Noam Chomsky on US Economic Crisis: Joblessness, Excessive Military Spending and Healthcare

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
  • - President Obama sent his new jobs proposal to Congress on Monday with a plan to pay for the $447 billion package by raising taxes on the wealthy. Democracy Now! interviews MIT Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky, who says "huge military spending, a very low taxes by the rich [and corporations] ... those are problems, fundamental problems that have to be dealt with if there is going to be anything like successful economic and social development in the United States." As Republican presidential candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, calls Social Security a "ponzi scheme," and Democrats buy into the narrative that the program is in crisis, Chomsky notes that, "To worry about a possible problem 30 years from now, which can incidentally be fixed with a little bit of tampering here and there, as was done in 1983, to worry about that makes absolutely no sense unless you're trying to destroy the program."
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Komentáře • 129

  • @paifu.
    @paifu. Před 2 lety

    2:00 Bush tax cuts sunset policy
    3:45 Focus on fixing the deficit instead on creating jobs
    9:10 Overvaluation of the dollar
    10:15 Is there a problem with the social security program
    12:45 Only care about yourself, not also about others.

  • @treebrother
    @treebrother Před 13 lety

    Thanks Noam, You have always been a great asset to activism with your wisdom. Thanks for giving kudos to Ron Paul's foreign policy and cuts in military spending. He is the lone voice of reason in the Republican party.

  • @notimelikethepresent4739

    I would love to see Ron and Noam debate some of these issues of entitlement. Being on opposite sides of the spectrum on these issues and both being extremely polite, well read and thoughtful, would make for an amazing debate.
    Something we haven't seen for a long, long time.

  • @MrDarrenlobo2112
    @MrDarrenlobo2112 Před 13 lety

    How can anyone in their right mind call health care unregulated? The medical, pharma, & insurance industries are among the most regulated there are. That's why we have a health care crisis in the first place.

  • @klubkid46
    @klubkid46 Před 12 lety

    thanks a lot,I certainly will check out your video. I been prepping for quite a while now.

  • @unfortunatebeam
    @unfortunatebeam Před 13 lety +1

    @seanthemedicjudoman wow you got some things a little mixed up I'm afriad. It's DEregulations that led to coporate monopolies and increasing comglomeration and the aquisition of smaller companies by bigger ones. It was regulations that put a limit on that in order to maintain at least some semblance of a free market and fair competition. When they went away, there was nothing to hold these coporations back, so the bigger ones merely gobbled up the smaller ones.

  • @dempsey981
    @dempsey981 Před 12 lety

    @WikeddTung why would you even argue about a subject that is already UNDERSTOOD?...DOCUMENTATION is in a word;overwhelming.

  • @narsh7432
    @narsh7432 Před 11 lety

    Ron Paul is correct on foreign policy and that's about it. Unless you want more and more money flowing to the top then he's your guy.

  • @treebrother
    @treebrother Před 13 lety

    @annoloki Ron actually would just like it if the younger generation had an opt out policy. Ron has actually stated that if we ended ALL the wars we would have plenty of money to sure up our social safety nets.

  • @AtmanAwaken
    @AtmanAwaken Před 12 lety

    Nice one. Keep up the good work DN and Noam!

  • @dempsey981
    @dempsey981 Před 12 lety

    good quote,i remember it,and its worth thinking about.thank you.

  • @ajrnagy100
    @ajrnagy100 Před 12 lety

    Chomsky for President NOW

  • @RJMTacoma
    @RJMTacoma Před 11 lety

    It reflects your awareness as you pay attention to what Noam Chomsky has to say. What separates us as an informed voter supporting a democracy from an ignorant voter supporting Fascism reflects our individual efforts. Greedy Congressman easily manipulated by generous contributions, corporate board memberships, consulting fees and sholarships by crooked organizations like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) will lead us down a path for a Congressman's wealth and our demise.

  • @notimelikethepresent4739

    I was actually trying to hint at that. As, how often do you see people with differing points of view on the same subject come together to find a solution that both may not find perfect but it better in reality than disagreeing entirely.

  • @Charlie12241
    @Charlie12241 Před 12 lety

    Elderly people need social security and politicians owe it to them to fix it.

  • @thementalenvironment
    @thementalenvironment Před 13 lety

    Ron Paul's foreign policy propositions would clearly benefit public interests, but unfortunately he also supports free markets. As a matter of fact, he asserts American markets aren't free enough, when in fact, they are freer than any developed country's market in the world.

  • @davidhutchinson6377
    @davidhutchinson6377 Před 11 lety

    He's much more than that....much, much more.

