The Serpent & Spirituality: Snake Worship, Demonization, Mythology, Symbolism, & Esoteric Mystery

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • This is Spiritual Studies session #13. This talk serves the purpose of familiarizing the listener in regards to this global historical trope of snake worship and demonization. Mayans, Aboriginals, the Eastern Dragons, the western Leviathan, Egyptians, India, forgotten snake cults, and of course, the serpent in the garden of Eden, all such traditions show a series "coincidental" commonality and diversity amongst how the serpent is intertwined with spirituality.
    With all sincerity, the bulk of this talk owes alot to the wikipedia, Manly P. Hall, and the Theosophical tradition.

Komentáře • 110

  • @hotforhaha1
    @hotforhaha1 Před 3 lety +56

    One of the most exhilirating experiences of my life was dosing with mushrooms and holding my newly purchased red tailed boa I was still getting acquainted with. At the time, she was six foot. I was blindfolded in my room and the mushroom nudged me to pull her out of her then enclosure. I was terrified, not knowing her temperament quite yet or if she'd bite. As I carried her and draped her over my shoulders, I was propelled into a mystifying euphoria, awash with DIvinity and a wisdom she offered too pure to describe into words. Two years later, I still sit with her and meditate. She has taught me how to let go, how to pay attention to others' frequency, body language. Many times when she sheds, I start my cycle. Other times, she sheds on a full moon. When I met and carried her for the first time, I'll never forget this energy like we belonged to each other. She's not my 'pet.' She's my companion, an extension of my being...just in another form. I never fathomed having a snake, or of her size. She's nine feet now, I let her out to give her a full growing potential. Snakes can sense earthquakes from thousands of miles away. Before their shed, their eyes turn that of an opal: the shaman's stone. They're Truth Bearers, they 'feel' what humans are incapable of. This video has given me so much more clarity.

    • @mikaelabarriere7429
      @mikaelabarriere7429 Před 2 lety +5

      Beautiful. Wish I had one to experience what u did. 🐍

    • @shakingprayers220
      @shakingprayers220 Před 2 lety +4

      Besssssst comment 🐍

    • @TheCowpoke406
      @TheCowpoke406 Před rokem +3

      I read this and relate much. My boa constrictor (who has passed from me to my ex fiance and finally back in my care) is currently in blue and wrapped around the twines of my jacket while I sit outside and listen to this. I'm also a man who practices shamanism using mind altering entities such as the mushroom. And in seeing her opaque blue eyes and her content temperament towards me in this moment while she is completely blind, I know a great change is about to come. And it's up to me to to either seize it or let the change drown me. I choose to seize it. And I'm glad to know someone else knows about this reality and the power that these serpents possess. I know I'm a year late to your comment and that you might never read this, but I wish you great prosperity. As does my boa, Jörmungandr.

