The Many Problems With

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024

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  • @MindShift-Brandon
    @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +120

    Don’t miss my second appearance on The Hang Up tomorrow night with Matt Dillahunty!
    Also, bit of a different Tuesday Takedown today, but it gave us so much to talk about. Thanks for watching

  • @donavanfrea6768
    @donavanfrea6768 Před 6 měsíci +53

    To me the saddest part about religion is that it convinces people that their shortcomings are their own while their strengths are the result of a higher being

    • @georgelyddane8283
      @georgelyddane8283 Před 5 měsíci +1

      I mean i’ve read the bible and am a Catholic, but from what i’ve read and understood this is not how things are. Both shortcomings and accomplishments come down to our own actions, the role of God in our life differs from that of what we do and do not do in our own lives

  • @DawnofInfo
    @DawnofInfo Před 6 měsíci +94

    As soon as he went with the "everyone thinks this way because i do" route the video was already over for me.

    • @phi4721
      @phi4721 Před 3 měsíci

      I think it's from growing up with religious thinking, perhaps you should give him the benefit of doubt.

    • @UltraVioletKnight
      @UltraVioletKnight Před 7 dny

      @@phi4721 Yes he was indoctrinated and lived in an echo chamber and cannot think beyond what he has been taught it's sad.

  • @timothymulholland7905
    @timothymulholland7905 Před 6 měsíci +206

    I was indoctrinated from birth through college, going through all the rituals. In grad school I walkthrough away. I’m now 74 and have never felt there was “more” or anything transcendental to be sought.

    • @thegametroll6264
      @thegametroll6264 Před 6 měsíci +15

      So glad I've decided to quit in my younger years. I'm in my 30s and feel like every year I spent in religion wqsted my precious very real time I have.

    • @FLATearthGARY
      @FLATearthGARY Před 6 měsíci

      @@thegametroll6264- geez. You’re lucky! Try 50+ years

    • @26beegee
      @26beegee Před 6 měsíci +15

      I’m 71 and have always felt the same. Life is filled with triumph, tragedy and everything in between. What more could we ask for? I’m just about ready to be done - I don’t want to be around for eternity!! Whew! 😱

    • @christophergibson7155
      @christophergibson7155 Před 6 měsíci +1

      You went by your feelings through your life about spirituality? Many years ago as a young man (I'm much older now!) I remember this gospel tract that spoke to me then, and still does today. It was the gospel train description.
      "FAITH" is the locomotive, the next train car behind was "FACTS", and (you may have guessed it) the tail end was the caboose of "FEELINGS". Yes, feelings are fickle. If I was left to my feelings in my life would be one big mess. That is why The Holy Bible gives us foundations to build our life upon. And we either take God at His Word or we do not.
      I don't know what your relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ was like. If you were manipulated, controlled, or abused by others in your life. These could be factors to leave all your "indoctrination". But did you KNOW Jesus?

    • @26beegee
      @26beegee Před 6 měsíci

      @@christophergibson7155 Faith is the belief in so,etching for which there is no evidence. Everyone bases their religious beliefs on feeling because there are no facts. Your train analogy is cute but, does not stand up under scrutiny. The only thing people have is the Bible which was written by many unknown authors, has been translated from translations from translations making it completely unreliable. There are no original copies in existence, Moses did not write the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible, the gospels were not written by the apostles or eyewitnesses, Paul never met Jesus and all prophesies have failed. It has been edited repeatedly, added to and parts deleted as the political climate and desire for power dictated. It is historically inaccurate, scientifically inaccurate and filled with contradictions and errors. After being a believer for 50-60 years, reading, studying, teaching and earnestly seeking the truth I finally concluded it is as much mythology as Osiris, Zeus, Tammuz, Apollo, Krishna and Buddha. Reason and facts drove my decision to abandon the mythology I had tried so hard to believe. At 71 I am at total peace with my decision. Hope you have your own personal enlightenment like I did. Good luck to you.

  • @doofusrick5998
    @doofusrick5998 Před 6 měsíci +200

    The older I've gotten the more i can't help but look at the message of christianity as externalized self hatred. It's not enough for someone to think that they're broken and need "saving," but that this is just the natural state of man and therefore the negative feelings they have about themselves are validated.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +42

      Well said. Its such an interesting and sad phenomenon.

    • @ziploc2000
      @ziploc2000 Před 6 měsíci +30

      ...and I think that's what imbeggar is obliquely recognizing.
      I've never heard of anyone who thinks a god exists, but they're doing OK so they choose not to believe he exists, but Christianity is renown for preying on people who are having a bad time and trying to convert them when they're in a weakened mental state.
      "You can't improve your situation without magic sky daddy", and then "we're all broken sinners even if we don't know it, so we all need magic sky daddy to fix us"
      The need for Christianity to tell us we're all useless without the magic sky daddy is, frankly, disgusting.

    • @iwilldi
      @iwilldi Před 6 měsíci +6

      quote: but look at the message of christianity as externalized self hatred
      I think Mark has a very satircal message. And what i so far did research from Matthew is at points no less satirical.
      Just imagine: Mark does not want you to turn and be forgiven. He does not want people to convert.
      But Mark has a show about self hatred as Jesus is running around with this bumper sticker: reject me, mock me kill me bury me and forget me. And his best disciples ever do him the favour. How can anyone claim that the disciples are loosers.
      So according to Mark every christian should once per day reject mock kill bury and forget Jesus.

    • @chameleonx9253
      @chameleonx9253 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Convince you you're sick so they can sell you the cure. That's what religion does.

    • @sdlorah6450
      @sdlorah6450 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Love is central to the Bible--God is love (1 John 4:8b); men are called to love God and to love their neighbors AS THEMSELVES (ref. Mark 12:30-31, emphasis added). In love, God sent mankind a Savior, Jesus Christ, who LOVED US AND GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR US that we might be forgiven our sins (ref. John 3:16, Ephesians 5:2--emphasis added, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). God has extended himself and his love and his gift of eternal life to be received by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; will YOU receive him and his great gift?

  • @alanhyland5697
    @alanhyland5697 Před 6 měsíci +160

    Another thing that grinds my gears is how we can't do anything good without god. You gave to the poor? God. Lived a good, moral life? God. Helped your brother or sister? God. Risked your life to save that person out of a burning building or in a car accident? God. It wasn't you, because "your works are like filthy rags" without god.
    No. It was you. Don't let god steal your thunder. YOU did those good things and god was nowhere in sight.

    • @jojobizarrelivingstone594
      @jojobizarrelivingstone594 Před 6 měsíci +30

      They are trying to have a monopoly on anything good but that makes thier claims about god being/doing this or that unfalsifiable but they think thats a good thing

    • @davidmgilbreath
      @davidmgilbreath Před 6 měsíci +33

      @@jojobizarrelivingstone594 funny how they claim anything good we do was god, but when god does something horrendous, we simply don’t understand what “good” is.

    • @Redington931
      @Redington931 Před 6 měsíci +8

      @@davidmgilbreath mental gymnastics, for sure

    • @earlt.7573
      @earlt.7573 Před 6 měsíci +16

      Exactly, and if anything crappy, jacked up, or bad happens then that's ALL on YOU. Not god.

    • @davidmgilbreath
      @davidmgilbreath Před 6 měsíci +10

      @@earlt.7573 haha, yeah, or it’s “part of god’s plan”.

  • @HieronymusTPup
    @HieronymusTPup Před 6 měsíci +97

    It's interesting that you bring up how Christians try to avoid certain buzzwords when proselytizing. I remember the last two preachers who tried to speak to me about Christianity both said something along the lines of "I'm not here to talk about religion, I just want to talk about having a relationship with Jesus." They clearly know "religion" has a sour reputation and yet still try to peddle it.

    • @thegametroll6264
      @thegametroll6264 Před 6 měsíci +23

      When they're talking about a "relationship with Jesus" they really mean "come to church on Sundays so I'll have more butts in the seats and money in the plate".

