Paramotor CRASH Day 4-4-24 Power Line=1 / C Smith=0


Komentáře • 153

  • @cloudpandarism2627
    @cloudpandarism2627 Před 2 měsíci +24

    duuude! from all the outcomes this was the absolute best case scenario! my flight teacher broke both his legs and then managed to land in a small pond right behind that powerline, almost drowned. 1 year hospital and recovery. you literally walking away like that is a miracle. most people flip up and land on the neck. beyond happy to see you walk away. be thankful for everything happend exactly as it did. forget the gear. thanks for the upload

  • @YankeeinSC1
    @YankeeinSC1 Před 2 měsíci +13

    Pro tip: Parallel all roads at a safe altitude before committing to a low crossing Seriously glad you seem un-injured

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +4

      Yep. I totally disregarded the rule, if there's a road there's probably a power line. I was so focused the huge field on the other side.

  • @shanewyman9419
    @shanewyman9419 Před 2 měsíci +5

    Wow glad you're ok! I had to pause the video several times before I could see the poles. Thanks for the lesson.

  • @balkan_pil0t
    @balkan_pil0t Před 2 měsíci +3

    The pilot put more effort into speaking to the camera than trying to avoid disaster. He must of been stoned, drunk, or had target fixation.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Definitely stoned AND drunk. Probably more.

  • @dgods94
    @dgods94 Před 2 měsíci +6

    Thank you for sharing, as many of us are just starting our season it's a good reminder. So glad you walked away from it!

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +3

      Yep. I got greedy when I daw that big beautiful field on the other side. Forgot the basic rule that where there's a road, there's probably a power line.

  • @southernwulf3335
    @southernwulf3335 Před 6 dny +1

    Broken parts is better than a broken body and a broken body is better than having to being buried, glad u are ok from this

  • @PPGKyle
    @PPGKyle Před 2 měsíci +6

    The perfect mishap... BOTH poles covered in foliage man.
    Glad you're unharmed bro!

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Thanks for the ride, post accident. Just another reason I would rather fly with others.

  • @EricB997
    @EricB997 Před 2 měsíci +8

    Handled well. Stayed calm.
    Is what it is…
    Glad you are ok!

  • @anthonykuhns3477
    @anthonykuhns3477 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Glad you are okay, Stop trampling the crops!!!!! That is somebody's Livelihood....

  • @djunclemilo
    @djunclemilo Před 2 měsíci +3

    Thanks for posting this. Glad you’re OK, and by sharing this you put the appropriate fear in all of us to always stay alert. Blue skies and no power lines!

  • @wadepage5823
    @wadepage5823 Před 27 dny

    If you absolutely have to hit a power line, that's about as good as it could've gone. Glad you're ok!

  • @ticdelarue
    @ticdelarue Před měsícem

    That wing is totally repairable.
    I had a mishap on a low wind forward launch where a few A and B lines got sucked into the prop and broke 4 right suspension lines totaling 1400 pounds of Dyneema across my right hand thumb.
    Luckily the the cage crushed back and contacted the prop thus disintegrating it before the prop removed my hand at the wrist as I had the A and B lines in my hand for the forward takeoff.
    I was scheduled to depart for Iquique Chile in two weeks to paraglide in the Andes Mountains and had just put a 6 foot rip down the center of my wing cells.
    Luckily I had a Parachute repair guy less than 2 miles from my house and the glider was repaired and ready for the trip after I replaced the 4 suspension lines in his from yard.

  • @WillFly
    @WillFly Před 2 měsíci +2

    Thanks for sharing your experience. It provides an awesome reminder of how important it is to clear the fields you want to fly. I've had two very close calls with power lines, one where I even cleared the field prior to flying, but even then I still didn't see them. They are sneaky SOB's. You're right when you say it happens fast. One second the power lines don't exist and the next second, out of nowhere, there they are, giving you very little time to react. Glad you're okay!

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      All true my friend. All true indeed.

  • @flierbill
    @flierbill Před 2 měsíci +1

    Oh man, so glad you are alive! I will learn from this !

  • @okppg
    @okppg Před 2 měsíci +1

    Glad you are okay and appreciate you sharing. Great reminder that this can happen to the best of us. Always enjoy your videos!

  • @davespeer3293
    @davespeer3293 Před 2 měsíci +3

    So glad you’re ok! Sorry about your wing but that was the best possible outcome considering.

