang
    Nö jin tshog kyi dün nä tö ma
    Homage to you, Tara, venerated by Indra,
    Agni, Brahma, Vayu and Ishvara,
    And praised by the assembly of spirits, raised corpses,
    Gandharvas and all yakshas
    Chhag tshäl Trad che ja dang Phat kyi
    Pha röl thrül khor rab tu jom ma
    Yä kum yön kyang zhab kyi nän te
    Me bar thrug pa shin tu bar ma
    Homage to you, Tara, whose Trad and Phat
    Destroy entirely the magical wheels of others.
    With your right leg bent and left outstretched and pressing,
    You burn intensely within a whirl of fire.
    Chhag tshäl Ture jig pa chhen po
    Dü kyi pa wo nam par jom ma
    Chhu kye zhäl ni thro nyer dän dzä
    Dra wo tham chä ma lü sö ma
    Homage to you, Tara, the great fearful one,
    Whose letter Ture destroys the mighty demons completely,
    Who with a wrathful expression on your water-born face
    Slay all enemies without an exception.
    Chhag tshäl kön chhog sum tshön chhag gyäi
    Sor mö thug kar nam par gyän ma
    Ma lü chhog kyi khor lö gyän päi
    Rang gi ö kyi tshog nam thrug ma
    Homage to you, Tara, whose fingers adorn your heart
    With the gesture of the sublime precious three;
    Adorned with a wheel striking all directions without exception
    With the totality of your own rays of light.
    Chhag tshäl rab tu ga wa ji päi
    U gyän ö kyi threng wa pel ma
    Zhe pa rab zhä Tuttara yi
    Dü dang jig ten wang du dzä ma
    Homage to you, Tara, whose radiant crown ornament,
    Joyful and magnificent, extends a garland of light,
    And who, by your laughter of Tuttara,
    Conquer the demons and all of the worlds.
    Chhag tshäl sa zhi kyong wäi tshog nam
    Tham chä gug par nü ma nyi ma
    Thro nyer yo wäi yi ge Hum gi
    Phong pa tham chä nam par dröl ma
    Homage to you, Tara, who is able to invoke
    The entire assembly of local protectors,
    Whose wrathful expression fiercely shakes,
    Rescuing the impoverished through the letter Hum.
    Chhag tshäl da wäi dum bü u gyän
    Gyän pa tham chä shin tu bar ma
    Räl päi khur na ö pag me lä
    Tag par shin tu ö rab dzä ma
    Homage to you, Tara, whose crown is adorned
    With the crescent moon, wearing ornaments exceedingly bright.
    From your hair knot the buddha Amitabha
    Radiates eternally with great beams of light.
    Chhag tshäl käl päi tha mäi me tar
    Bar wäi threng wäi ü na nä ma
    Yä kyang yön kum kün nä kor gäi
    Dra yi pung ni nam par jom ma
    Homage to you, Tara, who dwells within a blazing garland
    That resembles the fire at the end of this world age;
    Surrounded by joy, you sit with your right leg extended
    And left withdrawn, completely destroying all the masses of enemies.
    Chhag tshäl sa zhi ngö la chhag gi
    Thil gyi nün ching zhab kyi dung ma
    Thro nyer chän dzä yi ge Hum gi
    Rim pa dün po nam ni gem ma
    Homage to you, Tara, with hand on the ground by your side,
    Pressing your heel and stamping your foot on the earth;
    With a wrathful glance from your eyes you subdue
    All seven levels through the syllable Hum
    Chhag tshäl de ma ge ma zhi ma
    Nya ngän dä zhi chö yül nyi ma
    Svaha Om dang yang dag dän pä
    Dig pa chhen po jom pa nyi ma
    Homage to you, Tara, O happy, virtuous and peaceful one,
    The very object of practice, passed beyond sorrow.
    You are perfectly endowed with Svaha and Om,
    Overcoming completely all the great evils.
    Chhag tshäl kün nä kor rab ga wäi
    Dra yi lü ni nam par gem ma
    Yi ge chu päi ngag ni kö päi
    Rig pa Hum lä dröl ma nyi ma
    Homage to you, Tara, surrounded by the joyous ones,
    You completely subdue the bodies of all enemies;
    Your speech is adorned with the ten syllables,
    And you rescue all through the knowledge-letter Hum.
    Chhag tshäl Ture zhab ni deb pä
    Hum gi nam päi sa bön nyi ma
    Ri rab mandhara dang big je
    Jig ten sum nam yo wa nyi ma
    Homage to you, Tara, stamping your feet and proclaiming Ture.
    Your seed syllable itself in the aspect of Hum
    Causes Meru, Mandhara and the Vindya mountains
    And all the three worlds to tremble and shake.
    Chhag tshäl lha yi tsho yi nam päi
    Ri dag tag chän chhag na nam ma
    Tara nyi jö Phat kyi yi ge
    Dug nam ma lü pa ni sel ma
    Homage to you, Tara, who holds in your hand
    The hare-marked moon like the celestial ocean.
    By uttering Tara twice and the letter Phat
    You dispel all poisons without an exception.
    Chhag tshäl lha yi tshog nam gyäl po
    Lha dang mi am chi yi ten ma
    Kün nä go chha ga wäi ji gyi
    Tsö dang mi lam ngän pa sel ma
    Homage to you, Tara, upon whom the kings of the assembled gods,
    The gods themselves and all kinnaras rely;
    Whose magnificent armour gives joy to all,
    You who dispel all disputes and bad dreams.
    Chhag tshäl nyi ma da wa gyä päi
    Chän nyi po la ö rab säl ma
    Hara nyi jö Tuttara yi
    Shin tu drag pöi rim nä sel ma
    Homage to you, Tara, whose two eyes - the sun and the moon -
    Radiate an excellent, illuminating light;
    By uttering Hara twice and Tuttara,
    You dispel all violent epidemic diseases.
    Chhag tshäl de nyi sum nam kö pä
    Zhi wäi thü dang yang dag dän ma
    Dön dang ro lang nö jin tshog nam
    Jom pa Ture rab chhog nyi ma
    Homage to you, Tara, adorned by the three suchnesses,
    Perfectly endowed with the power of serenity,
    You who destroy the host of evil spirits, raised corpses and yakshas,
    O Ture, most excellent and sublime!
    Tsa wäi ngag kyi tö pa di dang
    Chhag tshäl wa ni nyi shu tsa chig
    Thus concludes this praise of the root mantra and
    the offering of the twenty-one homages.

