Light vs smart characters in outsmarting

  • čas přidán 14. 02. 2024

Komentáře • 595

  • @Aexoert
    @Aexoert Před 4 měsíci +229

    Bro cannot be defeated by anyone except L

    • @EzCope
      @EzCope Před 4 měsíci +9

      He killed him

    • @Aexoert
      @Aexoert Před 4 měsíci +46

      @@EzCope getting killed and getting defeated are different things in this anime

    • @ANIME-pf7xy
      @ANIME-pf7xy Před 4 měsíci +14

      Imo he outsmarts everyone here except friend, Johan, L, akiyama, morairty and tokuchi so this edit is pretty spot on

    • @Aexoert
      @Aexoert Před 4 měsíci +3

      @@ANIME-pf7xy nuh uh

    • @ANIME-pf7xy
      @ANIME-pf7xy Před 4 měsíci +4

      @@Aexoert yuh uh

    @UNAMNED Před 5 měsíci +71

    Bro went from ayano to akiyama and tokuchi 💀
    W edit bro

    • @Verezen
      @Verezen Před 4 měsíci +2

      Akiyama is very close to Ayanokoji though…
      Biggest jump was from Tokuichi to Moriarty 💀 Moriarty is something else and too underrated

    • @UNAMNED
      @UNAMNED Před 4 měsíci +2

      @@Verezen 💀💀💀
      Akiyama close to koji ...
      Bro did u read truth game or ?
      Akiyama is almost equal to baku .
      Going to tokuchi to moriarty wasn't that big of à jump , canon moriarty very high diff tokuchi and akiyama (separatly)

    • @kkeweyi
      @kkeweyi Před 4 měsíci +2

      "equal to baku"
      Baku mid-high diffs, Aki high-very high diffs Koji@@UNAMNED

