Let's Settle The Tithing Debate Once and For All

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
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Komentáře • 63

  • @dragoninwinter
    @dragoninwinter Před 2 lety +6

    2 Corinthians 9:7
    "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

  • @TheJCFan
    @TheJCFan Před 4 lety +15

    Do you honestly think that a person who makes their living from tithing is going to preach against tithing?
    Tithing was for the Levites when they were in charge of the Tent of Meeting. It was their soul responsibility to erect and care for the temple of the Lord. That is why tithing was instituted. They didnt farm, raise animals or have any other means of income other than donations (tithes) made from the other tribes.
    The Spirit of the LORD now dwells in the hearts of every believer --- not in an earthly temple made with hands (Acts 7:48). There are no Levites. There is no tithe for the Levite.
    We are all priests of the Most High God because his Spirit indwells us. We have all been given the great commission and the responsiblility to carry out care for his new temple: our bodies. (1 Cor 6:19).
    Whatever you do to one of God's children, you do to him. (Matt 25:40).
    If you give, give to the poor, the starving, the needy. Do not give to a man who would rather buy a jet or top of the line car. His heart is not right with God. (Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, etc etc). These men are vipers.

    • @waynefaulkenberry4694
      @waynefaulkenberry4694 Před 2 lety +2

      most people have more faith in these preachers (man) than in God of Heaven People need to read and study the Bible and do the research of the scriptures themselves and then spend value time alone with God in Heaven in Prayer and Let him speak to you about it and God of Heaven will answer you i guarnatee it And you will know what to do and not be decieved by no man or so-called preacher .. and always remember this these preachers will stand Before God of Heaven and will give account for what they did in the pulpit and in secret

    • @vickyjohnson6919
      @vickyjohnson6919 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Tithing in the new covenant is a LIE.

  • @michaelmerck7576
    @michaelmerck7576 Před rokem +4

    No one is cursed by God for not tithing 10 percent of their income

  • @markb7067
    @markb7067 Před 3 lety +4

    There's no such thing as a biblical tithe that was received from earned wages, New Testament, or Old. Monetizing the tithe was man's idea. Systematic, biblical tithes weren't gifts, nor were they ever referred to as a "principle". They were taxes but only received as produce and/or livestock from within the Holy Land. Systematic tithes were compulsory so they really can't be considered a gift or an act of faith.
    There's no biblical evidence that Abraham's (Abram at the time) submission to Melchizedek of 10% of the spoils of war was required by God and there's no biblical evidence Abraham ever "tithed" again. If we are to use Abraham's example for tithing we would only do so once, only on items that have no value to us, we would receive bread and wine in return and we would give the other 90% of the items that have no value to us to someone else who probably isn't a God-fearing person. Such was the King of Sodom. There's no biblical evidence Abraham ever tithed from his own wealth.
    Ironically, Malachi 3:7-12 presents another reason why biblical, systematic tithing doesn't exist today. Read the whole book, particularly Malachi 2:1. All of the tithe indictments in chapter 3 were specifically directed towards the Levitical Priesthood, not all of Israel, not beyond Israel, and can't be universally applied today. The Priests were failing to bring the whole tithe to the Temple storehouse (which only they could enter), likely keeping the best parts of it for themselves, which was another failure under the Old Covenant. Tithes were fulfilled through ceremonial and civil ordinances under Mosaic Law that are now obsolete in the New Covenant when Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant.
    Saying that the tithe is "reinforced" by Jesus isn't biblical. In Matthew 23:23 Jesus is chastising the Pharisees, not commending them. Jesus acknowledges that they are tithing "mint, dill, and cumin," as was the ordinance of the time, but neglecting the more important (spiritual) elements of the law - justice, mercy, and faithfulness. This places the temporal ordinance of tithing as less than the moral law, which was to endure. Notice also that tithe items were identified as produce items, not money.
    The whole point of Hebrews is that there is a change in Priesthood. At no point in Hebrews were the tithe ordinances amended or reinstated. There's no biblical record of Jesus tithing, collecting a tithe, or leaving anyone instructions on how one would tithe after his resurrection. The reference to "tithe to Jesus" was to recognize Jesus as superior to the Old Covenant Priests. There is no biblical instruction on how anyone would actually "tithe to Jesus."
    Giving is a different matter and we are free to give without any limits or any set minimum, money or otherwise, as are able and as we are honestly, spiritually prompted. But there is no biblical mandate to pay 10% of our money to a religious institution nor is there any biblical curse for not doing so. We are inspired to give, not required to pay. Blessings in your giving.

  • @deonnel7401
    @deonnel7401 Před 5 lety +4

    Matt 5:17-18 proves that tithing passed away. So does Acts 15... So does the fact that when the apostles needed money, they did not compel the church to pay tithes. Paul for examples quoted the Old Testament that " Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward." Why did he not quote all the tithing scriptures from the OT? I can tell you why. He was not as greedy as today's preachers...