    • @bronzewolf3
      @bronzewolf3 Před rokem

      What a beautiful story ty

    • @iankenney6602
      @iankenney6602 Před rokem +2

      Sounds a lot like what witch's call a familiar. I had the same type of relationship with a Siamese cat I inherited with the relationship leading up to and a few years after the marriage to my wife. She would get sick whenever we would fight, we spoke to each other all the time and somehow knew what each other were saying--this was obviously not some kind of direct translation but rather the ability to understand the tones and combining them with any given situation and somehow just knowing exactly what was meant. The best times were when we would debate something and have to go back and forth until we reached an understanding.. (she was always so much better than me in regards to having the willpower to permanently go along with whatever we decided was the best action to take or new behavior to adopt whenever a type of recurrent situation would occur. I still feel like if I had ever heard someone say something like I am before actually experiencing it myself, I'd think they were just trying to make themselves sound important. But important isnt the right word. Its not about importance, I dont think, as much as it is about luck, being blessed, and having the love you put out into the world come back to you. We ended up having to put her down last year. She knew where she was going, she was fully lucid and physically miserable at that time, but still would always try to hide it from me. When she wanted us to take her to the vet, though, she was more calm, peaceful, relieved on the drive there than I can ever before remember seeing her. When it was time for the shot, the vet let me play her favorite music which was the "Isis" track on the egyptian pantheon meditation music video (ironically her name was Sisi which is Isis backward--and I would believe it if I died and found out she was the spirit of the ancient mother goddess herself. The whole time she was sitting on the counter waiting to be freed she stared into my eyes with love as I encouraged her to follow her spirit through my eyes and all the way down into my heart to stay with me for awhile once she departed her body, if she freely decided that she wished to do that. I also encouraged her to come back to us as soon as she could. Sure enough, about 5 months ago when my wife was coming home from work, this starving little munchkin of a cat (Egyptian Mau) followed Wendy right inside without an invitation or a hesitation of any sort. It was like she somehow knew she was home. I cannot say for sure that Isis has Sisi's spirit inside her, because I never knew Sisi as a young kitten. However, Isis (I call her Hochie Girl) is also incredibly smart and somehow is able to do pretty much anything I suggest that she try to do. There really is so much magic in this world. I think it is there for everyone, too, but so many people will not even consider the possibility that magic is real but it is also not the kind of idea one gets raised and conditioned to believe it was. It is something more subtle, interactive, and synchronistic, I think. I doubt anyone will read this reply, but I felt that I had to now use this opportunity to keep Sisi's gifts and teachings alive and now documented possibly forever in the great virtu-sphere of the screen world.

  • @iankenney6602
    @iankenney6602 Před rokem +6

    You are the kind of people that spirit appreciates being around

  • @Alienami
    @Alienami Před 3 lety +10

    (Info dump) I was called to do similar research.
    Hecate is considered the world axis, Axis Mundi... She is also known as the Ouroboros, Ereshkigal, Hekot (possibly Heka as well), Kali, Hel, etc.. Who resides in an Underworld, where she acts as a psychopomp to angry Spirits there and humans up here.
    She is the gatekeeper and goddess of all Magick and knowledge, including healing arts.
    And from the underworld Springs the Water source from the Tree of Life and its water cycle that returns to the top of the tree to begin again.
    She is heavily associated with dogs, snakes, frogs, horses...
    She's heavily associated with reincarnation, the cycles of Life Death and rebirth.
    And again she is heavily associated with gnosis and being a psychopomp, in Egyptian mythology as Hekot she dual wielded to Ankhs, which later became symbolizes torches, because it's the fire of Enlightenment to guide us, and the symbol of Life.
    She is the gatekeeper to the Tree of Life Portal, which the Norse and others (Assyrians I think?) indicate as a interdimensional travel system for the 9 realms on the tree of life.
    ( tree of life is more than one thing at the same time, a physical and virtual thing, due to the holographic nature of the universe, things repeat as fractals, and like in Quantum Computing can be more than one thing at once, effectively)
    The staff of Ningishidda is also the staff of Thoth/Hermes/Mercury.
    His dad would be Quetzalcoatl in Mayan, otherwise known as Enki.
    The snake is also associated with the seat of the soul, the ENS, the enteric nervous system, the primitive brain in your belly, that makes almost all the hormones your brain uses.
    I believe the Waters of Chaos, is merely a primordial black hole of which our universe was made out of.
    Given an infinite amount of time, a random, chaotic, infinite black hole, would eventually randomly produce something like whatever created the universe... according to probability.
    Black holes are very common in series for the explanation of the universe.
    The law of conservation is probably an effect of the particle system splitting over an event horizon.. So Apophis would represent the desire to destroy this conversation, of this black hole to consume everything made from it, or its literally mad about this, like the Void in Supernatural series. lol
    The present separates the past and future. This keeps Apophis just a step behind... Allowing creation, the living holographic universe, to exist.
    In Kabbalah and Hebrew language related Magick, the use of Hawk and Serpent are common, as are alchemy illustrations of a hawk and serpent and sometimes a frog as well..
    (Ra and Apophis? Not done a deep dive yet, seemed to be different and possibly positive situation, or rather all creation depends on their interactions?)
    In the videos below, I think lay the origins of Hecate, as well as the ancient War of the gods / planets and why humans lived in caves for so long...plasma bolts / snakes in the sky, Squating Man and other glyphs are actually Z pinched plasma bolts of immense size and they natural or magickal.
    Hecate was a titan, prehistoric and understand these images left in caves around the world is to better understand prehistoric history and beliefs.
    Part 1
    Part 2