    • @_S0me__0ne
      @_S0me__0ne Před 6 měsíci +16

      Yeah, modern Christianity, specifically protestant versions try to differentiate Christianity, and especially protestant Christianity from other religions by saying that Christianity is a relationship, not a religion

    • @FoursWithin
      @FoursWithin Před 6 měsíci

      "hey kids , it's Not a religion but instead its a relationship"
      is merely more GASLIGHTING.
      Theyre attempting to change what everyone already knows: that Christianity is JUST ANOTHER ReLiGiOn.
      But they want to distort your reality and change their religion to something more interesting and intimately friendly : a relationship.
      It's more Con artistry BS from the people pushing mental slavery as love & freedom.

    • @christophergibson7155
      @christophergibson7155 Před 6 měsíci

      No. Those preachers were correct. Jesus is not about religion. Because "religion" is mankind's attempt to get to God on their own terms. What they can do to make God accept them. The Lord Jesus Christ is all about a relationship.
      Knowing Him. Loving Him. Communication with Him. Trusting Him with all your life.

    • @FoursWithin
      @FoursWithin Před 6 měsíci +11

      Every religion, with a God, is about having a good relationship with the chosen God.
      Even the religion of Christianity.

  • @jeremybristol4374
    @jeremybristol4374 Před 6 měsíci +55

    At 4:04 is such a dystopian idea. If a person is led to believe that this life is ugly and instead hope in a beautiful afterlife, that switches what they prioritize. Instead of spreading kindness, generosity, and beauty now, they just give up and wait for heaven. Explains a lot.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +16

      its a major gripe i have with heaven in general. It robs us of the now in the worst way.

    • @PGOuma
      @PGOuma Před 6 měsíci +6

      This!! My mom wants me to continuously think about death but I've already done that all my life, especially in my teen years (due to depression though) and my life is just now beginning! I wanna live it and enjoy it while I'm here but she constantly tells me to not enjoy "worldly pleasures" and I'm sick of it!! It's so depressing too!

    • @sundayoliver3147
      @sundayoliver3147 Před 6 měsíci +3

      @@PGOuma It's weird, too: if their god made us and everything, as Christians claim, then why would we not enjoy earthly pleasures? Wouldn't that be a version of worshipping god or delighting in god or whatever? If we're denying our bodies and the physical things that god made, then how is that a godly way to go?

    • @aiya5777
      @aiya5777 Před 6 měsíci

      this world is empty

    • @aiya5777
      @aiya5777 Před 6 měsíci

      the world is empty
      things in the world are made of atoms, and atoms are 99% empty
      even being a philosopher of science is enough to make you realize how empty the world truly is

  • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
    @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr Před 6 měsíci +57

    My mennonite former-friend said to me shortly before I deconverted "it sounds like you don't need God", and I said, I guess not, or something like that. Her theory was that if she made my life worse, then I would need God more and need to cry out to him. That is a messed up way of thinking. I'm like, no thanks, I'm outta here.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +15

      ugg gross

    • @curiousnerdkitteh
      @curiousnerdkitteh Před 6 měsíci +7

      Yiiiiikes. Sounds like you don't need her either. I'm guessing that's where the friend became the former friend.

  • @danielsnyder2288
    @danielsnyder2288 Před 6 měsíci +69

    Its all " feels"

  • @ericb9804
    @ericb9804 Před 6 měsíci +42

    "I just love god, and want something more for all of us - whats wrong with that? Oh, but, FYI god wants me to persecute those who disagree with me, sooooo....yeah." - Christians.

    • @chokeama3389
      @chokeama3389 Před 3 měsíci +1

      No he does not… true Christian’s should find the ones who are hurt, show them the way to heeling, and show them the love you deserve through Christ. He is all loving, no matter what, it is up to you though to follow him. Christians who hate are not Christian’s.

  • @paganalesociety
    @paganalesociety Před 6 měsíci +92

    The Gospel (good news) is pure gaslighting at its most destructive level!

    • @user-qs6zt5zn9b
      @user-qs6zt5zn9b Před 6 měsíci +1

      Okay paganalesociety, why?

    • @davidmgilbreath
      @davidmgilbreath Před 6 měsíci

      @@user-qs6zt5zn9bperhaps have a look yourself?

    • @marionfowler4270
      @marionfowler4270 Před 6 měsíci +13

      @@user-qs6zt5zn9b The core message of love equals obedience is not given to autonomous beings, but slaves. Just one example, there are many.

    • @FoursWithin
      @FoursWithin Před 6 měsíci

      Yep . And then apologists and church communities pile on even more gaslighting. .
      Believe or be dead in spirit.
      Join team Jesus or burn in hell.
      The Bible is never wrong.
      Jesus IS THE WAY.
      Nonbelievers just want to sin.
      The devil's under every bed.
      Us or Satan .
      The Bible is the word of God.
      Jesus died for your sins.
      God loves you.
      The Bible is historical fact.
      Jesus is love.
      This life is just a test,
      Real life starts in the afterlife
      You need Jesus.
      All that ☝️ is gaslighting
      and propaganda BS

    • @thing1thing2themediamaniac43
      @thing1thing2themediamaniac43 Před 6 měsíci +6

      ​​@@marionfowler4270As a Former Christian who was born in The Church gave my life to Jesus at 5 years old and spent 30+ years in The Christian Faith I have to agree 💯%

  • @blade_warrior_blue
    @blade_warrior_blue Před 6 měsíci +35

    A bit off topic but Brandon just comes across like a really nice down to Earth guy but at the same time isn't scared to be brutally honest and doesn't sugar coat things. I bet you're a really good dad. I'm glad your kids have a father like you.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +17

      That is so lovely. Thank you! They are the light of my life and i often wish all the hateful christians could see how much love and kindness my house has without their god.

  • @dancinswords
    @dancinswords Před 6 měsíci +21

    18:14 "Put it in a poem, and call it a question" is a great response to a lot of religious arguments

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +4

      Thanks! I am not against a spiritual realm or a higher self etc, its just claiming these things as facts and then boiling it all down to his specific version and god is ludicrous

    • @sundayoliver3147
      @sundayoliver3147 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@MindShift-Brandon Yes, I've actually experienced spiritual realms and worked with them to create effects in the physical -- but when you do that you realize how infinite are the things we humans don't know. We just make up stories about them, or art, because that's the only way they can be expressed, but everyone's experience is different, and "boiling it all down to his specific version and god" is indeed ludicrous.
      I think the test of any story is, "How well does it work in the world? What kind of world does it create?" I have a pretty good idea of what the Christian story creates. I've found it so helpful to look at Yahweh being a god of war and storm and recognize that so many of the Bible stories portray him as just that-- only somehow magnified to be all-knowing, the one god. The one whose ways we're meant to follow. Feh.

  • @Cesaryeyo
    @Cesaryeyo Před 6 měsíci +28

    Most of this can be refuted as "", we all KNOW there's a spiritual level to reality? No, I certainly don't. We ALL want these transcendent things over food and shelter and relationships with my earthly loved ones? No. Happiness and joy are different? I don't see a difference. It's just taking for granted all the bases of his argument with absolutely no proof

    • @samuelbrown3405
      @samuelbrown3405 Před 6 měsíci +6

      This was literally my experience watching this video.
      "Not at all"
      "That's nonsense"
      "Word salad"
      "What point do you think you just made?"
      "Citation needed."

    • @davidmgilbreath
      @davidmgilbreath Před 6 měsíci +5

      @@samuelbrown3405yes, “trust me bro” in a nutshell. 😂

    • @mattmann1623
      @mattmann1623 Před 6 měsíci +5

      It seems like our man is not familiar with introductory philosophy, considering he completely discounts naturalism/materialism.

    • @XavIsOnline
      @XavIsOnline Před 6 měsíci +1

      ​@@mattmann1623 or even awareness that nontheistic non-physicalism is a thing. But even if he was the problem will always come back to a refusal to actually engage in philosophy or metaethics in favor of insisting the only possible valid answer is an entity that they *define* as being the answer. A Get-out-of-thought-free card.

  • @kenhoover1639
    @kenhoover1639 Před 6 měsíci +32

    Man! You nailed it with this one! I especially liked where you called out his assertion that all pleasure leads to boredom by referencing your video on the problems with heaven

    • @deb6252
      @deb6252 Před 6 měsíci +6

      Yep. Lmao. Such a perfect "uh-oh"

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +6

      Thanks, I actually originally had two others in there where i kept popping back in with the heaven video, but it felt like too much. He just was making my exact points a few times though.

