Answering Questions About Demons, Spiritual Warfare and Anything Else!

  • čas přidán 4. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 1,3K

  • @crystalfarmer4074
    @crystalfarmer4074 Před rokem +6

    When my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer we all prayed for Jesus to heal her. My son was 11 at the time and began to get angry with God because she had complications and ended up in hospice several months before we thougnt she would. After my mom died my husband said something that helped my son not be angry with God. He said you prayed for Jesus to heal your mamaw and he did! He gave her enternal healing of all her health problems. He didn't heal her the way you wanted him to, but Jesus did heal her. Looking at it from that perspective helped all of us cope with it better and it really helped and comforted my son.

  • @faustacaldeira6068
    @faustacaldeira6068 Před 2 lety +257

    Hi Alan, you should've watched Isaiah's video completely. You are very knowledgeable and a blessing to my family. We're doing the daily audio bible with you, which is life changing, but these guys make very valid points. My husband is a recent convert from Islam and if it wasn't for their knowledge on delivery, we would still be bound and would not have experienced the power and authority in the name of Jesus. Please keep praying about it.

    • @lauralovesjesus
      @lauralovesjesus Před 2 lety +17

      My brothers and sisters in Christ, you are being deceived by "deliverance ministries" like Isaiah Saldivar and Daniel Adams. Anyone who is profiting from convincing people they need deliverance, especially frequently, should be scrutinized. If you want to understand what a REAL deliverance ministry is like, please read Kurt E Koch's books (i.e. Christian Counseling and Occultism). He was the real deal. To be clear: I DO believe that demonic affliction, oppression, and possession are real afflictions and that deliverance is a very important ministry within the Body of Christ. I do NOT think Isaiah Saldivar has been given this ministry by God, and I think he's a fraud who is using your desire for freedom to get views on youtube and make money off of you. Manifestating? Mass hypnosis. How do magicians hypnotize their audience to act like a chicken? Think critically. Read your Bibles. Demons are not going to be cast out casually on Zoom. Please, all of you watch this: may be about faith healing, but this is relevant to the "deliverance ministries" that are taking audiences captive with the supernatural. Isaiah twists Scripture and takes it out of context to fool you. Read. Your. Bibles. Learn proper exegesis. Please, friends. Please consider what I'm saying. These men are going to cause great injury to the Body of Christ. REAL deliverance is absolutely essential to those who are in the bondage of affliction and oppression, but youtube is not the place to find it. What Isaiah is doing is spiritual abuse.

    • @mburst71
      @mburst71 Před 2 lety +86

      @@lauralovesjesus I respectfully disagree. Isaiah was very kind and humble and open in his video. There is no reason for him to use casting out demons as a way to make money. That is unfair to accuse him of that. I think we can have different opinions on things as believers but I know that both these men are of God and doing great work. None of us will get this all right but I see the hearts of both these brothers. Like Allen said don't assume things about people

    • @jenellemelendez2521
      @jenellemelendez2521 Před 2 lety +53

      @@lauralovesjesus I absolutely disagree and Isaiah has never said “believers need deliverance frequently” he said people who need deliverance, NEED DELIVERANCE. He even preaches again people who are always trying to go to a deliverance/“supernatural” service yet never change. He even called that out and said you don’t need deliverance at that point you just need REPENTANCE because he agreed that there’s people that are trying to blame their problems on demons. You can tell he’s a very honest and genuine man, just because you don’t like the way he teaches or does deliverance doesn’t mean He’s false. We are also no one to say who God has or hasn’t called to a ministry, Blessings

    • @kaylablack2218
      @kaylablack2218 Před 2 lety +57

      @@lauralovesjesus the only injury Isaiah Saldivar and Daniel Adams are causing is to the kingdom of darkness. There are way too many testimonies PLUS the evidence of their love for Christ is so clear. They never degrade or attack other ministers and Isaiah for one, always used the word of God and gives full context for his position. These are mighty men of God doing a great work. Coming against demons means they will face major opposition, even from the church, so this to be expected. I challenge you to go watch their video they did refuting Allen Par’s video on deliverance. They give sound biblical support and lots of it. They always do in their videos. It’s not twisting scripture it’s giving it with the correct interpretation through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Anyway, be careful who you speak against that God has called and is using. Allen Par is a great Bible teacher as well, but he is wrong on some of these things about deliverance. And that’s ok, we are all learning. I wouldn’t call him a deceiver and say he’s leading people to hell just because I’m believe some of his interpretation of scripture is wrong. We are still on the same team.

    • @theouterplanet
      @theouterplanet Před 2 lety +12

      Avoid Isaiah and Kathryn Krick.

  • @freedom_Jesus
    @freedom_Jesus Před 2 lety +9

    As a person who had been through deliverance. The freedom that comes is beyond words. What joy I have in Christ Jesus. How awakened I have become. How much more do I want to know Jesus. To walk with him. Once you have been set free from demonic you never want to go back.
    I am so sad that many will never experience this. Because of a lack of understanding.

  • @marce7718
    @marce7718 Před 2 lety +124

    The one thing I've learned from my Christian leaders is to always pray on every situation or challenge or decision before anything. Pray it through and The Holy Spirit will guide you as always. I dont jump head first like I use to. Much respect brother Allen 🙏

    • @katjandow7702
      @katjandow7702 Před 2 lety +7

      I agree with you, brother. The conclusion is for us to be dependent on Christ and the True leading of The Holy Spirit. He is sure to stop us and say, “Hey, I’m not in that” or “ Proceed” if we are depending on Him through prayer in all things. If we acknowledge Him in ALL our ways, He will direct our paths. ( Ref Prov 3:5-6)

    • @chrysanthemums4963
      @chrysanthemums4963 Před 2 lety +1

      Amen 🙏🏽

  • @normanbrown7018
    @normanbrown7018 Před 2 lety +32

    Don't elevate your experience above the Holy Scripture. Amen Pastor Allen! wow!

    • @mburst71
      @mburst71 Před 2 lety +4

      I disagree with the idea that our experience means little. We are told to apply scripture so when you do then that equals experience with God in your personal relationship with him and gives testimony which we are to have.

    • @DukeOfCoolsville
      @DukeOfCoolsville Před 2 lety +2


    • @DukeOfCoolsville
      @DukeOfCoolsville Před 2 lety +2

      Aka your experience with the Holy Spirit, who inspired the whole book... read that again

  • @arturmataofficial
    @arturmataofficial Před 2 lety +99

    Brother Allen I love you but because I love you I have to tell you the truth: Remember That we are always learning, that's what disciple really means . Humility and A teachable heart is the key. I respect you but please at least reconsider your thoughts about this topic. They are too many people who needs deliverance and we need more workers not more division. God bless you. ( I have received deliverance and I can prove my experience with the scripture with no problem )

    • @Nikki-ci5ze
      @Nikki-ci5ze Před 2 lety +1

      What do you mean? Where do you believe he need to reconsider?

    • @anathkantonda
      @anathkantonda Před 2 lety +15

      Edit: Nowhere in the bible do we see a demon being cast out of a believer. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, our whole body. So the Spirit of God can’t live in one part (The “holy of Holies”) and demons in the carnal part as Paul tells us our Whole body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. So, with this being said, I still strongly stand on my point below, A Christian *Cannot* have the Holy Spirit in him and have demons also live in him. However, the Christian can be demon oppressed (e.g. when we’re tempted).
      His point is this, A CHRISTIAN CANNOT BE DEMON POSSESSED. Christians can be demon OPPRESSED though. If that's what you want him to reconsider then no, it's something that *you* need to reconsider. How can someone with the Holy Spirit who is light also have a demon living in him/her? (Emphasis on the believer having the Holy Spirit).

    • @moniquewrites9046
      @moniquewrites9046 Před 2 lety +1

      Well said, brother.

    • @JoseSanchez-ft4ef
      @JoseSanchez-ft4ef Před 2 lety +15

      The Holy Spirit lives in The Spirit Man, the demon dwells in the Flesh. A demon Cannot posses a Christian or have possession of his Spirit Man But a Christian can possess a demon by opening doors by unrepentance sin and l just leaving the door open....

    • @jobar7136
      @jobar7136 Před 2 lety +7

      @@anathkantonda demons hang out in the carnal area of your soul. Flesh vs. spirit the book of romans talks more in depth about it. Jesus paved the way for us to overcome the enemy
      Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
      If we didn’t have to worry about demons then we wouldn’t need this armor

  • @vanessachaidez
    @vanessachaidez Před 2 lety +101

    Yes, personal experiences are IMPORTANT, hence why testimonies make a difference/impact.

    • @NewCreationInChrist896
      @NewCreationInChrist896 Před 2 lety +8

      Amen, as children of God we're all called to help believers or non believers who come to us for help get delivered, possessed or influenced.

    • @Anthony-945
      @Anthony-945 Před 2 lety +5

      Facts 😇🙌

    • @christoprighteous8199
      @christoprighteous8199 Před 2 lety +4

      As long as they point to Jesus.

    • @loveafrica97
      @loveafrica97 Před 2 lety +1

      Literally Paul

    • @goyensjonathandjalmoztfr33
      @goyensjonathandjalmoztfr33 Před 2 lety +6

      No shade just saying That's not what he said he said dont put personal feelings / experiences over scripture. Also hes not against casting out demons either . This isnt an us vs them thing. We dont think like the world does. Cancel culture is culture not Christian.Theirs no you and me or us vs them theirs just us and every single human is flawed . Do not put anyone on a pedestal except the CHRIST. Stop with the tribalism and vitriol It's unecessary and it's idolatrous. it's ignorant for the hand to cut off the foot in the body of CHRIST. #TheBibleDojo #Jude3Project

  • @samlinton1307
    @samlinton1307 Před 11 měsíci +4

    You are honestly one of the most gifted and humble Bible teachers I’ve ever learned from. Thanks for what you do!

