Talk about Tilopa, was he teaching the same meditation as

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 77

  • @brianbuczynski3555
    @brianbuczynski3555 Před měsícem +1

    Wonderful story of the siddhas! This is wonderful and I love the truth that exudes from the story beyond on good and bad, and the nature of the guru’s vow to awaken us no matter what that takes! ❤

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 28 dny +1

      You have some understanding there Brian 🙏🙏🙏

  • @GoobyRelaxASMR
    @GoobyRelaxASMR Před rokem +3

    This reminds me of the concept of devotion. In the "furthest" circumstances of individual or environment (kali yuga for eg), where yoga, meditation, mantras, or yantras, would not otherwise "work", devotion can--and will--"work." And what "work" means seems to be dependent on direction of belief, individual, master/guru, and so on.
    Thank you for sharing this story and teaching. I had not heard Tilopa's story before 🙏

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před rokem

      Thanks for your feedback Gooby. The Tibetan's are REALLY big on devotion, so much so that many call it LAMAISM and not Buddhism! lol Milarepa's story is very similar in terms of the trials he was put through by his guru. 🙏🙏🙏

    • @GoobyRelaxASMR
      @GoobyRelaxASMR Před rokem +1

      @@ultimatemeaning Ha! That's a funny tidbit. I didn't know about this 😁 I'd love to learn more about your perspective on + experiences with devotion!

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před rokem +1

      The Tibetan tradition reminds me a lot of the Sufi Mystics in this regard and it seems that the Lamas test their students in a similar way. Experience has to be differentiated because there is general perception of phenomena and what is called meditative experience. An example of the later would be having a direct perception of the empty nature of something (a thought or a sense object) based on first having understood the meaning of emptiness. So that is different than having a "temporary" or "intuitive" experience of emptiness that one doesn't understand and so the experience is unreliable and can't act as a method for realisation (directly) Big subject!

    • @hidetoedwarduno7681
      @hidetoedwarduno7681 Před 10 měsíci

      Tilopa is a tantric mahasiddha, part of the tantric yogic tradition, it's interesting that the further back you go, it was just tantra, not 'buddhist' or 'hindu' tantra.

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 10 měsíci +1

      Interesting, however all the Buddhist scholars disagree . And it would be very difficult for me to contradict such learned masters. Thank you for sharing. @@hidetoedwarduno7681

  • @mikem7947
    @mikem7947 Před rokem +4

    Thank you for making these videos. I love your channel

  • @JDubbyDubby
    @JDubbyDubby Před měsícem +2

    Oh, sorry about that. We do study the same tradition.❤🙏

  • @containsbeautyvideo
    @containsbeautyvideo Před 3 měsíci +2

    Sorry to hear it might be just a symbolic story, it was my favorite one. Especially the slipper's slap

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 3 měsíci +2

      I think the slipper slap probably did happen lolz

    • @containsbeautyvideo
      @containsbeautyvideo Před 3 měsíci

      @@ultimatemeaning yeah at least that!

    • @buddhaexhumed9922
      @buddhaexhumed9922 Před měsícem

      Its not a symbolic story. Its Bihars history. I do research on Buddhism in Bihar and UP. I have found Naropa and Tilopa's homes. Please view my video 'Tilopa & Naropa full video for his holiness the Dalai Lama'. The video shows all the ancient spots ancient Tibetans wrote about within a 20 km radius. They are Jagora, Tilopas home, Jumbo, Naropas home, Piri mispronounced as Phullhari. Piri means hardhip and is where Tilopa gave twelve hardships to Naropa. Behind Piri on a hill is Naropas temple. Six Km to the east is Dharara mispronounced as Dharima where Dharima lived. In Dharara is Ura Bagicha meaning to fly. That is where Tilopa and Dharima flew. Because he flew Tilopa is prayed to by locals as Varun (wind) Baba, and Dharima as Vansatto Mai (the friend of Varun), and Naropa is Abhaykirti Baba and also Barabar (equalizing) Baba as he equalized with every task Tilopa gave him. Further on is Marpa Khurd in the name of the ancient Tibetan translator Marpa. The video has bad music because I was learning to make videos so please ignore that. Watch what I say and the visuals of the places. Another video to watch is 'Niguma, lady of illusion.' I hope you will appreciate my work. For Naropas home watch, 'Naropas village'. Everything is in detail according to ancient Tibetan texts.

