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  • @PSYCH-O
    @PSYCH-O Před 3 měsíci +3

    Hey PSYCH-Os!👋
    *Have you shared your INFJ results with someone and instantly regretted it?*
    Comment down below 👇

    • @Markbenwisch
      @Markbenwisch Před 3 měsíci +1

      None of those reasons mentioned here are a problem to not mention that I'm INFJ. That personality isn't about being rare or a unicorn. What fucks up me the most are exact these kind of narratives about the INFJ in a stereotypically way of being "mystical, unique, shy, sensitive, empathic, head in the clouds, etc"...
      I don't know how others INFJ are, but to me, this type of personality keeps being exploided and blown up as a snowflakey being. And that's the reason why I won't tell anyone. Another reason of that is, everyone wants to be INFJ 4 some reason I absolutely don't get. Cause today everyone wants to be the Sigma lone Wolf, the chosen one, the rarest and uniquest of something I don't know what that is just to have an explaination, why one is not able or willing to cope.
      And third one, that repetative "we" talk of all the "INFJs" here on YT.
      WHO IS "WE"? We are not the same!
      And the last reason, most of those "INFJ" took a test online.
      So, no thanks.

  • @maybee...
    @maybee... Před 3 měsíci +11

    Not everyone is familiar with MBTI, so talking about it in the first place is moot.
    Keeping your INFJ-ness to yourself is advantageous. It is my super power.

  • @Nedmar
    @Nedmar Před 3 měsíci +18

    Never had any unpleasant experience after having voiced my INFJness, really. People don't usually care so much as to test you or ridicule the Myers-Briggs system. I even succeeded in convincing some of them to take the test themselves.

    • @SaveDaDrama4YoMoma
      @SaveDaDrama4YoMoma Před 3 měsíci +2

      The people who will judge you won’t be so accepting everywhere in the world. You must be in a good place then🎉😮❤😅

    • @Peaceforall20111
      @Peaceforall20111 Před 3 měsíci +4

      100% agree.
      I get the logic of being careful of your infjness until you have self actualization and internalized being an infj.
      During the awakening period it is easy to get side tracked by abusers.
      However, I find that sharing this aspect of myself helps identify good peolle and bad people.
      AGAIN, sharing this info before u are self aware can be risky.
      Only YOU will know when YOU are ready

  • @2012jordie
    @2012jordie Před 3 měsíci +7

    When I discovered I was an INFJ, I knew I had to handle it very carefully. On the one hand, I was relieved, because it meant my struggle to fit in wasn’t due to being autistic or mentally ill; I just had a rare personality type and found many more people that I didn’t vibe with than people I did. But on the other hand, being rare/unique is often a bad thing in a society that values conformity, and I knew I’d be accused of being self-obsessed and arrogant if I started flaunting my results. I started to absorb INFJ content on CZcams, so I could learn how to hide my INFJ traits. 3 of my 16personalities scores were quite evenly balanced, and it was only on Introversion and Turbulence that I scored very highly. Those tendencies I attribute to trauma. Trauma can be healed. I can change my MBTI type.
    Some may feel that this is shame and self-denial, but the fact is that we live in a world made for the extroverted types. Some of you may be lucky enough to have friends and family who understand and appreciate you. I’m not so lucky. If I’m ever going to find a place in this world, I have to adjust.

    • @blktester
      @blktester Před 3 měsíci

      Adjust, bite your tongue. You are who you were meant to be. We are introverted because we know we are often smarter than most people. Adjusting means pretending to be less observant, deep thinking and introspective. Love yourself.

  • @rabbitgregory9289
    @rabbitgregory9289 Před 3 měsíci +8

    Learning that I’m an INFJ has helped me accept myself (it was a rough road). Now I feel free. I don’t need or want to tell anyone. I did mention it to my partner, and it wasn’t a big deal either way, only an interesting conversation. He’s quite lucky to have met and married me 40 years ago😊.

  • @BeautifullyAwakened83

    I spent so many years downplaying some of my true thoughts and talents that I don’t even care how anyone feels about me saying that I’m an INFJ. I’m actually a Sigma/Heyoka and I am almost fully Awakened after a 5-6 year journey so yes, I’m Proud To Be An INFJ and I have had so many people take the MBTI test. I don’t just throw it in people face but several of people notice that I’m very different from others.
    In a unique way👀😂😂
    Embrace being an INFJ and stop hiding it! Hiding is what keeps us full of anxiety and worrying about what other people think of you in the first place💯

  • @ricsewell7829
    @ricsewell7829 Před 3 měsíci +5

    The getting taken advantage of and having one sided relationships. Is definitely an on-going problem for me!

    • @brandonhartman4795
      @brandonhartman4795 Před 2 měsíci

      Me too, seems like everytime I pursue a female, I go way out of my way and they don’t feel the same.

  • @ThePracticalIntuitive
    @ThePracticalIntuitive Před 3 měsíci +8

    Yes. I have told a few people and instnatly regreted it. Because they did number 4. Now, I don't say anything.