  • @kennymartin5976
    @kennymartin5976 Před 6 měsíci +29

    Right out the gate Imbegger describes being indoctrination.
    Cults don't start off with the weird stuff, they start with the nice, easier to swallow things.

    • @abiliv-lf9tz
      @abiliv-lf9tz Před měsícem

      That's exactly what turned me away from religion..
      I don't even remember how old I was I didn't know what religion was cuz my family never talked about it
      I learnt Abt it thru sum friends and Idek how I learnt about cults and when I heard how disturbing they can get and how insane the members become to the point of commiting suicide I was mortified & I told my religious friend about my concerns n they basically jus said "oh they jus crazy" & after that I learnt Abt stuff like the rapture & amergedian and the fear monging and I said nope it's only when I found mindshift I can now confidently call myself an atheist 💀👍🏾

  • @berkah6240
    @berkah6240 Před 6 měsíci +50

    Underlying Christianity I think is a deep unacceptance of reality, being ungrateful for that which we actually have. Which is negative and unhelpful.

    • @lifefindsaway7875
      @lifefindsaway7875 Před 6 měsíci +10

      The guy in the video (not Brandon). Talks about the awe we feel when looking at the majesty of nature, and then says we need to dress it up with our man made myths and monsters. Isn’t this world enough? What is it about this amazing, beautiful, natural world leaves you dissatisfied?

    • @sundayoliver3147
      @sundayoliver3147 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Very well said.

    • @C-Farsene_5
      @C-Farsene_5 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@lifefindsaway7875 the glaring fact we may be less special than we thought?

    • @lifefindsaway7875
      @lifefindsaway7875 Před 6 měsíci +6

      @@C-Farsene_5 Yeah, it can be comforting to think the entire universe was created with YOU in mind, and the divine creator has a special plan just for you, and loves you and thinks you’re the most precious thing.
      But do you really need to be the center of the universe to be content? Is life worthless because the story isn’t about you?

    • @berkah6240
      @berkah6240 Před 6 měsíci +2

      ​​@@lifefindsaway7875 Right. We should help each other find excitement and meaning in what is, instead of constantly saying it isn't enough, and there MUST be more, which is what I get from Christians similar to this guy.

  • @donaldnumbskull9745
    @donaldnumbskull9745 Před 6 měsíci +25

    The unification of Mind, Body and Spirit:
    The brain is an organ of the _Body_ ; _Mind_ is an artifact of the brain; Imagination is an aspect of _Mind_ ; _Spirit_ is a figment of the imagination.
    If I ever have a line of merch, that'll be on it.😉

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 Před 6 měsíci +3

      Spirit = wind = fart.

    • @FakingANerve
      @FakingANerve Před 6 měsíci +1


    • @sundayoliver3147
      @sundayoliver3147 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Uh, actually, more modern physical science is more like: Your neurology is part of your immune system is part of your body chemistry. And no one really knows how that all interacts, but clearly it does. Splitting things into neat categories is what we Western humans seem to like to do, but that doesn't mean that those categories actually have any validity; they're just for our convenience, as we try to parse out the constant intermeshing and weaving of life.

    • @donaldnumbskull9745
      @donaldnumbskull9745 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@sundayoliver3147 Thanks. That level of accuracy is exactly what's needed to make a joke perfect.

  • @PianoRevisited
    @PianoRevisited Před 6 měsíci +28

    George Carlin said that if you think the average person isn't very bright, remember that half the population is below average.
    That's the group that might buy this guy's ridiculous baloney. The same people that think becoming an Amway salesman is a surefire road to riches.

  • @tropic1979
    @tropic1979 Před 6 měsíci +63

    30 years in the church. facts: secular people have been more loving, more imclusive, less racist- and yes i dated preachers son and preacher did not want us getting married because of my ethnicity. after two weeks of dating, man of God was worried. one example of mannnnnnnny

    • @chrispycreme6413
      @chrispycreme6413 Před 6 měsíci +13

      I am dating a Nigerian woman and her family hates my guts for not being a Christian... very sad state of affairs.

    • @marionfowler4270
      @marionfowler4270 Před 6 měsíci

      I never saw just how much white supremacy was in Christianity before deconstructing. It makes sense now. No good god would have a chosen race, or chosen group like that. A tribal war god would though.

    • @a.b.2405
      @a.b.2405 Před 6 měsíci +2

      A lot of secular or secular from a non Christian background also seem to be more successful and happier.

    • @christophergibson7155
      @christophergibson7155 Před 6 měsíci +2

      What has that to do with you knowing and loving The Lord Jesus Christ?

    • @norrecvizharan1177
      @norrecvizharan1177 Před 6 měsíci

      It seems to imply a very strong correlation between true kindness/happiness and a lack of religion/faith. Because people who worry less about threats of eternal damnation (which the bible heavily implies would come either way, considering the lack of free will in heaven as free will is equated to causing sin) would have more time, energy, and overall love for those around them. After all, it's several times more selfless to care for those who are suffering, rather than care about one's own status or "purity".@@christophergibson7155

  • @kerishannon775
    @kerishannon775 Před 6 měsíci +45

    Another apologists, "I believe this so it must be true"!
    Well done commentary Brandon.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +3

      Exactly. And thanks so much!

    • @MrCanis4
      @MrCanis4 Před 6 měsíci +1

      They can so easily ignore the 95% of humanity. The 95% who have never heard of their god.
      It's almost admirable.

    • @christophergibson7155
      @christophergibson7155 Před 6 měsíci

      @@MrCanis4 Yeah. The 95% of humanity who know that God exists but they suppress the truth in their unrighteousness. (Romans 1:18)

    • @MrCanis4
      @MrCanis4 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@christophergibson7155 How could they know that god. Please explain.

    • @curiousnerdkitteh
      @curiousnerdkitteh Před 6 měsíci +4

      Meanwhile show a young earth creationist actual evidence and they say "excuse me, WERE YOU THERE?"
      The motto seems to be "burdens of proof for thee and not for me".

  • @jenna2431
    @jenna2431 Před 6 měsíci +14

    A country of 330 million with 210 MILLION Christians in it, if they were the most perfectly peaceful, WE'D have noticed. The only difference between me and my 5 Christian neighbors is where our cars are at 11am Sundays.

  • @pavld335
    @pavld335 Před 6 měsíci +46

    I want magic stuff to exist! I don't want to be physical, I want to be super magic soul agent. Tell me how that's better than being physical! Convince me we are non physical magic stuff.

    • @pavld335
      @pavld335 Před 6 měsíci +10

      Oh my god! Looks like he proved super magic stuff. We "discover" math. Not invent it. Wow totally convincing! I now believe I am a soul. Well done.

    • @pavld335
      @pavld335 Před 6 měsíci +7

      "spirit can only come from spirit". Oh wow how could possibly know that???? I guess maybe I should make up stuff so I can feel special.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +10

      Loving your comments as you go through. It is indeed frustrating to witness the confusion between imagination and truth

    • @pavld335
      @pavld335 Před 6 měsíci +4

      @@MindShift-Brandon thanks man. Great video. I just love when they appeal to special stuff, then they can just make up whatever they want.

    • @davidmgilbreath
      @davidmgilbreath Před 6 měsíci

      @@pavld335many find great fulfillment by LARPing… 😝

  • @serpentinious7745
    @serpentinious7745 Před 6 měsíci +12

    7:45 our body doesn't "feel" sick, it actually "becomes" sick. He's trying to conflate feeling with actuality because that's the only way he can establish any kind of spiritual need.

    • @abiliv-lf9tz
      @abiliv-lf9tz Před měsícem

      I didn't even realize that, cuz it's so subtle- thanks bruv 😭

  • @bariumselenided5152
    @bariumselenided5152 Před 6 měsíci +44

    He makes the same mistake Christians do when they quote Romans 1:20 at atheists. You start off telling me I believe something which I know I don't, and I now know you're wrong

    • @FakingANerve
      @FakingANerve Před 6 měsíci +6

      It has to be the worst -argument- tactic they use.

    • @christophergibson7155
      @christophergibson7155 Před 6 měsíci +1

      No. You are not being honest with yourself. The Holy Bible shows us the deceitfulness of sin is evident in the sinner.
      They know that God exists but they suppress the truth in their unrighteousness. (Romans 1:18)

    • @FakingANerve
      @FakingANerve Před 6 měsíci +14

      @@christophergibson7155 How dare you presume to know what is in the minds of other people? Worse off, the sheer _arrogance_ of this comes from, of all things, a book you read? Check yourself. No book is holy, and that one is downright disgusting.