  • @JenTalks247
    @JenTalks247 Před 16 dny

    the talking photo floored me 😂

  • @evelynkendall7180
    @evelynkendall7180 Před měsícem +1

    Makes me grateful i am a devotee of the teachings of Ramana Maharshi 😊

  • @MacShrike
    @MacShrike Před rokem +1

    Also: Not pining for the past: I have been thinking about an old friend an some good times; how can this be bad? I was thinking of trying to contact him and reconnect.
    Your, truly, Mac.

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před rokem +2

      Things are never black and white, and also the most useful thing is to recognise where you are. If you do that then it is possible to aim for progress. For example there are many ways one can live their mundane life, and some are definitely better than others. You could go hunting with your friend and kill lots of innocent animals, or you could go out for a drink and reminisce about the past, and we know which one is better, right? Have a beer on me Mac.

    • @MacShrike
      @MacShrike Před rokem

      @@ultimatemeaning ha. Yes I understand now. Thank you.
      Pining has a very specific meaning i had it down as reminiscing.
      I will drink to your health 🍺

    • @silverlake973
      @silverlake973 Před 3 měsíci

      When mental movements pull us out of the center, then they can be said to be negative. If thinking does not pull us out from who/what we are at the core, then it isn't negative.

  • @nancy9468
    @nancy9468 Před rokem +1


  • @davidmickles5012
    @davidmickles5012 Před 10 měsíci +1

    It took me a while, maybe close to 4 decades, since first encountering Buddhism, to "realize" the depths of the non dual aspects of the dharma. For many years it was really just a head trip even though I practiced meditation, silent presence, deity yoga, offerings, mantra, prostrations etc, and "study study study" as one of my teachers used to say. Still, I kept attempting to "solve the dharma" like it was a math problem. Looking back, my "energy" was all up in my head and I neglected the body. I kept trying however.
    I decided to leave Buddhism all together. Scandals were prevalent, I felt my "brilliant" insights into emptiness were being ignored and I was being treated like "just another sangha member" when clearly I was a Buddha! 🤣
    But my DESIRE for liberation was still there. Plus, I'm a pretty nice, sensitive "compassionate" guy so I had that going for me.
    I then began to dig into the historic "roots" of Buddhism which (chronologically at least) come out of the Vedas and the traditions of the Indus Valley civilizations (of which "Hindu" is slightly misnamed).
    I encountered here, Advaita Vedanta teachings, Shaivism (Shiva), Shaktism (Shakti), Jainism, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, etc etc.. and of coarse.. Buddhism.
    Ignoring the last part 😉 but in light of some new knowledge I began to re acquaint myself with the Yoga asanas I had learned decades ago and I noticed a rather big shift begin to happen. My body was "walking up" after just a few weeks of doing yoga. This was curious to me.
    And so I began to explore more of this idea that a Tibetan teacher once mentioned that ""enlightenment is in your body.""
    I now started down a path of discovering this "enlightenment" in my body. I began doing not only Hatha Yoga asanas (postures) but also Kudalini Yoga, Pranayama (breath control) and a type of spontaneous "dance" I just call "Tantric Dance" or "Kundalini Dance."
    ""Enlightenment is in the body""
    Turn off the mind
    It's not algebra
    Relax Relax Relax,
    ALL tension in the body indicates non presence of mind
    Allow Allow Allow,
    what ever comes up to come up - nothing is outside of non duality
    You are BEING
    You are NOT "dead matter"
    So BE
    I once held to the notion that mind was not only seperate from the body, but that the mind was "superior to" the body, this was a case of ignorance.
    I now know that the body is the energy of reality and the mind is its awareness. And I now know as well that these seemingly "two" aspects are in UNION as THIS singular experience called BEING.
    Finally, this "knowing" is as it is, not a knowledge of the intellect - which is useful only to communicate - but is simply BEING itself.
    BEING does not appear to the mind as an "object" for if it does then its NOT "Being."
    BEING is NOT an "awareness OF.."
    BEING is THIS..
    and any "awareness OF.." is a moving away from BEING.
    THIS is in the body. The body teaches the mind.
    I've gone on too long about this here in a comment section, and I'm sure even this will "ruffle some feathers" as they say, but I will leave you with this..
    Reality is WHOLE-ISTIC.
    We divide it up in countless ways; life, death, pain, joy, good, evil, offensive, cooperative, subject, object etc. etc..
    But in essence, the truth is ALWAYS present within EACH experience no matter HOW we interpret that - be it suffering OR joy, be it resistance OR flow, be it even attachment OR hate. TRUTH (BEING) is non dual.
    Most of us are not ready or prepared to accept or allow this, but yet we are "forced" to for the briefest moment when our death comes (for example).
    And to respect others, to respect their own naive "innocence" and reduce their "trauma" and allow them to progress & evolve as BEINGS with their own mind, treat them with compassion as though you would your own child. Keep this "knowledge" close to you, internally, covertly, esoterically, secretly.
    The scandals (of abuse) that pushed me away from Buddhism were brought about by "gurus" who did not understand that Tantra violates the duality of "puritanism" (the idea of purity) but does NOT violate the inherently COMPASSIONATE nature of BEING.
    Be wise and follow your heart 🙏❤

