Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Buddhist Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik

  • čas přidán 4. 09. 2024
  • Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Buddhist Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik
    #Prophesies #Prophet #Muhammad #pbuh #Buddhist #Scriptures #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Fariq #Naik #FariqNaik #FariqZakirNaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #Allah #Allaah #God #Muslim #Islam #Islaam #Comparative #Religion #ComparativeReligion #Atheism #Atheist #Christianity #Christian #Hinduism #Hindu #Buddhism #Buddhist #Judaism #Jew #Sikhism #Sikh #Jainism #Jain #Lecture #Question #Answer #QuestionsandAnswer #Logic #Reason #Science #Misconception #Misunderstanding #PeaceTV #Dawah #Muhammad #Mohammed #Hadeeth #Hadith #Saheeh #Sahih #Man #Woman #Human #Humanity #Problem #Solution #Rights #Media #War #Peace #Similarities #Debate #Lecture #Quran #Quraan #AlQuran #AlQuraan #Bible #Veda #Gita #Geeta #Baghwat #Upanishad #Purana #Terrorism #Terrorist #Universal #Brotherhood #Word #Purpose #Life #Jihad #Jihaad #Jesus #Christ #Jesuschrist #Church #Mosque #Masjid #Perspective #Ask #AskDrZakir #Seeking #Knowledge #Education #NonMuslim #Fundamentalist #Fundamentalism #Symposium #Dialogue #Salaah #Salah #Shariah #Scripture #Ahmed #Deedat #AhmedDeedat #Daee #Missionary #Concept #West #Family #Global #Ramadhaan #Ramadan #Tauheed #Tawheed #Monotheism #Zakaat #Zakat #Zakah #Hajj #Saum #Fasting #Makkah #Mecca #Madinah #India #Malaysia #Ummah #Unity #Importance #Date #Isamophobia #Understand #Deen #Fardh #Fard #Haraam #Haram #Sunnah #Mustahab #Waajib #Wajib #Compulsory #Prohibited #Encouraged #Permissible #Permitted #Prohibited #Sin #Sinful #Heaven #Hell #Hellfire #Jannah #Jahannum #Paradise

Komentáře • 897

  • @danushkasameera8482
    @danushkasameera8482 Před 3 lety +94

    Before I waa a Buddist now I became a muslim. (PBUH).Thanks dr Zakir Naik..

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před 3 lety +2

      Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven?
      How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust?
      Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that He is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning?
      But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us.
      On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness - Jesus us coming back. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised.
      When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen:
      1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross.
      2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you.
      3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him.
      4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin.
      Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal.
      ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    • @mohamedarshad1156
      @mohamedarshad1156 Před 3 lety +1

      @danushka sameera are u sl ?

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před 3 lety +1

      @@mohamedarshad1156 Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven?
      How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust?
      Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that He is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning?
      But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us.
      On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness - Jesus us coming back. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised.
      When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen:
      1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross.
      2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you.
      3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him.
      4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin.
      Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal.
      ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    • @mohamedarshad1156
      @mohamedarshad1156 Před 3 lety +2

      @@michaal105 How can I put my faults on some one else, thats a sin too. Good luck, Peace be upon you.

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před 3 lety +1

      @@mohamedarshad1156 You need to remember that God is holy - perfect in righteousness. The place where He is - heaven - is perfectly holy. And heaven and God are going to remain holy forever, so they won't be defiled by sinners. Your sin separates you from holiness, and as such you can't stand in the presence of God and his abode in heaven... Unless you are perfectly holy.
      And God is just, so he punishes all sin.
      If you went and damaged a store full of merchandise, that business would lose thousands of dollars. Justice requires that the business be recompensed for lost money. If the judge in the case simply said "you know what, I'm not going to sentence you. I forgive you of your debt" that may be merciful, but it is unjust - - - because the damages to the store have not been paid for. God is just, so he DOES NOT leave sin unpunished. So your sin means that you are not holy enough to get to heaven and that God is just to punish you for every single one of your sins in hell.
      If you place your trust in Jesus Christ, you will be perfectly holy. His perfect goodness will be accounted to you, and you can stand in a perfect relationship with the God of the Universe, a loving Father. And his death on the cross will atone for your sins - perfect justice. Jesus can save you from the power of sin. His mercy is amazing.
      Apart from Jesus, there is no salvation - so repent and believe the gospel.

  • @mylife4231
    @mylife4231 Před 3 lety +36

    Love from Indian Muslim ❤️🥰

    • @hassanhenry5112
      @hassanhenry5112 Před 3 lety +2


    • @subarunatsuki6358
      @subarunatsuki6358 Před 3 lety

      @EveryIsnaad IsFabricated bhai tu yaha bhi aagya😂

    • @leaflight7903
      @leaflight7903 Před 3 lety

      @EveryIsnaad IsFabricated what now?! Never get bored with you around, at least...

  • @kyleo8953
    @kyleo8953 Před 3 lety +102

    This proved that Allah SWT sent prophets to each nations and races. Eventually they changed to paganism caused by whispers of Satans.

    • @isra7385
      @isra7385 Před 3 lety +10

      @JOLLYGOOD 🤣🤣 Keep livin in ur bubble which will burst soon.

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před 3 lety

      Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven?
      How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust?
      Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that He is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning?
      But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us.
      On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness - Jesus us coming back. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised.
      When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen:
      1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross.
      2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you.
      3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him.
      4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin.
      Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal.
      ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    • @hassanhenry5112
      @hassanhenry5112 Před 3 lety +1


    • @shazreacts9824
      @shazreacts9824 Před 3 lety

      @Rom Dyson Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala didn't protect the scriptures before Qur'an because they were given for specific people and for a time. Qur'an is the last revelation which has all the guidance for mankind to prosper in this world and in the afterlife, for all mankind and till the day of judgement.

    • @shazreacts9824
      @shazreacts9824 Před 3 lety

      @Rom Dyson look the core message that was given to all messengers and prophets is same for all times and that core message is "to worship Allah and Him alone without associating any partners to Him" but the rules and regulations were different meaning childrens of Adam and Eve married each other to produce population because that was permissible in their time but in our time now its haram meaning forbidden for us since mankind is in large quantity.

    @MATHPRO.OFFICIAL Před 3 lety +105

    Monotheism (preach and bow before only one God ) was the message of almost all religions but superstitious fear makes us a frightened polytheist .Allah is one and only one ☝️

    • @titanally3321
      @titanally3321 Před 3 lety +9

      hindu sculptures also says god is one and not to make statues for worship

    • @followthepeace2730
      @followthepeace2730 Před 3 lety +1

      Dr Zakir Naik power of Muslim

    • @AS-jj4dv
      @AS-jj4dv Před 3 lety +1

      By definition, for muslims, christians and the jews, god is unique. So, but given the absence of conclusive evidence, just by faith, one can not exclude the existence of more than one god and/or a multi-layer celestial organisation. Could be that there is a celestial godly bureaucracy which rules the world, the universe and the life of the humans. As monotheist, you still can refer to god as the top administrator (see e.g. the greek zeus and his companions, or the hindu gods). If god knows, by definition, everything and has the power to do whatever he wants, he maybe does not need anybody else. But for humans, it is more fun to have specialised gods, e.g. for war, love, hell, or for spaghettis, horses, roses, or for whatever. There is still no valid proof of the existence of god/s, or how he/they is/are organised.