  • @blessingdanduri5158
    @blessingdanduri5158 Před 2 lety +10

    Isaiah and the brothers showed you respect and prayed for you. There was no hate if you watched it

    • @blessingdanduri5158
      @blessingdanduri5158 Před 2 lety

      @Connie Balmer I understand and I wasn't saying he's a bad man. Was just giving clarity

  • @jlove530
    @jlove530 Před 2 lety +26

    As someone who was very deeeep in the new age and metaphysical and just *truly* found Christ because I was raised a catholic, this video really covers a lot of my questions that I’ve struggled with and then some. Thank you so much !

    • @veggieeater763
      @veggieeater763 Před 2 lety +7

      Please watch other people especially if you came from the occult. Apostle Alexander Pagani is who you should look up.

    • @kathierouse5306
      @kathierouse5306 Před 2 lety +2

      How many "apostles" do you know who preach the Gospel, preach on sin, preach on the need to repent? Too many that I have heard of, are obsessed with the Holy Spirit. This grieves the Holy Spirit because He doesn't want the attention to Himself. He wants to direct our attention to Jesus.
      Also, too much attention is given to appearance, whereas God focuses on our hearts. I think it's beneficial to review often the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians. After all, that's where our biggest battles are. This is where the Scripture comes in that says, "The joy of the Lord is our strength." 🙂👍

    • @veggieeater763
      @veggieeater763 Před 2 lety +2

      @@kathierouse5306 Well, sent authentic Apostles say it but there isn’t a need for them teach on it, unless someone be a babe. Leave the elementary doctrines of Christ and pursue perfection, In that sense. Also everyone’s biggest battles isn’t in that, Some folks in Christ been put childish things away and are now completing the work of the Lord.They are continually proving the perfect will of God. Im not sure why “Apostles” is in quotations for you also… But know you can’t allow anyone who doesn’t represent God, misrepresent God in your eyes. Work out your own salvation through fear and trembling, and study to show yourself approved for that reason. Ask the five fold questions to get better understanding on how they think or what they see instead of attempting to teach yourself and or what should be taught. God wills how he wants to teach not how kathie wants or thinks it should be taught.

    • @relisbetrel
      @relisbetrel Před 2 lety +4

      Search for Everett Roeth, Isaiah Saldivar, Vlad Savchuk, Mike Signorelli, Alexander Pagani 💖

    • @coliver3017
      @coliver3017 Před 2 lety

      Please seek deliverance. It is the childrens bread. Deliverance is in the Bible. Jesus casted demons out everywhere He went, and He says we’re to do that and greater works! Especially coming out of New Age, deliverance is crucial. I’m praying Spirit leads you 💕

  • @anthonythomasrobinsonbrons5939

    Every single Christian has the authority to cast out demons in Jesus name! There is power in the name of Jesus!
    Also your experience is important! Your testimonies are important!
    Do not be deceived….always be lead by the Holy Spirit!

    • @tashriquemoodley6699
      @tashriquemoodley6699 Před 2 lety +16

      Amen brother Jesus name is enough!

    • @caseydog7839
      @caseydog7839 Před 2 lety +12

      Amen 🔥😇

    • @valentinogal781
      @valentinogal781 Před 2 lety +9

      Amen!!! That was what I said in another comment too.

    • @derrickward2354
      @derrickward2354 Před 2 lety +12

      Yes yes yes. Discern his spirit in the beginning. I don't say this to make it personal but he acted as of he never called Marcus out or called anyone out by name and he is above it. God bless his heart.

    • @valentinogal781
      @valentinogal781 Před 2 lety +12

      @@derrickward2354 I try and keep an open heart. I watched this video after praying it was on my recommendations. I know I have the holy spirit. I know what God's presence feels like. I am also a daughter of a minister who has been in ministry for over 40 years. I have seen possessions and watched as my dad and other bodies of leadership cast those demons out. I also experienced it for myself when my mom and I were only suppose to pray for someone's health but another person there was possessed and my mom and I who by the way had been fasting and praying cast those demons out in the name of Jesus Christ. We experienced it first hand. But my point is that although I respect brother Allen I don't feel his opinion right I don't know why but it doesn't feel right based on experience and feeling God's Spirit.

  • @thedailyshare622
    @thedailyshare622 Před 2 lety +2

    This is how I i know I have been delivered. Exactly a year ago I couldn't stand your delivery of teaching scriptures. Between that time and now, God has enabled me to complete a long term fast of deliverance from generational curses. I noticed that I'm increasingly tuning in to your teachings, repenting where I stand corrected ( and that happens on many of your teachings). That's neither here nor there as it relates to this particular study, but just wanted to appreciate your extensive study and teaching of the Word of God. Iron sharpens Iron. God bless you.

  • @MC-bp1dm
    @MC-bp1dm Před 2 lety +62

    Hey Allen be encouraged! Y’all’s team are doing a great job and really appreciate you humility and kind demeanor! The Fruit of the spirit is evident!

    • @DukeOfCoolsville
      @DukeOfCoolsville Před 2 lety +2

      Anyone can act proper by sheer will

    • @MC-bp1dm
      @MC-bp1dm Před 2 lety +3

      @@DukeOfCoolsville true, thankfully God sees the inner man. We can only go off by what fruits we see. A good tree bares good fruit and a bad tree bares bad fruit. Be blessed!

  • @pegrasmusson4636
    @pegrasmusson4636 Před 2 lety +15

    Fantastic teaching, Alan. All you taught was straight exposition of God's word, comparing scripture with scripture for interpretation. There's no other way to discern truth. I'm so encouraged by your godly teaching. Thank you, brother, very well done.

    • @tcdestiny37
      @tcdestiny37 Před 2 lety +1

      Please go watch refuting allen parr on deliverance by IsaiahSaldivar

  • @JustinChavez91
    @JustinChavez91 Před 2 lety +20

    I would suggest watching the refute video fully

  • @angelthinks1469
    @angelthinks1469 Před 2 lety +4

    I was raised from the dead.... I was dead b4 knowing JESUS...... he delivered me from my chains, healed, and restored me. Amen

  • @forcedcobra
    @forcedcobra Před 2 lety +28

    One thing I have experienced is when some thought that is uncharacteristic and out-of-the-ordinary evil comes to your mind, then I have a hunch its something spiritual.

    • @rum3234
      @rum3234 Před 2 lety +18

      Same here, I’ve learnt to speak to the evil voice speaking to me and shut it down. Those thoughts are never random ,our minds are battlefields🙏🏾

    • @auntbeewannabee4626
      @auntbeewannabee4626 Před 2 lety

      @@rum3234 how do you talk to it to shut it down?

    • @rum3234
      @rum3234 Před 2 lety +1

      @@auntbeewannabee4626 whatever evil thoughts I get, I say the word of God regarding the thought. Eg if I gets negative thoughts about others or myself . I’ll say I rebuke you evil mind binding spirits in Jesus name if I know the spirit or just evil spirit. You can always identify the spirit by how it’s making you think and feel. I sometimes bind the evil spirit and condemn to the abyss 2 Peter 2:4 if the thoughts come back. Whatever I’m asking for I state in Jesus name. I will say the word of about what mind I should have philians 4:8-9 ,1cori 2:16 and 2 cori 10 vs 5 etc I always thank God for his word which a mighty weapon.

    • @relisbetrel
      @relisbetrel Před 2 lety +1

      @@rum3234 💯 The word of God is our sword!

  • @claytonburns3349
    @claytonburns3349 Před 2 lety +34

    Allen Parr you are doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work ill be praying for you and your ministry.

    • @tcdestiny37
      @tcdestiny37 Před 2 lety

      Please go watch refuting allen parr on deliverance by IsaiahSaldivar

    • @Rick51
      @Rick51 Před 2 lety

      @@tcdestiny37 respectfully Isaiah is not a good teacher, most of the things he teaches is made up, here watch this I just ask that you your heart wouldn’t be closed.

  • @NinaAdriana
    @NinaAdriana Před 2 lety +48

    I think you should connect with these brothers and maybe go to a delivirance event that they have. To experience it yourself. Because this is real and Thank God that we have brothers and sisters that doing delivirance in the name of Jusus. GOD bless you allen

  • @davidhills6237
    @davidhills6237 Před 2 lety +9

    Also Allen are you lying you only watched 7 mins of Isaiah's video? You brought up all the points they went over. How would you know all those points unless you watched more than 7 mins. You also said you don't call out names on your channel yet there are many videos of you calling out names. Honest questions

  • @lesliebyrd130
    @lesliebyrd130 Před 2 lety +7

    I always enjoy listening to you. I absolutely love how you comment to those who are getting out of line. You do it in the most gracious way. You are such a blessing and God is using you and your team so big!!

    • @DukeOfCoolsville
      @DukeOfCoolsville Před 2 lety +1

      Getting out of line? Probably would blow a gasket if you actually met the Lord in the flesh, what would you think of the real living Christ found in scripture? He was way more of a trouble maker than these folks who have given their lives often ridiculed by people like Allan, with head knowledge and ZERO EXPERIENCE WITH ANYTHING BUT WORDS.
      WATCH SOME OF THE TESTIMONIALS, DELIVERANCE is real, demons are real. God is greater.

