Komentáře •

  • @thephantomoftime1806
    @thephantomoftime1806 Před 2 měsíci +153

    The start made me laugh Al getting cut off by his ringing pager just to turn it off an continuous he's monologue

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +58

      In my mind I was thinking we were hearing his thoughts and then he was like... "damnit, who could this be?" and then got back to his thoughts, lol

    • @daydreamdirty
      @daydreamdirty Před 2 měsíci +10

      @@TheDsIEGEit fit in well!

  • @MrRobot-0
    @MrRobot-0 Před 2 měsíci +82

    I Just find the concept that the Tenno routinely dive in haunted labs and don't notice the wisper of ghost because they are to busy blasting music amusing.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +32

      Well, we're built different, ya know?

    • @daydreamdirty
      @daydreamdirty Před 2 měsíci +9

      @@TheDsIEGEI listen to CZcams videos instead of the ingame music half of the time… so in a way I’m learning or observing instead of “listening”.

    • @Kilesfactor
      @Kilesfactor Před 2 měsíci +7

      Suspiciously Green & Black Nova Prime running through the labs: "Oop, sorry 'Voices of the Dead', can't listen, too busy listening to Devil Trigger! ALL THESE THOUGHTS RUNNIN' THROUGH MY HEAD~"

    • @DeadlyAlpha
      @DeadlyAlpha Před 2 měsíci +5

      ​@@Kilesfactorme but a purple, black and pink (or red, gold, black & white) wisp listening to eminem, 3arc zomb music and linkin park 😂

    • @Raze_HyskarisXIV
      @Raze_HyskarisXIV Před 2 měsíci +6

      "Sorry can't hear the Whispers, ignored the airpod volume warning and cranked NIN all the way up" 🤣

  • @altered-silicone
    @altered-silicone Před 2 měsíci +124

    To me, an important aspect of Albrecht's character is his martyr complex. To say whether he is good or bad, selfless or selfish is a dumbing down of his internal conflict.
    He is not "cartoonishly evil" in a single minded sense - it was Loid's love that made him decide to live, he talks of Loid lovingly AND he even talks of his daughter favorably. He regrets abandoning Euleria, he regrets abandoning Loid and he even feels sorry about the Cavia experiment (he cannot bring himself to sacrifice Kalymos, another living being he genuinely cares about, but is still distraught about the Cavia as a whole. He couldn't kill Tagfer, Fib and Bird and instead gave them to Loid -> while also talking how much better of a person Loid is; Albrecht elevates the people (and kavat) he loves while also using it as an excuse to "prove" that he is evil and irredeemable).
    My take is that Albrecht feels responsible for Wally/The Other (in his 2020 original requiem logs he even talks how, despite other people going to explore the Void, nobody talks about seeing the Other); so it is possible to believe Albrecht genuinely does feel like Wally is HIS demon (reference to Loid's line, also the Operator log lore catchup blames Albrecht for the existence of the Indifference) and thus only Albrecht himself can and should fight him. He runs away to 1999 to protect Loid (because he DOES care about Loid) but also because he needs a "battleground" between him and Wally.
    So, everything Albrecht does is a way for him to seek redemption through death. He will go out with a bang and that will be his absolution.
    Unless we stop him or convince him that there is another way. IF we want to do that... But I believe that, in line with Warframe's overall narrative, that will be our angle.
    In Duviri he ALMOST realizes how the Indifference works (it latches onto your emotions, specifically negative ones), but because he is so caught up in lionizing Euleria while putting himself down, he instead decides that he has to fight physically. It only deepens his martyr complex and his resolution that he has to be "an honest demon".
    To me Albrecht isn't good or evil... he is strangely human for an Orokin. Also he possesses self-awareness, something the Orokin are constantly described as lacking. They are beings of hubris and delusions of grandeur. Albrecht clearly had an ego, but he can also admit that he has done wrong. He just doesn't believe he deserves a conventional apology ("if only I was worthy of you, my Loid.").
    This has nothing to do with the wider philosophical aspects of your analysis, but it is very interesting as an analysis of Albrecht as a character in how everything he does goes against Orokin tradition and values:
    1) even his appearance, he never had the giant blue arm, possibly a conscious choice to go against the grain.
    2) practices alchemy, a forbidden art, which was the key to Void science.
    3) Saw the value in "archaic" technology: the Entrati had a grand library and actual, physical books; a lot of Entrati items ingame are described as archaic but reliable
    4) even the Entrati aesthetic - the Orokin are all about gold and white, whereas the Entrati aesthetic is very gothic in comparison
    5) Their attitudes towards death - Orokin were flippant around death and dying, the Entrati had burial grounds and ossuaries. Did they honor their past bodies? Their past lives?
    6) and of course... Albrecht and Loid's relationship. Fraternizing with the lower castes was forbidden (but only the lowborn would face punishment) or was seen as a taboo fetish, but Loid and Albrecht were clearly on equal terms and respected each other immensely.

      @CYI3ERPUNK Před 2 měsíci +12

      well said , agreed , and imho spot on =]
      though its completely possible that Albrecht did have the typical orokin features in many of his prior forms [ie the blue skin and long arm] , remember that he choose to not undergo the continuity only after his encounter with Wally , we dont necessarily know how many times previously that Albrecht did take the kuva and transfer into a new yuvan host

  • @DogeZzzz
    @DogeZzzz Před 2 měsíci +111

    Honestly Albreitch's drip always been ahead of his time

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +21

      This is undoubtedly true.

    • @nocturnal7474
      @nocturnal7474 Před 2 měsíci +16

      man stopped in an alt 2014 and stole aiden pierce's drip, then continued to 99'

    • @moondog548
      @moondog548 Před 2 měsíci +14

      Headcannon: Ballas was the only weirdo wearing a damn toga.

    • @hamsterpixel
      @hamsterpixel Před 2 měsíci +8

      It needs to be made into an operator/drifter suit

    • @curtisngl
      @curtisngl Před 2 měsíci +5

      I can't unsee Jotaro whenever I see him

  • @senri3125
    @senri3125 Před 2 měsíci +65

    Sometimes I wonder if the Man in the Wall is even a villain in the first place. To me, personally, he just seems like a truly "chaotic" force-of-nature kind of entity.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +21

      According to Yung, he's not at all. But... the lifelong challenge is learning to live with him.

