Mass Effect 3 Soundtrack - Catalyst

  • čas přidán 11. 03. 2012
  • Mass Effect 3 OST
  • Hry

Komentáře • 257

  • @Tom_The_Cat
    @Tom_The_Cat Před 9 lety +17

    So beautiful...

  • @bluemassgamer17
    @bluemassgamer17 Před 11 lety +8

    this song makes every conversation that much more serious.

  • @Syokhan
    @Syokhan Před 12 lety +2

    I think this is one of the most haunting tunes in the game. So beautiful.

  • @CatalystGamingUK
    @CatalystGamingUK Před 12 lety +1


  • @Puffin10101
    @Puffin10101 Před 12 lety +3

    This is soooo emotional. I think I'm gonna cry :''(

  • @Densaku
    @Densaku Před 12 lety +1

    (Renegade interrupt) Sheperd shoots the Goldchild in his face.
    (Paragon Interupt) Sheperd turns back & walks away.

  • @DarkAntem
    @DarkAntem Před 12 lety +2

    The soundtrack : 20/20. The ending : 02/20

  • @newyears912
    @newyears912 Před 12 lety +1

    I guess i'll believe it when i see it. my faith in bioware has been shaken

  • @gymgymgymgym
    @gymgymgymgym Před 12 lety

    Not to wipe out, but to preserve. A species being alive was the same thing as it being in Reaper form to the catalyst. So long as they existed in one way or another, he felt his purpose was being fulfilled.

  • @jasx501
    @jasx501 Před 12 lety

    Thank you! I got the OST and pulled a "Wtf?!" when this song wasn't on it. Many thanks.

  • @Triptych229
    @Triptych229 Před 12 lety

    Wow! How have I not noticed that the first time! Or any other times after that?! Thank you for pointing that out!

  • @LuckyLu717
    @LuckyLu717 Před 12 lety

    It may have knocked a few ships and made them drift, but the only real ship that seems to have been disabled was the Normandy, which seems to be merely because it was in the middle of an FTL jump via the Mass Relay, with the full force of the energy coming up behind them. And the quarians now have the Geth to help and entire planet full of possible food sources...

  • @stbr68
    @stbr68 Před 11 lety

    And used them as a distributed intelligence. That's why in Control, Shepard is fused with both the Catalyst and the Reapers.

  • @phantomninja01
    @phantomninja01 Před 12 lety

    The Catalyst was talking about synthetic vs organic life. The Catalyst and Reapers are both synthetic.

  • @thesparduck117
    @thesparduck117 Před 12 lety

    SO BE IT
    the cycle continues

  • @slashuur8760
    @slashuur8760 Před 12 lety

    And it all comes down to which flavor of Mountain Dew destroys galactic civilization.

  • @FulCastor
    @FulCastor Před 12 lety

    The magical kid of Space ...

  • @angrydrummergirl2648
    @angrydrummergirl2648 Před 3 lety

    Just heard this in 1st episode of Connected on Netflix :)

  • @ZiggyIsGrape
    @ZiggyIsGrape Před 12 lety

    yea they do

  • @soldierassasin
    @soldierassasin Před 12 lety

    The Catalyst still created them.

  • @pisser98
    @pisser98 Před 12 lety

    this is almost exactly what i actually said
    its not about, what the catalyst does, its about, that he is god and somewhat rules the galaxy

  • @soldierassasin
    @soldierassasin Před 12 lety

    If the Catalyst was talking about that then don't you think it would have said "All synthetics will rebel against their creators".

  • @strawdable
    @strawdable Před 12 lety


  • @karankenZ
    @karankenZ Před 12 lety

    Shepard gets woken up from indoctrination by an indoctrinated turian.
    Indoctrinated Turian: I freed myself, something in the catalyst is releasing an anti indoctrination wave.
    Shepard: Thank you, what's your name?
    Indoctrinated Turian: I was leutenant Shields, but I guess they call one's like me, Marauders. Marauder Shields reporting in , Shepard, it's just the two of us here now.

  • @pisser98
    @pisser98 Před 12 lety

    lets face it:
    in the end of me3, you meet god personally.
    this is the moment, everything you know and invested in this game is crunched into a small ball and smashed against your head

  • @GauravMahajanAvaron
    @GauravMahajanAvaron Před 12 lety

    the biggest bump was Bioware's advertisement......" The war on earth have begun.....Decide how it ends"

  • @TheLaughiingMan
    @TheLaughiingMan Před 12 lety

    The instant this music started playing is the instant that BioWare jumped the shark.