  • @calvinospina7307
    @calvinospina7307 Před 2 lety +36

    Brother Allen, I can't thank you enough for this video, I did watch basically most of it, it was very insightful and I just wanted to let you know that you are a blessing to me and many other people, I've been humbled through your word countless times. I am a little encouraged to also start a ministry on youtube, I'm not gonna lie I was also thinking of streaming and ministering to people in the video game community, I don't believe it's against scripture, I could be wrong but it would be nice if one day you could maybe talk about if Christians can play video games and also can Christians use video games to minister to people online or something, even if you just make a 2 minute or 5 minute video out of it, obviously if you are not led by the Spirit to do this then do not do it and I would just have to kind of just seek God on my own for that one. Other than that man just thank you for this man it was very encouraging, it was insightful I learned a lot of things and God bless you. Also you're very strong for reading the comments section lol

    • @akwirgaldino774
      @akwirgaldino774 Před 2 lety +3

      I would definitely love to hear about video games and ministry as well. So happy that you are asking this question 😊

    • @FriendofGod387
      @FriendofGod387 Před 2 lety +2

      If the lord leads you to that, go full ahead, there’ll definitely be revival starting with you.

    • @calvinospina7307
      @calvinospina7307 Před 2 lety +1

      @@FriendofGod387 Thank you 😊

    • @calvinospina7307
      @calvinospina7307 Před 2 lety +1

      @@akwirgaldino774 God bless you!

    • @tcdestiny37
      @tcdestiny37 Před 2 lety

      Please go watch refuting allen parr on deliverance by IsaiahSaldivar

  • @cliftonreed3613
    @cliftonreed3613 Před 2 lety +3

    I have been listening to you for almost a year now. I appreciate your ministry and have seen a lot of what you see in the scriptures. Keep the word coming! God bless you!

  • @cliann2453
    @cliann2453 Před 2 lety +10

    How do you discuss a topic of casting out demon, when you didn’t experience or didn’t want it in the first place? Your mind is shut on this topic.

    • @sierrarosethompson1053
      @sierrarosethompson1053 Před 2 lety

      He’s using scripture

    • @veggieeater763
      @veggieeater763 Před 2 lety +1

      The problem isn’t about not experiencing and teaching. Cause Paul taught marriage and wasn’t married. But the problem is when you don’t have experience AND go against what God truly is for. Apostle Alexander Pagani and all them presented this topic very well in love. You’re right, Allen shut his heart and mind off to this. When you’re no longer teachable and can’t be corrected at all it’s pride.

    • @cliann2453
      @cliann2453 Před 2 lety

      @@veggieeater763 indeed

  • @jadasimone1528
    @jadasimone1528 Před 2 lety +4

    Did the woman with the issue of blood not experience a healing because she couldn't quote scripture or knew all the promises of God? I need you to be careful Mr. Parr. God's actions can be found in the scripture, but there are things that are above our thinking that even the Bible may not be able to express or may not have addressed. Her FAITH healed her.

  • @KEITH3718
    @KEITH3718 Před 2 lety +26

    Thank you for everything you do! I sincerely appreciate you doing your due diligence and studying the scriptures more than skin deep and explaining the proper way to pull God's meaning from His Word ( if that makes sense)(proper exegesis, hermeneutics, and keeping scripture above our experiences). I look forward to hearing more from you.
    God Bless.

  • @anarchy1090
    @anarchy1090 Před 2 lety +25

    If you never done deliverance how can you teach about it.. you need scripture and experience not misinterpreted scripture and no experience.. I’ve only casted out demons once. And please bring Isaiah or pagani to talk about it, a lot of responsibility when preaching against doing deliverance.

    • @christoprighteous8199
      @christoprighteous8199 Před 2 lety

      Hope they got saved or 7 more demons will enter them.

    • @tashriquemoodley6699
      @tashriquemoodley6699 Před 2 lety

      No brother that man is a heretic please stay away from him. I know that sounds bad but please listen on several occasions he has uttered blasphemy he is a wolf in sheep's clothing and I wish you would see that. He claimed that
      1 we can raise the dead if we truly believe
      2 He has no problem with the prosperity gospel
      3 He once said we should do GREATER WORKS than Jesus
      please brother do not put this man on a pedestal and read the bible you will see the truth!

    • @christoprighteous8199
      @christoprighteous8199 Před 2 lety +2

      @@tashriquemoodley6699 You cant raise the dead,that was for the disciples. Read your Bible in context please. Your not Jesus. Greater things is witness Jesus to lost people. Guess what, Jesus said a Wicked generation looks for signs and wonders...that was Jesus. The only sign we look too is Jesus saving us from sin and hell. That is the greatest miracle.

    • @anarchy1090
      @anarchy1090 Před 2 lety +2

      The works the disciples did are works we could do today but you need faith and Gods will for it to happen. Where in the Bible does it say that’s not for today ? And what’s wrong with saying we’ll do greater works, I wouldn’t limit God like that. Jesus said himself in the Bible we will do greater works (what he did) And Jesus also casted out demons that was a sign and something we could do today to help people once they’re saved. And casting out demons is for people who are saved and believe I. Jesus not for non believers.

    • @christoprighteous8199
      @christoprighteous8199 Před 2 lety +3

      @@anarchy1090 when you accept Jesus as your lord and savior that is the greatest miracle. Jesus himself said that a wicked generation seeks signs and wonders. He said only to seek the sign of Jonah which was referring to himself. When you are born again you are eternally secure and you have the Holy Spirit in you that is the greater work that Jesus was referring to.

  • @MMHG674
    @MMHG674 Před 2 lety +24

    Allen Parr, I’ve heard you are a phenomenal bible teacher and based on a lot of comments I’ve seen on your CZcams channel many people have been blessed by your teachings and you doing great work in the Kingdom. You may not have the full revelation, knowledge and understanding in this area of ministry and that’s okay, I would sincerely encourage you to please ask the Holy Spirit to soften your heart and have the Lord reveal it to you through His eyes. It’s clear it’s conflicting with you when I feel this challenged by something I seek Him first. A pastor once said to allow yourself to remain humble if you not too sure about a topic follow your opinion with “I could be wrong”. I personally believe you would love Don Dickerman’s book When pigs move in there is great insight on it and it makes for an amazing read. Some parts of this walk is we could be wrong and we can change our minds on some things it happened to Paul & he did far worst. God bless!

  • @calebheinle4025
    @calebheinle4025 Před 2 lety +4

    Mr.parr i would just like to say that i have all the respect in the world for you and you are truly a light for Jesus in a dark dark world. Thank you for taking the time to make this video and all of your videos, they have been truly helpful, enlightening and encouraging. This world need more Christian leaders like you. Thank you for all that you do.

  • @choicegospelnetwork
    @choicegospelnetwork Před 2 lety +2

    Fans and Yes Men are the biggest stumbling block for any man of God ..
    Your fans will already give a thumbs 👍.

  • @EternalKingdomCollection
    @EternalKingdomCollection Před 2 lety +16


    • @eldotjay
      @eldotjay Před 2 lety +1

      Spiritual warfare is real. And a Christian cannot be Demon possessed.

  • @terencewoodson409
    @terencewoodson409 Před 2 lety +7

    Love your humble spirit Bro. Allen. Not calling out other teacher who are apart of the body of Christ, is love on your part. There are some who need to follow your examples of love.

    • @sdonald83
      @sdonald83 Před 2 lety +1

      Paul called people out……….

    • @DukeOfCoolsville
      @DukeOfCoolsville Před 2 lety +1

      Humbly equipping people with unbelief and passive aggressively smearing people being used by The Lord to change lives, while Allan talks and makes videos. I find it lacking in bravery.

    • @claudiacampos9855
      @claudiacampos9855 Před 2 lety

      I agree with him not having to mention names. What really didnt sit well with me is the fact that he said he wouldnt do it because "... We're better than that." Nobody is better than anyone. He could have just said he didnt feel the need to or that he just wasnt going to. That's not humility. All of these brothers do the same thing. Start off saying that this is not them attacking or calling out others, but then throw little subtle jabs here and there. It's actually sad to see the body of Christ so divided.

  • @EddieFews
    @EddieFews Před 2 lety +9

    Luke 9:49-51: 49 “Master, said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” 50 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is not against you is for you.”
    This man was not commissioned to cast anything out nor did the disciples even know who he was and yet he was still effectively casting out demons in the name of Jesus. If it was only for a select few or a spiritual gift how was this guy whom the disciples didn't even know doing it?

  • @Altagracialiving1055
    @Altagracialiving1055 Před 2 lety +5

    Not sure about this.
    “John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.””
    ‭‭Mark‬ ‭9:38
    ‭“On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:22‬ ‭
    There is power in Jesus himself! Call him if you need it. I appreciate your work brother Allan.

  • @ronflowers3099
    @ronflowers3099 Před 2 lety +9

    Great discussion! These discussions can lead down a rabbit hole easily. Your knowledge of scriptures is amazing! However, most modern day ministry that work in the area of the supernatural has been authenticated with miracle, signs and wonders. God is the same yesterday, today and forever more. Thanks for your insight.

    • @DukeOfCoolsville
      @DukeOfCoolsville Před 2 lety


    • @quantaviousjenkins7667
      @quantaviousjenkins7667 Před 2 lety

      Many modern day ministries that focus on signs and wonders are fake, as in the so-called miracles have been revealed to be fake.

  • @eumeliovazquezjr1630
    @eumeliovazquezjr1630 Před 2 lety +1

    This guy hugging his kid really melted me. Aww what a great dad

  • @sypzthaformula
    @sypzthaformula Před 2 lety +11

    Good Day Allan Parr, I have watched some of your videos over the span of a few years. At first I was skeptical but had to Seek the Lord for direction.
    I will say that the Holy Spirit has confirmed your teaching which is biblical and sound doctrine.
    Thank you for being obedient towards the calling. I’m a subscriber today!
    God Bless Brother!

