Komentáře •

  • @Gmanreach369
    @Gmanreach369 Před 5 dny +9

    Anyone else like the lore accurate fall of Mordian Glory to GSC? He does one video with a GSC specialist and now all of a sudden he's trying to sell us on how joining the cult with imperial guard is not soo bad an idea😂😂😂 Sounds exactly like what a GS cultist would say lmao

  • @GarretHines
    @GarretHines Před 5 dny +12

    Of COURSE the tyranid traitor would say FLAVOR is the most important thing. CALL THE ORDRO XENOS!!

  • @theoneandonlysoslappy
    @theoneandonlysoslappy Před 5 dny +11

    When I saw the Brood Brothers detachment I had the idea of doing a army where I used "Imperial Guard Beastmen" as proxies for the cult models. As much as I love that idea, I know that all that converting would take me a decade to pay off. :(

    • @Bluecho4
      @Bluecho4 Před 5 dny +2

      * Whispers Sinisterly *
      Wargames Atlantic are coming out with a dedicated Beastmen kit, as part of their "The Damned" range. You can just use that. Embrace third party minis.
      * Slinks Back to the Shadows *

  • @DeathsOrigin
    @DeathsOrigin Před 5 dny +28


    • @TikitheHutt
      @TikitheHutt Před 5 dny +1

      Embrace the love of the Emperor and his four arms.....

    • @samsonknight4234
      @samsonknight4234 Před 5 dny +2

      ​​@@TikitheHuttNever you heretic!

    • @DeathsOrigin
      @DeathsOrigin Před 5 dny

      @@TikitheHutt If it involves bamboo spears, I'm in, big sarge

    • @StrawHats000
      @StrawHats000 Před 8 hodinami +1

      I have a vermillion level clearance astropathic message for the Ordo Xenos

  • @bobthegenestealer1313
    @bobthegenestealer1313 Před 5 dny +32

    Welcome to our wayward brothers who now see the light! The true Emperor helps those who first help themselves! The Day of Ascension is NIGH, boyos!

  • @DeathsOrigin
    @DeathsOrigin Před 5 dny +11


  • @venkelos6996
    @venkelos6996 Před 5 dny +3

    So, I'm not actually sure that I would ever commit to running Brood Brothers, but they definitely have some options that I really like. More than that, however, they have two silly points that I really like; they are effectively a Guard force that can actually field bikes, instead of anachronistic horses, which I have been wanting for YEARS, and secondly, they can allow one to play GSC in a way I wish they more did; blending in. My biggest problem with GSC is aesthetic; they suffer from Callie-chan syndrome. I really like the Callidus Assassin, and even her model, but I question when will she EVER look like the model? A moment ago, she was masquerading as one of the enemy, and she doesn't initiate combat by ripping off that skin-layer of disguise, and producing her bizarre weapons from some anume hammer space. She doesn't exude a layer of skin over her gimp suit, and then mold THAT into her disguise; her whole body gets like play dough, and her Assassins kit is hidden elsewhere, so she'd never look like that. GSC are much the same. I know it's important that, to us out here, each army looks distinct, and there are certainly generations of mutated monsters who will look like human-genestealer hybrids, but there are also many who have been swayed, and changed, but not visibly; infiltrators who can walk among rhe unuplifted, and aren't sporting ridges, extra limbs, or other xeno-taint, and while it's very likely you might want to purchase these specific Guard to be Brood Brothers, and enjoy the modeling challenge of kit-bashing them with GSC bits, I love the idea that these Guard are either indistinguishable from the outside, or don't even truly grasp whom they are serving, and so they still look like regular humans!
    I don't know if you would want to, but can you field Primaris Psykers in this? Somehow, despite being so important in the lore, it seems that the Magus is, mechanically, one of the GSC worst units, so being able to field a "better" psyker, and one that can join a Guard unit, who might be harder pressed to get leaders, with the options that these CAN'T take, could be nice. I also like that these "Guard" can finally get good assault troops, wirh things like Purestrains.