    • @pj8608
      @pj8608 Před 5 lety

      Tithing did not pass away. Deuteronomy 25:4 was for preachers of the gospel - not the Levites. Have you ever wondered where the food for the widows mentioned in Acts 6:1-7 came from or why Paul wrote to Timothy about taking care of the widows? Third year tithe command was still being obeyed by followers of Yeshua! See Deuteronomy 14:22-29, 26:12-15.

    • @deonnel7401
      @deonnel7401 Před 5 lety

      @@pj8608 We are ministers of the New Covenant not of the Old. Christians are not under the law of Moses. Deuteronomy etc was for Israel before the cross. After the death of Israel's Messiah, not even the Jews can approach God through that law. It was done away with, even physically. There has been no temple, Levites etc for 2000 years. (but I'm sure you know this). Tell me, who can keep the law today?. The only way now is Christ, His Law and His Church.
      If you wonder where the widows in the church get help from, you should read the New Testament not Deuteronomy . When we say we are not to tithe, people always think we mean we must not give. Christians have a passion for giving and helping those in need. No need to compel us through an external law. The love of Christ constrains us...
      It is just those unregenerate, greedy, jokers parading as Christian leaders who use the 'tithing law' to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor. This is not right and mature Christians should stand up and defend the truth of the Gospel to this gospel ignorant church age. God help us...

    • @pj8608
      @pj8608 Před 5 lety

      @@deonnel7401 I did a video on preachers and money and what Paul wrote about it. As you can probably guess, not many preachers teach this to their congregations. If you find time, please watch it. czcams.com/video/6tO6ULGCNTM/video.html

  • @yohanwam1319
    @yohanwam1319 Před 3 lety +3

    Matthew 19:21 : If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me!! wonder how many pastors do this?

  • @michaelmerck7576
    @michaelmerck7576 Před rokem

    Its easy to do what he said if you are a traveling preacher

  • @deonnel7401
    @deonnel7401 Před 5 lety +5

    Amazing how you Johnathan can give the impression that you study all scripture accurately then plainly ignore what the apostles of Christ had to say on the subject. You say God's principles does not change and we have to keep ALL of it. Paul said the Law of Moses, which is the Old Testament, passed away. Who should we believe, him or you? You found a fanciful way to put the Old Testament tithing law on Christians which the Holy Spirit in Acts 15 never did. How can Christians take you serious when you are not a minister of the New Covenant?

    • @darlingpatriot3133
      @darlingpatriot3133 Před 5 lety +2

      Deon Nel amen! These “preachers” don’t know anything about rightly dividing the Word of Truth AKA dispensation

    • @deonnel7401
      @deonnel7401 Před 5 lety +2

      @@darlingpatriot3133 You are quite correct. Tell them that Christians must be circumcised then they suddenly know the difference between the Old and New Covenants but when it comes to money, even preachers with PHD's and Masters degrees loose their marbles between the Old and the New Testaments. They just cant seem to connect the dots. It is actually quite hilarious :))

    • @darlingpatriot3133
      @darlingpatriot3133 Před 5 lety +3

      Deon Nel So true! At a time in my life I would of listened to this garbage and thought I was being told the truth....SCARY! Now that I’ve studied the Bible for myself NO MAN will ever fool me! -Let God be True and every man a liar. Romans 3:4 Amen 🙌🏻

    • @pj8608
      @pj8608 Před 5 lety +2

      @@deonnel7401 Hey Deon, I lost track of you last replies but to answer your questions here it is. The Israelites are commanded to tithe to their brothers, the Levites. The reason is for the Levites' service in the temple and that they Levites had no portion of land.

    • @Keepitoriginalministry
      @Keepitoriginalministry Před rokem

      @@deonnel7401it’s done on purpose. Just like the false pretrib teaching

  • @frankwhite2512
    @frankwhite2512 Před 5 lety +3

    If people give money to God, can you please explain how God receives this money? Can we give him the money directly? Do you take the money up to God or does he collect it from you directly. You talk about giving money to God, but you never mention and or back up what you have to say with scripture on how God receives this money and what he does with it. Since you are supposedly speaking for God on his behalf you should know exactly what God does with the money?

    • @isaactrujillo5396
      @isaactrujillo5396 Před 3 lety +2

      It’s recorded in heaven. He quoted this already. You’re thinking in your carnal mind. This is a spiritual obligation and not a worldly one.

    • @Keepitoriginalministry
      @Keepitoriginalministry Před rokem

      @@isaactrujillo5396which example of tithing in the Bible should I do?

