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  • @SteveGreggVideos
    @SteveGreggVideos Před 22 dny +2

    Hebrews Verse by Verse Playlist czcams.com/video/6j5LYqaMrO8/video.html
    Hebrews 9 New King James Version
    The Earthly Sanctuary
    9 Then indeed, even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary. 2 For a tabernacle was prepared: the first part, in which was the lampstand, the table, and the showbread, which is called the [a]sanctuary; 3 and behind the second veil, the part of the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of All, 4 which had the golden censer and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant; 5 and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat. Of these things we cannot now speak in detail.
    Limitations of the Earthly Service
    6 Now when these things had been thus prepared, the priests always went into the first part of the tabernacle, performing the services. 7 But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people’s sins committed in ignorance; 8 the Holy Spirit indicating this, that the way into the Holiest of All was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was still standing. 9 It was symbolic for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make him who performed the service perfect in regard to the conscience- 10 concerned only with foods and drinks, various [b]washings, and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation.
    The Heavenly Sanctuary
    11 But Christ came as High Priest of the good things [c]to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. 12 Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. 13 For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, [d]sanctifies for the [e]purifying of the flesh, 14 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without [f]spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? 15 And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.
    The Mediator’s Death Necessary
    16 For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. 17 For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives. 18 Therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood. 19 For when Moses had spoken every [g]precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and goats, with water, scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people, 20 saying, “This is the blood of the covenant which God has commanded you.” 21 Then likewise he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry. 22 And according to the law almost all things are [h]purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no [i]remission.
    Greatness of Christ’s Sacrifice
    23 Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in the heavens should be [j]purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands, which are [k]copies of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; 25 not that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood of another- 26 He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. 27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, 28 so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.
    Hebrews 9:2 holy place, lit. holies
    Hebrews 9:10 Lit. baptisms
    Hebrews 9:11 NU that have come
    Hebrews 9:13 sets apart
    Hebrews 9:13 cleansing
    Hebrews 9:14 blemish
    Hebrews 9:19 command
    Hebrews 9:22 cleansed
    Hebrews 9:22 forgiveness
    Hebrews 9:23 cleansed
    Hebrews 9:24 representations

  • @AmyLizJesusSaves127
    @AmyLizJesusSaves127 Před 22 dny +3

    Really appreciate these teaching so much and I'm blessed by them, I am a prodigal daughter and I can tell you that you are so far more blessed to have served Jesus all your life, satan destroys someone with sin, hell is Real and horrific, those who refuse to repent will go there, sin self absolutely destroys us and Satan deceives us with sin, tries to drag us to hell, sin is pleasurable for a season then the enemy pulls the rug from underneath you and attempts to destroy you, so please know that you are so blessed to have served Jesus from so young. I have this regret that I didn't serve Jesus, did not know Jesus until age 45, the Lord heals this regret from me. So know how blessed you are to serve Jesus from youth, you were spared much heartache, grief, hell.

    • @jatonnamorgan7669
      @jatonnamorgan7669 Před 22 dny +2

      I sometimes feel I have no testimony because I accepted Jesus at six and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at 15 so thanks for your testimony. It’s just good you did come to Him! So many no longer believe there’s a hell but I guess you know what you’re talking about.

  • @janetdavis6473
    @janetdavis6473 Před 15 dny +1

    Thanks again for another wonderful lesson, Steve. I’ve been enjoying this series.

  • @mountainmover777
    @mountainmover777 Před 22 dny

    I can't imagine Enoch and Elijah are still walking around in their original bodies.. I do believe they died, but that their deaths and resurrections were so quick and insignificant that they didn't even loose consciousness, nor was it worth mentioning. Much as I assume it will be with those who are sill living when Jesus returns.. "In the twinkling of an eye".. I believe that the statement it is appointed once for men to die isn't held back by those that would be transformed in that 'twinkling of an eye' transformation when caught up to meet Jesus in the air.

  • @newroman116
    @newroman116 Před 8 dny +1

    Verse 15 seems to say that Christs sacrifice set “them” free from sins under the first covenant. Does this mean that Jesus blood sacrifice was retroactive to save also the Old Testament saints? I have wrestled with this for some time now. Any comment hereon? Thanks