What's it like to have ADHD?

  • čas přidán 13. 10. 2012
  • Single clip from the full ADHD and Me film. Website: www.adhdvoices.com
    ADHD and Me brings research interviews with children to (animated) life.
    The VOICES study (Voices On Identity, Childhood, Ethics & Stimulants: Children join the debate) investigated children's experiences with ADHD diagnosis and stimulant drug treatments. We interviewed over 150 children in the United States and the United Kingdom, recruited from NHS Trusts, university clinics and community pediatric centers. This film uses our actual interviews with children to present some of the most important discoveries of the VOICES study.
    For further information see www.adhdvoices.com or get in touch: contact@adhdvoices.com

Komentáře • 505

  • @fat_whales.4591
    @fat_whales.4591 Před 4 lety +67

    All my teachers comments from reports since kindergarten “he has great potential but it’s can’t let it out and gets distracted easily” bruh.

  • @jaydenbelisle8765
    @jaydenbelisle8765 Před 2 lety +142

    What the boy said about being the last one on the test really hit hard. I'm usually the last one taking a test because my mind is elsewhere. I wish teachers wouldn't ask that. It makes me feel called out and ashamed, when I shouldn't feel that way. I do really well in school, but I'm just a bit slower than everyone else. It kinda sucks.

    • @faenene
      @faenene Před 2 lety +3

      Me too

    • @silh3345
      @silh3345 Před 2 lety +3

      Same I’m always the last to finish tests. Worst thing is that at my school they often let us leave the classroom once we’re done with our test to not disrupt the ones who are still taking the test and it sucks to see everyone leaving the room one by one until you’re the only one left and it’s just you and the teacher in there.

    • @gretch23yearsago74
      @gretch23yearsago74 Před 2 lety +3

      Same dude you are not alone

    • @tashacope4663
      @tashacope4663 Před 2 lety +5

      I stopped putting my hand up because of the shame I felt at not finishing, or I would try to rush the last answers while the teacher was asking the question and get them wrong anyway. It’s mad to think that I got diagnosed at 20 when I clearly showed signs in school

    • @horizonwireless
      @horizonwireless Před rokem

      Huh, my friend and I have adhd and we usually finish tests first

  • @SS-fr2iu
    @SS-fr2iu Před 10 lety +186

    I literally construct story lines inside if my head, almost as if it's a way to escape the real world. I try to continue the stories in every chance I get, in class, before I go to bed, and sometimes in the middle of a conversation with someone.

    • @mimes74
      @mimes74 Před 10 lety +7

      I dO TOO, i CAN RELATE.

    • @SS-fr2iu
      @SS-fr2iu Před 10 lety +16

      Have you ever replayed a certain moment in your head adding on each time before you continue? I do this all the time :P

    • @mimes74
      @mimes74 Před 10 lety +7

      Yes, I have. I play back times I didn't fit in and would fight bullies. I ran back and forth each time i got excited.

    • @dabunnyrabbit2620
      @dabunnyrabbit2620 Před 6 lety +3

      Yeeesssss I know exactly what you mean.

    • @marleyg2004
      @marleyg2004 Před 6 lety +1

      Me too

  • @quack3133
    @quack3133 Před 3 lety +49

    I was rocking my chair while watching this and I fell off.
    Having ADHD sucks but its good to know that I'm not alone on this haha if only people would understand ughhhhhh I'm feeling frustrated now-

  • @jasongreek2342
    @jasongreek2342 Před 2 lety +60

    I've openly shared with people for years about how I was at school, the things I struggle with at work, and the relationship issues I've had. Me, of course, having no understanding of adhd as a condition, and growing up in a household where "ADD is just an excuse for bad parents", and my hyperactivity and lack of focus was treated with the old wooden spoon, I've even said repeatedly over the years "I'm sure if I ever got assessed that even I would have adhd." Looking back, I had been perfectly describing every single textbook symptom of innatentive adhd, and not one single person ever even suggested that it might be what it is.
    Years of report cards. In elementary school it was "Jason is such a pleasure to have in class, he demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum well above his peers, but he struggles with time management, frequently loses his belongings, doesn't complete his homework, is unable to keep his things organized, struggles to start tasks in class, struggles to complete projects, and is easily distracted. Like, seriously? Every teacher in every grade says the same thing and NONE of you thought "maybe this kid has something going on"?
    Grade 7, junior high hit me like a brick wall. Suddenly I was expected to be able to organize my own belongings across different rooms, different subjects, different teachers, work independently, complete long term projects, and stay engaged in things i didn't find interesting. "Failure to hand in assignments has affected the mark", "not trying hard enough", "is capable of better work", "inconsistent effort". Yet the classes that were mainly graded by in-class work, and focused on collaborative learning and creativity, the reports were "outstanding achievement, top mark", "an asset in class", "exceptional performance". I had always said, if I was interested in the class, and interested in the work, I aced it. If I wasn't interested in the work, even if I enjoyed the subject, getting me to do it was an exercise in futility. I've told countless people over the years how, no matter how hard I tried, in grade 11 and 12 physics in particular, which was a subject I enjoyed, I could not focus in class norther how hard I tried. The teacher had a style of just sitting and lecturing in front of the class. I missed about 3/4 of every word he said.
    When I graduated and went to community College and took plumbing, I was the first student the instructor had had in years that he felt comfortable recommending to compete in the provincial skills competition. I excelled well beyond the rest of the class, but I didn't come anywhere near top marks because I almost failed my portfolio, and my communications course that I was required to take. And that was purely from not being able to get myself to do the work. I never had to study, and frequently zoned out in theory classes while in college, and I still consistently scored at the top of the class.
    In relationships, it was always textbook love at first sight, and hyperfocus on the person until the shine wore off, then I killed the relationship with inattention. I struggle excessively with all of the administrative tasks in my work, to the point where I have been frequently brought into my boss' office and lectured in "I don't get why this is such a problem with you, you're so good at your work, but we're always chasing you down for paperwork and quotes. I don't buy that you can't get it done, nobody else has a problem getting these things done, why do you? You just need to stay on top of it. You're great at doing the things you want to do, we all have to do the boring things too. So just get it done."
    I have the working memory of a goldfish, no concept of time whatsoever, basically no sense of object permanence, I can't sit still to save my life, if I don't rigidly hold myself accountable in my work and triple check every thing I do I make so many careless mistakes that I'd lose my job in a week. I can't function without excessive routines, but I can't stick to a routine to save my life. I'm constantly told that I'm far to sensitive and react too strongly to everything, I can't plan or prioritize tasks without getting overwhelmed, my list of "phases" and hobbies that I've tried, gotten bored of, and abandoned is a mile long, I can forget a weekly meeting and be late for it every single week, even though I have repeated reminders and can talk about it the day before. You can ask me Wednesday afternoon "when is the weekly plumbing team meeting?" I'll tell you "every Thursday at 7:30 in the boardroom", then the next morning I walk in the door at 7:40 as the meeting is ending because I completely forgot, again, for the 10th week in a row.
    My wife asks me to peel potatoes for supper while she sleeps after a night shift, she wakes up, comes downstairs 5 hours later and finds me in the middle of painting the entire kitchen, and a bag of unpeeled potatoes on the floor because I got distracted.
    Nobody, not once, not ever, has ever suggested that I might have adhd.