  • @timeday6420
    @timeday6420 Před 2 dny

    Mal 3.8-10 was never quoted 1 time in the new testament and was not preached period ...there is no commned to tithe ever given to the gentiles not 1 gentiles is ever told what this preacher is saying they were not told they robbed God because they were without God and had no hope that what Paul told us in Ephesians chapter 2 in Acts 15,1-32 proves the saved gentiles were never commned to tithe no body in all the Bible tells the gentiles to tithe

  • @cocopop111
    @cocopop111 Před 8 měsíci

    There is no tithing for Christian’s …. I don’t understand why preachers still teach this as it’s part of the old covenant …it’s obsolete and replaced by a new covenant …. Heresy to teach tithing for believers ….

  • @mikewayne6608
    @mikewayne6608 Před 5 lety +3

    At 30:48 you said you are Levi. That's very impressive you have traced your family tree that far. I find it very interesting that you and other TV preachers are lacking on exegesis and excell at eisegesis. I lost count of the times you quoted Malachi 3:10 & 11, but never explained in context what was going on correctly. I don't think there are any testimonies in the Bible relating to tithing. Remember I said tithing not giving. Far too often I hear tithing and giving interchangeably. The 1st 10% of paycheck is tithing, please give references. You mentioned Abraham giving a tenth to Melchizedek, but you didn't say what he did with the other 90%. Tithing is very clearly explained in Numbers, Leviticus and Deuteronomy however, you didn't go there, why? Looking forward to hearing your response.

    • @pj8608
      @pj8608 Před 5 lety +1

      Here is a list of every scripture regarding tithes.
      Genesis 14:17-24
      Genesis 28:10-22
      Leviticus 27:30-33
      Numbers 18:20-32
      Deuteronomy 12:4-19
      Deuteronomy 14:22-29
      Deuteronomy 26:12-15
      2 Chronicles 31:2-13
      Nehemiah 10:37-39
      Nehemiah 12:27-47
      Nehemiah 13:1-13
      Amos 4:1-13
      Malachi 3:6-18
      Matthew 23:23-24
      Luke 11:37-54
      Luke 18:9-14
      Hebrews 7:1-10
      Third year tithe in New Testament - Acts 6:1-7, 1 Timothy 5:3-16

    • @pj8608
      @pj8608 Před 5 lety

      Here is that Bible says about supporting preachers of Gospel czcams.com/video/6tO6ULGCNTM/video.html

    • @frankwhite2512
      @frankwhite2512 Před 5 lety

      @@pj8608 Jonathan, you must stop begging for money in the name of Jesus - it makes Jesus look cheap and it undermines what He did at the Cross for people that have faith in Him and not money. Jesus never had to stoop so low to beg for money. (He said give to the poor / needy and never did He say give to the greedy preachers or church). If allegedly giving small amounts of money and receiving larger amounts in return works for you - then you should just continue giving those small amounts instead of making videos and preaching in bega-churches twisting Bible verses asking for money.
      It totally contradicts to what you are saying and makes no sense - it sure does sound good just like every other con-game or scam, but the reality is a loss for the giver - who gives to churches and pastors, because its never the giver that's rich but only the receiver - unless its those wealthy business people that are looking for good tax shelters to claim on tax returns - that give loads of money to churches as charitable deeds and claim the money back on tax returns.

    • @deonnel7401
      @deonnel7401 Před 5 lety

      @@pj8608 The problem is not finding the verses about tithing. We also have a concordance. The problem is explaining them...

    • @deonnel7401
      @deonnel7401 Před 5 lety

      @@pj8608 There is a difference between supporting and tithing. Surely you know this???

  • @elwingw4321
    @elwingw4321 Před 8 měsíci

    Calvary settled it.

  • @chevychase5124
    @chevychase5124 Před 4 lety +4

    Stop lying. We are only to give an amount from our heart. We are to give. But obviously that is between you and The Most High. The 10% was for the levites. U are not a levite. Nor is it 10% of your money.

  • @frankwhite2512
    @frankwhite2512 Před 5 lety +4

    Jonathan, you must stop begging for money in the name of Jesus - it makes Jesus look cheap and it undermines what He did at the Cross for people that have faith in Him and not money. Jesus never had to stoop so low to beg for money. (He said give to the poor / needy and never did He say give to the greedy preachers or church). If allegedly giving small amounts of money and receiving larger amounts in return works for you - then you should just continue giving those small amounts instead of making videos and preaching in bega-churches twisting Bible verses asking for money.
    It totally contradicts to what you are saying and makes no sense - it sure does sound good just like every other con-game or scam, but the reality is a loss for the giver - who gives to churches and pastors, because its never the giver that's rich but only the receiver - unless its those wealthy business people that are looking for good tax shelters to claim on tax returns - that give loads of money to churches as charitable deeds and claim the money back on tax returns.

    • @michaelmerck7576
      @michaelmerck7576 Před rokem

      But how can you give to tax exempt churches and get a tax deduction