  • @MirageScience
    @MirageScience Před 13 lety

    I want to hear why Noam believes the housing market crash was easily predictable, because I agree, but I don't think we will agree on why or how it was predictable.

  • @the_mentaculus
    @the_mentaculus Před 12 lety

    This is one of my favorite Chomsky videos. He is spot on about everything he says, and far from overly-idealistic, he presents some real feasible solutions.

  • @uria702
    @uria702 Před 12 lety +1

    In this system that we have in the US, any party that has a chance of making stride has to be likewise corrupt itself. Activism isn't elections. Most people who vote just go in and either pick republican or democrat straight down the line. Many uninformed people vote. This is what the system is built on. We should have parties but now on the ballot. The ballot should be write-in or similar so the person voting has to have knowledge before stepping in the voting booth.

  • @finarrykahn13
    @finarrykahn13 Před 12 lety

    Chomsky is an exceptional political scientist, philosopher, and most of all - linguist. However, his economic acumen is very limited. Universal healthcare would not erase a 14 trillion dollar deficit, and his solution to outsourcing jobs by collapsing "an overvalued dollar" is an absurdity most Keynesianists would never even entertain.

  • @EndWesternTyranny
    @EndWesternTyranny Před 12 lety

    people don't get what they wanted; they get what corporate media and the public relations industry present them, and they get to choose between two corporate-funded politicians.

  • @seanthemedicjudoman
    @seanthemedicjudoman Před 13 lety

    I respect the mans' intellect, but I am neither wealthy nor against charity. I oppose medicare, social security, public education, as well as any other government program not because I hate people, but because I truly believe they are better off working it out for themselves than relying on an inefficient government program.

  • @naervana
    @naervana Před 12 lety

    i love this man so much. he is a modern day thomas jefferson. please, administration, please let this be your guide...

  • @annoloki
    @annoloki Před 13 lety

    @jkinabru Although he does completely disagree with much of Ron Paul's domestic policy, like the removal of social security etc.

  • @corncat
    @corncat Před 13 lety

    @benandreas369 - it would be intereesting to see you define "free market", just to see how it compares to teh actual meaning.

  • @Randy778
    @Randy778 Před 13 lety

    The "racial" theme is somewhat morphed into a more common "work shy poor".
    The demand for new credit is unlimited and it´s feeding frenzy will find new ways that remind me of this seemingly long forgotten and left behind horror.

  • @Ostatebuckeye11
    @Ostatebuckeye11 Před 13 lety

    @WikeddTung i cant argue with your flawless theory. " i smoked for 25 yrs & i would regularly have to dispose of ashtrays full of ASHES." this is a great start to a graduate thesis. you must be a genius. actually, today i showed your comments to one of my classes at graduate school and you were the laughing stock of the class. everyone laughed at you and the teacher made some funny jokes about you. keep up the good work. and keep the material coming. this is great stuff.

  • @Seasofdesolation
    @Seasofdesolation Před 11 lety

    How can you address Noam Chomsky like this?
    This question doesn't deserve an answer.

  • @pierreloubris766
    @pierreloubris766 Před 11 lety

    well expressed. tx

  • @annoloki
    @annoloki Před 13 lety

    @LibertaerUeberAlles That's not a problem with social security though, that's a problem with corruption and general lawlessness of politicians... people don't suddenly become immune to corruption because they're employed by the state rather than the nation. If someone keeps stealing your stuff, the answer isn't to not have stuff, it's to stop people stealing. Getting rid of having stuff rather than dealing with corruption seems a bit lazy and defeatist to me.

  • @fingerspear
    @fingerspear Před 12 lety

    @Theobrothers I think they'd probably agree on more things than you'd expect.

  • @thementalenvironment
    @thementalenvironment Před 13 lety

    @benandreas369 Please specify which developed country has a freer market than the US.

  • @AntiCommunist_
    @AntiCommunist_ Před 13 lety

    If US slaps war reparations on Iraq and Afghanistan then it will help US economy recover. Instead of money US should take natural resources from those nations to pay for war expenses. Also US should stop reconstruction aid to Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq is oil rich nation. Hence it does not need aid. Similarly Afghanistan is rich in natural resources.

  • @seanthemedicjudoman
    @seanthemedicjudoman Před 13 lety

    agreed for the most part, except for the regulations. The only monopolies that exist are through government coercion - "regulation"
    Businesses go bankrupt any time they try to corner the market for themselves by spurring the growth of competition - that is unless you have government subsidy. The only things people care about are food, shelter, and a little bit of fun. They could care less about education. Let them. Then our education system would be efficient.