    • @UNAMNED
      @UNAMNED Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@kkeweyi 💀💀
      I don't want to argue , here is my take
      FSIQ - aki
      WMI+PSI - aki(PSI) baku(WMI) , best feats:
      Baku : calculation of all possibilities during air poker
      Akiyama: cards calculation in 17 poker
      Akiyama unshuffled 17 cards and shuffled them again 7 times, while memorizing all the numbers.
      If you take in account all memory manipulations that aki did (17 * (7 + 1) = 136 *2 since he also memorized all of the cards), considering his statement of doing all the shuffles in the end of the 8th round (about 8 seconds) he did aproximatelly 54.4 memory manipulations in 1.6 seconds.
      Baku who just got the meaning of the card by the help of kaji started to figure out all posibilies all possibilities he had done all of his calculation (2 598 960 calculation at the end) by consuming 1 and a semi air bios so in ≈ 7,5 mins
      And what is impressive is rather the fact than he was able to do all of that with keeping all hands he has done in his head so that's why he takes WMI but akiyama takes PSI
      Btw 8 seconds is a higher time than it probably was, considering that the referee was talking very fast because of the "!!!", but let's take the average speed)
      FRI - Aki (akiyama's problem solve is insane, he uses logical reasoning away better than baku . In minority rule, for example, he realized that in 3 rounds the game would 100% end, since there was 20 players, the minority of the first round would be 9 or less, in the next, 4 or less and then the winner. So, if you allied with 7 people, you would guarantee the victory, only if someone didn't applied the same strategy as yours. Akiyama also found a way to solve the musical chairs votes by revealing Yokoya's and Harimoto's deception of giving trash coins.
      Baku also has good FRI but not enough feats compared to akiyama , aky fri is even better than characters like akagi or PJ who already stand at the top of smart character in FRI .
      VSI+VCI - Aki (
      Vizualized one entire house correctly just by seeing it's windows (akiyama got right the entire building of Nao's teacher just by seeing it's windows and struture, he mapped it perfecly. Ayanoko mapping of the island was good
      Observed that the dealer was separating exactly 9 and 8 cards (Nothing much to explain, but observing the difference of a piece of paper in a mount is very hard,
      Understand that the fastest routes to the chairs would be avoided by Harimoto when hiding it, since people would pass throw there (understand the space very well and used it to get information, Harimoto understanding of the space to hide the chair is already very good, but aki understanding that he would do that and eliminated the possible places is amazing)
      Created a perfect replica of a magical instrument (block design feat)
      Vizualized the entire 4 kingdoms game before it happened (more than 100 moves of other players and strategies used by Yokoya and Nao, he thought of all that just after hearing the rules))
      On the other hand lalo have better VCI than baku bcz when the game started he have take a long breath when the water was abt to be on the top.(at least baku air poker but baku air poker and stl are not that différents the only major diff is that flow state that baku used against hal)
      Have managed to visualise the island of protoporos to gain as much money as lalo at the 1st meeting (on the coloseum)
      And that's pretty all baku don't have really much VSI or VCI feats that are useful his others feats are against suteguma , sadakuni... but are not enough against akiyama so akiyama takes
      intellect - aki (no need to explain but if u want i can)
      Intelligence - baku (same no need to explain but i can if u want)
      crystallized - aki (akiyama applied his knowledge multiple times to formulate his strategies. For example, in russian roulete he applied his knowledge of real world physics and mathematics to figure out the bullet place, he also apllied the knowledge of shuffles in 17 poker that the mount go back to the start postion after 8 shuffles, applied psychological knowledge to make Nao's teacher mentally and psycological destroyed, applied his knowledge of the magic trick to deceive everyone in pandemics and goes on. Baku's usage of crystalized intelligence in protoporos was good in général but not as creative and complex as akiyama (honorable mention for his use of morse code during labyrinth arc)
      fluid - aki (same explanation as FRI tbh, I know that these aren't the same thing, but my other explanation seems to fit here)
      Thinking - akiyama
      Lateral thinking - baku (baku's moves are a lot more creative than akiyama's, aky rely more on logical ways that are uncounterable . He used the coin flow to manipulate the entire Gaya, a magic trick to deceive all pandemics, the letters to deceive Nao's teacher and goes on. Baku used lateral thinking to plan the leap second , the ky déclaration, TOK... so he takes lateral thinking)
      Concrete thinking - aki (akiyama's plans are direct, he always tries to acomplish an exact goal. In human auction, he wanted people to buy the worst of all of them to make him able to sell himself to a trash group, using that by buying one of the players to his team, making him unable to be bought. He also used the amount of people in Minory rule like I explained before, used his own money and realized that he could regain it later in downsizing game, thought of the bullet strategy in russian roulete, used the amount of cards to guarantee a win in bid poker.)
      Linear thinking - aki (same explanation as concrete)
      Non linear thinking - baku (same as lateral)
      Associative thinking - baku( was able to assiciate evrything he had in his hand to plan STL and even during stl for the leap second , souichi memory loss , p mode ...)
      Logical thinking - aki (agreed in reasoning, so we agree here)
      aplicational thinking - aki (agreed in strategy)
      Strategy - akiyama (no need to explain)
      planning - baku (no need to explain)
      Deduction - aki (I’m gonna use their both best feat in deduction in my opinion. Baku deduction of the whole labyrinth against amado and Akiyama deducting that Yokoya was infected in the pandemic game.)
      More detail abt everything and feats if u want
      (Thx to @lucastomaz7422 for aky feats)

    • @UNAMNED
      @UNAMNED Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@kkeweyi 2/2
      Explaination of baku's feat:
      During the labyrinth arc amado wjo revealed himself as the real enemy challenged baku into a huge labyrinth and baku had to deduce what was the way of the labyrinth , so he had to deduce:
      1.if the labyrinth was the same for everyone or not
      2.if he was on a corner or not
      3.which corner was he on .
      4. Does the others have already meet once or not
      5.does the labyrinth have lots of way where only one is the real or if the labyrinth had only one way .
      Still had to figure out the movements of everyone
      1. He used the mors messages between Amado and the other guy to kned there position .
      2. Amado was saying the truth or not
      3. If Amado was aware of the labyrinth
      He still needed to make the labyrinth by association with all éléments he had.
      1. We all have the same labyrinth
      2. Amado did knew the position of everyone bcz of his disease that made him able to hear colors
      3. He finnaly found after 1 hour if i remember the pattern which had the most chances to be the right and the most logical .
      Total premises: 11
      Akiyama deduction explanation: everybody got infected in the end, meaning that someone broke Nao’s scheme, since Akiyama tested the possibility of 2 liars and it didn’t work. To broke the scheme, you have to make contact with a person whose is the first contact for 2 times or more in a row and be infected. Yokoya was the one whose made contact with more than one people which was the first contact in a row, meaning that he was infected. You don’t gain nothing by telling everyone that you lied in not being infected, and Yokoya don’t gain nothing because that gives the possibility of one of the two “infected guys” is lying. So, in conclusion, both of them lied and Yokoya’s plan was to infect everyone except him and the two guys, making them the winners.
      1. One liar doesn’t work
      2. Two liars doesn’t work
      There wasn’t a liar in the infected who made them lose