    • @memeswereablessingfromthel3942
      @memeswereablessingfromthel3942 Před 2 lety +1

      Thank you for clarifying some very interesting mythos. Although there's some points on Physics which you made where I think some misconceptions could be at play. You brought up how "Quantum Computing can be more than one thing at once", I assume that you're referring to the superposition of states (both 1 and 0). See the problem with using language when trying to explain the nature of Quantum mechanics is that it will always give the wrong picture, because our brains have evolved an intuition to understand classical physics and thus everything Quantum is counterintuitive and might be impossible to imagine. When physicists talk about a Quantum object being "more than one thing" they're simply talking about the mathematical vectors used to described this object. A superposition is the addition of two or more vectors, which results in a new vector in the plane of the two original vectors. For example, the "original vectors" can be Vector 1 = (X, 0) and Vector 2 = (0, Y), the addition of these results in a new vector, Vector 3 = Vector 1 + Vector 2, which is the same as, (X, 0) + (0, Y) = (X, Y). That's pretty standard and easy to understand. But what makes Quantum Mechanics so counterintuitive is that the two "original vectors" don't make sense to us as being vectors. It's like saying that vector 1 is a book and vector 2 is a table, the addition of these results in a new vector which is in a superposition of book and table (this example is only used to illustrate the counterintuitive nature of QM and of course is not to be viewed literally). In Quantum computing, Vector 1 is "0" and Vector 2 is "1", which means that a third vector in a superposition of these is "both 0 and 1" (but not really, it's just one vector composed of two other vectors). Adding more "original vectors" simply means that you're adding more dimensions, so maybe a book, table and a phone (or the coordinates: (x, y, z)). See so the object is ALWAYS only 1 object, but we can't imagine that object because it makes no sense to our intuition... but the math and experimental results don't lie (considering the fact that QM is essential for the computer I'm writing on to work).
      A universe can not be created out of a black hole, because nothing can escape from a black hole since it would have to be traveling back in time. I think that there exists some theoretical models of which the universe arises from a WHITE hole which is the other side of a supermassive black hole in another universe. Although, since you mentioned 'probability' and 'time', I assume that you're talking about a different model because in this model - according to my understanding - every black hole would create a white hole in another universe very quickly. I assume, again, that you're talking about a particular theory explaining the cause of Inflation. It says that Inflation was caused by massive negative pressure initiated by a special False Vacuum state of high energy density decaying into a True Vacuum filled of Inflaton particles (hypothetical particles), which as you say, would happen given enough time even if the probability is very very low. But that has nothing to do with black holes...

  • @marlo1987sh
    @marlo1987sh Před 3 lety +9

    WOW this was amazing. I truly have an affinity for reptiles, snakes in particular sense I was young I loved dinosaurs. My love for reptiles and animals in general grew but there's something about reptiles that capture me

  • @user-zo2ui3iq9e
    @user-zo2ui3iq9e Před 7 měsíci +1

    I was gifted a statue of a snake about 5 years ago, it has red jeweled eyes and its a off red color in body.
    fast forward to 2 years ago ...
    I started learning about Nagas, Serpent Energy, & Kundalini.
    something that now truly has my attention & interest ❤

    @BEALUNA1 Před rokem +3

    This is great information. It answers so many questions I have had for the longest. Thank you 🙏

  • @minanguelova
    @minanguelova Před 3 lety +13

    So interesting, many interesting perspectives. I am researching information on lucifer and this video gave many great references for further investigation. Thank you very much. I am subscribed and going through all your videos. Looking forward to new ones. This channel is a great place to learn and think. Keep up the great work.