  • @bartlesandjames612
    @bartlesandjames612 Před 12 lety

    I hope Prof Chomsky lives for a long, long time. Because, after he is gone, there may not be ANYBODY left who cares enough or is honest enough to speak the truth about what is going on in our country; not to mention, any one left who is SMART enough to help the rest of us to understand any of it so we are able to make informed, thoughtful decisions as to what we should do.

  • @markuskentwood
    @markuskentwood Před 12 lety

    technology is replacing jobs and no one is saying SHIT about it. some new jobs will emerge due to technology but not NEARLY enough. why is it not COMMON SENSE that technology is meant to make life EASIER? if we had robots that could make all our food, gather it, deliver it, and make houses, etc, would there really be a need for jobs? NO

  • @uria702
    @uria702 Před 12 lety

    You don't need to get rid of elections. That's scary. Just get rid of political parties. if only names were on the ballot, people wouldn't be under a multi-party illusion. they would have to find the right candidate based on researching views.

  • @mukmakumkum
    @mukmakumkum Před 13 lety

    @LibertaerUeberAlles Your 2nd point: I am assuming that you are referring to Elie Wiesel, who was "refuted" by CODOH? CODOH was refuted by the Jewish Virtual Library (look it up, cant post link)l. Besides Elie Wiesel, there are plenty of other accounts of Babi Yar that you can find elsewhere... You can start on Wikipedia: (look it up, cant post link),(plenty of links to various sources). If you don't trust Wikipedia in itself, feel free to click on the links.

  • @Seabrook57
    @Seabrook57 Před 11 lety

    Oh NO! This must not be an official Democracy Now! channel! There was a BP advertisement on this DemocracyNow! CZcams Video!!! British Petroleum PR from Amy Goodman? I can't believe it's true. WTF?!?! I have donated funds to Democracy Now! but obviously not enough, if they are forced to run ads like that on their CZcams channel! This must not be an official Democracy Now! channel! But it has their logo?! Hmmm....

  • @unfortunatebeam
    @unfortunatebeam Před 13 lety

    btw, get rid of public education, really? how do you propose parents work that out for their kids? put them in private schools run like a business? are you kidding me! that's already proven to be a disaster(look up Edison school). and do you even consider the massive negative effect of getting rid of social security?! Poverty, homelessness would rocket up, increased strain on healthcare pushing up insurance costs and pushing even more people to the brink. it would be a TOTAL disaster.

  • @waterdragon2012
    @waterdragon2012 Před 11 lety

    You're hilarious criticizing Chomsky lol! But thanks for recommending Thomas Sowell, I'll check him out

  • @seanthemedicjudoman
    @seanthemedicjudoman Před 13 lety

    As far as Social Security goes, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the math and figure out it's insolvent. And here's an example for you. Galveston island in Texas elected to opt out of social security back in '81. Now they have this weird phenomena where they retire at almost twice the income as anyone else in the country. Imagine that! As far as insurance goes, without the government socialization, health care costs would be affordable and there would be no need.

  • @markuskentwood
    @markuskentwood Před 12 lety

    regarding healthcare, we need to somehow get everyone to eat mostly vegetables with some meat. anything else is complete shit for you. it's amazing they haven't done studies on this kind of diet. i have eliminated autoimmune conditions with this diet and whenever i introduce any other food, yes even grains and fruit, the conditions flare up. it's sad how i know more about health than the healthcare industry who spend their entire lives studying it. and technology is replacing jobs FOREVER

  • @unfortunatebeam
    @unfortunatebeam Před 13 lety

    @seanthemedicjudoman what do you mean "working it out for themselves" and where are these extra funds going to come from in a country with increasing debt and costs of living with rising unemployement and falling wages? in order to get rid of medicare, to be fair you would have to end all subsides to big business, ban bailouts and have regulations (yes the RIGHT regulations) to make them NOT get "too big to fail", --yah know...let them work it out themselves, agreed?

  • @annoloki
    @annoloki Před 13 lety

    @LibertaerUeberAlles There're advantages to a guaranteed minimum standard of living within a free trade zone tho, like an agreed minimum wage and level of social security. Failure to do so means that factories shut down and go to where people have the least security, as they are more desperate and will work for less, making others more desperate. This can be seen thanks to NAFTA, with factories moving to Mexico. It's a race to the bottom needing tarifs or wider agreement between states to combat

  • @fingerspear
    @fingerspear Před 12 lety

    @dihydrohydroxycodein I never said they have the same ideology... I meant the illusion that they are diametrically opposed and everything they say must be the opposite of what the other says is a fallacy. Lol, I make one comment and you attack my education system. Don't worry, I'm on your side there. I'm quite aware they probably disagree on a lot of things too, but that doesn't change the fact that they are both humanitarians and hold humanitarian values above all.