      1. The only way to infect someone is by making contact with him while he own 0 or 1 vaccine
      2. Only people in the start follow that condition
      The culprit made contact with the infected in the start
      1. Everyone was infected
      2. The culprit made contact with the infected in the start
      The culprit made the first contact of a lot of people
      1. The one who made the first contact of most people was Yokoya
      2. The culprit made the first contact of a lot of people
      Yokoya is the culprit
      1. Glasses doesn’t gain nothing by admitting that
      2. If he doesn’t gain nothing he isn’t lying
      Glasses is one of the infected
      1. There are only 2 infected
      2. Those are Yokoya and glasses
      Both “infected” guys lied
      1. Yokoya could’ve been saved by them
      2. Yokoya would only do that scheme if he was also one of the winners
      Yokoya was saved
      1. The two guy and Yokoya are the only one who are guaranteed to not be infected
      2. The winners are the people who aren’t infected
      Two guys and Yokoya were the winners
      Total: 16 premises.
      You can see that Akiyama won in number of premises.
      Akiyama’s premises were harder to prove, since he had to draw the explanation of his observation of the amount of liars, while lalo just had to deduce why does he gave him this and if this was a trap or not
      The conclusion of Akiyama’s deduction is less obvious than baku's, since he had to prove more premises than baku)
      Anticipation - Aki ( baku best anticipations are that hal was going to have memory loss , that rodemu was not a bad person and that lalo will fall for his trap with the ace air in air poker which was correct and finnaly that using the food in protoporos will lead him to the win .Akiyama's feat in pandemics is a very good antipation of Yokoya's move, some people argue that it was lucky Yokoya doesn't realizing that Akiyama's voice wasn't muscle's, but Akiyama was stated to be a master of disguice, and already changed his voice twice before doing that in pandemics, he is very skilled in that. Also, Akiyama's anticipation is more logical than lalo's because even if Yokoya figure out the plan, he wouldn't have enough time to persuade the other players. Akiyama also anticipated Fukunaga's entire plan in Minority rule by contacting 15 before the game and always staying in Fukunaga's team, anticipated Fukunaga figuring out that Nao was probably using a trick and said to her put the mark in the wrong card, anticipated the entire human auction game to make him able to be in a trash team by contacting one of the riches before the game, so he wouldn't launch in Akiyama and their team would be eliminated, anticipated Yokoya's 5 tricks in contraband using them against him (card burn, recorder, puting money in opponent's ATM, prisioner dilema and abusive dominance))
      Manipulation - baku
      Indirect manipulation - aki (Akiyama strategy to indirect manipulate Yokoya to don’t sleep:
      -manipulate the entire Gaya into forming a group, forcing Yokoya to create an alliance with Harimoto to save his coins. Yokoya would have to observe Harimoto the entire night to guarantee that he wouldn’t betray him. Yokoya became weak the next day and couldn’t fight the Gaya to free him. Akiyama manipulated Yokoya to use Gaya to win, Yokoya made a whole strategy that got anticipated by Akiyama, that strategy being the ONLY way that he could’ve won and btw indiretly manipulated yokoya to make him realise that he was on the wrong pass and become his ally)
      emotional manipulation - baku (Amado, hal pm , lalo ...)
      Direct manipulation - baku (I don't think I need to give explanations here, but baku manipulated suteguma into thinking he had found his number of beas , he manipulated hal into thinking he had won ...)
      Logical manipulation - aki (used the fact that Yokoya and Harimoto were giving trash coins to manipulate them to make them want to manipulate them both, also put the entire bid poker in a situation they had to cooperate with akiyama)
      fixed: akiyama high diff
      non fixed: baku high diff
      Rls :baku high diff (bcz akiyama also is a monster in rls he have alone down one of the biggest MLM of whole japan and got qualified as "biggest scam of whole japan history)
      Fs prep time (akiyama mid-high diff)
      Nfs prep time (baku mid-high diff can be mid diff)
      overall: baku extrême diff can even go either way on some points exept nfs and nfs prep time.
      explain me your point if you disagree
      (Thx to @lucastomaz7422 for aky feats)

  • @nowaystudio
    @nowaystudio Před 5 měsíci +63

    But I think friend can outsmart him..