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 10 měsíci

      Sorry, not sure I get the gist of what you are saying. Do you mean that you became a Buddha and then after that you chose to follow the Hindu Yogic tradition? Thanks for sharing.🙏🙏🙏

    • @davidmickles5012
      @davidmickles5012 Před 10 měsíci

      No. I'm not "a Buddha"...or am I? 😉
      My points are mainly this..
      "Non dual teachings" appeal to the intellect and the intellectual - for many years I *thought* "if I can only comport the correct mental state I will be free of all suffering!"
      This was a kind of sub-conscious "assumption" on my part akin to a physicist pursuing the fundamental force or state of reality.
      "If I could only solve the equation.."
      BEING does not need to be solved
      And so, switching up my approach (so to speak) I then resorted to the body.
      By doing so.. (via the root practices of the "rishis" of both the Vedas and the more ancient Indus Valley traditions of Shaivism from which Buddhist Tantra eventually emerged) I was able to at least get beyond this "blockage" of it all being a "head trip."
      I know of many other like minded "practicioners" who were caught in the same dilemma btw.
      Anyway, I claim no "realization" in the sense you implied as there is no "realization" to be had.
      If release is experienced then that is it's own validation - and release can come by many means.
      In my case it came by way of the body, in working with movement, sensation, breathing, emotional "energies" et al. It did NOT come by way of "getting it."
      Where this comes into contact with "non-duality" is simply this: If there is tension in the body, there is non presence in the mind. This is because body and mind are a single continuum of BEING. Thus, sometimes, the body can be the "guru" of the mind.
      This is my way of expressing it so maybe others don't like it so much. Sorry.
      As to the "abuse" scandals, I can see that perhaps certain teachers might believe that they are doing long term good at the cost of short term pain for their students but in my view this is unnecessary or NEEDS to be extremely well considered for only the rarest of student.
      On the other hand, and on a personal level, I understand the transcending of social ethics, the transgression of social concepts of "purity" and the intentional dharmic "violation" of all dualistic concepts (sometimes called the "left hand path" of tantra) but I think its unnecessary in general.
      By "unnecessary" I mean one can realize non duality within ones own BEING without resort to external displays of drama - or the trauma that may leave in a student. There is no need to add suffering to suffering in an extreme sense.
      Of coarse I suffer as well in doing Yoga, although my body is usually very good at setting the guidelines.

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 10 měsíci +1

      OK, but it wasn't an implication. I guess I just didn't get what you meant when you wrote "when clearly I was a Buddha! "
      And when you claim "body and mind are a single continuum" does that mean if you lose a finger for instance, then you also lose part of mind?
      Thanks for sharing