    • @leethestar6421
      @leethestar6421 Před 2 lety +10

      That's such a massive failure in schools. And a great example thank you

    • @JamPuppers
      @JamPuppers Před 2 lety +10

      You have had it worse than me man. I have gone through all the school side of failure (as well as some social failure) I was diagnosed at about 5 or 8 years old (currently 18) and haven’t been on meds since my first diagnosis (that didn’t go well). After I was 17, I tried Adderall (won’t talk about how I obtained it though, let’s just say a trusted source) and it was amazing! I was so focused and super hyper. I knew the dose was too high for me, but it worked. After that I never took it again lol I found out how addictive it is and how it’s basically meth. Fast forward nearly a year and I’m into weed (in a desperate attempt to feel change) and this is where my grades and mental performance hit the fan. I couldn’t master that damn drug. It messed with me in such weird ways that my family members got concerned about me. I stepped back from falling any further. It just isn’t for someone like me for the time being. Countless moments weed had impacted me negatively. I finally quit when I was nearly on the brink of full blown depression and mental collapse. I couldn’t handle the claustrophobic mentality it gave me with all my overwhelming life problems I needed, and still need, to fix.
      I’m not saying weed is bad. If anything, I enjoyed some of weed’s promising enhancements. It got me thinking about all kinds of cool stuff and made cool sensations, but was overall too impactful in worse ways than not. Weed is just not for someone like me, especially with family with history of mental problems. Maybe I’ll experiment more in the future, but for now it’s locked behind the door called “we don’t go there”. Now. Back to ADHD. I went to the doctor after quitting weed and spoke about my ADHD. They gave me a paper to fill out and discussed with me that I mentioned being previously diagnosed (I have little to no medical record due to moving and other stuff) I assume they have a bit more info on me now. I’m still figuring out how to be an young adult after not even really having a normal teenager life, so all this change is a little quick but it’s working out.
      So, anyway, back to the doctor’s office. My doctor comes in and is like “here’s a prescription, oh and by the way, you have severe mixed type ADHD” lol now I’m about one week into my new Vyvanse prescription and feel normal for once in my god damn life. Vyvanse seems prefect for me. Which is surprising that it worked as well as it has so quickly. I have a few side affects I’ll discuss with my doctor but besides that, I basically found a key to my future and I hope it leaves a door open to bright things going forward. I’m taking things slow now, less weight is on my shoulders. I really hope you can get treatment for your ADHD (you may have already but I an gonna assume you haven’t). Some need therapy and ADHD meds, some need more. I have a lot of support and even have a therapist. but I won’t say I’m still all that together in my head, but who really is I guess.
      If you haven’t talked to a doctor about these things, then please don’t be afraid to. Medication can help. It can also be a road trip and a half for some. But with some luck, you might just get a good medication that works for you. Take you’re time though, medication adjustment and diagnosis is a process, but worth a shot at fixing some of the things that bother you about this disorder. Dive in when you’re ready and be sure it’s the right step for you. Stay strong friend! I wish you best of luck on future journeys and the potential quest to work on your ADHD side of things. (also it’s important to know that ADHD medication has it’s down sides for some people. Sometimes it can even change/have affect on one’s personality. Like I said before, speak with a doctor if you have questions and/or concerns before and after using drugs like these). Had an ADHD moment by typing all this honestly. So I’ll stop ignoring the clock and head to bed. Good night and good day to you!✌️😄

    • @JamPuppers
      @JamPuppers Před 2 lety +2

      @@murderoftrees If you do write about ADHD. You can also add the part about reading comprehension. I am creative when it comes to writing, though ADHD brings careless mistakes into the mix too. But, on the other hand, reading is a different story. It's frustrating at times. My brain wants to skip over some of the text, or it unintentionally does to try and get to the point as fast as possible. I skip over details and have to re-read it over and over sometimes to understand what was said. Misunderstanding things is common after finally "understanding" the text.
      Sometimes I give up due to either lack of understanding, possible distractions that confuse me while reading, or just complete disinterest due to the lengthiness of the message.
      But I do and come right back to it like "no you can do this" lol. Idk how much of my reading comprehension is impaired or how much of it is actually ADHD. Some days I read things a lot better, but most days it's all over the place. All I know is I was made aware just now when trying to read your comment. Though it has nothing to do with how well something is written. It's one of those less talked about things with ADHD that could be a great part to bring up in something like your paper.
      I could go on and on about ADHD and how it affects me personally for hours on end.
      (btw all this is personal experience with ADHD, by no means anything I say should be used to diagnose someone with it. For all I know, I could be unintentionally speaking about some other disorder with my symptoms).
      I'd recommend heavy research on ADHD and compare it to someone you know with the disorder. I'd even be down to talk about it to the best of my knowledge. How the mind and universe operates is one of the many things I'd talk your ear off about (especially from personal and theoretical stand points).

    • @JamPuppers
      @JamPuppers Před 2 lety +2

      @@murderoftrees No problem! I'm glad you're finding the info you are looking for! Wish you luck on your paper! Hope your family members can find out if they have this disorder as soon as possible! ADHD is common, and the chances of someone having it is even greater in those who's family members are diagnosed with it!
      Though I'm sure if you don't believe you have this disorder, even after finding out all there is to know about ADHD, you are one of the lucky ones in your family who may not have it. Your sister could be on any range of severity, if she's diagnosed that is. Even if she's not diagnosed, there's still a chance that whatever she's experiencing is another known disorder. I unfortunately have severe mixed type ADHD (there's a few types, not sure how many though, I think 2). I blame that on a long line of family history. My Dad, Mom, Sister, and even my older half sister have ADHD! Not sure about how far back it extends in my family besides that though.