    • @christophergibson7155
      @christophergibson7155 Před 6 měsíci

      @@FakingANerve I don't presume. I know and believe what the Word of God says about the professing atheist, the de-converted, and the false convert. They deny God only because they want to justify their sinful life.
      It is your conscience which awakens you to your sin when the Word of God is proclaimed. For the moral law of God, the 10 commandments is written upon your conscience. "who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them)" (Romans 2:15) And it is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict you of your sin so that by the goodness of God you can be led to true repentance and totally trust The Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation. "And when He (The Holy Spirit) has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:" (Jn.16:8)

    • @FakingANerve
      @FakingANerve Před 6 měsíci +6

      @@christophergibson7155 Oh, so you know what is in the minds of other people?
      "A man's pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor."
      Proverbs 29:23
      "But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil."
      James 4:16
      If you want to bang on about that book and want to be taken seriously, maybe follow what it says and drop the arrogance of claiming to know more about what other people think than they do.

  • @RyanC232
    @RyanC232 Před 6 měsíci +16

    I never looked at your logo and thought swastika. But then again I try to be aware

  • @dasbus9834
    @dasbus9834 Před 6 měsíci +29

    Always off to a bad start when you have to presume everyone else has the same thoughts and needs as you do. "Condescending" is putting it mildly 😉

  • @exaucemayunga22
    @exaucemayunga22 Před 6 měsíci +99

    The "spirit" and "soul" is just the brain doing its thing. Without the brain, a person is not themselves anymore.

    • @Boundless_Border
      @Boundless_Border Před 6 měsíci +30

      More importantly, if you do things to the brain, their personalities and beliefs can change.
      I would like a good explanation of what the soul is before I believe it.

    • @exaucemayunga22
      @exaucemayunga22 Před 6 měsíci +21

      @Boundless_Border but if you replace their hearts, where they think beliefs and emotions are stored, they're still keep the same personalities 99% of the time.

    • @samuelbrown3405
      @samuelbrown3405 Před 6 měsíci +15

      ​@@exaucemayunga22it's like how pee is actually stored in the balls

    • @literallyanything3497
      @literallyanything3497 Před 6 měsíci

      Yeah exactly, it's responsible for our consciousness - but this consciousness is pretty much just made up of chemical and electrical reactions.
      The "soul" just seems like an attempt to explain why we understand what's going on around us but it's becoming an outdated idea.

    • @literallyanything3497
      @literallyanything3497 Před 6 měsíci

      Yeah exactly, it's responsible for our consciousness - but this consciousness is pretty much just made up of electrical and chemical reactions.
      The "soul" seems like just an attempt to explain why we understand and feel the world around us, but it's becoming an outdated idea

  • @curiousnerdkitteh
    @curiousnerdkitteh Před 6 měsíci +4

    Victims that need saving.
    Villains if they leave.
    And heroes if they seek to convert others, or if they are good, able to thought-stop their own doubts by "standing firm in Christ". There's positive reinforcement too.

  • @dasbus9834
    @dasbus9834 Před 6 měsíci +14

    Appreciate how many interesting thoughts and angles you're coming up with, no matter how shallow the source material is (and never mind the fancy style of imbeggar, that really wasn't all too deep). Always a pleasure to hear your take!

  • @patobrien235
    @patobrien235 Před 6 měsíci +18

    I am 56 now and have been an Athiest since I was 16, everyday after listening to pods like yours and other I am more set in my disbelief of the existence of a god,the only thing that would convince me would be if a god actually appeared infront of me,not in a dream,or vision but infront of me,not any false and hollow words from any of these apologists 👍👍

    • @Phoennix3
      @Phoennix3 Před 6 měsíci +6

      I agree, but there would be an additional problem that if a god appeared, we are so used to the idea that supernatural beings are more ‘powerful’ than humans, that ‘god’ could be a devil…, or an alien.
      So even a ‘god’ appearing, wouldn’t be a deal breaker. Speaking for myself.

    • @patobrien235
      @patobrien235 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @Phoennix3 I agree with you but it would be a step in the right direction to finding if there is any truth to all the stories of all the religions and so on

    • @bozomori2287
      @bozomori2287 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Wow people said the same thing and the reply to them was simple:
      1 - threats
      "There are among you unbelievers who ask to see God or Angels. They will surely see angels, but when they will do no one will save them from what they brought upon themselves".
      2 - a story of punishment
      "A party of israelites asked Moses to ask God to show his face, Moses was shocked and God angered, and he struck them with lightening and they perished"

    • @Redington931
      @Redington931 Před 6 měsíci

      That being would still have to prove that it is moral. Bombarding us with euphoric sensations and alleged revelations are just another form of manipulation.

    • @Redington931
      @Redington931 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@bozomori2287 How does that follow?
      God is said that he will punish basically everyone with eternal torture and yet he can't even show himself to anyone without getting angry.
      Good job on that one.

  • @aaron_thatsmyname
    @aaron_thatsmyname Před 6 měsíci +11

    I can't offer much in terms of a logo idea - but once you land on something put that on a mug and I will buy it! I need a MindShift mug/merch!

  • @jakerz0
    @jakerz0 Před 6 měsíci +5

    I’ve been mulling for a few minutes on IMbeggar’s framing of what it means to “need” god, and I think I finally figured out what bothers me about it. Two things, actually.
    One, it presupposes the existence god. As if the individual reflecting recognizes god is there but needs convincing that it’s worth the investment. This is not how most atheists or even agnostics view the question of god.
    Two, it’s so one-dimensional. It frames the “value” of god as being primarily comparative and success-oriented, like the difference between faith and a lack of it is the degree to which god can move the needle and make your life “better.” Even as a Christian I would’ve found this cost-benefit analysis approach to be shallow and incomplete.

  • @taboo_lullaby
    @taboo_lullaby Před 6 měsíci +12

    I have never needed a God and God never comes to my house Not one lunch date ever.

    • @presentfuture7563
      @presentfuture7563 Před 6 měsíci +3

      I invited Jesus in over and over and over and over and he never showed up! Gave me a complex as a kid.

  • @sciencesaves
    @sciencesaves Před 6 měsíci +9

    Oh shit, I never saw a swastika until you said that lol

    • @pinky9440
      @pinky9440 Před 6 měsíci +2

      That's because there is no swastika. But people see what they want to see.

  • @louisbarrow4671
    @louisbarrow4671 Před 6 měsíci +19

    I used to believe but when I realized that prayer didn't work, that led me down a rabbit hole that ended in disbelief. I was raised in the Church of God in Christ. A Pentecostal denomination that believes in the supernatural such as miracles and prayers being answered.
    The Assembly of God denomination actually came from the Church of God in Christ.

    • @FrostFang86
      @FrostFang86 Před 6 měsíci +3

      I think every Christian tries to believe in miracles or prayers being answered. But sadly, they aren't. You'd think in this day and age of uncertainty that God would intercede and answer a person's prayers but there is just silence. The only miracles that I have ever heard of are either in the bible or in the lives of saints, but there is no proof of any of them.

    • @curiousnerdkitteh
      @curiousnerdkitteh Před 6 měsíci +2

      ​@@FrostFang86 Modern day "miracles" are indistinguishable from random charge and everyday phenomena.
      When people get "miraculously healed" it's always things like a tumour shrinking, a leg "growing" (actually just a person shifting position of the leg) and subjective pain alleviating (and even then often not instantly but after a few hours or the next day).
      Or people who aren't paralyzed or amputees getting out of a wheelchair who were not verified to have been unable to walk at all.
      We never see evidence of something impossible like an amputated limb re-growing or an eye re-forming in an empty socket, and it's NEVER in a lab.
      And whenever it doesn't happen "God doesn't have to heal", "it wasn't His will", "we can't just command God to heal", "people didn't have enough faith".
      Despite the lab attempts to replicate miraculous healing by people of many different faiths and beliefs in controlled studies.
      So If all we have to go on is claims, well, without evidence it's just a shell game of arguments.
      Whenever we get close to nailing them down on conceding they don't have an argument they change the subject, then come back later as if they proved their point whole we weren't looking.
      Apologetics uses a lot of sleight of hand.