  • @Mike-01234
    @Mike-01234 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Does that smoke which is light oil injected into the exhaust cause any issues with those crops? I sprayed some oil on a part over my grass it killed a few spots.

  • @RunIntoTheSkyNonprofit
    @RunIntoTheSkyNonprofit Před 2 měsíci +2

    So glad you are ok. These videos help the pilots in our sport. Thanks for posting. Glad you are ok. I was just featured ok Tuckers crash videos. You will be part of an elite group of pilots lol.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      It's funny you say this. Right after I crashed I made a comment about Tucker judging me harshly. I cut it from the video.

    • @RunIntoTheSkyNonprofit
      @RunIntoTheSkyNonprofit Před 2 měsíci +1

      No one will judge you harshly

    • @Patrick-ry1ir
      @Patrick-ry1ir Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@RunIntoTheSkyNonprofit That's not true he will most definitely be judged harshly. I did and I am currently judging him harshly, I also judged you harshly when I saw your crash. Its doesn't really matter though what matters is that your okay and other para-motorist can learn from your mistake because I know darn well next time I'm flying low in an unfamiliar area Ill be reminded of this very incident. We all make mistakes, miscalculate and fail but it takes a lot of guts to admit it, post it online and allow others to form an opinion whither positive or negative. On a slight side note please be respectful of the farmers field and don't go trapesing over crops like there weeds most of my harsh judgment came from that.

  • @chadb2827
    @chadb2827 Před 2 měsíci

    Thanks for putting this out there, its a great reminder for all of us to be careful of those powerlines. Appreciate the honesty!

  • @ParamotorNC
    @ParamotorNC Před 2 měsíci +5

    Wow... so sorry that happened. Glad you are okay. Unbelievable how those poles were so well hidden.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Yep, I was just so greedy to get to that beautiful field on the other side. Ignored the fact that the road probably has power lines beside it.

    • @UpcomingJedi
      @UpcomingJedi Před 2 měsíci

      Theyre doing that to cellphone towers, making them to resemble palm trees so people dont complain about the eyesore but also complain about the spotty service.

  • @patmelone9734
    @patmelone9734 Před 2 měsíci

    So glad you’re OK! Great instructional video for Ppg pilots! I’ve had my butt pucker a few times while crossing a road thinking there are no powerlines!

  • @nathansciacqua1030
    @nathansciacqua1030 Před měsícem

    Bro, you’re so lucky. Thanks for posting this video. People learn from things like this. You sound like a real cool dude. Quick question. Me and my buddies we always fly with radios. We consider it safety feature sort of like a reserve parachute. it also adds to the fun..

  • @HavocStylesJoe
    @HavocStylesJoe Před 2 měsíci

    Going to sub, because I have a feeling you and your group might be researching radios, and I like honest reviews.

  • @miguelhuman8003
    @miguelhuman8003 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Thank you for sharing. I am glad you’re okay

  • @ToddBerthiaume
    @ToddBerthiaume Před 2 měsíci +3

    Sucks that you tore up your gear!! You are intact and that to me is sooo lucky. Live to walk away and fly another day

  • @paramotortheory
    @paramotortheory Před 2 měsíci +1

    1st: glad you are okay. 2nd: That is awesome that your first though was to signal your buddies to make sure they didn't hit the line too. 3rd: I bet we see you highlighted in a Gott video soon :) Great content as usual sir.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Thanks! Funny thing is, right after I crashedI I told Tucker not to judge me too harshly but I cut it from the video.

  • @paramotorportal
    @paramotorportal Před měsícem

    It's a perfect paramotor trap!
    That's actually one of my fears - posts hidden into trees at the edge of fields 😅

  • @gringosteve3021
    @gringosteve3021 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Glad you're ok! Thanks for sharing

  • @chrisbajema8002
    @chrisbajema8002 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Whaaaaaaaaaat?! Glad your alive to tell us about it , dang power lines we’re suspended far in between.. coulda and shoulda been waaay diffwrent

  • @paramotordad4949
    @paramotordad4949 Před 2 měsíci

    I’m glad you are ok. That could have been so much worse. Thank you for having the courage to post this. I’ve had some close calls with lines myself. Maybe the wing can be repaired but I doubt you can patch up that prop. 😂

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      I've had a spare prop in my garage for 4 years. I always assumed having it was why I never broke one.

