Particle Physics (35 of 41) What is a Photon? 19. The Magnetic Field Effect

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Visit for more math and science lectures!
    In this video I will explain the effects of the magnetic field in electromagnetic radiation.
    Next video in the Particle Physics series can be seen at:
    • Particle Physics (36 o...

Komentáře • 74

  • @adriangheorghe2327
    @adriangheorghe2327 Před 2 lety

    Domnule. Michel van Beizen
    Va multumesc pentru amabilitatea cu care mi-ati raspuns. Vreau să vă spun că în raport cu fotonul există încă problema masei fotonului. Dogma originii relativiste spune ca fotonul nu are masa de repaus. Ceea ce înseamnă că fotonul nu are masă inertă. Dar formulele energetice ne arată că fotonii au exact masa particulelor din care se nasc prin mecanismele proceselor de anihilare. Se poate spune cu toată certitudinea că particulele sunt forma de repaus a fotonilor. Chiar și fotonii optici, atunci când intră în mediul cu densitate energetică foarte mare al atomului, se contractă transversal de 4 ori și longitudinal de 137 ori și se refractă la 360 de grade, formând, prin mecanismul interferenței constructive, o undă staționară de mare amplitudine, formată din două semiunde diametral opuse, care se rotesc cu o viteză de c/137 (m/s), pe o orbită intermediară între orbita inițială și orbita finală, pe care electronul a făcut saltul cuantic. Pe această orbită, unda staționară a fotonului absorbit în atom se comportă exact ca o sarcină electrică elementară foarte dilatată. Sub formă de undă staționară, energia cinetică a fotonului incident este convertită în energia potențială a masei. Deoarece densitatea de masă este dată de pătratul inducției magnetice la nivelul semi-undă. m=ro.V; iar ro~B^2. Doar o mică parte rămâne ca energie cinetică asociată cu translația (alunecarea) continuă a fotonului, cu o viteză mult mai mică decât viteza luminii în vid. Aceeași structură de undă bipolară de amplitudine foarte mare se află în constituția electronului. Și vreau să adaug că figura care apare pe ecranul tubului din experimentul Shtern-Gerlach, constând din două semisinusoide opuse, reflectă cu bună fidelitate structura bipolară a electronului.
    Mister. Michel van Beizen
    Thank you for the kindness with which you answered me. I want to tell you that in relation to the photon there is still the problem of the mass of the photon. The relativistic origin dogma says that the photon has no rest mass. Which means that the photon has no inert mass. But the energy formulas show us that photons have exactly the mass of the particles from which they are born through the mechanisms of the annihilation processes. It can be said with all certainty that particles are the resting form of photons. Even optical photons, when they enter the very high energy density environment of the atom, contract transversely 4 times and longitudinally 137 times and refract at 360 degrees, forming, through the mechanism of constructive interference, a high-amplitude standing wave , formed by two diametrically opposite half-waves, which rotate at a speed of c/137 (m/s), on an intermediate orbit between the initial orbit and the final orbit, on which the electron made the quantum jump. In this orbit, the standing wave of the photon absorbed in the atom behaves exactly like a very dilated elementary electric charge. In the form of a standing wave, the kinetic energy of the incident photon is converted into the potential energy of the mass. Because the mass density is given by the square of the magnetic induction at the half-wave level. m=ro.V; and ro~B^2. Only a small part remains as kinetic energy associated with the continued translation (sliding) of the photon, with a speed much lower than the speed of light in a vacuum. The same bipolar wave structure of very high amplitude is in the constitution of the electron. And I want to add that the figure that appears on the screen of the test tube in the Shtern-Gerlach experiment, consisting of two opposite half-sinusoids, reflects with good fidelity the bipolar structure of the electron

  • @alwaysdisputin9930
    @alwaysdisputin9930 Před 3 lety +1

    E = cB therefore c = E divided by B. If the magnetic field part of the graph was bigger would the electromagnetic wave move more slowly? Why??? Is the magnetic field getting in the way?