    • @zeeshan3425
      @zeeshan3425 Před 3 lety +1

      @@titanally3321 Correct if you refer to Vedas the original scripture

    • @Thepathtoguidance
      @Thepathtoguidance Před 3 lety +1

      I invite everyone to get more knowledge about ISLAM☪️️🇪🇭🇹🇷

  • @asadasdasdasd1170
    @asadasdasdasd1170 Před 3 lety +9

    I have been experiencing chest pain for the past few months please make dua for me and I hope all of you also good health

  • @unapologetic7281
    @unapologetic7281 Před 3 lety +11

    Pray for our Rohingya brothers and sisters 🤲❤️

  • @awadmahirsweety
    @awadmahirsweety Před 3 lety +33

    love from 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐡...🇧🇩

    • @moonshine3033
      @moonshine3033 Před 3 lety +3


    • @exposingtv9903
      @exposingtv9903 Před 3 lety +3

      @@humansonearth891 🤣🤣you are not a ex-muslim
      You are a hindu 🤡
      And whenever zakir debates, he demands 20000 people the gathering
      So tell bhadvapal arya to gather people

    • @followthepeace2730
      @followthepeace2730 Před 3 lety

      Dr Zakir Naik power of Muslim

    • @fnoba079
      @fnoba079 Před 3 lety +1

      Pakistan 🇵🇰❤️🇵🇰

    • @americansolar6069
      @americansolar6069 Před 3 lety +1

      Fuck Islam.

  • @serafat7009
    @serafat7009 Před 3 lety +7

    Honourable Dr. Jakirnaik is the fastest and upgradable latest super living Computer 🙇🙇🙇

  • @wasimjaved6217
    @wasimjaved6217 Před 3 lety +18

    La illaha illalla Muhammedur Rasulallah ❤️❤️

  • @muslimnetwork1573
    @muslimnetwork1573 Před 3 lety +26

    Zakir Naik is one of the best Islamic Preachers🌍

  • @moonshine3033
    @moonshine3033 Před 3 lety +26

    May Allah sent Dr.Zakir Naik to the highest honour of jannah,Ameen ♥ ♥ ♥

    • @moonshine3033
      @moonshine3033 Před 3 lety +1

      @@humansonearth891 me kuch nehi samaj aya

    • @shamsularefin386
      @shamsularefin386 Před 3 lety +1

      @@humansonearth891 Mahendra Pal Arya had a debate with aBrother Rahul Hossain. Here is the link If you understand Bangla then you can see how Mahendra Pal Arya lost to a young Islamic Preacher.

    • @km-oe1ci
      @km-oe1ci Před 3 lety +1

      What is in Jannah

    • @abubakarsiddiquishaiks2nda653
      @abubakarsiddiquishaiks2nda653 Před 3 lety

      Allahumma Ameen.

    • @km-oe1ci
      @km-oe1ci Před 3 lety

      What is in jannah

  • @osmankinglay9225
    @osmankinglay9225 Před 3 lety +7

    Amg Sir,,May Allah make you long live🙏,, from you Sir from Rohingya

    • @hassanhenry5112
      @hassanhenry5112 Před 3 lety


  • @husseinibrahim5438
    @husseinibrahim5438 Před 3 lety +1


  • @emnorkoeng1841
    @emnorkoeng1841 Před 3 lety +3

    Syabas Dr Zakir Naik, you are doing the dawah for Islam, really marvelous. You made the ummah so proud of you. May Allah SWT bless you with the strength and courage to continue educating the kafirun so that they understand the real teaching of Islam and may Allah SWT also bless you and all the ummah with Jannah. Aamiin 💕🕌🌙🌺

  • @imthiyasahamedimthiyasaham6311

    Who are wishing to become like Dr.Zakir Naik...❤ like me👍

  • @Yoemer94
    @Yoemer94 Před 3 lety +4

    May Allah forgive us all and grant us all Jannatul-Firdaus. Ameen

  • @healthsecrets8840
    @healthsecrets8840 Před 3 lety +2

    صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم ❤

  • @adena774
    @adena774 Před 3 lety +3

    MasyaAllah, Indonesian love Mr. Zakir Naik

  • @shantiofficial6210
    @shantiofficial6210 Před 3 lety +3

    MashAllah ☝🏻☝🏻

  • @muktharshaik1796
    @muktharshaik1796 Před 3 lety +1

    Jazakalla khair

  • @tasnimkhushy1526
    @tasnimkhushy1526 Před 3 lety +5

    Ma saa allah

  • @Thepathtoguidance
    @Thepathtoguidance Před 3 lety +32

    I invite everyone to get more knowledge about ISLAM☪️️🇪🇭🇹🇷

    • @sonikamagar6157
      @sonikamagar6157 Před 3 lety

      Read my long reply

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před 3 lety

      God is holy - perfect in righteousness. The place where He is - heaven - is perfectly holy. And heaven and God are going to remain holy forever, so they won't be defiled by sinners. Your sin separates you from holiness, and as such you can't stand in the presence of God and his abode in heaven... Unless you are perfectly holy.
      And God is just, so he punishes all sin.
      If you went and damaged a store full of merchandise, that business would lose thousands of dollars. Justice requires that the business be recompensed for lost money. If the judge in the case simply said "you know what, I'm not going to sentence you. I forgive you of your debt" that may be merciful, but it is unjust - - - because the damages to the store have not been paid for. God is just, so he DOES NOT leave sin unpunished. So your sin means that you are not holy enough to get to heaven and that God is just to punish you for every single one of your sins in hell.
      If you place your trust in Jesus Christ, you will be perfectly holy. His perfect goodness will be accounted to you, and you can stand in a perfect relationship with the God of the Universe, a loving Father. And his death on the cross will atone for your sins - perfect justice. Jesus can save you from the power of sin. His mercy is amazing.
      Apart from Jesus, there is no salvation - so repent and believe the gospel.

    • @hassanhenry5112
      @hassanhenry5112 Před 3 lety


    • @khanaima746
      @khanaima746 Před 3 lety

      @@michaal105 you can flipp off

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před 3 lety

      @@khanaima746 No, because I care enough about you to tell you the truth.
      Muhummad can't save you. He's long since dead and buried. Only Jesus, who rose from the dead (which actually has historical evidence to back up, unlike the Islamic view of Jesus) can save you.
      Please don't take what the Islamic leaders say at face value, because it's lies. Repent and believe the gospel

  • @aamirhussain6103
    @aamirhussain6103 Před 3 lety +3


  • @farasmoosa6769
    @farasmoosa6769 Před 3 lety +1

    Ma sha Allah

  • @muhammadwalid6649
    @muhammadwalid6649 Před 3 lety +25

    মাশাল্লাহ ❤🇧🇩

  • @ALzzanam
    @ALzzanam Před 3 lety +1

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @mujahid_mj9624
    @mujahid_mj9624 Před 3 lety +1

    Alhmdllh Dr Zakir Naik you did so much to Islam may Allah (s.w.t) reward you with jannatul firdausi,so many thanks from Kano Nigeria 🇳🇬

    • @hassanhenry5112
      @hassanhenry5112 Před 3 lety


    • @michaelgideon208
      @michaelgideon208 Před 3 lety

      I believe he is God, Lord and your saviour and in never manipulated anything here your Dr Zikir and Qur'an did not me.

    • @michaelgideon208
      @michaelgideon208 Před 3 lety

      The chosen.
      I am more than what you can twist just as Qur'an and Zikir twisted you.
      Those you debated with are not true Christians what they've been practicing is religion of men claiming they are Chrisrians all this days long.
      But lack the life of Christ, his Spirit and Glory.

    • @mujahid_mj9624
      @mujahid_mj9624 Před 3 lety

      @@michaelgideon208 brother can you quote me a single statement were Jesus said he is a God?

