The Corries A' The Blue Bonnets

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
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Komentáře • 62

  • @Doigyisabenny
    @Doigyisabenny Před 15 lety +29

    Actually, you're right.
    I love the Corries, I saw them live loads of times and met them once, when i was 13
    I asked if I could join the band, they told me no, because they didn't want to split the money three ways

  • @uptonsavoie
    @uptonsavoie Před 13 lety +56

    I cannot think of a single battle fought on Scottish soil without Scots on both sides. I am convinced that if the Scottish people had been united, there was nothing England could have done to conquer their country.

  • @ZeitgeistWI
    @ZeitgeistWI Před 16 lety +4

    As a Scottsman,I can only say that this tune gets the blood moving and sets the feet to tapping. You can see the highland men marching off to close with the foe! All Scotts need to take this history to heart and keep it with them as they work towards a bright and independent future. Alba gu brath!

  • @25Busterdog
    @25Busterdog Před 13 lety +17

    The regimental march of the King's Own Scottish Borderers.
    I think you'll find it's a song dedicated to the Scottish Border Reivers. Eskdale and Liddesdale, Ettrick and Teviotdale. The Wild Border Men who preyed on English and Lowland Scots alike - the Borderers suffered a fate worse than the Highlanders (who the Reivers thought of as Irish - not Scots. The Protestant Scots-Irish of the USA are descendents of the Border Reivers.

  • @happygael
    @happygael Před 16 lety +8

    still a great song.
    I am first generation American of full blooded Irish descent. I think it brings the celt in me to the fore

  • @Scotsgit
    @Scotsgit Před 17 lety +6

    Bloody brilliant!

  • @montrevant
    @montrevant Před 17 lety +6

    That was amazing...thank you for posting this.

  • @Jinky1888
    @Jinky1888 Před 17 lety +3


  • @ceanadach
    @ceanadach Před 15 lety +2

    I hear ye...
    Our Scottish name was changed ourselves...
    Allan to the french form Allain..
    All we can do is remember what we are,and be proud O' it!

  • @ZeitgeistWI
    @ZeitgeistWI Před 16 lety +4

    Did some more research and you were spot on. Written by Sir Walter Scott about the borderers and how they were the first line of defense against the English. I was confusing it with the Blue Bonnets for Charlie. Confusing at times but nonetheless fascinating and it makes your pulse just a wee bit faster doesn't it? Thanks again.

  • @jimmybhoy4
    @jimmybhoy4 Před 17 lety +2

    great border song

  • @maybrook1
    @maybrook1 Před 16 lety +4

    England shall many a day, speak of the bloody fray, when the blue bonnets came over the border.

  • @happygael
    @happygael Před 16 lety +1

    I said nothing about the origin of that tune. i just stated what hearing it did for me.All pipe music thrills me.

  • @JBurdoo
    @JBurdoo Před 17 lety +3

    It's called a bodhran, a traditional drum made from goatskin.

  • @ZeitgeistWI
    @ZeitgeistWI Před 16 lety +1

    Apologies for my zeal, got a bit excited with the song and all. Thanks for the historical note though, always appreciate learning more.Take care.

  • @Snadd1987
    @Snadd1987 Před 17 lety +1

    awright cheers

  • @Scotsgit
    @Scotsgit Před 14 lety +2

    @UrFavWorstNightmare Except you leave out a few facts: Very few Clans turned out for the '45 rebellion, there were far more Scottish troops fighting against the jacobites than for them. And the war was not between Scotland and England, Charles Edward Stuart repeatedly stated that he wanted the British throne, not just the Scottish one. Oh and this song is about an earlier period in history and has nothing to do with the Jacobite cause.

  • @Macangusagain
    @Macangusagain Před 15 lety +1

    Actually happygael,that is only partly correct. There are two main types, The Irish (Uillean or Elbow) and the Scottish (Great Highland or Small Border) The Uillean pipes are pumped with the elbow ,the bag spring loaded ,and in the great Highland Bagpipes the bag is blown by the chanter as the pipes are played. The Small Border or Parlour pipes have a bag that is similar in concept to the Uillean pipes but is strapped to the forearm.

  • @gaconnochie
    @gaconnochie Před 13 lety +5

    @rbmMan2 and her husband the Presbyterian regime was restored in Scotland and in turn the non-juring Episcopalians were then oppressed. each side were as bad as each other. In Ireland and England the Jacobites were synomonous with Catholicism but not so in Scotland. Catholics came out yes, but the bulk of the Scottish Jacobites were Episcopalians and came out despite the Pretenders Catholicism - not because of it.