    • @TheMachineBR
      @TheMachineBR Před 2 lety +1

      Could u link me some info about lúcifer?

    • @theskippy7
      @theskippy7 Před 2 lety

      This could take a book to explain,so ill keep it brief. The Vatican stole Christianity from the Irish,rewrote it using ancient Irish deities,set it in the middle east,and gave it back to us as Roman Christianity. So,the Irish Sun god ESUS Iesa Christos,became the latinized Jesus ( theres no J in Hebrew or Gaelic),the Sun god became the Son of God,,so we can find all deities mentioned in the bible in Ireland. Lucifer the Light Bearer was fabricated from Lugh the Light Bearer,LU being "light" in Gaelic,his son Satanta became Satan,his dad Cian became Cain,Solomon was taken from Sol O Mon or Sun on the Mound/Newgrange.

    • @lindagens5693
      @lindagens5693 Před 2 lety

      Father Chad Ripperger talks about demons he is an exorcist

  • @Slowleek
    @Slowleek Před 3 lety +6

    I don't think the caduceus is mistakenly being used as a symbol for medical personnel. Symbols are a language and they're powerful. The symbol used for prescriptions is Rx, which means retrograde. Again,not by accident.

    • @ColeBrannick
      @ColeBrannick Před 7 měsíci

      I've thought for some time that theh use the caduceus pretending it's a symbol of healing, but mercury ruled commerce so...

  • @HamCubes
    @HamCubes Před 3 měsíci

    Bravo! 🥳✨🔥🐉
    I had fun (which is always of primary importance), but I also learned _and_ was inspired by your survey of snake symbolism.
    Thank you, brother!

  • @user-sagiv.m.t
    @user-sagiv.m.t Před 3 měsíci

    Thank you for your pleasent time!

  • @user-ki1ys5wz1q
    @user-ki1ys5wz1q Před 7 měsíci +1

    The staff is your spine and the snake is the energy rising 3 channels ,caduceus left and right hemisphere and staff is middle path when both hemisphere become balance

  • @Kriss36000
    @Kriss36000 Před 2 lety +3

    The rod with snakes on the bible was called Nehushtan.

  • @outtabubblegum3161
    @outtabubblegum3161 Před 3 lety +4

    According to the Aramaic Targums the serpent in the garden of Eden was the angel of death Samma'el. If you want to serve the serpent then you have to sell your soul and then you will go back into the serpent's mouth to repeat the cycle forever and ever.

  • @gingerj.1202
    @gingerj.1202 Před 3 lety +2

    I love your work. Your collection is vast!

  • @svatekzprahy
    @svatekzprahy Před 2 lety +2

    Part 2 please! 💚🐍

  • @goofistmcnutty3280
    @goofistmcnutty3280 Před 7 měsíci

    The snake should always be as revered and protected as it should be feared and respected. It has the ability to give or preserve life as it does to take it in such a way that no other animal does, save maybe arguably humans do, though humans are vastly different in that regard. Serpents are the epitome of both spirituality and mundane nature as we know it. I'm not super spiritual or religious myself, but I find snakes absolutely fascinating. And if we are to use religion or spirituality to try and understand our world or ourselves better, with the goal of living better lives and doing better deeds within out lives, then it would 100% be the idol of the snake that I would worship. Not some all powerful god whos very holy symbol is that of a sword piecing the earth, or the sword that slays the dragon/snake. That god has shown his colors in his own holy books, willing to; without mercy; completely obliterate "his own" creations in a snap of his fingers on massive scales, even almost completely destroying our race in the case of Noah's story. That is, should you believe the story's of the bible.
    The snake, if not respected, can kill too. But it is a creature of true nature, protection, healing and knowledge. All of these things, the most worshiped god of our age either covets for himself and only his followers, or entirely tries to keep away from humanity with the intention of control over humanity. Beyond that, the snake is also the true alpha and omega. The beginning and the end, as seen by the ouroboros. What is truly good or evil is all to often obscured by what we've been lead to believe by others rather than learning for ourselves through real and intentional understanding of things. I can respect anyone's believe in any deity or religion, so long as it is beneficial to them and those around them, and that the person believes in what they do because they've come to those conclusions themselves, not because they've been lead to believe it by someone else with their own agenda.

