Timeshift The Smoking Years (BBC).mp4

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • Reported by Dr. Stephen Hamann (TRC International Affairs Consultant)

Komentáře • 44

  • @Ben_Kirkham
    @Ben_Kirkham Před 10 lety +12

    A fascinating documentary, so good to be able to see it again. Thanks for uploading this!

  • @Sungodv
    @Sungodv Před 6 měsíci +2

    many people develop lung Cancer that have never smoked or been around those who do

  • @kylegoodreau2170
    @kylegoodreau2170 Před 2 lety

    This documentary is absolutely awesome

  • @Mr._Johns_Productions
    @Mr._Johns_Productions Před 8 měsíci

    I love this documentary

  • @michaelturner4457
    @michaelturner4457 Před 2 lety

    I spent a while in China quite recently, and it's still very much the smoking years there.

  • @ScotsPipe
    @ScotsPipe Před 6 lety +3

    Pipe smoking " 4:03 minutes in , luvly Pipe tobacco ,a real indulgence , I know I smoke a Pipe ,it's Amazing

  • @drutgat2
    @drutgat2 Před 4 lety +2

    Interesting that they use 'A Day In The Life', and talk about The Beatles, but do not show any film of them smoking. As the most visible and famous figures on the planet in the 60s, I am sure that they (unfortunately) influenced many young people to smoke. (And the line in the song, "..went upstairs and had a smoke" was a reference to pot smoking).
    Growing up as a kid in England in the early 70s was awful - I could never stand cigarette smoke, and you could not get away from it.

  • @AnHeC
    @AnHeC Před 9 lety +16

    The smoker is fine. Trust me. Went to Erasmus (student exchange). ALL the French people smoked (at least occasionally). Maybe 20 % of all the people I've met were vehemently against smoking.
    Smoking gives you something. Yeah, it also takes, but so do cheeseburgers, chocolate and pizza. We're eating ourselves to death and that is totally socially acceptable, but smoking? God forbid!

    • @AnHeC
      @AnHeC Před 9 lety +3

      Septic Womb
      It isn't one of the biggest mistakes :P And I don't really know people smoking so much. Mostly it's 4-6 ciggarets a day. And yeah, it's not healthy, but I've stated some benefits of it (social, psychological). It does give me something. If it's not the same for you, fine. Now bumble off.
      You know what kills most people in the modern world? Diet related diseases, biatch! Not ciggs. So deal with a bigger problem first.

    • @septicwomb4394
      @septicwomb4394 Před 9 lety

      AnHeC Your comment wasn't about you personally. You talked about "the smoker," i.e., smokers generally, and then talked about how junk food is just as bad, so that somehow makes smoking okay. Don't try and worm your way out of it.
      If you're so socially inept that you can't start a conversation with a stranger, I feel sorry for you. Have you tried, like, I don't know, talking? And what kind of paupers share a single cigarette? Wtf? What do you do when the other person doesn't smoke? Just stand there in silence like a dumbass? Maybe you should learn some social skills, then you wouldn't need to get cancer to make friends. Maybe smoking is beneficial to you, because you don't know how to talk to people. That makes you a loser. Which is sad. But sure, it's really nice talking to someone who smells like formaldehyde and is emitting toxic fumes into the air around them. Really cool and attractive.
      I see you're uneducated on diet too. Firstly, you're just wrong. Smoking is *officially* the biggest cause of preventable death. Accept it. Also, meat generally isn't responsible for any of the conditions you listed above. You're deluded, and probably have an internet education. New Scientist (you know, that magazine where people who actually know what the fuck they're talking about contribute?) ran an article on meat consumption recently, and concluded that eating *the correct* amount of the *right meats* is healthier than eating no meat at all, and contributes to a longer life. Science bitch. Deal with it. Obviously excessive consumption of meat isn't healthy, just like excessive consumption of water isn't healthy. That doesn't mean you should stop drinking water. And unlike meat, cigarettes have no nutritional value. There is no "correct amount* of cigarettes you should be smoking. And what the fuck is the point of talking about the imaginary medical benefits of veganism when you fucking smoke?? You're soooo stupid! You probably get your info from Google lmao. Try reading articles by people who know what they're talking about it, instead of filling your head with the junk you find online. Maybe you might learn something that's actually true instead of spouting garbage. Good luck with your nutrient-deficient diet and poison inhalation. And I hope you learn how to socialise sometime soon. Hell, you might even lose your virginity one of these days lool.

