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  • @itsemeinin
    @itsemeinin Před 8 měsíci +59

    I worked at a freestanding birth center as a birth assistant to the nurse midwife. I can’t tell you the times we had moms that has had their first birth in the hospital, then after a peaceful birth with us they just said over and over that they couldn’t believe it was so different, better, peaceful and/or wonderful. They were often amazed at how much better they felt after the birth was over too and that they could enjoy the experience and their baby more too.

    • @carmengreen9004
      @carmengreen9004 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Yeah...the hospital doesnt give relaxing. No matter the set up.

    • @carmengreen9004
      @carmengreen9004 Před 6 měsíci +1

      What do you guys do that's different?

  • @juliefrancois9763
    @juliefrancois9763 Před 9 měsíci +114

    Ok ladies, let's take it back to 1992!!! I was 2 weeks over due, was told when to be at the hospital for induction with pitocin. That went on for 2 days, TWO DAYS !!! No epidural no shots, nothing. It was horrible!!! God love you ladies that stand up for yourself and your baby. I admire you all. I was 22, young and dumb and they just did stuff to me.

    • @elizabethkolar2289
      @elizabethkolar2289 Před 9 měsíci +2

      I had a similar experience in 1994!

    • @V.Mc1
      @V.Mc1 Před 8 měsíci +9

      2000 18yrs old 8 ½ months pregnant on a NYC train vomiting turns around goes to my clinic and was rushed over to hospital because I was 2-3cm dilated. I was admitted and told I was going to be delivered the baby was stressed due to high B.P.: 2 DAYS LATER I GET UP TO USE THE REST ROOM WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE NURSE AND PASS BLACK GOO IN THE TOILET, I ALERT THE NURSE AND WAS TOLD I had HELP SYNDROME... WAS FORCED AN EPIDURAL AND MY BABY CRIED THEN DIED!
      I WAS THEN PUT IN AN IMMEDIATE MEDICAL INDUCED STATE BECAUSE I KEPT ASKING FOR MY BABY... THEN I was placed in a room for the 1st of 2 weeks with a mom who got her baby every 2-4 hrs... 2 weeks later when I saw and finally held my daughter (after being told over and over she was STILLBORN)- Her head was sewn from left to right because an autopsy was done just for them to lie and say she had NON IMMUNE FETAL HYDROPS/ HYDROPS FETALIS (Which could have been diagnosed if only they would have done the monthly sonogram I was scheduled for as a promigravada).
      I'm a nurse now, with her 22 year old Irish twin and her 10 year old brother! God will never see his righteous forsaken! PLEASE ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF AND HAVE PEOPLE YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH AVAILABLE TO ADVOCATE FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY!!!! BLESSINGS

    • @foreverNwonder
      @foreverNwonder Před 7 měsíci +2

      I was on the ward for almost a WEEK on pitocin before they tried to send me home.
      I was nearly 12 days overdue at that point and I was inconsolable. I locked myself in the bathroom & wouldn’t leave until I talked to MY doctor. He came in and instantly soothed me. The nurses in the pregnancy ward had collapsed nearly all my veins in my arms. They TOOK TURNS trying to set the IV.
      I was covered in blood bruises.
      My doctor agreed to induce me, even tho I told all the hospital staff my grandma & mother had to be induced for all of their labours…
      I started labour IMMEDIATELY and was in the most pain of my life. I can’t believe I let them mess with me so much.
      They put me on way too much pain meds for 3-4 months afterward, which caused me to have an opiate addiction years later without knowing what was going on.
      Big eff you to the medical system. We don’t listen to the patients enough.
      I knew what was wrong the first day and they refused to listen to me.

    • @DumpsterFairy97
      @DumpsterFairy97 Před 7 měsíci +1

      23 and about to have my first in April. These comments are scary and heartbreaking but absolutely necessary to know and I want you all to know that I am reading everything you say an your experience will I promise help others and you will have not suffered for nothing. I'm not religious but I don't know what to say besides I'm so sorry and God bless.

    • @gloriachristianson8393
      @gloriachristianson8393 Před 6 měsíci

      In Ontario Canada we have a Midwife certification they are who are able to assist at home and follow you to the hospital if needed. Ironically our midwife system was created when a major bacterial infection shut all hospitals. Only pregnant women were admitted - crazy eh? That exposure to risk motivated hospitals and the ministry of health to quickly implement midwifery college accreditation courses and local associations for midwives offices opened.

  • @erin22222
    @erin22222 Před 8 měsíci +32

    This is horrible and I hate to hear all the ways that hospitals infringe on the rights of pregnant patients 😭 my friend told me some really horrible things that happened to her at the hospital during her last birth a few months ago. This is a major reason why I don’t see myself giving birth.