  • @user-wr8eu4cf5r
    @user-wr8eu4cf5r Před 4 lety +20

    Пусть всем придет помощь,
    Живите на радостьях,восхваляйте жизнь какая она есть, !!!😘😘😘

    • @ongyallepcha5781
      @ongyallepcha5781 Před 2 lety

      Om Jechin Phama Dolmala cha chal lo. OM tarey Tu Tarey turkey swha

  • @carolinedaulat454
    @carolinedaulat454 Před 3 lety +3

    Ohhhh lalalala wouahhhh... merveilleux... 🤗🤗🤗💓💓💓✨✨✨🌈

  • @Renoir21
    @Renoir21 Před 4 lety +10

    Powerful. Thank you. Blessings!

  • @dawalama8840
    @dawalama8840 Před 3 lety +13

    Dear dharma brothers and sisters of the universal mother of compassion, will u kindly remove the restriction to download this so pervasive prayer as there is no internet facilities in my village in the form of dharma gift in this holiest and most auspicious month of SagaDawa, thank u and may the blessings of this timeless prayer multiply your happiness billionfold

    • @themisterolichip
      @themisterolichip Před 3 lety +3

      Hi, the person who uploaded this video has no control on download restrictions, this is controlled by CZcams itself. However you can still download the video using a youtube download website, like this one:
      Hope this helps, may you be happy

  • @mlctotalgreen8489
    @mlctotalgreen8489 Před 3 lety +9

    OM... Homage to the venerable GREEN TARAMA.,
    PEMA KAMALA YA SA TAM or please be seated on the fully bloomed LOTUS seat atop my head.
    I prostrate with innermost devotion.
    May all beings have the loving kindness and compassion in abundance throughout their life times.