    • @mujahid_mj9624
      @mujahid_mj9624 Před 3 lety

      @@michaelgideon208 are you a true Cristian?

  • @jailanimohamed2348
    @jailanimohamed2348 Před 3 lety +1

    Masha Allah

  • @GGT950
    @GGT950 Před 3 lety +3

    This guys full of it. The Buddha said “be a lamp unto yourselves” And the second Buddha he referring to was Padmasambhava who established Vajianna Buddhism in Tibet.
    All this is misinterpretations of the chapter & verse he’s going on about like a televangelist

    • @suvx2z381
      @suvx2z381 Před 3 lety

      Absolutely. These muslims let people like him brainwash them left and right. They never cross check his claims.

  • @mrsteven1828
    @mrsteven1828 Před 3 lety

    I want to show it to my Buddhist friends,sir

  • @mdshahanur4821
    @mdshahanur4821 Před 3 lety +6

    He is our icon ❤️ from bangladesh

  • @NazrulIslam-cp1eg
    @NazrulIslam-cp1eg Před 3 lety +1


  • @NaazShaireenAhmad
    @NaazShaireenAhmad Před 3 lety +11

    May Allah bless u brother

    • @nazianaz5355
      @nazianaz5355 Před 3 lety

      chup bet

    • @michaelgideon208
      @michaelgideon208 Před 3 lety

      Jesus already sent you the real God and his name is Jesus himself in the person of the Holy spirit i.e Anothet comforter he promised us to come after he left John 14;16-17.
      16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
      You see the father, the word and the Spirit is one God this is the reason Jesus spoke in parable how that he could not be around while the Comforter is sent, he justified the Spirit and the father could not be seen phyiscally on earth while he came as a man....the father dwell in him through the Spirit.
      So who is the Spirit and the father since Jesus is the word of God who became man as prophesied by the prophets of the old?
      Jeremiah 29:11 called him thought of God....God have thought, imagination of all he made by His word, so Jesus who is God's word said in John 10:30 I and my father are one i.e the thought God and his word are one God.
      Then who is the Holy spirit?
      John 17:22 called him the glory of God, so also Romans 4:6, Romans 8:11 described this glory of God as his strength.
      Then Genesis 1:1-3 revealed to us how God manifested as His thoughts Genesis 1:1, as His Spirit Genesis 1:2, as His Spirit i.e the Glory and the Strength of God, then Genesis 1:3 as His word and voice.
      This is what 1John 5:7-8 was describing to us using us who he made in God's image to explain the true God.
      John the Apostle said if you as one man on earth testified you are spirit, water, and blood i.e soul, spirit and body as one person, so also God being the father (i.e God's thought), then the word (who became man representing God on earth while he to died as man and lives again for all men), so also the Spirit who now came to represent the father and the son in all men who believes the truth.
      In another place Jesus prove this to his early disciples that if they gave seen him they have seen the father, meaning the father is Gods thought, because he is the word of God as John 1:1 mentioned, meaning if you know God's thought to prace as Jeremiah 29:11 mentioned, you will know God's word to be peace as well.
      John 14:9.
      9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
      Receieve light now and see clearly.

  • @ibadullah_09
    @ibadullah_09 Před 3 lety +1

    Love from India

  • @ukirfan
    @ukirfan Před 3 lety

    audio is very low. please maintain necessary volume level.

  • @thalykPiazza88
    @thalykPiazza88 Před měsícem

    Surah 9 15 tawbah said: remove the fury in theirs Hearts so Allah turn in forgiveness.
    Buddha said , when you wanna yo hurt , and feel to hurt somebody recite the buddha names as a mantra.
    The final of every buddhists is buddha pure land
    And the final of every muslin is jannah.

  • @basharat1073
    @basharat1073 Před 3 lety +27

    I invite everyone of you to listen Muslim Scholars please don't skip it.

    • @batmaniac852
      @batmaniac852 Před 3 lety +5

      @@humansonearth891 mahendra pal have no knowledge, he never give authentic references😁, just do emotional religious preach..
      I am ex hindu by the way ☺

    • @wasim699
      @wasim699 Před 3 lety


    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před 3 lety +1

      Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven?
      How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust?
      Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that He is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning?
      But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us.
      On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness - Jesus us coming back. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised.
      When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen:
      1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross.
      2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you.
      3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him.
      4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin.
      Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal.
      ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    • @batmaniac852
      @batmaniac852 Před 3 lety

      @@michaal105 why u waste ur time , even u don't recognize Jesus pbuh teachings..
      He is messenger of God, not god

    • @hassanhenry5112
      @hassanhenry5112 Před 3 lety


  • @magnetman7105
    @magnetman7105 Před 3 lety +1

    Love from Sri Lanka.
    Very useful if you able to upload more videos about Buddhism and Islam

    • @newfilmtrailer7733
      @newfilmtrailer7733 Před 3 lety +1

      Magnet man
      Hey.. I am a buddist from sri lanka🇱🇰🇱🇰.. I am studiying Islam using Quran+Hadees+you tube..
      1 thing: In some points, dr zakir naik's references (25%)are ok and most of them are not acceptable..
      2 thing: 99% of clarification about buddism is fake/not truth but the difference between the truth and lie about his clarification is microscopic/sharp.. So truth and lies cant be identified seperatly. I am saying about my side/buddhism. I dont talk about your religion/side.
      3 thing: please dont bombing and cut necks using sword in sri lankan people watching fundamentalst videos. I am watching his video to learn Islam.

    • @newfilmtrailer7733
      @newfilmtrailer7733 Před 3 lety

      Former minister Amir Ali :
      swords are to cut grasses..

    • @masthanjinostra2981
      @masthanjinostra2981 Před 3 lety

      @@newfilmtrailer7733 it’s because all in from phd of religions not from various research among buddhists

  • @thereactiontv22
    @thereactiontv22 Před 2 lety

    اسلام علیکم
    Sir i am faheem from kasmir
    My question is 👇
    Do u have a photographic memory what is the reason behind your phenomenal memory

  • @cure4islamophobia649
    @cure4islamophobia649 Před 3 lety +1

    2nd Kings, No.8:26, it says that ‘Ahezia, he was 22 years old, when he began to reign.’ ­­­­­­2nd Chronicles, Chapter No. 22:2, says that… ‘He was 42 years old, when he began to reign.’ ­­­­­­Was he 22 years old, or was he 42 years old?

  • @Greenlife-q6y
    @Greenlife-q6y Před 3 lety +1

    অনেক অনেক সুন্দর আলোচনা

  • @Harmanpreetsinghq
    @Harmanpreetsinghq Před 3 lety +5

    I really respect you Dr Jakir Naik . I am very sorry that my country India consider you a wrong person but believe me all muslims and all gental educated people respect you❤️.

