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  • @batbawls
    @batbawls Před 10 lety +2

    I fail to understand why being taken into space and back makes something special. And oh my word, out of all of the possible books to memorialize, they took the fucking Bible, a geocentric book? The irony of that one is bloody astounding!

  • @pupil8
    @pupil8 Před 10 lety +1

    That means you agree with: "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." (1 Peter 2:18)

  • @Killbot754
    @Killbot754 Před 10 lety

    I agree, it's the people who misinterpret it who oppose science, not the book itself.

  • @London_miss234
    @London_miss234 Před 10 lety

    Great video

  • @HMMcHarp2
    @HMMcHarp2 Před 10 lety

    'what would god want with a spaceship' - Captain James T Kirk

  • @Ryakki
    @Ryakki Před 10 lety

    The mistake was bringing it back. Getting any and all religious books off the Earth, blasting them into space, that I can get behind.

  • @teemuntubetus
    @teemuntubetus Před 10 lety

    Thanking Religion for Education and Science is like Fighting for Peace is like Screwing for Virginity.

  • @JustPierreMusic
    @JustPierreMusic Před 8 lety


    @MrHEPBO3AH Před 10 lety

    This is exactly why we haven't been contacted by aliens thus far.

  • @samteejaykay
    @samteejaykay Před 10 lety


  • @markmcarthur5090
    @markmcarthur5090 Před 10 lety

    I believe that can also be translated as:
    "Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh."
    So that gets rid of the idea that slaves should be willing to be raped by perverse masters. But basically it's just saying to not be rebellious. Yes, slavery is wrong. Yes, those slaves have a right to freedom. But, should those slaves commit evil (for instance kill their master) to be free?

  • @loudbill
    @loudbill Před 10 lety

    It's not the book, it's the people.

  • @wolfieCLANwop
    @wolfieCLANwop Před 10 lety

    Why the hell did they waste their time sending a Bible, when there are so many great Science books out there.

  • @seppukusayonara
    @seppukusayonara Před 10 lety

    I was refering to the second part of your comment.
    And as for your question, because we (or you, the Americans) live in the culture that is based on Christianity.

  • @pupil8
    @pupil8 Před 10 lety

    So youre perfectly fine with the bible saying: "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet." (1 Timothy 2:12)

  • @markmcarthur5090
    @markmcarthur5090 Před 10 lety

    I really don't understand how taking something you value to the Moon is offensive, or how the Bible being in space would insult scientists. Also, I'd say the fact that the Bible says "Love your enemies" and "Love your neighbor" could have a slightly larger effect on whether Christians kill people than their capability to kill people.

  • @BlJkScTr
    @BlJkScTr Před 10 lety

    Regardless, there are few books that shaped history to the extent of the bible.
    Also, the reason that they chose to bring a bible to the moon was due to Apollo 1. If you remember, all three astronauts of Apollo 1 died in a flash fire on the launch pad. Edward White, one of those astronauts, had mentioned to a reporter before his death that he wished to carry a Bible to the moon. After his death, it was decided to fulfill this wish in memory of him.

  • @royrice8597
    @royrice8597 Před 3 lety

    The Gospel was out there long before it was here.

  • @sarge958
    @sarge958 Před 10 lety

    Ok. You got me there.

    @MECKENICALROBOT Před 10 lety

    beautifully worded.

  • @LivingxPrime
    @LivingxPrime Před 10 lety

    You know better than that. I don't want to look through a telescope and see a myriad of these books uselessly resting on the Moon. They deserve better. Launch them into the Sun instead.

  • @AlphasysNl
    @AlphasysNl Před 10 lety

    Definitely. For me "The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy" would have been the number one candidate.

  • @TeganBurns
    @TeganBurns Před 10 lety

    I would get a kickstarter to buy that so it can be destroyed and we can then send a real book to the moon

  • @diegoromero4851
    @diegoromero4851 Před 10 lety

    They found it on the moon!!

  • @reezysoneezy
    @reezysoneezy Před 10 lety

    it IS in keeping in the medieval idea of a relic, its a relic of a pre-medieval time. how anyone can have the arrogance to "spread the gospel beyond the earth" is beyond me

  • @Meuszik
    @Meuszik Před 10 lety

    Thank goodness they didn't leave it there.

  • @KayleLang
    @KayleLang Před 10 lety

    And in another universe I might no exist. Should I mourn myself in the universes that I don't exist in? Whenever a girl goes through her period, is that a life being wasted?

  • @RVGENomini
    @RVGENomini Před 10 lety

    If the god of the bible is omnipresent, the bible is already at the moon. Derp.

  • @Hoverbot1TV
    @Hoverbot1TV Před 10 lety

    That an Nasa cannot go to space under their own power anymore and are hovering in low earth orbit calling that space. LOL!