  • @MC-bp1dm
    @MC-bp1dm Před 2 lety +6

    There’s too much emphasis on demon possession and exorcism but the greatest way to deliver someone is through the gospel and being born again! I think deliverance ministry has sensationalized demon possession and the focus is not on the cross! If we preach the gospel and help bring people to the truth, the Holy Spirit will do the rest! Greater works we shall do said Jesus! It’s not about physical healing, financial gain, or anything else carnal. It’s about eternity! Bringing people to the knowledge of Christ!
    Ty Allen and team❤️ God Bless

  • @republiccooper
    @republiccooper Před 2 lety +41

    A few questions:
    1) Does the scripture say that someone has to have seen Jesus in the flesh to be an apostle, or was it just the criterion that the apostles used? If God is able to raise up sons of Abraham wherever He pleases, is he not able to raise up an apostle and determine what criteria He wants to use?
    2) If Satan only appears 3 times is scripture clearly, does this mean that he wasn't extremely active? Does that mean that he wasn't active in other places that the writer of the particular scripture didn't choose to highlight?
    3) While the term "signs of an apostle" is used in reference to signs and wonders, is there anywhere in scripture that says all, most or only a few believers will be able to cast out demons?
    4) If we acknowledge that we are closer to the end and Satan knows his time is short, why would we assume that Satan is less active? To be it would seem logical that he'd be more active in a variety of ways, including demonization. I personally think that given the widespread acceptance of witchcraft and New Age in the West, we can expect more demonization... but I could be wrong.
    5) What do you think it's a more dangerous position: to teach believers that only a special few can cast out demons or to teach believers that God wants it for everyone? I see one position as encouraging believers to want the more that God has for them while I see the other one as limiting.
    6) When the disciples told Jesus they couldn't cast out a demon, he told them that the particular type came out with prayer and fasting. Do you think he meant to say it's only available to a special few when they pray and fast? Why didn't he say that if that's what he meant? I would suspect that if more believers consecrated themselves to God and prayed and fasted, we'd have stronger believers operating in more power, including spiritual gifts and even exorcism. Consecration, prayer and fasting are foreign concepts to many believers nowadays. If the ability to exorcize a demon is a spiritual gift given to a few sent ones, I'd assume they aren't sent because they don't invest enough in God. It's a chicken and egg situation. Food for thought.

    • @taylorwerfelmann
      @taylorwerfelmann Před 2 lety +3

      Well said

    • @brandonmeza3077
      @brandonmeza3077 Před 2 lety +2

      Well said

    • @christoprighteous8199
      @christoprighteous8199 Před 2 lety +7

      How about preaching salvation through Jesus then they are saved and sealed by the Holy Spirit. That is what Jesus said to seek.

    • @brandonmeza3077
      @brandonmeza3077 Před 2 lety +11

      @@christoprighteous8199 what harm can there be if people are being delivered during the process, why not be saved and delivered, and granted we can’t be so naive and believe everyone doing deliverance is actually doing deliverance but for the people who have been healed and gained salvation, that is just testimony that can help others to know Jesus as well!

    • @shomshomni2314
      @shomshomni2314 Před 2 lety +9

      Also with regards to number 5, how would you even know if you were part of the special "few" who can cast out demons if you never tried because you were constantly discouraged and told that gift is not for you?

  • @HisWayMine
    @HisWayMine Před 2 lety +13

    This live was great Allen. I can see the spirit of Christ in your manner. Be blessed.

    • @tcdestiny37
      @tcdestiny37 Před 2 lety

      Please go watch refuting allen parr on deliverance by IsaiahSaldivar

  • @noelohombo2071
    @noelohombo2071 Před 2 lety +10

    Allen parr worship God in truth but he forgets the Spirit. You see guys a wise man said once if you only focus on the spirit and forget the truth you become a witch magician but if you only focus on the truth you become a pharisee a religious person. We all know and we can see that Allen parr and the things of the spirit didn't go well especially with tongues. So that's why he comes with these doctrine against delivrance against the things of the spirit. Those who have the spirit of discernement can feel he's talking out of hurt. But yeah I'm not saying he's a false brother but on this subject what is saying is false and because of this many Christian who have a demon in them will still be bound which is sad😔. I pray God that you protect your children from this false doctrine In The name of Jesus amen 🙏🏾

    • @chad9455
      @chad9455 Před 10 měsíci +3

      You can’t have the Holy Spirit and a demon dwelling in you at the same time. Makes absolutely no sense. That “demon” is your sinful nature from Adam that we must all fight against daily as we take up our cross. Please stop spreading false doctrine.

    • @sequoia689
      @sequoia689 Před 10 měsíci

      ​@@chad9455tell him. Christians can't have demons. Maybe he thinks the church goers are Christians.

  • @muzislingshots1413
    @muzislingshots1413 Před 2 lety +25

    This is exhausting to me.
    From the start I can see this brother is bothered a bit so I'll reserve my comments about this video.
    In passing, at this point I will never be convinced deliverance is not essential.

  • @carlcasey4177
    @carlcasey4177 Před 2 lety +14

    But people are casting out deamons still today though...

  • @stevesalvant80
    @stevesalvant80 Před 2 lety +10

    I noticed lately in the body of Christ there are more divisions than unity

    @MrIAMDEADGAME Před 2 lety +4

    Yes every believer has the Authority to cast demons out! Just as sure as they have the HOLY SPIRIT dwelling in them!!
    People really need to understand the FINISH WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST!!!
    The Holy Spirit has the AUTHORITY over all SICKNESS and Demonic spirits!! That AUTHORITY has been given to us!!

  • @lesha673
    @lesha673 Před 2 lety +7

    Love you Brother Allen!! Thank you for the continuous edification!!!

    • @tcdestiny37
      @tcdestiny37 Před 2 lety

      Please go watch refuting allen parr on deliverance by IsaiahSaldivar

  • @Tony77749
    @Tony77749 Před 2 lety +7

    Still mad respect to you Allen, and will continue being a subscriber! Keep contending for the faith sir!

    • @tcdestiny37
      @tcdestiny37 Před 2 lety

      Please go watch refuting allen parr on deliverance by IsaiahSaldivar

  • @elijah9991
    @elijah9991 Před 2 lety +9

    If the experience lines up with scripture it's true.

  • @jasonmeanshealer
    @jasonmeanshealer Před 2 lety +13

    The Bible is a spiritual book first not a scholastic book.

  • @LeLe-hd3kf
    @LeLe-hd3kf Před 2 lety +8

    I dont care what anyone says. I had a demon cast out of me, by a female Christian. Yes a Christian. We need to focus more on saving the LOST! People are going to hell every moment; Direct your concern to ministering to the lost-Jesus says, If I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God is come upon you. Luke 11:20

  • @thenakedtruthchannel
    @thenakedtruthchannel Před 2 lety +4

    Hey Allen, I respect your desire to bring the truth and to rely on scripture to understand as disciple how we should interpret spiritual events in the body of Christ.
    I listened to your video, you are saying not too long after your video started, people speak almost 95% from or based on their experience and they should be more focus on bringing the Word. I agree with you we need to always refer to the word to explain the spiritual phenomenon but we can't totally deny experience as well. Let's not forget that the stories and testamonies from the new convenant so the many books(letters) were, at that time, experiences not yet written. Which means it is the experience observed and heard in faith that has brought the testamonies to be written in later days.
    They wrote while living so sometimes we forget the holy scripture is the mind, the heart and the revelation of God for us today but they are realities experienced in person first stance. We are to follow these examples we see through Jesus and the disciples. Now saddly men always tend to complicate what is pretty straight forward. Also you speak around 26mins of the video that deliverance is a process when for Jesus it was immediate. Well there is some nuance to take here and it's not always a long process. We have to consider that today we probably struggle with our faith more than the initial disciples who learned with Jesus and grew in the extend of their faith. You can see Peter before resurrection and Peter after it and he is not the same in the manifestation of his faith.

  • @GodsWill93247
    @GodsWill93247 Před 2 lety +34

    Perspectives change when you actually cast a demon out of someone.
    It like being married or having kids. I used to be single believing I had great and sound advice but I learned way more through now being married and having kids through experience.
    It’s one thing to hear the word and have knowledge of it and it’s another thing to actually understand the Word of God and be a doer of the Word.
    In a way it’s similar once you actually cast a demon out of a person it changes your viewpoints.

    • @HisWayMine
      @HisWayMine Před 2 lety +4

      It is possible that some people have been empowered to cast out demons. It is possible for an unsaved person to be possessed by a demon. That's what Allen said I believe. God bless

    • @adrinextreme
      @adrinextreme Před 2 lety +2

      Allen makes the point of saying you can't put personal experiences over what scripture teaches.

    • @AuthenticWoah
      @AuthenticWoah Před 2 lety +5

      @@HisWayMine nah. That’s basically saying Casting out demons is a gift & that’s not true. God can use anyone to cast out demons, especially if you truly have the Holy Spirit & have repented from your sins. Lukewarm believers won’t be able to perform the miracles Jesus did, but those who are really in Christ will.

    • @Anthony-945
      @Anthony-945 Před 2 lety +1

      @@adrinextreme that’s true but your experience and your testimony are both very important.
      Allen said in one of his comments “I don’t care about your experience” which is something that Jesus would never say.

    • @GodsWill93247
      @GodsWill93247 Před 2 lety +7

      I believe that every genuine born again Christian can cast out demons, by the authority given to us by Jesus, in His name and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
      A few tips don’t be blinded by pride(be humble in humility, don’t be religious, legalistic and don’t be lukewarm, let the Holy Spirit and the Word of God guide you.