  • @zakirhussain-js9ku
    @zakirhussain-js9ku Před 10 měsíci +1

    The force results from interaction b/w electron & photon's magnetic fields. Is photon affected by a magnet?

  • @Graham_Wideman
    @Graham_Wideman Před 3 lety +1

    0:21 and following. Michel shows with his hands the electric field an magnetic fields moving like an eel through space. This is false. The sinusoidal waves (for example as sketched on the whiteboard) are graphs of the _magnitude_ (and, with the arrows, the direction) of the field.) The sinusoidal graphs do _not_ imply some sort of sinusoidally oscillating _path_.

  • @sanjuansteve
    @sanjuansteve Před 6 lety +1

    It seems the most obvious & logical explanation for a #particle acting like an #AxialWave when moving thru space is that it's orbiting something (a dark matter particle perhaps) or visa versa.
    It's not unlike Earth being pulled into a wobble by the moon, or a distant star's wobble evidencing planet orbits making our trajectory as we fly thru space have an axial wave (packet) as well.
    And since we think we know undetectable dark matter exists but don't yet know where it's distributed, this seems the most logical possibility. What do you think?
    This could explain the double slit experiment results, including with a detector with some interaction between the dark matter and the detector.

  • @celiogouvea
    @celiogouvea Před 11 měsíci +1

    Can we compare the total electric field of one wavelength before to the outcome of electron and positron pair production?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 11 měsíci +2

      Not for a single wave, but we can for a single photon.

  • @Mannupandey938
    @Mannupandey938 Před 6 lety +1

    i am really fan of you sir from khashti datt pandey

  • @adriangheorghe2327
    @adriangheorghe2327 Před 2 lety +1

    Fotonul nu este unda, fiindca in spatiul vid, in sanul materiei inponderale si inelastice nu poate functiona mecanismul undelor care cere transformarea unei forme de energie in alta forma de energie. Fotonul este o structura dinamica similara motorului electric liniar. Este un relief electro-magnetic, format din circulatiile, in planuri perpendiculare, ale campurilor electric si magnetic, care luneca hidrodinamic prin oceanul materiei inponderale, fiind propulsat de forta electromagnetica. Se gaseste ca la nivelul fiecarei semiunde forta electromagnetica (B.I.L) este la echilibru cu forta de inertie (m.a). Acest echilibru dinamic, face miscarea uniform-rectilinie a fotonului. Miscarea uniforma si structura periodica a fotonului fac aspectul de unda. Dar fotonul este granula de substanta, are volum, densitate, masa, presiune, impuls si energie, care fac aspectul de particula. Toti parametrii fizici ai fotonului se pot determina dupa descifrarea sensului fizic al constantei de actiune, a lui h. Se poate demonstra ca forta electromagnetica, propulsoare a fotonului prin vid, este un efect hidrodinamic de tip Magnus in eter. Se poate demonstra ca presiunea fotonului este ro.c^2, ca densitatea ro este patratul inductiei magnetice ro~B^2 de la nivelul fiecarei semiunde, ca energia este produsul volum ori presiune W=V.p. Toate astea ne fac sa spunem ca relatia h.f este eticheta de produs a fotonului. Faptul ca fotonul, ca si tot ce se chiama radiatie electromagnetica, nu este unda este dovedit de lipsa retroradiatiei, ceruta de mecanismul undelor, si de sinfazarea campului electric cu cel magnetic, care dovedeste ca nu se naste un camp din variatia celuilalt. Aspectul vibratoriu al rdiatiei E-M apare doar in sanul substantei, la interactia cu substanta, cand prin efectul inductiei electromagnetice sunt puse in vibratie sarcinile electrice din sanul substantei. Situatia este comparabila ca aceea a unui disc de pikup, care fiind in rotatie, pune in vibratie acul dozei, fara ca pe disc sa fie vreo vibratie.
    The photon is not a wave, because in empty space, in the bosom of weightless and inelastic matter, the wave mechanism that requires the transformation of one form of energy into another form of energy cannot work. The photon is a dynamic structure similar to the linear electric motor. It is an electro-magnetic relief, formed by the circulations, in perpendicular planes, of the electric and magnetic fields, which slide hydrodynamically through the ocean of weightless matter, being propelled by the electromagnetic force. It is found that at the level of each half-wave the electromagnetic force (B.I.L) is in balance with the inertia force (m.a). This dynamic balance makes the photon move uniformly in a straight line. The uniform movement and periodic structure of the photon make it look like a wave. But the photon is the grain of substance, it has volume, density, mass, pressure, momentum and energy, which make it look like a particle. All the physical parameters of the photon can be determined after deciphering the physical meaning of the action constant, h. It can be demonstrated that the electromagnetic force, propelling the photon through the vacuum, is a Magnus-type hydrodynamic effect in the ether. It can be demonstrated that the photon pressure is ro.c^2, that the density ro is the square of the magnetic induction ro~B^2 at the level of each half-wave, that the energy is the product of volume or pressure W=V.p. All this makes us say that the h.f relation is the product label of the photon. The fact that the photon, like everything called electromagnetic radiation, is not a wave is proven by the lack of retroradiation, required by the wave mechanism, and by the synchronizing of the electric field with the magnetic field, which proves that one field is not born from the variation of the other. The vibratory aspect of E-M radiation appears only in the breast of the substance, upon interaction with the substance, when the electric charges in the breast of the substance are vibrated by the effect of electromagnetic induction. The situation is comparable to that of a pickup disk, which, being in rotation, vibrates the needle of the dose, without there being any vibration on the disk.