  • @rosemarieatoruk2417
    @rosemarieatoruk2417 Před 11 měsíci +47

    I nearly lost my life several times the day of my daughter's birth. I had a tox level just short on having seizures, and had an emergency cesarean. The birth wasn't the horrible part. I hemorrhage so bad that I ended up with 8 units of blood and a hystoretomy. I was done having kids, but when I got home 5 days later I was crying from the emotional toll that it took because the pain was so bad after and I wanted to see my daughter without tears.

    • @starkhalessi0000
      @starkhalessi0000 Před 10 měsíci

      I’m so sorry you had to go thru that CHILD BIRTH is still very much dangerous and life threatening today. 1205 women died in 2021 from child birth which HAS INCREASED from 861 from 2020 and 754 in 2019. The top 3 causes of death are BLEEDING, INFECTION AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Do you know what the easiest way to watch for these three things is?
      VITAL SIGNS, PHYSICAL ASSESSMENTS WITH INTERVIEW AND MONITORING!! this lady is an idiot! YOUR ALL ALIVE TODAY! THERE ARE 1200 women who are not. 2022 numbers are going to be higher.

    • @justjoannak
      @justjoannak Před 7 měsíci +3

      I'm so sorry you went through that

    • @nancys2275
      @nancys2275 Před 5 měsíci

      I’m so sorry for your pain. But thank heavens for modern medicine, otherwise you would not have made it! I lost a lot of blood too! Scary experience.

    • @nancys2275
      @nancys2275 Před 5 měsíci

      3 of my 4 children had to be born using vacuum. Big babies, small pelvis. Sometimes things we don’t like are necessary.

  • @skeleton_wa_migraine1736
    @skeleton_wa_migraine1736 Před 7 měsíci +6

    I have regrets and the trauma messed me up mentally and emotionally for months I had to get therapy to cope with things. So grateful for your video.

  • @meganreese1486
    @meganreese1486 Před 10 měsíci +37

    She was much quieter than me on the pitocin contractions. I was literally screaming! No one told me pitocin made the contractions stronger, so I waited much longer than I needed to on getting an epidural. I'm hoping the second time around I can avoid any pitocin and thus an epidural

    • @TheMerFree
      @TheMerFree Před 3 měsíci

      After 2 weeks overdue, hospital birth, scheduled inducement, 24 hours+ of pitocin induced contractions, they failed to provide antibiotics even though I was a strep carrier which was in my chart, I developed a fever overnight and became ill, no epidural, I was not able to dilate more than 2cm. The baby was in distress, as was I, so Emergency c-section was ordered. Without warning, still pre-epidural, my Dr broke my water by going all the way up my vagina, through my cervix into my womb and stabbing my amniotic sac with an icepick. So much pain. Epidural was right before surgery. And had anesthesia complications after surgery, was given morphine right after the birth, went unconscious for the first 5 hours after my baby was born, and didn’t even get to see and hold my baby for the first time until several hours later. No skin to skin time, nothing. It was traumatic. They just glossed over all of it, and acted like it was nothing.

  • @helen.3432
    @helen.3432 Před 7 měsíci +4

    3:07 I am a victim of the vacuum!💁🏼‍♀️ I was diagnosed with erbs palsy after I was born and the doctors thought that I would never be able to move my right arm again but because they started me on physical therapy early and continued it through middle school, you can’t even tell! I now have a job where I work with computers and do a lot of manual labor! I like to say my limits are the Macarena and push ups because I can’t flip my hand over completely palm up. I am probably one of the best case scenarios and it didn’t come without a fight

  • @megana1221
    @megana1221 Před 11 měsíci +21

    Great video! I have a lot of regrets too. Currently pregnant with my fourth and planning a homebirth and plan to not push at all if I can. My last one I pushed a few times at the end after FER kicked in and only had a first degree tear. My hospital experience was absolutely horrible with my last baby. The nurses came in my room at least every 30 minutes throughout the whole entire night. I got 0 sleep while in the hospital. It was just terrible. I was so wired up after that, I couldn't even sleep when I got home for two more days.

    • @MommyShark
      @MommyShark Před 11 měsíci +7

      Girl ! I feel your pain !! Congratulations on your fourth! Please come back and update me on how it goes 💙

    • @MariaJose-zv4dq
      @MariaJose-zv4dq Před 9 měsíci

      ​@@MommySharkcan you change position even if you have an epidural? Or they won't allow at the hospital due to it

    • @dariaobraztsova7298
      @dariaobraztsova7298 Před 8 měsíci +2

      ​@@MariaJose-zv4dqyou won't be able to physically move or bear weight on your lower limbs with an epidural.