  • @zakganon29
    @zakganon29 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Glad u r ok brother 🙏 and thank u for the lesson

  • @tango_sierra8608
    @tango_sierra8608 Před 2 měsíci

    Can tell you’re a cool guy by how unfazed you were about destroying that nice wing you just got. Looking at the bright sides to that unfortunate event instead of dwelling on the bad. Great role model. I hit a powerline myself last season. While my wing was basically fine other than some lines- had to take 2months off because I lightly fractured my spine. At least we both made it out good and we will now be the last ones ever forgetting to scan high before dropping in haha

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Man, sorry to hear about that injury. Just shows even more how lucky I was.

  • @HilltopZombieShop
    @HilltopZombieShop Před 2 měsíci +2

    Kyle straight jinxed you with that shirt.

    • @PPGKyle
      @PPGKyle Před 2 měsíci

      Don't you put that on me Ricky Bobby

    • @paramotorbrandon
      @paramotorbrandon Před 2 měsíci


    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      It made an excellent final clip on the video so totally worth it.

  • @paramotorbrandon
    @paramotorbrandon Před 2 měsíci +2

    Man that was one invisible power line! And why are the poles so far apart?? My money is on an old railroad telegraph

  • @blairshepherd608
    @blairshepherd608 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Flying into the smoke look tripy as love it

  • @Team.Louish
    @Team.Louish Před 2 měsíci

    Great video. Its crazy forget that the trees could be where the poles are. I'm glad you filmed it and showed where the poles were so we have it in our memory now to watch out for things like that. That 1st guy who launched let go of his A's way too early.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Don't forget the road. Of course there's always power lines along roads. I forgot that age old rule.
      Yes, Im sure he's critiquing his launch. Always good to see yourself on video!

  • @SrikarBoddu
    @SrikarBoddu Před 2 měsíci +1

    You handled the situation calmly and collectively. It's beneficial to have a way to stay in touch with your flying buddies. When we fly together, we make sure to have some form of communication, like a radio, Sena device, or group text if we can. I was on edge of my seat lol when I saw you waving to your friends, since hand signals can mean different things to different people. I'm glad everything was okay in the end. Thanks for sharing the incident. lot to learn. hope you can patch up that wing! Blue skies

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Thanks! Ha, Yes there is a fine line between waving your arms looking crazy and signaling someone to stay away. We can talk via phone but I didn't think I had much time. I just didn't want them flying low to check on me and end up with 3 people crashed.

  • @viser81
    @viser81 Před měsícem

    thanks for sharing, my biggest fear when flying, damn power line, the poles completely covered by trees, no it can't be legal :(

  • @paralifeppg
    @paralifeppg Před 2 měsíci

    Thank you for sharing. With the poles in the trees that was a bad combination. Glad you were okay with just a little financial damage.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Ha!! That wing tho. Let's call it "substantial" financial damage.😬

  • @shanesplanetshane3795
    @shanesplanetshane3795 Před 2 měsíci

    Doh! That wing can be fixed. Damn Kids, get off my field!!!

  • @MitchelBurton
    @MitchelBurton Před 2 měsíci +3

    That shirt... too soon! Glad you're ok though, pretty much the best possible outcome.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Ha!! Too soon but somehow......perfect.

    • @paramotorbrandon
      @paramotorbrandon Před 2 měsíci

      At the end of the night we were all about to get in our vehicles and leave- we looked over and saw Kyle wearing this shirt and had a good laugh 😅

  • @Punkk1980
    @Punkk1980 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Glad your all good man!

    @TONYPARAMOTOR Před 2 měsíci +1

    hi glad your ok... we all make mistakes "LIVE AND LEARN OR LEARN AND LIVE". i would of made the same mistake. like life we all still learning.

  • @luisgarza2036
    @luisgarza2036 Před 2 měsíci +1

    That's what i call a lucky guy, completely unharmed just a wing and a prop; hope others see and learn from your close encounter.

  • @heartsky
    @heartsky Před 2 měsíci +1

    Wow, seems that should have been a lot worse.
    Thank your guardian sky angel.

  • @coletonholzer4757
    @coletonholzer4757 Před 2 měsíci

    Wow. Glad you're okay. I legit almost did the same thing last night. Invisible line just about got me. Stopped just short enough but my wing did fold onto the line. Somehow no damage. Sorry about your wing and other damage my friend.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      I saw a friend do the same thing. Turned and barely grazed the wire. Pulled his wing down on one side but he recovered and continued. Damn power lines!!!