  • @jimmybhoy4
    @jimmybhoy4 Před 16 lety +4

    it not a irish. it about the clans of border scotland between scotland and england

  • @gaconnochie
    @gaconnochie Před 12 lety +7

    @ColdMattyCross And this song has nothing to do with the Jacobites anyway. It is taken from a Scott novel set in the mid 16thC and the song actually is about Borderers going over the border into England in the name of the Scottish Queen! They seem in this video to have changed it to King for some unknown reason!

  • @Jinky1888
    @Jinky1888 Před 16 lety +2

    I am glad to hear that, And i just re-read what i wrote and it does seem rather rude, for that i apologise.
    I never meant it that way.
    And if this was 1776 i would be strapping a blue coat on right now.
    God bless you my friend.
    ALba Gu Brath!

  • @happygael
    @happygael Před 15 lety

    To Mustang Milligan
    Re Irish and the Pipes.
    It might be a common love for the pipes that causes them to respond to it.
    The compete against each others playing the instrument. You should welcome them not be trying to exclude them

  • @mikeyboy1965
    @mikeyboy1965 Před 16 lety +1

    suas alba !!!

  • @Doigyisabenny
    @Doigyisabenny Před 15 lety +3

    why do bagpipers march when playing?
    cuz it's harder to hit a moving target!!

  • @Piper1514
    @Piper1514 Před 13 lety +2

    Teviotdale is the best!!!

  • @pipes0987
    @pipes0987 Před 14 lety

    @heartofthereiver : to answer, I played what ever came to mind in Iraq, a 6/8 or 2/4 march mostly and a few catchy Irish tunes (I know, god forbid), my dad said the one time he played into action in Korea he "ran" across a field then had to lie down behind a tree for cover and was able to make "bagpipe noises" whilst on the ground ( I asked him what tunes he played ha ha). I'm off to Afghanistan soon w/ the pipes. Remember this sound ? yup, someone is going to die!!!!

  • @hullawrrer
    @hullawrrer Před 15 lety +3

    Alba Gu Brath

  • @Macangusagain
    @Macangusagain Před 15 lety

    There are other technical differences and the Uillean pipes are very versatile as are the parlor pipes. Eirinn gu brath agus Albainn gu brath

  • @kricolma
    @kricolma Před 14 lety

    What are the drums? I take it one is a bodhran { but which?} Is the other a Northumberalnd/Northumbrian drum?

  • @Stvmulligan
    @Stvmulligan Před 13 lety +1

    Re Linn, I thought most of Scotland' land is still owned Norman blood, the borders were nearly entirely Norman; I know my ancestors were Porteouses...The Stewarts are Gaelic, I don't remember in my history books at school, stories of border land being seized by Catholics? And honestly no chance...also clans in the borders?

  • @seondo
    @seondo Před 11 lety +5

    to many it was a crime against our people and thats what brings the clans together, you invade our country, we stand up and fight, regardless of where your country is situated be it on the border, or over the sea's, I dont understand what part your actually claiming to be bullshit, the history? or the fact that medieval britain hated each others guts

  • @gport7
    @gport7 Před 15 lety

    James Graham the Marquis of Montrose = Lowlander (Graham clan was a lowland clan)

  • @jimmybhoy4
    @jimmybhoy4 Před 16 lety +2

    it a border song

  • @Snadd1987
    @Snadd1987 Před 17 lety

    whats that drum hing theyre plane

  • @frettish
    @frettish Před 13 lety +1

    yeah we must thank bonnie prince charlie for buggering it all up!

  • @seondo
    @seondo Před 11 lety +4

    It really doesnt matter what blood you have in you, considering the families of wallace and bruce came from the norman invasion that ransacked england, william wallace and robert bruce where both scots in name, they fought for scotland, your forgetting that most of the scottish soldiers that fought in the british army against charlie where either forced or had no other choice to earn a decent living, also the highland clearances where done by the government to build sheep farms

  • @Doigyisabenny
    @Doigyisabenny Před 15 lety +1

    "ay'm nut ayrish, ay'm BRUTTISH"
    heh heh! nothing winds ulstermen up more than being refered to as "irish".

  • @kristinelawrie
    @kristinelawrie Před 14 lety +2

    Why are the blue bonnets over the border!!!!!!!!!!

  • @gport7
    @gport7 Před 15 lety +2

    Scotland.... not Ireland!!

  • @computers734
    @computers734 Před 14 lety

    @Scotsgit Im not sure i agree with you. They know now that it was about 47% clans and the rest was made up from lowlanders, french and irish. I would agree however that there were Scots fighting for the Hanovarians.

  • @Jinky1888
    @Jinky1888 Před 16 lety

    Hi ther
    Despite it not being a song of the highlanders, it is still a song of Scottish Nationalism none the less.
    So highland or lowland, i would march to my death to this song.

