Instant Enlightenment | Anupaya in Kashmir Shaivism

  • čas přidán 13. 09. 2024
  • We'll explore how it might be possible for a person to be instantly free here and now, as suddenly and as effortlessly and easily as one "falls from a tree after losing one's footing".
    Naturally, this will take us into a discussion on anupaya, the notorious "no path path" of instant liberation and jīvanmukti, the somewhat paradoxical doctrine of being free of the world/body while remaining in it!
    Some schools of spirituality, dualistic theistic traditions foremost amongst them, wholeheartedly reject this idea, preferring instead a post mortem salvation, and a "there" and "then" God as a opposed to a "here" and "now" one while other schools, like Advaita Vedanta and Kaula Trika (Non-Dual Shaivism) see jīvanmukti not only as a theoretical necessity given their reasoning, but as a practical guarantee!
    In so many words: at the end of today's lecture you could very well, by śiva's grace, leave enlightened, completely and irrevocably because as you will see from the citations below, bondage and liberation are nothing but the Lord's play - i.e your play! We will explore, Mā willing, exactly the mechanism by which this kind of instant liberation comes about to induce it (or at the very least prepare for the possibility of it) in our own immediae experience.
    Lectures happen live on zoom every Monday at 7pm PST and Friday 10am PST and Friday at 6pm PST. There's Q&A right after the lectures.
    It is free and open to the public. All are welcome!
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    Citations (from Paramārthasāra of Abinava Gupta):
    paramaṃ yat svātantryaṃ durghaṭasaṃpādanaṃ
    maheśasya devī māyāśaktiḥ svātmāvaraṇaṃ śivasyaitat ( 15 )
    The supreme Lord's great freedom, which is capable of accomplishing the most difficult task, is called the Goddess Maya-sakti. It serves Paramasiva as a veil to hide Himself.
    svajñānavibhavabhāsana - yogenodveṣṭayennijātmānam |
    iti bandhamokṣacitrāṃ krīḍāṃ pratanoti paramaśivaḥ (33)
    Lord Paramaśiva liberates himself from bondage by loosening its grip through the glory of knowledge of the Self. Thus bondage and liberation are his divine play.
    tadvat kañcukapaṭalī -
    pṛthakkṛtā saṃvidatra saṃskārāt |
    tiṣṭhantyapi muktātmā
    tatsparśavivarjitā bhavati (86)
    In the same way, Consciousness once its been separated from its complex of sheaths (kañcukas) is forever alien to their touch, even though as a liberated self, it remains there due to impressions (samskāras).
    tīrthe śvapacagṛhe vā
    naṣṭasmṛtirapi parityajandeham |
    kaivalyaṃ yāti hataśokaḥ (83)
    Whether he departs from his physical body in a holy place or in an outcaste's hovel, and even if he loses his memory, he obtains liberation immediately upon receiving knowledge thus overcoming sorrow.**
    ādarśe malarahite yadvad vadanaṃ vibhāti tadvad ayam |
    śiva - śaktipātavimale dhītattve bhāti bhārūpaḥ ( 9 )
    As a face shines forth in a spotlessly clean mirror, in the same way the supreme Lord who is of the nature of illumination shines forth in the buddhi (intellect) tattva that has been purified following the descent of divine grace by the Lord.
    We'll also continue to explore our list below with an emphasis on grades one and two which guarantee instant, spontaneous, and permanently abiding realization.
    The 9 Levels of Awakening (Shaktipāt)
    Tīvra tīvra = Intensely intense = videha mukti
    Madhya tīvra = Moderately intense = jīvanmukti
    Manda tīvra = Weakly Intense = jīvanmutki
    Tīvra madhya = oderate = krama mukti
    Madya madya = Moderately moderate = krama mukti
    Manda madhya = Weakly moderate = krama mukti
    Tīvra manda = Weak but Intense
    Madya manda = Moderately weak
    Manda manda = Weakly weak
    note also iśopanishad 6 & 7:
    yas tu sarvāni bhūtani atmany'eva'nupasyati
    sarva bhūteshu catmanam tato na vijugupsate
    He who sees everything in himself and his Self in everything, never hates anything
    yasmin sarvāni bhutāni atma'iva bhūdvijānatah:
    tatra ko'moha kah shoka ekatvam anupaśyatah:
    When a person knows that he Himself has become everything and he knows the Oneness of things, how can he hate or love anything
    (Chapter Markers Coming Soon)

Komentáře • 13

  • @AnanyaDas10
    @AnanyaDas10 Před 11 měsíci +4

    I am so jealous of your hair ..and the Nataraj murti is so so beautiful

  • @rudrani888
    @rudrani888 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Just pray! Indeed there is an elegance in simplicity ❤

  • @mr.aNd3rs0n
    @mr.aNd3rs0n Před 11 měsíci +3

    ...ahh...just sat down to watch yt with a cup of instant coffee...might as well get some instant enlightenment while i’m at it🤣✌️🍻🧘🏽‍♂️🧡🙏

  • @BhagwanThapa
    @BhagwanThapa Před 11 měsíci +4

    please tell something about kal bhairava

  • @shivasmight369
    @shivasmight369 Před 3 měsíci

    Om Namah Shivaya

  • @kimberlyporter9555
    @kimberlyporter9555 Před 11 měsíci +2

    This consciousness before matter is something I've suspected. Like gravity and EMF is a product of consciousness. I think the ancients knew because the soul was first depicted as a bird in Egyptian hieroglyphs. We now know that birds can detect/see the electromagnetic field which is how they navigate.

  • @apishen712
    @apishen712 Před 8 měsíci


  • @GZKG
    @GZKG Před 11 měsíci +4

    nish i have a question , u say that the spirit has no gender but wouldnt that go agains the hermetic principle of gender or does the hindu realigions and schools not belive in that principle?

    • @bustedkeaton
      @bustedkeaton Před 11 měsíci

      They don't. Why would they?? India even now legally recognizes 3 genders, so why would they entertain western mystical philosophy that tries to reify a constructed binary?

    • @seedfromatree
      @seedfromatree Před 10 měsíci +1

      It has all the genders. And therefore it has no gender.

  • @adityganguly4021
    @adityganguly4021 Před 9 měsíci

    I am not becoming enlightened instantly.

    • @NishTheFishYoga
      @NishTheFishYoga  Před 9 měsíci +1

      Two things are required: a good seed and good soil! Everything happens in its own time, according to the playful Will of the Lord. All we can do is practice diligently and increase our sadhana in intensity and quantity with every passing day and surrender wholly unto the Lord!