  • @amandak7334
    @amandak7334 Před 11 měsíci +11

    Thank you for speaking out about this! Had a baby at a birthing center the second time around. It was life changing. I have had two unmedicated births with midwives. Luckily I was supported each time. However the birthing center was so calming.

  • @olivia_ismyname
    @olivia_ismyname Před 10 měsíci +12

    I also had a 3rd degree tear delivering on my back with my first baby. I’m currently pregnant & plan to do things soooo much differently during this birth. I did have to get induced at 38 weeks because of preeclampsia with my first so there were a handful of intervention I’m hoping to not need like Cytotec & Pitocin. I also did get the epidural because my contractions were very painful & “coupled”. She was also born hand to face, but got her out without an episiotomy or vacuum luckily!

    • @MommyShark
      @MommyShark Před 10 měsíci +5

      Thanks for sharing ! I wish you a very smooth and healthy birth !!

  • @demiaanderson8537
    @demiaanderson8537 Před 7 měsíci +3

    For my second labor, they wouldn’t put the head of the bed up for me to push and instead had my mother-in-law and my husband hold my neck up which from this day my son is almost a year old and I have neck problems

  • @user-dh5tc7by8r
    @user-dh5tc7by8r Před 8 měsíci +2

    Thank you for this video. I needed the reminder that we can have a positive, natural delivery 🩵

  • @kevatsavedbyYeshua
    @kevatsavedbyYeshua Před 7 měsíci

    I am grateful to have found your channel. I am learning so much ❤

  • @Merce1969
    @Merce1969 Před 10 měsíci +1

    I hear you so much! Thanks for sharing!!!

  • @TheMerFree
    @TheMerFree Před 3 měsíci +1

    After 2 weeks overdue, hospital birth, scheduled inducement, 24 hours+ of pitocin induced contractions, they failed to provide antibiotics even though I was a strep carrier which was in my chart, I developed a fever overnight and became ill, no epidural, I was not able to dilate more than 2cm. The baby was in distress, as was I, so Emergency c-section was ordered. Without warning, still pre-epidural, my Dr broke my water by going all the way up my vagina, through my cervix into my womb and stabbing my amniotic sac with an icepick. So much pain. Epidural was right before surgery. And had anesthesia complications after surgery, was given morphine right after the birth, went unconscious for the first 5 hours after my baby was born, and didn’t even get to see and hold my baby for the first time until several hours later. No skin to skin time, nothing. It was traumatic. They just glossed over all of it, and acted like it was nothing.

  • @elisa7357
    @elisa7357 Před 11 měsíci +4

    Seems you tried hard to have a free birth.
    I had a hands free birth at home with my 2th baby, it was amazing, painful but so worth it. Everything was set up the way i wanted after educating myself after my first hospital birth (with epidural)

  • @jillm6239
    @jillm6239 Před 7 měsíci

    What hospital did you give birth in? Ive never seen such an amazinggg room like yours!

  • @mocha5070
    @mocha5070 Před 8 měsíci

    What supplements should I be taking for low platelets?

  • @rdpanerbear989
    @rdpanerbear989 Před 7 měsíci

    What's the name of the book she read? I'm unable to find it.

  • @steph13h498
    @steph13h498 Před 11 měsíci +5

    Thanks for sharing!
    Are you still doing keto?
    Could you do a pregnancy comparison with keto?
    I just started following you!

    • @MommyShark
      @MommyShark Před 11 měsíci +4

      Yes iam ! And yes of course I can . What questions do you have ?

    • @steph13h498
      @steph13h498 Před 10 měsíci +1

      @@MommyShark How did it go with food aversions? Did you gain the same amount of weight? Did you feel more energy with keto? Did keto help keep the scale from skyrocketing?!

    • @MommyShark
      @MommyShark Před 10 měsíci +4

      Sure ! I can address all of those but short answer is yes, keto is the way we re meant to eat ( it’s basically no processed foods , you have to eat clean, minimal fruits and a bunch of healthy fats and meats )

  • @Teeah333
    @Teeah333 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Her diet sounds good. Fresh foods instead of processed foods and animal products. People today eat more than they actually should.

  • @elisegriswold2170
    @elisegriswold2170 Před 9 měsíci +2

    How far into pregnancy did you start probiotics to avoid strep b? I’ve never been tested but hoping to avoid it at all cost.

