Former Mossad Director Danny Yatom on Chance of Strike on Iran's Nuclear Facilities

  • čas přidán 6. 08. 2012
  • The recent visit of U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has revived debate here about whether Israel should or should not carry out a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. It's been widely reported by political sources here that the Americans are asking Israel to hold off on a strike, vowing to do the job later if diplomacy fails. But it's unclear if that U.S. promise is good enough for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak who believe sanctions have not deterred Iran one iota from developing nuclear weapons. Based on a number of public statements by very prominent former intelligence officials, there's a feeling here that the two leaders are getting closer and closer to making a decision. Ephraim HaLevy, a former director of the Mossad, said, If I were an Iranian, I would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks...
    That remark was echoed soon after by another heavywieght, Aharon Zeevi Farkash, the former Israeli Army head of Military Intelligence. He said he believed an Israeli attack could come in the near future... in quote "weeks or a couple of months." Neither HaLevy nor Farkash expressed their support for a unilateral strike on Iran, but they are experienced enough to know that Israel's window of opportunity will span over the next 3 months...many analysts agree... To wait on a strike until after the US election is seen by some in Israel as a dangerous gamble...there are fears that President Obama will not come through on promises to use America's military might to stop Iran if he wins a second term...and there are doubts that if Republican Mitt Romney is elected, that he would be so bold so early in his Presidency...
    After the U.S. election, some security experts here say an Israeli strike will not be very effective. Everyday that passes affords Iran a chance to better safeguard its nuclear capabilities against attack, primarily by moving them further and further underground. Danny Yatom is a former director of the Mossad. He believes Iran consititutes an existential threat to the State of Israel, an opinion shared by most Israeli security experts. Yatom has publicly advocated for the US to take the lead in a military strike on Iran. It's no secret the US Army could carry out a more devastating attack on Iran's nuclear facilities than Israel...
    Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu also once hoped for U.S. action now, according toIsrael's timetable -- but he has reportedly given up on that. Washington has said time and time again it will give more time for diplomacy to work...and the Presidential election in November has only solidified that position... All of which complicates Netanyahu's decision-making process on Iran...he risks alienating the US with a unilateral strike... He also risks starting a war in the region...some critics say Iran would retaliate by firing missiles on Israeli cities, killing thousands of civilians. But not everyone agrees...
    Critics here say an Israeli strike will only buy one year -- perhaps two -- before Iranrecouperates and gets back to its nuclear ambitions...not much time at all... But the price of Israeli inaction is also costly...aside from posing a direct threat toIsrael, a nuclear Iran may set off a dangerous arms race in the middle east. It would likely embolden Iran's proxy terror groups in the area, Hezbollah and Hamas, giving them a nuclear umbrella under which to launch attacks against Israel...attacks that may become much more devastating... Netanyahu recently said he has not yet made a final decision about an attack on Iran. It's well known that he faces considerable opposition from top members of the Israeli Army and the Mossad, but its unclear if that will deter him.
    Jordana Miller, JN1, Jerusalem.

Komentáře • 11

  • @gily1975
    @gily1975 Před 12 lety

    I gave thumb up to your comment because I liked the word "remedial" in the context you used. so first I'd like to thank you for being polite.
    I also agree with most of what you wrote.
    I don't agree with the last part "bye bye Iran"..
    Iran is a very significant country probably capable of launching a nuclear attack and a major player in the Arab world. The U.S cannot play sherif in this situation, there is an urge for things to be done in global scale and even from within Iran.

  • @SmithsCrhronicles
    @SmithsCrhronicles Před 12 lety

    tick tok tik tok, moments away from hell on earth, wait and see, i predict 12/8 -- 13/8, watch either London or somewhere in the world something big is about to happen