    • @ianmunday7574
      @ianmunday7574 Před 2 lety +3

      Jason, without trying to be funny, even the length of your comment is a pretty good indication to me. I cannot write/speak a short anything anytime. I’m 58 and only diagnosed this past year after being suspended from my job for inappropriate remarks and it just snowballed from there with behaviour that had me asking myself “why did you SAY/DO that?? I came across a tv program on Adult ADHD about that time and it was my lightbulb-moment. This is MY life they were talking about! I started to take a close look at my behaviour and saw a psychologist who was in no doubt. She saw it straight away because she AND her sons have it. From there I waited 6 months for an available psychiatrist to finally diagnose me and since then I’ve been on the stimulant meds merry-go-round trying to find something that works for me.
      It’s been the most enlightening yet confronting thing that has explained practically EVERY aspect of my life. Same as you, the signs were there early in school and in job, relationship and marriage problems ever since. I went through divorce a few years back and have practically no relationship with my young-adult kids. Christmas is never a good time for me now but this last one was particularly bad because of the extra guilt I felt knowing that in fact it was ME and my ADHD behaviour that had a lot more to do with ending it than I ever knew. I’ve since learned that where there is one partner that has it undiagnosed it’s almost a given the marriage will fail.
      It’s hard not to keep thinking “what if” it had been picked up and treated early. How much different/better would my life have been? All I can do now is continue to learn as much about it as possible (mostly online like this) and try to make the most with what I have going forward.
      Oh yeah, see?
      No short answers!😄

  • @blue_thequinncat1448
    @blue_thequinncat1448 Před 2 lety +21

    I daydream and lose focus in class, that’s one of my bigger ADHD struggles. I also tend to be like the first boy in being a “human volcano” because I can’t regulate my emotions very well and I end up getting very angry very easily sometimes. I have significantly more problems with ADHD with school than in my personal life.

  • @socialwork63
    @socialwork63 Před rokem +5

    Parenting a child with add is exceptionally hard with minimal support especially when the child is in denial about their behaviour and completely lacks academic motivation, accountability and does nothing in the home. My son is 11 and he does nothing no class work, school work, tidying up nothing he sees school as a social place but doesn't engage in the academic part. It has made my life with him utterly miserable to the point I can no longer cope due to the extent its impacted my health and have to now send him to live with his father.

  • @gretch23yearsago74
    @gretch23yearsago74 Před 2 lety +6

    I recently got diagnosed with inatentive ADHD after years of struggling in school, about to try medication for the first time and I am so excited but also nervous

  • @RandoMe789
    @RandoMe789 Před 3 lety +186

    salad fingers

  • @christopherstoytime8988
    @christopherstoytime8988 Před 2 lety +4

    I personally feel like my adhd is apart of my personality I enjoy it for the most part yes there are times it can effect me negatively like at work👀 but I wouldn’t trade it makes me who I an

  • @beefeater2682
    @beefeater2682 Před 2 lety +3

    For me, i have A LOT of intrusive thoughts, i am really introverted, i can't focus on a conversation for more than 1 minute without wandering my eyes off. i do a lot of fidgeting when I try to concentrate (spin my pen or shake my leg). I get worried about the future, i believe things that aren't true like i am a real human volcano, i forget things incredibly easily and the effort i make to not do that makes things worse cuz i get more intrusive thoughts and bottle them up till they spill. I judge myself constantly and seek approval of the people surrounding me to know if i did something bad or wrong. I can't keep my brain on a "leash" and i can't get too happy about something or might as well feel bad about being happy, and much much MUCH more symptoms, i think I have ADHD 100% ( that's weird cuz i believe in something 100% but still not sure (?)) and my parents probs don't believe it, so it sucks, i wish i was medicated so it won't affect me so much academically.

  • @ana_silly_little_things

    I suspected that I have ADHD but wasn’t sure until got in touch with a therapist on Voicely app. I am so lucky that I decided to talk to a stranger there. Now I know what I am experiencing.

  • @foodisgoodthatsthetruth3231


  • @blaireofhylia1572
    @blaireofhylia1572 Před 2 lety +4

    Very good video, I wish I had the daydream symptom instead of the fits of rage symptoms

  • @moon-oj3gf
    @moon-oj3gf Před 2 lety +2

    I can sort of relate to the last kid but I'm not sure because it all feels like a mixture of symptoms to me so I just brush it off because of my parents but my sister feels like I might have ADHD or something along those lines.. I'm not sure
    I always feel aggressive for no reason and do/say things without reason or I move my hands really fast, constantly. It's just frustrating not knowing what it could be

  • @emeraldstar373
    @emeraldstar373 Před 2 lety +1

    *diagnosed with OCD and ADHD*
    Today I had my chemistry exam. I hadn’t revised much, because, well you know how it is. I tried my best to revise and when I managed to do some, well, it wasn’t on the test.
    The thing is, I don’t have the mental effort to write what happened right now so I’ll be back later LOL-

  • @faenene
    @faenene Před 2 lety +7

    I’m really starting to think I have inattentive type ADHD. I have almost all the symptoms and I am struggling in school so I think medicine would really help me. But I already know I have autism and I don’t want to seem attention-seeking, also my mom doesn’t really believe me because I’m not on the hyperactive, impulsive side.

    • @gretch23yearsago74
      @gretch23yearsago74 Před 2 lety

      Maybe show your mom a few videos that describe what you are feeling. That might help convince her that ADHD manifests different symptoms in people

    • @PigeonLord
      @PigeonLord Před 2 lety +1

      Also; autism has a fairly high comorbidity rate with adhd (meaning it’s not uncommon for people to have both), but this is also fairly new research relatively speaking. I have inattentive type ADHD, wasn’t diagnosed until I was 18 despite having all the symptoms minus hyperactivity, and at 23 i have an autism evaluation scheduled. I also have a friend who was diagnosed with ASD at a young age and only recently as an adult was diagnosed with ADHD. You definitely are not alone, and it definitely could be worth looking into.