  • @jclay452
    @jclay452 Před 3 měsíci +4

    A few days ago my daughter told me not to tell people I’m an INFJ because it makes me look like a “pick me” type of person 😂. I don’t usually tell people I am an INFJ. The only time I do is to explain my quirky-ness or why I feel the way I do. The few people I have told weren’t familiar with the different types of personalities, so it didn’t matter anyway.

  • @blktester
    @blktester Před 3 měsíci +1

    I've never shared my INFJ results from taking the test with anyone not already close to me. The primary reason is to avoid being taken advantage of. The times that did happen it infuriated me. Due to my analytical nature I have unconsciously planned to strick back at the abuser. Rarely emotional and most often more like a mental thunderbolt. As for being smarter than the average person, yeah we are. Most of us have generally planned our lives before reaching our 20th birthday. We then test or study various paths that will lead to whatever the ultimate goal is. We then seek a partner and friends that we make the journey with them in our lives. The average person I've found, tends to drift through their early life without direction or objective. Are we smarter, yes if for that triat alone.

  • @BeyondtheHiggs
    @BeyondtheHiggs Před 3 měsíci +2

    I keep it lowkey generally ,as I find that revealing it doesn't affect my relationships with other people too much either way, and I remind myself that If I did people probably wouldn't care or know enough to engage. I kind of keep it as my hidden superpower. I already occasionally get accused of acting like I'm better than everyone else or having an ego. I try to minimize that impression. What I do is I state what I can do or need. Statements like " I need some time and quiet to recharge after that." Or " I can read patterns and there's been a change in your routine. What's up?"
    and yes I work in mental health. Some call it mild manipulation , I call it good motivational interviewing.

  • @kattilathehunfreedomfighter
    @kattilathehunfreedomfighter Před 3 měsíci +6

    Just a few days ago I was completely betrayed for the umpteenth time. Interestingly, it happened a day after I shared that I am an INFJ. I can't say that sharing that information in and of itself caused this latest of many out-of-the-blue betrayals. I had done nothing wrong except express my thoughts about something. And as we INFJs are, I was always loyal, honest and dedicated.
    I'd say that just BEING an INFJ in a "normie" world is what causes these perplexing and unprovoked turn of events on a regular basis, whether it's at work or in personal relationships. It's an energy thing, IMO. Am I the only one who has had this happen repeatedly and unprovoked? I literally give my all to people and they snap on me and completely turn on me, leaving me reeling as to what just happened, time and time again. It has become a bizarre phenomenon in my life and it makes no sense. I'm so over it.

    • @2012jordie
      @2012jordie Před 3 měsíci +4

      It’s happened to me, too. Unprovoked anger, being suddenly blocked or ghosted online by people I thought I was getting along with and wondering what I had done to offend them. It’s never not devastating to me. Western culture tends to look down on people who require validation from others to feel secure, but fact is the social primate brain isn’t built for extreme individualism. We need positive feedback from our communities, or we become anxious and depressed. It’s extremely damaging when you not only struggle to fit in but appear to be actually loathsome to others. Especially when no one has the guts to tell you what you’re doing wrong, so there’s no possibility of correcting your evidently terrible behaviour. It can easily lead to paranoia. Am I ugly? Do I smell bad? These are quite logical conclusions to come to when others reject you for no reason that’s apparent to you, and if you don’t have any supportive family members or friends to issue a contradiction, you quickly start to believe that there’s something wrong with you.
      I think it’s not ONLY us. Yes, we’re rare, and many people find us strange. But there’s a real problem with people being antisocial, dishonest, low in empathy, impatient, and self-obsessed, so that people who are not immediately pleasing to them are discarded out of hand. (To be fair, fast-paced modern living, lack of time, and unscrupulous social media CEOs getting rich off our smartphone addictions are factors here.) But worst of all, IMO, is that we imagine ourselves to be polite, civilised, and good in spite of all these flaws, and this can manifest in some very cowardly behaviour when our preconceptions of ourselves are threatened … such as when we encounter an insightful personality type known for its skill in seeing through masks and fakery.
      You’re right about it being “an energy thing”. Our authentic energy is very disturbing to inauthentic people. But social norms won’t allow them to simply tell us when they dislike us or our behaviour. They would prefer to bottle up their feelings and put up with us rather than risk committing the awful social crime of being rude. (This, I suspect, is a global problem, but cultures founded on highly idealistic, e.g., Christian, values are particularly guilty.) But negative emotions must be expressed to be properly processed, ideally in a way that enables everyone involved to reach a compromise (I’m not advocating for a complete lack of emotional control). When repressed, they quickly intensify and exceed tolerance. That’s when the INFJ, who trusts the other person’s polite front and doesn’t know how much they’re actually getting on their nerves, is suddenly abandoned and left to wonder what they did wrong. The truth is the other person did it to themselves by choosing to be inauthentic, but that’s a cold comfort to the friendless INFJ.
      INFJs value truth, authenticity, and spiritual depth/character over materialistic status symbols, so we’re a poor fit for shallow cultures. Understanding this makes it easier to accept oneself and adapt. We have a great deal of empathy and insight (sometimes to our detriment), so we can fake it, though we might wish we didn’t have to. It’s only when we’re still bought into the collective gaslight that people are polite and altruistic rather than selfish and hypocritical that we really suffer. I don’t believe people are naturally evil, but there is a very large gap between what religion and philosophy wants humanity to be and what it actually is. We’re out of touch with reality.
      This rationale might very well be self-centred. “It’s not me who is wrong, it’s everyone else.” But a person cannot accept being nothing to no one as the basis for their identity. That’s emotional suicide for a social animal, and it will come up with whatever insane cope it has to in order to avoid it. It’s why people join cults and hate groups. Such organisations are invariably made up of social misfits who have no one and nowhere else. Nature made us alike in our desire to fit in and find love, it’s civilisation that orders us according to class and birthright and tells us some people just have to miss out. Healing the world starts with recognising that humans are equal in their emotional needs, if not their material worth or abilities, and that the hierarchical society just plumb doesn’t work-not for the 99%, anyway.