  • @gbm_alphaX
    @gbm_alphaX Před 4 měsíci +90

    Bro his iq 9999999 💀
    MAMA I am famous

  • @Idqfxemo90
    @Idqfxemo90 Před 4 měsíci +218

    Ayanokouji: messing up with his classmates 🤡
    Light : messing up with whole CBI and FBI plus the best detective of the world 💀

    • @xandercrow3400
      @xandercrow3400 Před 4 měsíci +34

      Damn crazy how except for Naomi, L, Near and Mello, that all of those FBI, CBI and detectives are all Hashimoto victims
      And then all of those except L are Takuya victims anyways.

    • @SmartEagleYT
      @SmartEagleYT Před 4 měsíci +38

      According to your logic
      Baku, Tokuchi, Sora : Gambler🤡
      Light : Messing up with FBI, CBI, best detective in the world 🤯

    • @Levi-yu4nj
      @Levi-yu4nj Před 4 měsíci +2

      Nagumo is smartest that Death note vers bro(Except Light and L)

    • @Xiter2024
      @Xiter2024 Před 4 měsíci +25

      Stop using that STUPID argument. Literally all of the FBI and CBI are Horikita victims

    • @user-re7rz3bg4i
      @user-re7rz3bg4i Před 4 měsíci +1

      Lelouch: messing up with whole world

  • @user-pd9tx2di2j
    @user-pd9tx2di2j Před 2 měsíci +6

    Bro was put against fodder until he started losing

  • @Ayerevy
    @Ayerevy Před 4 měsíci +16

    Bro dropped the hardest edit in the whole fucking world

  • @Deed_outside
    @Deed_outside Před 5 měsíci +9

    Such a smooth and underrated editor

  • @SlideTon
    @SlideTon Před 5 měsíci +8

    Fire cold Edit + Fax.
    Imo Takuya clears extreme diffs because PA Scaling, anyways W in Normal Scaling.

  • @MrRWord
    @MrRWord Před 5 měsíci +2

    Amazing edit + W takes as always.

  • @user-my2vb3so9v
    @user-my2vb3so9v Před 5 měsíci +1

    Peak 🐐 edit. Thanks for coming back

  • @Eden017
    @Eden017 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Fun fact about me i simp for light , like he's edits , show is pretty good itself now you make me rewatch it 😊😱🥶😇

  • @nightrofx
    @nightrofx Před 5 měsíci +39

    Light Yagami negs anime verse in speed
    Light speed is the fastest in the universe
    Edit: Guys chill out, It was a joke

    • @cloroxbleach3936
      @cloroxbleach3936 Před 5 měsíci +1

      there are many anime verse faster than light speed

    • @bacchadumII
      @bacchadumII Před 5 měsíci +3

      @@cloroxbleach3936Aha but he mentioned only our universe

    • @cloroxbleach3936
      @cloroxbleach3936 Před 5 měsíci +1

      he also mentioned that (light yagami negs 'anime verse' in speed)

    • @Hoshino-editz
      @Hoshino-editz Před 5 měsíci

      he doesn't understand that light yagami is a name of a anime character not the unit of speed

    • @Vitou777
      @Vitou777 Před 4 měsíci

      ​@@bacchadumII no, he didn't

  • @kazinavedulalam3689
    @kazinavedulalam3689 Před 4 měsíci +13

    Meanwhile Aizen who planned this whole video 🗿

  • @vandanayadav2806
    @vandanayadav2806 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Baki madarama a.k.a usogui : laughing in the corner

  • @Vegitooeditz
    @Vegitooeditz Před 5 měsíci

    Fire edit🔥🔥 + Cold intro🥶🥶 makes the video becomes perfect🗿🗿 and Fax💯💯

  • @user-js2hg8op6l
    @user-js2hg8op6l Před 5 měsíci +99

    Friend > light

  • @CARS_WORLD_00
    @CARS_WORLD_00 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Light yagami is so smart guy

  • @noob15caixasdeabacaxi16
    @noob15caixasdeabacaxi16 Před 5 měsíci +2

    O cara e brabo com certeza

  • @Haewryz
    @Haewryz Před 5 měsíci

    Joseph joestar: Your next line is, I Kira have won! Hahahah!!!