    • @senri3125
      @senri3125 Před 2 měsíci +14

      @@TheDsIEGE Reminds me of Lovecraftian lore to an extent. I can imagine "defeat' (if it even exists when it comes to beings like him) in of itself being a concept that he can work around, and eventually with time, bypass.
      I feel like there's plenty of nods to Lovecraftian lore in general when it comes to The Indifference. The voidtongue, his presence, and mystery all combined bears a striking resemblance to Nyarlathotep. Atleast, in my opinion.

    • @johnpayne7873
      @johnpayne7873 Před 2 měsíci +9

      @@senri3125 I agree; The Indifference need not be malign, but simply omnipotential, able to be many things or even anything. Case in point: ancient Greek "atomistics" considered Void to be a fifth basic element, amongst air, fire, water, and earth where void was a dualism - both emptiness and potentiality.
      The Indifference, emerging from the void (or its essence) has acted both chaotically and cohesively, being transformative as well as controlling.

    • @inglebear84
      @inglebear84 Před 2 měsíci +7

      @@TheDsIEGEfirst, learn of your shadows existence. Second, learn not just to live with it, but to fully INCORPORATE it into your full being, taking the best of both your light and shadow, and bolstering the weaknesses of the other.
      If one fails, at best one would lead a life unfulfilled, or on average the shadow breaks out when we least want it to.
      At worst….it takes over the light, and we are overtaken by the worst of our traits.

    • @bobbobigson9205
      @bobbobigson9205 Před 2 měsíci +4

      My own theory is that he simply does not want to alone or find a real permanent body for his own. However the second part lacks proof the first one is pure speculation. But normally he doesn't seem hostile towards his important subjects

  • @hypersectomy
    @hypersectomy Před 2 měsíci +16

    The Indifference being sourced from and the worst trait of Albrecht signifies the path ahead. I'm reminded of Psychonauts. Take his pain away, put the void back in its box. To keep the shadow at bay. Or to unify them. Soul benders as tenno are. Comfortable in the depths of the Abyss which stares back. Not defeated, but placated, sated after ravenous engorgement on the orogin system. All the pieces go back in the same box at the games end.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +9

      We may be the perfect weapon for the job. Almost too perfect. I wonder if anyone knew that would happen...

  • @ivixr427
    @ivixr427 Před 2 měsíci +12

    What I realized at the end of the 1999 sequence is Albrecht says Arthur with the voice of the indifference. And it's sometimes heard in Duviri too when we answer a tablet. Arthur must be important to him. The Vessel is made of him after all.

  • @BrunoBorgna
    @BrunoBorgna Před 2 měsíci +20

    I think that the starting images of the quest are really telling in what the underlying conflict is. The moving dust reminds me of cymatics, the visualization of sound frequency patterns through metal plates and dust particles. the dust shaken by wally's voice symbolize the "world of dust" as it's called being shaken by the presence of the indifference, being affected and changed by the presence. And all the connections between the vocas being different intensities or forms of speech, so a bellow for example, always being in the lower registries. DE opened a very symbolic plane only through sound and I congratulate them for that.

  • @nocturnal7474
    @nocturnal7474 Před 2 měsíci +7

    You know it's funny that everyone is glossing over the fact albrecht managed to Crack a form of time travel, and yet hasn't figured out another way to travel faster then light without the void

  • @quassigio7395
    @quassigio7395 Před 2 měsíci +4

    I definitely see us playing as partial warframe-operator’s, similar to Arthur. Imagine the suit unwrapping itself from around our head, almost like the venom symbiote.

  • @rayman356
    @rayman356 Před 2 měsíci +11

    Gaming note : when you see them sitting in a chair (much like Virgil from DMC) you know it’s about to get serious

  • @rodrigopinto9804
    @rodrigopinto9804 Před 2 měsíci +12

    Oh boi this was a juicy one.
    First of all, my man Siege cannot stop cookin, he's hitting that kitchen harder than me hitting those Acolyte Farms for Protea Prime.
    I like to say I know a thing or two about Warframe's Lore, but this current narrative is probably the most confusing and convoluted, maybe because we are still missing a few pieces from the chessboard.
    In regards to our Tax Evader Wally, what I could gather is, maybe Wally is a physical representation of the Shadow, something we all have. If that is the case, it would make sense for Wally to have been created instead of being born.
    When Albrecht fell into the Void, the Shadow took form in an entity known now as The Indifference. Fitting too if I may say, his name. Anyway, if that is the case, I would argue there are as many Wallys as there are people, because we all have the Shadow. It's just waiting to be manifested, but for that to happen, it needs to make contact with the Void.
    Or, I'm just way too high on cereal right now....
    There's also this other theory I had and I'm not sure I shared yet. It's about the Protoframes and 1999 in general...
    We know Entrati went back in time, not to an alternate timeline. We know he brought stuff from his current year to the past, already breaking a bunch of rules of time travel. As if this wasn't enough, he created Warframes, Protoframes, which creates a Paradox.
    What this means is, both Ballas and Entrati are responsible for the creation of the Warframes. Entrati used the Helminth Strain to infect people in 1999 and create the Protoframes. In the future of this timeline, Ballas could take notes and create the Warframes based on the Protoframes.
    I like to call this the Albrecht Paradox. It effetively means that Albrecht Entrati may be responsible for literally everything in the Orokin Empire thanks to his actions in 1999.
    Anyway, I went on way too long already,. Great vid Siege as always, keep on cookin my man, we're here and we're hungry.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +10

      Hey thank you and I think you might be on to something here... 1999 will hopefully give us more info!!!

  • @danshrk
    @danshrk Před 2 měsíci +15

    I dont think the lab is made out of the bones of people he sacrificed to the void BUT that notion made me connect a few things. The entire lab is build like a body, eyes and ears we defend. The Necramites, Necromechs and Culverins acting like cells (Necromechs being a perfect analogy for Killer T Cells.) Capilaries which move resources around the lab. What if the entire lab is grown from a subject, the gray strain specificly described as being able to grow to massive sizes. The Orokin Derelicts are full of the grey strain afterall.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +7

      But... what are the walls made of? Wouldn't it actually make sense within that exact line of thinking that the structures would be made of skeletal bone?

    • @danshrk
      @danshrk Před 2 měsíci +9

      @@TheDsIEGE yes, bone. Like the void towers. But not human or animal bone. Just infestation mimiking bonr if I understood correctly.