    • @Afnan_Taher
      @Afnan_Taher Před 3 lety +1

      @@humansonearth891 Yeah, every country knows how blindly India follows their media.
      So, you can shut up now

    • @followthepeace2730
      @followthepeace2730 Před 3 lety +1

      Dr Zakir Naik power of Muslim

  • @cure4islamophobia649
    @cure4islamophobia649 Před 3 lety +2

    Could you please tell me why the Quran tells men to "beat them" meaning their wives? (chapter 4, verse 34)
    Explanation (tafsir) of Sura 4:34
    Here is the translation of meaning of the verse as best can be defined according to the rules of understanding Quran with the explanations following this translation:
    “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah), and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard (e.g. their chastity, their husband's property, etc.). Regarding the woman who is guilty of lewd, or indecent behavior, admonish her (if she continues in this indecency then), stop sharing her bed (if she still continues doing this lewd behavior, then), [set forth for her the clear meaning of either straighten up or else we are finished and when she returns to proper behavior take up sharing the bed with her again], but if she returns in obedience (to proper behavior and conduct) then seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allah is Ever Most High, Most Great.”
    Meaning of the Words
    For the three words fa'izu, wahjaru, and wadribu in the original, translated here ‘speak to them in a persuasive manner’, ‘leave them alone (in bed - fi'l-madage'),’ and ‘have intercourse’, respectively, see Raghib Lisan al-'Arab and Zamakhsari. Raghib in his Al-Mufridat fi Gharib al-Qur'an gives the meanings of these words with special reference to this verse. Fa-'izu, he says, means to 'to talk to them so persuasively as to melt their hearts.'
    (See also v.63 of this Surah where it has been used in a similar sense.)
    Hajara - Wahjaru (do not touch or moleste them)
    Hajara, he says, means to separate body from body, and points out that the expression wahjaru hunna metaphorically means to refrain from touching or molesting them. Zamakhshari is more explicit in his Kshshaf when he says, 'do not get inside their blankets.'
    Here is the translation of meaning of the verse as best can be defined according to the rules of understanding Quran with the explanations following this translation:
    “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah), and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard (e.g. their chastity, their husband's property, etc.). Regarding women guilty of lewd, or indecent behavior, admonish her (if she continues in this indecency then), stop sharing her bed (if she still continues doing this lewd behavior, then), [set forth for her the clear meaning of either straighten up or else we are finished and when she returns to proper behavior take up sharing the bed with her again], but if she returns in obedience (to proper behavior and conduct) then seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allah is Ever Most High, Most Great.”
    Let me begin by explaining the English language is not powerful enough when it comes to translating the meanings of the Arabic of the Quran. Nor for that matter, is any other language on earth. So, all we have is translations of meanings according to the best understanding of the translators.
    The operative word in this verse in Arabic is "daraba." While there are literally hundreds of uses for this word varying from "tap" to "walk in stride" to "strike at something" to "set a clear example", the only meaning that can be assigned to something in the Quran must be according to the rules of Quran. And Allah has used the same word a number of times with a consistent meaning. Let us examine them.
    Here is what we find from the scholars of the Arabic language:
    Daraba (to have intercourse, not to beat)
    Raghib points out that daraba metaphorically means to have intercourse, and quotes the expression darab al-fahl an-naqah, 'the stud camel covered the she-camel,' which is also quoted by Lisan al-'Arab. It cannot be taken here to mean 'to strike them (women).' This view is strengthened by the Prophet's authentic hadith found in a number of authorities, including Bukhari and Muslim: "Could any of you beat your wife as he would a slave, and then lie with her in the evening?" There are other traditions in Abu Da'ud, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, Ahmad bin Hanbal and others, to the effect that he forbade the beating of any woman, saying: "Never beat God's handmaidens."
    Source: al-Qur'an: a contemporary translation by Ahmed Ali, Princeton University Press, 1988; pp78-79
    Daraba (to set forth, to make a clear statement or proclamation)
    One of the key rules of understanding words of the Quran is to go to other places in the Quran to investigate the usage in other places. This word is used by Allah in other places in the Quran to mean "set forth" or "sets up for you" or "makes known to you" - as is demonstrated in the following verses:
    Surah Ar-Ra'd (13:17) yadribu Allahu al-amthala “Thus Allah sets forth a parable”
    [here the word "yadirbu" is from the exact same root da-ra-ba]
    Surah Ibrahim (14:24): Alam tara kayfa daraba Allahu mathalan .. “Don’t you see how Allah sets forth a parable?..”
    And again in the next verse: Surah Ibrahim (14:25) wa yadribu Allahu al-amthala li-naasi
    “..and Allah sets forth parables for mankind..”
    [again the word yadirbu is from da-ra-ba]
    Surah An-Nur (24:35) wa yadribu Allahu al0amthala lin-naasi
    “And Allah sets forth parables for mankind..”
    Surah Ar-Rum (30:28) Daraba lakum mathalan min anfusikum
    “He sets forth for you a parable from yourselves..”
    Surah At-Tahreem (66:10) Daraba Allahu mathalan lillatheena kafaroo..
    “Allah sets forth an example for those disbelievers..”
    In fact, the word daraba has not been translated to mean (beat) or (hit) or (strike) in any other verse of the Quran except this one.
    The words for (beat) as in [to hit] found in Surah Baqarah 2:275 ... kama yaqoomu allathee yatakhabbatuhu ash-shaytanu mina almassi..
    " the standing of someone beaten by the devil (Satan) leading him to insanity."
    And in Surah Ta Ha 20:18 Allah Says, “Qala hiya Aasaya atawakkao Aalayha waahushshu biha Aala ghanamee waliya feeha maaribu okhra.”
    "This is my stick, whereon I lean, and wherewith I beat down branches for my sheep and wherein I find other uses."
    As you can see, these are not even related to the word (daraba).
    Verses 34 and 35 in Surah An-Nisaa' need to be read together to understand this is the proper relationship between men and women in general and husband and wife specifically.
    Islam seeks to hold the family together and to make peace and reconciliation between spouses. The next verse makes it clear what to do in the case where it seems that divorce may be the result of the uncorrected bad behavior. It stresses appointing arbitrators from both sides and seeks reconciliation.
    The first part of 34 deals with all men taking care of all women. Then goes on to explain the wife's proper obedience to Allah because He is the One Who has ordained this relationship of provision and protection for her and to be appreciative and respectful of her husband, guarding herself and his property in his absence. The man is told the proper way to behave when he finds his wife not complying with decency and proper behavior of a Muslim wife. He has a direct order to begin with admonishing her and then if there is compliance to leave her be and don't give her a hard time about it. However, if this continues, he should not have sex with her and this makes it clear to her that he is most serious and this not a joke. Again, if she comes around then he is to let it go and not bother her about it. Finally, if she still insists on such lewdness and bad conduct, he is to make it clear to her in no uncertain terms that they are going to be heading for separation or even divorce unless she comes back to proper behavior. Again, if she complies, then he should not bring it up and return to the bed with her.
    And of course, this is all in an effort to translate one short but powerful phrase from Arabic to English. The sources are quoted herein and there may be other interpretations but the only acceptable ones are those based on the teachings of the Quran and the prophet, peace be upon him.
    And as always, Allahu 'Alim (Allah is the Knower)
    Source: al-Qur'an: a contemporary translation by Ahmed Ali, Princeton University Press, 1988; pp78-79
    In the past, some translators of this verse have mistakeningly used the word "beat" or "hit" or even "scourge" (as in the case of an old translation) to represent the word "daraba" in Arabic. This is not the opinion of all scholars especially Raghib and Zamakhshari as mentioned above and those who are well grounded in both Islam understanding and the English language.
    Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allâh has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allâh and to their husbands), and guard in the husband's absence what Allâh orders them to guard (e.g. their chastity, their husband's property, etc.). As to those women on whose part you see ill­conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful), but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allâh is Ever Most High, Most Great.

    @ISLAM.AWARENESS Před 3 lety +1

    الله أكبر

  • @atigoss.2
    @atigoss.2 Před 3 lety +13

    Dr zakir want you to know that you r for me 100 better than any famous person i love you for sake of allah my god bless you ! You R the best jihadi who do jihad of reading and jihad of teaching

  • @blablafree830
    @blablafree830 Před 3 lety +11


  • @blablafree830
    @blablafree830 Před 3 lety +2

    very nice 👌

  • @doncraze8099
    @doncraze8099 Před 3 lety

    Just like to preach from the book.