  • @jpwjr1199
    @jpwjr1199 Před 13 lety

    Ya know, it's a real shame that these comments have devolved into such garbage and have nothing to do with what the man is saying. In fact his message at 10:23 and 12:43 is very poignant and vitally important, and perhaps that could be the focus for discussion instead of this disjointed, irrelevant, schizophrenic prattle that the first 32 comments appear to be.

  • @unfortunatebeam
    @unfortunatebeam Před 13 lety

    @LibertaerUeberAlles Go to the Yad Vashem museum website which collects and displays over 3million names photocopied from actual records and photos of the victims (if you can, visit the museum for yourself), and also photocopies of lists of people transported, all sources referenced and linked. I imagine you go to the German statistics website (duh) to find the pop. figures of ethic minorities before the war, and then after. Next is just a matter of doing simple subtraction.

  • @ShareeAnneGorman
    @ShareeAnneGorman Před 13 lety

    I Lift My Eyes
    I lift my eyes
    to the heavens
    and find
    I lift my eyes
    to the pulpit
    and find
    I lift my eyes
    to the Presidential Lectern
    and find
    I lift my eyes
    to the wealthy
    and find
    the soul of greed
    wrapped in a cloak
    of Charity
    I drop my eyes
    and look around me
    to find
    I am among
    the United

  • @dougat
    @dougat Před 12 lety

    I guess the bill folded!

  • @pierreloubris766
    @pierreloubris766 Před 11 lety

    I hear you well but what about this.
    It is more about the extremes committed by either capitalist or democrats.
    I do believe that these extremes are not just a nuisance but a real danger. thx

  • @kennegun
    @kennegun Před 13 lety

    I bet its a Ikea manual.

  • @PivotB3stZ
    @PivotB3stZ Před 12 lety

    That's not even true. Some Ash is harder to dissolve but not all ash. Usually it turns into a fine powder.

  • @EndWesternTyranny
    @EndWesternTyranny Před 12 lety

    It is "scary" to not have rulers? Isn't that a bit medieval? the multi-party systems used in Europe work much better than the two-(business)party system in the US. nonetheless we do not need rulers at all. elections are not democracy, popular participation and activism is democracy

  • @unfortunatebeam
    @unfortunatebeam Před 13 lety

    i don't know about Galveston island, but I do know that one localized example doesn't prove that this would be feasible on a national level. And I have to laugh everytime I hear people refer to american helathcare as "government socializaition" Americans have nothing close to socialized healthcare, take a step outside the American bubble and live in any other western country and you'll see this. btw, the lust for short-term profit is the main thing that's keeping insurance costs up.

  • @unfortunatebeam
    @unfortunatebeam Před 13 lety

    @seantedicjudoman you can't have people making informed decisions in complex, democratic society if there's nothing there to inform them. wiser people in the past recognized this and that's why education was made universally available. whether or not eveyrone is an academic is irrelevant to supplying education to the masses. you think there's a lot of aimless, uneducated boars walking around now, just wait until some genius decides to end public education and see how much better that would be.

  • @milzz100
    @milzz100 Před 12 lety

    Name these people I am very curious

  • @benandreas369
    @benandreas369 Před 13 lety

    @MirageScience Austrian economics... predicted it YEARS ago.

  • @pierreloubris766
    @pierreloubris766 Před 11 lety

    not at all. there are eloquent solutions available, not just the samo samo.
    Sam samo as to big to fail and to jail is the way to make the rich richer.
    He certainly makes a successful road map. but you need honest managers and this is where the paw paw hits the fan and the spread in unequal.

  • @klubkid46
    @klubkid46 Před 12 lety

    yep,healthcare and military out of control. Then you factor in the poorly educated,mis-informed,and morally bankrupt mentality of the majority of Americans,me included,that allows this stupidity to continue. And well,you can see the results of our dilemma.

  • @Randy778
    @Randy778 Před 13 lety

    Holy shit..i didn´t consider these.
    Maybe some of you´re batshit crazy. I knew this before but some of you´ll striaght away understand that this is the the mental map which some realy powerful special interest groups had and have in mind.
    The new global schutzstaffel state and you´re building vital parts of it...

  • @stanczyk11111
    @stanczyk11111 Před 11 lety

    ...!!! what they want is: passive , obiedient workers (people just smart enough to run the machines .. and do some paper-work...but .. ) ... and now they are comming for Your social security money !!! --> (George Carlin - The Real Owners ...)

  • @MirageScience
    @MirageScience Před 13 lety

    @benandreas369 that's what i was thinking, but i doubt he subscribes to Austrian economics, cause he surely doesn't believe in free markets.

