Upgraded First Descendant 650hrs Bunny Build and Modules Damage, Utility and Fun!

  • čas přidán 13. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 70

  • @GPLIX2024
    @GPLIX2024  Před 22 dny +3

    - Invasion has been updated. Some players who excel in Mid-Air Grappling may not experience any issues. but if you find the damage insufficient in the Boss room, I recommend adjusting Maximize Range or Maximize Conservation. Set Range to Spear and Shield, Conservation to Strong Mentality, and place damage modules such as Electronic Syncytium and Crit in the empty space.
    5:11 I apologize for the confusion earlier. Focus on Electronic + Singular Specialist for better damage with V skill, rather than focusing on Singular + Electronic Specialist.

  • @grantfoley5414
    @grantfoley5414 Před 13 dny

    I came across your video in Korean initially then I found this one. Thank you for taking the time to record again in English. Will be working towards these builds 👍🏻

  • @khoamama88
    @khoamama88 Před 17 dny +1

    I ran the crit build with only MP collector for MP, and Crit damage + crit rate on reactor. Finished The Shelter in 4 minutes 11 seconds. I dare say the biggest improvement in your build is the bonus faction damage. The modules make insignificant difference

  • @ImEcchi
    @ImEcchi Před 22 dny +5

    When the socket changes come in, your build will work better lol
    Sounds kind of weird how it’s designed, wish they just gave us a more expensive catalyst that allows any socket type.

  • @user-mt1hq6hc4f
    @user-mt1hq6hc4f Před 22 dny +1

    생각없이 들어와서 보다가 채널명 한글로 뜨길래 엄청놀랐네요ㅎㅎ 세팅 참고하겠습니다!! 감사합니다~

  • @andreashallerby7043
    @andreashallerby7043 Před 14 dny +2

    "You don't need cooldown modules when using High Voltage"
    Why is that? (I don't have it yet)

    • @monochromeangel
      @monochromeangel Před 13 dny +2

      It reduces Cooldown of Emission from 30secs to 22secs. Removing need for many cooldown reduction

  • @user-xf2fn2ef3n
    @user-xf2fn2ef3n Před 22 dny

    Thank you, Amazing build

  • @rezasanjaya3994
    @rezasanjaya3994 Před 22 dny +1

    nice video bud! subbed...for outpost use the field set up?

    • @t3hpwninat0r
      @t3hpwninat0r Před 19 dny

      for outpost use sharen. for harder bosses also use thunder cage to clear the adds. sharen is a lot of fun solo.

  • @mr.g1672
    @mr.g1672 Před 18 dny +5

    Video: Amazing, highly efficient, highly fast bunny build.
    World chat: "Anyone wanna buy a cute 19 year old Egirl a skin?"

  • @zschiggy3252
    @zschiggy3252 Před dnem

    Where did you farm the external components?

  • @spaceworld88
    @spaceworld88 Před 21 dnem +1

    여기 빌드엔 아주 많은 문제점이있음.
    일단 결론 : '이건 최종 고인물 세팅이지 뉴비들 따라하라고 만든 세팅이 아니다. 심지어 구 정제런, 현 환경오염런 전용 세팅임 참고해라' 정도로 요약할 수 있음.
    환경런 세팅
    1. 전력충전(초월모듈)은 100스택을 쌓아야하는데 몹의 수 68마리로 고정임. 그로인한 더블점프로 몹 데미지를 주는게 일정하지 않고, 더블점프 데미지는 1.2배 상승폭에 비해 100스택을 쌓아야하는 첫번째 문제와 더불어 몹에 끼거나 걸렸을경우 더블점프 판정이 안뜨는 버그가 존재함. 이건 쓸데없는 모듈임.
    2. 창과방패는 위력을 8.1%, 방어력22% 지만 방어력은 버니에게 의미 없는 수준이며 위력 8.1%보다 전격융합체의 전기속성위력 8.1%가 딜이 더 잘나온다는것을 확인함. 교체필요함.
    3. 진리의 교단 반응로가 필수임. 실험결과 보라옵 이상 진리교단 딜 상승이 필요함. 반응로가 없으면 걍 런하지 말라는 세팅이다.
    4. 외장부품설명 중 체력에 대한 내용이 빠졌는데, 마지막 보스 공격유도성능이 아주 뭐같아서 그냥 몸딜 못함. 방어력 없이 최소 4천이상의 체력이 필요한데 추가필요함. 7:27 보면 알겠지만 이사람은 7천 체력의 버니임. 범위 극대화 스킬위력 -20%를 없애기 위한 학살4셋이 필수임.
    5. 17초 18초 영상을 보여줬는데, 이건 어려움 기준 면역, 스킬데미지 감소가 적용이 안된 몹들만 나왔음. 이 세팅으로 한 단번의 런으로 이렇게 나온다고 하면 그냥 치명빌드로 스피드런하는거랑 다를바가 없다.
    6. 공방에서의 서버렉 등 현실적인 문제. 이 세팅은 혼자 달리고, 한번에 다 훑을수 있는 최소한의 딱뎀 세팅임. 이게 공방에 가는순간 남들이 몹을 잡으면 정신력수집가는 쓸모가 없어지고, 서버렉이걸리거나, 면역 등으로 인한 한마리라도 흘러서 되돌아가는순간 정신력 바닥난다는 문제가있음.
    실제로 빌드 따라해보면서 써봤지만, 대체로 5번에 한번은 흐르는 몹이 있었고, 저 루트대로 간다면 오랫동안 돈 벌 목적으로는 불가능한 세팅이었음. 유튭각 영상일뿐..
    오히려 좀 돌아가는게 안정성 있었다.
    그 외 세팅들은 충분히 범용성 있게 쓸만하니 이정도로 줄이겠음