  • @tsetenlamo8353
    @tsetenlamo8353 Před rokem +4

    Om Shanti 🕉
    Infinite ♾️ Thank You my most Beloved ,Sweetest ❤️‍🔥Supreme Father,the Supreme Benevolence for this MotherTara .. Empowered Chant💥
    May Peace ✌️ Prevail 💫❤️‍🔥
    Infinite LightMightLove ♾️ for 💚everyone in different realms ✨️
    Take 💚 care
    ❤️‍🔥Blessings 💥Much Power💗
    Joy to evey soul in these dark times ⏲️ ♥️
    Graciously 💫
    BK CHETAN ☝️

  • @irpoultney7245
    @irpoultney7245 Před 4 lety +11

    May Tara give me blessings always

  • @LetLoveBeVast
    @LetLoveBeVast Před 7 měsíci +1

    What a powerful and profoundly beautiful Love Bomb to be hit by - thank you 🥳🙏🏼 May Dolma, Arya Tara and our swift Heroine and Noble Mother protect and take care of us all, always 🙌🏼💗🙌🏼

  • @notbuddha3982
    @notbuddha3982 Před rokem +2

    This is beautiful and such a precious gift 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️

  • @bikashshah8657
    @bikashshah8657 Před 2 lety +5

    thank you 🙏🙏 Green Tara Maa bless me,
    grant my Wishes with abundant of wealth, good health, helping hands. greeting 🙏🙏

  • @user-mw1fj4ol3g
    @user-mw1fj4ol3g Před 2 lety +2

    🙏🙏🙏💕👵Ом дари дудари дури сухаа🙏🙏🙏 ом дари дудари дури сухаа 🙏🙏ом дари дудари дури сухаа🙏 Эхэ зурган зуйл хамаг амитан амиды амгалан байха болтогой: аюул гэм угы убшэн зоболон угы удэрэй тодхорто дайрулан угы муу зудэ угы 🙏🙏🙏

  • @minhhieutran4787
    @minhhieutran4787 Před 3 lety +1

    Cảm ơn người đọc và biên soạn rất nhiều chúc các thầy và mọi người luôn thành công trên con đường tu tập. Om tare tuttare ture soha

  • @gurudevjain1490
    @gurudevjain1490 Před rokem +1


  • @pemawangdi3029
    @pemawangdi3029 Před 4 lety +5

    Thank you so much for Dharma vedio,

  • @Yextonal
    @Yextonal Před 4 lety +6

    Incredibly beautiful.
    Is it me, or when the first lama or monk, when he recites the Green Tara Mantra very fast, he just say Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sva or So, without the final "ha"? Or does he merges the sounds, svo and ha, as svha... I've seen this kind of contractions of mantras different times, like when in the Vajra Guru Mantra, they recite as "Om a Hum Benzra Guru Pema Siddhi".. and they dont say the last hum. Thanks to whom recited this incredible homage to Tara, to whom post it here and whom answered my question. Many blessings to everyone, from Mexico.

  • @Dharmalotus21
    @Dharmalotus21 Před 7 lety +39

    Beautiful! Thank you for posting. Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Soha!
    Tashi Delek & Peace

  • @user-ng7qb2rx9p
    @user-ng7qb2rx9p Před rokem +2

    Thanks so much for your composers team

  • @phuputiktamang3934
    @phuputiktamang3934 Před 5 lety +9

    Thank you for uploading

  • @conradomscv2250
    @conradomscv2250 Před 3 lety +3

    Thank you🙏

  • @dolmalama4992
    @dolmalama4992 Před 3 lety +8

    Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha 🙏🙏🌹🌹🌺🌼

  • @28105wsking
    @28105wsking Před 3 lety +17

    Thank you! So wonderful to practice to. Im trying to memorize the whole 21 praises, in Tibetan and English, so this is great to practice to! Can't do it yet...tho.

  • @dawasherpa2175
    @dawasherpa2175 Před 4 lety +5

    Thank you🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

  • @nishathing7746
    @nishathing7746 Před 4 lety +2

    Om tare tu tare ture swaha🙏🙏🙏🍀🌻💐🌺🌼🌸🌷

  • @sangyelodromgr4033
    @sangyelodromgr4033 Před 4 lety +6

    Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha🙏🌼🌻💐🌈📿🙇

  • @anandvishwanathan5575
    @anandvishwanathan5575 Před 3 lety +5

    Thank you for sharing this!! Blessings to you from the almighty!!