    • @AnHeC
      @AnHeC Před 9 lety +2

      Septic Womb
      Oh man, stop putting words in my mouth, you excitable flounder.
      Veganism is the way. Animal products are death and sickness. That's what official studies show. Dr Neal Barnard, Dr John McDougall, Dr Cadwell Esselstyn to mention just a few names. *If you want an overview of the studies Dr Gregor is a way to go.* You, like most people, are uneducated about meat consumption and it's perils. Read something like Starch Solution or watch Forks over Knives (just for easy starters). I'm pretty sure you've done zero research so don't go around calling me ignorant, you poor, deluded child.
      "Sharing a cigarette" means smoking together. Not actually smoking the same cigarette. XD Lol Are you just pretending to be an idiot?
      I've never, not once claimed cigarettes are healthy in any way, shape or form. I simply called you an idiot for demonizing one minor thing. Why not rant about how high heels are detrimental to tendons, hips, spines and nerves? That's pretty serious too! And more widely practised!
      I've also never claimed to be an epitome of health. Just saying, if you want to find the biggest cause of disease - it's meat and animal products. I live the life the way I enjoy it the most. That's all.
      Trust me, vegan diet is not deficient. Far from it. Which you would know, have you spend some time reading actual studies instead of getting you knowledge from pop-culture magazines, like 'shape' and shit. If you ever by some miracle do happen to get educated, your mind will be blown!
      Meat has no benefit. It can't give you anything good that plants don't already have. For example: did you know that *every single fucking plant contains complete protein*? So, just in case you were about to make that argument, it's out of the window. And plants don't contain things like cholesterol! How nice.
      And I do socialise fine, thank you very much. I have many non-smoker friends. Hell, I have abstinent friends too! Smoking is not a requirement for me, I just like it. Same way alcohol is not a necessity for most people, it just helps and makes things easier and nicer. Why is it so difficult for you to understand? We all chose our poisons. For you it's meat, for me cigarettes. It's not a competition. Just stop being a judgemental floppy dick.

    • @septicwomb4394
      @septicwomb4394 Před 9 lety +1

      AnHeC almost everything you said is bullshit. new scientist isn't a pop magazine. it's contributors are research-based scientists who are experts in their fields. you didn't tell me what your scientific qualification was. what is it?
      thought so.
      how many women get cancer from high heels?
      thought so.
      okay, now let's educate you on food. every plant does not contain complete protein. you're plain wrong. you'd have to eat a mixture of different plant sources to provide your body with the amino acids to synthesize complete proteins. only a handful of plant-based foods contain complete proteins, e.g., quinoa, or buckwheat. the number is very few, and the amount of protein they contain is negligible. meat products, on the other hand, do contain complete proteins, and so provide the body with the necessary amino acids in abundance. not only is the quality of animal protein superior; the quantity is too. a couple of chicken breasts will give you all the protein you need for a day, in as little as 400 calories. to obtain the same quantity of protein, of an inferior quality, remember, you're looking at 800-1200 calories of beans, nuts or legumes.
      have you ever heard of HDL and LDL cholesterol? do you realise your body *needs* HDL cholesterol? no, of course you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have brought cholesterol up. here's a fun fact: some cholesterol is good for your body, especially your heart. as you said yourself, you're not going to get it from plants. too bad.
      Vegan diets are known to be nutrient-deficient. For example, plant-based foods will absolutely not provide you with B12, which is essential for blood formation. B12 deficiency is one of the biggest risks of a vegan diet. vegans are also commonly deficient in creatine and carnosine, as well as struggling to reach healthy levels of iron intake. people who eat lean, white meat and fish in moderation do not struggle with nutrient dificiencies, and do not face any health risks resulting from their consumption of animal products. the evidence is against you buddy. science.
      basically, you've decided to become vegan, and sought out every source on the internet to justify your decision. i'm sourcing from an article published this year, in a scientific journal, and contributed to be specialist researchers who study diet day in day out. i win.
      i don't care if you smoke. i don't care if you die. but your comment talked about smoking generally, and you tried to equate it with eating pizza, which is fucking retarded. which in turns means that *you* are fucking retarded.
      and nutrient-deficient. and socially-handicapped.
      oh, and, your words: "Like, how much less awkward it is. Because you can just stand there in silence, but you're smoking, so it's comfortable"
      sure, you sound amazing at socialising lolol. fucking idiot.

