Interview with General Petr Pavel | POLITICO Playbook Breakfast


Komentáře • 106

  • @berunaable
    @berunaable Před rokem +104

    I'm so proud that after some time the Czech Republic will be represented by a person with some moral values, inteligence and class! There is hope people!! Congrats Mr Pavel 👏👏👏

    • @johnywalker1258
      @johnywalker1258 Před rokem +12

      Congratulations and well wishes from your Northern neighbours. We can only hope that integrity and values prevail in our part of Europe - and Czech people today showed us a great example that populism can be stopped.

    • @maxheadrom3088
      @maxheadrom3088 Před rokem

      Because that has never happened before?

    • @alless48
      @alless48 Před rokem

      Yes, having this dummy with an IQ of 107 as a head of state is undoubtedly a good reason to be proud. He's sure to make a great Reichsprotektor.😂

    • @alless48
      @alless48 Před rokem

      @@johnywalker1258 Integrity and values will surely prevail over common sense. This is what the Czech voter clearly proved.

    • @davidkandr8251
      @davidkandr8251 Před rokem +1

      @@alless48 How do you know, that Mr. Pavel had IQ test bearing 107 p.? Any valid source?

  • @god-son-love
    @god-son-love Před rokem +12

    I am probably the only Taiwanese guy who watches this video. Czech has chosen a good leader.

  • @alexandermalanovsky
    @alexandermalanovsky Před rokem +22

    Decentní angličtina =) Oproti tomu co tu máme v politice je to hotovej rodilej mluvčí.

  • @Operatoryoon
    @Operatoryoon Před rokem +7

    Congrats Prezident Pavel

    • @vladimirpech7095
      @vladimirpech7095 Před 3 měsíci

      Za studia ve škole KGB v Moskvě?Je to hajzle bez charakteru

  • @Excellent226002
    @Excellent226002 Před 4 lety +56

    Některý slova jsem mu neroruměla, ale jinak mluví moc hezky.

    • @rostislavvitek414
      @rostislavvitek414 Před rokem +1

      Souhlas, ono je výhodou, že to je samé jak v českém jazyce, když slyšíš každé druhé slovo, tak to často na základě kontextu stačí k porozumění celé věty.

    • @alless48
      @alless48 Před rokem

      Počkejte pár let - až "euroatlantické hodnoty" konečně zvítězí nad barbarskými Rusy, pak možná porozumíte všemu. 😉

    • @sarah_the_tea_queen1404
      @sarah_the_tea_queen1404 Před rokem +1

      No furt lepší než Sobotka nebo Zeman xD

  • @shanegrabner2705
    @shanegrabner2705 Před 5 lety +9

    Sir I had a minor problem with my heart today

  • @dianaschneider1631
    @dianaschneider1631 Před 4 měsíci


  • @fufi2238
    @fufi2238 Před rokem

    16:00 XD

  • @jaywolfdesigns
    @jaywolfdesigns Před rokem +4

    If i had a dollar for everytime i hear "uhh"

    • @tobeytransport2802
      @tobeytransport2802 Před 20 dny

      Well English is not his first language and growing up in the eastern bloc as well Russian was more important until democratisation in 1989.

  • @vad0123.
    @vad0123. Před 10 měsíci


  • @uncatila
    @uncatila Před rokem +1

    Pavel is a Russian general no?

    • @TominovCZ
      @TominovCZ Před rokem +83

      ??? Are you serious? With this sentence you hurt and ofended many people including me

    • @1958Artemis
      @1958Artemis Před rokem +20

      Czech republic

    • @CWKana
      @CWKana Před rokem +35

      Petr Pavel is a Czech General who recently announced his candidacy for President of the Czech Republic.

    • @filipcinnamon5025
      @filipcinnamon5025 Před rokem +5

      @@TominovCZ but he used to be a member of Communist party in Czech republic . I think about 10 years . Pavel was a coward and never condemned the Russian 's invasion to Czechoslovakia which happened in 1968. If you wanted be a member of the Communist party,you had to agree with Russian's occupation. Pavel is disgraceful person.Shame on his all voters

    • @davidmaly5464
      @davidmaly5464 Před rokem +19

      @@filipcinnamon5025 question is was he an active and willing member... Or a forced member... Things Will be debated and brought to light during his candidacy...

  • @kaposipal
    @kaposipal Před rokem +2

    ruski loving prague gay club...

    • @kubaspicak5387
      @kubaspicak5387 Před rokem +2

      Nobody asked you for your favorite travel destination, mate. Remain silent.

    • @danks8705
      @danks8705 Před rokem

      Shut up. Petr Pavel is a general that represented Czech Republic in NATO, the alliance that was made against the Soviet Union. Most Czechs hate Russian regime and they don't like Russians too much after they invaded them. Also, you're 9, aren't you?

    • @moravianlion3108
      @moravianlion3108 Před rokem +3

      None of you just wrote makes sense. Try again?

    • @olgasmolkova4399
      @olgasmolkova4399 Před rokem

      Ty jsi debil...

  • @cristianm7097
    @cristianm7097 Před rokem +3

    Romania, Czechia and Norway are tiny, weak countries who depend on USA to protect them.

    • @kaposipal
      @kaposipal Před rokem

      stop for a second... can you believe that czechoslovakia, norway and romania are not the proxies of the usssr...

    • @cristianm7097
      @cristianm7097 Před rokem +1

      @@kaposipal They are NATO's proxies, same shit, different master.

    • @justatry8195
      @justatry8195 Před rokem

      If we didnt come to USA, people there would still be indians... usa would be very undeveloped without all the "tiny, weak countries"

    • @GoGicz
      @GoGicz Před rokem

      until you realize norway is giving over 25% of all natural gas to europe, no one cares about USA they don't need them.

    • @cristianm7097
      @cristianm7097 Před rokem

      @@narexmoravian9034 You are an illiterate nobody.

  • @jiridolejs3621
    @jiridolejs3621 Před rokem +1

    EU & NATO supports the criminality of unlimited Czech rulers/slavers