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 2 lety +1

      A photon is not a wave, but it moves through space with wavelike properties, therefore it moves through space like a wave. There is an overwhelming amount of scientific and application evidence to support that.

  • @adriangheorghe2327
    @adriangheorghe2327 Před 2 lety +1

    Cand am zis ca volumul este "element", am vrut sa spun ca este termen component al relatiei care da masa, si nicidecum ca ar fi element chimic. Iar "volumul" , daca nu produce niciun efect fizic si este dedus prin relatii matematice, este doar o abstractiune geometrica, pe langa fizica. De aceea este doar un parametru metafizic in relatia, in formula lui Newton, care da masa unui corp. Dar masa fizica este o forma dinamica de stocare a energiei in universul fizic. Este o forma de energie potentiala. Si campul din jurul masei demonstreaza tocmai interactiunea substantei, a structurilor dinamice din adancul substantei, cu spatiul fizic materializat de materia inponderala, neinertiala, necoeziva si inelastica.
    When I said that volume is an "element", I meant that it is a component term of the relationship that gives mass, and by no means that it is a chemical element. And "volume", if it does not produce any physical effect and is deduced through mathematical relations, is only a geometric abstraction, besides physics. That is why it is only a metaphysical parameter in the relationship, in Newton's formula, which gives mass to a body. But physical mass is a dynamic form of energy storage in the physical universe. It is a form of potential energy. And the field around the mass demonstrates precisely the interaction of the substance, of the dynamic structures deep within the substance, with the physical space materialized by weightless, non-inertial, non-cohesive and inelastic matter.

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 2 lety +1

      A photon is not a wave, but it moves through space with wavelike properties, therefore it moves through space like a wave. There is an overwhelming amount of scientific and application evidence to support that.

  • @MultiWingnut
    @MultiWingnut Před 8 lety +1

    1:18 , So if we look at the electron from the inertial frame of the photon, we see an electron traveling towards it at the speed of light? But that's impossible, because an electron has mass. And it's impossible for an object having mass to accelerate to the speed of light. Am I misunderstanding something?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 8 lety +1

      An inertial reference frame is associated with a platform from which we can observe something. A photon which is pure energy cannot serve as such a platform and cannot therefore serve as an inertial reference frame. The laws of physics must be able to hold within an inertial reference frame which is not the case when you are moving at the speed of light.

  • @michaelnemeth6952
    @michaelnemeth6952 Před 2 lety +1

    What role does the magnetic dipole moment of the electron play in the interaction of a photon and an electron? Also, what role does the magnetic dipole moments of electrons play in the formation of a magnetic field in a steady state current loop?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 2 lety +2

      The electron dipole moment is extremely small and not a real factor in the interaction between the electron and electromagnetic radiation.