    • @GPLIX2024
      @GPLIX2024  Před 21 dnem +1

      한국어 버전으로 영상 제작 중이니 환경런에 대해서 조금 더 자세히 다루겠습니다
      2번은 전격융합체 풀강화 기준으로 10.2% 이긴 하나 그래도 창과 방패보다 딜량이 낮습니다. 이건 실험실에서도, 필드에서도 제가 연구하기 위해 여러번 테스트 한거라 100% 확신합니다
      몹이 안 흘리기 위해선 연습이 많이 필요하고 영상에선 타임어택 수준으로 달리긴 하나 평균 골드는 1판당 4만2천 골드 정도 됩니다, 면역 몬스터가 때거지로 나오는 패턴도 있으나 살짝 움직여서 한번 더 때리는 식으로 하면 됩니다 이럴 경우 19초나 옵니다. 타임어택 강의가 아니기에 설명을 하질 않았지만 관심 가져주셔서 감사합니다.

    • @GPLIX2024
      @GPLIX2024  Před 18 dny +1

      한국어 영상 올리기 전에,
      1. 100스택 필요 없음 그냥 정리 가능. 점프가 씹히는 버그가 아닌 이상 서버의 반응속도, 지역이 평평한게 아니고 조금이라도 울퉁불퉁해서 스페이스 바를 얼마나 빠르게 정확하게 누르냐에 따라 다름. 심지어 몬스터에 끼이거나 조금이라도 방해를 받으면 스킬 발동 최소한의 높이가 안되서 스킬이 안나가는 것. 높은 곳에서 내려서 착지할때 보면 알겠지만, 더블 점프는 높이에 따라 확정타 가능, 특히 광속 질주를 쓰고 가속도를 받아서 점프 타이밍을 맞추면 확정타.
      2. 창과 방패가 전격 융합체보다 더 쌤, 딜 확인 다시 해보시길. 영상에선 창과 방패, 전격 융합체 둘 다 써서 설명할 예정. 환경런 셋팅 기준으로 두 모듈 비교시 틱당 1만차이.
      3. 진리의 교단이 없으면 느린거고 있으면 빠른거고 17초 18초할려면 당연히 필요한건데 런 하지 말라는 말을 하는건 좀 아닌듯
      4. 외장 부품, 체력 내용에 대한거 영상에 있음 심지어 방어력 옵션까지 가져가라고 추천도 이미 영상에 했음.
      5. 적용되도 정리 쉽게 가능하고 그래봤자 20초 안쪽 선으로 다 정리 가능
      6. 보시다시피 버튼맨 한명으로 둘이서 런함. 영상처럼 셋팅하면 혼자 가능하기에 문제가 되질 않음.
      마지막, 몹이 흐르는 건 연습이 필요하고, 본인이 17초 18초를 원한다면 영상을 좀 더 분석하시고 그래플링 위치, 점프 위치, 미세한 움직임까지 봐야지 가능. 그냥 찍은 영상이 아님.
      저 루트로 달려도 벨비런보다 골드 수급 더 많습니다.