    • @ShortSpark756
      @ShortSpark756 Před 2 měsíci +2

      ​@danshrk maybe it would be petrified flesh? That could mimic bone and stone

    • @TBswag
      @TBswag Před měsícem +1

      Well, Demios is a guest head floating in space after all.

  • @cagebusterjapan734
    @cagebusterjapan734 Před 2 měsíci +127

    Considering that Albert is orokin, his idea of "human" is undoubtedly skewed. He probably threw a bunch of onstron into the void.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +46

      Like... insanely skewed, and given what i do know, the idea that he had a moral quandary surrounded humans here is a laugh riot.

    • @nullpoint3346
      @nullpoint3346 Před 2 měsíci +9

      @@TheDsIEGE He's viewed as a lesser Orokin within their society, right?

    • @DavidUtau
      @DavidUtau Před 2 měsíci +14

      ​@@nullpoint3346 He is orokin. Period. And not a "low one". He literally invented void travel.

    • @kirbs0001
      @kirbs0001 Před 2 měsíci +10

      Probably piles of Grineer got thrown through the void.

    • @nullpoint3346
      @nullpoint3346 Před 2 měsíci +12

      @@DavidUtau He was considered worthless by other orokin even after that achievement, I'm _not_ talking about ant castes here, I'm talking about _social standing._

  • @johnpayne7873
    @johnpayne7873 Před 2 měsíci +15

    The significance of Wally's missing finger may come from Hindu hand mudras, where the index finger represents Vayu (air), as in flying through the "air" of the void.
    There maybe other allusions, but for now I can only come up with connecting the many ghostly eyes in the walls (or we capture) to Swaha (form).

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +3

      Ooooo! Now that's something interesting indeed!!!

    • @gilgameshthetreasurehunter2750
      @gilgameshthetreasurehunter2750 Před 2 měsíci +5

      Alternatively it could also be something like "The Creation of Adam" (In the Sistine Chapel I think it was) where God reaches out to give life to Adam.
      Albrecht would be "Adam" in this case
      With Wally as "God" (at least in the way that he rules the void)
      Albrecht ran away from Wally and something something "Albrecht put the stars in reach"
      Idk, just my interpretation

  • @TheLunarDawn
    @TheLunarDawn Před 2 měsíci +7

    Albert, I wouldn't say is neither brilliant or evil. More so he is both equal parts gifted as he is traumatized; which, when combined even with the best of intentions, is just one of the many stepping stones on our path to the hell that we know as the void.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      I can definitely agree with this

  • @mr.nightmare4944
    @mr.nightmare4944 Před 2 měsíci +7

    Rubedo is a crystalline resource in warframe, a common one. I didnt give much thought to it till now.

    • @Ugarimpty
      @Ugarimpty Před 2 měsíci

      Yay, distiled pee used for alchemy !!

  • @bigbobyboi
    @bigbobyboi Před 2 měsíci +23

    Drumstick time🍗

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +7

      It most certainly is...

  • @SuperKlode
    @SuperKlode Před 2 měsíci +4

    The Carl Jung shadow theory is amazing, especially considering what is also considered in that theory - The collective unconsciousness. Indeed, The indifference/Wally is very fitting of being a shadow, The part of our characters closest to the collective unconsciousness. An unconsciousness where figures and concepts often are the anchoring entities, think Vitruvian man, deadly sins and emotions in Duviri, greed, envy, sorrow, joy, maybe a bit of a stretch, but the Lotus as the Tenno characters mother figure could also very much be enforced by the shadows anchoring in the collective unconsciousness, mother/nurture as a concept... All are conceptual entities in the collective unconsciousness, and the void may very well be a theoritical theory made manifest, it could be an interpretation of the Collective Unconsciousness of all sentient creatures in the universe, and that may be why it is so scary, because it is often seen as the shadow, the darker side of the self, but even more so, it is often unknown and difficult to interpret, chaotic yet also somehow deterministic, portraying our sentient freedom, yet also basic instincts that often lead us in the same direction: flee, fight, perish, prosper.
    We are just lucky that the Persona Universe hasn't been made manifest in Warframe yet, then we could be battling the conceptual embodiment of litteral demons, Angels, saints and other fictive and mythological creatures in History xD

  • @RavenUwU605
    @RavenUwU605 Před 2 měsíci +8

    I always interpreted 4:33 as “tick, tock, Tenno”

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +3

      I do believe it's Rap Tap Tap

    • @RavenUwU605
      @RavenUwU605 Před 2 měsíci +4

      @@TheDsIEGE that may be correct. However, I feel tick tock is more fitting because one of the recurring more obvious recurring themes is time and being late, in my eyes this “dialogue” if you can call it that is us being taunted, being told times running out and we should hurry up or else we’ll be late

  • @BallsDeep69_OwO
    @BallsDeep69_OwO Před 2 měsíci +16

    Another point to consider that Albrecht's labs are located in the void/pocket dimsension - the intro cutscene at the beginning of any node, right after loading. Both Orokin Void and Albrecht's Labs share the same one.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +9

      Ok, so I wasn't the only one to think that's how that all happened... I was wondering if the little ball that drops becomes the huge one that's at the very bottom of the labs...

  • @z-file9321
    @z-file9321 Před 2 měsíci +2

    me listening to a 5 min vid abt math: ⚰
    me listening to 5hrs of in-depth lore dives and theoretical analysis: 🗿

  • @CaptainRasmot
    @CaptainRasmot Před 2 měsíci +7

    So considering how much of a bio-mechanical horror show the rest of the system is, when it comes to Albrecht's inner sanctums I would rather pin that on being made with the "precursor" to the current tech being used. You can kinda see how a lot of the place is "built" thanks to the Mites that float around. They can rebuild anything destroyed using (I want to say) some method of being able to turn matter into energy and back again. That or it is using the remnant materials and "stitching" them back into one whole. Which would mean it is happening on a sub-atomic scale and we REALLY do not have the time for THAT rabbit hole. Which sorta ties into the idea of alchemy. If you have the method of taking one material and transmuting it, how far can you take that process? Let's say as an example the idea of taking basic igneous rock and turning it into steel. If you can do that, then why not create massive caverns in the depths of a moon. While Deimos is a smaller moon than Lua, it is still a Moon. Meaning you have a LOT of room to work with when you get below the surface. I mean sure, it ain't no Colony Ship For Sale (cheap!), but a lot of the tech of Warframe seems to slightly line up with a lot of the inner workings of Deimos. So it is far safer to say that the inner sanctums are made using prototype Orokin tech. Something that predates even the Unum. Cause lest we forget, you can get some lovely tower meat from the Unum.