  • @mariemaljalal
    @mariemaljalal Před 3 lety +1

    Salam alikom

    @SHEREAHLEHADEES Před 3 lety +1


    • @michaelgideon208
      @michaelgideon208 Před 3 lety

      The guy know how to twist the mind of the unlearned, he also did the same to the book of John 16:7 of the bible Jesus mentioned about the comforter which will come after him when he left, so Dr Zikir Naik picked this verse and twist the mind of unlearned ones not knowing there other verses that further explained better who is this comforter.
      You see he knows how to pick verses of the scriptures off hand and twist it to the unlearned mind, now John 14:16 went further to described who is the comforter?
      John 14:16-17.
      16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
      Reading thise verses of the bible we can clearly see Jesus wasn't talking about a man but a Spirit who have thesame quality of comfort he gave to men who will believe in him, in Acts 1:8 he called Holy spirit who is coming to infused the power of God in men.
      In John 7:38-39 he called him the rivers of living water, and he said he will flow from within us, he is a Spirit who abides forever with us, but Mohammad died and he never abide forever as a person.
      Till date the true few Christians are receiving him with power in their lives now.....he is just twisting the mind of the unlearned, now he came to the Buddhist to twist their mind again.

  • @michaelgideon208
    @michaelgideon208 Před 3 lety +1

    This guy is nothing but a beast, he knows how to twist the mind of unlearned, he once twisted the comforter mentioned in the bible to be Mohammad....

    • @AH-nv6dl
      @AH-nv6dl Před 3 lety

      No man your the beast for having a mind that doesn't questions and is limited. You, go and read the amount of books he has and prove to us who is the comforter

    • @michaelgideon208
      @michaelgideon208 Před 3 lety

      I tell you it is only a beasts of the same kind that accept the twist of a beast. There is no book elsewhere that can prove to us who is the TRUE COMFORTER THAN THE BIBLE.
      Qur'an or any islamic doesn't have such right to prove to us the truth.

  • @Danishkhansunel
    @Danishkhansunel Před 3 lety

    Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatahu wa jannatul mukam wa dozukul plzz speach in hindi language ❤️❤️

  • @thalykPiazza88
    @thalykPiazza88 Před měsícem

    I am muslin that follow the 8 fold path of Buddha. الله
    And i am buddhist that believe i Allah , 南無阿弥陀仏陀

  • @aggress1ve591
    @aggress1ve591 Před 3 lety

    MashaAlloh Zakir Naik is the best and smartest man

  • @DailyDeenTV
    @DailyDeenTV Před 3 lety

    Assalamualaikum sir.. your channel Dr Zakir Naik is not showing in india.
    Please do something so that we always could educated by you❤️

  • @viplavjaatav9337
    @viplavjaatav9337 Před 3 lety +2

    Later Buddhism like vajrayaan and mahayaan added maitri.. in original teaches of buddha there was no maitri... and moreover buddism doest believe in soul and god. So comparing it with islam is not justifiable.

    • @michaelgideon208
      @michaelgideon208 Před 3 lety

      The guy know how to twist the mind of the unlearned, he also did the same to the book of John 16:7 of the bible Jesus mentioned about the comforter which will come after him when he left, so Dr Zikir Naik picked this verse and twist the mind of unlearned ones not knowing there other verses that further explained better who is this comforter.
      You see he knows how to pick verses of the scriptures off hand and twist it to the unlearned mind, now John 14:16 went further to described who is the comforter?
      John 14:16-17.
      16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
      Reading thise verses of the bible we can clearly see Jesus wasn't talking about a man but a Spirit who have thesame quality of comfort he gave to men who will believe in him, in Acts 1:8 he called Holy spirit who is coming to infused the power of God in men.
      In John 7:38-39 he called him the rivers of living water, and he said he will flow from within us, he is a Spirit who abides forever with us, but Mohammad died and he never abide forever as a person.
      Till date the true few Christians are receiving him with power in their lives now.....he is just twisting the mind of the unlearned, now he came to the Buddhist to twist their mind again.

  • @100classacademy7
    @100classacademy7 Před 3 lety

    In any way can't the bangla subtitle be in the videos

  • @tageyesee4897
    @tageyesee4897 Před 3 lety +2

    Big fan

  • @ayanahmad2873
    @ayanahmad2873 Před 3 lety

    How to watch full lecture?

  • @emma822
    @emma822 Před 3 lety

    May almighty blesse and live long

  • @user-bu9ez7zt7l
    @user-bu9ez7zt7l Před 3 lety

    Boss of world leader

  • @henrylow2248
    @henrylow2248 Před 3 lety +2

    Buddhism refers to God as the highest state of existence, called Nirvana. It does not personify God but it is the same infinite entity or same 'person' which the other religions are also referring to. Nirvana is the highest blissful state of existence for all souls. Buddhists are taught how their souls can seek and attain Nirvana. Is this not what Islam and the other semitic religions are are also telling you about 'going to Heaven'? Same person. Same objective.

    • @heavenlydemon1337
      @heavenlydemon1337 Před 3 lety

      Buddhism teaches us to reject all nonsense like moon being split and a child @buser going to heaven on a flying donkey 😂😂

    • @carbon7275
      @carbon7275 Před 3 lety


    • @henrylow2248
      @henrylow2248 Před 3 lety +1

      @@carbon7275 Height of Ignorance is when one is unable to see similarities in all faiths and only able to see the differences.

  • @monowar5641
    @monowar5641 Před 3 lety


  • @TheWorldView2021
    @TheWorldView2021 Před 3 lety +1

    নামাজ পড়ার সঠিক নিয়ম কি?
    What is right rules for Prey salat?

    • @Zul_Qarnain
      @Zul_Qarnain Před 3 lety +1

      Watch Engineer mirza ali's video " Nimaz ka saheeh tareeqa"..........
      You'll learn everything

    • @batmaniac852
      @batmaniac852 Před 3 lety


    • @followthepeace2730
      @followthepeace2730 Před 3 lety

      Dr Zakir Naik power of Muslim

    • @batmaniac852
      @batmaniac852 Před 3 lety

      @sadaalmady so this is islamic way... Why u guys introduce sunni way or siyah way

    • @muddin4950
      @muddin4950 Před 3 lety

      See you tube video of Fiq of Salt by sheikh Yasir qadhi

  • @sahariarafnan3789
    @sahariarafnan3789 Před 3 lety

    May Allah bless u

  • @umar_vibes3801
    @umar_vibes3801 Před 3 lety

    Great Analysis...

  • @reduanhaque993
    @reduanhaque993 Před 3 lety +1

    I am jadid from Bangladesh . My question is if hazrat adam as. Is the first man and prophet and he was not a wild or non civilized Human and we know from prophet time line that he came 6 or 7 thousands year ago then how scientists are finding skull of humans of 1 or 2 lakhs year ago? And how they were wild humans and look like apes?

    • @mahirabedin9270
      @mahirabedin9270 Před 3 lety +1

      Before sending to earth they were kept in heaven . And human being during that time looked different even the foot mubarak of hazrat adam as is big. It is in sri-lanka. Allah. Has forbidden drawing of living being without necessity so we don't have his (adam) as pic maybe he looked different than what we look today..This is my thinking and i am no scholar

    • @thauthentic
      @thauthentic Před 3 lety,a%20previously%20unknown%20early%20human.

    • @reduanhaque993
      @reduanhaque993 Před 3 lety

      @@mahirabedin9270 respected brother this is not metter how adam as. Looked like .. modern scientists trying to prove evolution theory .they are saying that we were apes then neanderthal and then we became modern humans as a example they show those fossils..