  • @mmcowan
    @mmcowan Před 2 měsíci

    That has to be the most devious power line I’ve ever seen. Give Cloud9 a call. I bet they could fix your wing.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      I haven't decided yet on repair or not. New wing has already been ordered. I do still have my H3!

    • @mmcowan
      @mmcowan Před 2 měsíci

      @@csmith9008btw I have the same wing in the same color as my XC/fly camping wing. Love it!

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      @@mmcowan Ozone changed the stock color options on the XC so no yellow this time around.

    • @mmcowan
      @mmcowan Před 2 měsíci

      @@csmith9008 yeah I notice that, too. Got lucky. I gotta do yellow. I got my Freeride 2 is almost the exactly same colors.

  • @stenkastenka2490
    @stenkastenka2490 Před 2 měsíci

    lesson learned ! when I started paramotoring in instructor was a former military pilot. He told me that :
    "even if paramotoring seems easy, and is often forgiving, there's no such thing as an "idiotproof" aircraft, so it's why normally in aviation you never improvise...but flying a paramotor is a permanent fly according to the "good idea of the moment" that pops into your mind...that's the danger..."

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Wise words he gave. I was definitely flying in the moment.

  • @rjustison
    @rjustison Před 2 měsíci

    All roads have wires! That is a saying I was taught in Army flight school. Glad you are ok.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Such a true and basic rule that I absolutely know but just got caught slipping. You can guarantee I'll be thinking of it now.

  • @busabrye
    @busabrye Před 2 měsíci +2

    Wow! So lucky

  • @kevinberry5793
    @kevinberry5793 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Glad you are okay. Fly on Mr Smith!

  • @markjohns4696
    @markjohns4696 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Glad you are ok.. respect the crop though my man…

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Will do! I talked to Mr. Jenkins and all is good. Incident was inconsequential to projected harvest.

  • @user-cu6ye2rp7k
    @user-cu6ye2rp7k Před 2 měsíci

    Glad you are OK, I couldn't believe how invisible that line was especially with the hidden poles.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Hard lesson learned for some definite future awareness.

  • @parajerry
    @parajerry Před 2 měsíci +1

    Stitch the wing back up and you have a good kiting wing.

  • @frederlendrundhaug2989
    @frederlendrundhaug2989 Před 2 měsíci

    The outcome could have been much worse. But it might be possible to repair the wing. We have several good repair shops in Norway, so there are probably some around your location as well. It’s worth a try, and I have seen good results that I thought were impossible to repair.

  • @five-55
    @five-55 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Ive been there. But i only broke my prop

  • @jackman1750
    @jackman1750 Před 2 měsíci +1

    First you scout the area then drop down and fly low. In Australia the regulation is 300 ft minimum for this reason. Only low in known areas.

  • @Treasuremonk
    @Treasuremonk Před 2 měsíci +1

    I believe if yall would have had maybe 8 more wind shocks this would have been avoided!😂

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Truth!!! Yeah, it's a group joke for sure, every time we fly. Funny.

    • @Treasuremonk
      @Treasuremonk Před 2 měsíci

      Well glad your weren’t hurt! I was in an engine out in a 2 seater PPC in Oct, we were in a turn at 350’ went straight to the ground and didn’t even roll ! Guy sitting behind me is 90! Broke my tail bone but he was fine!!

  • @sandorrendeczky8549
    @sandorrendeczky8549 Před měsícem

    Glad you're okay!

  • @justgooutdoors
    @justgooutdoors Před 2 měsíci

    glad your ok! poles were hidden perfectly, i cant see the wires from the air, i'm always looking for the poles

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Yep, and the road should have been my first warning there might be lines.

  • @aerobatty1
    @aerobatty1 Před 2 měsíci

    Did that wire continue on beyond those hidden poles? If not, that was put there on purpose. How far were other poles, if any? Glad you’re ok. That can all be fixed.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      I don't recall if the wire continued on either side. It's probably an old power line. Poles had the normal spacing. I suspect it wasn't an active line due to the trees being allowed to grow up like that.

    • @aerobatty1
      @aerobatty1 Před 2 měsíci

      @@csmith9008 If that's a dead wire and you or others fly there regularly, I'd want to see about either taking it down or marking it somehow. If any crop dusting or flight training takes place in the area, the FAA should be notified and they will deal with them. I live near a river and a guy upriver from me recently bought a seaplane and had the FAA put those big, orange balls on the lines going across the river. Don't know if the FAA would go that far for PPG, but it would be worth a shot.