    • @manukahoney3442
      @manukahoney3442 Před 3 měsíci +2

      @@2012jordieAre you -T or -A? If -T, develop yourself towards -A. If -A, develop further towards Sigma.
      When it comes to trust, I turn to the Holy Spirit or Jesus. Those I can trust. I do not longer urge for relationships to other humans in order to complement me. I am whole as I am. This makes me invulnerable.

    • @manukahoney3442
      @manukahoney3442 Před 3 měsíci +1

      I am rejected throughout my life. I never knew why. Just recently I discovered I am INFJ-A. 🤷‍♂️
      So it doesn’t depend on telling someone what you are. Others can smell it on a subconscious level and will turn against you. 🤷‍♂️

    • @2012jordie
      @2012jordie Před 3 měsíci

      @@manukahoney3442 Hard -T. And I’m a Satanist.

    • @blktester
      @blktester Před 3 měsíci +4

      Some people will not like that you are smarter, more observant and better at being analytical than they are. Consider this, maybe they were running away from you because they wish they were an INFJ. Envy is hard to hide.

  • @user-ox6ip8ie7d
    @user-ox6ip8ie7d Před 3 měsíci +2

    Mom always wondered why I tended to drift off by myself. MBTI seems to explain that and a lot of other personality quirks that have puzzled me and my friends. I haven’t met anyone off-line who has even heard of it?

  • @susanmolnar9606
    @susanmolnar9606 Před 3 měsíci +4

    I keep my mouth shut about who I am. Only my best friend gets me. She has an open mind and heart. My other friend is a narcissist and she doesn’t want to understand me so I take small doses of her.

    • @PSYCH-O
      @PSYCH-O Před 3 měsíci +2

      You're lucky to have found someone who understands you as an INFJ 🙏

    • @cc1k435
      @cc1k435 Před 3 měsíci +2

      And completely on brand to have found a narcissist. 😂

  • @mollydooker9636
    @mollydooker9636 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Who needs to know? No-one cares about much beyond their own issues. Just keep it to yourself , its not hard.

  • @Meenaia
    @Meenaia Před 3 měsíci

    I have no problems about sharing NOW but yes these points were definitely a concern before healing past traumas and genuinely accepting myself. Oddly enough #7 was the best thing to ever happen to me because it was so painful and soul crushing that I will never put myself in that situation again now that I can pick up on patterns. Be kind and really understanding of yourself. None of these points will be an issue if you have your own back and aren't reliant on others superficial validations of you. That is just my perspective, anyways. Take care and wishing you all the best.

  • @MrZirun
    @MrZirun Před 3 měsíci +2

    People are too lazy to check what INFJ means. So - it did not affect me.

  • @priyankarmajumder4152
    @priyankarmajumder4152 Před měsícem

    It's always better to know yourself and do things in life based on MBTI indications rather than following some astrological predictions.

  • @drewford3205
    @drewford3205 Před 3 měsíci +1

    The last one is the biggest issue i have

  • @airam-sj2172
    @airam-sj2172 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Psychology and the Zodiac signs are totally different matters.

  • @Emefur1
    @Emefur1 Před 3 měsíci

    No. I don’t tell anyone. Why would I? Its purpose is to help me understand myself.

  • @drewford3205
    @drewford3205 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Its real that's whii don't ❤

  • @callmecanolli322
    @callmecanolli322 Před 2 měsíci

    No one seems to care that I am
    an INFJ. Both myself and my husband are INFJ.

  • @Thilosophocl3s
    @Thilosophocl3s Před 3 měsíci +1

    The only folks who really care about mbti are INFJ. Also, MBTI should be considered less reliable than astrology, because it’s incomplete and outdated. So much work has been done since meyers/briggs in the science of types, but mbti sells easily because it’s really bite sized as far as content.
    I’m down to be tested by anyone, bring it. At the of the day, if you’ve seen one example of a type, you’ve seen one example of a type. I won’t agree with anything I find to be inaccurate, I will ask questions to whomever states the inaccuracy to show them the fault in their logic.
    Can’t say I’ve dealt with a lot infatuation lol.