  • @AMV_EDITZ123
    @AMV_EDITZ123 Před 5 měsíci +4

    Song name - 28 days

  • @kronos9301
    @kronos9301 Před 5 měsíci +7

    W edit but Yuuichi outsmarts Light

  • @SaM__Dot
    @SaM__Dot Před 5 měsíci

    My man on a mission 😬😈

  • @ikigai1799
    @ikigai1799 Před 5 měsíci

    W edit and all fax

  • @shubhrangshudas5618
    @shubhrangshudas5618 Před 4 měsíci +2

    It's Aizen's plan

  • @Lol-dk3od
    @Lol-dk3od Před 5 měsíci +18

    Stops at Yuuichi Lmoa Light will always stay as Yuuichi Victim

    • @amaofficialx
      @amaofficialx Před 5 měsíci +16

      Light low diffs that BB victim

    • @Lol-dk3od
      @Lol-dk3od Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@amaofficialx You think Light>BB Lmoa ok!

    • @Lol-dk3od
      @Lol-dk3od Před 5 měsíci

      @@Chungusisreal yeah I know L>BB>Yuuichi>Light lmao

    • @Lol-dk3od
      @Lol-dk3od Před 5 měsíci

      @@Chungusisreal 💀

    • @TheMatrix003
      @TheMatrix003 Před 4 měsíci +2

      @@Lol-dk3od Light : Ryuk pass me the deathnote
      L : please i don't wanna die again.
      Yuuichi : l l light my fans was just kiding.
      bb : uwu please.

  • @BlueGoat7
    @BlueGoat7 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Bros watching "living journal"

  • @user-kt1nm9mz3i
    @user-kt1nm9mz3i Před měsícem

    Holy shit this goes hard

  • @JillMcDowell237
    @JillMcDowell237 Před 4 měsíci

    W edit❤, Imo Friend Slams Light mid-high diff and the rest are fax.

  • @oltzu5206
    @oltzu5206 Před 4 měsíci

    Im glad you put near below light

  • @PurBoost
    @PurBoost Před 4 měsíci

    Bro really said you can’t access to papers of school name 😂

    • @hirohimeno
      @hirohimeno Před měsícem +2

      Bro Don't Know What Outsmarting Means

  • @shadowfreddy4044
    @shadowfreddy4044 Před 5 měsíci

    10/10 edit

  • @muhammedkhalilov2460
    @muhammedkhalilov2460 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Johan💀he is fr

  • @MANASSEH_edits
    @MANASSEH_edits Před 4 měsíci

    Moster laughing at corner 😂

  • @CypherThunder
    @CypherThunder Před 2 měsíci +2

    Light outsmarts Johan and Koji

    • @partyvietnamcommunist4829
      @partyvietnamcommunist4829 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Both low diff Light

    • @aga4331
      @aga4331 Před měsícem

      Nah,Johan prob can due to the buffs he got,but midkoji gets dogged by both ​@@partyvietnamcommunist4829

  • @Sunday.767
    @Sunday.767 Před 4 měsíci

    Thanks for goosebumps

  • @user-sq1qp6gi8l
    @user-sq1qp6gi8l Před 7 dny

    Nah yuuichi is underrated

  • @user-he9iw9vx1w
    @user-he9iw9vx1w Před 4 měsíci +1

    And baku madarame from usogui

    @SHAHIDANSARI-mj8yu Před 4 měsíci

    Brooh own this song anyway😮

  • @TonyStankEditz
    @TonyStankEditz Před 4 měsíci

    yo w edit can i use the audio?