    • @followthepeace2730
      @followthepeace2730 Před 3 lety

    • @Afnan_Taher
      @Afnan_Taher Před 3 lety

      We can expect The great flood of Noah occurred sometime from 8,000-10,000 years ago. (Not accurate, just estimation from what proof we have)
      Before Prophet Nuh (as), We don't know How long did each generation live.
      Prophet Adam (A.) lived for 950 years and Hazrat Nuh (A.) lived for 2250-2500 years. We don't know how much time gap was between them. It can be 1,000 years or, 10,000 years or 100,000 years. Quran doesn't give a solid time gap. The Quran only uses the word Qarn. We don't know how long 1 qarn Is.
      All things considered, Adam came 200,000 to 300,000 years ago.
      In the hadiths, It is said that 70 types of human were created from children of Adam (as). That renders evolution of humans as false. So, far fossil of only 14 species of humans is found.

  • @itff5168
    @itff5168 Před 3 lety +2

    What's happened to you dr zakir

  • @ryanaustin5844
    @ryanaustin5844 Před 3 lety +1

    You said wrongly!

  • @mkm2280
    @mkm2280 Před 3 lety +1

    What is the real meaning of Buddha?

    @ATIKANAM Před 3 lety

    Does zakir sir do lecture show now ?? Anyone plz tell me . And if he does then in which country

    • @nouradis1420
      @nouradis1420 Před 3 lety

      I think no because of corona

      @ATIKANAM Před 3 lety

      Does zakir sir conducted any show in last two yrs ???

  • @cure4islamophobia649
    @cure4islamophobia649 Před 3 lety +3

    101 Contradictions in the Bible:
    61 - 101
    41. Did Herod think that Jesus was John the Baptist?
    Yes (Matthew 14:2; Mark 6:16)
    No (Luke 9:9)
    42. Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus before his baptism?
    Yes (Matthew 3:13-14)
    No (John 1:32,33)
    43. Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus after his baptism?
    Yes (John 1:32, 33)
    No (Matthew 11:2)
    44. According to the Gospel of John, what did Jesus say about bearing his own witness?
    If I bear witness to myself, my testimony is not true (John 5:3 1)
    Even if I do bear witness to myself, my testimony is true (John 8:14)
    45. When Jesus entered Jerusalem did he cleanse the temple that same day?
    Yes (Matthew 21:12)
    No. He went into the temple and looked around, but since it was very late he did nothing. Instead, he went to Bethany to spend the night and returned the next morning to cleanse the temple (Mark I 1:1- 17)
    46. The Gospels say that Jesus cursed a fig tree. Did the tree wither at once?
    Yes. (Matthew 21:19)
    No. It withered overnight (Mark II: 20)
    47. Did Judas kiss Jesus?
    Yes (Matthew 26:48-50)
    No. Judas could not get close enough to Jesus to kiss him (John 18:3-12)
    48. What did Jesus say about Peters denial?
    The cock will not crow till you have denied me three times (John 13:38)
    Before the cock crows twice you will deny me three times (Mark 14:30) . When the cock crowed once, the three denials were not yet complete (see Mark 14:72). Therefore prediction (a) failed.
    49. Did Jesus bear his own cross?
    Yes (John 19:17)
    No (Matthew 27:31-32)
    50. Did Jesus die before the curtain of the temple was torn?
    Yes (Matthew 27:50-51; Mark lS:37-38)
    No. After the curtain was torn, then Jesus crying with a loud voice, said, Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit! And having said this he breathed his last (Luke 23:45-46)
    51. Did Jesus say anything secretly?
    No. I have said nothing secretly (John 18:20)
    Yes. He did not speak to them without a parable, but privately to his own disciples he explained everything (Mark 4:34). The disciples asked him Why do you speak to them in parables? He said, To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given (Matthew 13: 1 0-11)
    52. Where was Jesus at the sixth hour on the day of the crucifixion?
    On the cross (Mark 15:23)
    In Pilates court (John 19:14)
    53. The gospels say that two thieves were crucified along with Jesus. Did both thieves mock Jesus?
    Yes (Mark 15:32)
    No. One of them mocked Jesus, the other defended Jesus (Luke 23:43)
    54. Did Jesus ascend to Paradise the same day of the crucifixion?
    Yes. He said to the thief who defended him, Today you will be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:43)
    No. He said to Mary Magdelene two days later, I have not yet ascended to the Father (John 20:17)
    55. When Paul was on the road to Damascus he saw a light and heard a voice. Did those who were with him hear the voice?
    Yes (Acts9:7)
    No (Acts22:9)
    56. When Paul saw the light he fell to the ground. Did his traveling companions also fall to the ground?
    Yes (Acts 26:14)
    No (Acts 9:7)
    57. Did the voice spell out on the spot what Pauls duties were to be?
    Yes (Acts 26:16-18)
    No. The voice commanded Paul to go into the city of Damascus and there he will be told what he must do. (Acts9:7;22: 10)
    58. When the Israelites dwelt in Shittin they committed adultery with the daughters of Moab. God struck them with a plague. How many people died in that plague?
    Twenty-four thousand (Numbers 25:1 and 9)
    Twenty-three thousand (I Corinthians 10:8)
    59. How many members of the house of Jacob came to Egypt?
    Seventy souls (Genesis 4 & 27)
    Seventy-five souls (Acts 7:14)
    60. What did Judas do with the blood money he received for betraying Jesus?
    He bought a field (Acts 1: 18)
    He threw all of it into the temple and went away. The priests could not put the blood money into the temple treasury, so they used it to buy a field to bury strangers (Matthew 27:5)
    61. How did Judas die?
    After he threw the money into the temple he went away and hanged himself (Matthew 27:5)
    After he bought the field with the price of his evil deed he fell headlong and burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out (Acts 1:18)
    62. Why is the field called Field of Blood?
    Because the priests bought it with the blood money (Matthew 27:8)
    Because of the bloody death of Judas therein (Acts 1:19)
    63. Who is a ransom for whom?
    The Son of Man give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all... (I Timothy 2:5-6)
    The wicked is a ransom for the righteous, and the faithless for the upright (Proverbs 21:18)
    64. Is the law of Moses useful?
    Yes. All scripture is... profitable... (2 Timothy 3:16)
    No. . . . A former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness... (Hebrews 7:18)
    65. What was the exact wording on the cross?
    This is Jesus the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37)
    The King of the Jews (Mark 15:26)
    This is the King of the Jews (Luke 23:38)
    Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews (John 19:19)
    66. Did Herod want to kill John the Baptist?
    Yes (Matthew 14:5)
    No. It was Herodias, the wife of Herod who wanted to kill him. But Herod knew that he was a righteous man and kept him safe (Mark 6:20)
    67. Who was the tenth disciple of Jesus in the list of twelve?
    Thaddaeus (Matthew 10: 1-4; Mark 3:13 -19)
    Judas son of James is the corresponding name in Lukes gospel (Luke 6:12-16)
    68. Jesus saw a man sitat the tax collectors office and called him to be his disciple. What was his name?
    Matthew (Matthew 9:9)
    Levi (Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27)
    69. Was Jesus crucified on the daytime before the Passover meal or the daytime after?
    After (Mark 14:12-17)
    Before. Before the feast of the Passover (John 1) Judas went out at night (John 13:30). The other disciples thought he was going out to buy supplies to prepare for the Passover meal (John 13:29). When Jesus was arrested, the Jews did not enter Pilates judgment hail because they wanted to stay clean to eat the Passover (John 18:28). When the judgment was pronounced against Jesus, it was about the sixth hour on the day of Preparation for the Passover (John 19:14)
    70. Did Jesus pray to The Father to prevent the crucifixion?
    Yes. (Matthew 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42)
    No. (John 12:27)
    71. In the gospels which say that Jesus prayed to avoid the cross, how many times did he move away from his disciples to pray?
    Three (Matthew 26:36-46 and Mark 14:32-42)
    One. No opening is left for another two times. (Luke 22:39-46)
    72. Matthew and Mark agree that Jesus went away and prayed three times. What were the words of the second prayer?
    Mark does not give the words but he says that the words were the same as the first prayer (Mark 14:3 9)
    Matthew gives us the words, and we can see that they are not the same as in the first (Matthew 26:42)
    73. What did the centurion say when Jesus dies?
    Certainly this man was innocent (Luke 23:47)
    Truly this man was the Son of God (Mark 15:39)
    74. When Jesus said My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken Me ? in what language did he speak?
    Hebrew: the words are Eloi, Eloi ..(Matthew 27:46)
    Aramaic: the words are Eloi, Eloi .. (Mark 15:34)
    75. According to the gospels, what were the last words of Jesus before he died?
    Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit! (Luke 23:46)
    "It is finished" (John 19:30)
    76. When Jesus entered Capernaum he healed the slave of a centurion. Did the centurion come personally to request Jesus for this?
    Yes (Matthew 8:5)
    No. He sent some elders of the Jews and his friends (Luke 7:3,6)
    Adam was told that if and when he eats the forbidden fruit he would die the same day (Genesis 2:17)
    Adam ate the fruit and went on to live to a ripe old age of 930 years (Genesis 5:5)
    God decided that the life-span of humans will be limited to 120 years (Genesis 6:3)
    Many people born after that lived longer than 120. Arpachshad lived 438 years. His son Shelah lived 433 years. His son Eber lived 464 years, etc. (Genesis 11:12-16)
    79. Apart from Jesus did anyone else ascend to heaven?
    No (John 3:13)
    Yes. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven (2 Kings 2:11)
    80. Who was high priest when David went into the house of God and ate the consecrated bread?
    Abiathar (Mark 2:26)
    Ahimelech, the father of Abiathar (I Samuel 1:1; 22:20)
    81. Was Jesus body wrapped in spices before burial in accordance with Jewish burial customs?
    Yes and his female disciples witnessed his burial (John 19:39-40)