  • @MPoweredChristianMinistries

    21:30 "If you're claiming that anyone that can do one needs to be able to do all three and do it perfectly every single time." Biblical response: Paul casted a demon out of the slave medium, also healing the sick and raising the dead. Yet, he also had ongoing eye issues (his thorn in the flesh) along with a demonic messenger who would try to torment him about it, he left Trophimus behind sick in Miletus, and Timothy continued to still have frequent stomach issues. The truth: We have authority over demons not because Jesus said "I give you authority" but because no one was born again and regenerated at the time of that incident. Jesus also gave the same authority to the 70/72. But no one was born again yet. The reason we have authority is because we are CHILDREN of God and the Holy Spirit lives in us. It's POSITIONAL authority. We are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms, we are a royal priesthood. It is always God's will to free His children from demonic oppression. See Luke 4:18. However, is only sometimes God's will to physically heal, which is why this is not guaranteed and why not everyone receives the gift of healing, because it is God who decides IF and when to heal someone. And it is also God who decides when to deliver a person of demonic oppression. However, it is ALWAYS God's will for us ALL to take authority against demons (Luke 10:17-20). We are to always do this because we are in a spiritual war (Eph 6:10-18) and we have an enemy that is trying to destroy the Church. Our physical healing is not guaranteed and even when given healing we are all still dying anyways in the natural. But demons afflict us in the spiritual, and negatively affect our relationship with God, our sanctification, and our witness. It is never a good thing, even though God does use it for good.

    • @mimikenya2021
      @mimikenya2021 Před 2 lety +3

      I couldn’t agree with you more. I think that Allen Parr needs to seek the holy spirit for greater revelation and understanding on this subject.

    • @eldotjay
      @eldotjay Před 2 lety

      This is a poorly exegeted response respectfully

    • @MPoweredChristianMinistries
      @MPoweredChristianMinistries Před 2 lety +2

      @@eldotjay This is an ad-hoc comment on a CZcams video not an in-depth Bible study but I think it sufficiently addresses his statement and position.

    • @wilmalister8916
      @wilmalister8916 Před 2 lety +3

      I wholeheartedly agree with you. Thank you! 💓🙏🏻

    • @MPoweredChristianMinistries
      @MPoweredChristianMinistries Před 2 lety +2

      @@wilmalister8916 You’re welcome. God bless you!

  • @clenaghen123
    @clenaghen123 Před 2 lety +4

    Thank you for being such a kind Man to take time for your children! If we do more listening and less talking we may actually learn something..Your spot on with Biblical teaching..

  • @InfiniteBobby
    @InfiniteBobby Před 2 lety +17

    The great commission includes Matthew 10.
    Every Christian can heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons
    Every Christian has the same spirit Christ had
    But not every Christian has the same faith.
    2 things stop the power of God
    Unbelief and the traditions of Men.

    • @christoprighteous8199
      @christoprighteous8199 Před 2 lety

      Jesus said himself that a wicked generation seek signs and wonders. We're only supposed to seek Jesus and his resurrection power that's what we're supposed to preach. If you say you can do it the disciples in Jesus did you should be able to raise the dead and you can't. You can't pick and choose what scriptures you want to believe and what you don't. That scripture in Matthew 10 was for the disciples, not for you.

    • @healingthroughchrist1988
      @healingthroughchrist1988 Před 2 lety +8

      @@christoprighteous8199 In the full context, Jesus was talking to the Pharisees who moments earlier accused Jesus of casting demons by the power of Beelzebub about 15 verses earlier. The Pharisees wanted Jesus to prove who he was despite having already seen him operate in miracles. I think in that same chapter, the Pharisees were offended that Jesus healed on the Sabbath thus acknowledging the miracle. The Pharisees were not sincere in asking for a sign, there looking to accuse Jesus of something. Jesus knew this and responded accordingly. There's nothing wrong with seeking a sign as long as your motives are pure. Again Jesus was responding to people who were constantly looking for fault in every single thing he did.
      Also, I did a Bible study on signs and wonders and come to the conclusion that signs and wonders are meant to verify the man or woman of God, the word of God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without signs and wonders, the church would have the same dilemma Moses had in Exodus 4:1 when Moses was afraid that nobody would believe him.
      Scriptures: Matthew 12:22-42 (for some context of the scripture you're referring to).Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8, Acts 14:3, Mark 16:15-20, Hebrews 2:1-4, Romans 15:19, Acts 6:8, Acts 2:22, Acts 2:43, John 14:12, Exodus 4:1-9, 17, 2 Kings 1:9-12

    • @InfiniteBobby
      @InfiniteBobby Před 2 lety +1

      @@christoprighteous8199 you say we’re supposed to
      Seek his ressurection power , but your saying we shouldn’t access the supernatural.
      First Corinthians tells us to desire spiritual gifts .
      Your argument is invalid Sir

    • @InfiniteBobby
      @InfiniteBobby Před 2 lety

      @@healingthroughchrist1988 well said , super thorough

  • @victorchambersmusic
    @victorchambersmusic Před 2 lety +19

    Sorry had to delete and re-post this because I didn't get to complete my thought...Bro. Allen I honor you for your faithfulness to scripture and your passion for sharing the word of God and helping others understand it. My concern is that you said you watched 7-8 minutes of the 2hr livestream and are posting this video to double-down on your views without completely hearing what your brothers in Christ had to say. They watched and played your entire video. I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound or look like humility. How do you explain persecuted Christians in other countries where they are not able to own bibles or study scripture and thus their "head knowledge" and ability to exegete scripture is much more limited than us who live with more freedom? Is their relationship with God null and void despite the fact that they may indeed have real experiences with the God of the Bible? You mentioned that you rely on principles to interpret the bible and what reputable scholars have said. Who made those scholars reputable? Who is to say that they can't be wrong? Also, does the Holy Spirit have any role in helping us understand and apply the word of God? John 14:26, Jesus told the disciples that the Holy Spirit will teach them all things. If we are also disciples of Christ here in 2022, would not the Holy Spirit teach us as well? Again, I love and honor you Bro. Allen, but just sharing some thoughts.

    • @victorchambers
      @victorchambers Před 2 lety +6

      @Connie Balmer absolutely don't want my response to be received as unkind or disingenious and hopefully Allen doesn't take them that way. Just sincerely asking questions.

    • @hosea_4vs6
      @hosea_4vs6 Před 2 lety +2

      I hope bro Allen sees this and takes a step back to think about what you have said.

    • @LizaLavolta
      @LizaLavolta Před 2 lety +1

      Same. He is closed off. I believe he feels he is guarding his heart however.

    • @quantaviousjenkins7667
      @quantaviousjenkins7667 Před 2 lety +1

      Allen didn't make this video in a response to them. He made this video to respond to the questions that his followers had. Also Allen would 100% believe that the holy spirit is what guides us in our reading of scripture. That doesn't mean we still can't get stuff wrong, however.

    • @hosea_4vs6
      @hosea_4vs6 Před 2 lety +5

      @@quantaviousjenkins7667 He definitely made this video in response to them as the topics he chooses to focus on are all the topics that were brought up by them. The problem here is that brother Allen is isn't taking a humbling step back and listen to what Isaiah them had to say. The teaching in his video is wrong and it's leading people astray that desperately need deliverance

  • @jvali1658
    @jvali1658 Před 2 lety +5

    When paul talks about speaking tounges in church he’s talking about preaching in tounges not praying in tounges🤦‍♂️

  • @brianavery5638
    @brianavery5638 Před 2 lety +4

    I have prayed and seen people healed it's not my gift but God has used me for this I got the unction or a word of knowledge

  • @Anthony-945
    @Anthony-945 Před 2 lety +15

    24:02 “did the apostles ever walk on water? No”. Peter quite literally walked on water….😑

    • @brandonmack8573
      @brandonmack8573 Před 2 lety +2

      If I remember correctly Peter asked the lord to allow him to walk on water and when Peter's faith started to slip he started to sink. It was given to him by God in that moment however I doubt peter was able to walk on water again. It never was within him.

    • @thebeatagp
      @thebeatagp  Před 2 lety +5

      I think you are taking it too literally. Is walking on water something that was a normative practice for the apostles or for other believers?

    • @Anthony-945
      @Anthony-945 Před 2 lety +19

      @@thebeatagp i was just simply quoting what you said, and what you said isn’t true.

    • @RodereckBlassingamechannel
      @RodereckBlassingamechannel Před 2 lety +12

      @@thebeatagp hey brother please do watch the full video of Isaiah Salvador you may come to view things differently and see them alot more clearer from the people who constantly cast out demons.

  • @5.0stanglife
    @5.0stanglife Před 2 lety +1

    We are definitely in the end days. The body of Christ going back and forth about who is right and who is wrong. Help us all lord!!

  • @racqueenus
    @racqueenus Před 2 lety +25

    Why isn't this subject discussed with other ministers who have deliverance ministries?

    • @tashriquemoodley6699
      @tashriquemoodley6699 Před 2 lety +5

      Delivance ministry is heresy brother I hope you see that and repent. We shouldn't focus on the supernatural too much as If we keep focusing on the supernatural to a point it is considered idolatry now I'm NOT SAYING we shouldn't cast out demons but JESUS'S NAME IS ENOUGH!! and that's it

    • @Kembo14
      @Kembo14 Před 2 lety +9

      Someone actually invited him to their ministry so he can see from himself. I think that will actually be good for all of us to see

    • @iLuvGODalmighty425
      @iLuvGODalmighty425 Před 2 lety +25

      You are highly deceived. If you deny the deliverance ministry then you are denying all that Jesus Christ did. We are called to set the captives free. Wake up!

    • @onipaa0074
      @onipaa0074 Před 2 lety +21

      @@tashriquemoodley6699 Absolutely not. Allen is speaking from church hurt and because of that, this is his go to. Everything in Jesus IS supernatural. FAITH is supernatural. His experiences have allowed him to downplay real gospel.

    • @waheedadegbite9170
      @waheedadegbite9170 Před 2 lety +11

      @@onipaa0074 I picked that up too after watching a couple days ago a video he made a year or 2 back where he describes his experience in a really jacked up charismatic church that was not moving right which is understandable why he is/thinks the way pertaining to the Word now. But I pray if that truly is the case God opens up his eyes so he can change. Its too much demonic activity going on in the world right now to be downplaying the power of God in any capacity.