  • @dougt7580
    @dougt7580 Před 6 měsíci +14

    I'd like to know whether imbeggar extends this "spiritual being" assertion to other living creatures? Are cats and dogs really just spiritual beings living a temporary physical existence? How about the weeds growing on the sidewalk? How about the ants or the maggots or spiders or bacteria? OR as it almost always is, has he carved out a special category for one particular species of upright bipedal primate? I'm guessing I know the answer as human exceptionalism is nearly universally baked into their theology. It's "I'm too important to reality to ever NOT exist, therefore I'm going to exist forever....everything else thought...well they're just temporary props."

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +4

      Right!! I love this line of thinking from you. Thanks for sharing.

    • @bozomori2287
      @bozomori2287 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Actually I am sure abrahamic relgion considers all things to be worshiping God, animate or inanimate. In short everything in existence has a relationship with God but we are not aware of.

    • @bozomori2287
      @bozomori2287 Před 6 měsíci +4

      But yes Christianity is observed to be human exceptionalist to the point they said God had a son who died for them. Which is a clear break in the charachter of the Abrahamic God.

    • @jeremybristol4374
      @jeremybristol4374 Před 6 měsíci +3

      It's better not to ask. I've met others who do believe what you described. I've found that the superstitious rabbit hole goes deep.

    • @sundayoliver3147
      @sundayoliver3147 Před 6 měsíci

      Well, if you look at it from the point of view of "all matter is much, much more space/energy than matter" then yes, it would be all matter consists of spiritual beings living a temporary physical existence, including rocks, water, air.... The human exceptionalism of the Abrahamic religions has always been a burr under my saddle. What makes us so special-- except us saying that we're so special?

  • @omarcarpentiero
    @omarcarpentiero Před 6 měsíci +10

    I really love that you continue saying "not of people, just of bad ideas". It's clever and healthy. Sometimes I get very angry with religious people, and reminding myself that the problem is not "them" but just some bad ideas helps me a lot!

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +2

      Its as much a reminder for me to not be a jerk during the episode lol and remember that i too once believed all this junk not that long ago

  • @rsjcoman9230
    @rsjcoman9230 Před 6 měsíci +18

    I wonder if Mr Beggar or whoever writes his videos has looked into neuroscience at all? His description of souls within a neuroscience context sounds like the stork in a reproduction context.

  • @ceres090
    @ceres090 Před 6 měsíci +8

    Now that you've said it, I can't un-see it. I'll miss the old logo too.

  • @duanethompson8770
    @duanethompson8770 Před 6 měsíci +7

    Great video! Your comments were spot on. I know what the apologist presented as the spiritual is actually chemicals in my brain interacting due to outside real world experiences. I have no desire to live forever. I’m nearing 80 and have lived a good life. I’m nearly ready to return the molecules that make me up to the universe. I lived as a believer for over 70 years and never felt the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost as we used to call it) talk to me.

  • @theresemalmberg955
    @theresemalmberg955 Před 6 měsíci +11

    Funny how people like him NEVER bring up examples of how this religion harms people, or how many people, far from being attracted to Christianity by what they see are REPELLED by it. Some of the most anxious, socially and financially crippled people I know are Christians who do not understand why I DON'T want to be like them, not in the least. And even in the one or two examples of people that I can personally point to that yes, they really seem to have a peace about things, they really seem to have it together, either that peace comes with a price or there are things going on in their lives that would horrify the rest of us if we could only see how they behaved behind closed doors towards members of their own family.

  • @SentimentalApe
    @SentimentalApe Před 6 měsíci +5

    I cannot overstate how much I appreciate the work you are doing and the admirable consistency with which you do it.

  • @BrennahAdrianna
    @BrennahAdrianna Před 6 měsíci +10

    I lived in Germany 🇩🇪 and when I saw your logo I’m just like uhhh does he know

  • @dantallman5345
    @dantallman5345 Před 6 měsíci +6

    6:45….“You can’t say it’s not wishful thinking and then essentially describe wishful thinking.” 👍

  • @CatDaddyGuitar
    @CatDaddyGuitar Před 6 měsíci +16

    I'm definitely an alien having a weird dream.😂

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +3

      Lol gotta be!

    • @Myla-zl4jv
      @Myla-zl4jv Před 6 měsíci

      When you wake up, please seak help. This world isn't a sign of a healthy mind. Your dream subjects are sentient, that isn't normal.

  • @myrawest
    @myrawest Před 6 měsíci +5

    4:31 I screamed "yes!!"
    I love that, and its true. It annoys me so much when people say "there has to be more."
    Just because you FEEL like you're significant and there has to be more, doesn't mean there IS more.
    It seems to be a belief system people need to cope with the idea of nonexistence

  • @suicune2001
    @suicune2001 Před 6 měsíci +5

    I never thought "swastika" when looking at your logo. But I do agree we need to think of a badass logo for you.

  • @stevenhogenson4880
    @stevenhogenson4880 Před 6 měsíci +11

    Grooming, manipulation, indoctrination.....the trinity of the Christian tactical plan.

  • @Djax111
    @Djax111 Před 6 měsíci +6

    I think this guy has just described the age old question of "What is my purpose?" And thats that yearning in the back of everyone's mind. Then he would rather fill the hole with God. I find that answer to be the easy way out. And the leap to Christianity is the biggest jump they take, rather than just asking themselves the tough questions.

    • @rafsandomierz5313
      @rafsandomierz5313 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Tbh I stopped asking that question feel 10 times better.

    • @Djax111
      @Djax111 Před 6 měsíci +5

      @rafsandomierz5313 same! Being more present minded feels great. Realistically, purpose is something you give yourself. We make our own here. I think thats the hard thing to think about considering people look to many others for answers. But ultimately, it 's gotta come from within.

  • @captainhennahead2323
    @captainhennahead2323 Před 6 měsíci +3

    These videos are such a breath of fresh air. I've been watching whats recently going down with the JWs, and all the fear and hurt, and anger that I used to feel as a religious observer, resurfaced a bit. It was a very strange experience. It was especially enlightening, watching some of the different denominational folks in the comments sections flat out warring with each other over doctrinal differences. Gleefully, and snidely threatening each other with destruction, some even calling names, all while using scriptures from the very same book and interpreting them completely differently. All of this while remembering...that used to be ME!! I'm so glad to be free of all that. Great video.

  • @truehzrecords
    @truehzrecords Před 6 měsíci +6

    Christian: We all want McDonald’s grimmace shake RIGHT NOW. We all know it’s Good.
    Atheist: no I don’t want it nor do I think it’s Good.
    Christian: you just want to eat somewhere carnal and if you don’t eat it you’re gonna die
    Me :no I’m not hungry and if I was I wouldn’t eat at McDonald’s
    Christian: dude have you seen the McDonalds sign? It says I’m lovin’ it , so it must be true for you and everyone else!

  • @broski365
    @broski365 Před 6 měsíci +7

    4:20 "we have this internal feeling that there has to be something else"
    Why does he automatically assume God exists? Why is he not saying "i got a feeling that Narnia exists in my closet"? Or "i am gonna wake up tomorrow and have superpowers"? .... "Because only dilusional people believe in the last 2. My God obviously exists. Im not delusional "
    Robert M. Pirsig - 'When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.'

  • @kittylover1002
    @kittylover1002 Před 6 měsíci +11

    Brandon out with another banger

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Many thanks!

    • @rizwanrafeek3811
      @rizwanrafeek3811 Před 6 měsíci

      @@MindShift-Brandon Sorry Brandon, you were trying to put all eggs into the same baskets.
      You cannot compare or put Islam and Christianity into the same basket.
      The Quran is literal words of the Creator of the universe, whereas NT is man-made holy book.

    • @Lowclasswarrior778
      @Lowclasswarrior778 Před 6 měsíci

      @@rizwanrafeek3811both the Quran and the Bible are works of fiction and even then your book is just as immoral if not even more detestable than the Bible

    • @sundayoliver3147
      @sundayoliver3147 Před 6 měsíci

      @@rizwanrafeek3811 Funny how each religion claims the same thing you do...