    • @davidmickles5012
      @davidmickles5012 Před 10 měsíci

      Sorry, the Buddha claim was meant sarcastically as a kind of self deprecating moment.
      Re: "losing part of my mind"
      I dont say body and mind are exactly the same entity, just that they are one in the sense of "BEING."
      We ordinarily only either have a kind of materialist view - where by matter is primary and the mind is simply an illusion produced by inanimate non sentient physical "stuff" OR we adopt a view where by matter is nothing but a mere vehicle for a "soul" - and that the body should be abused or forced into submission by the superiority of the mind.
      If coarse there are variations of these two views but it helps make my point to put it like that..
      As a continuum of experience there is a "coarse" end of the spectrum and a "fine" end or side of the spectrum. Physical-material "stuff" appears on this spectrum on the coarse (objective) side. The mind appears on the "fine" (subjective) side of the continuum. Because of the overwhelming impact of sensual (senses) information coming into the mind, we seperate these two sides of BEING in absolute terms. But they are not absolutely seperate.
      To answer your question.. YES, in a way when I lose part of my body I also lose part of my mind.
      Are life and death two completely distinct things?
      When say for example, we get news that we have a terminal illness, the moment the doctor tells us this is ALREADY the moment that the dying process has begun. I'm talking more in practical or psychological terms here but again to make a point.
      We think the "dying process" is a specific or distinct thing for terminally I'll people that only occurs at the final stages of life, but actually we can begin that process of dying long before the physical aspects kick in.
      Also, consciousness is not just in the brain which is backed up (I believe?) by recent studied on the neurological system.
      Anyway, not to stray too far..
      Tantra itself is really "about" the body - its energy, its breath, its sensations and these are all in a sense a type of consciousness or you could say "carry" a type of intelligence.
      However you wish to look at it (thru even western materialism) body and mind are non dual (not two).
      I believe the best way to make use of that understanding is through the methods I mentioned earlier, various yogas especially utilizing the body's sensations, tensions etc..
      In my very humble opinion, I believe the direct knowledge (profound awareness) directly expressed by the rishis, sages, buddhas, and such is the very core of the liberating Dharma. I'm referring there to Mahamudra, Dzogchen, and the non-dual teachings in general, be they now considered "Buddhist" or "Hindu."
      But I also believe that these "direct path" teachings are like a medicine that can cure or kill (as the Zen saying goes).
      For me, I was "stuck" as I mentioned, up in my head. I figured all I had to do was "solve the equation." I was just as stressed, just as angry, just as attached as I always had been before encountering Buddhism.
      It was only by forgetting the mind, or lets say forgetting trying to "solve" anything that a deeper view opened up.
      I no longer had to ask myself whether "my view was still correct" or not or "what state of mind" I was in. I no longer had to pursue an endlessly deeper "insight" or special state of mind in order to feel "accomplished."
      All I had to do was BE - and this "knowing" came not through one more "Dharma lecture" but thru physical practice. That's what I mean by the body teaches the mind.
      I say now to those who occasionally ask advice "bring your consciousness back into the body."
      Lastly, I also dont limit the body to "MY" personal body. I do Diety Yoga as well and in Deity Yoga the body is as you know not limited to my "person."
      Anyway I thank you for your time and clarity, I so far enjoy your videos and will check in from time to time 🙏

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 10 měsíci

      Sure thing, thanks for sharing. @@davidmickles5012 🙏🙏🙏

  • @atlaspath5803
    @atlaspath5803 Před 4 měsíci

    Thank you again

  • @chakravarthymayavan9871
    @chakravarthymayavan9871 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Thank you verymuch 🙏🙏🙏... But is there any posibility that we can understand inner meaning of those 12 great austerites given by Tilopa master ??🙏🙏🙏

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 10 měsíci

      Hi Chakravarthy, my teacher hinted at the inner meaning and I also have some insight. For most of these teachings are codified Mahamudra instructions. It is similar to the life stories of Tibetan masters. It is a way for a Mahamudra master to give instructions secretly (TO THOSE WHO HAVE SOME UNDERSTANDING OF THE TRUE NATURE)