  • @Hoverbot1TV
    @Hoverbot1TV Před 10 lety

    Whatever life finds it probably has the original manuscript storybook. Apollo guy took ots of unregistered stuff to the moon.

  • @ZeroCool1point6
    @ZeroCool1point6 Před 10 lety

    agree :D

  • @angrymoth2
    @angrymoth2 Před 10 lety

    Science. That's how! >.> More specifically, the same way information is imprinted on a magnetic film, except not as digital data of 1s and 0s.

  • @BigGamer2525
    @BigGamer2525 Před 10 lety

    My god . . . Space preachers.

  • @sage142111
    @sage142111 Před 10 lety

    I would totally bring a bible in their situation. Your thousands of miles away from earth in a spaceship with computing power that equals less than the iPhone. Belief in god or no i would be reading and praying probably the entire way.

  • @ItisIDanger
    @ItisIDanger Před 10 lety

    Here's the thing. If God is real and all that being beyond the Earth, what use would sending "his word" back to him?

  • @992turbos
    @992turbos Před 10 lety

    They did bring along a blessed microscope too right?

  • @KayleLang
    @KayleLang Před 10 lety

    Consciousness is not a precondition for existence, but it is a requirement to be consider sentient. About 200,000 and 3,000,000 cells die in your body every second, yet it's not something we fuss over. Many people don't consider an egg and a sperm to be a human life, not even according to the bible. A sperm and a egg together is not more special than if they are separate.

  • @somewhere615
    @somewhere615 Před 10 lety

    The best choice, but the gospel is already in space.

  • @Viktir123
    @Viktir123 Před 10 lety

    LOL I fucking love you!

  • @teemuntubetus
    @teemuntubetus Před 10 lety


  • @ZeroCool1point6
    @ZeroCool1point6 Před 10 lety

    agree :p

  • @AlphasysNl
    @AlphasysNl Před 10 lety

    The movie didn't do it justice. It's hilarious! But also more "in context" than the bible. Pick up a copy from your local library and have a go at it? Just start with the first book then decide if you like it enough to read the other 4.

  • @seppukusayonara
    @seppukusayonara Před 10 lety

    And sure, the Church was not always fair with the science later on, but it pales in comparison with its merits.

  • @LikeSenpai1776
    @LikeSenpai1776 Před 10 lety

    Wasn't that unconstitutional? I mean I don't see no Guru Granth Sahib being taken to the moon. Besides we would possibly be colonizing a moon orbiting Kepler 8b if wasn't for the dark ages.

  • @StupidlyMe
    @StupidlyMe Před 10 lety

    The comments I have read thus far are very reflective of our non-retarded, most tolerant, morally sound, intellectually superior (compared to the 'religious nuts' of course), non-bullshitting, enlightened few, of our great and glorious species that is us homosapiens. Well done, everyone! :)

  • @madmaxbocka
    @madmaxbocka Před 10 lety

    right on! I hope the proceeds went to NASA. Such a good idea to sell the trash from the old moon missions that isn't useful anymore, then they could make some money from it to use on new explorations & research!

  • @ImVirux
    @ImVirux Před 10 lety

    Lots of things that are in the bible can be proven with science.....just putting that out there for the people who think they don't go together. Not everything is scientifically proven yet, but I believe that someday it will. And if not, just look at it as a History book, from the time of the Sumerians to now, it has Human History and Beliefs that relate to science.

  • @maraseea
    @maraseea Před 10 lety

    Just think of what they could have accomplished without being restricted by their religious beliefs

  • @seppukusayonara
    @seppukusayonara Před 10 lety

    Those are my cells, they are not a developing organism. They all have the same DNA, my DNA. An embryo is not just a couple of cells, it has its unique DNA and if not artificially stopped, it will continue in its growth. How is this no more special than an egg and a sperm? Can you point a different begining of one's existence than the creation of the embryo?

  • @yadonmendel7369
    @yadonmendel7369 Před 10 lety

    Sounds like Some Senator from Texas had a wild hair up his back side at church one Sunday and came up with this bull crap. Thank U GOP for not thinking.

  • @cardogkitchen4106
    @cardogkitchen4106 Před 10 lety

    What about the Koran?

  • @iFistCats
    @iFistCats Před 10 lety

    nah its the people. its an interesting read regardless what you believe in.

  • @xXxJokerManxXx
    @xXxJokerManxXx Před 10 lety

    you see, I'm a catholic and I really dont see the point of flying the bible to the moon???

  • @sgtsnakeeyes11
    @sgtsnakeeyes11 Před 10 lety

    well thats unfortunate

  • @jackofalltrades4572
    @jackofalltrades4572 Před 10 lety

    Irony at its best..