    • @ilhamtalukder4993
      @ilhamtalukder4993 Před 3 lety

      brother, that's right .... can you send me the place from where u got it?

    • @FarmanullahKhan1509
      @FarmanullahKhan1509 Před 3 lety +3

      Wow! Mashallah. They believe this stupidity blindly.

  • @vijayanp.v6287
    @vijayanp.v6287 Před 3 lety

    Mr zakir you are the present prophet

  • @followthepeace2730
    @followthepeace2730 Před 3 lety +2

    Mashaallah 💖

  • @unapologetic7281
    @unapologetic7281 Před 3 lety

    All religions began as monotheism- the worship of one God alone. But people corrupted the message with further paganism- now being a combination of truth (monotheism) mixed with lies (paganism).

    @CHILDRENofLIGHT Před 3 lety

    King James Version
    Revelation 22:18-19
    This Book
    Exodus 24:7
    The Book
    Galatians 5:26
    One another
    Matthew 6:24
    God is Light
    1 John 1:5
    God is A Spirit
    John 4:22-24
    Galatians 5:25
    If we live in
    The Spirit, let us
    Also walk in The
    Genes 1:5
    Children of Light
    Ephesians 5:8
    Galatians 5:14
    In One Word,
    John 1:1
    The Word
    John 1:6-12
    His name One
    Zechariah 14:9
    One of another.
    Galatians 5:15
    This is Pharaoh
    Ezekiel 31:18
    Romans 9:17
    Exodus 16:32
    Acts 8:6
    Daniel 2:31-38
    Thou Art This Head
    Jeremiah 8:21
    I am Black
    Ezekiel 10:15
    Revelation 17:14
    King of Kings
    Psalm 18:9
    He Bowed
    Zechariah 4:14
    Revelation 4:2
    Psalm 119:130
    Psalm 118:24
    Genesis 1:3
    1 Thessalonians 5:5
    Children of Light
    Psalm 95:7
    To Day
    Daniel 6:1
    Ezekiel 20:21
    Psalm 145:14
    Be Bowed Down.
    Children of Light
    John 12:36
    For it is Written,
    Galatians 4:22

  • @ladychennai722
    @ladychennai722 Před 3 lety

    Alhamdulillah👑 🌹😔

  • @muhammadsajidofficial88899

    Aap hindi mai v bayan digye

  • @manojavam5395
    @manojavam5395 Před 3 lety +2

    Maithri means friendship, friendliness not the mercy 😂😂😂😂

    • @exposingtv9903
      @exposingtv9903 Před 3 lety +1

      You didn't watched the video

    • @Afnan_Taher
      @Afnan_Taher Před 3 lety

      Hindu and Buddhist scriptures weren't written in the same language

    • @ravsinghrajput2105
      @ravsinghrajput2105 Před 3 lety +1

      Islam copied old testament of bible and changed many things from the old testament, yet they don't believe in the new testament because Jesus is not God to them 🤣😂

    • @ravsinghrajput2105
      @ravsinghrajput2105 Před 3 lety

      @@exposingtv9903 you need to repent and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior 🙏

    • @followthepeace2730
      @followthepeace2730 Před 3 lety

      Dr Zakir Naik power of Muslim

  • @FeelHeal
    @FeelHeal Před 3 lety

    99 names of Allah - Meaning and Explanation
    The Most or Entirely Merciful
    The Bestower of Mercy
    The King and Owner of Dominion
    The Absolutely Pure
    The Perfection and Giver of Peace
    The One Who gives Emaan and Security
    The Guardian, The Witness, The Overseer
    The All Mighty
    The Compeller, The Restorer
    The Supreme, The Majestic
    The Creator, The Maker
    The Originator
    The Fashioner
    The All- and Oft-Forgiving
    The Subduer, The Ever-Dominating
    The Giver of Gifts
    The Provider
    The Opener, The Judge
    The All-Knowing, The Omniscient
    The Withholder
    The Extender
    The Reducer, The Abaser
    The Exalter, The Elevator
    The Honourer, The Bestower
    The Dishonourer, The Humiliator
    The All-Hearing
    The All-Seeing
    The Judge, The Giver of Justice
    The Utterly Just
    The Subtle One, The Most Gentle
    The Acquainted, the All-Aware
    The Most Forbearing
    The Magnificent, The Supreme
    The Forgiving, The Exceedingly Forgiving
    The Most Appreciative
    The Most High, The Exalted
    The Greatest, The Most Grand
    The Preserver, The All-Heedful and All-Protecting
    The Sustainer
    The Reckoner, The Sufficient
    The Majestic
    The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed
    The Watchful
    The Responsive One
    The All-Encompassing, the Boundless
    The All-Wise
    The Most Loving
    The Glorious, The Most Honorable
    The Resurrector, The Raiser of the Dead
    The All- and Ever Witnessing
    The Absolute Truth
    The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs
    The All-Strong
    The Firm, The Steadfast
    The Protecting Associate
    The Praiseworthy
    The All-Enumerating, The Counter
    The Originator, The Initiator
    The Restorer, The Reinstater
    The Giver of Life
    The Bringer of Death, the Destroyer
    The Ever-Living
    The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting
    The Perceiver
    The Illustrious, the Magnificent
    The One
    The Unique, The Only One
    The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs
    The Capable, The Powerful
    The Omnipotent
    The Expediter, The Promoter
    The Delayer, the Retarder
    The First
    The Last
    The Manifest
    The Hidden One, Knower of the Hidden
    The Governor, The Patron
    The Self Exalted
    The Source of Goodness, the Kind Benefactor
    The Ever-Pardoning, The Relenting
    The Avenger
    The Pardoner
    The Most Kind
    مَالِكُ ٱلْمُلْكُ
    Master of the Kingdom, Owner of the Dominion
    ذُو ٱلْجَلَالِ وَٱلْإِكْرَامُ
    Possessor of Glory and Honour, Lord of Majesty and Generosity
    The Equitable, the Requiter
    The Gatherer, the Uniter
    The Self-Sufficient, The Wealthy
    The Enricher
    The Withholder
    The Distresser
    The Propitious, the Benefactor
    The Light, The Illuminator
    The Guide
    The Incomparable Originator
    The Ever-Surviving, The Everlasting
    The Inheritor, The Heir
    The Guide, Infallible Teacher
    The Forbearing, The Patient
    You can Download 99 Names of Allah for your record.