    • @q_q123
      @q_q123 Před 2 lety +1

      I highly recommend you to seek professional help. Don't continue to ignore your symptoms. If you keep neglecting your symptoms as you age and your responsibilities grow, it becomes something that makes every single corner of your life so much more difficult than it shoud be. I've been there and I don't want anyone else to suffer like me. You can start with talking with your school counselor, someone you trust to start opening up possible options. Talk to another adult or family member you trust. If you have autism you are much more likely to have a comorbidity with ADHD

  • @thebe_stone
    @thebe_stone Před 11 měsíci

    personally i always sit down and start doing one thing, and then notice something else and start doing something with that and completely forget about the first thing. then i'll switch to something else and forget about the 2nd thing. something i've started doing is just drawing a little line on my fingernail when i sit down to do something, and for whatever reason, when i start to get off track i would see the line and get reminded of what i was originally doing.

  • @caseystrickland9404
    @caseystrickland9404 Před 2 lety

    i have adhd and i talk to my self and say everything in my mind

  • @spir013
    @spir013 Před 2 lety +1

    And for children is just concentrate in school. Imaging adult life, when you need to focus on house work, bills, on work, on raising children

  • @christiansaravia7865
    @christiansaravia7865 Před 2 lety

    I have ADHD and I relate to a lot of this

  • @BlancaEstella4837
    @BlancaEstella4837 Před 9 měsíci

    I draw some Caracters, and it's like they took life in my head, everytime i get the chance to, i just imagine them in à daily life interacting with each other...

  • @francoisbonin1328
    @francoisbonin1328 Před rokem

    It’s hard and i don’t know why people don’t understand

  • @TangleDangleT
    @TangleDangleT Před rokem

    I Get sometimes angry for noe reason in the classroom and I just want to get all of that angrier out and sometimes I can’t concentrate

  • @pissapocalypse
    @pissapocalypse Před 6 měsíci +2

    I see quirky people be like "ooh a squirrel, im so adhd lol" and then i actually have adhd and i accidentally turned my car on while still getting gas yesterday and almost killed myself. Its not cute or fun to have adhd. Ive accidentally put myself in danger multiple times.
    Stuff like that is also why non adhd folks might think people with adhd are dumb. Im not dumb. My brain just sabatoges me constantly and i forget things and dont notice things or i cant understand what someone is saying so i stare at them blankly trying to figure out what they said. Its so embarrassing and gives me major social anxiety because i know my next interaction might have a chance to go wrong because of my stupid brain.
    Then theres being in overstimulating environments where its too loud or theres strong smells or its too hot or cold or its too colorful or bright and all of that at once makes you want to go to sleep immediately and obviously i cant focus on anything thats going on. Im so exhausted all the time and i barely graduated and i cant keep a job.
    You do not want adhd. You do not want ocd. You do not want any mental illness or disorder. Stop romanticizing these things. They are fucking awful. They are a severe burden on your life and make it way more difficult to just be a person and exist.

  • @yureaurice6844
    @yureaurice6844 Před 11 měsíci

    Same I relate to the girl in the video

  • @iluv.snakes
    @iluv.snakes Před rokem

    Well I have anger issues and I cant pay attention really well.. like im most of the time last on the test.. and i have low scores most of the time

  • @gmann6269
    @gmann6269 Před rokem

    The bits with the kids need subtitles.

  • @singingalbert3623
    @singingalbert3623 Před 3 lety +2

    ADHD is just me getting distracted.

  • @leethestar6421
    @leethestar6421 Před 2 lety

    So it's more than just "I need a figit toy now! Ugh I can't do math :p lol. Omg guys stooooppp :< you're really activating my Adhd 👉🏻👈🏻"
    That was my impression of the 15 kids at my school that suddenly have ADHD

  • @usmaane3283
    @usmaane3283 Před 10 lety +4

    how to solve this problem of adhd?

    • @apparentlyasiah
      @apparentlyasiah Před 3 lety +2

      You can't

    • @xxshadowfanxx4203
      @xxshadowfanxx4203 Před 3 lety +2

      at most you can make schedules / take meds to help with it. adhd isn't a thing you can quite solve.

    • @acetronaut
      @acetronaut Před 3 lety +1

      By learning how ADHD works and adapting society to help

  • @henrysutch9504
    @henrysutch9504 Před 3 lety +4

    Why only 8 comment lmao

  • @smjkdatadhddad1064
    @smjkdatadhddad1064 Před 2 lety

    Chatting crap I’m diagnosed adhd it’s insomnia impulses focus from tiredness so many people criticise us.

  • @rat_tomzz
    @rat_tomzz Před rokem

    i like the potato man

  • @Blackbrabx
    @Blackbrabx Před rokem


  • @platzgalaxis615
    @platzgalaxis615 Před 2 lety


  • @naomiethan
    @naomiethan Před 6 měsíci


  • @johnrainsman6650
    @johnrainsman6650 Před rokem

    Is it so wrong that I think ADHD makes you irresponsible? That I think people with it shamelessly refuse to just "pay attention" and "focus"? That I wouldn't date a woman with ADHD because I think she would neglect deep conversations and how I'm feeling?

  • @LS1759
    @LS1759 Před 10 měsíci


  • @0hrwurms
    @0hrwurms Před 9 lety +40

    I have ADD and I actually cried when that girl spoke.

  • @littlenightmonkeys
    @littlenightmonkeys Před 10 lety +138

    I have ADHD and my legit biggest pet peeve is when people think they have ADHD too after I describe what it's like to them. Just because you don't pay attention sometimes doesn't mean you have ADHD/ADD! Trust me, it's so much worse than the people who don't have it think. Smh

    • @TheCommunityBath
      @TheCommunityBath Před 10 lety +11

      oh I know right. When people are like "you know sometimes I think I have ADHD too because I don't like doing homework"

    • @sparklysaphhire
      @sparklysaphhire Před 10 lety +7

      I know right?! xD I especially hate those people who are like, " ZOMG I think I'm ADD!" after they forget their homework or they simply have a goofy moment. I find it offensive since they aren't getting a taste of what ADHD is really like. Plus, when one has ADHD, it looks more different on them than on someone who claims to have it. -_-

    • @c8linmorris
      @c8linmorris Před 10 lety +5

      It's really annoying when people use it as an excuse just because they didn't do well In school

    • @theboondocksvidogame
      @theboondocksvidogame Před 9 lety

      Ik these other guys don't understand in like school there's nothing but my on world it keeps me off track and behind I just doze off like I hate school look away and think of fantasies my medicine puts me the work but it makes me tired and don't wanna socialize

    • @hainleysimpson1507
      @hainleysimpson1507 Před 9 lety +1

      littlenightmonkeys I used to be suicidal and depressed in 6th grade.