  • @Next0mancer
    @Next0mancer Před 2 měsíci

    I think this is probably the second nastiest wire I've ever seen, absolutely brutal. I'm glad your ok, I'm sorry for your wallet and I hope your back to the skies soon.

  • @turkeyphant
    @turkeyphant Před 2 měsíci +1

    You are so lucky. And that wasn't a powerline surely phone or data?

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      I think you're right. Probably an old power line. If it was active the poles wouldn't be overgrown like that.

  • @MJones-xr6dp
    @MJones-xr6dp Před měsícem

    All roads have wires! As well as some farm fields!!

  • @ClarkKent-kg6tl
    @ClarkKent-kg6tl Před 2 měsíci +1

    That line was really really hard to see!

  • @DwayneCrow
    @DwayneCrow Před 2 měsíci

    Highly undesirable. But look at the bright side: you didn't damage the power line and cause Granny to miss her Little House on the Prairie rerun.

  • @haroldestevez4803
    @haroldestevez4803 Před 2 měsíci

    I am glad you are ok Bro... I am sorry about your equiptment but broken broken bones are far worst that a broken porl and wing. Where was this flight?

  • @paulnelson5314
    @paulnelson5314 Před 2 měsíci

    Wires are difficult to see in the best visibility, poles are not. They generally don’t omit the wires when they put up the poles. Try to avoid the three W’s, woods water and wires.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      You can bet I will be more vigilant now. For sure!

  • @1fillmanw
    @1fillmanw Před 2 měsíci +1

    Lucky to be alive.....Not paying attention to where you are. Flying low crossing roads! More than likely there is a power line!

  • @FlyBabyFlyPPG
    @FlyBabyFlyPPG Před 2 měsíci

    Bro, Bro Universe is good yesterday i blow my props with flying object and i save it in take off, i leave open pocket in my harness and my line cutter flew away, i'm happy you're ok we need to be more careful, god bless my brother Fly Baby Fly.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Just watched the video. Nice save my friend and even a downwind landing. We are here to fly another day.

    • @FlyBabyFlyPPG
      @FlyBabyFlyPPG Před 2 měsíci

      Helll yeah baby that’s why we fly all time posible, make us better pilot, and it’s therapy for us fly baby fly hahahahaa

    • @FlyBabyFlyPPG
      @FlyBabyFlyPPG Před 2 měsíci

      You had experiences a full frontal with speed bar at full, when I did siv is how you swings in front of the wing, funny when you said you let’s never was so high before hahahaaain front of you hahahaa

  • @gopappa1
    @gopappa1 Před 2 měsíci

    Nice save!!

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Yep! Not sure it was as much of a save as it was just riding it to the ground.

  • @MikeSparamotor
    @MikeSparamotor Před 2 měsíci

    Glad you’re ok. Could have been much worse.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      For sure. That does seem to be the consensus.

  • @iKenFlyPPG
    @iKenFlyPPG Před 2 měsíci

    csmith is a proven expert in this type of situation and I will submit his pilot decisions here were the best in this exact situation because he didn't hurt himself. When I fly low and it's safe, I do "powerline drills".
    A powerline drill is: cruising low like everything is good, (I'm crazy, also pretend in your mind a powerline is there actually, to get a life or death feeling), then panic turning. Do this easy when you first do it. Practicing both right & left because you must gain muscle memory with your weak side (the side the torque fights your turn), where you have to understand the balance of power, meaning more with the more power-weight motor prop combo you have. Also if you're straight on a powerline, I reckon turn to your power side (torque helps your turn), more muscle memory.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      I tend to agree. If I had "slalom skills" and a little faster reaction, I might have been able to pull off a hard left. Had I attempted it I think I would have ended up in the trees. Hard to say. I really thought I could squeeze under or at least just skim the top of the wing.

    • @paramotorbrandon
      @paramotorbrandon Před 2 měsíci

      ​@csmith9008 same, my "panic turn" would have had me in the dirt either way 😆

    • @iKenFlyPPG
      @iKenFlyPPG Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@csmith9008 Everything happening so quick, you had a quick plan that I think worked, as you said could have been worse. You kept the controls steady and stayed low, didn't make it worse which is the empirical truth as seen.