  • @tseringwangdi5129
    @tseringwangdi5129 Před 7 lety +13

    DOLMA/Green tara prayer (tyepa nyishyu chachig)

  • @yehudahhachassid6191
    @yehudahhachassid6191 Před 5 lety +7

    Om Tam Tara Swaha! Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swaha Om Mangalam!!! May all beings be happy and may the Dharma flourish. SOHA!!!!

  • @irismueller4131
    @irismueller4131 Před 7 lety +27

    Om Tare tutare ture Soha! Nice Version, thank you for upload the green and all togehter mantra ! Thank you so mutch! good work you do.!

  • @pasanglama7266
    @pasanglama7266 Před 4 lety +4

    Ombjraguru padmihung 👏🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏

  • @bandulapriyanthagallagamag8312

    Thanks you so much vidiyo i like 😘😍😍🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴💜💜💜💜🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍

  • @dawachodon3557
    @dawachodon3557 Před 4 lety +5

    Thanks for prayer thank you so much 👍👍👍👍👍

  • @lowfooseong8544
    @lowfooseong8544 Před 3 lety +2


  • @thanhthuyjudynguyen1324
    @thanhthuyjudynguyen1324 Před 4 lety +2

    Very well. Thankfully

  • @helenacortes5962
    @helenacortes5962 Před 7 lety +6

    Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you ad infinitum...

  • @semlamaya1
    @semlamaya1 Před 4 lety +4

    OM TARE TU TARE TURE SOHA🙏🌷🙏🌷🙏🌷🙏🌷🙏🌷🙏🌷

  • @ironrobin
    @ironrobin Před 7 lety +7

    Love these women!

  • @arjunghale1456
    @arjunghale1456 Před 3 lety +2


  • @ugyendema2775
    @ugyendema2775 Před rokem +2


  • @laertehildebrando
    @laertehildebrando Před 6 lety +8

    thanks thanks thanks....... emaho!

  • @tseringyangzom8642
    @tseringyangzom8642 Před 6 lety +7

    Tashi delak katinche ahnila you all are very nice. Thank you.

  • @Summer-zj1uf
    @Summer-zj1uf Před 2 lety +2


  • @TheSunnickey
    @TheSunnickey Před 7 lety +6

    Thank you

  • @pasanglama8788
    @pasanglama8788 Před 3 lety +2


  • @sonampalzor4783
    @sonampalzor4783 Před 4 lety +3


  • @rag774
    @rag774 Před měsícem

    Hats off for those all men and women monks for sang this 21 homage tara

  • @sabinatamang1433
    @sabinatamang1433 Před 4 lety +2

    Om Tare tutare Tare Soho. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💐🌼🌺🌷🥛🍓🍫🍬🎂🍇🍎🐚om ah Hong 3 Thank you so much.

  • @gitalama3463
    @gitalama3463 Před 4 lety +2

    Om tare tu tare ture shoha🌷🌷🌷

  • @alidalavezzari4103
    @alidalavezzari4103 Před 3 lety +2

    May all living beings obtain illumination.

  • @sourojeet
    @sourojeet Před 3 lety +2

    Om Jetsun Ma Pholma Drolma.

  • @yongsuanlin6255
    @yongsuanlin6255 Před 6 lety +4

    Hurray heard the chinese version with dancing 5 years ago.
    Thank you for posting Tibet version。
    The chanting bell and cow horn blowing makes me awake.Happy. apreciated thou i do not understand Tibetan.

  • @melongjigme
    @melongjigme Před 3 lety +2

    Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha 🌺🙏

  • @prernam149
    @prernam149 Před 3 lety

    प्रणाम गुरुदेव, जय माँ तारा l

  • @liliyasady7259
    @liliyasady7259 Před 5 lety +6

    We live in a unique time, and now we are on the verge of great changes that will begin in the 20s of this century. In order to contribute to universal improvements, we, as children of Earth, have free will and we can express our collective intent. Our intention is to ensure that the transformation of the Earth takes place in a milder way, and for the highest good of everyone. Together, we can help the Earth and ourselves in this transitional period. Each of us is very dear to the planet Earth and the contribution of each of us make is priceless.
    We invite you to join the collective meditation, which takes place every Thursday at 21.00. The desired duration of the meditation is 15 minutes. During meditation, try to enter a state of complete love and send Light and Love to our home planet. Our intent is as follows:
    We express our intention and desire that the transformation of the Earth, and the whole world, to Light and Love, is a carried out in a favorable and comfortable manner - for all involved
    We express our intention for each of the representatives of the Earth and the rest of the world to become more conscious and harmonious in their actions, emotions, and intentions;
    - so that more and more Light and Love will manifest itself on all planes of being;
    - so that all people realize their connection with the Earth and begin to take care of it and of each other;
    - that evolution should go its own way on the physical and subtle planes of the Earth and the whole world - in accordance with the evolutionary plan of each individual soul and in accordance with the Higher Plan with the support and guidance of the Spiritual Teachers.
    May all be done according to God's will and for the good of all. Amen. Shanti.