  • @DystopianOverture
    @DystopianOverture Před 9 lety +89

    This video forgot about the feeling of being at a million miles an hour, I get that. I can't slow down, I talk to fast and I can say so much in a short space of time and no one even catching half of it.

  • @DavonteKelley
    @DavonteKelley Před 8 lety +154

    my adhd is all of those
    Anger, day dreaming, and cant focus
    and i think depression comes with adhd,

    • @twin__felines1987
      @twin__felines1987 Před 7 lety +3


    • @2011kittens
      @2011kittens Před 7 lety +2

      lol you are not alone. And also the lack of certain neurotransmitters are the same in ADHD as depression sometiems, so they can often come as a packaged deal.

    • @ACUMA57
      @ACUMA57 Před 7 lety +1

      It's nice to know people have the same problems as me😝

    • @ACUMA57
      @ACUMA57 Před 7 lety

      I think the one for me is daydreaming and just not paying attention..

    • @artgirlkf
      @artgirlkf Před 7 lety

      DavonteTalksAlot yep. it's a package deal. lots who have adhd or add also have other stuff like anxiety and depression. it's a lovely thing, and im so lucky to be one of those people. :))))

  • @cheesegal1206
    @cheesegal1206 Před 9 lety +16

    I have adhd except whenever I daydream I almost always think about the saddest things possible and the worst moments of my life and I whenever it happens I feel like I'm actually living those daydreams, I've starting crying randomly in class because of this and it always makes me feel worse, I also get angry really easily making me yell at people for no good reason, I also start attacking furniture if I get hurt, I hide in my room all the time to cry, I wish I had someone to relate to.

    • @daddyissues1547
      @daddyissues1547 Před 7 lety +5

      I also daydream so vividly that i get emotional and start crying... sometimes as if something legitimately tragic has happened to me.

  • @amby-mo3vk
    @amby-mo3vk Před 6 lety +7

    With me, my ADHD has me constantly thinking and getting distracted. When I'm having to buckle down and study for a test, or I'm sitting doing nothing for a while, I start getting really distracted and angry and I'll actually start punching my thighs or bending my fingers back. I'm constantly restless and can't really sleep at night because everything is just sort of whirling around in my head and not giving me a break. I also have anxiety and depression, so when I'm up at night thinking, I'll end up in tears because of the stuff I end up thinking about. It's not fun.

  • @thegamertag1337
    @thegamertag1337 Před 9 lety +15

    my story of how i feel with having ADHD. I wish you had somehow been able to share my reality, understand my world, just as I am forced to live in yours. I wish you, if only for one day got to know the whirlwind of my body and the frustration that appears when I can not follow its movement. I wish you were feeling restless quivering in the body and one gets crazy to withhold. I wish you understood that every time you try to slow down my pace or to stop me, so I fall a total bust. It feels like a weight around my body, I feel trapped, smothered and just want to turn me loose. I have to fly freely in my own pace, otherwise I fall completely. I'd like to make you understand that it is not out of malice or laziness that I can not handle certain situations and can handle different things, and every time I lose or forget things so it's already a swoop for me, I do not need no allegations or accusations, it does not help me. It just adds another layer of sadness and frustration on the mountain already built up in me. I wish you could understand my frustration at being interrupted, because every time I get lost I can not find back. I am sorry that I can not listen to you, my thoughts fly away to an unknown destination, I can not stop them how hard I try. I wish that every time you ask what it is, believe in my explanation that I actually do not know. The answer is hidden, even for me. I would like to show you the feeling of anxiety that constantly lives in me, that is like a big dark hole in my stomach, but which turns into the air when I put it in my hand. It is not visible, and you can not understand it. Though it does not weigh anything is heavier than life itself to carry.
    It lives something inside me, something I can not control or stop. As I daily try to control to function normally. Sometimes I wish that it appeared on the outside, it was engraved in my forehead as a reminder to you that I do not work the same as you. So you remember that every time I get upset or frustrated, I have already tried everything I can ... but not reached all the way ... and that no one is more sorry than I am.

  • @Perdomo231
    @Perdomo231 Před 8 lety +2

    having adhd is like being on a non stop roller coaster, only stopping when u done fucked up and need to see for yourself what u have done

  • @leonsillen1376
    @leonsillen1376 Před 6 lety +6

    Yes, the first one is exactly me. I am constantly getting in trouble on the bus when I am waiting for my ADHD medicine to take effect. On days I forget it, I just do not feel like dealing with anyone or I know I am going to have an outburst.

  • @Amanda-ex4sr
    @Amanda-ex4sr Před 8 lety +23

    I doodle on everything when I'm not interested or I'll just stare out the window and sing song lyrics in my head or just plain day dream in the middle of an important test.

    • @juliepurpleskater1736
      @juliepurpleskater1736 Před 8 lety +1

      I doodle on everything while listening to TV or a CZcams video, and afterwards I can't remember offhand what was said, but often if I look at the doodle, I can remember what was said by looking at different parts of the drawing.

    • @Amanda-ex4sr
      @Amanda-ex4sr Před 8 lety +1

      +Julie Purpleskater I do that with videogames and the TV

    • @thatasianguy8683
      @thatasianguy8683 Před 7 lety

      Amanda The Bean. same

  • @Hana1LuLu
    @Hana1LuLu Před 10 lety +9

    This explains it perfectly. I'm doing a presentation on it, teaching my class (I'm a student not a teacher lol) and this will be perfect in helping to explain!!oh and I have ADHD too. Tests are fine, but i fall asleep. Homework is the problem. I have the massive repelling urge to not do it and as hard as I fight, I find my self playing game son the computer instead. At the end of the night, barely anything is done. What really sucks is its hard for people to understand how involuntary it is.

  • @DarkReapersGrim1
    @DarkReapersGrim1 Před 9 lety +58

    ADHD is a fucking cancer. I missed the deadline to submit my application to a really good job because I fucking procrastinated until the last minute despite seeing the job posting about 3 weeks earlier. It's fucking frustrating.

    • @cjstudio1000
      @cjstudio1000 Před 9 lety +2

      I know how you FUCKING feel I wanna punch someone.

    • @joshuabetthauser4303
      @joshuabetthauser4303 Před 9 lety +2

      This shit is annoying dude, I hate missing things.