  • @cagebusterjapan734
    @cagebusterjapan734 Před 2 měsíci +18

    I am curious how DE will connect Albrechts labs to the railjack considering the fingers in our ships are undoubtedly the one from the man in the wall.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +17

      So... they are actually copies, the one in our ship, much like all the vessel parts. Cavalero actually makes mention of this in passing on the Zariman

    • @cagebusterjapan734
      @cagebusterjapan734 Před 2 měsíci +7

      Granted. Surely The Man in the wall doesn't like his finger being taken and duplicated.

    • @cagebusterjapan734
      @cagebusterjapan734 Před 2 měsíci +6

      Perhaps DE could use the potential infested liches as a way to link the whispers in the wall to rail Jack since the only thing that can destroy the infection for good is a void bomb.

  • @PerrenialMillennial
    @PerrenialMillennial Před 2 měsíci +3

    Liked because you included the pager, that has been puzzling me for a while,lol.

  • @joshuathomasverghese1341
    @joshuathomasverghese1341 Před 2 měsíci +3

    We all are so concerned on if we could, we never stopped and thought if we should.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +2

      Couldn't agree with you more!

    • @daydreamdirty
      @daydreamdirty Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@TheDsIEGEmay not matter in the end if the player is never given a choice to make but merely has to follow a script

  • @rodrigopinto9804
    @rodrigopinto9804 Před 2 měsíci +21

    AAAAHHHHHHH WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO LATE HERE?????? Now I can't witness this masterpiece as soon as it comes out.
    Hear me out.... If the Earth was flat, we'd all have the same timezone and this type of shit wouldn't be happening UNIVERSEEEE

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +6

      I wouldn't mind a flat earth. Would remind me more of middle earth and I want to live in a hobbit home!

  • @mirdhi0
    @mirdhi0 Před 2 měsíci +8

    I Am Late!... thank you for the meal Lord Siege, I'm certain it shall be delightful as always.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +3

      I hope you enjoy!!!

    • @mirdhi0
      @mirdhi0 Před 2 měsíci +4

      ​@TheDsIEGE I've heard this audio many many times through you videos but once Albrecht Entrati says "operator" this time, 8:34 , its suddenly dawns on me that at no point in any segment of the story are we the players, the tenno, ever actually called by a personal name. No one ever asks our name nor I we ever given the opportunity to even pick a name. I know it probably just to avoid needless complexity and wasted code and stuff like that but still.

    • @Niteshiftmonkey
      @Niteshiftmonkey Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@mirdhi0I’d also point out much like Names. The Cavia sought names, the knowing someone’s true name gives you power over them (often in spell craft). I wouldn’t be surprised if the Operators name is being intentionally held back because of the power associated with it.

    • @mirdhi0
      @mirdhi0 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@Niteshiftmonkey not a single enemy or opponent ever a exhibits action that follows such a thought process. For example Ballas never asked or attempted to aquire the name of the tenno. Nothing has ever asked or searched for proper personal information about our character. We always called something else. The tenno, the void devil, operator, Star child, etc but never a actual name. We know plenty of characters names, like Ballas or Albrecht, we even learn and recover/rename the Entrati family members as we rank up but we the players have nothing.

  • @cattusdoggus62
    @cattusdoggus62 Před 2 měsíci +6

    Great video as always! That conclusion was perfectly built, keep it up! Your presentation is great and I can’t wait to watch you grow in the future.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      Thank you!!! I really appreciate that and I'm glad you liked it!

  • @SadCatSad
    @SadCatSad Před 2 měsíci +3

    Good stuff man, i knew i liked the game itsself (gameplay wise) but when i digged further into the lore i found myself listening to more of the dialogue and story thats been told. I love the scientific approach the Zariman quest line gave us since im really into stuff like that. Whispers in the Walls doubled down on that. Awesome video!

  • @AntiCaesarReal
    @AntiCaesarReal Před 2 měsíci +2

    Back in August when whispers was revealed i mentioned to my gf that the new area was the same material as the man in the wall himself. I even questioned if it WAS the wall.
    Oh also unrelated but youve noticed the murmur having a lot of different limbs for their enemies, right? Maybe even the fingers on the walls. But i noticed a step even further. Above the fragmented gorge opposite the side that is looking over the void, is a head and a torso. Almost bursting out of the wall.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +2

      I feel like the look of the murmur when they die gives it away... And the face you're referring to, if you look close, is actually already in the video!

  • @filanfyretracker
    @filanfyretracker Před 2 měsíci +1

    23:14 I honestly never noticed this when playing, but tile where arthur is laying has a representation of the sun and the moon. I doubt that actually means anything but still an observation.

  • @ksushaXD
    @ksushaXD Před 2 měsíci +1

    What I was thinking... Since you brought psychology into the theory, wally is actually pure being, as if it acts like a child and has a desire to get what he wants ( the id part )
    I don't know if I make sense but in my mind it does
    It's neither bad nor good, just still in it's age of id before knowing what you can or cannot have, before developing an ego of it's own...

  • @Petel828
    @Petel828 Před měsícem +1

    This channel is underrated, should be sponsored by DE

  • @fatboi8639
    @fatboi8639 Před 2 měsíci +1

    You’re truly among the best of this game’s community. Keep it up dude!

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      Thank you!!!! I do my best!

  • @robertmurphy7131
    @robertmurphy7131 Před 2 měsíci +1

    You raise a good point. I could believe an orokin seeing a human or a few other things a lesser being.

    @CYI3ERPUNK Před 2 měsíci +1

    EXCELLENT QUOTE by Carl Jung at the beginning dood , mega-kudos =]

  • @stubbs203
    @stubbs203 Před 2 měsíci +1

    14:18, I've actually done extensive listening to each set of the whisper audio files found in the sound bank for the game, I believe there's a total of 7 or 8 seperate "whispers" voice lines. (I'm using some of them for a personal audio/soundscape project, but they were all very interesting to listen to solo'd out)

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      That's amazing!!! I didn't realize all of that. Now I'm gonna have to listen...

  • @SocraTetris
    @SocraTetris Před měsícem +1

    Holy shit, the editing on this is so good. I love how yoi've overlayed the codex to the cutscene

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před měsícem +1

      Thank you!!! It's taken a good many years but... I'm finally starting to actually learn how to use my editing software versus just winging it, lol!