  • @wijse
    @wijse Před 14 lety

    @UrFavWorstNightmare You forget the Covenanters.

  • @rbmMan2
    @rbmMan2 Před 13 lety +4

    The Jacobites did not oppress the coventers. The coventers oppressed the Catholics. Get it right. The Presbyterian "Reign of Terror" is a well known part of Scottish history. However, The presbyterians and Catholics of the north did unite to fight against the crown who was imposting their anglican religion on the Scots. The declaration of the national covenant of scotland opposed a scottish king of great britain successfully.

  • @MrJacobite123
    @MrJacobite123 Před 12 lety +5

    hail the jacobites.

  • @fastonthedraw
    @fastonthedraw Před 14 lety

    recessionallover.!!! nae Scottish blood then..!!?

  • @robsargent4
    @robsargent4 Před 13 lety

    I hope you're going to approve my comments, because it was a bit of a waste of time to write them, if you're not going to.

  • @Doigyisabenny
    @Doigyisabenny Před 15 lety

    i think what he (she?) is trying to say is that americans can't seem to tell the difference between scots and irish!!
    the pipes are scottish, not irish, for example. the only "traditional irish" marching bands i've ever seen march with flutes, bowler hats and orange sashes, and there's nothing quaint or twee about them.

  • @Hefferman1
    @Hefferman1 Před 15 lety +1

    That or a Scottish King would have had religious freedom, not killed millions of Scottsmen, not tried to make America a slave Colony, ect ect...
    We don't know what would have happened, but we do know of the terrible abuses of the thugs from Germany did, now don't we.
    Think of no slave colonies, no murders in the name of an illegal king, no raping of women, no forced deportations.
    Too bad none of this happened, or Scottland, England, Canada, and the US could have been one big happy country.

  • @happygael
    @happygael Před 15 lety

    Doogy or is it doggy? The pipes came from the middle east do not claim them as a pictish invention. As far as pipe bands go tYou have been looking in all the wrong places for Irish pipe bands. As far as the slur about my id I am more man than you could ever hope to be. I am American of Immigrant Irish parents I am proud of my heritage and my American citizenship.Irish and Scots both are gaelic tribes. the difference between Irish and Scottish Pipes are the amount of drones on the instrument.

  • @Scotsgit
    @Scotsgit Před 16 lety

    Not that traditonal - it only dates back to the 1960's.

  • @Doigyisabenny
    @Doigyisabenny Před 15 lety

    No, I said life under a dictatorship is always worse than life under a democracy. You want to live in a dictatorship?? Go live in Zimbabwe and THEN tell me how things are so much better
    Instead of reasoning an arguement you resort to rudeness, which just suggests to me you don't actually have one, plus your grasp of history seems a little shaky
    I love this song, but it is NOT a pro-Jacobite anthem, it's a British Army march written by the very pro-Hanovarian Sir Walter Scott

  • @Doigyisabenny
    @Doigyisabenny Před 15 lety

    No - a Stewart victory with French help would have drawn Britain into the colonial wars of the era. What would have happened a few years later, when the French Revolution started...?
    The Stewarts were autocrats, just like Louis XIV, just like Tsar Nickolas, just like Charles I, for that matter. Political stabilty came out of the constitutional monarchy of the Hanover line - much as i HATE to admit it.
    Slavery was abolished by the Hanovers, rape and murder was always the highland way of life!

  • @Doigyisabenny
    @Doigyisabenny Před 15 lety +1

    If you really want to identify with Scottish people - REAL Scottish people and not the ridiculous Hollywood masturbatory fantasy of Scottish people - you need to know that heritage is found in people, not movies or books. Let it go, we Scots don't hate the English any more!
    I love this song, but it was written a very pro-Hanoverian lackey (read Sir Walter Scott's bio).
    For the record, it's a damn good thing thing the Jacobites lost, a restored Stewart monarchy would have been a disaster.

  • @rockinbillyboy
    @rockinbillyboy Před 15 lety

    "bowler hats and orange sashes, and there's nothing quaint or twee about them"........Well, old boy,..that's a matter of opinion ;-). ......and before you say it, i will....
    ay'm nut ayrish, ay'm BRUTTISH!!!!!....LOL

  • @Doigyisabenny
    @Doigyisabenny Před 15 lety +1

    Please, please - don't feel sorry for me!!
    And don't get "Scotland" mixed up with "The Highlands" either. The 1745 was lowland vs highland, NOT Scottish vs English. That's a myth.
    All of the european autocrats were deposed in bloody revolution over the next 160 years, we, at least, were spared that.
    Dont think the highlands were an idyllic Celtic paradise, either. They were barbaric, brutal and cruel, the same way the Balkans were in the 1990's.
    Hollywod has a lot to answer for!!