    • @_draken_
      @_draken_ Před 9 lety +5

      You're not alone bro. People just don't understand the frustration that comes with this.

    • @headinthecloudsagain1735
      @headinthecloudsagain1735 Před 9 lety +1

      I have add and I day dream and just stare off into space in class sometimes and my teacher has to call my name so that way I will snap out of it

    • @jorellcroft3981
      @jorellcroft3981 Před 9 lety +1

      Bryan Sturgill of me to I do that a lot then you realize your doing it but it's hard to snap out of it then you go right back to staring

  • @sydabler
    @sydabler Před 8 lety +21

    I have ADHD and it's awful. I've gone to many therapists but it doesn't seem to help. It actually makes me more upset having to explain what it's like. In my head it feels like thousands of people are talking at one time. But I can't understand what their saying. I try to focus so hard! But everything I do and everywhere I go, it feels like a big jumbled mess up there. It's so difficult in school and I have to have a "extra help" teacher with me at all times and I go see this lady at the school and she asks me about how I feel everyday. Everyday I feel awful because of my ADHD. I've tried many medications but none seem to work. I only just turned 13. 😞

    • @_akhii9927
      @_akhii9927 Před 7 lety +1

      Same here I just can't concentrate and always have to move it sucks but on the plus will smith and Albert Einstein had it

    • @competitiveshooter9577
      @competitiveshooter9577 Před 7 lety


    • @Stalkerx13
      @Stalkerx13 Před 7 lety

      syd the kid Which medication has helped you quite a bit? Maybe if it does help you out a bit; you just need to up the dosage of that medication.
      I take AMPHETAMINE SALTS, it is the generic version of Adderall. It has worked very well for me.

    • @alejandrapatterson9527
      @alejandrapatterson9527 Před 7 lety

      staler3, I also take ADDERALL 20MG IT WORKS okay for me too

    • @alejandrapatterson9527
      @alejandrapatterson9527 Před 7 lety +1

      +Syd the kid hope to hear from u soon are u doing better? I hate when some special teacher came to see me in 7th grade it was worse and they liked calling my house and liked getting me in trouble, I kinda fell bad for them now cause looking bad I was a btich to them. I wouldn't do any work or anything at all,, but it was cause my medication wasn't work at that time cause I was having issues at home

  • @kivvx4134
    @kivvx4134 Před 8 lety +5

    i don't have adhd, but i think i was able to feel what it's like for just a short moment.
    i was taking medication for a different personality issue, and i think i will say that it was the medication that caused me to feel and act the way i did, because i've never felt or acted that way until the medication. i was sitting on a chair in front of my laptop playing a game, when i suddenly felt very warm and frustrated, and it must have been what 'chaotic' felt like if 'chaotic' was an emotion. i wanted to hit my head on the table and the nearest walls. in the end, i was on the floor, rolling around and i couldn't understand why i was doing it or why i felt that way.

  • @inandish
    @inandish Před 9 lety +6

    I don't take meds I do vitamins and mine is the girl who daydreams I can't help it and people yelling at me to focus makes it even worse. It sucks because people call me lazy and don't want to work. It's true sometimes way too much at once and I lose desire to do anything at all I think they actually call mine ADD.

  • @sidneyjanzen32
    @sidneyjanzen32 Před 10 lety +5

    I have ADHD. I fire feel like lashing out at people, but I don't. Instead, I keep it all bottled up, which ends up making my brain literally feel like it is going to explode. Sometime, when I am about to go to bed, I will realize that I forgot something and then go get it and then go back to my room and realize that I forgot something else. When people say that ADHD doesn't exist, it honestly makes me really want to hurt them. I won't though.

  • @chrishovorka213
    @chrishovorka213 Před 10 lety +33

    I get hyper and feel insane and start making noises and I feel really stupid when I'm done,I have to take medication for mine😞

    • @lexajoyner98
      @lexajoyner98 Před 10 lety +4

      Yeah me too.. I feel like a fool. I run around and make weird noises and then I find out someone was watching me and feel like dying..

    • @tizzytiger100
      @tizzytiger100 Před 10 lety +1

      Same here, you're not alone

    • @theboondocksvidogame
      @theboondocksvidogame Před 9 lety

      Lol that's like me and my best friend ik I been diagnosed I think he has it tho

    • @Stalkerx13
      @Stalkerx13 Před 7 lety +2

      Jimmy Neutron I don't understand how students think I am stupid when I am not on my medication, but when I take it; they get mad because I know all the answers.

    • @alejandrapatterson9527
      @alejandrapatterson9527 Před 7 lety

      hahaha me too is funny when I take my mills I don't make any nosie and I'm clam

  • @flynn9496
    @flynn9496 Před 8 lety +1

    i have adhd and all of it is true. i feel this so much

  • @sonicmastersword8080
    @sonicmastersword8080 Před 6 lety +3

    I would argue, having and knowing much about the condition myself, that there is genuinely no specific set of qualities. It is variable, and as such, is also variable in its intensity. Thus, each case has to be done carefully, finely tailored to suit the individual with the condition. It is not a disorder at times, but rather a different perspective. The very element of the mindset produces an environment that no other could replicate, thus, leading to an infinite arrangement of possibilities not possible within the usual mind. At lease, not easily and so readily controlled.

  • @MattJay.
    @MattJay. Před 9 lety +21

    I don't think I ever had adhd/add, I certainly have never been hyper but had really angry outbursts as a kid. In class I could hardly ever concentrate as well and I got kept behind to finish work, my exercise books were always half full. I was also terrible when people gave me instructions or directions.

    • @MattJay.
      @MattJay. Před 9 lety

      Possibly in some capacity.

    • @dabunnyrabbit2620
      @dabunnyrabbit2620 Před 6 lety +1

      MJ Music
      It's a bit different for everyone.

    • @Maykay1312
      @Maykay1312 Před 5 lety

      MJ Music yea instructions and when the teacher is telling you what to do im just turned off + i like hear what shes saying but i dont understand the words xd

  • @Smalls-eye24
    @Smalls-eye24 Před 9 lety +1

    This video is true. I'm always the last to finish a test, Its hard for me to focus because I start daydreaming and have the urge to draw and then I forget things easily so u have to explain it to me a million times. Sometimes I blurt out or do something and become embarrassed and question myself did I just say that? It's also hard for me to focus when it heart is beating really fast and ur legs need to MOVE. I listen and see EVERYTHING around me. I get so impatient and mad so easily that it's hard for me to control myself that people will tell me to calm down when I get really mad or excited. I always turn in things late because I never have enough time to finish things. When I write an essay I know what to say but I don't know how to say it. When I read instructions like on a test I become stumped easily because I don't understand what it's asking me to do even though it's obvious. I'm self conscious and I over think things a lot so when I'm taking a test I overthink a question and then think of other things completely off the subject of the question of the test.