  • @Saved503
    @Saved503 Před 2 lety +19

    I don’t get your position. It’s a contradiction, please be clear. You say that you believe that Christians can cast out demons and it does still happen even. Yet you say that if you cast out demons you must also heal the sick and raise the dead and follow all the rest of those scriptures. Then you say that the true sign of an apostle is doing those signs above which you believe can happen, but then say that there are no apostles. A little confusing.

    • @Saved503
      @Saved503 Před 2 lety +5

      I think God makes it clear. The apostle Paul was not one of the 12, he didn’t see Jesus while he was alive( that we know of), he didn’t believe in him. And in his own words was the “worst of sinners”. Yet God still anointed him to do miracles, preach and much more, by his grace and will. Paul even said his life’s an example to those who would believe afterwards.
      And the scripture you read about barnabas and Paul performing miracles and signs proved your point wrong. He wasn’t an apostle yet did miracles. You say, Just because he was a close associate of the apostle Paul he could perform miracles? Where does scripture say that? The apostles close friends will be able to do the same miracles as them. It doesn’t really make sense.

    • @Saved503
      @Saved503 Před 2 lety +4

      Like you said God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Love brother.
      Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.”
      ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12:4-10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    • @derrickward2354
      @derrickward2354 Před 2 lety +4

      It's OK God will deal with him as he does with us all.

    • @christoprighteous8199
      @christoprighteous8199 Před 2 lety +1

      What he is saying is if you use Matthew 10 or Mark 16 that was for Jesus and the disciples. Jesus gave the disciples the power he didn't give that power to you. So if you're claiming Matthew 10 or Mark 16 then you're saying you can do all the signs and wonders of disciples did and you can't. So if you're claiming those scriptures you can heal everyone that you encounter, you can raise the Dead, and all the other things the disciples did. Paul spent 3 years in the desert with Jesus. Paul had an encounter with Jesus. Paul was anointed and selected by Jesus to preach to the gentiles. These signs and wonders were for the apostles and the disciples they were to witness to the Jews and the gentiles that Jesus was God in the flesh. If you're claiming you can do these things the disciples did or that the apostles did it has to be all these things.

    • @Saved503
      @Saved503 Před 2 lety

      @@christoprighteous8199 yes I get that. But he also says it’s possible to cast out demons and it still happens, making void the apparent point. If it still happens today according to him then why are those people not raising the dead also?

  • @lady_jax
    @lady_jax Před 2 lety +16

    Jesus is the one we should focus on, the bible and Holy Spirit, are the transformers of the mind and soul.

  • @pr0t0boy
    @pr0t0boy Před 2 lety +14

    I say this with humility and grace: this entire 1.5 hours was cap. You watched 7 min of an hour and a half of graceful truth, wisdom, sound doctrine you could’ve learned something from. All while backhand complimenting in your attempts to “build bridges” w Marcus Rodgers, another anointed brother in the faith who is actually out here displacing darkness and establishing The Kingdom of Christ in his community
    God cannot be mocked, your positions seem carnal, prideful, I sense ego when you speak on something you listened to 7 min of this damaging teaching being dismantled by sound doctrine
    Pharisees were [Bible] scholars
    The wisdom of God is a mystery given to babes w eyes that see and ears that hear
    1 Cor 1:19
    I pray for unity and that you watch the whole stream and hear these guys out

    • @Bigfreddd100
      @Bigfreddd100 Před 2 lety +1

      I couldn’t have said it better… Isaiah nem reaction was soooooo fruitful and full of knowledge it couldn’t even be a rebuttal! He honestly lost me from the past video because Rank in the Spirit is real! Paul said I won’t go beyond my reach even reaching to you… and he definitely reached when he stepped into the
      Deliverance conversation…

  • @ketsiaaman7822
    @ketsiaaman7822 Před 2 lety +21

    The only reason why you don’t believe in deliverance is because you haven’t experienced it yet

    • @gialovesjesus8350
      @gialovesjesus8350 Před 2 lety +2

      Or maybe because his faith is so solid that he doesn’t wait till he’s all beaten down oppressed by demons before crying out to God. he’s prayed up. People need to take responsibility for their walk with Christ and not blame it all on demons. Going to fake “deliverers” solves nothing.

    • @ketsiaaman7822
      @ketsiaaman7822 Před 2 lety +2

      @@gialovesjesus8350 yes I agree with you. But we need balance of everything

    • @c.8233
      @c.8233 Před 2 lety

      @@gialovesjesus8350 I gave my life to Christ a while back and I fast, pray, repent for my sins, put all my faith in God, read and meditate on his word, and do everything Christians SHOULD do, yet I still struggle with OVERWHELMING thoughts of lust that I can tell aren’t my thoughts. Am i doing something wrong?

    • @gialovesjesus8350
      @gialovesjesus8350 Před 2 lety

      @@c.8233 When you go to a CZcams “delivery ministry” and they cast whatever you have out of you, come back and ask me the same question.

    • @c.8233
      @c.8233 Před 2 lety +1

      @@gialovesjesus8350 Are you trying to be sarcastic? The deliverance ministries that I watch are only on CZcams to preach, they’ve been doing actual in person ministries for over 10+ years and they are all free. Obviously not all deliverance ministries are legitimate though but what point are you trying to make. I only listen to ministries that teach the Word of God and their experiences line up with it also. They give all the glory to Jesus

  • @johnkelly1407
    @johnkelly1407 Před 2 lety +1

    In closing in my experience of demonic possession or attack was stopped the minute I prayed to Jesus and turned my life around from sin. No more alcohol, drugs, sex outside of marriage. I suppose Jesus delivered me but I believe ultimately it’s up to us to clean house and change our ways. Shut those doors that give these very real spirits authority in our life

  • @Kingdomconsultinggroup
    @Kingdomconsultinggroup Před 2 lety +9

    Serious question: why are so many people ripping into Allen here? I’d love a detailed explanation because I’m lost. I don’t agree with all his theology, but I mean people are shredding him in the comments. Why?

    • @abigailmartin1
      @abigailmartin1 Před 2 lety +10

      Because most "Christians" today go off of emotions and not scripture and it shows in their theology and how they treat other brothers and sisters in Christ. I don't think I've agreed 100% with any peacher on YT but as long as they aren't heretical and teach the essentials of the gospel there's no need for people to be so dramatic. Let alone, mean spirited. Allen is definitely gifted by God for teaching and has a great ministry. I hate to see other so called believers being so hostile towards him and pray he doesn't become discouraged.

    • @veggieeater763
      @veggieeater763 Před 2 lety +2

      It’s false teaching. Watch Apostle Alexander Pagani video on the subject.

    • @Kingdomconsultinggroup
      @Kingdomconsultinggroup Před 2 lety

      @@veggieeater763 can you specify what is false teaching?

    • @eldotjay
      @eldotjay Před 2 lety

      @@veggieeater763 Pagani doesn’t know what he’s talking about respectfully.

    • @tabathadoley7747
      @tabathadoley7747 Před 2 lety +1

      People love their experience of God over the actual Word of God. I was told by a friend that if she had the Bible alone, she would’ve walked away from the faith. I really think this is a very touchy topic for some.

  • @underdogeducator4094
    @underdogeducator4094 Před 2 lety +1

    Brother Allen Parr, I personally thank my brother for your videos; they have been a tremendous blessing to me. I praise God for you. I constantly pray for you, your family, and your Ministry. You are solid, brother. God bless you always🙌🏾❤️🙏🏾💯

  • @musictech5789
    @musictech5789 Před 2 lety +3

    Bro, this was a much needed Q&A .... Your answers were thorough and clear....Thank you.

  • @kw3870
    @kw3870 Před 2 lety +2

    Studying the book of Matthew and just read this scripture a couple days ago and I did not perceive the text as I have the authority. The text clearly says, He gave "them" and He's talking about His apostles. That's why I believe in dispensation.
    And the Truth shall set you free. Awesome teaching

    • @DukeOfCoolsville
      @DukeOfCoolsville Před 2 lety +1

      Go and makes disciples of all nations of people who can only talk, and refute scripture, deny the reality that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
      It's crazy because that's a lot like the opposite of what Jesus says and does in the scriptures.

  • @washingtonsteven6885
    @washingtonsteven6885 Před 2 lety +19

    Man you are all CLASS. I love how you deal with negative people. THANK GOD FOR YOU. I APPRECIATE You man

    • @Mimik70-w3t
      @Mimik70-w3t Před 2 lety +4

      Which negative people..🙆🤷‍♀️. He must allow the Holy spirit to use and guide him not using his emotions, intellect and flesh to prove a point using the bible. and what he calls scholars. Twisting the scriptures to justify his doctrine is not doing anything but causing confusion and division in the body of christ. 🤔 This is the spirit of antichrist...

  • @lydiasoto536
    @lydiasoto536 Před rokem +1

    Allen I agree with you 100% on this subject on everything you have said and all the scriptures say on that! Amen

  • @angelthinks1469
    @angelthinks1469 Před 2 lety +8

    I believe that experience counts alot. If someone who has gone through something I'm going through is giving me advice vs a person who has NEVER delt with what I'm going through... I mean... I think I would like advice from someone who KNOWS where I'm coming from. Like being a parent, I'm a parent so I know what is like, but a person who has never delt with children is inexperienced.