  • @RagingCondor
    @RagingCondor Před 10 lety

    For my neurotic brothers and sisters! Keep the equilibrium of likes/dislikes for this clip..

  • @992turbos
    @992turbos Před 10 lety

    I don't even want to think about the money it cost to assemble that and take it to the moon. So impractical. What good does that do anyway? Bibles are in every hotel room and people commit sins in those rooms everyday. Why would it take human hands to write and transport such a text? Surely an all powerful god could spread his message without the help of his creations lol.

  • @LikeSenpai1776
    @LikeSenpai1776 Před 10 lety

    Errm 1st amendment about notrespecting an establishment of religion.
    Why not a Quran too?

  • @mflynn2009
    @mflynn2009 Před 10 lety


  • @robertfool2933
    @robertfool2933 Před 10 lety

    Came to this channel for the Why with Nye videos... Bill Nye would NOT support this

  • @markmcarthur5090
    @markmcarthur5090 Před 10 lety

    How is the Bible getting in the way of science? In what way is the Bible vile? How does the Bible seek to destroy science? What is more of a disgrace, a book that is valued by many people going to the Moon, or something that many people value being villainized by those who, most likely, don't know much about it?

  • @fahlgorithm
    @fahlgorithm Před 10 lety


  • @666KeepitMetal
    @666KeepitMetal Před 10 lety +3

    hahaha why

  • @pasarell2222
    @pasarell2222 Před 3 lety

    no one has ever been to the moon

  • @tavita
    @tavita Před 10 lety

    Portotype credit card starting bid $7500 or sold? Either way its junk.smh lol that's three months rent

  • @seppukusayonara
    @seppukusayonara Před 10 lety

    they have human genome...

  • @seppukusayonara
    @seppukusayonara Před 10 lety

    Religion wasn't any cause of the dark ages. Dark ages were due to the end of the Roman Empire, which was due to barbarian expansion in Europe. In fact, without Christianity we would be held back a couple thousand years for the Christians saved ancient libraries from destroy. And there would be no Oxford or Cambridge or Bologne or any other of Europe's oldest Universities because they were established as places to study theology in the first place.

  • @dingdongbingbongdingdingding

    seems like there's a lot of intolerance here.

  • @seppukusayonara
    @seppukusayonara Před 10 lety

    Restricted by religious beliefs? In what way? Without their faith they would probably not have found sense of their lives. Think about consequences of that. Most of the people need religion for this very reason.
    And the only thing you regard as an accomplishment is writing an equation or building a rocket engine? How about poetry, literature, philosophy?
    Not mentioning that without Christians we would have to reinvent all the ancient knowledge. (I mean they saved libraries from barbarian)

  • @PaulTheRepublican
    @PaulTheRepublican Před 10 lety

    maybe if you actually pick up a book and open it you will discover that the bible didn't cause the dark ages genius

  • @ed32ification
    @ed32ification Před 10 lety

    Lol!!! Overall it's just a item a item what a waste of money.... How about a tour to the satellite for 45k

  • @KayleLang
    @KayleLang Před 10 lety

    Stem cell research.

  • @ac1d23
    @ac1d23 Před 10 lety

    Spreading "the whord" of an imaginary being who "claims" being omniscient, doesn't make any sense to me.

  • @madi_beee
    @madi_beee Před 10 lety

    Such ignorant commenters..sheez

  • @lesorax123
    @lesorax123 Před 10 lety

    This is worse than Samsung.

  • @seppukusayonara
    @seppukusayonara Před 10 lety

    yeah we would, but what does that have in common with the bible?
    you don't know the history, poor kid

  • @TheWhyimcool
    @TheWhyimcool Před 10 lety

    Great, now it's going to ruin a second planet.

  • @luciferslettuce
    @luciferslettuce Před 10 lety

    It shouldn't have been sent. Pointless takes space and money for nothing but a story.

  • @sarge958
    @sarge958 Před 10 lety

    The bible does not get in the way of science.. Where did you hear that crap?

  • @nikbates23
    @nikbates23 Před 10 lety

    Just no

  • @PoppiesSeeds
    @PoppiesSeeds Před 10 lety

    A really stupid choice.

  • @zefc0re
    @zefc0re Před 10 lety

    Christianity. The disgraceful apotheosis of patriarchy.

  • @MarcErlich44
    @MarcErlich44 Před 10 lety

    Inelegant and disgraceful. The secular among us are, in fact, NOT amused with this "relic-esque" non-sense.

  • @RapidDominance357
    @RapidDominance357 Před 10 lety


  • @letsgetthisoverwith
    @letsgetthisoverwith Před 10 lety

    Waste of resources.

  • @Nanocyte
    @Nanocyte Před 10 lety

    This is disgusting.