  • @dawatsamchoe4097
    @dawatsamchoe4097 Před 4 lety +2

    Thank u so much

  • @DSDS-tu4zl
    @DSDS-tu4zl Před 6 lety +3


  • @rogerluong7055
    @rogerluong7055 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I praying 🙏 for the Earth's peace and no war

  • @ingridborate1064
    @ingridborate1064 Před 3 lety +2

    Tashi delek 💞🙏🕊

  • @MegaThoiba
    @MegaThoiba Před 3 lety +2

    Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha 🙏🙏🙏

  • @nirkalagurung1980
    @nirkalagurung1980 Před 3 lety +2

    Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Swah🌷🌷🌷

  • @namgyaltendol7059
    @namgyaltendol7059 Před 2 lety +1

    Thanks for share 👍👍

  • @norsanglama7288
    @norsanglama7288 Před 5 lety +2

    Om Ah Hu Bajraguru Pame Shidi Hu 🙏🙏🙏

  • @relajarsemusicagratis5671

    I wish you all the best 😍

  • @t_h7936
    @t_h7936 Před 4 lety +3


  • @tsetsegmaatsetseg1782
    @tsetsegmaatsetseg1782 Před 3 lety +2

    Санжайханд ам бүл108 Ум дарэ дүддарэ дүрэ суха 21ш тоолов Хамаг амьтан амгалан болтугай 💝💝💝😂🙏🙏🙏👫👫👫👫👫

  • @nakeydoma.b8392
    @nakeydoma.b8392 Před 3 lety +1

    Om jetsung phama dolma la tsagtsel lo.
    Om tare tu tare so ha🕊

  • @tenzind4175
    @tenzind4175 Před rokem +1

    Namo Ma 🙏 🙏 🙏 Tara 🌼 🌸 🌻 🌹 🏵

  • @bhutikipa3248
    @bhutikipa3248 Před 2 lety +5


  • @drolmalhamo3744
    @drolmalhamo3744 Před 7 lety +13

    Let's hope the actual owners of the audio are happy with it being posted here ...

    • @wangyalnorbu7987
      @wangyalnorbu7987 Před 5 lety +3

      Drolma Lhamo tipa

    • @junjungatbos3548
      @junjungatbos3548 Před 5 lety +4

      Lets hope its not about monetary gain, but for Spiritual Liberation.

    • @Samudbhava
      @Samudbhava Před 4 lety +2

      ​@@junjungatbos3548 Or Monetary Liberation AND Spritual Gain!!

    • @kylefenrick7842
      @kylefenrick7842 Před 4 lety +2

      The person who first spoke the mantra is dead. The person who translated it to Tibetan is also dead.
      Are you going to go to ever house in Tibet, where one is saying the words, and done them, or be happy that many are making the effort for sentient beings.
      Who did, was what made decent to dark ages.
      Remembrance with veneration for any listening, or reciting.

  • @kimchourtang1325
    @kimchourtang1325 Před 3 lety +1

    Thx you again

  • @jamesamow5565
    @jamesamow5565 Před rokem

    May all beings be happy and healthy..manyblessings

  • @yangchandolkar7485
    @yangchandolkar7485 Před 3 lety +1


  • @dichoklama823
    @dichoklama823 Před 7 lety +4

    I like

  • @bhutikipa3248
    @bhutikipa3248 Před rokem +1


  • @dichoklama1166
    @dichoklama1166 Před 3 lety +8


  • @gurungsharmila6623
    @gurungsharmila6623 Před 3 lety +1

    Thank you Namste

  • @BuddhaLove143
    @BuddhaLove143 Před rokem

    Thank you, May all beings be free from sufferings

  • @shirazawn6601
    @shirazawn6601 Před 4 lety +3

    may I receive your blessings in abundance always

  • @balkumarigurung9015
    @balkumarigurung9015 Před 5 lety +3

    Om tare tutare ture Soha
    Om tare tutare ture Soha
    Om tare tutare ture Soha