    • @rizwanrafeek3811
      @rizwanrafeek3811 Před 6 měsíci

      @@sundayoliver3147 For Christians in the hereafter will there be mercy, forgiveness and salvation without human blood and manslaughter? You know the answer is no.
      In the Quran Creator of the universe speaks in first-person narrative.
      Can you then put Christianity and Islam in the same basket? I won't.

  • @Vadjong
    @Vadjong Před 6 měsíci +9

    As a young sci-fi reader, the judeo-christian stories just never appealed to me. There is little wit and a lot of dour negativism and unreasonableness. I enjoyed the greek and egyptian myths much better.
    Then I thaught myself english by reading 'Dune' and that was on such a different level that I just felt too smart for religion. (I know; bigheaded! But I followed up with 'Gödel, Escher, Bach' and 'Cosmos' on TV. And my path was well underway....)

    • @sundayoliver3147
      @sundayoliver3147 Před 6 měsíci

      Yes, for those who want to "see god", I think your route is a productive one. The idea of a personal god, a god who is a person, has always seemed weird to me.

  • @IheartDogs55
    @IheartDogs55 Před 6 měsíci +4

    This is why I am a secular humanist. Within the spectrum of humanity & our common human experiences is a wonderful diversity of ideas. My particular weaknesses are offset by another's strengths. When humans work together in a spirit of cooperation, we can accomplish great things. If humanity depended on my math abilities, we'd never have been able to unlock the mysteries of physics. Yet, without my medical skills as a former nurse, there would be people who would continue to suffer from their particular disease processes. I have a great deal of confidence in human abilities to solve problems & improve lives.

  • @deb6252
    @deb6252 Před 6 měsíci +6

    Thank you, Brandon. The 'poet in you' wonderful and the way you speak those words, as opposed to the ham-handed juxtaposition.

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci

      Very kind. Thank you for all the thoughtful comments, Deb!

  • @themuffins4
    @themuffins4 Před 6 měsíci +5

    Great video Brandon thank you

  • @DannyS177
    @DannyS177 Před 6 měsíci +7

    The video that you are responding to is like those candies that starts off very sweet but when you get on the deeper levels of it, the candy becomes very sour.

  • @ISkeptic649
    @ISkeptic649 Před 6 měsíci +12

    "It's almost condescending."
    That was almost an understatement.

  • @blazedas4451
    @blazedas4451 Před 6 měsíci +5

    I like these types of videos, I think my main draw to them is trying to understand why some people come to believe in this stuff -like my own parents

  • @keano1457
    @keano1457 Před 6 měsíci +5

    since theres no bonsai still (sad face) i vote some kind of plant, or leaf, as a new logo (one you have is ok, but since you mention you want a new one, why not)
    leaf could be a metaphor for 'turning over a new leaf' after moving away from religion : )
    plant could be a symbol of a new life : )

  • @SalvyMic
    @SalvyMic Před 6 měsíci +3

    I knew long ago that nothing would ever be more important to me and feel most satisfying than the love and acceptance of my family. Thank you for saying what needed to be said here.

  • @georgelyddane8283
    @georgelyddane8283 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Mindshift, as a Catholic and fan of ImBeggar I got to say I loved this video. Compared to other secular commentators (which I assume you are, I’ve never seen your channel before) you seem like you’re not completely full of yourself (like many others do as i’ve seen), humble, avoid ad-hominem attacks, interesting to listen to, down to earth, and open to discussion. I love the fact how you mentioned that you are “open to these ideas” which he puts out and you like the abstract concepts.
    The points you made about the “human condition” really had me thinking about the broader spectrum of our needs and seek for truth, and how religion can serve as a catalyst to temporarily improve life, especially since I hold many of the same views as this video and I feel like I’ve experienced since entering christianity, however from reflecting I see that if I were to follow the precepts/commandments i would’ve fared better but refused to do so on my own will.
    Just wanted to put this out there. Have a great day

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 5 měsíci

      Appreciate the kindness and love despite the differences. Cheers!

  • @SeedsnStems63
    @SeedsnStems63 Před 6 měsíci +5

    Love your work Brandon! I listen to religion related content all day everyday and I’ve been prioritizing starting my day off with something more pleasant and you and Paulogia have been a wonderful way to start my days

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +3

      So glad to hear it. Its a great compliment to be there with Paul

    • @SeedsnStems63
      @SeedsnStems63 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@MindShift-Brandon congratulate yourself! it takes a mountain of patience to maintain your level of composure in this atmosphere sometimes 😅

  • @thedeebo410
    @thedeebo410 Před 6 měsíci +6

    It's bizarre to me how much sophistry goes into justifying a cultural affectation. The reality is that, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the apologist is a Christian because of a coincidence of history, culture, and geography. If they were born in a different place, at a different time, or in a different culture, they'd be a different religion.

  • @jon.skeptischism
    @jon.skeptischism Před 6 měsíci +5

    It’s a damn good tues-mon week for a MindShift fan with the hang up tomorrow and deep drinks on Monday. Can’t wait!

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +2

      Yes, excited for both! and thanks for being here for them.

  • @nati0598
    @nati0598 Před 6 měsíci +5

    All these levels, higher powers, steps of a ladder and crossings of spiritual barriers - it all point to one thing, and one thing only.
    No, it's not God. It's the evolution, that designed us precisely to NEVER be satisfied with our life. And always seek something better.
    This is what made progress. And what made art. And what made God as well.

    • @nati0598
      @nati0598 Před 6 měsíci

      I think you can also see that with how these people will never once admit to be on a spiritual level. Because nobody ever reached it. Those who saw these people, much like what MindShift said, didn't know that they were fighting the same fight they do. They are just better at keeping appearances.

  • @broski365
    @broski365 Před 6 měsíci +5

    Some arguments don't work on specific people. There's there's a lot of mentalities when it comes to religion and some people fall for different arguments. There's a religion for every type of personality / expectation

  • @jahkahliongun2216
    @jahkahliongun2216 Před 6 měsíci +3

    I really hope you can have a conversation with Gothix one day. You're both very well-spoken, read a lot into bible and both are open to interpretations. She does believe we need a God in order to consistently know what is moral and she has does have some good justification for it. It could be a very interesting conversation

    • @samuelbrown3405
      @samuelbrown3405 Před 6 měsíci

      So she's just Imbeggar but female

    • @adamcosper3308
      @adamcosper3308 Před 6 měsíci

      I hope it never happens. Some grifters should just fade into obscurity.

  • @ericlakeauthor
    @ericlakeauthor Před 6 měsíci +5

    Man, this was a tough watch. Thanks Brandon for reacting to this. Imbeggar just constantly asserts things as truth and misses the full color of the world because it isn't a good sales pitch. Even outside a Christian lens, there is no attempt at justifying there is such a spiritual thing.
    We are meat. When our brain is damaged, we are not the same. There is no eternal soul or anything. And when people say there is something more, it isn't transcendental truth, it is just their own feelings and trying to make themselves feel better.

  • @beingpath
    @beingpath Před 6 měsíci +10

    Holy algorithm!

  • @ReligieVrij
    @ReligieVrij Před 6 měsíci +4

    You nailed it again, although I have to say that I find these philosophical questions very interesting to think about. Like you said, if he would put it forth as an open question it's fine, but the problem is that he presents it as facts. I also felt strongly that the guy believed that every human being has these kind of feelings deep inside. That may very well be, but it has simply no absolute explanation. And many people are very satisfied with their lives and don’t experience this so called emptiness. I was a devout christian for 32 years and always experienced the presence of Jesus. Now I’m agnostic and Jesus just evaporated. I don’t miss him, because it feels like I grew out of something that I don’t need anymore in order to live my life with meaning and purpose. I can appreciate life better now, because I don’t have to ask questions like why we suffer. And I think I can now accept death more as a part of life and nothing to be afraid of. If this life is all there is, then I’m all the more grateful for every beautiful day and beautiful moments with my family. I didn’t fall in a black hole of purposelessness when I was deconstructing my faith. My life has actually more meaning now! I’m an autonomous artist; a photographer and film maker. When life is all about the Kingdom of God and saving peoples souls from eternal hell, then what’s the whole meaning of art in a Biblical sense? I wouldn’t have time for that. That was a real struggle for me when I was a christian. It felt like my creative work was actually irrelevant because it didn’t have eternal value. Now it does have meaning, and much more so.
    It’s interesting that you mentioned psychedelics. I joined an ayahuasca ceremony twice and experienced things that just blowed my mind. I also got the insight that al religions are just individual quests that are separated from each other by their dogma’s, but join each other in the end in one great abstract something you can call god, nature or whatever. As if it’s one universal spiritual search for God and truth. This is also why it doesn’t make any sense to connect these universal experiences and philosophical ideas to the primitive Christian God of the Bible. It’s a big non-sequiter. How can something that’s obviously just a tiny little piece of history and Jewish culture (the Bible) explain this enormous big picture, when it can’t even get the basic science straight, or answer the really tough questions of life? The God of the Bible seems just a spot on the wall, just as irrelevant as we are compared the universe. He doesn’t know how love works, how human brains work, how a society functions properly etc. People created YHWH after their own image while they were learning and evolving.