    • @AnHeC
      @AnHeC Před 9 lety +2

      Septic Womb Your ignorance is so thorough I feel like I should applaud you...
      What are you? 4? Google essential amino acids. Go on any site that has detailed nutritional info. Search for plants. I've spend hours trying to find a single plant that didn't contain all 9 essential amino acids. Do you know where this myth comes from? First experiments on essential and non essential amino acids were carried out on rats. And it turns out, rat's aren't humans (big surprise!) and actually have more essential amino acids. Meaning = we can make some they can't. Or was it just one? Dunno. But I DO know that virtually all plants contain ALL amino acids.
      Doctors I've cited devoted their lives to researching nutrition. Decades of research are behind them and more is coming every year. Read up, kiddo.
      You also seem to operate under a misconception about how much protein we need. So, here's some knowledge for you a) we need less than you thing b) too much protein is BAD for you. Most people consume too much which is connected to health risks and disease. The story of where the protein 'norms' came from is pretty funny too. Essentially, a dude in the early 20th century decided to research a healthy diet. How? He observed what physical workers will eat when given a choice. He assumed we naturally gravitate toward healthy choices. Newsflash, we don't. Left to our own devices we eat burgers, pizza, chocolate, crisps, fried food... Not good at all. Since then, a proper research has been done. However, the myth steel functions in common knowledge. It's sad, really. Do you know how little protein we need? So little, that something like protein deficiency doesn't fucking exist! (outside of caloric deficiencies, if someone doesn't eat enough food, like children in Africa, they can get protein deficiency) Have you ever, ever heard of a single person who got sick because they were deficient in protein? Didn't think so. It's because we eat waaaay more than needed. And it's bad for us.
      When you eat your plant based diet and get all the calories there is no way to become protein deficient. If you get the calories you get more protein than needed. True story. Have you ever read nutrition value of potatoes, beans, lentils... Full of protein. And fibre. So you're not constipated :P
      Here's a fact about cholesterol - we produce it. Just like vitamin D. Yep, your liver can make all the cholesterol you need. What you eat is a surplus. A huge surplus. A bit wouldn't hurt, but we over-consume. So yeas, we need it. No we don't need to get it from food.
      Whole food, plant based vegan diet is NOT nutrient deficient in any way, shape or form. Just the opposite. They're nutrition dense. How fucking stupid do you have to be to say such shit?!
      B12 - is not produced by animals, but bacteria. All animals got it (in the past) from eating plants with traces of dirt on them (bacteria lives in dirt). Now we can't do that, because of the chemicals and food production process. How does your meat get B12? We pump supplements into animals. I'll just directly take a supplement without eating the animal, thank you. BTW, most people are B12 (was it like half the US population?) but only 2% of the population is vegan. Meat is not a good source of B12. Sorry. And, we recycle it (our bodies do), so it takes years to become deficient, really. Gary Yourofsky, vegan for many years, no supplements, no B12 deficiency. But why bother? It's just one tiny supplement. No big deal.
      Most people on SAD diet are deficient in nutrition. Vegans are the healthy group. First of all they get tested, so at least they monitor their health :P But also all data on vegans vs normal people shows who is the healthiest group.
      Dear child, I've read more on nutrition than you can imagine. And no, not just on veganism. I was just like you, an ignorant moron. And then I've accidentally ate vegan for half a year (exchange student, poor, ate mostly fruit, veggies, potatoes, rice, pasta...) I had more energy than ever, my menstruation from absolute torture turned to no symptoms, my skin got better, I've lost weight... I thought nothing of it. I came back, started eating the old way. All things came back. I still didn't make a connection. Took me a while. And then I was reading for more than a year. Anything I could find about nutrition. And I wanted all points of view. I've read about low carb, about ketogenic about many, many diets. Vegan. This is the way to go.
      And yes, eating pizza is worse than smoking. Have a good day.

  • @psynostic
    @psynostic Před 9 lety +16

    43:15 Actually, it was a free choice, but now we are losing our freedom to choose. It is almost illegal to smoke in public. I have listened to the health concerns. I began smoking young. I continue to WANT to smoke. Now, let me die the way I choose. Stop authoring my life. That is radical. That is fascism. Respect mine.

    • @doxasophosmoros
      @doxasophosmoros Před 9 lety +4

      psynostic Get over it, we cant drink where you can smoke, we cant do drugs either, and they dont harm others so much, but I have to breathe in your smoke. Thats why there are laws. Respect my space, you can smoke, just not blowing it all over us. Do what you want just not around us, its not fascism at ALL. There are laws about everything. i wish getting my car liscence was as easy as it was in your day too, but I guess I suffer now. So be grateful you dont have to live how we live... higher prices, unaffordable housing, impssible and takes years to even drive a car, no free education like our parents got.. stop whining, you had it good. Entitled baby boomers...