  • @chhiringchhiring2376
    @chhiringchhiring2376 Před 4 lety +2

    21 traa puja mantra
    ओम ङोइ ज्योर् यी ले ज्युङ् वा यी कुन तु शाङ्पो छो टिन ग्यी छो ज्यीङ् ग्यो पार् काङ् ज्यो ते फाग मा डोल मा खोर च्यो छो ओम आर्या तारे सापारिवारा बज्रा आर घं प्रति क्ष्या स्वहा ll ओम आर्या तारे स - परिवार बज्र पद्धम प्रति क्ष्या स्वहा ll ओम आर्य तारे स- परिवार बज्र पुष्पे प्रति क्ष्य स्वहा ll ओम आर्या तारे स - परिवार बज्र धुपे प्रति क्ष्य स्वहा ओम आर्या तारे स - परिवार बज्र आलोके प्रति क्ष्य स्वहा ओम अर्या तरेअ स - परिवार बज्र ज्ञन्ध्यो प्रति क्ष्या स्वहा ओम आर्या तारे स - परिवार बज्र नैबिद्धय प्रति क्षय स्वहा ओम आर्या तारे स - परि वारी बज्रा श्याब्दा प्रति क्ष्या स्वहा ll
    ओम आ हुँ ll खाम सुम चुइ ll पल ज्योर दाङ् दा ग लु लोङ् च्यो गे छ्योग कुन थुग जेही दाग नि नाम् ला बुल शे ने ज्यीन् ग्यि लाव तु सोल ओम सर्वा तथागता रत्ना मांडाला पुजा हो ll फागमा डोल्मा ला छ्यगछ्यालो छ्याग छ्यल तारे व्युर मा पा मो तु ता रा य्यो जिग पा सेल मा तुरे दोन कुन ज्यिन प्यो डोलमा स्वहा यी गे खो ला दू दो ll
    छ्याछ्योलो डोल्मा व्युर मा पा मो ll च्योन नि क्यी चिग लोग दाङ् डा मा जिगा तेन सुम गोन छु क्यो शेल ग्यी ll गेसार ज्यो वा ल्यो नि ज्युङ् मा ll छ्य्ग छ्योला तोन कि धा वा कुन तु ll गाङ् वा ग्यो नि चेग पे शेल मा ll कर मा तोङ् ठा ग छ्योग पा नाम क्यी रावातु छ्यि वाई हो इ रावा रावा मा ll छ्याछ्योला सेरङो छु न्यो क्यी क्यी ll पेमा छ्यग नि नाम पार ग्योन मा ll ज्यी न पा चोन डु का थु वा शि वा ll शो पा साम् तेन च्यो युल नि मा ll छ्यग छ्योल दे शिन सेग पे चुग तोर ll थाये नम पर ग्यल वा च्योमा मा ll मा लु फा रोल छ्यीन पा थेवा पेहि ll
    ग्यला वे हि से क्यी सिन तु तेन मा ll छ्यग छ्योल तु तारा हुँ यी गे दो दाङ् छ्योग दाङ् नाम खा गाङ् मा ll जिग तेन दुन पो श्वा क्यी नेन ते लुइ पा मे पर गुग पर नु इ मा ll छ्यग छ्योल ग्यो ज्यीन मे ल्हा छाङ् पा ll लुङ् ल्हा ना छोग वाङ् छ्युग छो मा l l ज्युङ् पो रो लाङ् डी सा नाम दाङ् नो ज्यीन छ्योग क्यी दुन न्यो त्यो मा ll
    छ्याग छ्योल ट ट च्यो ज्या दाङ् फाट क्यी ll फा रोल ठुल खोर रावा तु जोम मा ll ये कुम योन क्याङ् शेवा नेन ते ll मे वर ठुग पा सिन तु वर मा ll छ्यग छ्यो ल तु रे जिग पा छेन पो ll दु क्यी पा वो नाम पर जोम मा ll छु क्यो शेल नि ठो वर देन जे ll डा वो थाम च्यो मा लुइ सोमा छ्याग छ्योल कोन छोग सुम छेन छ्य्ग ग्यि ll सोर मो थुग कार नम पार ग्योनमा ll मा लुइ छ्योग क्यी खोर लो ग्योन पी ll राङगी होइ क्यी छोग नम ठुममा ll छ्याग छ्योल