  • @OnomateopoeticForPresident

    The Catalyst is THE Reaper. The Reapers were just tools to it, that it used to fullfil the cycle again and again. They had simple VI intelligence, so the wouldnt look like tools. The only flaw with the Catalyst was, that it could not do anything without the help of the Reapers...

  • @nokronis
    @nokronis Před 12 lety

    Bioware stated that they will be releasing an "Extended Ending" this summer for FREE.

  • @dhoogduin
    @dhoogduin Před 12 lety

    he just looks like the child that has been somehow traumatized into shepards mind after he was fried on earth. Guess he was interfaced into the catalyst instead of being physically there.. like in the geth AI's space.

  • @TheShipCommander
    @TheShipCommander Před 12 lety

    The relays don't get destroyed in all the endings.

  • @MAJ0R_TOM
    @MAJ0R_TOM Před 12 lety

    Catalyst contradicts Sovereign as well.
    Catalyst: we put organic life in reaper form
    Sovereign: Reaper. A label created by the protheans to give voice to their destruction. In the end, what they chose to call us is irrelevant. We simply are.

  • @ATLAS1796
    @ATLAS1796 Před 12 lety


  • @rydendm
    @rydendm Před 12 lety

    the DLC explains that the creators of the Catalyst became the first true reapers "They were not happy with that".. in other words, the Catalyst owned them and turned them into reaper form against their wishes. Hence, the whole theme still rings true. Synthetic went against ORganic

  • @phantomninja01
    @phantomninja01 Před 12 lety

    The purpose of the Reapers is to harvest the more advance races of the galaxy to allow the primitive ones a chance to evolve on their own. By harvesting the advance races they live on in Reaper form. If you recruited Javik he says himself that the Protheans used to subjugate the lesser races as slaves. When the Reapers wiped out the Protheans they left the primitive races (Humans, Asari, Turians ect.) untouched to allow them a chance to expand on their own.

  • @QGfk1
    @QGfk1 Před 12 lety

    I see you've taken the smart path I have: behaving as if the last 10 minutes never happened

  • @MrSmaste
    @MrSmaste Před 12 lety

    The second claim was also proven by the Protheans building on in ME

  • @MAJ0R_TOM
    @MAJ0R_TOM Před 12 lety

    Exactly, escpecially when it can look up and see a geth ship and a quarian ship, like, NOT DESTROYING EACHOTHER!

  • @Snippy2442
    @Snippy2442 Před 12 lety

    The mass relays are destroyed in every ending. The act of using the crucible destroys them. It doesn't matter how you use it.

  • @LuckyLu717
    @LuckyLu717 Před 12 lety

    I've come to like it. You sacrifice yourself for the good of the universe and save your crew (and possibly achieve everlasting peace, depending on your choice). THAT is who Shepard is (or my Shepard is), the guy who would give up everything for the sake of others. The guy whose will is so strong, he would overcome any hardship and put his life on the line for the people he loved. He's a hero and a legend. The only thing I would want now is more info on what everyone did afterward. Just closure.

  • @PhoenixFoxes1
    @PhoenixFoxes1 Před 12 lety

    The catalyst said he controlled the reapers, not that he created them.
    Please replay and listen to the endings a little bit more.

  • @meredpool2003
    @meredpool2003 Před 12 lety

    We will even hand you the gun

  • @Outcaster88
    @Outcaster88 Před 12 lety

    Totally agree, i also believe Shepard was indoctrinated by none other than Harbinger (the reaper that lands and starts shooting at you before the final run with your squad towards the teleporting beam) it''s clearly him, marked by the yellow lights on him.
    So most likely the dlc will have us fight him someway if your choice was destroy the reapers. Can't say what options will be for the other choices.

  • @SaidSuil
    @SaidSuil Před 12 lety

    Look Guys, there are no god or starchild, there are only a high tech advanced computer witch is the CIDATEL.
    The catalyst is a syntetic like the Reapers, we can admit that is the overseer of the reapers.
    It apears in a form of a child to be more simple to shepard to accept it and comunicate easier.

  • @Teeheehee093
    @Teeheehee093 Před 12 lety

    We paid over 100 for all these games. We deserve a better ending.