  • @SeekingTruth2023
    @SeekingTruth2023 Před 6 měsíci +4

    17:36 yet... he speaks of it.... 😂
    22:14 Soo funny! I love your humor! 😅
    Thank you for reacting to this video. I agree to all you say! He uses the word "know" oftentimes wrong, i.e., when he is just assuming things. This makes his video manipulative in a way. If people watch it with a Christian confirmation bias, they will just nod and say 'amen'... But, if you use some critical thinking, you will see, that he says he 'knows' things which can not be 'known'....
    And thank you Brandon for pointing out, that it is more important to provide for a starving child (and feel the joy of providing for the child), instead of reaching the higher level of entertainment in beautiful arts or sth.
    To call the basic needs of humans just 'carnal' and locate it in the basement gives it a negative touch. (temptation island ... :)))
    It's so good and important, that you point these things out. Before my deconversion, wearing my Christian glasses and being absolutely biased and didn't know about critical thinking, I would have fallen for such a video....
    Thanks to you, and some pretty good books in my bookshelf, I see so much more fallacies in videos like this.
    Thanks for all your work Brandon!

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Thanks for all the love and i really enjoyed your thoughts here. Thanks again for tKing the time and being so thoughtful.

  • @denisonunglaub
    @denisonunglaub Před 5 měsíci +2

    Im a christian, lawyer by trade, and absolutely hate bad arguments
    which is why I like your videos
    simple and objective
    I dont agree with a lot of what you say
    but agree on many issues
    really enjoy your vídeos
    keep up the good work

  • @RandyAndy7373
    @RandyAndy7373 Před 6 měsíci +5

    Hi Brandon. Thank you🎉🎉. The video touches my soul. I do think its possible to hold both views at the same time. The theistic and the atheistic. Both have a certain rational. Just as one can philosophically say materia makes mind (materialistic standpoint - often expressed by naturalists and atheists) as well as that mind make materia (idealistic view - often expressed by religious, idealistic, romantic people). I state with Kant that there is this duality and ambiguity. Epistomologically speaking there is something there (Kant called it "the thing in itsself", but it is heavily shaped and formed by our minds (mainly time and place, the principle of causalty and many others). We can never really know whats there (intersubjectiveness). It will always be in time and space and causal. Thats Kants agnosticism in a ns. We cant prove God, who lies beyond our system of time and space. Whether "prior synthetical knowledge" (knowledge before experience) is possible remains unclear (things like mathematics in your video). It is seen by idealists like Plato, Spinoza and Leibnitz as superior. The senses always lie in their view. Many believers now sneak in their own believes as "a priory". But this is very disingeniuous. J. Dewey and moreover W. James acted like quarantine officers detecting an infectious disease when talking about idealism. They totally rejected Kants view as radical impericists. Maybe thats why they fell a bit short. 😅😊
    I think, we should also take into account what Montaigne mentioned. Namely that people with simpler minds, lower education might need other things than the privileged. We know, and studies seem to confirm, its easier for the rich, the educated to find purpose and goals in life. People who lack health, monetary means and possibilities in general might need things, which a naturalist or an atheist cant give them. I do deny that someone has a decisive!!! case for or against religion, idealism or materialism. In my view one should not cast out the evidence of the other side too carelessly. Wasnt Sokratess greatness based on the fact he knew about his ignorance. This is what I hate most about the so called believers. Their ignorance and unwillingness to take serious contrary arguments and instead double down on atheists. You mentioned their unsubstantiated certainties in your video.
    As for the specifics, I totally agree with you😂🎉 Whats bs, dangerous and disingeniuous must be unmasked. Radically and without indulgence. They, who cause harm, should feel the pushback. I must say: no one I know here is more logical and profound in debunking Christians than you. Pls continue!!😬😄🌻

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci

      Really enjoyed reading through this and also so appreciate your generous support along with you being generous taking the time to write this. Thank you!

  • @celticbabs3105
    @celticbabs3105 Před 6 měsíci +3

    22:16 - Best deadpan nailing I've ever seen! Love it!!

  • @Lolbert_Tarian
    @Lolbert_Tarian Před 5 měsíci +3

    I want a Christian to define spiritual health without describing mental health.

  • @Mettle_DAD
    @Mettle_DAD Před 6 měsíci +8

    When you think about someone bragging about their personal relationship with the creator and realize it's like a 4 year old bragging that their imaginary friend loves them. But in reality it's worse because their imaginary friend is a manipulative bully. ALL SHALL LOVE ME AND DESPAIR!!! not sure why my imaginary friend sounds like Lady Galadriel.

    • @presentfuture7563
      @presentfuture7563 Před 6 měsíci

      I'd worship her before I'd worship a god like the Abrahamic nightmare.

  • @ellyam991
    @ellyam991 Před 6 měsíci +3

    I hate how good their animations and use of sound effects is. Also, do people think they can just assert things like us having a soul and that should be enough to convince others? I don't want to strawman, but if I made a similar video about there being no god, I would probably see many theists asking me for the evidence for my claims

  • @drlegendre
    @drlegendre Před 6 měsíci +7

    Will someone please define "spiritual"? It's one of those ineffable ideas that everyone knows but no one can actually define.
    I offer that it's just a placeholder term that covers any experience or feeling we can't quite put a finger on.

  • @vaclavhusak4763
    @vaclavhusak4763 Před 6 měsíci +3

    The idea of a mind independent of the brain (soul) seems to be the basis of all religions. Heaven, nirvana, God, resurrection, none of it makes sense without this concept.

    • @miguelatkinson
      @miguelatkinson Před 6 měsíci +1

      Ok for nirvana that isn't accurate and the definition of soul is lot more complex than that but to be honest their isn't really any agreed upon universal definition of the soul

  • @BookishChas
    @BookishChas Před 6 měsíci +2

    Really great video. I found the arguments this guy made to be full of stuff he’s just been fed his whole life, and not the experience of a person who has considered all the factors and opposing arguments. This is why I appreciate your content so much.

  • @ghostface9894
    @ghostface9894 Před 6 měsíci +3

    We aren't going to understand the spiritual if it is outside our understanding.

  • @lalomontoyajr.9282
    @lalomontoyajr.9282 Před 6 měsíci +3

    There's no "There's gotta be something more". We are just here to work, do good and help others. The only thing "more" is love. Love is eternal. The love that God will give to us in the next life.

    • @krembryle
      @krembryle Před 6 měsíci +4

      Lol. You just contradicted yourself. "There's nothing more" and then three sentences later "there's one thing more".

    • @lalomontoyajr.9282
      @lalomontoyajr.9282 Před 6 měsíci

      @@krembryle What I mean is that the only thing that matters in life is love. Today when I got home a video of a girl getting off anaesthesia telling her bf he was handsome popped up on my CZcams feed coincidentally and in the comments a lady commented that when her husband came back from a coma he was telling his dad how much he loved this women (the woman being her) and how much he loved spending his life with her right before he died. That right there shows that love is the strongest thing in this universe. Only thing that matters.

  • @dethspud
    @dethspud Před 6 měsíci +3

    Am I the only one amused by the "intelectual" misspelling at 17:17?

  • @betzib8021
    @betzib8021 Před 6 měsíci +4

    This video was so insightful and helpful. Thank you for rationality.

  • @Lancefh_ENV
    @Lancefh_ENV Před 6 měsíci +5

    Whenever a christian talks about hearts, I have to resist the urge to say "Sorry, my heart doesn't feel emotions. All my heart does is pump blood and respond negatively to caffeine."