  • @moresaeed9235
    @moresaeed9235 Před 3 lety +2


  • @blablafree830
    @blablafree830 Před 3 lety

    no one can be seen as sallallaahualaihiwasallama

  • @mrsteven1828
    @mrsteven1828 Před 3 lety

    Please give some more prove,sir

  • @islamiccartoontv9996
    @islamiccartoontv9996 Před 2 lety

    Do u have a photograph memory what is the reason behind your phenomenal memory

  • @TheBlueLionsDen
    @TheBlueLionsDen Před 3 lety

    Zakir Naik: "Glorious in The Beginning. Glorious at the Climax. Glorious in The End."
    Quran [19:15] "And peace be upon him the day he was born and the day he dies and the day he is raised alive."
    All these prophesies are not prophesizing Muhammad PBUH - they are Prophesizing Jesus

    • @undefinedlad
      @undefinedlad Před 2 lety

      Zakir Naik said "he will preach a religion which is glorious in the beginning. Glorious at the climax. Glorious in the end."
      Don't just try to deceive people by writing half sentences 😂

  • @blablafree830
    @blablafree830 Před 3 lety

    as simple easy to understand

  • @cure4islamophobia649
    @cure4islamophobia649 Před 3 lety +1

    Failed prophecy
    some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“ (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

    • @yungdrew467
      @yungdrew467 Před 3 lety

      Where do you stand ?

    • @cure4islamophobia649
      @cure4islamophobia649 Před 3 lety

      @EveryIsnaad IsFabricated 2nd Kings, No.8:26, it says that ‘Ahezia, he was 22 years old, when he began to reign.’ ­­­­­­2nd Chronicles, Chapter No. 22:2, says that… ‘He was 42 years old, when he began to reign.’ ­­­­­­Was he 22 years old, or was he 42 years old?

  • @abi_s.5397
    @abi_s.5397 Před 3 lety +2


  • @noway6311
    @noway6311 Před 3 lety

    The best cheikh

  • @armanshaikh3108
    @armanshaikh3108 Před 3 lety +1

    Indian govt hd bolcked his channel....😑

  • @Rajomega1
    @Rajomega1 Před 3 lety

    Debate with David wood like a true Muslim

  • @freddykambata421
    @freddykambata421 Před 3 lety +2

    First one !

  • @user-qy9cp1qr4j
    @user-qy9cp1qr4j Před 3 lety

    No buddist scripture prophecies birth of Muhammed.
    Hindu religious book BHAVISHYPURANA prophecies Muhammed and named him as MAH MAD and termed him as MALECHYA.
    Every Muslim who believe that Muhammed was prophecies in Hindu literature must first know the meaning of MALECHYA.

  • @legendahmad8548
    @legendahmad8548 Před 3 lety

    Old video
    Already 7 months ago its uploaded

  • @ibrahimn22
    @ibrahimn22 Před 3 lety

    The prophet did have a person with him who helped him always. Who was at every battle and was even at the cave when he received scripture.
    He was the only one the prophet called brother in this world and the next when All other relationships will end.
    And it was not Anas ibn malik.

  • @alorpoth7724
    @alorpoth7724 Před 3 lety

    Masaallaha 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩

  • @yadavendrasingh1481
    @yadavendrasingh1481 Před 3 lety +2

    According to you, was buddha a messenger of god.

    • @ashnashilmy1323
      @ashnashilmy1323 Před 3 lety

      can be.124000 prophets are there came to face of the earth.

    • @ashnashilmy1323
      @ashnashilmy1323 Před 3 lety

      @Adityanarayan Chauhan which crime are u talking about?

    • @yadavendrasingh1481
      @yadavendrasingh1481 Před 3 lety

      @@ashnashilmy1323 can be is a possibility. Why do you have to quote what buddha had said. If you feel that Buddha was a paigmbar pleaae respect him like you do for Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed otherwise stop comparing our great gods and saints to your Prophet because when you do that you are showing self interest and not concerned about the Truth. Shows your hypocrisy.

    @CHILDRENofLIGHT Před 3 lety

    King James Version
    Revelation 22:18-19
    This Book
    Exodus 24:7
    The Book
    Galatians 5:26
    One another
    Matthew 6:24
    God is Light
    1 John 1:5
    Deuteronomy 4:39
    This Day
    Psalm 6:2
    Have Mercy Upon Me,
    Exodus 20:21
    And The People
    One People
    Genesis 11:1-9
    Male and Female
    Matthew 19:4
    God is A Spirit
    John 4:22-24
    Galatians 5:25
    If we live in
    The Spirit, let us
    Also walk in The
    Revelation 12:10
    Our God Day and
    Psalm 119:105
    Genes 1:5
    Children of Light
    Ephesians 5:8
    Galatians 5:14
    In One Word,
    John 1:1
    The Word
    John 1:6-12
    His name One
    Zechariah 14:9
    One of another.
    Galatians 5:15
    Exodus 23:20-22
    This is Pharaoh
    Ezekiel 31:18
    Ezekiel 40:3
    A man
    Romans 9:17
    Exodus 16:32
    Acts 8:6
    Daniel 2:31-38
    Thou Art This Head
    Jeremiah 8:21
    I am Black
    Job 13:26-28
    My Feet
    Ezekiel 10:15
    Revelation 17:14
    King of Kings
    Psalm 18:9
    He Bowed
    Zechariah 4:14
    Revelation 4:2
    Psalm 119:130
    Psalm 118:24
    Genesis 1:3
    1 Thessalonians 5:5
    Children of Light
    Psalm 95:7
    To Day
    Deuteronomy 6:2
    Fear The Lord Thy
    Ezekiel 20:21
    Psalm 145:14
    Be Bowed Down.
    Children of Light
    John 12:36
    For it is Written,
    Galatians 4:22

  • @skaryan7444
    @skaryan7444 Před 3 lety +3


  • @commanman3055
    @commanman3055 Před 3 lety

    Allah sent Moses you refused
    Allah sent Jesus you refused..
    Then came Mohammad and Islam came. ...
    Again someone will come you will accept something Else...

    • @ammarsoomro980
      @ammarsoomro980 Před 3 lety

      We belive in moses,we believe in Jesus,we believe in all prophet, u have very little knowledge about Islam, Muhammad was not the founder of Islam but he was the last messenger,Adam, Noha,Abraham, moses and jesus were all Muslim.