  • @williamcapps6120
    @williamcapps6120 Před měsícem

    sena my dude. grab some sena headsets lol. beautiful day for a flight though.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před měsícem

      Ha! Let me just add that to the 50 other suggestions for what to get. That's the problem. Everyone has their own thing.

    @PRDMRE Před 2 měsíci

    Send it off, easy repair, it will be as good as new

  • @Eric_Tennant
    @Eric_Tennant Před 2 měsíci

    My wife wont let me fly.

  • @Graham_lee
    @Graham_lee Před 2 měsíci

    Unlucky.. good you are ok, bit of gaffer tape will sort that

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +1

      Ha!!! You can be the first one to test fly that. Maybe thrown on a few pieces of grandmas old quilt for extra security?

    • @Graham_lee
      @Graham_lee Před 2 měsíci

      @@csmith9008 I think Il pass on that thanks.. All the best hope it hasn't put you off

  • @austin88326
    @austin88326 Před 2 měsíci

    How do you differentiate between waving your arms to say "WATCH OUT HAZARD" vs "HELP IM INJURED" ? Glad you escaped uninjured buddy!

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci +2

      😆 I figured they were too far away to see me drag my thumb across my throat like a wrestler and point at the wire.

  • @davidis7
    @davidis7 Před 2 měsíci

    I still never saw the power line

  • @francoisbarusseau7320
    @francoisbarusseau7320 Před 2 měsíci

    I don''t the flght rules in your country but in France the minimum flight level is 500 feet above ground. Height equals safety. In your case, it could be worse...You're very very lucky.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      We are good 0 to 18,000ft, while following designated air space rules for the specific area.

    • @francoisbarusseau7320
      @francoisbarusseau7320 Před 2 měsíci

      @@csmith9008 Thanks for the answer. What is your country ?

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Texas- USA

    @PUNKMYVIDEO Před 2 měsíci

    Those magnificent men in their dying machines.

  • @ar15gator
    @ar15gator Před měsícem

    Lucky today!

  • @solansys
    @solansys Před 2 měsíci

    אין כמו לטוס נמוך , אבל צריך להכיר את השטח ! אתה בסדר ?

  • @EvilBikerGangOfTheSky
    @EvilBikerGangOfTheSky Před 2 měsíci

    This really isnt 'part of the sport'! Lesson one, dont fly into power lines. Under yes, over yes, into thats a big NO 🤣Glad you're ok though.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      CZcams is full of people doing stupid stuff on paramotors and crashing. That's the basis for my comment being part of the sport. Do stupid things, get stupid results. At least you didn't criticize me for my corn management skills!

  • @armymxere5
    @armymxere5 Před 2 měsíci

    most roads have power Iines

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      100% correct. A rule I clearly disregarded.

  • @rule1dontgosplat
    @rule1dontgosplat Před 2 měsíci

    All in all that looked like a pretty tame crash. Glad you’re okay. Can a glider company inspect and repair it?

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Several folks have suggested that. Just not sure how secure I would feel on it. A new wing is already in the works so all is well.

    • @rule1dontgosplat
      @rule1dontgosplat Před 2 měsíci

      @@csmith9008 Yeah i guess that makes sense. There would always be that nagging doubt…

  • @jphickory522
    @jphickory522 Před 2 měsíci

    Glad you weren’t hurt. Do you have permission to be flying that low over the crop fields? If I was the land owner, or farmer, I wouldn’t take too kindly to that.

    • @577buttfan
      @577buttfan Před 2 měsíci

      The farmer doesn't own the air.

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      Completely legal, but as a rule if a landowner expresses they do not like it or do not want us there then we will respect that request.

  • @bobflyman
    @bobflyman Před měsícem

    I was taught, don't look out for power lines, look for the poles! 😂. You were dead lucky.
    Dang. Love your accent. I've got a channel and someone said I've got a Game of Thrones accent. I've never seen it! @bobflyman

  • @johnandrews3049
    @johnandrews3049 Před 2 měsíci

    Next time get out of the guys field stop walking on his money..

    • @csmith9008
      @csmith9008  Před 2 měsíci

      No corn was harmed in the making of this video.

  • @infidel14825
    @infidel14825 Před 2 měsíci

    Well you have a good story and you walked away.

  • @andrewflyz
    @andrewflyz Před 2 měsíci +1

    Thanks for sharing! Glad you are okay!