  • @trentathawat6714
    @trentathawat6714 Před 5 dny +4

    28:26 You're spot on with the concept of an "active screen" with the Adaptive Reprisal strat (having a nearby melee unit use Heroic Intervention for 0CP to intercept the unit hitting your screen). The SUPER COOL thing that GSC get to do is include a Locus character in that intervening unit which grants the whole unit Strikes First! So, if you have a strong melee unit (Metamorphs, Hybrids with Rockdrills/Saws) you'll get to murderize that unit that thought they were going to pick on your scrubby screen! :D

  • @soyjoony
    @soyjoony Před 5 dny +4

    I’m doing the opposite,I play mainly GSC but have a Rogal Dorn, a leman Russ and some Cadians that already follow by the four armed emperor. Now I’m going to start buying commissars and leaders so I can play only as Guard but all having extra arms and weird foreheads.

  • @rileyernst9086
    @rileyernst9086 Před 5 dny +2

    I like to think they just sent the drill sergent from Full Metal Jacket down there to press gang recruits.
    Patriarch was too afraid to say or do shit.

  • @jamesloder8652
    @jamesloder8652 Před 5 dny +5

    I bought the GSC codex to try this out, but I'm seeing a disappointing lack of GSC units with shooting that really benefits from this detachment. Most of the good GSC shooting units either auto hit or don't have enough shots to really benefit

  • @willowyknight7645
    @willowyknight7645 Před 5 dny +2

    Is this heresy? Yes, yes it is

  • @robertd686
    @robertd686 Před 4 dny +3

    Maybe the reason the Brood Brothers can't have aircraft is because the guard's air power isn't strictly Guard, but in fact Imperial Navy? Meaning that the genestealers can't get into the aircraft because they just can't access it maybe?

  • @Hardcover_Pilot
    @Hardcover_Pilot Před 5 dny +5

    The Imperial Inquisition would like to know your location.

  • @Bluecho4
    @Bluecho4 Před 5 dny +4

    Even if you can't use some Guard units as _Guard_ units, doesn't mean you can't proxy them as GSC equivalents. Bullgryn are just nicer looking Aberrants. Officers, like Commisars etc, could be any of the many GSC foot heroes. (Unfortunately, you still can't use planes; not that you'd want to these days, as GW seems intent on making them irrelevant).

  • @bluntpencil2001
    @bluntpencil2001 Před 4 dny +1

    The reason they don't get planes is because the Navy and Guard are separate, for the express purpose of preventing them going traitor together.

  • @dustinhaus1165
    @dustinhaus1165 Před 5 dny +2

    Guard won't get a codex until a few weeks before 11th. At least lethals are nice.
    Important to keep in mind that us players can use, or come up with any rules we would like. As long as it is mutual fun.

  • @Badbufon
    @Badbufon Před 5 dny +1

    i was reading the first genestealer cult "codex" and the brood bothers back then could also side with chaos, running a genestealer traitor guard sounds so cool, but sadly GW couldn't even make the simple brood brothers part right yet.

  • @blakem1896
    @blakem1896 Před 5 dny +2

    I don't think you can loot the planes because its the Imperial Navy.

  • @nocturnowl_0100
    @nocturnowl_0100 Před 5 dny +2

    This man right here Inquisitor!

  • @dankvu
    @dankvu Před 5 dny +4

    This video here, Commissar

  • @liamkofibright1326
    @liamkofibright1326 Před 3 dny

    This is very cool! I think the Chaos Cult detachment is another potential Guard detachment, get your Blood Pact going

  • @rallic5236
    @rallic5236 Před 2 dny

    6 neo units in trucks and 6 guard squads in chimeras seem interesting.

  • @nos2342
    @nos2342 Před 5 dny +4

    Praise the 4 armed emperor!

  • @GhostofGaunt4949
    @GhostofGaunt4949 Před 5 dny +2

    Look, it looks like Heresy, but having a extra arm really helps a lot.