  • @soumyajitsen6897
    @soumyajitsen6897 Před 3 měsíci

    Friend >>>

  • @db2663
    @db2663 Před 5 měsíci

    The Holy Trinity of Bungo Stray Dogs has entered the chat

  • @pro-prime2443
    @pro-prime2443 Před 5 měsíci +2

    How the fuck ligh > yuuichi and friend ???? This has to be a joke right

  • @Russian_guy96
    @Russian_guy96 Před 4 měsíci +9

    I think ayanokoji and light would be the best duo🗿

    • @SON_GOHAN_187.
      @SON_GOHAN_187. Před 4 měsíci +1

      Yes But Think If Johan And Light Become Duo☠️

    • @kenzo15959
      @kenzo15959 Před 4 měsíci +5

      Think about if L and Koji become duo

    • @Animegameslover
      @Animegameslover Před 3 měsíci +1

      Ayanakoji and kira >>>>>>any duo✅🔱🥵🥵🥵🥶🥶🥶

  • @lWithered
    @lWithered Před 5 měsíci

    Perfect all fax

  • @aashindra7009
    @aashindra7009 Před 5 měsíci +1

    You didn't put lelouch from code geass

  • @Monster-f1nx
    @Monster-f1nx Před 4 měsíci

    U have to take yuichi serious🥶

  • @amirbarghaman2420
    @amirbarghaman2420 Před 5 měsíci +92

    He clears ayano
    Rest was fax

    • @user-jj5ej4ty2l
      @user-jj5ej4ty2l Před 5 měsíci +39

      Ayano > light mid diff😂

    • @CloudsL0
      @CloudsL0 Před 5 měsíci


    • @kshitijsingh2412
      @kshitijsingh2412 Před 5 měsíci +21

      Manipulation : yagami >>ayano
      Outsmarting and physical ability: ayano>>>>yagami

    • @_.Zeraaa._
      @_.Zeraaa._ Před 5 měsíci +4


    • @devilayush6725
      @devilayush6725 Před 5 měsíci +1

      If their is lot of time it might be Light but even then Ayanokoji is on another level

  • @ahmadarfeen247
    @ahmadarfeen247 Před 4 měsíci

    Well it is said that dazai can outsmart light yagami which means he can or may outsmart ayanokoji too well that's what it said when I searched it up

  • @akzuuzumaki780
    @akzuuzumaki780 Před 5 měsíci

    W + all fax

  • @sawer221
    @sawer221 Před 5 měsíci +16


  • @blackmonkey-mk1dw
    @blackmonkey-mk1dw Před 5 měsíci +1

    You can't do anything about it if you saw this guy following just accept your fate

  • @Meltdown17
    @Meltdown17 Před 2 měsíci +25

    Ayanokoji : manipulating highschool students😂
    Light : manipulating FBI and police + world's greatest detective💀💀

    • @VoidNovel
      @VoidNovel Před 2 měsíci

      old ass argument.

    • @Ananyasingh06150
      @Ananyasingh06150 Před 2 měsíci +3

      By that logic light>akiyama

    • @SmartEagleYT
      @SmartEagleYT Před 2 měsíci +3

      By your logic Light > Tokuchi
      Tokuchi is just a baseball player cuz Light manipulate FBI + world greatest detectives, and Tokuchi just beat random people at baseball

    • @TheLawkira
      @TheLawkira Před měsícem

      For guys who is say logic
      Since light messing with world greatest decetive
      Akiyama messing with northern country person or whatever atleast mention that what they are facing
      And there is ayanokoji who is messing with university students
      🗿🗿 Just mention full details clowns

    • @Ananyasingh06150
      @Ananyasingh06150 Před měsícem +2

      @@TheLawkira have you read cote ?

  • @CertifiedNlghur
    @CertifiedNlghur Před měsícem

    Stopped at yuuichi

  • @Random_VideosH2R
    @Random_VideosH2R Před 4 měsíci

    But no one can defeat his laugh

  • @DRUNKENMASTER_40_years_ago
    @DRUNKENMASTER_40_years_ago Před 5 měsíci +3

    Destroys ayano and johan

    • @Kiyopon-156
      @Kiyopon-156 Před 4 měsíci +1

      watching from the microwave

    • @TheMystic0
      @TheMystic0 Před 4 měsíci

      Bro read monster and COTE light novel

    • @DRUNKENMASTER_40_years_ago
      @DRUNKENMASTER_40_years_ago Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@TheMystic0 light novel ? Nah... Why would I spend my time too much on phone instead of touching grass ?