    • @michaelnemeth6952
      @michaelnemeth6952 Před 2 lety

      @@MichelvanBiezen thank you!

  • @user-pp7vs2qr8o
    @user-pp7vs2qr8o Před 6 lety +1

    Thank you so much sir.

  • @adriangheorghe2327
    @adriangheorghe2327 Před 2 lety +2

    Masa fizica a unui corp este data de produsul dintre un volum si o densitate Volumul V este element metafizic, fiindca nu produce niciun efect fizic. Esenta fizica a masei este densitatea ro. Densitatea masei ro este un efect fizic generat din adancul substantei, produs din interactiunea structurilor dinamice ale substantei cu spatiul fizic materializat de materia primordiala inponderala, si nu se anuleaza (nu se taie) brusc la suprafata corpurilor ci se disipa si se dilueaza in spatiul din imediata vecinatate, ca un camp de densitate care se atenueaza exponential cu distanta de la centrul sursei generatoare. Un astfel de camp emana in spatiu si din substanta masei pamantului.
    The physical mass of a body is given by the product of a volume and a density Volume V is a metaphysical element, because it does not produce any physical effect. The physical essence of mass is density ro. The mass density ro is a physical effect generated from the depth of the substance, produced from the interaction of the dynamic structures of the substance with the physical space materialized by weightless primordial matter, and it does not suddenly cancel (not cut) on the surface of the bodies but dissipates and dilutes in the space of immediate vicinity, as a density field that attenuates exponentially with distance from the center of the generating source. Such a field emanates in space and from the substance of the earth's mass.

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 2 lety +1

      Volume is not "methaphysical" and it is not an "element".

  • @nikan4now
    @nikan4now Před 5 lety

    Question: Is the electron moving or stationary here? Is the photon stationary or moving here? I don't follow which reference frame you're writing the equations for since neither of them is inertial. It sounds like you're assuming that the photon is stationary and electron is moving past. Is this true? Would the electron feel the force if it were stationary and the photo zoomed past?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 5 lety +1

      The electron is stationary. Photons cannot be stationary, they can only exists when they move at the speed of light.

    • @nikan4now
      @nikan4now Před 5 lety +1

      @@MichelvanBiezen Is qVB=F valid when the electron is stationary? I thought V is the velocity of the charge. Unless we wrote this for the non-inertial reference frame of the field? Could we do that?

  • @williejohnson5172
    @williejohnson5172 Před rokem +1

    Your analysis doesn't say that the photon travels at the speed of light. It says that the photon IS the speed of light. This analysis lacks any concept of a particle or quantum of energy traveling at the speed of light. Again, from what I gather from your analysis is that a photon is a single oscillating wave consisting of oscillating orthogonally acting B and E fields that travels at the speed of light. Which is just fine. But there is nothing that establishes the existence of an individual photon.

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před rokem +1

      In order to get a better understanding of what a photon is, we need to look at the whole set of videos regarding the photon. The establishment of the existence of photons was accomplished in 1905 with Einstein's photoelectric effect experiment for which he received the Nobel Prize.

  • @zackcarman7845
    @zackcarman7845 Před 6 lety +1

    Do photons move like waves like in the ocean, or particles or have properties of both?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 6 lety +1

      photons move more like waves on a string with both electric field oscillations and magnetic field oscillations which are perpendicular to the electric field oscillations.

  • @TonyqTNT
    @TonyqTNT Před 7 lety +1

    Does each photon have its own electromagnetic field or does a large electromagnetic field carry a group of photons?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 7 lety

      A photon is a "piece" of electromagnetic radiation.