  • @meredpool2003
    @meredpool2003 Před 12 lety

    Its ending fixed the game and didn't seemed rushed

  • @Xinsor
    @Xinsor Před 12 lety

    I believe the players and customers have a right to voice their own opinion. Every constructive argument and feedback help make the game or future games better as the developers get a better understanding of what their customers want.
    The 10 last min. of the game series didn't destroy my gaming experience either, but voicing your displeasure does help. They are creating a DLC with a new ending as a matter of fact, and that only happens because the players give their developers feedback.

  • @Scalifs
    @Scalifs Před 12 lety

    Okay, so this is what happened.
    When you were reaching the beam, you got knocked out.
    When you thought you were awake, you were dreaming
    The final decision was the Reaper's last attempts to stalling you for defeating them. If you picked the choice to take the Reapers/live together, then you lost. If you decided to destroy them, you defeated your indoctrination (the nightmares manifested as a child) and you wake up.

  • @Flufferz626
    @Flufferz626 Před 12 lety

    If you saved the Council, it didn't matter. As long as you get enough assets, you don't need the Rachni. It's down to how you organize the numbering values arbitrarily given to characters and assets, not true choices with consequences. All three endings have the mass relays being destroyed, the party on Earth magically aboard the Normandy and on a jungle planet, and Shepard dead. Oh yeah, the breath scene you can only see if you played multiplayer. No difference.

  • @TauroWW2
    @TauroWW2 Před 12 lety

    Longer version anyone?

  • @Blellowdb
    @Blellowdb Před 12 lety

    Personally I like Shepards electric-acid-adventure through Shroom Kingdom. The massive Pikachu with lasers was a nice touch.

  • @UniverseMasters
    @UniverseMasters Před 12 lety

    So maybe galaxy was like cultivation for reapers.. gathering their yield regurarly. And relays was some kind of equivalent of irrigation ;)

  • @xTiberias
    @xTiberias Před 12 lety

    The reapers were still truly unknown throughout ME 1,2,3.

  • @Remus88Romulus
    @Remus88Romulus Před 12 lety

    I agree with you. You took my words right of my mouth and mind. I just want an epilogue like dragon age origins. Like what happened to the other species and each individually squadmember, like Garrus reuniting with his father and sisters. Maybe a concept art/picture with the text. And maybe Joker marrying EDI. :-) And of course a final conclusion to Harbinger. A final fight.

  • @Gyuresssz
    @Gyuresssz Před 12 lety

    Reapers: a race of synthetics created by the Catalyst to wipe out advanced organic and synthetic life. Because eventually, synthetics created by organics will suceed their creators.

  • @GauravMahajanAvaron
    @GauravMahajanAvaron Před 12 lety

    can't believe the child is the boss of the reapers....??

  • @Crealtos
    @Crealtos Před 12 lety

    @GrantRMartin It's uploaded, and it's called "London".

  • @gymgymgymgym
    @gymgymgymgym Před 12 lety

    When Sovereign says organics were made by accident, he isn't saying that the Reapers made them. I think he is referring to evolution.

  • @rambobo9
    @rambobo9 Před 12 lety

    the ending was a hallucination... dlc on the way!

  • @A7XRules4life
    @A7XRules4life Před 12 lety

    Anyone notice the melodies of this and a lot of songs are based off of Daz Malefitz? They also did so in Mass Effect with a lot of melodies being from M4 Part 2.

  • @IllusiveSerb
    @IllusiveSerb Před 12 lety

    The Catalist is not an organic, but a machine. Yet it thinks it "protects" the organics from the machines. In Reaper case it just might be right. For if it did't control them, they would no doubt exterminate all organic life. However, one can not compare Ripers with Geth, as Geth posess the same inteligance as Ripers, yet they chose to coexist with Quarians (and organics in general), so in the end the Catalyst is just a damn machine who calculates the "best outcome".

  • @Raftylol
    @Raftylol Před 12 lety

    PSA when you hear this song in the game ALT+F4 immediately!! you have bee warned!!!

  • @ctsexton
    @ctsexton Před 12 lety

    @CommanderCRH94 that adds to the theory its indoc. it makes you think controling the reapers is the good ending cause its blue. thats another reason why i think it was and i dont think bioware would end it like that. i dont think theyll give an epilogue ever though cause the do plan to make a 4th this was just the end of shepards story

  • @TheSeth256
    @TheSeth256 Před 12 lety

    Even the first time I've finished the game there was something wrong about the ending,though I haven't read this indoctrination theory.Now,when I've finished it second time,I can see many clues that this is not definite ending,more like a dream.