    • @daveuzumaki8897
      @daveuzumaki8897  Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@DRUNKENMASTER_40_years_ago you mean reading a book 💀

    • @DRUNKENMASTER_40_years_ago
      @DRUNKENMASTER_40_years_ago Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@daveuzumaki8897 lol.. yeah.. even if it is a book I should read it in virtual form which strains my eyes

  • @user-gy9cy2nw1w
    @user-gy9cy2nw1w Před 3 měsíci

    Bro got defeated by nero

  • @steveneshak9922
    @steveneshak9922 Před 4 měsíci

    What are the names of the anime these characters belong to?

  • @Arun12366
    @Arun12366 Před 4 měsíci

    Bgm name

  • @blazi5218
    @blazi5218 Před měsícem


  • @user-sm8fi7fq1f
    @user-sm8fi7fq1f Před 5 měsíci

    Who is better at manipulation johan or light

  • @marchymeow4584
    @marchymeow4584 Před 4 měsíci

    L, johan, and lighttt

  • @user-xw3lc2ef1g
    @user-xw3lc2ef1g Před 4 měsíci

    We're is Rick Sanchez 😢😢

  • @josethomas2757
    @josethomas2757 Před měsícem

  • @user-vs6kk1nj2z
    @user-vs6kk1nj2z Před 5 měsíci

    Forgot senku

  • @managobindadasmana7773
    @managobindadasmana7773 Před 3 měsíci

    Wait what friend lost no way

  • @bernardogassen5785
    @bernardogassen5785 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Famboy, nunca q o light ganhar do yuuichi nunca, o yuuichi da uma surra nele.

  • @ranjitsinghrajput8471
    @ranjitsinghrajput8471 Před 4 měsíci

    Lord Yagami🥶🥶💀☠️

  • @naturalkiller3285
    @naturalkiller3285 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Imo Light wind against Ayano and Johan.
    The rest is fax.

  • @user-pk6ww1yf4m
    @user-pk6ww1yf4m Před 4 měsíci

    I feel like bb can outsmart him

  • @Mait188
    @Mait188 Před 5 měsíci +3

    He clears L and koji

  • @atodiusbertive2910
    @atodiusbertive2910 Před 5 měsíci +16

    Light outsmarts l and Ayanokouji fs, Johan maybe

    • @TimsterLuvesGunz
      @TimsterLuvesGunz Před 5 měsíci +2

      Nah he lost to L

    • @DrRelevant2006
      @DrRelevant2006 Před 5 měsíci

      He doesn't

    • @omerrr07
      @omerrr07 Před 5 měsíci +3

      ​@@TimsterLuvesGunzhe killed l what are you talking about😂

    • @TimsterLuvesGunz
      @TimsterLuvesGunz Před 5 měsíci

      @@omerrr07 Kira losing at the end Was in Ls plan k

    • @omerrr07
      @omerrr07 Před 5 měsíci +3

      @@TimsterLuvesGunz Lawliet left only a few pieces of evidence when he died, it was not his plan for Light to die.

  • @YashShetye-hx7jl
    @YashShetye-hx7jl Před 4 měsíci

    In which anime is friend

  • @StuDieing
    @StuDieing Před 4 měsíci

    Why is ayanokoji considered smart can somebody give me an example

  • @Thebat1997
    @Thebat1997 Před 5 měsíci

    What if batman showed up

  • @Xiter2024
    @Xiter2024 Před 4 měsíci +1

    W for Yumeko>Near and Mello.

  • @mtg1574
    @mtg1574 Před 5 měsíci

    True Fax

  • @turminhadogames3295
    @turminhadogames3295 Před 4 měsíci

    Lelouch vs Smart Characters in manipulation and leadership
    Leadership lulu and manipulation geass

  • @bacchadumII
    @bacchadumII Před 5 měsíci

    Yuuichi clears but W

  • @user-gr9fw9gk1o
    @user-gr9fw9gk1o Před 4 měsíci +1

    Ayanoukoji is much better than light cuz he knows when and how to handle a situation without envolving emotions but light many times made big mistakes just like he did in the starting of the series and light was arrogant and overconfident, but still a genius...