    • @SocraTetris
      @SocraTetris Před měsícem

      Wing it forever. That's what i do 👍🏾

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před měsícem

      @@SocraTetris Well it's worked for me so far at least, if nothing else, lol...

  • @DakotaBLK
    @DakotaBLK Před 2 měsíci

    Love this!

  • @aeternalii
    @aeternalii Před 2 měsíci +2

    Wally. My favorite eldritch deity. I ask myself of how will the Tenno deal with him? Or... will we ever do something in the first place? Maybe Wally just wants to see everything become ''different'' at last, maybe he is tired of himself being indifferent.... if we could call him "indifferent" at all...

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +3

      Mine too! And yeah, for being indifferent he sure likes things to go his way, lol... What I do love is, we're waist deep in this entity, I've been dying for this since Chains of Harrow!

    • @Nebulanoctis
      @Nebulanoctis Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@TheDsIEGE Are the man in the wall, the indifference and the doppelgänger even the same? Our tenno doppelgänger (and albrecht's too) is not indifferent at all. I would rather say he is mad at us for not keeping our part of the deal. And why is it also called the lidless eye in the chains of harrow quest? Has this name for wally been used elsewhere?

  • @jman518192
    @jman518192 Před 2 měsíci

    Love it!

  • @siennaistrans
    @siennaistrans Před 2 měsíci

    the start of the quest is something i wanna dive more into, because the thing we see collapse is referred to as "The Untime Door"
    the heart pumps the void through the untime door, and it just casually collapses? nah. I think the collapse of the door linked us to the wall of lohk properly which is why the labs appear only afterward, because they exist within it and why wally has so much more power.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před měsícem +2

      Actually... I think it's possible that little sphere that drops begins to grow and becomes enormous at the bottom of the lab aspect, not the crumbling part where the man in the wall is.

  • @chelsy5105
    @chelsy5105 Před 2 měsíci

    Another upload 🎉

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      Hope you enjoyed it! It was a fun one to make!

  • @jaspermellema7951
    @jaspermellema7951 Před 2 měsíci

    Best lore videos on yt hands down

  • @vjcn9378
    @vjcn9378 Před 2 měsíci

    Why is it beginning to sound like this is going to end with the Tenno accepting that their doppelgänger is a reflection of themselves and subsequently reclaiming it as their own

  • @thatguyzerg
    @thatguyzerg Před 2 měsíci


  • @ProjectNetoku
    @ProjectNetoku Před 2 měsíci +1

    you remember how since the second dream, weve been making choices that effect the compass- that little decision marker that changes to be light, dark, even or maybe alittle heavy on one side vs the other.
    What if that leads to what happens in 1999 or something soon after? what happens to entrati, the future, ect- what if that thing weve been blindly choosing is whats going to determine our ending?

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      I'm pretty certain it will. Those choices are typically void related and the man in the wall has even been a part of a few of them so... I'd bet on it having significance sooner than later especially because in whispers, we got more questions to add to our "morality" gauge.

  • @tellmeninetails5819
    @tellmeninetails5819 Před 2 měsíci

    Minn's body was the only body not recovered from the void. Like sevagoth was she's still out there.

  • @depressedutchman
    @depressedutchman Před 2 měsíci

    The man in the wall is smart af

  • @rezakirivii4226
    @rezakirivii4226 Před 2 měsíci

    This kinda explains the characters from 1999 since they look partially Warframe

  • @Darthmufin
    @Darthmufin Před 2 měsíci +1

    Sort of off topic but i wonder if in Tagfer's desire to 'get' Albrecht we will find out that Minn is still alive somehow, trapped in the void. And it be an onkko x saya situation where minn can't let tagfer know she is still alive for whatever reason, as otherwise DE would have to code tagfer to have a different reason to do netracells lol.
    I only say this because the cavia talk about her a lot during their rank up dialogue so there has to be a larger reason than just conflict right? I don't remember if they say she clearly died, only that she was lost to the void, aka no body or cadavers was returned?

  • @drakenwarlord8726
    @drakenwarlord8726 Před 2 měsíci +2

    What if Kuva is the Philosopher's Stone. It does grant Infinite life and is the basis of the Orokin

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +1

      Given that Warframe already has actual Rubedo in the game, they know the concept so... yeah, I'd say that's a significant possibility or if nothing else was directly inspired from it.

  • @mafuos4402
    @mafuos4402 Před 2 měsíci


  • @AllyMonsters
    @AllyMonsters Před 2 měsíci

    Albert that we see in the 1999 part of the story is a "clone" in all likeliness. We see that when a person makes a "deal" with the man in the wall, or being touched by the void, such as the Zarimon crew, the Drifter, and the Murmurs shadows of other Warframes get imprinted into the void. Without the Tenno, the Warframes steadily went insane from their powers before the Tenno used transference on them (much like the adult crew of the Zarimon). Which implies that likely the Warframes are the "clones" or murmur influenced, while their real self was placed into the void akin to the Drifter, leaving their void clone that replaced them, to go insane like the Zarimon crew did. But since the Tenno are the only one that made a "deal" with the man in the wall , we're the only one that keep our true self in the "real" plane and the void plane (by making the Duviri space it seems).
    The Holdfasts seem to kinda be the key in the theory though, as their remade from the void as they were before, but are steadily being torn to madness once again as void angels.
    If I had to take a real guess, Albert is likely trying to fuse the parts of himself into one, and the man in the wall with the first instance of the man in the wall/void manifesting (sometime in 1999). Or to put more accurately, he is trying to mess with the eternalisum of the man in the wall by messing with it's timeline. At least that what I think with all the wackness psudo philosophical stuff the last few updates have brought to the story (such as the presantisum vs enteralisums debate from the Zariman AI).
    Edit: little side thing. I think there are multiple men in the wall, or more then 1 version of it. It seems like the void itself is an entity, and the man in the wall is just one form of consensus from within. I would say maybe the void is hivemind like but also chaotic in nature, meaning it actively battles with itself (akin to a split personality or Duviri mood swings), which is why the man in the wall is "nice" and makes a deal with us, for its own purpose of fighting and controlling the void for itself, or expand its influence in the void. And if I had to guess the man in the wall is likely the first person or persons to interact with the void or the voids interpretation and reconstruction of them (like the Holdfasts), likely from 1999. That or the man is the wall is itself Alberts, or as implied originally, your Tennos void clone/shadow.