  • @ThePeridactl
    @ThePeridactl Před 8 lety +1

    I have adhd. Sometimes when I'm doing work or making a video I space out and kinda stare into the distance, and sometimes I need to fiddle with something like my headphones when I'm watching a video or tv. I'm sure it's different for everybody.

  • @Kehwanna
    @Kehwanna Před 9 lety +7

    I have A.D.D, but it's just as bad. It feels like you have 5 people in one talking to you while you try concentrating meanwhile the light seems to dims itself off and on. Next thing you know, there's too much light all the sudden, you feel like there's not enough space where you are, and the seat you're sitting on feels uncomfortable. The worse part is, when you can't even form a friggin sentence on a piece of paper because your mind is- well, where ever it is. I can't believe I made it so well through my college career with it.

  • @demongar2870
    @demongar2870 Před 8 lety +4

    Can a brother relate, the only thing I thank my ADHD for is my art skills and creativity. To bad its unlikely that I will ever even be an animator.

    • @sonicmastersword8080
      @sonicmastersword8080 Před 6 lety

      Demongar if you focus your skills and master channeling the strengths of your ADHD, you may well surpass those without the condition.

  • @taco1010
    @taco1010 Před 11 lety +1

    Well like you said, you know what its like. u must know what its also like to sit there wanting to do something and not being able to summon the motivation to want to do it while wanting to do it. its a real thing.

    • @Vlasko60
      @Vlasko60 Před 2 lety

      That is happening to me at this moment.

  • @sofiacruz8915
    @sofiacruz8915 Před 8 lety

    I dont think i have ADHD,but some classes are hard for me,i get distracted and my imagination makes it harder for me to learn,i stare into any windo school,car any window and i get distracted,one time my teacher noticed me and walked up to me and asked what was i looking at,i answerd the window,she closed the windo yet i keepted starring at it my teacher aproched me again and asked again,i couldnt focus...and for everybody that needs help i pray for you!

  • @openmindead1610
    @openmindead1610 Před 11 lety +1

    I cant even read chapter books because all i think about is the amount of pages ive gotten through

  • @marioncarr9094
    @marioncarr9094 Před 5 lety

    Really helpful videos. Easy to understand.

  • @psychonerd1094
    @psychonerd1094 Před 8 lety +1

    i still got my ADHD however, I actually solved the whole anger issues part.(don't ask me how because honestly I don't even know).
    but I still daydream a lot and sometimes I don't get work done, I even zone out during conversations.

  • @giveupndie4559
    @giveupndie4559 Před 6 lety +1

    do teens get really angry or sad for no reason and explodes with tears and punches then get happy right after a break down? And doesn't concentrate when the teacher is talking. Then imagine better life in their head? Is it just a teen thing

  • @crybabysenpairandom9743

    One time I was sitting at the table I totally blacked out and it says shut up to my brother's for no apparent reason

  • @GirlWhoLikesBugs
    @GirlWhoLikesBugs Před 8 lety +2

    When I'm in a class I don't like, I'll just stare at the window & dream. I'll think about cats, what's in my refrigerator, & that'll remind me that I have dance after school, & I'll go on thinking about my dance class, then I'll see the teacher put a paper on my desk & I'm like "WHAT!" Then I'll sit there & pout, make faces, & grunt to get someone's attention so I can tell them that I need help with the work, but when they ask I'll tell them I'm fine. ADHD can make learning 10x harder.
    During tests & quizzes, I'm never nervous. But I get really fidgety & stressed, the whole room is quiet but I can hear everyone breathing & it sounds like they're whispering.
    People tend to get angry with me because I don't listen & then I don't understand, or maybe they'll say
    "Make your bed, fold the laundry, & sweep the floor" & I'll come back in 2 minutes & I forgot what to do.
    Usually I'll just smile & nod but have no idea what I'm agreeing to.
    I don't just have ADHD, I have FAS & anxiety ._.

  • @dad.424
    @dad.424 Před 5 lety +1

    I don’t know whether I have it or not...my mom said she would get me checked for it bc of the way I act. I sometimes am calm and focused but other times I’m energetic and I don’t really feel like myself. When I don’t feel like my self in those situations it can happen anywhere. My friend asked me if I was on drugs or something but I wasn’t. It’s hard to concentrate only on things I have no interest on. Sometimes I catch myself making up people in my head and talk to them, makeup stories, replay events that happened and change them up a bit to my liking. Often I find myself nodding my head back and forth sideways humming songs randomly. Even psychotic thought burst to my mind and I feel different. Idk what it is or if it’s normal but🤷‍♀️

  • @purplecatloverrandompizza

    Its hard for me at slumberparties because im always doing the thing we just did after everyone has moved on and when they mess with me and stuff i completly lose it and they make fun of me for it
    Also in my language arts class when the teacher is saying what we have to do i always convince myself i can read or something at the same time but everyone time i end up zoning out

  • @TS-jm7jm
    @TS-jm7jm Před 9 lety

    kirsty spot on just like us with it its really fast

  • @aimsburrell
    @aimsburrell Před 8 lety +1

    I have adhd,and I understand this well.

  • @beccadavison9254
    @beccadavison9254 Před 10 lety

    All of them arenlike the story off my ADHD, and its soo hard to focus but its also good because i do gymnastics, cheerleading and other dance and im the one that is always on my feet moving around so at dance and that i never get told off, but it is really tuff having ADHD

    • @beccadavison9254
      @beccadavison9254 Před 9 lety

      I take meds but when ui dnt my ADHD is super bad soo my doctor said I will probs be on them for my life x coz he said my ADHD is REALLY bad xx

  • @juanguzman4401
    @juanguzman4401 Před 9 lety

    My son josue has ADHD he fight with his 1&2 year old brothers sometimes he throws thing whin u list expected it he never sees tv. hiting is never the right thing to do I dont ever hit him not even time out. I don't know what to do I need help

  • @chigasdawlhaus3374
    @chigasdawlhaus3374 Před 8 lety

    I have ADHD and I was just start writing songs and zoning out

  • @lifegoeson6461
    @lifegoeson6461 Před 5 lety +1

    Test taking is killing me . I m not able to progress or advance my career because I'm not able to concentrate while taking test . I feel like underachiever and it's killing me .I put 💯 while preparing but ....I wish someone could help me

  • @krauser8429
    @krauser8429 Před 6 lety

    How do people diagnose adhd and how accurate is it

  • @trey9346
    @trey9346 Před 10 lety

    I just found out I had ADHD today when I took some vyvanse for exams and I found out what being normal was like

  • @gaboinki7493
    @gaboinki7493 Před 8 lety +2

    My ADHD is like, if I am having fun my brain wants me to do it. If its boring, my brain wants too avoid it, and when I get board and I start jumping a bit. Its very annoying.