  • @UniverseMasters
    @UniverseMasters Před 12 lety

    Leaving mass effect relays and citadel, enabled races to expand, gaining numbers and speeding the evolution. Maybe higher evolved race in biggest numbers = better reaper made of it.

  • @Khenfu_Cake
    @Khenfu_Cake Před 12 lety

    I´m not sure how much you have read or seen about the ID theory, but there are many who have gathered tons of evidence to support it. It´s like Bioware thrown out alot of dots and it´s up to the gamers to connect the lines between them. Heck! That is basically the foundation of any theory; you find evidence to support it, eventhough it´s not definitive proof. Even gravity is just a theory.

  • @corneal35
    @corneal35 Před 12 lety

    Correction he controls the "galaxy" not the universe which is made of billions of other galaxies

  • @newyears912
    @newyears912 Před 12 lety

    They aren't changing it they are more than likely going to release further ending DLC that "covers up" or extends the current endings to satisfy their audience. It will undoubtedly cost money.

  • @shotgunsandsmoke
    @shotgunsandsmoke Před 12 lety

    Isn't it the controlling force of the Reapers? The Catalyst is the collective thought of EVERY SINGLE Reaper in the galaxy. A Reaper is the collective thoughts of billions of beings of a particular race. If there are over a thousand Reapers in the galaxy each with billions of organics... forget it, bottom line is that the Catalyst was probably the closest thing to a god in the Milky Way Galaxy.

  • @Desert_Drengr
    @Desert_Drengr Před 12 lety

    HA! I like it!!

  • @Khenfu_Cake
    @Khenfu_Cake Před 12 lety

    "But doesn't that require sophistication on BioWares part? If what you're saying is true, then the ending is the best ending ever in any medium."
    Would that be so bad????

  • @DirtyJerseyProductions
    @DirtyJerseyProductions Před 12 lety

    I felt that way initially, but what really made me upset is the fact that you go throughout the galaxy and unite EVERYBODY to fight and defeat the reapers over the course of three games, and then all of a sudden those alliances and that fight doesn't matter anymore. I understand they wanted to have a provocative twist of an ending, but it just really seemed half assed. They didn't really need it. All they needed to do was blow up the reapers and roll the credits.

  • @heartlessX15
    @heartlessX15 Před 12 lety

    i'm a real fan. been with them since the beginning, lol i remember i was only like 13 or 14 so i had to sneak behind my parents back and play it, even though i love Mass Effect but disliked the ending, it still didn't ruin the series for me. i still love all 3, i'm still grateful that i was able to make this trip, and as a fellow writer i do support Bioware with going with the ending that they wanted to do.

  • @Sandlot47
    @Sandlot47 Před 12 lety

    The ending to not only the game, the entire trilogy was literally ending A, B, or C even though Bioware promised it wasn't going to be like that and that every decision you make in ME, ME2, and ME3 would effect the ending. Yeah, that's bs, because the ending is actually based on your fucking military effect, not decisions. Blue explosions, red explosions, or green explosions... You want Pepsi, Coke, or 7up. Those were the fucking endings, each one the same with a slightly different flavor to it.

  • @wamir11
    @wamir11 Před 12 lety

    Teraz zakończenie ma sens !!!! Shepard nie był indoktrynowany, zwyczajnie za dużo wypił i miał jazdy na trójkolorową eksplozje :D

  • @ChroniclerWabba
    @ChroniclerWabba Před 11 lety

    Actually, the Leviathans created the Catalyst AKA the Intelligence. The Catalyst harvested other Leviathans to create the Reapers.

  • @Khenfu_Cake
    @Khenfu_Cake Před 12 lety

    Now, as for why Bioware hasn´t really said anything yet: Actually they have announced that they are currently working on end-game content, so something will be coming, but as to what it contains; we don´t know yet. I believe that Bioware wanted a debate among the fans just to receive some feedback, to help them "perfect" whatever they are making. I mean, it´s not unusual for Bioware to make content or changes based upon feedback from the players.

  • @TheDragonsRose
    @TheDragonsRose Před 12 lety

    Gods are not perfect, aero.

  • @TheRiddam
    @TheRiddam Před 12 lety

    Shit good track at the very least.

  • @leonthesleepy
    @leonthesleepy Před 12 lety

    I actually really like this song.....damn you bioware.