    • @TomasBregman
      @TomasBregman Před 2 měsíci

      Most of Lights decisions weren't mistakes. It was simply him being prideful.

  • @azlansarwary9085
    @azlansarwary9085 Před 4 měsíci +2

    I’m beginning to hate ayanokoji, because people keep saying that light is dumber than him.

  • @abdulsenpaii
    @abdulsenpaii Před 5 měsíci


  • @ACCricketShorts
    @ACCricketShorts Před 5 měsíci +29

    No way Ayanokoji and L clears Light
    Light already outsmarted L in Death Note
    And Kiyotaka doesn't come close to Light as yet.

    • @yashvardhansinghjodhta339
      @yashvardhansinghjodhta339 Před 5 měsíci +5

      yeah light defeated el but i always feel like he knew that light is kira but maybe don't wanna believe that he is kira, he got very close to him and considered him a friend but light was too cold.
      And he started the investigation out of nothing and even though at that time light didn't had any experience he had every advantage over him, the benifit of doubt, the girl (i forgot her name) he was among the team of el etc. And still was able to pull the investigation so far out of thin air. The kids who defeated him had almost every information they just discovered just a little bit. And after he defeated el i had very high hopes that if he gets defeated, it would be a hell of a fight but the way he got outsmarted was just pathetic.

    • @DrRelevant2006
      @DrRelevant2006 Před 5 měsíci +19

      Ayanokoji easily clears light. It's not close

    • @Abhay_905
      @Abhay_905 Před 5 měsíci +2

      Bro Light has unfair advantages of lot of things like Know about shinigami world and a lot of stuff that no one even knows about it. If u know creater of death note say L is Smartest in Death note. Ayanokoji can win or not because their anime not working like this Ayanokoji COTE ( Classroom of the elite ) has some physical benefits but Death note is on another level Light be like- what's your name?
      Ayanokoji - it's Ayanokoji Kiyotaka
      Light - 😂😂

    • @Bob-fw7ed
      @Bob-fw7ed Před 5 měsíci

      Your right

    • @neoyt4985
      @neoyt4985 Před 5 měsíci

      😂😂😂😂😂light defeat l

  • @387.44_AM
    @387.44_AM Před 4 měsíci

    What song?

  • @MercedesLaVoitureNoire
    @MercedesLaVoitureNoire Před 4 měsíci

    Light can out smart ayanokoji

  • @rickofrost5121
    @rickofrost5121 Před 5 měsíci

    Johan gaps

  • @Him42650
    @Him42650 Před 4 měsíci

    If light yagami fought dumb characters they would win

  • @badran1452
    @badran1452 Před 5 měsíci +1


  • @aio3622
    @aio3622 Před 4 měsíci

    Friend gaps imo

  • @Nowwhere._.
    @Nowwhere._. Před 4 měsíci

    L is not smart that's why he killed by light
    And also the biggest moment that when light touch death note in helicopter.☠️
    Kira .....

  • @bululue1011
    @bululue1011 Před 5 měsíci

    even in statistic if you see in the manga, light more "one bar" than L.

    • @bululue1011
      @bululue1011 Před 5 měsíci

      And i see light lose vs ayano, the fk r u saying.

  • @arminarlert5528
    @arminarlert5528 Před 4 měsíci

    I love moriarty

  • @Skskisnsisnjsjsid
    @Skskisnsisnjsjsid Před 4 měsíci +2

    Arsen lupen >>>>

  • @KamogeloMahuma-uc4zr
    @KamogeloMahuma-uc4zr Před 4 měsíci

    Light Solos 😮

  • @guiliannathefierceluvancep270

    Near would clear.

  • @scorchingradiance7605
    @scorchingradiance7605 Před 5 měsíci

    BB and friend win they are near equals of L and johan

  • @Brookiscool12
    @Brookiscool12 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Ayanokouji slams
    Zoro neqs

    @THE_FANG_YUAN Před 2 měsíci +1

    Light is fodder
    Yuuchi and Friend outsmarts him
    Almost all characters in 1 half of video is featless lol

  • @kilato9649
    @kilato9649 Před 5 měsíci +1

    He high diffs ayano

  • @user-nb1jj7rk8i
    @user-nb1jj7rk8i Před 4 měsíci

    Wheres saitama