  • @Shelley_watt
    @Shelley_watt Před rokem +1

    life itself is contradiction. This is a comprehensive study in laymans terms, done right! I couldn't help but think of the game snakes and ladders lol. I loved watching this, totally!!!

  • @mpress469
    @mpress469 Před 2 lety +1

    Spiritualy speaking (gender aside), matriarchal wisdom can begin with a fundamental understanding of the cyclical nature of reality (God).
    Represented by the snake in many creation myths, the living cycle has a trinity of a beginning (head), a middle and end (tail). As above so below, the sexes were created in the image of God's cyclical nature where Mother is the head and opening to all beginnings and Father holds the tail to all endings (through which the sowing of seeds allow for the next great matriarchal rebirth).The joining of the two (symbolized by the Ouroborus or the marriage ring) is the sacred union needed in assuring the creation and continuation of new life cycles. To speak of the present day God as "Our Father" is simply an admission to our collective positioning within the bigger cycle.
    As all mothers have direct experience with the creator quality of birthing, so is the direct experience of rebirthing the divinity within (baptism) belong to that which is spiritualy matriarchal. (John 3, verse 3-8).
    Sekhmet statues (ancient Egyptian) carry most of their weight in symbolic memory of what was a mother culture dedicated to the direct experience of baptism. As the leg shaped hairlocks extend from maternal breasts to the womb of rebirth, the lioness's head proportions are such that they highlight the bust of a second animal figure. The Lioness's ears as eyes and eyes as nose (nostrils) brings to life the figure of a reptile. 'Neath the halo headress of the solar egg, the lioness's egg fertilization process being internal (Set) and the reptile's egg fertilization process being external (Setting), such being key components to the safety of entering the trans-egoic or "born again" state. The life threatening fear associated with the predatory nature of a lion and/or crocodile encounter are reflective of the intense ego death experience associated with the transpersonal awakening process.
    In spiritualy matriarchal times, illumination could be seen as wearing the false beard (ancient Egyptian funerary ego death mask) as the high state of cyclical self knowing; high cyclical awareness of both our upper matriarchal half and our lower (later) patriarchal half (compared with a mini lower body replica, an "as above so below" tail end beard extension); in full recognition of her civilizational Underworld; her inevitable cyclical destiny. The male pharaoh wears his beard tapered in reverse, indicating a pointing upwards towards the patriarchal head, divine representative of God's tail end cycle.
    To carry the Ankh was perhaps to symbolically carry that upper and lower understanding. As the upper matriarchal womb symbolised the fertile birthing of civilization, below, the now Christian cross is carried to place emphasis on the lower (later) "End Times" Father principle of the great cycle.
    Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu diety, displays a cyclical head to trunk symbolism and points to the Mother head of his matriarchal elephant society.
    A whole temple was dedicated to the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, who is the matriarchal "Uterus" personified.
    In the name of the Father, the Son and the holy ghosted... ? ... inevitability.

  • @ipurple289
    @ipurple289 Před rokem +2

    The serpent snake comes from ancient symbology of the feminine wisdom teachings. Snake is the female menstruation as she sheds monthly menses. This is the secret to the serpent kundalini energy. The POWER resides within the Fallopian tubes (the original meaning of the horns on Moses) of the female and is given to the man during the sacred marriage rite that anoints the man aka awakens him. The secrets hidden from humanity concerning their spiritual awakening come from the feminine mysteries aka medha(facebooks new name meta).