    • @chakravarthymayavan9871
      @chakravarthymayavan9871 Před 10 měsíci

      @@ultimatemeaning Thankyou verymuch sir🙏🙏🙏

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 10 měsíci

      My pleasure sir @@chakravarthymayavan9871

    • @buddhaexhumed9922
      @buddhaexhumed9922 Před měsícem

      Tilopa and Naropa arent symbolic story. Its Lakhisarai district of Bihars history. I do research on Buddhism in Bihar and UP. I have found Naropa and Tilopa's homes. Please view my video 'Tilopa & Naropa full video for his holiness the Dalai Lama'. The video shows all the ancient spots ancient Tibetans wrote about within a 20 km radius. They are Jagora, Tilopas home, Jumbo, Naropas home, Piri mispronounced as Phullhari. Piri means hardhip and is where Tilopa gave twelve hardships to Naropa. Behind Piri on a hill is Naropas temple. Six Km to the east is Dharara mispronounced as Dharima where Dharima lived. In Dharara is Ura Bagicha meaning to fly. That is where Tilopa and Dharima flew. Because he flew Tilopa is prayed to by locals as Varun (wind) Baba, and Dharima as Vansatto Mai (the friend of Varun), and Naropa is Abhaykirti Baba and also Barabar (equalizing) Baba as he equalized with every task Tilopa gave him. Further on is Marpa Khurd in the name of the ancient Tibetan translator Marpa. The video has bad music because I was learning to make videos so please ignore that. Watch what I say and the visuals of the places. Another video to watch is 'Niguma, lady of illusion.' I hope you will appreciate my work. For Naropas home watch, 'Naropas village'. Everything is in detail according to ancient Tibetan texts

  • @johntomasi761
    @johntomasi761 Před rokem +5

    Although Tilopa may have been a living Buddha, he wasn't necessarily a Buddhist.

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před rokem +4

      Of course I am open to suggestions. We don't really use the term Buddhist anyway. The term is "insider" What matters in this regard is the view, and that determines whether or not one is an insider. But even amongst "insiders" there is a distinction. 🙏🙏🙏

    • @geronimobuggiani492
      @geronimobuggiani492 Před rokem +2

      If one regards/perceives all compounded phenomenon as impermanent, all phenomena tainted by ignorance as being suffering, all phenomena as being identityless and empty, and nirvana as true peace, then one is generally said to be an "insider" (or Buddhist in western languages). By these metrics, Tilopa was a Buddhist.
      Let alone the fact that he received and practiced teachings from a lineage tracing back to the Buddha himself

    • @kusali11
      @kusali11 Před 6 měsíci

      He learned from Vajradara, so that makes him very much in the same lineage as Buddha Shakyamuni. Same lineage, both Buddhas, so why not a Buddhist? Kinda silly to say otherwise? Nothing wrong in being an "ist" or belonging to an "ism", only those who actually practice belong to either one of those, the rest are fakers.

    • @buddhaexhumed9922
      @buddhaexhumed9922 Před měsícem +1

      Tilopa and Naropa arent symbolic story. Its Lakhisarai district of Bihars history. I do research on Buddhism in Bihar and UP. I have found Naropa and Tilopa's homes. Please view my video 'Tilopa & Naropa full video for his holiness the Dalai Lama'. The video shows all the ancient spots ancient Tibetans wrote about within a 20 km radius. They are Jagora, Tilopas home, Jumbo, Naropas home, Piri mispronounced as Phullhari. Piri means hardhip and is where Tilopa gave twelve hardships to Naropa. Behind Piri on a hill is Naropas temple. Six Km to the east is Dharara mispronounced as Dharima where Dharima lived. In Dharara is Ura Bagicha meaning to fly. That is where Tilopa and Dharima flew. Because he flew Tilopa is prayed to by locals as Varun (wind) Baba, and Dharima as Vansatto Mai (the friend of Varun), and Naropa is Abhaykirti Baba and also Barabar (equalizing) Baba as he equalized with every task Tilopa gave him. Further on is Marpa Khurd in the name of the ancient Tibetan translator Marpa. The video has bad music because I was learning to make videos so please ignore that. Other than that watch what I say and the visuals of the places. Another video to watch is 'Niguma, lady of illusion.' I hope you will appreciate my work. For Naropas home watch, 'Naropas village'. Everything is in detail according to ancient Tibetan texts

  • @yehudahhachassid6191
    @yehudahhachassid6191 Před 9 měsíci

    Thank you.

  • @kusali11
    @kusali11 Před 6 měsíci

    Wonderful explanation.

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 6 měsíci +1

      Kusali's way! A wonderful practice. Thank you for sharing!

