Approaching the similimum - Exactitude and the middle path- Dr. Rajan Sankaran

  • čas přidán 1. 03. 2017
  • Approaching the similimum - Exactitude and the middle path
    "There is each and every substance in this world which can be proven as a homoeopathic remedy but that will create a problem for us. Hahnemann proved 99 remedies and those 99 remedies still remain the most important one's in our practice.
    From the death of Hahnemann in 1843 untill today we have now 4000 remedies and more coming in each day so where is the limit. Thus there are two schools of thoughts, one which wants more remedies and the other feels its not necessary and the truth lies in the middle, our vital force will react to any remedy that is close enough as its impossible to get to the exactness of the exact remedy. There are millions of insects, butterflies, fishes in this world but all can not be proven as remedies. Therefore we must have a balance in finding new and new and to identify the exact remedy of the patient from what we have. For example we gave opium to a child which may be is not its exact remedy, may be his remedy is something else from the same family, may beit’s a remedy we do not even have in our materia medica, but opium will definitely work because it is close enough, thus we have to master the art of finding the right remedy from what we have and if we do that accurately and the remedy matches the core essence of the patient his mind state his general state, the pace, the speed the type then it will work and that’s how we survive. But at the same time we should also keep our search for new remedies on and create a balance to use even the remedies which made homoeopathy survive for 200 years." - Dr. Rajan Sankaran

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