  • @benandreas369
    @benandreas369 Před 13 lety

    @thementalenvironment You can get a business going in Singapore in one hour. I wonder how long it would take you or I to develop one here, after all the rules and regulations that have been applied here...
    Oh yeah, South Korea is kicking ass too. They I think, have a mix. Not sure. I could be wrong, but I mean, it is true that we have now is moving towards Facism... Am I right about that?

  • @RichardShorten
    @RichardShorten Před 11 lety

    MMMaaaaa, Maaaaa get me a beer I'll be on the sofa mother...there is no hope foe america.

  • @seanthemedicjudoman
    @seanthemedicjudoman Před 13 lety

    No. You've got things mixed up. Name one monopoly that existed outside of government compliance. You're a fool if you believe that regulations help anything other than let the government pick who the winners and losers are. If you had any kind of business experience you would know this.

  • @DaNeedle
    @DaNeedle Před 13 lety

    the day he dies will be a sad day for the just cause. who will be there to fill his wise footsteps?

    @DAANTAELON Před 13 lety

    overpopulation is the root of all issues, we count on money that is only paper to make or sustainability strategy while in fact we should count on REAL RESOURCES and QUALITY OF LIFE ppl want to live in big houses with km of forest around and that is pretty easy to achive with an average of 2 child per 2 adults. Not a big deal if u think on the benefits. We are devastating the paradise god gift to humans and all creatures in this planet.

  • @benandreas369
    @benandreas369 Před 13 lety

    @thementalenvironment You wanna make a bet? We have not had free markets in 100 years. Corporatism is what we have, and have had, FOR A LLLOOOONNNNGGGG TIME.

  • @wherearewegoing
    @wherearewegoing Před 12 lety

    @Theobrothers Oh. My. God. I love that idea! I would even pay to see it ffs! I love both of them for different reasons, if they could find common ground we would live in paradise, when it comes to capitalism meeting voluntary socialism. Gogogogo, make the calls already ;) peace

  • @governmentdidit
    @governmentdidit Před 11 lety +1

    Is this Chomsky guy an economist????

    • @mck1972
      @mck1972 Před 3 lety

      Nope-He's never even run a burger stand.
      He has no idea WTF he is talking about-Once Again! SMH

  • @notimelikethepresent4739

    "hyperbole is a rhetorical device"
    Ah Yes, the favourite figure of speech of the Dramatis Reginam.
    Perhaps, "republican candidates" might fit into the statement "every other politician who argues with him". I'm confused, are you arguing that it doesn't?
    I liked "chomsky is a SOCIALIST & unlikely to agree with ANYTHING paul has to say" better when it was stated as "Being on opposite sides of the spectrum on these issues"
    Does Implication by question tend to win you debates?

  • @corncat
    @corncat Před 13 lety

    @235RB Just the kind of erudite rejoinder I would expect. Color me impressed.

  • @unfortunatebeam
    @unfortunatebeam Před 13 lety

    @LibertaerUeberAlles who are you saying isn't providing facts and evidence? LOL. you have not provided one source or reference of any kind to back up any of your silly claims I've read here.

  • @youngbuck189
    @youngbuck189 Před 13 lety

    @MrDarrenlobo2112 nah bro

  • @seanthemedicjudoman
    @seanthemedicjudoman Před 13 lety

    I suppose we live in Utopia with the education as it is? No wait, it really just needs more money thrown at it. Give me a break. Not everyone is an academic, and a government mandate doesn't make it so. If you are going to sit there straight faced and tell me that public schools are better than private then you are delusional. Citing one anecdotal example given the mountain of evidence that lies in front of everyone is just foolish.

  • @tehboyscout
    @tehboyscout Před 12 lety

    @WikeddTung *your

  • @dempsey981
    @dempsey981 Před 11 lety

    M.I.T. linquist,author.

  • @icebergbart216
    @icebergbart216 Před 11 lety


  • @corncat
    @corncat Před 13 lety

    I can't believe that people take this conspiracy nut seriously,

  • @klein2260
    @klein2260 Před 11 lety


  • @gloiven
    @gloiven Před 12 lety

    @9:46 amatuer host says....
    "you mentioned entiteledments". (sp)

  • @seanthemedicjudoman
    @seanthemedicjudoman Před 13 lety

    You can't name one government program that has been a success. Everything is remarkably inefficient and I would find it humorous that you people defend these ideologies if it weren't for the fact that our currency is headed for a cliff because of the complete inability for you people to realize when enough is enough. Oh the Fed can just print the money. It'll be alright! Wrong! People need to help themselves, and the ones that can't, that's what church is for.