  • @mikaelmechka6773
    @mikaelmechka6773 Před 3 dny

    Guard flyers aren't actually part of the guard. They are usually on loan from the imperial navy. During a planetary assault any air support for a guard landing force is provided by carrier class ships such as the Dictator.
    So infecting a thunderbolt or lightning pilot might be possible when they land planetside for refuelling but the first time they encounter a gene-scanner aboard ship they'd be rumbled. Considering the level of training to be able to fly both in atmosphere and in the void, this would be a rather tech heavy occupation.
    In addition, as seen in the ciaphas cain books- newly infected people are disorientated and in a bit of a daze. So the fine manoeuvres and skill need to fly... they'd probably paste themselves against a hab block before even making it back to their ship.

  • @dkminer9954
    @dkminer9954 Před 5 dny +2

    If gw made one tiny change it would save this detachment
    If guard models gained the Genestealer cult key word and Genestealer cult models got the Astra Militarum keyword, this detachment would be great
    Maybe not a top ten or even top twenty contender, buf functional for the entire army and very synergistic

    • @dkminer9954
      @dkminer9954 Před 5 dny

      What do you guys think about that though?

  • @EmperorZanan
    @EmperorZanan Před 5 dny +1

    Baldermort GSC vid and a Mordian glory GSC vid in the same day?
    There is an infestation....

  • @TikitheHutt
    @TikitheHutt Před 5 dny +4

    Two Arms Good, Three Arms Better!

    • @Bluecho4
      @Bluecho4 Před 5 dny

      More hands with which to strangle heretics. For the (Four Armed) Emperor!

  • @elchjol2777
    @elchjol2777 Před 2 dny

    With some kitbashing this could make quite a good PDF force with some Guard support.

  • @blebblebberson9327
    @blebblebberson9327 Před 3 dny

    The no aircraft rule to me feels more thematic than anything.
    In all those sorts of infection or infestation movies, the big risk is the antagonists escaping (think The Thing, Aliens, so on and so forth).
    Aircraft would likely have some plot reason for not being available, like perhaps the GSC are battling to reach an airfield/space port, or all available aircraft have been sabotaged after the uprising began.

  • @christopherbarnes1358

    Feels like they are trying to phase out the brood brothers. But since I've built up gcs I'm gonna try the detachment at some point

  • @bringerebrethil6176
    @bringerebrethil6176 Před 5 dny

    It definitely is giving me ideas for sure.

  • @km2472
    @km2472 Před 5 dny +1

    I am a old abandoned Elysian player so take my comment with a bit of a bias. You are thinking about this the wrong way. GSC is not Militia, but guard special forces regiments like Elysian drop troops or Tanith First-and-Only. GSC on it's own is already more than 2/3rds of the old forgeworld Imperial Armour 8: Elysian Army List. The Brood Brother Auxilia detachment just gives them all the units they are missing back plus more except Vultures, Thunderbolts, and Lightings. I suspect that the reason they don't allow aircraft is to prevent it being that obvious that so many of the old Elysian rules have been lifted and given to GSC. Anyway, the following is completely possible as a list for 2k.
    Sanctus x1
    Neophyte Hybrid (Drop Troops) x6
    Genestealers (Maybe some kind of Arco-flagellant Conversation) x3
    Achilles Ridgerunners (Tauros Venator) x3
    Truck x1
    Armored Sentinel x3
    Hellhound x1
    Leman Russ Battle Tank x3
    Manticore x1

  • @brickhill3025
    @brickhill3025 Před 2 dny

    Great video

  • @domhardiman6437
    @domhardiman6437 Před 5 dny

    Welcome to *genestealer slurping noises* flavor town!

  • @richardseaton6390
    @richardseaton6390 Před 4 dny +1

    A really interestring proposition I think! One question...if I'm running this detatchment, can I put GSC units inside Guard transports? For example, could I run a stormlord, pack it with aberrants and yeet it into the enemy?

  • @geoffreywampach2588
    @geoffreywampach2588 Před 2 dny

    I will hold my opinion on this detachment until AFTER you take it to a RTT and give us that sweet after action report.