    • @kusali11
      @kusali11 Před 6 měsíci

      @@ultimatemeaning 😉

  • @vladanjankovic8349
    @vladanjankovic8349 Před 3 měsíci +1

    So nothing is explained at the end... You as a creator of this video do not know whhether or not Tilopa used this teachings or not, as well.. Totaly usefull... I hope you do not ming my sincerity...

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 3 měsíci

      The story is as it appears in the biography of Naropa translated from Tibetan. These spiritual biographies tend to be very concise an ambiguous in meaning. It is consistent across the board for the Tibetan canon.
      Hope that helps ❤

  • @mikelisteral7863
    @mikelisteral7863 Před 11 měsíci

    resting in present moment awareness may not work because the part of the mind creating duality is so deeply ingrained
    it takes more surrender and more motivation and more discernment to break it down

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 11 měsíci +1

      Yes you are quite right, however a skilled teacher can use any method that is appropriate for a particular student. But the notion that simple resting will bring the ultimate result is mistaken, because it suggests that awakening ultimately depends on resting, but this Buddha Nature is pervasive in all states of being.

    • @mikelisteral7863
      @mikelisteral7863 Před 11 měsíci

      @@ultimatemeaning the mind unseen as mind is the veil that creates the separate body in the world illusion.
      the illusion of a body object moving among other objects in space

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 11 měsíci

      What we do is study the mind, and so I am quite clear on whether the mind is a veil or not @@mikelisteral7863

    • @mikelisteral7863
      @mikelisteral7863 Před 11 měsíci

      @@ultimatemeaning when you close your eyes you see memory. without memory of being a person you are god

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 11 měsíci

      So close you eyes and tell me do you see memories and thoughts?@@mikelisteral7863

  • @michaelmcclure3383
    @michaelmcclure3383 Před 28 dny +1

    No wonder Tilopa only had one disciple haha

  • @edenrose8831
    @edenrose8831 Před 5 měsíci

    Did not understand the message here….Naropa endured abuse and didn’t get it so Tilopa did a magical transfer of consciousness? What am I missing?

    • @ultimatemeaning
      @ultimatemeaning  Před 5 měsíci

      Hi Eden, Naropa was completely learned about the words that explain the spiritual path, but hadn't realised the meaning. So in order to break down his conceptual grasping his teacher Tilopa put him through many harsh trial. this is a common theme in many spiritual traditions from Christianity to Suffism.
      But I know this is a very difficult point for modern educated individuals on the spiritual path, and I am not condoning random violence.
      Thank you for your insight

    • @buddhaexhumed9922
      @buddhaexhumed9922 Před měsícem

      Tilopa and Naropa arent symbolic story. Its Lakhisarai district of Bihars history. I do research on Buddhism in Bihar and UP. I have found Naropa and Tilopa's homes. Please view my video 'Tilopa & Naropa full video for his holiness the Dalai Lama'. The video shows all the ancient spots ancient Tibetans wrote about within a 20 km radius. They are Jagora, Tilopas home, Jumbo, Naropas home, Piri mispronounced as Phullhari. Piri means hardhip and is where Tilopa gave twelve hardships to Naropa. Behind Piri on a hill is Naropas temple. Six Km to the east is Dharara mispronounced as Dharima where Dharima lived. In Dharara is Ura Bagicha meaning to fly. That is where Tilopa and Dharima flew. Because he flew Tilopa is prayed to by locals as Varun (wind) Baba, and Dharima as Vansatto Mai (the friend of Varun), and Naropa is Abhaykirti Baba and also Barabar (equalizing) Baba as he equalized with every task Tilopa gave him. Further on is Marpa Khurd in the name of the ancient Tibetan translator Marpa. The video has bad music because I was learning to make videos so please ignore that. Watch what I say and the visuals of the places. Another video to watch is 'Niguma, lady of illusion.' I hope you will appreciate my work. For Naropas home watch, 'Naropas village'. Everything is in detail according to ancient Tibetan texts.

  • @krielsavino5368
    @krielsavino5368 Před měsícem

    Tilopa was an abuser, in my opinion! No amount of folklore around him will prevent me from see this clearly.

  • @Pandanarang528
    @Pandanarang528 Před 6 měsíci +1