    • @revivedsoul1099
      @revivedsoul1099 Před 7 lety

      me same but cant talk got math exam xDDD so adhd

    • @perez2k144
      @perez2k144 Před 6 lety

      wait you jump around like a crazy person or something?? I've never a person with adhd I think

  • @elizabava5961
    @elizabava5961 Před 8 lety

    The other day I was in chemistry and
    My teacher was talking about who knows what and I stopped day dreaming and realized class was almost over and I was daydreaming about laying in a soft carpet 😂

  • @hopehollis4726
    @hopehollis4726 Před 5 lety +1

    I got diagnosed with adhd as a kid and I was really abusive to all of my peers. I think I was narcissistic and thought I was the center of the world or whatever and its followed me everywhere. Sometimes I'll be mean to someone without even realizing and if I do something wrong I cant even apologize cuz I have no idea how. Also I had OCD too I think but it wasnt diagnosed. I used to count certain stickers I'd see at the grocery and have to restart if I lost count and I had have to yawn a certain way ten times a day or I couldnt sleep. One night I was crying and trying so hard to yawn the right way and I just told myself I had to stop so I gradually pushed away my OCD like behaviors

    • @hopehollis4726
      @hopehollis4726 Před 5 lety

      Other things I did would be eating on one side of my mouth. Like every year on my birthday I had to switch the side of my mouth that I would start chewing my food on. It got super annoying to keep track of and i pushed it away too. The only thing i can think of that's close to OCD behavior for me today would be lacing up my converse perfectly. I cant rush it or go out without it being laced up right. But I dont restart if it's two centimeters off center so it's not exactly OCD

    • @beefeater2682
      @beefeater2682 Před 2 lety

      @@hopehollis4726 sorry for you dude, I've showed interest on your story because it resembled my troubles

  • @azharoslan
    @azharoslan Před 9 lety


  • @permafrost8894
    @permafrost8894 Před 6 lety

    Helpful video and I really love the animation but it would be better with subtitles for the kids speaking.. it was kinda hard for me to understand some of the words they were saying

  • @MissMini01
    @MissMini01 Před 5 lety

    My teacher knew i had adhd n let me walk around sometimes or let me have extra time turn in work

  • @ASpeakingHuman
    @ASpeakingHuman Před 7 lety

    Like the adult onset of Type II Diabetes due to too much sugar in the diet, can there be an adult onset of ADHD due to living in an environment of constant interruption and distractions?

  • @haleywideman7452
    @haleywideman7452 Před 5 lety +1

    I have all of those things its all out of my control really I feel numb I struggle with them everyday when im home though I feel good and I feel like its all in my control that is until I think about going back to school and doing everything we have to do and my mined feels damp and unfiggered out and in its own world so I just let it be but its scary its a big thing and for me not rare happens evey single moment of day

  • @sportsforlife7890
    @sportsforlife7890 Před 10 lety +9

    I am left handed and I have adhd.

    • @sarahali2536
      @sarahali2536 Před 7 lety

      Jamaal Williams same.

    • @topintro9986
      @topintro9986 Před 6 lety

      Jamaal Williams SAMSMSMEMEEW

    • @leonsillen1376
      @leonsillen1376 Před 6 lety

      Maybe left-handed people are more likely to have ADHD. (I would be in this group, too)

    • @iamademigoduwu5559
      @iamademigoduwu5559 Před 4 lety

      i'm ampidextrious [not sure i spelled that right] and have adhd

  • @vanessacollins5462
    @vanessacollins5462 Před 7 lety

    I feel like I have adhd its so hard to be the last person to finish work, i get mad over test say stuff I don't mean to.

  • @simmerprincess9050
    @simmerprincess9050 Před 10 lety

    For me, I get a taste of all of that at one time.

  • @valkyriefelts2393
    @valkyriefelts2393 Před 6 lety

    My adhd is in so hyper people can’t keep up with me and I say dream

  • @northandsouthwestandeast7898

    I'm actually diagnosed with ADHD and I'm going to say ADHD does not suck. ADHD would help a person to hunt more animals because he or she could spot more. Also people are more likely to be creative with ADHD because their mind can think more. This is base on a lot of other sources that i read.

  • @epileptichicken6913
    @epileptichicken6913 Před 9 lety

    I just realized I was watching it and I got distracted in the comments

  • @RobynsWorld1
    @RobynsWorld1 Před 9 lety

    I have every single one of the symptoms of add and some of ADHD, like impulsive and I can't control how much I move. My mom doesn't want to belibe I have ADHD or add but its effecting school (four fs) and pretty much everyone at school notices and at home too.

    • @vindicuschannel
      @vindicuschannel Před 9 lety +1

      jayda miller You are fine, you are normal, it's normal behavior. I have all these too, it's fine.

  • @spititout5013
    @spititout5013 Před 8 lety

    Starts to watch video about adhd, pauses the video and then reads the comments and then go on 9gag or watch some others videos on youtube and then remembers you were watching video about adhd in the first place FUCK MY ADHD.

  • @dragonsoul194
    @dragonsoul194 Před 6 lety

    I was diagnosed with ADHD extreme when I was little, now I'm 20 yrs old, it's just ADD now

  • @whiskerzoo9405
    @whiskerzoo9405 Před 7 lety +3

    I do all of these things but when I get angry I don't stay angry

    • @whiskerzoo9405
      @whiskerzoo9405 Před 7 lety

      Veldrin on Mirror’s Edge I'll be alone and angry and then 30mins later I'll come out again and be like "hey" and then fight over

  • @marko.rankovic
    @marko.rankovic Před 7 lety

    I actually might have it, but I've never been diagnosed of it. I would rather it stay that way.