  • @eastbrecht
    @eastbrecht Před 3 měsíci

    The serpent has grown arms and legs, now it dreams of wings.

  • @seanhorn2911
    @seanhorn2911 Před 7 měsíci

    I'd definitely be interested in hearing the part 2 to this you mention at the beginning

  • @carenhoskens680
    @carenhoskens680 Před 9 měsíci

    Thank you!
    Well researched with ample aspects and info.

  • @itsamilkshake
    @itsamilkshake Před rokem

    I'm glad you mentioned Sugaar. Eskerrik asko.

  • @patriciaalarcon4167
    @patriciaalarcon4167 Před 4 měsíci

    Thank you 🐍🙏

  • @FullyGold3n
    @FullyGold3n Před 3 lety +3

    Dope I put your voice on a beat

  • @lynnequity7296
    @lynnequity7296 Před 3 lety +1

    That earned you a follow.

  • @MirroCosmoKenisis
    @MirroCosmoKenisis Před 3 lety +2

    Ur the best

  • @abracadabra3018
    @abracadabra3018 Před 2 lety

    Eve and adam eat from the tree of the wisdom of good and evil.Great video

  • @nowhereman6019
    @nowhereman6019 Před rokem +2

    I have to correct you on the Set/Satan connection. The Hebrew name simply means "The Adversary", which was his role. The connection to the serpent in the garden comes much later.

  • @rhys8245
    @rhys8245 Před 3 lety +1

    I have a carpet python and the holy beauty of him.

  • @andytuesday500
    @andytuesday500 Před 2 lety

    You’re awesome bro. Thank you 🙏

  • @Look4History_1
    @Look4History_1 Před 5 měsíci +1

    A serpent was never a snake!! A serpent means a wise person. The druids considered them-selves serpents (we are the druids, wise as serpents). The serpent knowledge. It is a term that has been demonized.

  • @garysasala8695
    @garysasala8695 Před 2 lety +1

    Jesus is not referencing Asclepius but Moses.
    Number 21:4-9
    They are healed by looking as a demonstration of faith and power.

  • @gabrielprado2659
    @gabrielprado2659 Před rokem

    Thank you!

  • @memeswereablessingfromthel3942

    Loved this video

  • @gabrielprado2659
    @gabrielprado2659 Před rokem

    I view space as gelatin, fr fr, no joke.

  • @emilyanawalt7703
    @emilyanawalt7703 Před 3 lety

    Thank you for sharing your learning and understanding. I very much appreciate all your videos. Please define trope. A word that is not in the dictionary but you often use.

    • @cgdahlin
      @cgdahlin  Před 3 lety +2

      Thank you. Trope has various definitions depending on the discipline. But what I mean by trope is a theme, or reoccurring motif. A subject that almost meets the point of being a cliche.
      When I use the term, it means that this subject can be found across different spiritual traditions and isn't unique to one specific belief system.

    • @emilyanawalt7703
      @emilyanawalt7703 Před 3 lety +1

      @@cgdahlin Thanks so much for specifically defining trope for me! I have watched many of your videos more than once but was still curious as to what exactly you meant.

    • @cgdahlin
      @cgdahlin  Před 3 lety +1

      @@emilyanawalt7703 Of course. An if you feel like you'd like to more about something introduced in the course or another subject entirely, feel free to suggest.

    • @emilyanawalt7703
      @emilyanawalt7703 Před 3 lety

      @@cgdahlin Thank you very much, I have had many questions but usually choose to watch a second time. Sometimes my questions persist, lol.
      If I might I would like to request a topic:
      One would be a video on the Esseans and early Gnostic Christian's.
      Also if you have any knowledge about the Phoneacians. Do you think they were predecessors to the early Canaanite religions?
      Thank you!
      (I need to watch your Canaanite video again, too.)