राव गा वा जी पोही ll वु ग्योन हो इ क्यी ठेङवा पला मा ll शे पा राव शे तु ता रा यी दुदाङ जिग तेन वाङ दु जेमा ll छ्योग ल सा सही क्यो ङ वे हि छोग नाम ll ठाम च्यो गुग पर न्यो पा नि मा ठो वेर यो वे हि यी गे हुँ गी फोङ पा थाम च्यो नम पर डोलमा ll छ्याग छ्योला ध वेहि दम वुही वु ग्येन पा थाम च्यो सिन्तु वर मा ll राल पेही ठो न्यो होइ पाग मे ल्यो ताग ll पर सिन तु होइ रावा ज्यो मा ll छ्याग छ्योला कल पा था मिहिमे तरा ll वर विही ठेङ विही वुना न्यो मा ll यो क्याङ योन कुम कुन न्यो कोर गिहीडा ll डायी पुङ नि नम पार् जेममा ll छ्य्ग छ्योल सा शिही ll डा यी पुङ नि नम पर जेम मा ll छ्याग छ्योल ll सा शिही ङोला छ्य्ग गी ll थिल ग्यी नुन चिङ श्यावा क्यी दुङ मा ठोवेर च्योन जे यी गे हुँ गी ll रिम पा दुन पो नम नि गेम मा ll छ्याग ll छ्योल देमागेमा शिम अङेन दे सही च्यो युल निमा स्वहा ओम ll दाङ याङ दाग देन प्यो ll दीग पा छेन पो जोम पो निमा ll छ्याग छ्योला कुन न्यो कोर रवा गा व़ीहि ,डा यी लुइ नि रवा तु गेमा मा l यी गे चुपीहि ङाग निको पिही ll रिग पा हुँ ल्यो डोलमा निमा ll छ्याग छ्योला तु रेहि श्यावानि दाव प्यो ll हुँ ग्यी नाम पिही सावोन नि मा ll रि रव मन्द रा दाङ विग ज्यो ll जिग तेन सुम नाम यो वा नि मा ll छ्याग छ्योला ल्हो यी छ्योग यी नाम पिही ll रि दाग ताग च्योन छ्योग ना नाम मा ll तारा नि जो फाट क्यी यी ग्यो ll दुग नाम लुइ पार नि सेल मा ll छ्यग छ्योल ल्हा यी छ्योग नाम ग्याल पो ll ल्हा दाङ मिहाम छि यी तेन मा ll कुन न्यो गो छ गा वा जी क्यी चे दाङ मि लम् ङेन पा सेल मा ll छ्यग छ्योल नि मा धा वा ग्यो पिही ll च्योन नि पो ला होइ रावा सेल मा ll हर नि ज्यो तु ता रा य्यी सिन तु ङाॅग पोहि रिम ने सेल मा ll छ्यग छ्योल दे नि सुम नाम को प्यो शि वि थु दाङ याङ दाग देन मा ll दोन दाङ रो लाङ नो ज्यिन छोग नाम ll जोम पा तुरे रवा छोग नि मा ll चा विङाग क्यो तो पा दि दाङ ll छ्याग छ्योल वा निनि सु चा चिग ll

  • @smartsun32
    @smartsun32 Před 6 lety +7

    om tare tu tare ture soha

  • @Dolma6827
    @Dolma6827 Před 4 lety +2


  • @bhutikipa3248
    @bhutikipa3248 Před rokem +1


  • @Luckydipendra
    @Luckydipendra Před 6 lety +9

    Om tare tutre tur swhaa( ॐ तारे तुतारे तुरे स्वाहा)

  • @bhutikipa3248
    @bhutikipa3248 Před rokem +1


  • @WorldofPundir
    @WorldofPundir Před 2 lety +1

    Great 🙏

  • @jasonjaeger7216
    @jasonjaeger7216 Před rokem

    Strange musical score. Blessings all.

  • @BimlaDevi-uo6pu
    @BimlaDevi-uo6pu Před 4 lety +1

    Thanks beautiful