  • @erickrhone
    @erickrhone Před 2 měsíci

    I think somehow Arthur Excalibur and Albrecht Entrati are different versions of the same person from different timelines or possibly even his son from that time. I can't remember who but someone mentions him possibly having secrets in the past and who or what he could be hiding there. Maybe this could be possible for the Tenno as well. Albrecht knowing that one of the children on the Zariman will be able to operate the vessels and they are just waiting for this right operator. And that Albrecht, Arthur and the Tenno are so closely connected and intertwined. The Tenno even says Exalibur used to be him. At one point i thought the Stalker could be the Indifference's Warframe how the Tenno are with Exalibur. And how the Stalker and Indifference are always looking for us like their missing half and how the Accolites are all named after dark emotions. Just a theory. Hopefully DE can tie it all together to make it one if the greatest video game stories of our time.

  • @nileman9907
    @nileman9907 Před 2 měsíci

    My personal headcanon is that Kalymos, Albrechts cat is the Man in the Wall himself.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      There is a story that loid tells about Kalymos and how it essentially died. Days later, it was fine. Given what we know about the cavia, it's very likely Kalymos is a void copy, unless there's some other nefarious reason this story exists...

  • @joshuariel8496
    @joshuariel8496 Před 2 měsíci

    This gives me Beyond good and evil vibes

  • @commanderfarsight2722
    @commanderfarsight2722 Před 2 měsíci

    I’ve always wondered why albrecht looks more human than the rest of the orokin we see. Like the rest of his family have the blue skin and long arm but he doesn’t in the whispers quest. And then there is the picture of him that looks Orokin so I wonder what is going on

  • @westarrr
    @westarrr Před 2 měsíci +3

    Are you meaning to say that 1999 is Albrecht's nekyia? Then if so, it begs to question whether Albrecht's sanity survives the embrace of his Shadow. If I understand you correctly, by consciously confronting/validating his shadow he obtains nigredo and then to overcome it he'd gain albedo, then he will have to eventually "become good (or atleast neutral)" again or else not gain this immortality through psychological alchemy. If he succumbs to the shadow, and be that evil we see in the cutscene of him grinning and voidspeaking, then he would have failed in his alchemy experiment and never gain albedo.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +3

      Yes, I think you've got it and... I wonder if they will go into the difficulty and near certainly of failure this whole thing typically is. In fact, if this is the way they are going, I could see the tenno being the one's who reach this state before him, with them being both able to love and kill and do it in a justified way. Perhaps, our final battle will be with a consumed Entrati, and... if the man in the wall is within both of us, maybe we have to die together to complete the circuit?

    • @inglebear84
      @inglebear84 Před 2 měsíci

      @@TheDsIEGEdamn….what an ending. I fear we may actually be close to WFs actual ending…
      The story has always been mankind’s search for meaning, for itself. Personified by the MITW taking the Vitruvian man in form. And the truest aspect of that search, that of reconciliation between shadow and self, is becoming more open, obvious, and nearing completion.
      And now, we have WF 1999, tying us back to DEs progenitor game Dark Sector. Where we’re likely to have our last conflict with The Indifference. We finish where Warframe started.
      Until we ascend, and begin a new timeline…

  • @SideQuestStories
    @SideQuestStories Před 2 měsíci

    We've seen this play out in another game, written in 1999.
    The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      That's a Link of magnanimous proportions, wouldn't you agree?

    • @SideQuestStories
      @SideQuestStories Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@TheDsIEGEand a terrible fate to meet

  • @randomaccountwithmusic4206
    @randomaccountwithmusic4206 Před 2 měsíci

    I was mad we didn't off the lotus and let nora in her place, but if entrati lives through this I will throw my PC

  • @Ace4573
    @Ace4573 Před 2 měsíci

    So tldr from the interpretation of a "witless horde": Albrecht incorporates part of his shadow self ,(the indifference) into his being with cool alchemical elements (pun)

  • @beefymario88
    @beefymario88 Před měsícem

    - Alchemy
    - Demonic Angels
    - Evil God like being trapped in a prison like space which has a spirit which convinces people into dodgy deals by imitating themselves.
    - Void language sounds evil AF.
    - Summoning circles.
    - Drinking blood.
    - Ballas refers to the Void as ‘hell’ and the Tenno as ‘devils’.
    - Ballas mentions miracles on more than one occasion.
    We’re all being played by the ‘devil’.

  • @oktena
    @oktena Před 2 měsíci +1

    Ok, you said rubedo in terms of alchemy, now that begs the question... does the in-game gem by the same name have a similar origin?

  • @PellahTheHero
    @PellahTheHero Před 2 měsíci

    Where can I find the two concept art of "alternative" Man in The Wall at 6:20 ? o.o

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      There's a link in the description

    • @PellahTheHero
      @PellahTheHero Před 2 měsíci

      @@TheDsIEGE I was checking back and it looks like youtube didn't send my comment: I meant specifically the alternative skull-like version and the "doore with 6 arms" one at around 6:20. Link in the description seems to be only about the Tennocon 2022 ones.

  • @randomaccountwithmusic4206
    @randomaccountwithmusic4206 Před 2 měsíci

    Cavia would to him mean labrat. Humans can be labrats, its not a big stretch

  • @frankpalios4385
    @frankpalios4385 Před 2 měsíci

    Ego =tenno ,self- drifter , shadow- man in the wall mmm if enter in the void you split into 3 personalitis ego/self/shadow or void trys copy 1 of 3 .

  • @nucklehead718
    @nucklehead718 Před 2 měsíci

    Based off the chair Albrecht Entrati is either John Constantine or Neo when he met Morpheus.

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      He's definitely got some of the "one" vibes. But then... so do we. Maybe... Smith?

    • @nucklehead718
      @nucklehead718 Před 2 měsíci

      Yes, his actions and personality do lean more towards an Agent Smith vibe.
      I wonder if he's jealous of us(Tenno) and our capabilities. Maybe he thinks we have great power and don't wield it as we should or as he deems we should if he possessed such power.
      Now he's making a deal with the devil in hope of becoming it's protege to enact his will and be empowered/corrupted by the void.