    • @moodmaker2796
      @moodmaker2796 Před rokem

      Is one photon, as created by one electron jump, an electromagnetic wave of multiple wavefronts whereas one wavefront is from hill to hill?
      Or is it one wavefront and multiple created photons make it look like a classical a wave?
      How big is one piece of an electromagnetic wave? One wavelength and that one part is the result of one oscillation, correct?
      So each photon as part of a release of one oscillation has to be atleast part of this section of the wavelength/wavefront?
      And the wave holds multiple oscillation cycle segments?
      1 oscillation of an electron = 1 wavefront (with a wavelength) = an "object" containing or being part photon?
      And this electron oscillation determines the oscillation of the of the electric field and the magnetic field?
      So what flies through space, if we create one single oscillation: is it a segment of what is drawn on the white board from hill to hill, with a wavelength, and in itself are two fields that also oscillate back and forth?

  • @threeMetreJim
    @threeMetreJim Před 4 lety

    I'm lost. I always thought a photon had energy dependent on it's wavelength. Higher energy would impart more energy to the electron (more force), so the amplitude of the fields are also dependent on wavelength. Intensity of sunlight per square metre is the measure of many many photons, and not just a single one - that is mostly what has me lost.

  • @garimajain9934
    @garimajain9934 Před 3 lety

    Hello sir !! Sir photon is a piece of electromagnetic wave means that if we consider an electromagnetic wave we have a series of magnetic and electric field but we consider a photon (1 crest and trough of efield and 1 crest and trough of magnetic field) means a piece of electromagmetic wave??

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 3 lety

      Not exactly. A photon is a snippet of a wave, that appears to have a particular frequency and wavelength and appears to taper off on both ends. The number of wavelengths may not be the same for every photon depending on which frequency it is. This is a topic I hope to study more when I retire from my day job, because it is a very intriguing topic.

    • @garimajain9934
      @garimajain9934 Před 3 lety

      @@MichelvanBiezen ok thnks sir this topic is very confusing sir!! Sir when we say a piece of wave sir what exactly do we mean by it can u make it little clear?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 3 lety

      It is a very complicated topic that cannot be explained in a few sentences. In the future we plan on making a series going into more mathematical detail.

    • @garimajain9934
      @garimajain9934 Před 3 lety

      @@MichelvanBiezenyes sir very complicated!!

  • @adriangheorghe2327
    @adriangheorghe2327 Před 2 lety +1

    „dimensiunea fizică a pământului”.
    Cred ca s-a strecurat o eroare la traducerea cu -google-. Nu am spus dimensiunea fizica a pamantului. Am spus campul de densitate masica emanat din substanta, din masa pamantului.
    "the physical size of the earth".
    I think an error crept into the translation with -google-. I did not say the physical size of the earth. I said the mass density field emanating from the substance, from the mass of the earth.

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 2 lety +1

      Not sure what you mean by the "mass density field".

  • @vladislavsychev1312
    @vladislavsychev1312 Před 4 lety

    And what if magnetic field does not change? What is precisely magnet field? We don't see it in Standard model at all.

  • @Irfan-vo6fh
    @Irfan-vo6fh Před 3 lety

    In this if electron is oscillating inside photon than this electron will also produce magnetic field which will weakn the photon magnetic field and thus energy would decrease, am i right ?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 3 lety

      An oscillating electron will indeed set up its own magnetic field which is in opposition to the field that caused it to oscillate in the first place

  • @dirkvanderknijff813
    @dirkvanderknijff813 Před 7 lety +1

    Why do people draw an electromagnetic wave with both the electric and magnetic fields rising and falling together? The magnetic field is greatest when the electric field is changing fastest (when is value is 0) and vice versa. It can be thought of as having constant energy which alternates between the electric and magnetic fields. If both fields are zero at the same time then the wave will collapse.

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 7 lety +1

      The energy storage in E&M waves is NOT the same as energy storage in mechanical waves. The energy at all times is stored 1/2 and 1/2 between the electric field and magnetic field and to calculate the energy we multiply the energy density with the volume of consideration. The books are correct in depicting the oscillations of the electric field and magnetic field as they do and it must be that way in order to satisfy Maxwell's equations.

  • @ThatGuyYouKnow23
    @ThatGuyYouKnow23 Před 4 lety

    Why is the electrostatic force of the photon on the electron not accounted for? Or is this accounted for within the magnetic fiield somehow?