  • @mauricescott4675
    @mauricescott4675 Před 22 dny

    Lady Sonic the face of the first descendants I love her

  • @mdbudiasa
    @mdbudiasa Před 22 dny

    will try this build when season 1 start.

  • @willey3286
    @willey3286 Před 12 dny

    Dumb question. Does slayer in fact increase skill costs, or is it a wrong icon mistake again? For sustaining speed of light, shouldnt it be worse if costs increase by 15% ? 😊

    • @GPLIX2024
      @GPLIX2024  Před 10 dny

      It is ,but the skill damage buff is insane

  • @corazza1995
    @corazza1995 Před 22 dny +1

    Have you tried Decimator instead of Multitalented? It's a 50% vs 30%

    • @austin_c
      @austin_c Před 21 dnem


    • @nigo5314
      @nigo5314 Před 18 dny

      It only procs if the mobs dont die one shot, you need the status effect, on the normal farm build i oneshot all, elits with crit so it doesnt work with high dmg, but for starting with bunny or not finished the build its a good way to go

  • @hoseaesp6309
    @hoseaesp6309 Před 21 dnem +1

    its so funny seeing the world chat because of the same spammers.

  • @MrJramirex
    @MrJramirex Před 22 dny

    A great Bunny build that keeps the 2 Ms Ultimate Bunny comes with. What nonsense is this!

  • @justvibin5584
    @justvibin5584 Před 17 dny

    Finally a bunny without high-voltage. I’m so sick seeing people put out the same build videos and people using that transcendent module in farming spots

  • @DeadmanEmsland
    @DeadmanEmsland Před 22 dny

    What build would you recommend for spec ops?

    • @GPLIX2024
      @GPLIX2024  Před 13 dny

      Spear and shield! or Electronic Syncytium

  • @Player_g1
    @Player_g1 Před 16 dny

    Why I feel like Im not convinced

  • @alaskayoung3413
    @alaskayoung3413 Před 22 dny +1

    As a non bunny player why do people not
    Use the supernova set so much? It seems really cool but everyone does slayer.

    • @ЕвгенийГригоржевский
      @ЕвгенийГригоржевский Před 22 dny +1

      He gives u little bit electric dmg, when slayer give 26 power,it's best skill damage set

    • @ЕвгенийГригоржевский
      @ЕвгенийГригоржевский Před 22 dny

      Maximum what u can really use 2 comp supernova and another components for survival with HP main stats

    • @FSDraconis
      @FSDraconis Před 22 dny +2

      To get the 4 piece set for supernova, you give up a ton of HP for the 4 set bonus. This would leave you only getting the max hp roll on your auxiliary power slot. This will leave you with a very low health pool. Usually below 2000 health. Not worth it in the end for most people.

    • @adoii.0730
      @adoii.0730 Před 22 dny

      @@alaskayoung3413 it will make u squishy lol

    • @nigo5314
      @nigo5314 Před 18 dny

      With the crit build and Mobbing setup i use supernova 2set and the one that gives you duration on 2set, so i dont need it on reactor and can run the full hp module instead of the half hp and duration Modul, the 4th peace supernova can help with bosses but even then the slayer makes more dmg

  • @daivdyuen
    @daivdyuen Před 22 dny +1

    watching people defending HV on mobbing at steam forum are ridiculous, they said HV is higher duration and free some mod socket for higher dmg
    but they never explain how HV are better default ring on mobbing

    • @hyde3401
      @hyde3401 Před 22 dny +2

      HV has omnidirectional aim vs the default circle which doesn't. Besides damage numbers, thats it. Really it's prefence in my opinion 👍🏼

    • @purp6137
      @purp6137 Před 22 dny +6

      I'll give you the reasons why HV is still better for mobbing, 1. like someone mentioned omnidirectional is included in HV, 2. Higher DPS aka FASTER kill time, 3. If you are a smart bunny you should be using MID AIR MANEUVERING every time its off CD as it speeds up HV, 4. You can play ALOT SAFER because you can hit things much easier without taking dmg this allows you to be FLEXIBLE with mods providing more DPS than DEFENSE

    • @double_joseph327
      @double_joseph327 Před 22 dny +3

      @@purp6137 Another reason I use high voltage I don’t have to hear that scratching noise every other second.