    • @psynostic
      @psynostic Před 9 lety +5

      Zeldatheism Your SN is cool! I'm no baby boomer, I grew up with Zelda video games actually.
      I remember smoking sections in restaurants before I became a smoker. I'm currently witnessing the disintegration of designated smoking areas, and lack of public tolerance, which when supported by government is considered fascism. I find smoke filled rooms nearly intolerable, so proper ventilation is a consideration. I am conscious and courteous about the direction of my smoke toward those around me, including other smokers. In many cases it appears to be a few irresponsible individuals that screw it up for the rest of us. However, they should be taught respect on an individual basis rather than suppressing everybody's rights of individual choice (pursuit of happiness).
      Things are becoming more difficult in modern times due to the lack of tolerance and respect for individual freedoms and diversity. I don't do drugs nor agree with the recreational use of them, however I respect other citizen's rights to carry and consume them at their leisure, so shoot up if that's your thing. Auto licensing is ridiculous, and is progressively getting worse. Prices are on the rise, but wage ratios to inflation have fluctuated little in the past 50 years. And state education has never been free, so bless teachers who operate on a volunteer basis when/if they do.
      By no means am I whining. My message is awareness for tolerance and respect of others. Of course, I was raised to hold value for certain things which no amount of money can buy.

    • @doxasophosmoros
      @doxasophosmoros Před 9 lety


    • @septicwomb4394
      @septicwomb4394 Před 9 lety

      psynostic dude, wtf are you talking about? i used to drink in pubs before the smoking ban, when i too smoked. it was gross. sure, my beer and my cigarette tasted great, but other people had to be subjected to clouds of toxic, poisonous cancer-causing fumes just because i didn't want to go outside for a minute. you talk about respect, but you clearly have no respect for other people's right *not* to breathe in the foul shit you choose to put in your lungs. we live in one of the most tolerant ages there's ever been. you say a junkie should be free to inject, but how would you feel if they left their used needles in your garden? because it's the same as you saying everyone should have to be exposed to your smoke.
      you are whining, and you have no respect for other people's health or freedom not be subjected to the dangers of your addiction. your whole comment screams "moronic smoker getting defensive because deep down you *know* it's a stupid thing to do but don't have the will power to quit." FACT.

    • @psynostic
      @psynostic Před 9 lety +2

      {{{... your whole comment screams "moronic smoker getting defensive because deep down you know it's a stupid thing to do but don't have the will power to quit.}}}
      ... fuck yourself while you're at it.

  • @ImNotBeingFunny
    @ImNotBeingFunny Před 4 lety +2

    What the hell is that noise at 21:59 hahaha

  • @philippecasteleyn9327
    @philippecasteleyn9327 Před 9 měsíci

    It stills smokes at the entrances of hospitals.

  • @syedadeelhussain2691
    @syedadeelhussain2691 Před rokem

    The British Pub scene was all about smoking tobacco and drinking Ales/ Beers, etc. with the Poor Man's Lunch (bread, salads, and a block of cheese) served at certain bigger outlets.
    When I was a student in the UK, I used to drink and smoke Hamlet Cigars.
    Those were very popular back then.
    But, of course, after developing heart disease and high blood pressure, I don't recommend smoking at all! It is virulent to the core.
    Leave it, please!!

  • @luc02011
    @luc02011 Před 8 měsíci

    Que pena que não tem legendas....😢

  • @physicsmaster1975
    @physicsmaster1975 Před 8 lety +1

    but politicians are allowed in the houses of parliament

  • @bryn494
    @bryn494 Před 10 měsíci

    Selling packs to minors was illegal but not selling individual cigarettes. So, a 1/- 5 pack of Park Drives could be sold for 1/3. Sounds familiar doesn't it :D

  • @danwoodhouse9290
    @danwoodhouse9290 Před rokem

    I need to smoke so I can think

    • @80sidd
      @80sidd Před rokem

      😂 smoke all you like

  • @jerryg1964
    @jerryg1964 Před 10 lety +3

    The reaction from the tobacco industry sounds a lot like anti-climate change arguments.

  • @siredith8846
    @siredith8846 Před 2 lety

    Women’s liberation in the old days was denotes by smoking. Today, it’s denoted by long body counts.