  • @connormcgowan7857
    @connormcgowan7857 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I wonder if the lab Albert is said to have created in duviri, that is a replica of one he owned in a previous life, and that subsequently went missing over night might have something to do with the labs seemingly inexplicable size? Some sort of merger of the two, would explain why the wally has such a presence there, the lab in our plane being connected to the void in some way (via duviri)
    I've been wondering since watching these speculative lore videos about the other, not Albert's but our own. My question is who is the real tenno? This question is presented in game near the end of the new war, no? If we ponder the same as Entrati did after seeing his other when offered the choice of who we are, is the drifter or the operator the real tenno?
    I may be misusing tenno and operator but I think using them in the way I did better get across the point I'm trying to make.
    One last note: I wonder if there is some relationship between Albert, his other/shadow, his refusal to no longer take the kuva and the alchemical philosophy of the elixir of life?

  • @Imsleepeebruh
    @Imsleepeebruh Před 2 měsíci

    I'm hoping that we can get some more lore with Jade when she drops. Is it gonna be before '99 tho?

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +1

      Yes, I believe it will although I don't know if it will provide more information on 1999 or just be stalker info

  • @blueberry4Us
    @blueberry4Us Před 2 měsíci

    I wish we could see Destiny story and Lore from your channel....
    I would love to have Destiny2 story with your Voice🥲

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      You know, I'm not saying it's impossible, but many of the recent business practices, and probably most importantly the whole Justin Truman GDC conference where they openly admitted to consistent underdelivery, that... well it doesn't inspire me. It doesn't inspire me like it used to, to want to dig into the deeper lore and find stuff like I do in Warframe. I'm not saying they are perfect, but DE has really impressed me with their commitment to the game. Because of this, I feel really good about spending my time on Warframe. We'll see what the final shape holds, but... most of it will depend on what Bungie as a company decides to do with the soul of the game in the near future.

  • @elijahmashter9587
    @elijahmashter9587 Před 2 měsíci

    Did Thrax build the labs for Al like how the man in the wall might've

  • @balazsdusek
    @balazsdusek Před 2 měsíci

    wait the starting cutscene has dialog? bro was silent for me the whole time 😭

    • @DaleKamp
      @DaleKamp Před 2 měsíci

      I think TheDsIEGE added one of Albrecht's dialogue on the codex that you can uncover onto the cutscene. Honestly, it worked so well!

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      I did!!! This is actually dialogue from his lost notes, cheekily added in to present the premise of the video!!!

  • @alilr4499
    @alilr4499 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I believe that Albert is fundamentally evil and that the man in the wall is a reflection of his half-evil self, and he made an agreement with Kido for his reasons.... The same thing applies to our own Kido, who is half-evil. He sabotages everything with Albert. They thought they were making amends, or vice versa.. I think that the void is like a mirror, but it makes the reflection a real person, either good or evil..... I also think that Stalker is not evil, and even all of the Sentinels are not evil, but rather good, and they wanted a war with orekin for unknown reasons. I think they knew that a man in the wall had taken control of them or something. Like this, sentinels they are the only The only ones that has not been touched by a man in the wall. I think the reason Stalker joined the Sentinels is to take revenge on Teno because they killed their people because they were in control.... And the last thing I think is that when Albert invented a time travel machine, he went back to the past and ruined the things we are living in now. Including the old war and other things, and now wants to fix it at any cost

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      Well there is definitely a sinister side to the tenno somewhere, and... that scene in the erra cinematic... where the man in the walls eyes are on our own... Can he do that anytime? With this in mind, there very well could be... our own tenno, like a repressed personality that just takes over at times. I mean... How could that not be the case, if it's already happened once and... seemingly happened to Entrati as well?

    • @alilr4499
      @alilr4499 Před 2 měsíci

      Yes, it is likely that this happened to him...

  • @cardinull5761
    @cardinull5761 Před 2 měsíci

    Where does the Albrecht intro monologue come from? Is it AI?

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +1

      No, I put the dialogue from his lost notes into the beginning.

    • @cardinull5761
      @cardinull5761 Před 2 měsíci

      @@TheDsIEGE Where can I find the dialogues? I searched in the wiki and I can't actually find the actual voice lines, only written quotes

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@cardinull5761 you need to destroy whispers in Entrati labs. By doing this, you will unlock more and more of his lost notes

  • @00McMuffin00
    @00McMuffin00 Před 2 měsíci

    I would take the new Albrecht song way more seriously if it didn't sound like they were singing "jelly" every 3 seconds lol

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +1

      I actually have it saved as Jelly Ra Song, lol

    • @00McMuffin00
      @00McMuffin00 Před 2 měsíci

      @@TheDsIEGE I knew it wasn't just me! Haha

  • @joshuariel8496
    @joshuariel8496 Před 2 měsíci

    Or Octopath traveler Auguste

  • @Ch405m4n
    @Ch405m4n Před 2 měsíci

    Heh...this all reminds me of Fullmetal Alchemist. Albrecht seen what's behind the door/wall and now he is cursed with knowledge...what knowledge? We will see...

  • @cjd2889
    @cjd2889 Před 2 měsíci

    The Orokin HATE twins, other than that it is superstition, do we know why? What if their disdain for Entrati after his void experiments is in part because he INSISTS he created a twin by accident?

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +1

      Crazy coincidence there, yes?

  • @KR-zg9qc
    @KR-zg9qc Před 2 měsíci

    I'm sorry I'm late, I was busy watching Drake get verbally dragged outside and murdered 😅

  • @ulfhednar77
    @ulfhednar77 Před 2 měsíci

    Hey Fullmetal Alchemist taught us ya need humans to make the philosophers stone

  • @gionharis13
    @gionharis13 Před 2 měsíci

    You miss something and I'm not gonna say what.
    But you did put it in by intentional or accidentally...
    Amazing video as always
    Swazdo-lah Surah
    Stay safe guardian

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      You're talking about his head, yes? I've seen a better one...

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      One with a very unique aspect... A third eye...

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      I'm glad to see you got to check out the video though... I have to admit that... although I love the symbology of today's theory... I highly doubt it will make it into the game as I've said, lol...

    • @gionharis13
      @gionharis13 Před 2 měsíci

      I'm not going to say anything...
      I know you already know what it is...
      You already planned for the next 3 Videos to come...
      Till then...
      Let them wonder...
      And read the corner...
      Or the 3 joined lines...