    • @ЕвгенийГригоржевский
      @ЕвгенийГригоржевский Před 22 dny +2

      ​@@purp6137mostly time u need to kill more then 3 enemy or if they have immun and ur HV doesn't get the right enemy in target,u don't need a million of crits,when non crit anyway oneshot mostly enemy's in a game,I build HV and really wanna swap back to ring coz it's just better for mobbing

    • @MrJramirex
      @MrJramirex Před 22 dny

      ​@@ЕвгенийГригоржевский from my own experience, HV targets the highest threat first, so the mobs that grant immunity are always targeted first, also ignores immunity bubbles and has a longer range than the normal skill. It also seems to hit targets a bit faster.

  • @Wutwut1n1
    @Wutwut1n1 Před 22 dny

    Didn’t know multitalented was bugged with bunny hahaha, probably will get fixed eventually but who knows!

    • @ussdev1988
      @ussdev1988 Před 22 dny

      @@Wutwut1n1 is wasnt bugged at all.. ppl Just Not understand that the buff holds aslong the Skill is on. And because U activate the Sprint first is basicly on aslong the Skill is running, Makes Sense. But isnt Work anymore for weeks they changed it for active skills

    • @invalidusername4011
      @invalidusername4011 Před 18 dny

      The buff only lasts 5 seconds, but when it applies to a skill, it's for its full duration. Many things work the same way in the game, so I doubt very much it's a bug.

    • @aruszdiaz2864
      @aruszdiaz2864 Před 18 dny

      Called snapshot buff

  • @vengeful8gaming776
    @vengeful8gaming776 Před 22 dny +4

    Yeah ill stick to my 3-5 mill on pulse but good build tho, keep up the great work.

    • @robmurray5453
      @robmurray5453 Před 20 dny +5

      You’re not doing those #’s. Nice try though. You might get to half that but you’ll have dog crap health and defense. I know all about the “MAX SKILL CRIT CHANCE DAMAGE HURR DURRR BUNNY BUILD”. The extra damage from a not needed at all for farming and for bossing you’ll be dead if the boss thinks about you

    • @Ccubed92
      @Ccubed92 Před 20 dny +1

      @@vengeful8gaming776 3.5 to 5 million damage is useless in mobbing and not believable lol

    • @valorgamer2919
      @valorgamer2919 Před 19 dny

      He is lying ​@@Ccubed92

    • @Snak3yez
      @Snak3yez Před 14 dny

      @@vengeful8gaming776 lol be fr ninja u ain’t doing no 3-5mill

    • @noxic7860
      @noxic7860 Před 7 dny

      Corny ahh boy 😹💀 you don’t even need all that damage you stink

  • @TCGSyphax
    @TCGSyphax Před 21 dnem +8

    no high voltage feels sacrilegious. the lack of range, dont need nimble fingles, dont need to hear the disgusting sfx, lack of damage...just aint it. good to see maximize conservation being used, thats her best mod. but not enough people know about dangerous ambush and energy collection

    • @yoannbirrien3048
      @yoannbirrien3048 Před 20 dny +4

      High voltage good for boss other you don't need that much power for donjon

    • @kylebeevor
      @kylebeevor Před 17 dny

      @TCGSyphax I like high voltage for infil operations, but for defenses and farming I take it off. Mp collector works better without it on when there's constantly 10+.enemies. I agree on the sfx though

    • @Jerseyboy-qk3en
      @Jerseyboy-qk3en Před 17 dny

      Don't use this sfx again 🙉🙉

    • @justvibin5584
      @justvibin5584 Před 17 dny +2

      @@TCGSyphax high voltage is bad for most farming spots and will just make farming slower

    • @TCGSyphax
      @TCGSyphax Před 17 dny +1

      @@justvibin5584 no

  • @omarlammouz7299
    @omarlammouz7299 Před 16 dny

    You are lying in the long run , you are using bionic fuel where your life is dropping not your mp . You have pasted a different bar .

  • @c85ris
    @c85ris Před 16 dny

    If u got 650 hours into this game u need to go touch grass😂 lol jk

  • @valorgamer2919
    @valorgamer2919 Před 19 dny

    This build is crap

  • @mateuszkominiarczyk8865
    @mateuszkominiarczyk8865 Před 22 dny +2

    650h. No life.

    • @Lordssr
      @Lordssr Před 22 dny +15

      And if you have a life, what are you doing giving your opinion here?

    • @mateuszkominiarczyk8865
      @mateuszkominiarczyk8865 Před 22 dny

      @@Lordssr To remind people they have no life. Maybe they didn"t know😆

    • @Lordssr
      @Lordssr Před 22 dny +14

      @@mateuszkominiarczyk8865 Then you remind yourself, how pathetic 😆