  • @AlecFortescue
    @AlecFortescue Před 12 lety

    Muzyka said few hours ago, that they'll change the ending.

    @DYCARBINE Před 12 lety

    Would have loved it if this tune is extended.

  • @1vaultdweller
    @1vaultdweller Před 12 lety

    Actually at first it refers to Reapers as "they" and later as "us". It's like trying to maximize confusion.

  • @NonstopRam
    @NonstopRam Před 12 lety

    I would have bought that if I knew what the MS3 endings were :P

  • @Azureflamefox
    @Azureflamefox Před 12 lety

    Great now we get to see them explain how they made a Swiss cheese ending in all it's brown glory.

  • @Tatatesz
    @Tatatesz Před 12 lety

    Not to mention you may get the Geth and the Quarians to make peace, created and creators who've been at each other's throat for years.
    Also, Sovereign said organics were made by mistake. MADE. Probably by the reapers, and it were the reapers who wanted to harvest organics, not vice-versa.
    The more I think about the ending, the more I hate it..

  • @Erevos85
    @Erevos85 Před 12 lety

    @DymondKingz "shitty ending", but it has us all talking about it.

  • @Badax01
    @Badax01 Před 11 lety

    Reapers were created by the catalyst by harvesting the leviathans

  • @crinklyspoon
    @crinklyspoon Před 11 lety

    Correct. The catalyst was formed to control the chaos, and in turn, harvested the leviathans to create the reapers.

  • @spenore
    @spenore Před 12 lety

    I can understand why they did the ending they way they did. same reason they got obsidian to do KotOR 2. they don't want to be stuck in a franchise but that still doesn't make up the fact that we cant thing what happened after.

  • @drowningmouse
    @drowningmouse Před 12 lety

    @Eterna1Soldier Oh man, you just made everything make sense. lol I wondered why I kept saying "was I just indoctrinated by a game?" as soon as I blew everything up... I was wondering why nothing made sense. The writers are too good for that to be real... I just wonder why they made it seem like that was the end if it wasn't, then. O_o They need to be more careful. lol

  • @TheHaloTrickster
    @TheHaloTrickster Před 12 lety

    People are not mad because Sheperd died, its just the fact that all your choices in all 3 games have almost no effect on the ending whatsoever, like they didnt even matter. Uniting all the races in the galaxy also didnt matter because they will never see eachother again. Its almost better if the reapers just won so the mass relays will still be around for future species.

  • @Syokhan
    @Syokhan Před 12 lety

    @virtuafighterman Where did I say that I was expecting a "bunnies and rainbows" ending? And that wasn't even my point. I was telling you that we're all true fans of the franchise, whether we liked how it ended or not.
    But since you want to know why so many of us have a problem with the conclusion, go to Gamefront and read the "Mass Effect 3 Ending-Hatred: 5 Reasons The Fans Are Right" article. It's very well-written and sums up my feelings perfectly. You don't have to agree, just understand.

  • @M3ND0ZA818
    @M3ND0ZA818 Před 12 lety

    Anyone know the music that comes up when you have to make a decision on choosing the ending?

  • @IllusiveSerb
    @IllusiveSerb Před 12 lety

    That is the real question. But I doubt the Catalyst MADE the Reapers, IT said it *controls* them, not that it made them. For all we know, Catalyst could have been made by some crazed organic as a way to stop Reapers from killing everything alive. I mean, damn, BioWare always sucks me in with their storyline, and ME is no different. Love it, and I hope the ME universe continues with many, many more sequils, regardles of Shepard, just as long as ME universe continues to amaze me :)

  • @RomeoWhiskey18
    @RomeoWhiskey18 Před 12 lety

    Why aren't these tracks on the OST I got with the digital delux edition of the game ?

  • @daefaron
    @daefaron Před 12 lety

    Um, watch the cutscene. Control ending does not destroy the relays. Synthesis and Destroy both show the relays completely exploding. Control only shows some explosions on the relay, never the entire thing going up.

  • @ahuynh818
    @ahuynh818 Před 12 lety

    lol, who DIDN'T try to take a shot at him?

  • @MrCamboy97
    @MrCamboy97 Před 12 lety

    Really want the new ending dlc soon!!!!!

  • @TheTrueJedi01
    @TheTrueJedi01 Před 12 lety

    I completely agree...except for one thing. "It was the ending of the Mass Effect series"...for now.