  • @nmghmarquis2583
    @nmghmarquis2583 Před 2 měsíci

    hmmm4_4 Goood show kinda nice

  • @bobbobigson9205
    @bobbobigson9205 Před 2 měsíci

    Everytime I hear sth about Albrecht I get more and more the feeling he is more evil than Walle. He is a typical case if fuck around and fund out but he tries to run from the find out aspect

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      Yeah, I don't view him in a positive light, and in fact... his vibe speaks to the persona of someone who's actually fully consumed by their shadow, and that's never a good thing.

  • @agingerbeard
    @agingerbeard Před 2 měsíci

    Albrecht is a truly evil man. I'm worried DE will try and make him "complicated" or "just misunderstood" when he is wholly irredeemable by any moral standard worth considering. I feel like it is the destiny of the Tenno to destroy Albrecht for good, and maybe bring a sort of peace to Wally, who I'm starting to think was the one tainted by Albrecht, not the other way around. Thank you for your video

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +1

      I'm sort of hoping for the whole, he'll be the evil and then sacrifice himself or fight the entity within and help us win, redeeming him all original darth vader style... but that's just my dream. Thank you for checking it out!

    • @agingerbeard
      @agingerbeard Před 2 měsíci

      @@TheDsIEGE I wonder if that would redeem him in the eyes of his countless murder victims and experiment subjects? I would have no sympathy, or gratitude for him. I think Tagfer is right not to forgive Albrecht, I think there is a point where someone does so much evil, they can never do enough good to wash away that stain. I don't know where that line starts, but I feel like Albrecht crossed it, with glee, a long time ago. I don't know that Vader was ever redeemed, so much as Luke corrected some of the evil wrought by his father. Luke is the hero not because he saves Vader from any fate, but because he never succumbed the way his father did. Just my take anyway, what a time to be alive as Warframe lore fans, gonna ne a wild year 😊👍

  • @Raze_HyskarisXIV
    @Raze_HyskarisXIV Před 2 měsíci

    So much of this has me believing ala Matrix, we're not entirely "alive", and not really "dead" either. We end as we began. From dust you came, to dust you shall return (IE : Genesis 3:19). Are we even really alive? Is any of this real, or are we still dreaming? The Indifference holding the Lotus flower alludes to the past, The Old War, and the fact that there's a whole history to which we don't remember but Alad V alludes that we destroyed a whole civilization and don't remember. What else do we not remember because our past has been wiped from our memory? And who did that? Albrecht is truly shades of grey. Neutral. The balance must be maintained, but at what cost to the Tenno? To the Orokin? To the very system itself? He doesn't seem to care either way. Almost as if he is.................Indifferent. They are one in the same. Two sides of one coin. Albrecht, the Indifferent.

  • @elijahmashter9587
    @elijahmashter9587 Před 2 měsíci

    How does eternalism even work, how can Duviri exist before the incident that made it and

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      I'm working on a vid of that as we speak.

  • @ardekakka
    @ardekakka Před 2 měsíci

    where reddit link

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      In the description, good stuff right there

  • @royxl9506
    @royxl9506 Před 2 měsíci

    Hey space dad

  • @eeftankian
    @eeftankian Před 2 měsíci

    So if rubedo comes from urine does that mean Rhino's rubedo skin is basically a piss skin?

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci +1

      Yes, that's correct.

  • @mizureeluvscompany
    @mizureeluvscompany Před 7 hodinami

    Wait are you telling me I have been collecting somebody's perfectly filtered pee pee this whole time? (rubedo) I have never had my jaw on the floor this long before. And my helminth is eating some right now!? I'm absolutely lost.

  • @kirbs0001
    @kirbs0001 Před 2 měsíci +2

    I like Albrecht much more as an antagonist than Ballas.
    Ballas was cartoonishly evil. a parody of what 'evil' is. His was a character that would fit a children's story.
    Albrecht is so much more nuanced. Some people might not even consider him to be evil, which IMO, is the tell of a truly *great* villain.
    Plus, Albrecht is a mirror of the Tenno we play; since we too cannot be certain if we are playing as a child saved from the void, or as a manifestation of the void. The majority of NPCs seem to believe the latter, calling us 'Void demons'.
    If we must be demons; unlike Albrecht, let's not embrace that fact. let's not be 'honest' demons. Let's be what those lost children could have been, given the gifts of the void. We've already shown we're not beholden to the will of the void. (We didn't uphold our deal with the Man in the Wall). So let's keep that up. Let's do good, whether we're demons or not.

  • @anthall1768
    @anthall1768 Před 2 měsíci

    A human is the divine creation corrupted by demonic intervention. The imperfect perfection. The difference between a demon and a god is the perception of the audience. An action always has a positive and negative effect. That's why humans are powerful beings. We can communicate with true divinity and the infernal. The original human beings were homunculi named Adam and Lilith. Adam was filled with divinity of Universe by obedience, and Lilith was filled with the infernal by rejection of the Universe. Eve is the daughter clone of Adam, thus making her an inferior version of Lilith. Because of the divinity of Adam, Eve was made divine. This is the reason why women are deemed inferior in most religions.

  • @johnconn4131
    @johnconn4131 Před 2 měsíci

    No way this is how I found out JK Rowling’s first book was fan fic

  • @hyd3831
    @hyd3831 Před 2 měsíci

    In the process I have learned that I am gay

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      That happens sometimes.

  • @haroldpedro726
    @haroldpedro726 Před 2 měsíci

    Is it just me or Albrecht's voice doesn't suit him. His voice sounds so old. He's model looks so young for his voice

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      Maybe but... I love his voice and I love his delivery too. It's very calculated

  • @warrenshultzaberger6057
    @warrenshultzaberger6057 Před 2 měsíci

    disliked the video cause hero-wars ad

  • @apophisdd
    @apophisdd Před 2 měsíci +1

    So the game's alignment's white and dark is possibly "ego" and "shadow" respectively, both contributing to what is "self"? The diagram that illustrated that is fascinating. It has "consciousness" at the top alongside ego, but at the bottom, alongside shadow, it doesn't just say "unconscious", but "collective unconscious". I wonder if that's a part of us that The Indifference taps into, and into us all that we share? What might that mean for the future of the game's alignment? Perhaps too dark and you are too heavily influenced and controllable. Too light and you are too insular to be an effective weapon/not sensitive enough to The Indifference? Seems with many things, balance, whether it be your psyche/the force/your diet is the key to success...

    • @TheDsIEGE
      @TheDsIEGE Před 2 měsíci

      I think you've got it now!