    • @karanpreetkalra4550
      @karanpreetkalra4550 Před 3 lety

      The direction of these forces is the same.

    • @alwaysdisputin9930
      @alwaysdisputin9930 Před 3 lety

      Michel talks about the electric field affecting the electron in the next video. The electric field helps the magnetic field. They push the electron in the same direction so the force is doubled. Thus the electron moves up & down as the wave passes through it.
      Some vids say this causes light to move slower through glass &/or water because by moving up & down the electron produces it's own EM wave that interferes with the 1st EM wave

  • @fatimahayssam120
    @fatimahayssam120 Před 7 lety +1

    do photons act as wave or particles ? do particles have electromagnatic field?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 7 lety

      photons are "chunks" of electromagnetic radiation which are waves. Photons also have particle like properties, but they don't have mass like a real particle.

    • @fatimahayssam120
      @fatimahayssam120 Před 7 lety

      +Michel van Biezen does that mean that electrons(particles) contain electromagnatic fields ?

    • @fatimahayssam120
      @fatimahayssam120 Před 7 lety

      Does electron have the same nature of photons electromagnatic radiation because the absorb photons and emit it ???,

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 7 lety

      They don't contain, but produce electromagnetic fields.

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 7 lety

      No, they are very different.

  • @ironuranium3927
    @ironuranium3927 Před 6 lety

    here electric field and magnetic field oscillate like a sine wave and photon traveling according to the straight line at the speed of light ?? then the frequency of the photon is equal to 0.00 Hz?? the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation =the frequency of the electric field=the frequency of the magnetic field ???

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 6 lety

      photons have the same frequency as the corresponding E&M radiation

    • @ironuranium3927
      @ironuranium3927 Před 6 lety

      what is the actual meaning of this straight line photon don't follow the straight line?

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 6 lety

      The photons oscillate perpendicular to the straight line path of travel.

  • @ordinaryjoe4143
    @ordinaryjoe4143 Před 5 lety

    Are children small or just far away?

  • @Nobody_114
    @Nobody_114 Před 8 lety

    Dear Sir,
    Greetings. I've been following your videos as a matter of interest and find them very enriching in knowledge.
    However, I think there may be a misunderstanding about what happens to an electron as the electromagnetic (EM) wave passes through it (in your description at 2:57 video time): as the EM wave passes through the electron, the electron initially moves in the direction of the E-field and creates its own B-field (B1 - using the right-hand rule for B-field in a wire carrying current) which then interacts with the EM-wave's B-field causing the electron to move in the direction of the EM-wave, thus obtaining energy from the EM wave and thus gaining momentum.
    Interestingly, a proton will also move in the same direction as the electron in this case, but at a lower speed because of its larger mass. How else could the LHC accelerate nuclei towards "c"?

  • @Rocksite1
    @Rocksite1 Před rokem +1

    You are wrong! That damn initial diagram is all students ever get, but by moving your hands like that, you strongly imply that those waves are spacial; when they are vectors of field strength.

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před rokem +1

      A vector is a mathematical representation of a physical quantity, it is not a physical entity. The physical entity is the oscillating electic field and magnetic field.

    • @Rocksite1
      @Rocksite1 Před rokem +1

      @@MichelvanBiezen Why is it we never get a graphic of a spacial representation of an evolving light cone phi squared function? I fully understand the diagram is a vector, but I'd bet many students took away that it was spacial.

  • @drmonikagoswami007
    @drmonikagoswami007 Před rokem +1

    homeopathic potency medicine is form of magnetic photon

  • @adriangheorghe2327
    @adriangheorghe2327 Před 2 lety +1

    Dimensiunile fizice ale teremenilor din formule sunt: [Q]=L^3/T^2; E=a=L/T^2; B=f=1/T; v=L/T; F=v^4=L^4/T^4. miu0=(4.pi.k)/c^2=1/v^2=T^2/L^2

    • @MichelvanBiezen
      @MichelvanBiezen  Před 2 lety +1

      Not sure what you mean by: "the physical dimension of the land".