    • @MommyShark
      @MommyShark Před 9 měsíci +3

      I started religiously at the beginning of it

    • @MommaOsoIrish67
      @MommaOsoIrish67 Před 9 měsíci +4

      ​​​@@MommySharki love your educational approach in this video. My first birth i was clueless. My second I decided on a Doula. She was amazing. From the beginning of my pregnancy she helped me get educated on all my rights and all my birth plan options. My first, i allowed myself to be confined to the bed , pushing for over three hours despite knowing after an hour that something was wrong, having vacuum extraction... He was born with a dislocated shoulder from being stuck on my pelvic bone with me pushing, i had a dislocated hip, but, thankfully we were both okay in the end. My second time, she comanded the room, continually supported my comfort, kicked a rude nurse out, told the other nurse to stop giving me orders about how i needed to have the baby.. i only was there about 45 minutes before he was born. But i spent it kneeling on the bed with my body draped over the back to alleviate back labor. When it came time to push, I squatted and he was delivered in three pushes. Unfortunately, i stopped contracting the second he was delivered, tore horribly, had to be on Pitocin because i stopped contracting, the nurse had to help me expel the placenta, and i had to stay for days because i was hemorrhaging. The third day the doctor came in to discuss transfusion but the lab tech interrupted to let us know my numbers were finally up and we could probably hold off until next draw. Whew. Every birth is different and there are so many variables. This is why it's important that women arm themselves with as much information as possible and understand that they can and should advocate strongly for themselves and their baby. Thank you for being a voice for that process!

    • @MommyShark
      @MommyShark Před 9 měsíci +2

      @@MommaOsoIrish67 thank you for sharing , do you mind if I share your comment as a post on my CZcams channel ? This is exactly why I do what I do

    • @MommaOsoIrish67
      @MommaOsoIrish67 Před 9 měsíci +1

      ​​@@MommySharkI do not mind at all! And, btw, I forgot to mention that my Doula also had me doing the open mouth low moans instead of the traditional "heehee" method, which did actually help!
      Also, your thoughts on visitors during labor is on point. My first, there were med students at the hospital. I probably had no less than 20 strangers taking a peak throughout the process. It was uncomfortable to say the least.
      Being open to having to make changes to the birth plan. Yes!
      Keep doing what you do! All Mamas, especially the younger first time younger women, need to know that they are in charge of their experience!

  • @Veedub09
    @Veedub09 Před 7 měsíci

    I was pregnant with my first child this time 30 years ago. I wish internet existed. I nearly lost my first child, and all sections after that. :(

  • @lyssgoddess
    @lyssgoddess Před 10 měsíci +1

    Pregnancy on back talk?

  • @bryan0416
    @bryan0416 Před 8 měsíci +7

    Please just start having your babies at home, no need to have this nonsense in a hospital.

    • @Anime-chan-gl4pe
      @Anime-chan-gl4pe Před 7 měsíci +2

      I whole heartedly agree, but some people just still believe in the system. Sometimes people have health issues as well.

  • @user-jg4hf8oz5w
    @user-jg4hf8oz5w Před 27 dny

    What is baby's name

  • @meg_griffin_came_out_first
    @meg_griffin_came_out_first Před 6 měsíci

    Fiber gummi are best for constipation

  • @NannyJuju
    @NannyJuju Před 2 měsíci

    I can't understand why the nurse kept knocking your phone over she was not getting to anywhere important to do anything it's just a chair yet she knocked the phone over. I was fine with both my births I breathed normally not tensing up when contractions were coming and I was fine. Here in the UK they do not pull out cords and placentas. If we are slow to do ourselves they give us an injection to make the placenta coming out. We also leave hospital within in 6 hours if we want. I really hate how they push things onto you in hospitals and it takes the cost right up, here it's free on our NHS and they are very good with us. If you don't want an epidural you can have pethadine for the pain, I slept through for about 5 hours on it but the pain was still there. My first child I just knew when I wanted to push. My second birth was a midwife who wanted to control what I did and she exhausted me and I had to have stitches, had she left me I would have been absolutely fine. Both were better because I did not let them push me to what they wanted, they do read our birth plan and stick to it. PS people in other lands just haunch down and have a baby.

  • @Loca_luiza
    @Loca_luiza Před 3 měsíci

    But you also need to understand, they are on the babies time.. they don’t always have time to explain each thing they do

    • @Loca_luiza
      @Loca_luiza Před 3 měsíci

      And they also give you a stool softener even if they don’t prescribe pain medication

  • @Lorilor343
    @Lorilor343 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I don’t think it was because they were a “pervert” i think it was more for convince

  • @gingerleamcwow435
    @gingerleamcwow435 Před 5 měsíci

    I'm all for standing up for what you feel is best. But you're exhausting. I cant imagine how stressed you must feel all the time.

  • @hopiecasti5797
    @hopiecasti5797 Před 7 měsíci +3

    can the nurse that's talking about the epidural, can she "be quiet" with that annoying voice. you know her throat is dry, no way she speaks that way.