  • @PlasticusForkus
    @PlasticusForkus Před 4 dny

    I bought the GSC codex with the thought that Brood Brothers might be a cheap way of getting into a different army. I pulled together what I thought was a sensible list... I do not own a single one of the models (Guard or GSC 😂).
    3x 20 bricks of neophytes paired with a Hellhound each feel pretty formidable to me.

  • @Randobar
    @Randobar Před 3 dny

    Play the Commisar as a Cult Primus and you are fine to take him.

  • @sterlingroutson-thomas5357

    Interesting take. Not my cup of tea but could be interesting to do some kind of mad Max bike/vehicle thing

  • @wyatttyson7737
    @wyatttyson7737 Před 5 dny +12

    I mentioned in my local community's discord that this detachment looks pretty cool, and that I might get 1K of GSC just to have something new and fun to play with, and the local dedicated GSC player *lost it.* He was ranting and raving, saying that its the worst detachment in all of 10th Edition, that its rules barely work if at all, that other detachments do the same thing but better, and that I am being pulled under "the sway of GW's upselling bullshit."
    Based on that reaction I'd say the detachment is pretty decent. If I weren't already getting into CSM I'd be getting into GSC right now.

    • @clarkwalter7170
      @clarkwalter7170 Před 4 dny +1

      Lol he is no wrong tho... a little overreact but true

  • @seraph_XB1-PC
    @seraph_XB1-PC Před 5 dny

    I've been considering a 3rd army, and GSC might be it

  • @shaolin100
    @shaolin100 Před 5 dny


  • @rodneygaul2227
    @rodneygaul2227 Před 4 dny

    Reporting for Duty , Sir o7
    Heresy , where is my bolt pistol ?
    Next he will be covering Tau or Kroot

  • @Holodmer
    @Holodmer Před 5 dny +1

    GW gives us so little love, even our best turn toward heresy 😢

  • @Hallow_the_fur
    @Hallow_the_fur Před 5 dny

    GSC gets better to the point that the Emperor's finest gets drawn to them
    My Admech: Awakein my master's
    *Technoarchaeologist forcing deep strikeing units further away plus on demand +2 BS and -1 to incoming melee with protector doctrina* Ayayaya

  • @Arturius_Rex_8
    @Arturius_Rex_8 Před 3 dny

    Do GSC have any 'native' aircraft units? If not, that would be my guess on why they wouldn't loot AM/IG aircraft.

  • @ChristianVonCarmian40kVtuber

    Join us brother

  • @DeathKorpsCommander-sm1um

    Early days of 8th edition… how about 3rd

  • @lofidante1778
    @lofidante1778 Před 2 dny

    Brood Brothers tournament report when?

  • @chrispatterson4963
    @chrispatterson4963 Před 5 dny

    What's saying you couldn't use the Brood Brothers as a Penal Legion or the Civvies from Armageddon?

  • @Major_Problems
    @Major_Problems Před 5 dny +1

    Why does Mordian have an exta set of arms?

  • @TheBoozeKing
    @TheBoozeKing Před 5 dny


  • @zachhughes9149
    @zachhughes9149 Před 3 dny

    GSC must be selling even worse than usual.

  • @shlinn
    @shlinn Před 5 dny

    No bullgryns...
    How cool would it be with 1000pts ogryn/bullgryns and 1000pts abhorants abomenants

    • @Bluecho4
      @Bluecho4 Před 5 dny

      At least you can use your Bullgryn as proxies for Aberrants/Abominents.

  • @akodotain
    @akodotain Před 4 dny

    I've watched 'a new life', gsc can definately get their hands on aircraft 😉

  • @Swrdfshtrmbns
    @Swrdfshtrmbns Před 5 dny

    What a joyous day to celebrate the superior wisdom and tactical brilliance bestowed upon us by the many-armed Emperor. 😍

  • @drankrur
    @drankrur Před 5 dny

    Show me how your forehead and teeth look like.