    • @cgdahlin
      @cgdahlin  Před 3 lety

      @@emilyanawalt7703 Great suggestion. I have intended at some point to touch on the Temple of Nicea (The choosing of what stories went into the bible and what didn't). This could easily wrap around into those early christian influences. As for the Phoenicians, noted as well, there were many cultures in the levant at that time, would be worth hashing them out. Thanks for your suggestions.

  • @samanthaparker2702
    @samanthaparker2702 Před 2 lety

    Time like now #loxchatterbox lucy
    Spiritual #katyperry

  • @coimindeburka7716
    @coimindeburka7716 Před 3 lety

    I’m so happy I found you!

  • @TheCowpoke406
    @TheCowpoke406 Před rokem

    The pronunciation for Jörmungandr the world serpent of Norse mythology goes a little something like "your-mun-ghand". For knowing so much I'm actually sort of dismayed that you butchered this one since that's the name of my snake who I hold as I watch this.

  • @mariobroselli3642
    @mariobroselli3642 Před 2 lety

    8.28 the sun, the stars and you forgot the moon

  • @veronicalogotheti5416
    @veronicalogotheti5416 Před 2 lety

    The aztecs were not from the area
    Invented the sacrificies

  • @DaPhreshestKidd
    @DaPhreshestKidd Před 3 lety +1

    I am the Serpent of Life

  • @mariobroselli3642
    @mariobroselli3642 Před 2 lety

    In Buddhism it is the world turtle and the sex organ

  • @zipperpillow
    @zipperpillow Před 2 lety +1

    This is a jumbled, rambling mess. Edit. Focus. Try to undersand your subject, not just repeat other people's lists.

  • @SPQR748
    @SPQR748 Před 3 lety +3

    How about this, The Orphic Egg 🥚 is a woman’s biological egg and the serpent is the spermatozoa of the man.

  • @khensuahabuhetepre1372

    Apophis is Ancient egipt

  • @ant1724
    @ant1724 Před 3 lety

    @2:53 this is similar to the rivalry Apep/apophis has with other deities and his attempt to absorb and swallow the sun.. @33:15 if this is true then that Richat structure could be a precursor site of Atlantis. Then Atlantis could be located somewhere near or on Africa.

  • @maximvdb5627
    @maximvdb5627 Před rokem

    Space was viewed as a cosmic Ocean and all the people who are AWAKE should know that it is in fact, an ocean beyond the firmament. Cheers. Our Ancestors had the real Info Guys. In this supposedly "round" world - its just "His-Story" which is told ;-) Makes sense? Earth is flat btw.

  • @13g95
    @13g95 Před 3 lety +1

    I exist b4 the big bang 1212 19 74 God

  • @AkakaDomenjer
    @AkakaDomenjer Před 3 lety +3

    Egyptians were not atlantians, neither snake is symbol of atlantians.
    Snake is the soul?

  • @13g95
    @13g95 Před 3 lety +1

    I'm omnipresent and gender

  • @13g95
    @13g95 Před 3 lety

    I'm the 1 your speaking of and It's amazing you don't see I own the DNA pattern not just humans DNA period in all animals and insects I own no 1 else !

      @DAEDRICDUKE1 Před 3 lety

      How much crack did you smoke?

    • @13g95
      @13g95 Před 3 lety

      @@DAEDRICDUKE1 damn you smoke crack???

    • @13g95
      @13g95 Před 3 lety

      @@DAEDRICDUKE1 I am the crack omnipresent stupid means I'm everything

    • @13g95
      @13g95 Před 3 lety

      @@DAEDRICDUKE1 how much of me did I smoke is the proper way to ??? Me human answer I smoked all of me and counting remember I burn people and smoke them too

    • @13g95
      @13g95 Před 3 lety

      @@DAEDRICDUKE1 who attacks a omnipresent aether being ??? That's a cold and warm blooded killer??? I kill for sport and righteousness because I'm the most high 1212 +11=1313=26/universe judge clown

  • @13g95
    @13g95 Před 3 lety

    The health care industry is fine your lost ik cool but I actually exist and I'm actually God 🙏 himself!