  • @pennkristallucente7547
    @pennkristallucente7547 Před 2 lety +1

    I've been watching your videos and I truly believe that you teach the Truth. Keep up the good work, Allen! May God bless you

  • @willgo314
    @willgo314 Před 2 lety +41

    Bro Allen, there have been a lot of people that have attacked your video, although I don't think Isaiah, Alexander, and Mike did so. You spoke honestly and put you understanding/ interpretation out for the world to see/critique knowing the pushback you would receive. No one should have attacked your video. Took a lot to do this. Most would not. You are igniting a conversation the church has hid from. I would encourage you to watch the entire refute of the facts you presented (a good amount of scripture was presented). Whether you are able to follow everything presented is a topic on its own, and more than ok. I would say it was enough to warrant more study on the subject including stepping out from behind the screen to see what is going on and whether God is trying to do something today. Anyone who suggests the "Refute video" was a refute of Allen's ministry should check their own heart. We take things personal that are just simply not. Bro Allen, you spend the early part of the video cautioning people on their experiences when later you admit that there are things you get wrong (fact - we all do). Based merely on your interpretation of scripture and your answering of questions it would seem that this topic is one that may require slightly more study on your part. God is raising up a group of people that are exposing demons when the truth is the world puts labels on every problem that exists and the modern day church has adapted. Ultimately I leave you with this....If demons are getting cast out of "everyone" and the result leads to a more Godly life is it worth taking the "slow-down everyone" stance you seem to hold? If the problem someone is facing is something else then wouldn't it just simply be that --- something else?

    • @hosea_4vs6
      @hosea_4vs6 Před 2 lety +1

      Well said,

    • @hosea_4vs6
      @hosea_4vs6 Před 2 lety +2

      @Connie Balmer don't put a preacher above the word bro, don't watch a video and form an opinion without reading the word of God with the Holy Spirit

    • @destineeblanco
      @destineeblanco Před 2 lety +1

      Man… this was so well said. Thank you and God bless.

    • @quantaviousjenkins7667
      @quantaviousjenkins7667 Před 2 lety +1

      I've been in deliverance circles. Most Christians in that realm are never really free.. because they're constantly fearful of being attacked by another demon

    • @hosea_4vs6
      @hosea_4vs6 Před 2 lety +2

      @@quantaviousjenkins7667 that may be their experience but not everyone's. God hasn't given us a spirit of fear, if they are fearful its the enemy casting doubt in them.

  • @johna3322
    @johna3322 Před rokem +1

    Excellent video Allan. No matter what your personal spiritual beliefs/denomination you are, criticism and objections to your personal stance should always be encouraged. Its beneficial for spiritual growth as believers to re examine our positions and correct any misunderstandings we may hold with regards to scripture.

  • @shawnsturgeon1014
    @shawnsturgeon1014 Před 2 lety +4

    Allen, thank you for your time and thank God for using you. I am trying to soak up as much as I can about the Bible. I’m ready to go home, I want to finally see my Savior and The Creator.
    I want to say that I have 100’s of questions but I’ll forget them when I see Him lol. God bless you all in comments. If you’re going through difficult times, remember that Jesus loves you more than the earth that we walk on. We’re going home soon! Keep looking up ☝🏻🙄

    • @mrgeorge1888
      @mrgeorge1888 Před 2 lety +2

      Can I answer your 100 question? Ask me anything from Genesis to Revelation, hopefully God give me the capability to do that, brother. Shoot.

    • @PerfectLoveCastsOUTALLFEAR
      @PerfectLoveCastsOUTALLFEAR Před 2 lety +2

      Amen. We have to be ready to go home. We are sojourners here. Until then, may we continue going and bringing the message of the gospel into all places and spaces, as Christ has redeemed us to do so. No fear. No doubt. Believe the report of the Lord and drop the seed of the Gospel. Let the Holy Spirit do the rest. How will they hear if someone doesn't go and tell them? Romans 10
      Help us be obedient, Holy One. We are here for you and your Glory.

  • @dwightsaxton2409
    @dwightsaxton2409 Před 2 lety +1

    Just why the kjv and nkjv Bible's are the best for casting out demons

  • @PruntySisters123
    @PruntySisters123 Před 2 lety +26

    Allen Par, I love and respect you, but this video was not that insightful. I recommend you watch the entire video from Isaiah Salvidar and the other two ministers. They refuted not only what you said in your previous video, but this video as well. They also used plenty of scriptures with proper exegesis and emphasized not putting experience over scripture. They also did it with a right spirit and loving manner.
    After seeing both videos, I would say their view and interpretation of the scripture was correct, but I would love to hear your response after watching their entire video.

    • @christoprighteous8199
      @christoprighteous8199 Před 2 lety

      They also said Jesus and scripture isn't enough for deliverance and that's just wrong. Go back and listen to it

    • @samsam6640
      @samsam6640 Před 2 lety +8

      @@christoprighteous8199 I watched the whole video. And I did not caught them saying that. Can you give a time stamp?

    • @rum3234
      @rum3234 Před 2 lety +5

      I didn’t catch them saying Jesus and scripture was not enough.

    • @lauralovesjesus
      @lauralovesjesus Před 2 lety

      They did not use proper exegesis. Isaiah is notorious for taking Scripture out of context.

    • @sdonald83
      @sdonald83 Před 2 lety +4

      @@lauralovesjesus I have seen you on various post making statements against these ministers that Parr is disagreement with. You use no examples just opinions. Please give examples better yet evidence to support your claims that Isiah take scripture out of context. Your statements are only accusations at this point.

  • @dcloud3953
    @dcloud3953 Před 2 lety

    Telling people to "Be Careful" sounds like a warning to me. Praying for you Brother! Saying I'm not going to refute anything and go make a whole video about refuting them. 🙏 for the lost ones!

  • @PCX425
    @PCX425 Před 2 lety +3

    You are right, when it comes to these types of issues, most Christians immediately start talking about their experience rather than what scripture says. In fact, I'm sure that will happen again in these comments. As you already said, we have to test these experiences according to scripture. That is not to say that your experiences are not valid, but they certainly do not Trump scripture. But if your experience ever contradicts scripture, you can rest assure that it was not a valid experience from God. And if you must twist scripture or use scripture out of context in order to support your beliefs or validate your experience, again it is not likely from God. I say this as a born-again Christian who fully believes in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. All of them.

  • @lisacreel1714
    @lisacreel1714 Před 2 lety

    I had brain aneurysm pop 22 weeks pregnant, surviving 6 days bleeding around brain before I could be safe for brain surgery. After dr’s left me w/what was to come for me, I began to pray. I spent a long time there and prayed for my 2 born children and new grandson (my first and last 20 years between). As I continued to pray my most selfless prayer ever! It was when I asked God to forgive my trespassers and I forgive them now (I carried hate against men due to my father). No sooner did those words of forgiveness come out of my mouth and Jesus touched me. The most amazing experience in my life. Facing death but not near death experience. I was completely aware of what was happening. I felt like a small child w/child in Gods hands. It was warm and full of love indescribable. The pain I was enduring became tolerable (blood was now going down spine leaving difficulty to walk). I felt levitated above my bed but wasn’t in reality. I was able to sit up each day w/a smile and words to those who lived me was that I was going to be okay. Please don’t worry. I’m in Gods grace. Nurses were commending how well I was handling everything and was rare to see. I simply just kept saying it’s God not me. There’s more to the story and I hope some day I find someone to write in a book to share Gods love. I’m brain trauma after 2 aneurisms found (surgeries 1 year apart). C-section putting me asleep to deliver baby close to 3 months after first brain surgery. My story is amazing and I add nothing to it to give me glory. I speak truths and only speak of what did happen. I have over come everything Dr’s said I would be. It’s not been easy journey relearning and growing again through a babies eyes I sat daily w/sesame street w/my baby. Today he’s senior honor roll and just amazingly kind to all. As for myself.. through the years many have called me inspiring and to write a book. I said no I’m just a survivor. I felt inspiring was what did she become after. How did it effect her or did she give into the words of the Dr. It was during all this I learned the power of the mind. I wasn’t giving another control to decide what my future fate was. Today I am near the end of engineering to a brand new invention (first creator). I’m declared life brain disabled but find all I lost in memories and/or knowledge, God gave me so much more. I never posted out what I went through but speak to friends etc. my heart now cries out to tell my story of God (not me). The miracles of God. I give my life and all I own to God. I live small and purged out demonic things in my life. I spend hours at times in Bible or learning his words. God has opened my eyes to see fake preaching and churches. To recognize his words as true or false. For brain trauma I’m not easily folded now. 17 years later I’m alive and kept sheltered. Today I’m bored out of my mind craving something to do. So I began inventing and soon the well will flow huge. I want to give and follow. Give and follow. Meaning build and give housing to people like me (low income) as well as vets, help homeless, drug addictions, and fight for birth rights and help financially the first year of that baby. Work money into child placement in new homes. Help the small like me. Help as many as I can. Millions will flow and thousand to help. I’m excited as this journey has been real and hard but rewarding in Gods love. Now I have inspiring story and not become what they said I would be. I take NO glory but give ALL to God. I get to drive and live on my own. I’m not the vegetable they said I would be. They didn’t believe me when I said I’m in Gods hands and I will be okay. God will be using your hands to help me. I praised the drs but felt they didn’t like my first praise went to God saved my life. Eyebrows raised. I was in Gods hands and he let no one take me away from him. My story has sad sad marriage moments as I was shamed for what happened rd to me and told I would never be nothing more then brain trauma and burdens. It was a long hard fight to be where I am today. I have nothing but never been happier. I give all worries to God and he takes care of it for me. I barely make rent but he brings what I lack to keep me sheltered.
    I like ur lessons and truth speaking of God. Not sure why I’m sharing my story but I think to say I have been physically touched by God either for my life or something good coming to my son. But when I tell my story I do not add anything that wasn’t experienced. Just that I was touched and saved by the grace of God. I didn’t see him or hear any words or voice. Just the most loving touch U ever experienced. Nothing can touch it or take it from me. No one can tell me God is not real. Some say that I meet Jesus. I said no I felt him. They said his touched showed U he is real. He introduced love and dissolved hate. He is real and I can never be pulled from his grace. No one can lead me astray or speak false words to lure me away. I ask God and he puts in front of me what he wants me to know.
    Thank you for your honest words of God. May God forever fill your world in Jesus name Amen.
    Thank you 🙏🏻

  • @mr.freeindeed
    @mr.freeindeed Před 2 lety +4

    Holy Spirit reveals to me when im under a demonic attack. God gives us discerment.