  • @devin5312
    @devin5312 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Thanks to you and your videos, Brandon, I can say that you helped me get over the fear of death. I've had this fear for years now and couldn't help but wonder what happens after. But now, I don't really care about death anymore because I've realized that everyone around me, including myself, is going to die one day, and it's all just a natural process.

    • @Lestat1349
      @Lestat1349 Před 6 měsíci

      good to her my man! fear can be such a crippling thing to carry

  • @alastairfults1420
    @alastairfults1420 Před 6 měsíci +4

    The whole thing sounds like word salad to me. Just say a lot of things as if they’re obvious and true rapid fire so that your brain doesn’t have enough time to process them. It’s hard to have real conversations with people like this because no one has the time to stop every sentence to get them to qualify what they actually mean. You nailed it when the word spectrum came out of your mouth. Older I get the more I think everything is gradients and perspective. Place, time , context… We don’t have to either be happy or unhappy. We can be levels of happy. What makes today happy can make it unhappy tomorrow without changing anything other than our place, time and context. I believe once we stop thinking in terms of “this or that” we allow ourselves to be more open and understanding. Maybe even allow ourselves to appreciate what we have and stop coveting what we don’t. Or maybe I’m just hungry 😂

  • @biologezwei
    @biologezwei Před 6 měsíci +6

    Channel logo idea: A circle with a white and a black half, with an orange arrow from left to right (or black/orange circle with white arrow?) if you want to stay with a very simple icon in your original color scheme.
    edit: the two colors of the circle could be separated by a zic zac line to show that it is not an instant "mindshift".
    edit2: I find it very funny that the guy in the video Brandon is responding to misspelled "intelectual [sic!] enlightenment". Petty? Yes!

    • @davidmgilbreath
      @davidmgilbreath Před 6 měsíci +1

      Greetings fellow German speaker, in English it’s “zigzag”. 😅🙂

    • @biologezwei
      @biologezwei Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@davidmgilbreath Thank you!

    • @davidmgilbreath
      @davidmgilbreath Před 6 měsíci

      @@biologezwei you’re welcome! 🙂🙇🏻

  • @benjamintrevino325
    @benjamintrevino325 Před 6 měsíci +14

    Christians: I'm not perfect; I'm just saved.
    Me: If being Christian doesn't make you different, why is it special? And if the only reason you're saved is because you believe then God is a narcissist who cares nothing of behavior, only adoration.

    • @dimensionninja4929
      @dimensionninja4929 Před 6 měsíci

      behavior does matter, the I'm not perfect conclusion comes from people who are lost within themselves who change after receiving the message. It wouldn't even be a conversation in the first place if there was no change in behavior.

    • @benjamintrevino325
      @benjamintrevino325 Před 6 měsíci

      @@dimensionninja4929 I don't know what you mean by "lost within themselves."
      Central to Christianity is that everyone needs salvation, even those Christians who have "changed their behavior."

    • @truehzrecords
      @truehzrecords Před 6 měsíci

      He’s like a narcissistic parent who blames his children for burdening his life, when he was the one who created them and made them capable and with his 100% all knowing certainty, do the exact thing he despises and punishes us for. And our reward for not believing in him when he’s given us a laughable amount of credible proof of his existence? Eternal hellfire!!! What a guy

    • @jimmysuros6302
      @jimmysuros6302 Před 4 měsíci

      For one, Christians cannot know whether someone is in hell or no. The Church has never, and will never declare someone is in hell.
      And additionally, if someone says "Lord Lord, I believe" And yet continues to hurt his neighbors for selfish gain, then the person in question does not truly love.
      And what difference would proof even make? People still deny science in the face of overwhelming evidence because people can choose not to believe. So even in a scenario where Jesus himself came back and did even more miracles, there still would be people saying, "eh its a lie/its a hoax/its fake."
      You might be thinking now: "Eh, so this God makes the world and then lets people sin and punishes them for it?" On the contrary, it is not punishment, but a consequence of free will. Would you call the consequence of gravity a punishment to the man who thought he could throw his laptop off the roof and expect it to land safely?
      "Then why did God make all these rules to follow, saying if you don't follow them, you don't love me?"
      Unlike God, we are not universal objects or beings, rather we are particular instances trying to grasp and understand universals. And since all things that exist are good, and all things serve a purpose, should we misuse a good thing, then whence evil comes from.
      Using a hammer to repair a house: Using the tool for its intended purpose in both things are good. Using a hammer to destroy a vending machine to steal free snacks? Using good things but placing your own personal good over the good of the people who own the vending machine. The vending machine, hammer and snacks are all good, and wanting pleasurable food is also good, but stealing, destroying property you have no authority over? Whence evil arises.
      Eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil simultaneity means when humanity itself tried to redefine what is good and evil, yet it is not our place to control universals.
      "Why did God not just simply infuse us with all the knowledge then?"
      Look at angels and demons, both of them have infinite knowledge, yet the demons (who are just fallen angels) still choose to rebel. But for them, their choice was but a permanent one.
      It took humanity around a 100 thousand years to discovery, solidify, and quantify the Three Laws of Thermodynamics. Three very simple principles that ultimately that govern 99% of our modern technology.
      And as for complex things like morality? We barley have any solid foundation for it at all, even after all this time, we squander, bicker and fight over it.

    • @benjamintrevino325
      @benjamintrevino325 Před 4 měsíci

      @@jimmysuros6302 there is not a single thing new in any of what you said.

  • @absolutleynotanalien8096
    @absolutleynotanalien8096 Před 6 měsíci +3

    And some psychopaths don't want good either but simply does what gives them joy despite knowing its not good

  • @VitreousVirtuosa
    @VitreousVirtuosa Před 6 měsíci +5

    Writing this comment as I watch, and Im thinking the 'arrogant atheist' stereotype is a self defense reflex. Ive found that if you point out how arrogant it is to think that YOU have the sole truth of the universe and a personal relationship with a supposed creator of everything, they get very defensive about it. And I think the religion has been around enough that this idea of trying to shift the arrogance of 'those who are denying the truth' is to force them on the defensive so that point cant be brought up well. I guess Im saying its a well poisoning thing.
    Hell, with how much Christianity says you need to give up yourself to God, it wouldnt even surprise me if its a tinge of jealousy of someone being ok with themselves and not needing to totally submit to an authority figure and gut their personality to fall into the lines of what is good and wrong according to the religion.
    I find it ironic too about the what the spirit needs, because if what the spirit needs was those three categories he described...why do so many Christians than make it their task to demonize and berate everyone not them, and minorities? Would they not *also* need those things?

  • @Lestat1349
    @Lestat1349 Před 6 měsíci +6

    Perfect peace? really? you know what got me closer to a perfect peace in my life? getting the right diagnosis, getting the help and meds I needed and lastly? leaving religion. Finding the beauty of finite again, finding myself and stopping to smell the roses (yea its cliche). Great video my man, hope you are doing good =) how are you and the wife holding up?

    • @MindShift-Brandon
      @MindShift-Brandon  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Everyone is good, thanks so much. And yes, peace is never a solid state and the glimpses we can get of it come from the work we put in, and not relying on the invisible and the false.

    • @Lestat1349
      @Lestat1349 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@MindShift-Brandon Good to hear my man :D so true! totally agree, also striving for something that is perfect vill leave you disappointed in everything you do in life since that is impossible. also, who wants perfect? that just means a state that cannot improve, I love improvement, that's what makes things fun :D

  • @zar3434
    @zar3434 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Gee, these levels look an awful lot like the id, ego and super-ego.

  • @calasia7896
    @calasia7896 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Love how they use the word "carnal' instead of physical, I sense the well being poisoned.

  • @gabe6646
    @gabe6646 Před 6 měsíci +4

    If you work a job you don't like, you ask yourself these kinds of questions all day long lol it's not so much an indication that spirituality is missing, more like time is being blown away on meaningless garbage and it makes you feel bad

  • @eyeswideopenapril
    @eyeswideopenapril Před 6 měsíci +1

    Nearly 40k subscribers so happy for you 🎉
    Set is AMAZING! (Green and orange in balance great mind picture that was gifted)❤❤❤
    Great content and bring it EVERYTIME!
    This is an excellent response from an extremely manipulative, asserting, assumption filled video.