  • @Daughterofthebook
    @Daughterofthebook Před 2 lety +1

    I just wanted to say be encouraged, your ministry is such a blessing, and much needed today in this polarized and over sensationalized society. I am afraid some of this has leaked into the Body of Christ, where has the love, civility and humility gone.🤦🏾‍♀️ The need for clear expository teaching is needed in these days we live in. So as to give a defense for our faith in Christ, I will say you do this in away that I think is correct and honoring to our Lord Jesus Christ. This should be the goal of every believer, whether we agree or disagree on none salvific issues. So keep on doing what you or doing. I am praying for you brother.👍🏾😁

  • @TChere94
    @TChere94 Před 2 lety +7

    Allen, we love you and are rooting for you. Although, you have revealed your personal growth areas in the Lord within this video alone. These topics should have been taught by some one who is well versed experienced, and able to teach on these topics in order to do a Q&A. This was a fleshly “address ALL the issues” video and not a “sound teaching” video. Please delete this video, and try again after you have studied enough to show yourself approved 2 Timothy 2:15. Excited at what God is doing within you and can’t wait to see how God blesses you through this! Praying for you and love you.

  • @Christmadeconnections.MeshaT

    Very knowledgeable, your delivery and elaboration is definitely impeccable , I know that this is feed back and not a clap back on Isaiah’s, pagani and mike refute. All of you guys are wonderful ❤️

  • @shaveonne26
    @shaveonne26 Před 2 lety +18

    12 years ago God showed me a dream of myself dressed in the most beautiful tunic/dress with many different colors (like the book of Enoch describes Jesus wearing in heaven, long before I ever read the book) and I had a head of golden dreads (I have dreads now too). I walked throughout this huge mansion and in every room there were demons. The rooms I remember the most had my most difficult sins on full display as I watched demons acting specific sins out in each room. I walked through that mansion casting them out with just a word (Jesus) as I passed by the rooms. I never could understand the dream until recently. God was showing me how walking FULLY covered in Christ (as I was wearing His garments described in Enoch) and my head covered with a crown of glory (represented by the golden hair) that I would be able (through the power of Jesus) to rid myself of the demons that inhabited the rooms in my house (my body). I know now exactly What God is calling me to in these last days..."Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." I'm able to see demons in ppls faces and even what kind they have. I've seen them in broad daylight run right by me in the street and turn around and come stare me in my face with great indignation, but they couldn't touch me. God is sick and tired of the "normal" church traditions of men and so are his remnant. We will see who the true sons and daughters of God are when things heat up in this world and believe me.. they will.

    • @ifehansson2254
      @ifehansson2254 Před 2 lety +2

      It's better to focus on Scripture and not dreams and books that are not part of the canon of Scripture

    • @RodereckBlassingamechannel
      @RodereckBlassingamechannel Před 2 lety +5

      @@ifehansson2254 if you focus on Scripture then don't leave out the part where Scripture talks about Spiritual gifts for the church. Don't discredit a gift/dream God may have given this person please.

    • @lynnwhyjae
      @lynnwhyjae Před 2 lety +6

      @@ifehansson2254 Go read Exodus or Job where it says that God sends messages through dreams. God's people need to pay attention to their dreams.

    • @eldotjay
      @eldotjay Před 2 lety

      Greater doesn’t mean greater quality works than Jesus. It means a greater number of works because there are more than us. The amount of people like yourself who abuse this passage is astonishing 🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @tanyafreeman5393
    @tanyafreeman5393 Před 2 lety

    Prayer & Edification. Thank you 🙏🏾 Keep unpacking the WORD of GOD and bless our generation with TRUTH and CLARITY.

  • @godswarrior45
    @godswarrior45 Před 2 lety +4

    Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
    James 5:14‭-‬15 NKJV

  • @bryonstevenson1084
    @bryonstevenson1084 Před rokem

    Brother Parr I want to say I love you in the Lord, you are such a blessing to me and love how you honor your wife. You are truly doing what God would have you to do. Love the videos and you truly have a effect on me as a young black born-again preacher i want to say thank you and Lord bless you and your family and ministry.

  • @jamalsmith9265
    @jamalsmith9265 Před 2 lety +14

    Allen keep your head up. You’re a amazing pastor and teacher been learning a lot from you. Thank you for preaching the true word of God.

  • @meagandekkar6377
    @meagandekkar6377 Před rokem +1

    Acts 8 - Peter (an apostle) was doing signs and wonders (healing and casting out demons). Simon, formerly a sorcerer, also believed the gospel (Christian) offered money for the power to do the same. Although Simon became a Christian, he didn’t have the power that Peter (an apostle) had to deliver the sick and demon-possessed.

  • @rubypayne7416
    @rubypayne7416 Před 2 lety +28

    One way to know your under demonic attack is through sleep paralysis. I’ve been there and the only way to come out of it is through the name of Jesus. This was during a time that I was getting close in my walk with Jesus. These attacks are very real I’ve dealt with them a few times.

    • @sarahcorona6673
      @sarahcorona6673 Před 2 lety +6

      Same!! After I got saved and did my first fast I got sleep paralysis the next morning. Its been happening every so often since then. But strangely, it only happens when I am by myself after my husband leaves for work. It never happens when he is with me. So I rarely go back to sleep now when he leaves. For awhile I couldn't understand why but the Lord showed me that it is because he is my covering. The husband is head over the wife.
      But yes when we get closer to God the enemy will attack us harder. We can not be a part time Christian when there is a full time devil!

    • @KarlainChrist
      @KarlainChrist Před 2 lety

      !!!!!! Yup

    • @kristimartin6975
      @kristimartin6975 Před 2 lety

      sleep paralysis is real. I’ve experienced it many times and felt like I was being attacked by demons. My daughter has narcolepsy and has sleep paralysis frequently. There are things you can do to help sleep paralysis. Knowing and putting on your spiritual armor ( like what brother Allen was speaking about) is medicine for oppression, depression and fear of evil.

    • @daisiesandpandas1218
      @daisiesandpandas1218 Před 2 lety

      @@kristimartin6975 sleep paralysis is very real, it being caused by demons probably not.

    • @mburst71
      @mburst71 Před 2 lety

      @@daisiesandpandas1218 then what is it in your theory if not the enemy?

  • @rebellife3145
    @rebellife3145 Před rokem

    I am a new listener/viewer of your Bible Teaching Channel & very much appreciate your expositions.

  • @felicialang6382
    @felicialang6382 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you Allen for taking the time to explaine the word of God. Greetings from Germany 😊

    • @tcdestiny37
      @tcdestiny37 Před 2 lety

      Please go watch refuting allen parr on deliverance by IsaiahSaldivar

  • @aldamina08
    @aldamina08 Před 2 lety

    Pray for you Brother! May God support you always! Your work is clearly for the name of the Lord.

  • @chrisbarnaby3952
    @chrisbarnaby3952 Před 2 lety +15

    Brother all due respect did you feel led by the Lord to do this or was it a matter of pride to defend your stance against Isaiah Salvidar's video. Legitimate question. I watched both videos. I believe when the person asked you how to tell if you were under demonic attack you really didn't have an answer. Led me to believe you don't have a lot of experience with the demonic. I think it would be a good idea as brothers in Christ to have a discussion with each other. The impression I got watching his video the weren't condemning you. In the question of debating scripture between the two so to speak he was not wrong. If only for the fact he has personal experience. I say that being I'd listened to his teaching consulted with my pastor and had spirits cast out of me. Without going into all the details really wasn't that difficult. To say our experience doesn't matter does not make sense. Our experience is our testimony. Croasdressing is clearly a sin Duetornomy 22:5 clearly states that a woman should not dress like a man nor a man dress like a woman. The lord God detests it. Brother just asked that question while I was typing.

  • @sethwilley9858
    @sethwilley9858 Před 2 lety +1

    Nice to see a sensible approach on this topic. Thank you, Allen.

  • @Lydzist
    @Lydzist Před 2 lety +30

    The disclaimer in the beginning was really shady lol the deliverance ministers that you refused to mention answered your video in 💕💕💕💕 LOVE. There was no drama. I'm not feeling the love here. But be blessed.

    • @rawraptv9708
      @rawraptv9708 Před 2 lety +6


    • @iLuvGODalmighty425
      @iLuvGODalmighty425 Před 2 lety +4


    • @brandonmack8573
      @brandonmack8573 Před 2 lety +4

      I think Allen's heart is to honor God by the scriptures I don't believe thats wrong. Deliverance can be absolutely true. As long as it doesn't go against God's word. There is from what I've seen a lot of extra biblical content from deliverance ministries that I can't find in scriptures. I know the easy answer would be to point towards the end of the gospel of John when it says not everything that Jesus did was recorded because the whole world wouldn't be able to contain the books that would be written of Him. It can leave a lot of room for some of the stuff I've seen that could be true. I dint think this was a callous shots fired video as much as just Allen trying to be genuine with his beliefs.

    • @cliann2453
      @cliann2453 Před 2 lety

      so true💯

  • @trataloconemilia
    @trataloconemilia Před 2 lety +2

    I truly appreciate you, you had help me so much in my walk with Christ. Keep the good work!

    • @tcdestiny37
      @tcdestiny37 Před 2 lety

      Please go watch refuting allen parr on deliverance by IsaiahSaldivar

    • @trataloconemilia
      @trataloconemilia Před 2 lety

      @@tcdestiny37 I did and didn’t like the way they did that … they should of contact Allen Parr